1962-06-28 Regular Meeting? ?... ?w 1e ? SPECIAL SESSION Conference Room tleminway Ha11, Wilminqton, N. C. June 11,1962 2:30 P.M. ASSENiBLY - After edjournment of the meetino of the Composite Board, the following Com- missioners being present, J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman, Ernest R. Nayhan, John Van B. Metts, Jr. met in special session called by Lhe Chairman at their meeting on June 4th to be held at this time for the purpose of transacting any urgent business that might be brought up before them. I ALCOHOLIC EDUCATIOA1 AND REHABILITATIOTi - I At the Composite Board Me'eting, the matter of Alcoholic Education and Rehab- ? I ilitation was informally discussed. The A. B. C. Board felt that it would like to have a Resolution from all of the agencies participating in the profits from the A.B.C. stores however the Composite Board did not feel that it had any responsibility in t he matter as I? the law clearly places the responsibility for a decision on the A.B.C. Board. After q briefly discussing these fa,cts, Mr. Metts offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Nayhan, that the Board of County Commissioners endorse the Education and Rehabilitation Program j in principal and approve the use bf funds at a reasonable cost of the prooram. The motion I was unanimousiy carried. SCHOOL SITES Mr. E. A. Laney, Chairman of the Consolidated School Board accompanied by Messrs. Nurdock M. Dunn, h7alcolm C. Yeo and Dale K. Spencer, Assistant School Superin- ! tendent, observed that it was mandatory for the County Commissioners to approve sites proposed for school buildings. In order te expedite the securino of optiors whzch wili be necessary to ebtain properties they desire, they asked the Board to approue tentative lbcations which have been selected so that preliminary work can be started in pi.npointino the sites for State approval. The most urgent need was for a neqro Elementary School on the south side of toi,m, a ne4ro Junior High School on the north side and awhite Elementary Schooi in the general area of the present Roland-Grise Junior High School. After briefly discussingthe matter, Nr. Metts suggested that they go on an inspection tour of the various locations proposed by the Board of Education. This was agreeable to all concerned and after viewing the various sites, h9r. Metts moved that the sites recommended by approved. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously passed. ADJOURPJIEDIT - ? The Chairman deciared that the business for which the special meeting was called had been accomplished and they adjourned untii the next regular scheduled meeting date. W.'G.'Houck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. June 18, 1962 Executive Secretary Houck proclaimed that there would be no meetina of the i? New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held on this date as no quorum was present. All of the Commissioners were out of town and attending the 55th Annuai Pteeting of the State Association of County Commissioners at Morehead, North Carolina. II , W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary i SPECIAL MEETING Commissioners' Room .Gounty Court House, 1h'ilminqton, N. C. June 28,1962 8:30 A.M. CONVOCATIOTI - u Compiying with the written notice sent each member of the Board of Commiss- ? ioners as provided in G. S. 153-8 the Chairman called a Special Meeting to be held in I the Commissionerst Room in the County Court House on this date for the purpose of consid- ering the N,'ental Health Budoet request, approving a°turn-around basin" in the Northeast Gape Fear River and such other business that may properly come up for discussion. Pre- sent were: J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman, John Van B. Metts, Jr., V:ce Chairman, Peter d H. Braak and Ernest R. Mayhan, Commissioners, County Attorney L. Bradford Tiilery and County Auditor T. D. Love, ,lr... Mr. Broadhurst was unavoidably absent from this meeting. 'I I17!JOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and requested the Executive Secretary to open it with prayer. MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM- The Chairrnan explained that after he had called tne Special Neeting to con- sider the h°ental Health Program in order to inform the State Board of hea"lt? he had learned that an extension of time had been granted until July 15th, 1962, a.ter tdhich a decision must be made as to the availability of funds for Mental Health Programs. He mad.e it clear Lhat there was no pressure involved either in accepting or rejecting the matching funds. Those present representing the Mental Health Board were Dr. Benjamin H. N Allen and Nrs. Alice Borden Sisson. Representatives from other interested oroups, ? t Minutes of the S2ecial IJeeting ,1une 28, 1962 Continued - _ - - - _ `- I A'IGNTAL HEALTH PROGRAM - Continued such as Industry, Medicine, Community Council and Civic Clubs, Dr. Allen expiained that the present program was of an investigative and diagnostic type in which "Care-taker" groups such as Civic Clubs, Ministerial Association, PTA, School teachers and other leaders were alerted to recoanize the early symptoms and take steps to prevent, progressicn of undesirable traits thus make useful citizens in place of dependents. i Mrs. Sisson explained that the ai.m of the program is to add clinical treatment to tlie ? Program. The Total estimated $udget necessary to estabiish a N;ental Health Center is $45,000 of which the County is aslced for $14,200.17. After discussion of the various ? questions asked to clear up misunderstandings about the program Mr. Metts moved the ! adoption of the Budget as presented. It was seconded by Mr. Braak but after further ? discussion the motion was withdraom and the Board,by common consent, unanimously agreed to defer the decision until the regular meeting scheduled for July 2nd to allow time for more study. ? IP?DUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT - The Chairman informed the Board that a"turning basin" was necessary in connection with the operation of the Carolina Nitrogen Company, a subsiduary-of the W. R. Grace Company, the estimated cost of which is $33,000.00. He suggested that the balance of $16,000.00 now left in the Advertising and Industri2l Develonment Fund be earmarked and set aside for this purpose in a speciai account. The Auditor informed the Board that the Airport Easement Rights Fund had $10,000 unexpended in it and that I the County Museum Fund in the Couttty Aid had $7,000 unexpended left in it. After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that $10,000 from the Airport - Easement Rights and $7,000 from the County.P.id - Nfuseum be transferred to the Advertisfng and Industrial Development Account and that $33,000 be appropriated from the Advertising and Industrial Development Fund for the purpose of improving the County by dredging a turning basin in the NE Cape Fear River near the Carolina N3trogen property and that the County Auditor be directed to set up a special account for this purpose. The motion was seconded by Mr. N;ayhan and adopted Ay a unanimous vote. ? SCHOOL BUDGET TRAN5FERS - IA reoues't tqas received from the Superintendent of the County Schools for the transfer of the followina funds within their total budaet: From Attendance Gfficers to Office Expense ?540.00 I' " " Salaries - Superintendent Administrative $20.00 I' 'f " Office Expense - Bookkeepers 20.00 Fuel " Telephones 1,500.00 tv " idater, Power & Light 2,100.00 Elementary Teachers " High School Teachers 6,000.00 , n Higri School Principals 2,004.00 Vocational Supplies 1,000.00 Mr. Metts moved that the above transfers be approved as requested tiaithin the Schook , Budgets, It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously carried. I SCHOOL BLTDGET IPICREASE - The Superintendent of Schools informed the Board that the income from the niationai Defense Education kct will'be greater than was anticipated. In order to use the additional funds he asked that Instructional Supplies in the Reoular Budget be increa ed from $32,000 to $40,000 and that Libraries in the Supplementary Sudget be increased from 1 $17,000 to $20,000. These increases in the items listed idill not require an expenditura in County Funds in excess of those already commitied in the current Budget, Mr. Netts I • moved that the increases requested by the 5chools be made as outlined above. It was secended by Mr. Tfayhan carried unanimously. I? / IPISURANCE BIA?DERS - I' The irdilmington Association of Insurance Aqents, Incorporated, reminded the Board that they had some'insurance under binder since last December and that the Under- writers had requested a binder payment air.ounting to $1,126.69. Tt is itemized as fol- lows: Orioinal Binder in December $69.60; Second Binder in January $546.78 and Third Binder in February $510.31. After conferring with the Auditor with reference to possiblel funds, Nr. Braak offered a mot.ion that $1,126.69 be transferred and app;opriat-ed from Unanticipated Revenues - Interest to Insurance and that the invoice be paid. It was seconded by iT.r. Mayhan and unanimously passed. IANNUAL COUIVTY AUDITOR - The Chairman reminded the Board that it was time for the appointment of a Certified Public Accountant to make the Annual Audit of the County books. The last audi, i-ras very satisfactorjr and since Mr. Barfield is now familiar with the accounts and method? of the county bookkeeping system T•"r. M.ayhan moved thtLt Mr. W. C. Barfield be appointed i as Auditor £or the 196T-6,% fiscal year. It was seconded by Nir. Braak and passed unani- I mously. I IINSURANCE VALUES The Chairman advised that the County Property Assessors had made arz inspection of Lhe county buiidings as requested in conrzection iaith the establfshment of appraisai values for insurance purposes. Mr. NSetts observed that he was of the opinion that i Actual Cash Values shoul.d be the basis on which to place the insurable iralue instead of the Replacement Values in some instances. After a brief discussion ?.,rith the Assessors, IJiessrs. PscGirt & Blake, A7r, M.etts effered a motion that the County' In'surance Schedule Values be revised in accordance with the recommendations of the County Property Assessors?t or Appraisors and that they confer with Mr. Hardy bJessell who represents the 4lilmington Association of Insurance Agents, Incorporated. It was seconded by Pir.. Braak and was adopted unanimously. ' /COUAiTY FARN & HOME INSPECTIO?4 - ^ The Chairman sugoested that it would be a good idea for the Board to make a trip out to inspect the facilities okned by the County. This met with agreement froln the members of the Board. ' ADJOURNP',ENT - Complying taith the above agreement, Mr. Metts moved journment, which was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and passed. _ . . / . !. G. Houck, Executive Secretary \