1962-07-16 Regular Meeting? ... C`, k z Minutes of the Meeting July 11, 1962 (Continued) /WILNINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY - Mr. Louis J. Poisson, Jr„ Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Public Il.ibrary,appeared before the Board of Commissioners at their invitation to discuss and present the budget request of the Wilmington Public Library. He was accompanied by the Librarian, Miss 14atherine E. Howell and Joseph W. Holman,other members of the Board. He pointed out that over a long period there had been an agreement be- tween the City of idilmington and New Hanover County that they would share on a 2/3 to 1/3 basis for the library. Likely, it was because of the population using the Library was appror.imately in that proportion, but that it has now changed to the point that between 10,000 and 12,000 more users are outside the City limits than in- side. Approximately 45% of our citizens use the library as compared to a national average of 20%. Circulation has increased from 144,000 to 224,000-- over the last few years but only one new employee has been hired to help with the increased work resulting from the larger use of the books. Salarywise they are asking 57o increase as they did not get it the last time otherCounty employees were given a 5% raise. The Chairman thanked him for the information and promised to give it every considerati(?n. I RESTORATION COMMITTEE - Mr. Norman C. Larson, Executive Secretary to the State Confederate Centen- nial Commission, appeared before the Board to report that he had read the newspaper I account of the appropriation allocated to Fort Fisher for the next Fiscal Year. He explained that if the work of the Navy Divers in trying to recover artifacts from the Confederate Ships sunken during the Civil War;? it would be necessary for him to ? make some commitments now and wanted to know.ifthe Commissioners would reconsider their allocation so that in event it was necessary he could commit up to $5,000.00. The itemized list of probable costs for subsistance and expenses for the Navy personnel engaged in the activity amounts to a little more than that, or $5,312.00. There are '8 men engaged in this venture and homing amounts to $48.00 per day and subsistance $5.00 per day. He is hoping that salvage ship Petrel can be used later on which will cut the cost. There would be a complement of 52 men if that is allowed by the Navy. Mr. Metts suggested that the Town Councils of Carolina Beach and Kure Beach be contacted , for support on this project. The ?'hairman observed that they could not give him any ' answer at this time. ;r was to continue ?INSURANCE DEDOCTIONS - ? County Auditor Love informed the Board that some employees were taking out insurance policies and asking that premiums be deducted from their checks. It could develop into a problem if allowed to continue. After considering all the facts, Mr. Metts moved that the Auditor T. D. Love be ailowed to handle employees' insurance deductions at his discretion. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and passed unanimous-I ly. fAIR CONDITIONING - By common consent of to get bids on air conditioning and report back to the Board on ADJOURNMENT By Monday, July the Board, the Executive Secretary was instructed units for the Court Rooms and the Welfare Department, their approximate cost. common consent, the Board adjourned to meet in regular session on 16th, 1962. W. Wilmington, N. C. July 16,1962 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Com- missioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the office of the Commissioners with the following in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice Chairman John Van B.. Metts, Jr., Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and L. E. Broadhurst, County Attor- ney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - The invocation for the meeting was given by Dr. L. A. Taylor, Acting Pastor of Winter Park Presbyterian Church. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the minutes of the of the regular semimonthly meeting held on July 2nd and the Special Budget Meetirigs Iheld on July 6th, 9th, and llth were unanimously approved as written. COUNTY DOG POUND - Miss Camille Carroll and Miss Helen Lovering, representing the New Hanover . Humane Society, Incorporated, reported that they had made an inspection of the County Dog Pound and found that there were no shelters for the animals impounded there, that the feed troughs needed some repair and that some of the animals were sick in the same pen with the healthy animals. The gas chamber wtiich is used for destroying un- claimed animals in a humane way was found in need of repair. In addition to the conditions at the County Dog Pound, they reported very unsanitary and 'unhealthy con- ditions at the Tote-Em-In Zoo and suggested that the Health Department should make an inspection of that facility to see that it was maintained in an acceptable manner. The Chairman thanked them for their interest and assured them that proper repairs would be made at the County Dog Pound. FUEL BIDS - The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that at the last meeting they had instructed him to ask the companies bidding on the fuel requirements for the \ _ -- u Ninutes_of the Meetin9 Julv 16. 1962 Continued FUEL BIDS - (Continued) i County to furnish a month-end tank wagon price quotation for the past fis- cal year and work out an average tank wagon price after checking the figvres submitted by the two companies interested in supplying the fuel, the Cities5ervice Oil Company was found to be slightly lower than the Pure Oil Company. Mr. Broadhurst then offered a motion that the contract for supplying New Hanover County needs for gas, fuel oil and lubricating greases be awarded to the low bidder which is the Cit!esService Oil Company. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. ' SALE OF JOINTLY OWNED TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had'received a firm offer to purchase the foliowing jointly owned tax foreclosed property: Block No. Lot No. Description Market Value 186 Pt. M W 2 75' S. from Chestnut, 100' E 9th St. $350.00 (Middle of block) ' ' 186 Pt. M W 3,4 40' x 66,2" E. from 9th,' 99' N. from 300.00 Priacess (Middle) The fair market valuations were placed on the property by the County Assessors after they had made an inspection of it. Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Braodhurst, the Board unanimously approved the sale of the property at the appraised figure subject to the concurring approval of the City Council. A letter was received from Harry 1. Forden Sr. offering $150.00 for a jointly /'? (II owned tax foreclosed piece of property located in Block 300 and listed as a part of Lot 4. It is 26' x 8216" located 1321 from the SW corner of Dickinson, fronting on Dickinson Street and was appraised by the Assessors at $300.00. After considering the offer, Mr. offered a motion that it be rejected but that approval be given for selling the lot at the fair market value. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. INSURANCE - / Lettecs were received from the Wilmington Association of Insurance Agents, Incor- porated, calling attention to the following County property which is,not included in the present insurance coverage. (a) None of the contents of the building occupied by the Health Department are covered under the Public Property Policy. They suggested that the subject be reviewed and if they decided it should be included in the coverage then make an inventory and an appraisal of their fair value and advise (b) The motorized equipment in- cluded in the County Farm is not covered and theyFsugested that an inventory be made of the vehicles along with their appraised values so that a quotation might be given for coverages on such property. By common consent, the Board avthorized the Executive Secre- tary to forward the letter with reference to contents of the Health Department to the Health Department for their information and a¢tion and a list of the motorized equipment be obtained from the Farm Manager and,reported back to the Board for a decision. COMMUNITY HOSPITAL A letter ing the name of Dr. for the fiscal year DIRECTORS - was received from R. W. Williams'to 1962-1963 A letter from the Secretary ment of h9essrs. B. P. Adkins and E. M. Board of Directors and the appointment Mr. W. M. Cameron, Jr. who resigned. motion xhat the recommendations be acc and unanimously adopted. the Medical Staff of the Community Hospital recommend represen.t them as a member of the Board of Directors of the Butler of Mr. After zpted a Board of Directors recommending the reappoint- to succeed themselves as members of the R. M. Newsome to fill the vacancy left by a brief consideration, Mr. Metts offered a -id approved. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan ROAD PETITION - ,' i A petition was received from the property owners on Gleason Road requesting it to be added to,the State maintained.Secondary Road System. After reviewing the matter, Mr. Broadhurst moved that it be approved,and forwarded to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. It was seconded by Mr. Nfayhan and unanimously approved. CONFEDERATE CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE - ? A letter was received from Mr. Henry J. NacMillan, Chairman of the New Han- .over Confederate Centennial Committee tendering his resignation as Chairman. He express- ed his thanks for the confidence placed in him in appointing him as Chairman and the cooperation which they had given him. After considering the fine work which had been done by the Committee since Mr. MacMillan has been Chairman, the Board unanimously agreed to defer any action on this request until the Chairman could confer with Mr.Mac- Millan in an effort to have him continue at least until the climax of the Centennial Ceiebration which will be in January 1965. PETITIONS FOR RELIEF - / Applications for County Home care were received from the Acting Director of the_Public Welfare Department for James O. Baltezegar and Charles H. Stanland. Both of these applicants have been known to the Welfare Department for some time and have each spent time at the County Home in the past. In considering the individual cases, it was felt that possibly that they could better be served in Boarding Homes under the direction of the Welfare Department and for that reason the Board deferred approving these petitions and asked that they be returned to the Welfare Department for further investigation and recommendation. This action was taken by common consent of each mem- ber of the Board, however, Mr. Metts offered a motion that it be referred to the Wel- fare Department to see if some method could not be worked out that would be cheaper for the County or ascertain if some other action is not feasible in these cases. It vas seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, and the ballots were cast, Messrs. Broadhurst, Mayhan and Metts voted for the motion and Mr. Braak voted against the motion. The Chairman de- clared the motion carried by a majority vote. i,J Minutes of the Meeting July 16, 1962 Continued ( DRAINAGE INQUIRY - A letter was received from Dr. Stewart M. Johnson, 438 Decatur Drive callino attention to the fact that the Leeuwenburg Creek in the rear of his property has over- flowed into his yiax2l' three times since April lst. He asked that consideration be given to widening and cleaning the debris out of the creek. The Executive Secretary explained that a work order had been issued to our Drainage Supervisor on April 9, 1962 and that ? he would get to it as soon as poss3ible but because of a manpower shortage and the fact I that the right-of-way for the dragline took priority over ditching by hand, it had been impossible to catch up with our drainage work. The Chairman instructed the Executive Secretary to write Dr. Johnson and explain to him that we would get to his problem as quickly as possible. ( AIR CONDITIONING REQUEST - A group of lawyers headed by W. H. Rhodes came before the Board and stated that they had ;just come from Recorders Courtroom and thatthe.noise was terrific because of the unusually heavy traffic. They urged the Commissioners to proceed with air con- ditioning the Recorders Courtroom.as quickly as possible. The Chairman assured them that i the matter was being handled and that it just took a little time to negotiate for the I installation but that it would be accomplished during the fiscal year. 'WELFARE LIEN The County Attorney informed the Board that the 4Jelfare Department had a Lien of $2,002.44 on a piece of property owned by Evie McIntyre Ford, Case #137021 which is in the area of the Urban Redevelopment Project. He requested permission to cancel the lien upon payment of $2,002.44 to the Welfare Department by the Redevelopment Com- ? mission. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved the cancellation of the lien upon payment. ' (ARMORY REPAIRS - ' A letter was received from Lt. Colonei William L. Eason, Commanding Company C 16th Special Forces Grovp (Airborne) lst Special Forces located in the National Guard - Armory at 814 Market St., stating that they had mutually agreed for the unit to pay for I, the electricity charges arising from construction work which was recently completed by the City and County but they were to be reiinbursed. The totai amount of the excess of li the electric bill was $37.40 of which the City is liable for $18.70. Mr. Mayhan offered ? motion that the bill be approved and the County Auditor authorized to pay it. It was . seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved by the Board. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Metts then offered a motion that the regular meeting be adjourned in ' order to meet with the City Council in joint session in regards to Budget items that are of mutual interest. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. ? i W. G. Hock, Executive Secret?y JO3N3'- SESSION Council Chambers Municipal Buildinq Wilminpton, N.C. 11:00 A.M. ..,ju.lv- 16,1962 ASSEMBLY - A,joint session of the City Council and the New Hanover County Board of Com- missioners was held on this date at 11:00 A. M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall with the following members in attendance: City: Yfayor O. O. Allsbrook, who presided, Mayor Pro-tem Hannah Block, Councilman J. E. L. Wade, City Manager E. C. Brandon, Jr., City Attorney Cicero P. Yow, and City Clerk Mary B. Southerland County: Commissioners, Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr „ Vice Chairman John Uan B. Metts, Jr., Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and Covnty Auditor T. D. Love. Mayor O. O. Allsbrook convened the ,joint meeting and presided during its session. The purpose was to discuss and agree on the Budget items for the departments which are ,jointlyoperated. /Tax Collector - Since there are certain functions the Tax Collector performs for the City that are not required by the Budget is not shared equally, therefore individual act- ion was taken on this particular item. The City recommended a Budget of $29,429.00 which was approved by their Council. Then Mr. Metts moved that the County approve the recommendations of the County Auditor of $25,305.8(} for the County. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. /Health Department - Commissionerst Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr, e.xplained that the yy employees in the Department of Health were controiled by the Merit System Council and ? that the pay was scheduled kR=scksedated in steps according to job classification grades. He reported that a comparative study of the pay plans recommended by the Merit System Council with current County employees' pay and the average paid by local firms for simi- ' lar work indicated that a minus two (2) classification WOllld place them in a favorable pay level and therefore he recommended that the City go along with that general policy. He explained that a few would by reason of their length of service and advanced training be even or one (1) or two (2) steps above the minimum recommended by the Merit System Council. He would not recommend that any employee be cut in pay by reason of the adoptio. of this general policy but those now at the minus two (2) level and above retain their present salary except the Health Director III which would be placed in a minufi three (3) category. After briefly discussing the matter, the joint Board urianimously agreed I on this policy by common consent. Local Military Units - Both of the Boards, by common consent, agreed to leave this ? I , n ,f ;-? j? .. Minutes of the..Meetxnq.__Jo1t?tS_e_s_s?on _7u1v__1_6,1q62 ?nniSnues? ? Board of Health - Chairman Hall of the County Commissioners explained that in the morning session no formal action was taken in regard to adopting a policy with reference to salary schedules on the Health Department and offered a motion that they adopt a salary schedule two grades below the minimum step recommended by the Merit System Covncil except for Dr. Davis, whose salary would be minus three (3) steps below and all employeells who were equal or above the minimum grade to remain the same. It was seconded by Councilman I Block and when the ballot was taken, Commissioners Broadhurst and Mayhan voted contrary ' to the motion while Messrs. Allsbrook, Braak, Block, Hall, Mayhan, Metts, and Wade voted in favor of the motion. The Chafrman declared the motion carried by a majority vote. i Mental Health - Chairman Hall informed the group that the Board of Commissioners, by i 1 a majority vote had approved the establishment of a Mental Health Center and a Budget in connection therewith as it was submitted with the exception of the salary of the Typist-Clerk which will be based on a minus two grade below the minimum step recommended by the Merit System Council to conform to the other departments controlled by that agency. After a brief discussion, Commissioner Hall offered a motion that it be approvec' by the joint Boards on the same basis. It was seconded by Councilman Block and when the I votes were cast, Messrs. Broadhurst and Mayhan voted against the motion and Messrs. Braal,', Hall, Block, Metts, and Wade voted for the motion and the Chairman declared it carried by a maj.ority vote. I ?Insect and Rodent Control - Councilman Block offered a motion that this item remain the same as last year. It was seconded by Commissioner Braak and when the vote was taken, Commissioner Broadhurst voted "No" but Messrs. Braak, Block, Hall, Metts and Wade voted "Yes" so the Chairman deciared the motion passed by a majority vote. \RESOLUTION Chairman Hall thanked the Council for their hospitality in allowing the use of their airconditioned chambers. He concurred wholeheartedly with Councilman Wade in proposing a commendation for the fine work done by the Fire and Police Departments in handling the difficult situation on Front Street the night Stelens was burned. In fact, all present were loud in their praise in the handling of this unfortunate event. ADJOURNMENT - The Chairman, after asking each member of both Boards if there were other matters to be discussed and finding none, declared the joint meeting adjourned. Continuation of the Regular Semimonthly Meeting July 16, 1962 3:30 P.M RECONVENTION - The regular semimonthly meetino was reconvened by the Chairman with all mem- bers present who were recorded present at the morning session. f ELECTIONS - The Henry C. Bost, Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Elections came before the Board at their request and gave a resume in detail of the costs of holding an election which included personal services, meetings of the Board of Elections, pay- ment to registrars and judges, as well as covering cierical help, automobile, telephone and general operating expenses. After thorouohly discussing the subject matter he advised the Board that in his opinion $10,000 would be svfficient to cover the costs of elections during the fiscal year. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously agreed to include an even $10,000 in the Budget for Elections. REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for information: . 1- A 8 E Extension Reports for June, 1962 ? 2- Wilmington Public Library " ;11? 3- " Colored Library 4- Home Economics Agent's Report ADJOURNMENT - Mr. Metts moved the adjournment of the regular semimonthly meeting to resume Budget study at a Special N;eetino to be held at 7:45 P. M. this evening at which time they would hear the presentation of the Schools. The moLion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. 2 . y, ? W. G., gouck, Executive Secretary ? ? I \ il W. G. Houck, Executive Secreta?y