1962-07-11 Budget Meeting!' J. t SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING :luly 9, 1962 ASSEMBLY - Complying with the agreement at the last recessed session to meet tonight in the Commissioner's Room of the Court House the following met for the purpose of con- sidering the Budgets of the Consolidated Healtn Department and the Public Welfare De- partment; J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman, John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice Chairman, Com- missioners Leon E. Broadhurst and Ernest R. Mayhan, County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. Peter H. Braak was absent on an assignment attending to Welfare matters at the National Convention of Pubiic Officials. HEALTH BUDGET - / Dr. C. B. Davis, the Health Director, and other.members of his staff were pre- sent to answer questions and present their Budget. The entire Budget was discussed item by item with the exception of'Salaries.t+rhich required more stvdy. All of the opera- ting items were approved with the exception of Sales Tax which was.reduced from $500.00 to $300.00 and the Social Security which would be controlled by the salary schedule. After briefly discussirig each item except salaries, Mr. Metts moved the adoption of the operating budget of the Health Department as amended above, leaving salaries for further study, It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan, When the ballots were cast, Messrs. Mayhan and Metts voted for the adoption. Nr. Broadhurst voted against the motion, however, the Chairman,_ Mr. Hall, cast his vote for it and declared it passed by a majority vote. WELFARE BUDGET - ? Mr. Napoleon B. Barefoot, Welfare Board 'member reported that he was unfamiliar with the details of the Budget, having been on the Board a relatively short time, but he would be glad to contribuLe any information that would be of help_:if he could. Since the salaries of this department, like those in the Health Department, are graded by the Merit System Council and the Steps to increase pay in each classification are based on ranges up or down from what they consider a norm, the Board unanimously decided to give further study to this question. The Executive Secretary was instructed to contact the Employment Secruity Commission office here to get the prevailing range of pay by local business concerns in this area, and to get a Manual from the Welfare Depart- ment and supply each member of the Board of Commissioners with a job classification qualification :'butline.' , (The everage starting salary for local employees by business firms in Wilmington was given each Commissioner.) COM0DITY DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM Mr. James E. Holton, Jr., 6urplus Commodity Distribution Supervisor reported that he had two commodities which wouid require refrigeration'in the extremely hot season of July and August.... Cheese and Lard. The cost will be $.53d per 100 Weight. He estimates a total of 10,000 lbs. The total cost is estimated at not more than $110.00. The State has been making a.cash payment of better than $250.00 per month or $3,000 annually and have agreed to double that to $6,000.00 per annum. He stated that the increases shown in his Budget Request were really adjustments and should not be considered raises for the personnel were grossly underpaid for the services they render. After a brief discussion. of the adjustments he suggested,Nrc. Nietts moved the adoption of the Surplus Commodity Dis- tribution Budget as recommended amounting to a total of $10,919.00. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and when the votes were cast Messrs. Mayhan and Metts voted "yes" and Mr. Broad-. hurst voted "no". The Chairman then voted "yes" and declared the motion carried by a majority vote. RECESS - The Chairman suggested that the Board Members give some thought to the.position they would take with reference to the Merit System requirements. He was of the opinion that two or three steps below the first step shown in the ranges recommended on their published quotations be considered. The Board, then by common consent, agreed to recess to meet again at 8:00 Wednesday July il, 1962 in the Fall-out SheitBr;, where they could have air conditioning and be free from the street noises. „ " / W.G. SPECIAL AUDGET MEETING July 11, 1962 ;tzl ? CONVOCATION - ive Secret? In accordance with agreement at the last recesped budget meeting the.New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in the Fall-out at 8:00 P. N. with the follow- ing present: Chair.man J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice Chairman J. Van B. Metts, Jr., Commiss- ioners L. E. Broadhurst and E.• R. Mayhan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love Jr. Mr. Peter H. Braak was absent attending to business for the County as Chairman of the Public=Welfare Board. ? Shelter , :.. SURPLUS COMMODITY DISTRIBUTION - ' Mr. James E. Holton, Jr., Supervisor of the Surplus Commodity Distribution Program apologized for his reapppearance before the Board but stated that he .. would lose his key personnel unless his Assistant received a minimum of $200.00 per month and the Warehouseman received at least $160.00 per month. After a brief review of the reasons and circumstances, Mr. Playhan offered a motion that this request be approved and the Auditor authorized to include that much in the budget, it was seconded by Mr. Metts and when the question was calied there were no dissenting votes cast and the Chairman declared a unanimous vote for it. 11 I ? ... C`, k z Minutes of the Meeting July 11, 1962 (Continued) /WILNINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY - Mr. Louis J. Poisson, Jr„ Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Public Il.ibrary,appeared before the Board of Commissioners at their invitation to discuss and present the budget request of the Wilmington Public Library. He was accompanied by the Librarian, Miss 14atherine E. Howell and Joseph W. Holman,other members of the Board. He pointed out that over a long period there had been an agreement be- tween the City of idilmington and New Hanover County that they would share on a 2/3 to 1/3 basis for the library. Likely, it was because of the population using the Library was appror.imately in that proportion, but that it has now changed to the point that between 10,000 and 12,000 more users are outside the City limits than in- side. Approximately 45% of our citizens use the library as compared to a national average of 20%. Circulation has increased from 144,000 to 224,000-- over the last few years but only one new employee has been hired to help with the increased work resulting from the larger use of the books. Salarywise they are asking 57o increase as they did not get it the last time otherCounty employees were given a 5% raise. The Chairman thanked him for the information and promised to give it every considerati(?n. I RESTORATION COMMITTEE - Mr. Norman C. Larson, Executive Secretary to the State Confederate Centen- nial Commission, appeared before the Board to report that he had read the newspaper I account of the appropriation allocated to Fort Fisher for the next Fiscal Year. He explained that if the work of the Navy Divers in trying to recover artifacts from the Confederate Ships sunken during the Civil War;? it would be necessary for him to ? make some commitments now and wanted to know.ifthe Commissioners would reconsider their allocation so that in event it was necessary he could commit up to $5,000.00. The itemized list of probable costs for subsistance and expenses for the Navy personnel engaged in the activity amounts to a little more than that, or $5,312.00. There are '8 men engaged in this venture and homing amounts to $48.00 per day and subsistance $5.00 per day. He is hoping that salvage ship Petrel can be used later on which will cut the cost. There would be a complement of 52 men if that is allowed by the Navy. Mr. Metts suggested that the Town Councils of Carolina Beach and Kure Beach be contacted , for support on this project. The ?'hairman observed that they could not give him any ' answer at this time. ;r was to continue ?INSURANCE DEDOCTIONS - ? County Auditor Love informed the Board that some employees were taking out insurance policies and asking that premiums be deducted from their checks. It could develop into a problem if allowed to continue. After considering all the facts, Mr. Metts moved that the Auditor T. D. Love be ailowed to handle employees' insurance deductions at his discretion. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and passed unanimous-I ly. fAIR CONDITIONING - By common consent of to get bids on air conditioning and report back to the Board on ADJOURNMENT By Monday, July the Board, the Executive Secretary was instructed units for the Court Rooms and the Welfare Department, their approximate cost. common consent, the Board adjourned to meet in regular session on 16th, 1962. W. Wilmington, N. C. July 16,1962 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Com- missioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the office of the Commissioners with the following in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice Chairman John Van B.. Metts, Jr., Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and L. E. Broadhurst, County Attor- ney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - The invocation for the meeting was given by Dr. L. A. Taylor, Acting Pastor of Winter Park Presbyterian Church. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the minutes of the of the regular semimonthly meeting held on July 2nd and the Special Budget Meetirigs Iheld on July 6th, 9th, and llth were unanimously approved as written. COUNTY DOG POUND - Miss Camille Carroll and Miss Helen Lovering, representing the New Hanover . Humane Society, Incorporated, reported that they had made an inspection of the County Dog Pound and found that there were no shelters for the animals impounded there, that the feed troughs needed some repair and that some of the animals were sick in the same pen with the healthy animals. The gas chamber wtiich is used for destroying un- claimed animals in a humane way was found in need of repair. In addition to the conditions at the County Dog Pound, they reported very unsanitary and 'unhealthy con- ditions at the Tote-Em-In Zoo and suggested that the Health Department should make an inspection of that facility to see that it was maintained in an acceptable manner. The Chairman thanked them for their interest and assured them that proper repairs would be made at the County Dog Pound. FUEL BIDS - The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that at the last meeting they had instructed him to ask the companies bidding on the fuel requirements for the \