1962-08-06 Regular Meeting Minutes of the Special Budqet Meeting Continued July25. 1962 BUDGET RESOLUTION - (Continued) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Tax Rate of.$1.40 per $100.00 valuation be levied on all.taxable properties in the County for the Fiscal Year 1962-63 which is necessary for carrying on the business of the County or as much as may be necessary for each of the items scheduled above. The Resolution W8S seconded by Mr. Mayhan, and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Broad- hurst voted "No" explaining that he could not go along with several of the items approved in the Budoet, but Messrs.•Braak, Mayhan and Metts voted "Yes" and the Chairman declared the Resolution adopted by a majority vote. COLORED LIBRARY SALARY - The Chairman remarked that he had discovered since the subject was discussed, that the Librarian at the Negro Library was not the same one as last year, and therefore he could not go along with the 5% increase which was agreed to in the Joint Meeting with the City Council. The entire Board was in agreement with this thinking and tney directed the Executive Secretary to notify the.City Manager in writing to this effect. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded to adjourn and declared the Budget adopted. by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously voted I W. G. , Executive Secretary Wilmington, N.C. August 6, 1962 ? ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on this date at 9:00 R. M. in the office of the Commissioners with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. INVOCATION - The Chairman was unavoidably detained for a few minutes and the meeting was called to order by the Vice Chairman, John Van B. Metts, Jr., who requested Reverend James C. P. Brown, Pastor of Sunset Park Methodist Church, to give the invocation. Mr. MeLts presided over the meeting_until the Chairman arrived. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The minutes of the regular semimonthly meetino of July 16th and the joint meeting with the City Council on the same date and the Special Budget Discussions of July 16th, 18th, 23rd and 25th were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, unanimously approved as written. PETITION FOR RELIEF - Mr. Omer S. Rogers came before the Board and requested readmittance to the ? County Home for care. He was last admitted in May of 1962 but was injured by being hit by an automobile and after he received his payment for damages from the Insurance com- pany, he had soine funds left over after paying his hospital bill and other expenses in- cidental to his injuries, he left the County Home and now wants to go back. He is al- most blirid and receives $66.60 per month Social Security. After discussing the Kerits of this case in which it was brought out that he had been admitted to the County Home on several occasions but was not satisfied and was not willing to abide by the rules and regulations, Mr. Braak offered a motion that he be given one more chance and that they approve his plea for readmittance to the County.Home provided he would abide by the rules and regulations as well as pay $60.00 per month out of his Social Security check for his upkeep. Mr. Mayhan seconded the motion and when the ballot was cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted "No", but since Messrs. Braak, Mayhan and Metts $ted "Yes", the ? Chairman declar.ed the motion prevailed. Mr. Braak requested that he) go out there un- til the afternoon to give time for arrangements to be made for his admittance. ? STREET CLOSING HEARING - II Hearinq Notice - The following noflice was published in the Wilmington / N Morning Star under date of July sth, 1962: To all persons owning property adjoining Stanley Street and North Street in Love Grove, Cape Fear Township, New Hanover County, North Carolina and to any and all other persons or corporations who may have an interest in the closing of the portions of Stanley and North Streets described below. Take notice that the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County at the regu- lar meeting to be held Monday, August.6th, 1962 at 9:00 A. M. in the County Commissioners' office in the Court House at Wilmington will act upon a request made at its July 2, 1962 meeting for the closing of the following described portions of Stanley and North Streets in Love Grove, Cape Fear Township, New Hanover County, pursuant to the provisions of North Carolina General Statutes, Section 153-9.17. FIRST TRACT: All that portion of Stanley Street lying east of the east- ? ern lines of Biocks 23 and 28; north of a line connecting the southern line of Lot 6, Block 23 and the southern line of Lot 14, Block 24; west of the west- ern lines of Blocks 24 and 29; and south of Smith's Creek, all as shown on the map of Love Grove Subdivision recorded in Book 56, page 575 in the New Hanover ? County Registry. continued- -A ??. 3P Minutes of the Meetina August 6, 1962 Continved STREET CLOSIAtG HEARING - j Hearinq Notice (continued) ?SECOND TRACT: All that portion of North Street lying east of the eastern line of Stanley Street; north of Lot 9, Block 24; west of the center lines of Blocks 24 and 29 extended; and south of Lot 10, Block 29, all as shown on the map of Love Grove 5ubdivision recorded in Book 56, page 57$ in the New Hanover County Registry, I This 5th day of Jvly 1962. /S/ W. G. Houck j Secretary to the Board of ? County Commissioners Resolution and Order - WHEREAS, at a regular meetinc of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County held on the 2nd day of July 1962, Southern Box and Lumber Company, the owner of certain property adjoining Stanley and North Streets in Love Grove, Cape Fear Township, requested that the following described portions of Stanley and North Streets be closed by the County Commissioners pursuant to the Authority vested in them by the provisions of North Carolina General Statvtes, Section 153-9.17• FIRST TRACT: All that portion of Stanley Street lying east of the eastern lines of Blocks 23 and 28; north of a line connecting the southern line of Lot 6, Block 23 and the southern line of Lot 14, Block 24; west of the western lines of Blocks 24 and 29; and south of Smithfs Creek, all as shown on the map of Love Grove Subdivision recorded in Book 56, page 575 in the New Hanover County Registry SECOND TRACT: All that portion of North Street lying east of the eastern line of Stanley Street, north of Lot 9, Block 24; west of the center lines of Blocks 24 and 29 extended; and south of Lot 10, Block 29, a21 as shown on the map of Love Grove svbdivision recorded in book 56, page 575 in the New Hanover County Registry. WHEREAS, at said meeting, on motion of Commissioner Broadhurst it was resolved: that the question of closing the portions of Stanley and North Streets described above be acted upon at the regular August 6, 1962 meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, at which time any interested parties would be heard; (2) that all individuals owning property adjoining said streets who did not join in the request for closing said portions of said streets be notified by registered letter that the question of closing said streets was to be acted upon at the August 6th meeting of said Board of County Commissioners; (3) that notice of said meeting at which said request would be acted upon should be published once a week for four successive weeks in the Wilmington Morning Star; ((}) that the State Highway and Public Works Commission should likewise be notified of said meeting by registered letter; and(5) that the question of closing said portions of said streets be brought to the attention of the Community planning & Development Commission of the City of Idilmington and their written statement obtained indicating that the City of Wilmington did not object to the ciosing as requested and, WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held in Wil- mington on August 6, 1962, the question of closing the portions of Stanley and North Streets in Love Grove, Cape Fear Township, New Hanover County described above was considered, arid WHEREAS, upon presentation of testimony and exhibits to said Board of County Com- missioners, and said Boardts having discussed the closing of the portions of said streets described above, and having found: (1) that said described portions of said streets do not lie within the limits of any municipality: (2) that said described portions of said streets were dedicated by recording the subdivision p1!?t.of Love Grove but have never been opened, developed, or used by the public; (3) that said streets have never been accepted by the State Highway Commission for maintenance; (4) that the closing of said portions of said streets is not contrary to the public interest; (5) that no individuai or individuals owning property in the vicinity of said streets or in the Love Grove subdivision in which they are located will be deprived by reason of said closing of reasonable means of ingress and egress to his property; (6) that ail individuais owning property adjoining said streets were notified by registered letter of the time and place of the meeting of the County Commissioners at which the closing was to be acLed upon; (7) that the City of Wilmington does not object to the portions of said streets being closed as requested, (8) that notice of the time and place of the meeting of the County Commissioners at which the closing was to be acted upon was published once a week for four successive weeks in the Wilmington Ntorning Star, and WHEREAS, Commissioner J. M. Hall, Jr. made a motion, duly seconded by Commissioner Ernest R. Mayhan, voted upon and passed that the portions of Stanley and North Streets described above be ordered closed pursuant to the provisions of North Carolina General SLatutes, Section 153-9.17. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED AND ORDERED: 1. That the following described portions of Stanley arid North Streets in ul_ I Love Grove, Cape Fear Toamship, New Hanover County be and the same are hereby de- I clared and ordered closed: I ? Continued - , 0 ? 3c;; ' jegt1na Auaust 6._i962 Continued Minnt_es of__tbe_y - _ ?i - STREET CLOSING HEARING - Resolution and Order (continued) FIRST TRACT: All th`a't portion of Stanley Street lying east of the eastern lines ? of Blocks 23 and 28;,ynorth of a line connecting the southern line of Lot 6, Block 23 and the southern line of Lot 14, Block 24, west of the western lines I? of Blocks 24 and 29; and south of Smith's Creek, all as shown on theou p of Love Grove Subdivision recorded in Book 56, page 575 in the New Hanoverpf??gistry. i SECOND TRACT: All that portion of North Street lying east of the eastern line of Stanley Stree; north of Lot 9, Block 24; west of the center lines of Blocks 24 and 29 extended; and south,of Lot 10, Block 29, all as shown on the map of Love Grove Subdivision recorded in Book 56, page 575 in the New Hanover County• Registry. 2. . That a certified copy of this order together with (a) a list of the owners ? of property adjoining Sta.nley and North Streets in Love Grove; (b) copies of the registered letters to said ovmers giving the notice required by the provi- sions of North Carolina General Statutes, Section 153-9.17; (c) the return receipts showing evidence of giving the required notice and (d) the affidavit of publication showing publication of the notice of the August 6th meeting of this Board in the Wilmington Norning Star, which list of owners, copies of let- ters, return receipts and affidavit of publication are attached to this resolu- tion as "Exhibit A" shall be filed for recording in the office of the Register_ of,Deeds of New Hanover County Done at Wilmington, North Carolina this 6th day of August 1962. ? /5/ J. M. Hall, Jr. Chairman J. Van B. Metts, Jr. I Ernest R. Mayhan • L. E. Broadhurst Peter H. Braak W. G. Houck ? Secretary to the Board During the Hearing, Corinne Bradford of 513 MacRae Street and Frances Thigpen ? of 912 Kino Street raised the questions as to whether or not Love Grove would be . spared and no longer threatened as a location for a seweraoe disposal plant and ? if closina the streets would force more traffic onto the old.street and especially would trucks to and from the proposed expanded mill cause a heavy flow of traffic. They were answered satisfactorily though not definitely because the plans for the I sewerage disposal plant are still in the formative stage. ROAD PETITIO1d5 - / Yetitions were received requestino Mohican Trail which connects NC #132 with the Masonboro Loop Road and Secondary Road #1516 be relocated for about 1700' be added to the State's maintained Secondary Road System. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Nr. Braak, the petitions were approved and ordered seb to the State Highrray for their consideration. BEER PERMITS - ? i ; The following applications for Beer Permits were reviewed and upan Totion I of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Netts, unanimously approved and referred to. the Sheriff ? for his•consideration'and investigation: I Mrs. Be\sie Davis Beard T/A Teeney Grill 1222 S. 3rd St. i Mrs. J. R. Graney T/A J& J Texaco SeEyi?e 539 Castle Hayne Rd. a ion Robert Nixon Taylor T/A. Wrights97ille Marina Wrightsviile Beach TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY - The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that a jointly owned tax fore- ? I closed piece of property in Block 300, Part of Lot 4, which they had approved for sale I at the appraised value of $350.00 was found to be really worth only $300.00 according to the Property Assessors because it was found when the plot was surveyed that insLead of being 3216" in width, it was only 261 and the Assessors have estabiished a fair mar- ket value of $300.00 instead of $350.00 for it. The prospective buyer is willing to pay $300.00. After a brief review of the matter., Nr. Metts offered a motion that the sale be approved for $300.00, subject to City Council approval. It was seconded by Mr..Broadharst and unanimously approved. SURVEY -GROUND WATER RE50URCES The Chairman reported to the Board that Federal funds are available to match / County and State funds to negotiate a New Hanover Ground Water Study. The State is I willing to bear one-third of the cost of the project which is estimated at $96,000 to be spent over a(} year period which means that the County would be responsibile for I$8,000 per year beginning with the fiscal year 1963-64 or a total of $32,000. The data I obtained from this investigation will be used to prepare a detailed report describing ' the extent and thickness of the water-bearing formations in the County and amount and ' quality of their water. He said that the schedule would 'i-nclude a field investigation, the analysis and synthesis of data and the preparation of a final report. 3f the Board ? , agrees to go along with the study, a project headquarters will be established at i continued- i? , d°?f l ?. o' Minutes of the Meeting August 6, 1962 (Continued) SURVEY - GROUND WATER RESOURCES - (continued) Wilmington. He is of the opinion that the results of such a study would be instrumental in persuading industry to locate in New Hanover County and that over a lono period, it would more than repay the cost many times'. After a brief discussion, the Board agreed that they would entertain ?IId1°^? ^nrooA +r.?. .kL.,,.,,a'°-?-a_ _ - . -_._ y-„°-.,---- --#-.-t the idea and listen to a detailed explanation by Mr. G. G. Wyrick and Mr. H. M. Peek, State Division of Water Resources representatives. By unanimous common consent of the Board, a decision of this matter was held in abeyance and the Executive Secretary in- structed to write Colonel Harry E. Brown, Director of the State Department of Water Resources and see if they could arrange to be present and present the proposition at the next regular semimonthiy meeting scheduled for August 20th. (TRAVEL APPROPRIATION - The Chairman informed the Board Lhat Mr. D. D. Baggett, the County Farm Agent, had earned an award of inerit and it is to be presented at the National Associa- tion of County Agents scheduled in Los Vegas, Nevada, tme latter part of this month. Mr. Baggett is arilling to bear part of his expenses but is asking the County to help him in the amount of $150.00. After a brief discussion, Nr. Braak offered a motion that $150.00 be allocated out of the Fmergency Fund to County Agent-Travei in the A. 8 E. Department for this purpose. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and when the ballots were cast, Messrs. Broadhurst and Metts voted "No" and Messrs. Braak and Mayhan voted "Yes°. The Chairman then declared the motion carried as he voted in the affirmative. ; COMMUNITY HOSPITAL RESIGNATION A letter was received from Mr. A. E. Gibson tendering his resignation as a Director of the Community Hospital. He requested that the resignation be made effective as of the date of his letter which was July 27, 1962. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the resignation be accepted with regrets "nunc pro tunc" and that the Executive Secretary be directed to write a letter expressing their appreciation for his services which had been rendered in a most acceptalile manner. The motion was seconded by Nr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. ? Chairman Hall informed the Board that the funeral of Mr. Harry M. Solomon was to be held,at 11:00 o'clock and since Mr. Solomon was one of the leaders in the civic life of Wilmington and New Hanover County for many years at?e felt it would be fitting for the Board to attend the funeral in a body. He, therefore, declared the meeting recessed at lO:Li.S A. M. for this purpose. RECESS - RECONVEiQTION - . At 11:30 A. M. the Board returned to the Commissioners Room and disposed of the following items. fjIRPORT - GROUND TRANSPORTATION A letter was received from the Rent-A-Car Division of Avis, Incorporated requesting information as to how they could provide services at the New Hanover County Airport for the convenience of their many customers who travel by air. They cited that more than 9,000 substantial business firms had contracted for Avis Corporate Travel Plan Service. They alieged that their service is delayed due to the necessity of transporting cars from the City of Wilmington, a distance of three miles, After a brief discussion of this request, the Board, by unanimous common consent, instructed the Executive Secretary to write a letter to Avis, Incorporated and express their appre- ciation for their desire to serve our Airport but explain that we are now under an ex- clusive contract which our Attorney rules is valid. To further assure them that when our present contract expires they will be given every consideration. (AIR CONDITIONING - COURT ROONiS Complying with instructinns authorized at the Special Board Meeting on July 18th, the County Electrical Inspector presented a proposed revision of the old air conditioning plans and specifications drawn from the original engineering plans and specifications of Henry Von Oesen and Associat,$e6rC and suggested a form for adver- tising for bids. The County Attorney reviewed the proposal and made several suggested improvements and revisions. The Hoard discussed this matter again at length which re- sulted in a motion from Mr. Mayhan that Henry Von Oesen 8 Associates be employed to ex- tract the plans and specifications for the Court Rooms provided the cosL did not ex- ceed $150.00 but aliow the Chairman authority to negotiate up to as much as $200.00 for air conditioning, plans and specifications. The motfon was seconded by Mr. Braak, and when the ballots were cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted "No" however, Messrs. Braak,. Mayhan and Metts voted "Yes" and the Chairman declared the motion prevailed. ISHERIFF'S AIR CONDITIONING - The subject of air conditioning for the Sheriff'soffices came up at this time. After discussing the matter, Mr. Metts moved that the Sheriff be allocated $500.00 for air conditioning his offices. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unani- mously approved. `ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR REPORTS - A discussion of the report not being made by the County Electrical Inspector was discussed. By unanimous common consent, the Executive Secretary was directed to request Mr. Wood to begin making electrical reports as of July 1962 and that suitable forms be designed and futnished him. REPORTS The following reports and letters were reviewed and filed for information: 1- / Audit Report of the A.B.C. Control Board.for the year ending June 30,1962, ?_- 2Grand Jury Report for July 1962 term. An inspection of the County Jail has been made and was found to be in clean and orderly condition; and further improvements have been made at both the white and colored juven- ile wards. 3-/ Statistical Report for July, 1962 by County Home Econoraics Agent. 1E- Schedule of Activities " " Negro " i' " 9 ""s , 141 Minutes of the Meeting August 6, 1962 Continued REPORTS - (continued) /. 5- County Agricultural Agent's Report for June 1962 / 6- Wilmington Public Library Report " July, 1962; Yearly Report 7- Notice from Institute of Government regarding "City Planning Course,-- scheduled for October 7-20th, 1962. 8- Welfare Recipients' Statistical Report. PETIT JURY - The foilowing persons were selected to serve as jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning September 10, 1962 - Civ-il term; September 17th, 1962 - Civil term; October lst, 1962 - Criminal term. Jurors for the week beqinninq Sept. 10, 1962- Civil term ? Edward E. Smith 2872 Jefferson Theodore Arven 2914 Carolina Beach Rd. R. M. Scott RFD,1, Box 136 J. G. Benfield 3835 Hoggard Dr. Wm. F. Johnson 2529 Jackson St. K: D. Futch .Tr. 4524 Mockingbird Lane Wm. S. Howell RFD 2, Box 25 A ; Ebert Bell Bells Grocery,Mer&ve I James G. Merritt . 1}02 N. Kerr Ave. Albert Levine 605 N. 2$th St. Robert J. Hodges RFD 20 Box 222 John Taylor RFD 11 Box 356 Clayton H. Moore RFD 31 Box 325 B. W. D. Armstrong RFD 1, Box 10 Donald R. Burris 3807 Park Ave. Jerry Rouse 2721 Van Buren St. Marvin J. Price 4110 Peachtree Ave. Paul Frizzelle 2429 Jackson St. Clarence E. Gurganous RFD 71' ?te A C?StT8xH? y J. Tommie Ray 207 Francis Marion Dr. Franklin D. Scott 253 Lake Forest Pkwy. George Robert Larkins 507 Camellia Dr. David E. Bullock 106 Stratleigh Rd. Willie CWaNo o RD 2 rris d Dr. 239 wo ale A. Elwood Hilburn Russeli Leitcri John Russell McDowell George Eddis Johnson John Wesley Sasser R. H. Borkenhagen Wm. H. $riggs A. A. Mazur James P. Drummond Thomas C. James Edward Ray Pridgen J. L. Freeland T. A. Crews M. F. Powe 11 Arthur G. Smith W. C. Bowden Jr. E.,P. Godwin Leon W. Futrelle J. G. DeBose E. C. Bass Robert K. Creighton Donald H. Connolly James Durwood Sapp Emanuel Gareis Jurors for the week beginning Sept 17, 1962 - Civil term . C. L. Wolfe R. H. Cherry R. L. Hill G. V. Watson R. C. Lewis C. N. Gainey C. W. Holt Albert Axler Peter Saffo J. R. Reaves W. N. Pittman Early Benton Henry M. Ketchum Jr Austin Gurganious Andrew Mills Hugh Batson J. 0. 14enberg, Jr. R. R. Reaves Ennis M. Rawls Cary C. Jackson R., D. Hatcher H. L. Prevatte Cletus Price Walker T. Lewis C. C. Wallace Jr. 622 Castle Hayne 1511 Castle St. 134 Longleaf Dr. 1107 S. Front St. 3025 Louisanna St. RFD 2, Box 171 A RFD #2, Box 189 905 N. !}th St. 320 Redcross St. 1139 County Club Rd, 1901 Lingo Ave. 216 Peiffer Ave. 1707 Dawson St. RFD 1, Boy 256 309 Wilson Ave. RFD 2, Box 374 A 47 woodlawn 1139 Country,Club Rd. 36 Beaureguard Dr. RFD 1 Box 107 2128 Klein Rd.' 4909 Pine St. 3026 Jefferson St. RFD 2, Box 269 1707 Dawson St. Clarence Guptill Jesse M. Smith J. T. Shepard Harold L. Henderson Robert' C.'_Qray Thomas E. Hodges Ernest H. Spencer Horace J. Murray Fred Radford Lloyd M. Smith Jr. James W. Pridgen J. G. Benfield Benford L. Smith Frank Trainer Sennie Brooks War.d J. Everett Niurray Thomas Houston Skipper Randolph Radford J.A. Taylor .lr. Richard G. Keller Walter R. Register Ronald J. Rough John Leon Owen William M. Randall Richard Marshburn .lurors for the week beqinninq October 1, 1962 - Criminal term do Frank M. Pugh W. B. Fiolding- R. A. Brand R. P. Jones R. A. Robbins C. E. Hammond A. J. Beach Ben E. Edge Earl E. Bryant J. F. Zellers J. W. Reaves Ben H. Reagan Lewis S. Todd Wm. Schwart2 C. E. Spencer Sr. E. A. Bordeaux Sr. L. E. Walke Elwood L. Rivenbark Cecil W. Haertel. Leon D. Bond RFD 3, Box 154 George L. Faulk 116 Bryan Ave. Robert B. Johnson 2919 Oleander Dr. Claude R. Johnson 2909 Market St. John H. Reeve Jr. 1204 Kerr Ave. J. F. Murray 2216 Plaza Dr. Walter E. Cooper 1P.0. Box ????olina Beach Claude L. Prevatt 2740 Harr son Ave. F. Flagg Newcomb RFD 1, Box 118 William Kernells 10 C ommunity Dr. Roland Register 2224 Oleander Dr. Harry Lee Lovic 5026 Carolina Bea h ? Abraham S. Drapkin 614 Rosemont Ave. d' Richard H. Futch 621 N. 4th St. Robert C. Sanderson 503 S. 3rd St. Charles C. Smith Box 237, Carolina Beach Robert Satterwhite Box 728 Clarence L. Barnes 14 C lay St. William R. Greenwood 3111 Adams St. William Heamlet Smith 3019 Monroe St. John Edward Buag / 5008 Oleander Dr. 2202 Gibson Ave. P.O. Box 606 A Carolina Beach N. C. 2848 F Jefferson 809 5pofford Cir. 4418 Park Ave. 11 Green Forest Dr,. 22 Spruce Drive 502 s. 8th St. 2002 Market St. 108 Arlington Dr.. 130 E. Renovah 4918 Pine St. 315 Pine Grove 509 Sunset Ave. 117 Wayne Drive P. o. Box 1806 2204 Market St. 2223 Brandon St. RFD #2, Box 437 410 Forest Hills Dr. P.O. Box 30 222z Forest Hills RFD 3, Box 354 • A 20 Summitt Walk 103 Central &ivd. 4112 Franklin Ave. 3704 lntrightsv. Ave. 2907 Hydran.gea P1. 412 N. Kerr Ave. 25 Woodlawn Ave. 8 Wrightsville Ave. 120 S. 53rd St. 2521 Harrison St. 5352 Oleander Dr. 3835 Hoggard Dr 609 S. 17th St. 210 YJrightsville Ave. 306 Adelaide Dr. 205 Forest Road 109 Lake Forest Pkwy. 5116 Narket St. 8 G Lake Village 20 S. Lake Vil. 3018 Carolina Beach Rd. 2110 Brandon Rd. 2116 Creasey Ave. 21?.02 Shirley Rd. 619 N. 7th St. 18Nesbitt Courts 3606 Winston Blvd. 217 PineoValley 2303 Belvedere Dr. 2616 Wrightsv. Ave. 3923 Carolina Beach Rd. 2955 Cambridge Dr. ? 808 xi11 St. ts219 Pinecrest Pkwy. :307 Pine Hills Dr. '•123 Stradleigh Rd. 427 Decatur Dr. 2707 Burnett Blvd. 16 B. Lake Village 913 s. stn St. 4206 Wrightsville Ave. 2835 C. Jefferson St. 31 Wayne Dr. 216 Parkway Blvd. continued- P ??A Ninutes of the Meeting Auaust 6, 1962 Continued Jurors for the week beqinninq October 1, 1962 (continued) W. F. Skipper 118 Meares St. Allen A. Perryman Jr. 462 Robert E. Lee Dr J. Bernard Abrams P. O. Box 148 Gordon Daniel Henrickson 138 Pine Cone Rd. Joh n G. Brinkley RFD #2, Bo x 193 Calvin E. Millinor Jr. RFD #3 Box 492 E. F. Pittman 7 N. Blvd. James Geraid White 3004 Monroe St. Joe E. Sellers 2508 Adams St. Jimmie E. Clemmons 107 S. 53 St. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr voted to adjourn the meeting Broadhurst, seconded by Nr W. Metts, the Board unanimously AG.'u xecutiv ecr ary ASSEMBLY - Wilmington, N.C. Auc?.ust'•c'0;, 1962 The L-regill.ar- semimonbhly meeting.of.the New Han6ver'County"Boa'rd'6f••C6mmis9'i'en- e:rs was_he3d.:today..i:n the of.ficecof the Commissioners at_19.:00 A. NI>'with the?olloc3ig members in,atteridance:,.Ch?Lirmari.J.M;.Ha11,1r. Gorimissioner.s Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, John Van B. Metts, Jr., and Ernest R. Mayhan, County Auditor T.D. Love, and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meetino to order and asked Reverend C. A. Foss, Pastor of the 4th St. Advent Christian Church, to open.the meeting with prayer-. APPROVAL OF THE NtINUTES - • Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the regular semimonthly meeting of Auoust 6, 1962, copies having been setit'to each Commissioner, were unanimously approved. CIPY AND COUNTY AGREEMENT - Mayor 0. O. Allsbrook, accompanied by City Manager E. C. Brandon, Jr. and City Attorney Cicero P. Yow explained to the Board that they wouid like to acquire 441 acres of County property just wesL of Smith Creek and North 23rd Street for the purpose of constructing a seraerage treatment plant for the City of Wilminoton. They explained that 19? acres of the property they needed was swamp land. They are prepared to ezecute agreement with the County includirig 1- Deed of all the interests of the City in : James tiJalker Memorial Hospital properties to the'County in'fee simple, 2- Install water d sewerage lines from the City'mains to the site of the new proposed New Hanover Memoriai Hospital, 3- To take over control of the present Refuse Disposal operation nd continiie to operate a trash dump on the same basis as is now being conducted, '4- • To permit an access road on the property line; in exchange'for 441 acres of land which they need. After discussing the matter, Mr. P9etts offered a motion that Lhe proposal be approved and that the County Attorney, in conjunction with the City Attorney, drawup an agreement based on the above considerations which have been discussed today andthat the Executive Secretary and the, City Manager'be avthori2ed to work out the details for the City Sanitation Department to assume control of the County Trash Dump arid that the City Engineers be permitted to enter on the property immediately for the purpose of A oin g the preliminary engineering and survey work riecessary for the development of the ewerage treatment facility. This motion was seconded by i?fr. Mayhan and unanimously pproved by the Board. TRESTLE EYESORE - • • • ' ' • A letter was received from Vir. Georae A. Garey c'alling attention to ari abandoned street car trestle on the west side of the Bradley Creek Bridge. He states , that the pilings and braces are totting and falling liout haphazardly creating an ex-* I tremely unsightly eyesore from the highway and is somewhat of a menace to small boys ? as well as a danger in-as-much small boys sometimes play on it. He stated thaE it was his understanding that the Tidewater Power Company'conveyed title to all of its old * right-of-way to the State Highway Commission and that a conversation with the Division Engineer led him to believe that if the Commissioners made a written request they would remove the unsightly trestle since it serVes no useful purpose. Mr. Braak moved that i the Executive Secretary be authori2ed to write the State Highwav Commission and'request ? that they r`emove the old trestle providing they have authority to do so. It was secorided by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously carried. UNAUTHORIZED TRASH DUMP ( Mr. Garey reported that at the entersection of U. 5,. .76 and Bradley Creek someone had been dumping trash which either caught fire from lighted cioarettes be.ing ? thrown into it or was set on fire purposely causing an obnoxious smoke and odor which I is very unpleasant to the people living in that neighborhood. He said that some improve-? ment had been made lately since the Health Department had put up "no dumping" signs.. . He is of the opinion that if the size of the lettering on the signs was enlarged where people could readily see it, the problem might be solved. After some discussion, the ' Board authori2ed the Executive Secretary to request the State Highway Commission to put i up suitable signs marked "no dumping or burning allowed". : ' 11 . ?? I ? ,