1962-07-02 Regular Meetingss ?. Wilmington, N. C. 3uly 2, 1962 ASSEP,7BLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on July 2nd, 1962 at 9s00 A. M. in the office of Lhe Connty Commissioners with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. INVOCATION - Chairman Haii called the meeting to order and asked'Reverend H. A. Elebash, Pastor of St. John's Episcopal Church, to give a prayer of invocation. APRROVAL OF THE NINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Metts, the minutes of the regular meeting held on June !}th, 1962 and the Special meetings held on June 11, 1962 and June 28, 1462 were unanimousiy appnoved as written. NENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM- - ' Pursuant to the action of the Board at the meeting on June 28th with reference to making a decision on the Mental Health Program for the ensuing fiscal year including a Budget amounting to $45,000.00 the Chairman observed that the meeting was open for any questions that might need answering before a vote was taken. After answering all the questions that were made, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the Budget presented by the Mentai Heaith Department of the Consolidated Board of Health be approved as presented. It was seconded by Mr. Braak but before the vote was taken, Mr. Mayhan offered a substi- tute motion that the amount for Mental Health Program be approved the same as in 1961-62 fiscal year. The substitute motion was seconded by Nr. Bro2dhurst. Before this vote was taken, a discussion ensued in which Mrs. Bleuthenthal, a member of the Mental Health Board, explained that a previous attempt at a Child Guidance Clinic had been a failure because of a lack of a planned program such as is being promoted in the Mental Health Center. Mrs. AlicO M. Sisson observed that the present program for handling the mental health problems on a clinical basis was not so satisfactory and that the community is now ready for social workers, ministers, teachers and other civic leaders to take a more active par.t in the p.rogram. After all questions had been heard and answered, a vote was called for on the substitute motion and when the ballots were cast, Messrs. Broad- hurst and Mayhan voted for the substitute motion and Messrs. Braak and Metts voted against it. The Cha-irmanthen broke the tie by voting in the negative and declared the substitute motion failed to pass. The vote was then taken on the original motion and when the ballots were cast, Messrs. Braak and Metts voted for the motion and Messrs. Broadhurst and Mayhan voted against the motion. The Chairman cast his vote for the motion and declared it carried by a ma,jority vote and that the Budget for the Mental Health Program as.presented was adopted. WILMINGTON COLLEGE - Dr. John T. Hoggard, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, explained that pre- sent plans indicated that if Wilmington College could provide a Physical Education Building by the end of 1963, he felt that it would be accredited as a 4 year institu- tion. He said that they were not asking the County to include funds in the current yearts budget for this purpose but that if they had any surplus they would like to be considered for it. Dr. Wiiliam H. Randall observed that it might be possfble to trans- fer some funds out of the operating monies temporarily for Capital Outlay and still re- ceive matching funds from the State to.help with a Physical Education Bu3lding which is one of the requirements for accreditation for a four year coliege. Unless it is pro- vided it looks like it will be 1965 before they could plan on a four year term. The Chairman thanked the Board and expressed his'hopes that the plans would materiali2e. Vice Chairman Metts compiimented Dr. Randall on having been chosen by the Governor as a member of the State Board of Higher Education. MUSEUM - ' / Mr. R. Jack Davis, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the New Hanover County Nhzseum explained that they.have been working hard toward the moving of the Museum but purposely proceeded slowly to make sure that they were right before making any moves. He reported that preparations were now complete on the third floor of the Police Head- quarters Building.for occupancy. The out of pocket cost of this amounted to $1,273.17 and he asked that the Board approve pa_yment of this amount d the 1961-62 Fiscal Budaet. The Chairman explained to him that it would be better to-have it out of the current Bud- get and after a brief discussion, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Braak,, that the bill be approved for payment out of the current 1962-63 Budget. When the . votes were cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO", horrever, the Chairman declared the motion carried by a majority vote. • , ' STREET CLOSING HF.ARING - • • The foliowing Resolution was presented by Messrs, Carter, Murchison, Fox and Newton, attorney for the Southern Box and Lumber Co., requesting a Hearing on closing certain stTeet as outlined in the petition as provided by provis3ons in GS 153-9••••17 authorizing the Commissioners to set a date for a Hearing. After a brief discussion in which a request was.made for an expression from the City Planning Board and provided there was no expense to the County, the Resolution was approved,as outiined below: WHEREAS at a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover , County held in Wilmington, North Carolina on the 2nd day of July 1962, the said County Commissioners pursuant to the authority vested in them by the provisions of North Carolina General•Statutes Section 153... 17, heard the request of Southern Box and Lumber Company by their attorneys, Carter, Nhzrchison, Fox and Newton for the closing of the following described properties: • FIRST TRACT: All that portion of Stanley Street lying east of the eastern lines of Blocks 23 and 28; north of a line connecting the southern line of Lot 6, Block 23 and the southern line of Lot 14, Block 24; west of the western lines of Blocks 24 and 29; and south of SmithTS Creek all as shown on the map of Love•Grove Sub- division recorded in Book 56, page 575 in the New Hznover County Registry, and SECOND TRACT: (continued - over) -A F;y C-) t.? Minutes of the Meeting July 2, 196$ Continued STREET CLOSING HEARING - (continued) WHEREAS, it appears to said County Commissioners that the request for closing so much of said streets as are hereinabove described is properly brought before said Board of Commissioners and that the question of whether or not to close . safd portions of said streets shou.ld be placed upon the agenda of the Auqust 6th 1962, meeting of the Board of Commissioners at which time said question .sha21 be acted upon and any testimony by any interested parti¢s shall be heard and con- sidered, and WHERFAS, ,on motion of Commissioner Broadhurst, seconded by Commissioner Braak, ? it was resolved that all individuals owning property ad,joining sald st,reets or roadsN w o do not join in the request for closing said streets or roads shall be notified b?registered letter by the Southern Box and Lumber Company of the time and place of the meeting of the Commissioners at which the ciosing .of said streets or roads is to be acted upon and that notice of said meeting shall likewise be published onee I a week for four weeks in the Nlilmingt.on Morning Star, that the State Highway and Public Works Comm3ssion shall be likewise notified of said meeting by registered letter if it appears that said Commission has accepted said streets or roads for maintenance, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the question of whether or not t'o close said portions of the streets or roads hereinabove described shall be acted upon at the Auqust 6, 1962 meeting of the Board of County Commi.ssioners for Piew Hanover County at which time ar?y and all interested parties may be heard upon the question of whether or not to close said portions of sa3d streets or roads; that any indivi- duals, owning property ad,joining said streets or roads shall be notified by registerl? ed letter of the time and place of said meeting; that notice of said meeting shall be published once a week for four weeks in the Wilmington Morn3ng Star; and that ? the State Highway Commission and City Planning Boards be notified of said meeting I by registered letter. I Done at Wilm3ngton, North Ca m lina, this 2nd day of July 1962 /5/ . J. M. Hall, Jr. Chairman L. E. Broadhur,st Ernest R. P7aYhan John Van B. Metts, Jr. Peter H. Braak . II SHERIFF"5 SALARIES - ' . Mr. Wallace C. Murchison requested permission from the.Board for speaking as a.private citizen and attorney of New Hanover County. He was recognized by the Chairman and stated that he wholeheartedly approved increases of personnel and salaries for the Deputy Sheriffs for the following reasons: 1- They are responsible for maintaining law and order outside of the limits of municipalities 3n the County as well as to some extent within their borders. 2- The popu181ion is increasing outside of the limits of the municipalities making for larger popvlations which means more services required. 3- We are living in a lawless age when crime is rampant and it is hard to get and keep good, competent men without paying them a living wage. They work long hours and have families to support. He urged the Board to consider salary increases for them. The Chairman thanked him for his interest in the welfare of the Sheriff+s Department and assured him that every consideration would be accorded. FUEL BIDS - Pursuant to a notice which appeared in the l+filmington Morning Star on May 9th inviting oil dealers to submit bids for supplying New Hanover County for their fuel re- quirements for the 1962-63 year. Bids were opened as follows: B3dder Cities Service Co Net Drum Deposits $6,00; Pure*0i1 Co. Net Drum Deposit $6.00; 96-100 Octane 12 Fuel Oil 0.192 0.135 - , 01?.85 . 0328 14. 3'S 10.22 Terms 2% 10 Day, Net 30 20.20 i4.4o "5.67 3.62 14.53 io.78 Terms 1% 10 Day, Net 30 H.D.Lubricatinq 031 561 56.51 ? After discussing the tabulations of the bfds, Mr. Metts moved ihat no con- tract be awarded until average tank wagon prices computed as of the last day of each month for the past year be made. lt was seconded by Mr. Braak and the decision was unanimously deferred. The Chairman requested the Executive Secretary to secure the average figures from the companies bidding. NEW HANOVER CONFEDERf1TE CENTEMVIAL COMMITTEE Mr. Henry J. MacMilian, Chairman of the New Hanover Confederate Centennial Committee and Mr. Genn M. Tucker, Co-Chairman of the Fort Fisher Restoration Committee, asked to be heard with reference to an Independence Day Celebration commemorating Colonel William Lamb who took command of Fort Fisher on 3uly !}th, 1665. He stressed the import- . .S (l Minutes of the Meeting July 2, 1962 Continued NEW HANOVER CONFEDERATE CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE - ance of Fort Fisher to the Confederate forces and in his opinion it wiil develop into one of the major attractions for our area as the Restoration Program continues toward com- pletion. The estimated cost of the event is $2,1E45.50 itemized as follotas: 1- Subsist- ence for a hundred uniformed Confederate troops with their equipment to demonstrate hattles and drills $650.00; 2- Printing Programs, invitatiRn?s et cetera $12045.50 3- Secretariai service $200.00; • I}- Materia2s .$50.00'%??nd tntertainrfenL of guests $450.00. He stated that this was to be the only major celebration planned be- tween now and January 1965 when the actual Centennial would be observed. x 5- Miscellaneous $50.00 Mr. Glenn M. Tucker stated that the Navy divers were again working on the sunken ves- sels along the coast in an effort to recover more artifacts and in the future plans for de- velopment, he thought, should include $5,000 in the 1962-63 Budget for use of the ResLora- tion committee. ' Mr. Norman C. Larson, Executive Secretary of the North Carolina Confederate Centennial ICommission reported that the State had allocated $(},500 for setting up an underwater labora- tory and would spend more than $4,000 to make it one of the finest underwater preservation Ilaboratories in the entire United States. He aYso requested permission to use fireworks in 'the celebration. Overall,the State has spent more than $22,000 toward this operation at Fort Fisher. After discussing the various aspects of this development, Mr. Mayhan moved that approval be given for payment of the above itemi2ed expense out of the Advertising 'Fund and that permission be granted for the use of fireworks. It was seconded by Mr. Braak 'and unanimously adopted by the Board. / STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION - ° Mr. T. J. McKim, Division Engineer for the State Highway Commission presented their recommended Secondary Road Plans for New Hanover Coun'ty in 1962-1963. The toLal allocation amounted to $18,730. After a brief discussion, Mr. Broadhurst moved that the pians submitted by the State Highway Commission for Secondary Roads in 1962-63 be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Alayhan and unanimously adopted. The Chairman observed that he had noted W. McKim's intention to retire and congratulated him on the pleasant relationship which had maintained between the County officials arid the Highway officials during his termrN command of the Third Division. He wished him a long happy retirement. ROAD PETITIONS / The following requests to the State maintained Secondary Road System were pre- sented and considered: 1- Holland Drive in Wrightsboro Subdivision 2- Parmele and Knollwood Roads in Highland Hills Subdivision. 3- Robinhood Road, South 17th St., Parmele and Sherwood Drive in the Sherwood Forest Subdivision. 4- Woodhaven Drive After reviewing the merits of each request, Mr. Broadhurst moved that they be approved and sent to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted. CAPE FEAR TOWING COMPANY - Mr. John J. Burney Jr., attorney for the Cape Fear Towing Company, reported that a ? question had arisen in regard to lising of personai property for the Cape Fear Towing Com- pany. The personal properties in question are tugboats which he states were docked or stored at the Wilmington Shipyards in New Hanover County on December 28th, 1961 and remained there outside the City of Wilmington until January 5, 1962. He cited GS 105-302 Subsection I 4 providing for personai property to be listed in the township where the property is located. I In addition, he cited Subsection 1, which under the same General Statute reads "except as ?i otherwise prov3ded in all tangible personal property shall be listed in the township in which the ovmer thereof has his residencel'. He claims that his client's property listing comes under Subsection 4 of the General Statute cited above and not under Subsection 1. Due to the fact that this property was situated outside of the City of Wilmington on January lst we should not be held liable for City taxes. After considering the matter, Mr. Broad- hurst offered a motion that County Attorney Tillery, the County Auditor and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners be appointed as a committee to study this contention and come up with a recommendation for equitable and just handling. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. REQUESTS FOR BEER PERMITS - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Nm. Mett$, the Board unanimously approved ? the following applications for Beer Permits and referred them to the Sheriff for his con- sideration and investigation. Ciefus H. Clark James C. Lewis, Sr. Allen Hoyt McLawhorn T/A Joyner's Grocery T/A Lewis ResLaurant T/A The Oleander House 2310 Carolina Beach 419 Greenfield St. 3911 Oleander Dr. PETITION FOR RELIEF - 1? An application for County Home care was received from the Director of Public Wel- fare for Martin Robert Blalock who is suffering from asthma and pulmonary emphisema which renders him unable to work and as he has no relat3ves able to take care of him, his only recouse is to the County Home. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously agreed for admitting him to the County Home. CAB HEARING - / A memorandum was received with reference to the petition filed by attorneys Cartg?r, Murchison, Fox and Newton in behalf of the City and County requesting a rehear- ing the Piedmont Airlines local service. After explaining that a Stay Order was issued as it pertained to petitions for reconsideration of the awards to Piedmont until June 18th, at which time National Airlines were authorized to discontinue service at Wilmington on a temporary basis, no error was found in the Board's decision to warrant the.granting of the relief requested therefore the petition is denied. It appears that unless National Airlines file a petition for amendment of its certificate to delete Wilmgton within 90 days, the only recourse seems to be of exploring the feasibility of Piedmont inauguarating service between Wilmington and Charleston, S. C. or Jacksonville, Fla. continued- -A Minutes of the Meeting July 2, 1962 Continued - ? CAB HEARING - (continued) I As authorized at a joint meeting between the City Council and the County Commissioners held on April 4th, 1962, Carter, Murchison, Fox and Newton submitted an invoice covering their professional,services in connection with conferences and.peti- ; tions before the C.A.B. amounting to$281.34 each. As each political subdivision agreed ' to share equally in the cost, Mr. P7ayhan offered a motion that the invoice be approved for payment and that $281.34 be transferred from Airport-Labor, County Farm to Airport- Attorney Fees. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimous.ly adopted. I SPECIAL SCHOOL BOND ELECTION - The Clerk presented the returns showing the result of the voting on the proposition to approve the Bond Order authorizing $2,850,000 School Building Sonds adopted on April 2, 1962, 1962 at the Special Election held in the County of New Hanover on May 26, 1962 made by the Registrars and Judges of Election appointed to hold the election. The returns were read and considered. Commissioner P. H. Braak moved the adoption of the following Resolution: WHEREAS, the Registrars and Judges of election appointed to hold the Special? £lection held in the County of New Hanover on May 26th, 1962, have held said election and have made returns showing the result of the voting on the proposi- tion to approve the bond order authorizing $2,850,000 School Building Bonds adoptl ed on Aprii 2, 1962, and the Board of Commissioners has considered said returns and has duly canvassed the returns and ascertained the result of said election, and WHEREAS, it appears from said returns that the poils for said election were opened on May 26, 1962, in each precinct, at the po113ng place prescribed therefor at the hour of 6:30 o'clock, A.M., (Eastern Standard Time) and were continously I kept open until 6:30 o'clock; P. M., (Eastern Stardard Time), and that the voters' voting at said election were required to use ballots in the form prescribed for said election by the resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners on April 2nd, 1962, and WHEREAS, said returns show that said election was he2d in the following election precincts in said County, and that the totai number of voters who were registered and qualified to vote at said election in each of said election pre- cincts and the total number of votes cast for the bond order and proposed in- debtedness submitted at said election in such election precinct, and the total number of votes cast against such bond order and such proposed indebtedness in such precincts, were as follows: Number of Votes Cast Votes Cast Registered In Favor of Against Voters Bond Order Bond Order Election Precinct lst Ward 1,451 686 193 2nd Ward -lst 293 127 82 2nd Ward -2nd 302 129 72 3rd Ward -lst 415 179 lol 3rd Ward-2nd 946 376 229 4th Ward -:_-. 618 241 141 sth Ward -lst 772 264 165 sth Ward -2nd 768 274 169 sth Ward -3"r_.d.. 646 - 2?2 115 5th warfl -4th 674 2 5 205 6th Ward -lst - -- 794 239 209 6th Ward -2nd 596 175 179 7th Ward -lst 537 259 61 7th Ward -Znd 825 279 2 Sth Ward -ist 1,060 I:E50 261 8th Ward -2nd 1,044 453 292 Sth Ward -3rd 838 364 207 Ogden 568 161 139 East Wi lmington 1E43 isl 110 Number of Votes Cast Votes Cast Registered in Favor of Against Voters Bond Order Bond Order Election Precinct Audubon 1,471 708 270 Winter Park 1,586 821 195 Seagate 879 301 175 Wrightsville beach 503 262 100 Cape Fear 1,225 358 351 N?asonboro 396 160 108 South tlAi lmington 1,176 446 250 Federal Point 387 104 114 Carolina Beach 590 167 195 Kure Beach 212 39 66 Total 22,015 8y710 5,091 L? Minutes of the Meeting JUiy 2,dq -62 _-Continued ? SPECIAL SCHOOL BOND ELECTION - + NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY Tlie Board of Commissioners of the County , of New Hanover as follows: • 1. It is hereby determined and declared that the number of voters register and qualified to vote at said election was 22,015 . • 2. The number of votes cast at safd election 2':FOR" the bond.order authorizing $2,850,000 bonds to finance the cost of constructing, reconstructing.and enlarging, in the New Hanover County School Administrative Unit, severaF buildings used and to be used as schoolhouses, school garages, physical education and vocational edu- cation bvildings, teacherages and lunchrooms, and other school plant facilities and of acquiring the land, furnishings and equipment necessary therefore, and a tax therefor" was 8,710•and the number of votes cast at said election "AGAINST" said bond order and tax was 5,091, and a majority of the qualified voters of said County who voted at said election voted to approve said bond order and said pro- posed indebtedness, 3. A statement showing the number of votes cast for and against said bond order and the indebtedness proposed thereby, the number of voters qualified to vote at said election.; shall be prepared and signed by at least a majority of the members of the Board of Commissioners and delivered to the Clerk so that such statement may be filed and recorded in accordance with law. Commissioner John Uari B. Metts seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously adopted. The members of the Board voting for the adoptiori of the last mentioned resolu- tion thereupon signed a statement of the result of the election and delivered the statement so signed to the Clerk. For the purpose of recording the statement so signed is inserted in the minutes: I STATEMENT OF RESULT OF SPECIAL ELECTION HELD IN THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ON MAY 26,1962 WHEREAS, by direct:ion of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Han- over, in the State of North Carolina, the following question was submitted to the qualified voters of said County at a special election held in said County May 26, 1962: (1) "FOR the bond order authoriz.ing $2,850,000 bonds to finance the cost of constructing reconstructing and enlarging, in the New Hanover County 5chool Admin- istrative Unit, several buildings used and to be used as schoolhovses, school garages, physical education and vocational education buildings, teacherages and ' lunchrooms, and other school plant facilities and of acquiring the land, furnish- I ings and equipment necessary therefor, and a tax therefor" (2) "AGAINST the bond order authorizing $2,850,000 bonds to finance the cost of constnucting, reconstructing and enlarging, in the New Hanover County School Administrative Unit, several buildings used and to be used as schoolhouses, school garages, physical education andvocational education buildings, teacherages and lunchrooms, and other schooi plant facilities and of acquiring the land, fur- nishings and equipment necessary therefor, and a tex therefor" and Skid Board of Commissioners has duly canvassed the returns of the Registrars and Judges of Election appointed to hold said election and has determined the re- ? sult of said election to be as hereinafter stated, N04! THEREFOR, Said Board of Commissioners hereby makes the foilowing statement of the re- sult of said election, pursuant to the County Finance Act. of North Carolina: (1) The number of votere registered and qualifeid to vote at said election was 22,015 . '- (2) The number of votes cast at said election for the bond order described in said questions and for the indebtedness proposed to be incurred by the issuance of the bonds authorized by said bond order was 8,710 . The number of votes cast at said election against said bond order and against said indebtedness was 5,091. A majority of the qualified voters of said County who voted at said election voted to approve said bond order indebted- , mess. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we the undersigned members of the Board of Commissioners of the County' of New Hanover, have hereunto set our hands this 2nd day of July 2962 J. M. Hall, Jr. J. Uan B. Metts . . Ernest R. Mayhan L. E. Broadhurst P. H. Braak Continued- -A ,? ? !+ c, `?i Minutes of the Meeting July 2, SPECIAL SCHOOL BOND ELECTION - 4 1962 Continued (Continued) Commissioner P. H. Braak moved that the statement so signed be approved by the Board of Commissioners and that the Clerk be directed to file the original statement in his office and to publish a copy of the statement in th¢ manner pro- vided by law. J. Van B. Metts. Jr., seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously adopted. :?a=???.r • ? ?INTERIM BUDGET - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, the fo2lowing Resolu- tion was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Section 1- That in order to operate the County and its subdivisions from July 1, 1962 to date of adoption of the 1962-63 Budget Resolution, appropriations ? are hereby made for the purpose of paying salaries, the principal and interest on indebtedness and the usual ordinary expense of the County and its subdivi- sions at the same rate of expenditure as provided for in the 1961-62 Fiscal Budget Year. Section 2- This Resolution shall cease to be effective from and after the adopt- ion of the 1962-63 Budget Resolution and all disbursements made in accordance with this resolution shall be chargeable to appropriations made in the 1962-63 Budget Appropriations. ? BUDGET TRANSFER - County Auditor T. D. Love reported that the Fertilizer, Seed 8 Piants item in the Farm Department of the County Home Budget needed $1750.00 to balance. He recom- mended that $17$0.00 be transferred from Unanticipated Revenue interest to Farm- Fertilizer, Seed and Plants. Mr. Broadhurst moved that the recommendation be approved. It was seconded by Nr. Braak and unanimously adopted. ?GRAND JURY REPORT - The Chairman read the June 1962 Grand Jury Report made to His Honor Judge Albert W. Cowper, Since it was in order, no action was necessary and the Chairman ordered it filed for information. RUNWAY MARKING A letter was received from the District Airport Engineer for the Southern ? Region caliing attention to Instrument Runway 16-34 at New Hanover County Airport in meeting the Standard Instrument Landing System Runwa s Marking requfrements. He highly recommended that plans be made to remark runway 16-3} in accordance with all-weather , runway criteria. He stated further that although this work is eligible under Federal- I Aid Airport Program the limitation of $5,000 minimum Federal funds precludes considera- tion as a separate project. The Chairman stated that this matter would be discussed with the manager of the Airport. REPORTS - / 1. Welfare Reports - Change of Status, 2./ Negro Home Agent 3.? Home Economics Agent l}.i U.S.O Club 5.i Wilmington Negro Library 6./ " Public Library 7./State Highway'Commission Report aUaching copy of the 1961-1962 Secondary / Road Plan of New Hanover County 8. Notation of calendar of duties for county officials for 1962-63 which will be ready for mailing soon by Institute of Government. 9. Reminder from the National Association of County Officials of NACO's New York Conference July 8th-llth, 1962 / PETIT JURY - The following good and lavrful citi2ens were selected to serve as Jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning July 30th - Criminal term; August 6th - Civil term and August 20th, Criminal term. Jurors for week of Julv 30,1962 - Criminal term David C. Page Fred C. Smith I. T. Long R. J. Orr Col. J.'D. Hines Allen K. Booth S. M. Harris Percy C. West Fred E. Bost Denter Lewis W. B. Bryant Earl M. Smith Douglas W. Swink Charles S. Mayer Harold M. Pate 2707 Lake Shore Dr. 811 Chestnut St. 3914 Wrightsville Av 606 N. Kerr Ave. %2104 Metts 1815 Grace St. 27111 Mimosa Place 207 Brookwood Ave. Box 61'j A Carolina Beach Rt. 1, Box 13 A 201 N. Audubon 247 Oak Crest Dr. 1606 Princess St. 224 Page Ave. RFD #2, Box 175 Tracy H. Graham Sam Aldridge Isaac R. Stevens D. L. Christian Stephen A. Gideott L. W. Smith Ray Richard William S. Logan Jack H. Glazier Grag Horton Joseph W. Garner Willie D. Mills Raymond E. Gardner Sidney H. Hunter Charles T. Villiams 4608 Long Leaf Hills RFD 1, Box 298 146 Long Leaf Dr. 106 Northern Blvd. 5755 Park Ave. 615 Rosemont Ave. Box 2s1} Wrigntsv. Beach,N.C. 5054 wrt9ht5V. Ave. 236 Brightwood Rd. 626 Fern Dr. 4605 Oleander Dr. zii s. 47tn st. 5304 Wrightsv. Ave. 139 Yorktown Dr. 2521 Adams St. continued- L_ }.k r, •' s ? Ml.illl_t.ES-Of t}J2_Mee_t?n 1U1 ,? 7Q?7??.r?fi.i..o.i ? ? r 3oth Jurors for week of July, 1962 - Criminal term (continued fi: W. Miurray 101 S. Blvd. Donald C. Thorning RFD 3, Box 617 A R. C. Parker 515 Castle St. Joseph P. Russ 202 Keaton Ave. E. H. Loftin 306 N. 45th St. Purl Ingraham Caro lina Beach,N.C. ? T. W. Plyant 148 Arlington Dr. James G. Henderson 5r. 2223 Klein Rd. W. I. Gideon 5827 Oleander Dr. W. P. Roudabush 233 Castle Hayne Rd. James R. May 4003 Park Ave. Glen Daniel Murray RFD #1,Box 97 ' Oran S . Hinton RFD #3, Box 385 William E. Wilson RFD 2, Box 234 Edwin C. High 2821 Adams St. Albert Carl Gay Jr, 4010 Edgewood Rd, Lucius R. George Jr.lls Ridgeway Dr. Richard A. Goodwin 4608 INockingbird Lane I Oliver R. Allen 2305 Dexter St. Donald Edward Mathews 5601 Pine St. Jurors for week of Auqust 6, 1962 - Civil term Z. K. Bell Box 126 Charles Lewis 1042 Borden Ave. II F. D. Fick Box 51 Wrightsv. Beach G. C. Simmons 11 N . 2nd St. H. M. Sykes . 502 Central Blvd. Roy Canady 2221 Wrightsv. Ave. i H. T. Grant 2515 Burnett Blvd. Samuel Shaw RFD 2, Box 370 I P. J. Smith RF 1 Bo 121 2 i ? N C R. G. Peterson 3808 Park Ave. ayne as le . . .T.. B. Talbot 112 Colonial Vil. J. E. Morgan 5032 Market St. Rd. W. J. Marshall 124 N. Hinton Av.e 7_ M. Westbrook 1901 Chestnut St. C. W. Davis P. O. Box 997 Jim Goodwin 2604 Wriahtsv. Ave. Albert F. Perry P. 0. Box 119 Charles E. Smith 218 N. 29th St. Cleave A. Cardwell 306 S. Blvd. Robert Greeri Davis Jr. 81 Lee Dr. ? F. S. Taylor 2109 Barnett Ave. Edward Register 2837 Carolina Beach Rd. J. J. Batson P. O: Box 244 Carolina Beach Henry Wilbur Lewis 702: S. Front St. C. W. Mishoe Castle Hayne, N. C. N: C. Littlejohn Jr. P. O . Box 311 ? John J . Pitts Jr. RFD 3 Box 131 Jarvis J. Arthur 206 Cypress Circuit Joseph L. Walker P. 0. Box 1113 W. P. Rovdabush, ,lr. 218 N. 22nd St. Charle s K..Paul P. O. Box 191 Charles M. Johnson 1916 Market St. ? Steve Harritan 206 Parkwy. Boulev. McC. B. Wilson 1606 Chestnut R. H. Robinson 614 Colonial Dr. W. L. Williford 2202 Market St. S. Fra nk McNeill 3619 Wrightsv. Ave. Irvin W. Spivey 211 Wood Dale St. r Lillie C. Parker 1410 S. 17th A. 0. Solomon 2807 Wrightsv. Ave. ; Esther Jackson 715 S. 7th St. Cleveland Devine 7-.E: Lake Vil. W. S. McKeithan 4910 Park Ave. Alfred L. Huddleston 1115 Youpon Drive. Robert 0. Gause 209 Parkway Blvd. .lacob H. Brehmer 5540 Oleander Dr. O. B. Romeo 411 S. 2nd St. S. J. Wollett 2751 Lake Shore Dr. James E. Sneeden Jr. 2408 Metts Leonard J. Hannah Jr. 54 W oodlawn Ave. Jurors for the week of Auqust 20,1962 - Cr.iminai term . ? A. R. Hairr 2005 Creasy Ave. Edwin H. Hughes 2230 Plaza Drive R. P. Harvey 809 Forest Hills Drive Marvi n C. Green 202 S. 42nd St. J. D. Johnson Box 276, Carolina Beach S. C. Gore 304 F..rancis Marion Dr. R. B. McCartney 93 L ee Drive J. R. Godwin 501 Park Terrace L. F. Jones 3004 Wayne Dr. C. D. Patterson 110 S. Audubon Blvd. R. B. Franks 317 S. Kerr Ave. J. F. Crossley 211 Oakleaf Drive Leon S. Brisson Box 381 Wrightsv. Beach Cain Sallard RFD #1, Box 67 R. E. Gideon 5333 Oleander Drive R. I. Christian 27 Terrace Walk L. F. Andrews 1501 S. 3rd St. H. G. Nichols 108 Lee Ave. James A. White 223 Page Ave. Jessi e C. Pugh RFD 1, Oakley Rd. Castle Hayne, N.C. Harle e Jordan RFD i, Box 26 4 G. Ra eford Har er P 4924 Carolina Beach Rd. Wm. G . Driggers 5 K Lake Village John Edward Orrell 4205 Wrightsv. Ave. ' Jack N. Everett 2869 C. Jefferson Willi am A. English 117 Meares St. Leon R. Gay Jr. 5111a. Campus View C. A. Misenheimer 613 Castle Hayne Rd. R. H. Orrell .Ir. 493? Pine St. H. C. Rivenbark Sr. 208 Castle Hayne Rd. L. R. Merritt 122 Giendale Dr. Glenn F. Flowers %'John Flow rs g each, N. C. Kure Lando n C. Hanks 2408 Jackson St. Edwin Ray Marshburn P.O. Box 621 Carolina Beach, N. C. W.. H. Darden RFD 1, Box 268 Frank C. T. Thoburn 1332 Hawthorne Rd. J. W. Mattocks Jr. RFD 1, Box 323 James A. Stubbs 10 West Drive ? H. C. Godwin 822 S. 6th St. • R. A. Chadwick Jr. 557 Castle Hayne Rd. C. P. Gorman 1900 Woolcott Ave. Wilbe rt Lee Ballard 103 S. Front St. Linwo od G. Hardy 2720 Adams St. Pavl Lanier Peterson RFD 3, Box 481 Recess - Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board recessed to meet again at 8:00 P. M. Friday evening. / '. Ki. 11afick, Executive Secrtqary -A