1962-08-20 Regular Meeting Ninutes of the Meeting Auaust 6, 1962 Continued Jurors for the week beqinninq October 1, 1962 (continued) W. F. Skipper 118 Meares St. Allen A. Perryman Jr. 462 Robert E. Lee Dr J. Bernard Abrams P. O. Box 148 Gordon Daniel Henrickson 138 Pine Cone Rd. Joh n G. Brinkley RFD #2, Bo x 193 Calvin E. Millinor Jr. RFD #3 Box 492 E. F. Pittman 7 N. Blvd. James Geraid White 3004 Monroe St. Joe E. Sellers 2508 Adams St. Jimmie E. Clemmons 107 S. 53 St. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr voted to adjourn the meeting Broadhurst, seconded by Nr W. Metts, the Board unanimously AG.'u xecutiv ecr ary ASSEMBLY - Wilmington, N.C. Auc?.ust'•c'0;, 1962 The L-regill.ar- semimonbhly meeting.of.the New Han6ver'County"Boa'rd'6f••C6mmis9'i'en- e:rs was_he3d.:today..i:n the of.ficecof the Commissioners at_19.:00 A. NI>'with the?olloc3ig members in,atteridance:,.Ch?Lirmari.J.M;.Ha11,1r. Gorimissioner.s Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, John Van B. Metts, Jr., and Ernest R. Mayhan, County Auditor T.D. Love, and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meetino to order and asked Reverend C. A. Foss, Pastor of the 4th St. Advent Christian Church, to open.the meeting with prayer-. APPROVAL OF THE NtINUTES - • Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the regular semimonthly meeting of Auoust 6, 1962, copies having been setit'to each Commissioner, were unanimously approved. CIPY AND COUNTY AGREEMENT - Mayor 0. O. Allsbrook, accompanied by City Manager E. C. Brandon, Jr. and City Attorney Cicero P. Yow explained to the Board that they wouid like to acquire 441 acres of County property just wesL of Smith Creek and North 23rd Street for the purpose of constructing a seraerage treatment plant for the City of Wilminoton. They explained that 19? acres of the property they needed was swamp land. They are prepared to ezecute agreement with the County includirig 1- Deed of all the interests of the City in : James tiJalker Memorial Hospital properties to the'County in'fee simple, 2- Install water d sewerage lines from the City'mains to the site of the new proposed New Hanover Memoriai Hospital, 3- To take over control of the present Refuse Disposal operation nd continiie to operate a trash dump on the same basis as is now being conducted, '4- • To permit an access road on the property line; in exchange'for 441 acres of land which they need. After discussing the matter, Mr. P9etts offered a motion that Lhe proposal be approved and that the County Attorney, in conjunction with the City Attorney, drawup an agreement based on the above considerations which have been discussed today andthat the Executive Secretary and the, City Manager'be avthori2ed to work out the details for the City Sanitation Department to assume control of the County Trash Dump arid that the City Engineers be permitted to enter on the property immediately for the purpose of A oin g the preliminary engineering and survey work riecessary for the development of the ewerage treatment facility. This motion was seconded by i?fr. Mayhan and unanimously pproved by the Board. TRESTLE EYESORE - • • • ' ' • A letter was received from Vir. Georae A. Garey c'alling attention to ari abandoned street car trestle on the west side of the Bradley Creek Bridge. He states , that the pilings and braces are totting and falling liout haphazardly creating an ex-* I tremely unsightly eyesore from the highway and is somewhat of a menace to small boys ? as well as a danger in-as-much small boys sometimes play on it. He stated thaE it was his understanding that the Tidewater Power Company'conveyed title to all of its old * right-of-way to the State Highway Commission and that a conversation with the Division Engineer led him to believe that if the Commissioners made a written request they would remove the unsightly trestle since it serVes no useful purpose. Mr. Braak moved that i the Executive Secretary be authori2ed to write the State Highwav Commission and'request ? that they r`emove the old trestle providing they have authority to do so. It was secorided by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously carried. UNAUTHORIZED TRASH DUMP ( Mr. Garey reported that at the entersection of U. 5,. .76 and Bradley Creek someone had been dumping trash which either caught fire from lighted cioarettes be.ing ? thrown into it or was set on fire purposely causing an obnoxious smoke and odor which I is very unpleasant to the people living in that neighborhood. He said that some improve-? ment had been made lately since the Health Department had put up "no dumping" signs.. . He is of the opinion that if the size of the lettering on the signs was enlarged where people could readily see it, the problem might be solved. After some discussion, the ' Board authori2ed the Executive Secretary to request the State Highway Commission to put i up suitable signs marked "no dumping or burning allowed". : ' 11 . ?? I ? , Cx. 795-796 1963-Sass:or* Law5 ? 1963-SESSroN Lnws Cx. 796-797 Sec. Z This Act shall be in full 4orce and effect from and a°_ter ;u . P ratificstion. -, Board of Managers; also, to assume control of and contiyue to o erate. In the General Assembly read three ti:r.es and ratiRed, this tha Ylth e refuse disposal opezations nresently conducted by thc Count o4 :?ew FIan- 1 ?%4 ! Wj ? day of June, 1963. o'Sec. 3. All ]aws ar.d clauses of laws in conflict with tfiis Act are S. B. 480 CHAPTER 796 hcreby repealed. Scc. 4. This :lct sra?I be in full force and effect from and after its {+I F.4!AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW ratification. i I, II'N HA130VER COUNTY TO CONVEY PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF .. In the Geners? Assembly read three times und rati5ed, this the llth y Iq ? ? WILMINGTON, NORTH CAR6LINA, AND TO AUTI-IORIZE THE day of June, 1963. CITY OF WILMINGTON TO CONVEY CERTAIN PROPERTY IA' CONSZDERATION THEREOF. ? S. B. 511 CHAPTER 797 The General Assevtbly oj North Ca+olina do enaet: AN ACT TO AMEND G. S. 106-266.8 AND FOLLOWIA?G SO AS TO RE- I. THE POWER TO REGULATE MILK LICENSES TO CER- :., Sec[ion 1. The Board o£ County Commissioners of 13ew Hanover Coun• STRLCT TAIN SPECTFIC GROUNDS AND TO OTHERWISE CLARIFY MTLK ? ty is hereby empowered and authorized to convey to the City of Wilming- CORSMISSION LAW. G? J ton, upon such terms and conditions as the Board may determine, the fo]• lowing described Sract of land to be uaed u5 a sewage disposal site: TAc GeneraE Asaem6Lti of North Carolina da enact: u ?3? ?s hereb ' A cextain tract of land in Cape Fear ToNvnship, New Hanover County, (^J? I I Section 1. G. S. 106-266.8, subsection (11), ' Y amended by strik- l,? ? p7 M6 North Carolina, lying juat West of Smiih Creek and North of 7tventy i n in6 out the remainder of the sentence £ollowing the word "hearing" in line i 7 and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "whenevei said app]icant or third Street and being more particularty described as follows: •'geginning at a point in the western line of Twenty-third Street Extem l(¢ensee shall have violated or failed to comply with the requirements of i? sion (100A feet in width) that is opposite the northern abutment of the this Article 28B, or upon any of the following grounds: ? Smith Creek $ridge: running thence North 5 degrees 19 minutes East with ? ^(a) Where the distributor has £ailed to uccount and make paYment tor any milk purchased or reccive d on consignmo n t o r o t h e r w i s e from a i said line of said road 920.95 £ect to the beginning o f a curve to t he S Vest; Y thence northwardly with said line of said road as it wrves to the West qroducer oY association of producers, or has, if a snbdistributor, failed to on consign- i. I received to a point that is North 2 degrees 40i,?z minutes East 255.86 feet from the y milk urchased p or preceding point; thence northwardly with said line of eaid road as it curves account and make payment for nn F ment or otherwise from a distributor: provided, however, that if it be ? to a pnint that is A`orth 0 degrees 52 minvtes VJest 197.33 feet from the 3 ghown there was reasonable cause for anY such failure to account and H 1 muke payment, and that such accountin and payment can and wi11 be made i F? 1.1, preceding point; thence northwardly with said ]ine of eaid road as it curves , g ' f ? ? ?... to a point that is North 4 degrees 32y2minutes West 296.69 feet from the iam tl Lhe Commission shall not suspend or revoke a license solely for . j„ preceding point; thence northwardly with said ]ine of said road as it curres ' p p y, fforded Lo make such pp y ? such failure until a reasonable o ortunit has been a to a point that is North 9 deqrees 09'k minvtes West 296.44 feet Srom the uccounting and payment. ? S i i*?+ preceding point; thence northwardly with said line of said road as it curves 11(b) Where the applicant or distribntor has made a Feneral assignment to a oint that is North 13 de rees 241/2 minutes West 275.78 feet from judged a bankruPt, or there has p g { for the benefit of creditors, or has been ad the preceding point; thence North 87 degrees 95 minutes West 650A £ect; 4 been entered against him a judgment upon which an execution remains thence south 34 degreea 15 minutes West 400.0 feet; thence about South licant or dis• - pment 1 degree 15 minutes West nbout 1760 feet to a point where the eastern edge wholly tributor or has partly insufiicient unsatisfied, or financial where it is responsib ilityshown , that the persvnne] app or equi of a hranch intersects the northern edge of Smith Creek; thence eastwardly properly to conduct the milk business. ?'. Wj?I? ?.? with the nortlurn edgc of Smith Creek about 950 feet to u point in the 11(c) Where the upplicant or distributor has engafied in a course of ? ,4iiq western line of said road; thence North 5 degrees 19 minutes East with action such as to satisfy the Commission of an intent on his part to deceive a.?l said ]ine of said raad ubout 85 feet to the point of beginning; the same or defraud customers, producers or consumers. ? S "(d) Where Lhe applicant or distributor has fai]ed to maintain such eontainin 44.5 acres, more or less. "Together with all riparian rights to the waters of Smith Crcek:" - reeords as are required 6y the rules and regulations o£ the Commission or Sec. 2. The City of Wilmington is hereby empowered and authorized, has failed to furnish the statements or information required by the Com- in consideration of the tract of land hereinabove described, to quitclaim, mission under this Artide 28B or has kept false records or furnished false sell and convey to New Hanover County, all of its rights, title, interest and ? statements with respect to such information. F?i?ll ,jI°?? estate which the City of VVilmington has in real, persona] or mixed proper- $ "(e) Where the appliessnt or distributor has rejeMed, without reason- P Y ?iS # able cause, any milk purchased from n producer, or has refused to accept, 969 f Lies resentl belon n to the James Wa3kcr MemoriaY Hosnital or its i1T 1; ' 1? Wkii: f?'lP{?; i? bf', l +?r.. . ' :i1:ti 4 f This the 1 tt dey tif MeY 1461 Ynrocll [l+Van-,Rsst. Clerk SuprriOr i.curt Received end recorded Mey Ist 1964 et 4:10 P.M,enu verlfied / di. . . . i ,? . .eL.i ?g ater o eP s -------------------------------------------------- ?, M.HAIL,JR, tT Ul( . STATf uF NORTI+ CARULINl. TO . C(`UNTY OF NEN MANUVf R G. R. NARIINDALE . , TMIS UL"tU, metlc 'hi5 Ist Any oiMey,1954, by end MARRANTY OEfD • brtwrrcn J.M. HnII,Jr ena rifo, k.dith M.Meil, parties of the fir;t •••""""""""""""" Lnrti nOd r..P. Mnrlintl.ylr, pArtY o4 the Se??eond i,nrt: ?jII of the Count? of Nnr 14??nov??-r e?c1 St.?!e 0 r Aorth Cnrol ina; h; I T N t. fi `"14: 1N?i the aefC pn*tiec of the fir t ra•t, Icr +nd n ceocWor tirnof th,.,ow of ien Loiln.s (110.00) anc etpw• •e+uable crnsioor1t;cns tn tc10 ?n n,nn rA;r. tV tno slir, ror'Vnf thI s,L_ond nnrt, t/1n rKeipt Oi Wh ith fa M?vt• efIrCft lpf!HA.1% nI .1 1era,., dr+n ..d, p..rn•inoA enC gP lH, .Ilirnnc erA crnvrVoA. AnC hr th'ev r.rsow!4k (4• nare • aisn n.,?• ,. ,n n.t :.,II, 0. .,n, c,nv.y ,ind CIMfIM uOSO the SAIt CA•S< C' lA• 4-rcrC rw•t Md LC p.s?. ?.q ?n,' n:a. n5 fOrronr? d Crr•,rn ffOOCt M nttCPl nl t+bC tni.v•tr 1V-". ?-u! Pn.?c -w "o ,,:we•.n.p o• Cnro. il CcinT? untv O/ +PA NdPP? !M1(? ?111.f0 -f %_..w ??rpt.wa? w^ F, nQ wniP fR•'?fYI:?IY ???':(??hn?? .r. 1OII -wt, L(, wl(: =r PaC.nn•n:S ?? r Pr:..4 :p .? ea.s.,... ? m -• .r ... . :- . .u. ,n?r. ,cn {.,, _ . "',ri.Clv 1rnR ity iw?e?aK4?!`w •,•? •?r arN•?..-w I..r .• ??••. t?.nr: '?..n .. .•o-?. ...•. v,tlrInn, pMe11s•1 ?.t? tltr Jaeu.W^ Q'r •?r • •c ??•<. w:.? (•• • 4. . .-. .. ? , • . . . , nnr?`r••.dir 'ICnq :?n P1 ?t?0? .? • ?tin .• t ?ci? •4 • ? • ? t.r c ?1= . ' ?Y?. • i ?Ch ? 4'Ui rn I ^P O? 1?tF '?M'eY• ?e?a IMees"'?ar•.. ?.-?. ?r?.ls? ., r.Y....e, .w a r.. . -.??? i ?+C?a..'I., . .? /9.?, ?v?'w?f? tr ??e ••aR..r ?.v.? .? .-. . . er.r. ? ?.? . . . ?. . ?...? •Ir ?Irn.; rn ??e?i?R I.Ar f• t?n? + ..?• cwn.?• Ir w.?u , . .? ..r . . , ?' _. s ?.,.n 4rn.??.nq rf? ns i.t F? ??:C• i'? :r?. ? . . •..p ? v....,.n? .•- ?. ,. .? . n .,..n ??.e ?y. n.•. ?ItA l?e?e.?r f'rN?G? •\ P? le.: ,?f? ?ni rR`!IM ?.???r w,?? . ... r • i?aa c.ot .??• f r .. +'CSCH? . ??? rR.:" k'?? I? ?vY!"!'yYi .p ..?v.`.tlrC• .[ •pP n Mwc`1 3, Ll• '?(`O!`tM+ Yi;A e ? ar.. •.w?:x .. i.. ....+s ? e??.:^r•nf ?ra ? i?. .?.?-.? • . •?. MIMC•wQ M .P t??w?<?c ,try.•. n .. , ?tj w.q. 1\' 'C' "4'9. :4 s r•. r.•.t ?aa+. ?cr- _ , ...r a.? • . e . • . ? ?ni c?_ ? r lflr r.c;ts, r+....?rra? e..<rM.....a ...??.....y ,?r ,r??ir-r.?r .r. • . . r . .. ..?n,,. . ,r i?rr 4r At[`r'?l.:.w.?.Q? eTSi L? ?• ??r ? x ??.n <av.r ?.?. • .. . . .?.. ?e? n ? ..^i.. . .. i: ? .? vi?. MC tw. a,s? r•.,.<< .. ... ... ..- . ... ? . ,? , •F .,. , . ,. .. ? . .?, . r , ??1Af ?*f? JNP f??.?`f?'.?f. ?\? !?? ? [T (.?i '? •? ? ?i. • ? .. .w. ? • V ? ?. L•fTi_ ?n • ? ???Ploj f?.:t 1T? eaw. .?_ •..?a ?.-.'? : r . . . e . .tiL. _r . r • .. .. a 7 ..?? . ? . i ?O?w.?V Ma?? rn! ,?/y js+r..f . ?e. . , - . ? T. ... . n ? . ns• • • .,. .r? . •. . . 1? YI'\. . aV?i?Y'? 0?. •. ?•:?a?.• .a _av ? .. , • ?. ... ? a.e .?.. . r^? ir?)Y d(t..,C 7M..f`?rTll i?r ..a?+?- e.e.. r. ? i - .. . ... 0.1+. ' r .`'t rlfi [ I 1 . . . .. 4. ? ?: d 51 ;•f h7 re • r I? PrK! R tinr a nr•a pyr?. ? , .?. .?.. ? .. .r .? r ?"P..ar. .i. ?.r.-r ; -•??r thRt J.W. ?40-11, .1- et' .. ???. . - r,p.?t? - . ?,.rr , . .,. . .._. .._ .. . 4e ,,..rrrr. 0,P dVP P?ol?•I..•n n• ;M(?p.«NpeRC •-a'?4m.:r$ MitReK! •r 11•ni" 'nr ••, ,•.aP a"l , .. C.• ?..? s 4 , .1..1 {` (OO••ri?l snnlI Nv re-. . .. , .. .a: ' I • p ?} \..r? , •V.. iC $'.:li 11' k.'_zTM C `'t; 1\; NtN HPKl`Y•q Q l;k?V n11 rO`?'LffLl'.CoiP Cf r]Cf ..??f1.: O: • .. ??. " ?.• -.? .. `Ln'?? ?5 bC:•'C YO bQ CCrrKT l.F! :ho ?nSLruPIn' •?!? `M• :??r.? ?. .. .. r..:r. _. . d.n?? .... ?71nry, 'n,. !P 1 day of Iby IQF41 . .•r .c.. .? ..:?:v , :l••.? _u:,.•r?c? ? urt Received ana reCOIcrC Mey Is; 1564 et 4;30 P.M.and verifiec. /..,C. . eqister e ?•c - ' ' - - ' ' - ' - ' - ' - ' ' ' CQUNTY CF kF.W HM1NGV:R .. ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' - 5TA7!. ff Nt e7H - - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -" - - - - - - ' - --- C: i'.;, T(1 . Ct I'!:1YCF RC1ti H?.NC Vi 0 'CITY OF WtLNIIkGTt'N . iMIS, ING'.AiUUL, m,CC ana e•ntrred into thi5 the 24th Y(AP.PAkTY DECD : d3y of iebru<•r y,11,f:4, bV,-,nt'hetweon thr Cnun;Y c' M1,•w iatlfitt""""""""'"""" M,anovrr pdrtv cf :hc f irL:t ;.?rt, enc the CitY of r., Iminqt,n, p?r!y of the secoeA rort, hoth mun icinel cerper,tic ns ?° the Stn.e , f M1nrth C.1rnlinri; i W IT N i S S? 1 N: ?fL Q \ ? ?WHfR!AS, the t'ert.y qf thr. (ir,: (: + r.?rt,for? .? { 1?73 ' ? n<: v•?.luabl, ycnn5in??f :ion .mr hY virtu.• (+ ? f Norih !:.vnl inA I? ' h.. !?t t h?r.tr qUth??itv y?°Sird in it bV th ? 795 0 , n ? . t M?5 fU1`Iy CmPOMBfBd AOd DI.lhO,'ISPO it• COf1?rY-TT?-thP C11y pI Milmillllin(1 Sf1E` wI:flill dPSCrIDP(1 (IilCt I)f IFII(1, W(N(ns 1hP bl:hlp QPSCrIhod Lr!1CL Or lTn(J iS ?0 ' V the srirt pnrtv nf the first 0'A't , f f0? monicfrAA t`urt'CSeE . . )r) 0 ? ., f9 i tl" ...?. ?.,. . . ?? ? +1 ? N ? ?? ? lic \J J ? :? \ W-U, TNERErCRE, this Indpniwe, FurtNer y itn.ssetA; Thet the teitl p•rtr of tM• 'irstp•rt, for "C ie coesfaerAtion ef the w.o,kS ?a }e? tAt furtAer censiderrtioe of One ( 81,00) doller and other q..,Od end relu,+ble eonsldsratlefws tw Aend DeiA po it, hes qrPted, berqained sold, trensle'red, enaiooed encf conveyed,entl Ay tRea* presMto does herehy qr?nt, Dnrgein, sefl, trenster, eaiipn nnd con•eyed unto the aaid perty of the second pwrt, nnA Ita succe6sors end essinns forever, ell thnt certnin percel of laed in Cepe Fper iownship, Mer Mnnovrr Coun,ty, Norif+ Cnrolina, IYin9 just rest of Sm,tn G.ak end nortA of Trenty -third SVicet eeCbeine more perticulerly dcacribod es follors: Beginninq et a point in the Wastern line of Trenty third Street extensinn f 100.0) feet In width) that is DpOOSite the northern abuteent of the Smith Creek Bridqe; runninq thenCe nort^ Five (5) degrees nineteen (19) minutes eeet rith seld line o said roed nine hundreO, t.rentY a+E ninety-five one-hundredths (9?0.95) feet to the beginninq af u curve to the rest; thence oartA- werdly vithseldlina of seid road en it curves to thg? West to e point that is north tro(?) de9roee forty end one-half (40 I12) winutes eest trro hundred, fifty-five and eiqhty si: One-hundretlths (255.86) feet from the [+reteding polnt; thr.nce northrerdly witA seid line of seld reed esit turvef to a volnt that is riorth no (0) daqrees fifty-tro (57) ainutea West one hundred, ninety-seven end thirty-three onc-hundredtAs (197.33) faet Pro¦ the preceding Doint; thence northwerClr rith sald line of snid road aa it curvee to e roint thot is north four (4) degrees,trirty.tro enC one_Aelf (32 I12) minutes rest two hundred, ninrty flve end itftv nine one_hundredths (295.59) fcet fro • the precedinp polnt; thanca northwardly with seid line of said roed as it curves to e eoint thlt Is north nine (9) deqroes nine ;ind onc.-hnlf (09 I/2) minutes rest two hundred, ninety-sia end fortv four one.hunAredths (296.41) frot fine the precedinn roint; thence northwardly wiTheaid Ilnr c+f yqid roeA ee it turvn{ to nroint thnt is north ihirt,en (13) denrrea trenty four ant one hnlf (?4 Ir? ) w{nutea rest tro hunArFd, feventy flvr nnd seveot.y eiaht (275.78) foet frce the predetlinp pcintj thonen north nlohtv-aPVen (97) dnar,-e6 forty-five (45) minutes West fivc hundred, flfty (SSQ.O) fert p tbento snuth thir(r feur (34) APr,rcf•s Fih,en ( IS ) einutPS west four hundred (400.0) in?-t; thrnc.! Abnut sout1+ onc (1) deqrne iiftren (IS ) minutes res[ anout one thoueanC sovcn hundrnd, siwty (1,7f.^) /op• !o fl point wAere thr e9strrn ed•e of e bronch inter- 6ec'f the nortn.•rn o,.•* nf jmith G•ok; t1,nnCn pectw-rdly rith the northern edce of Smith G.aek Ahnut n-nc hunaroA II/tY (950) /••nf fo c t•olnt, in the M'rstrrn line of said roed; thcnte. North fivr (. ) deqr.,-s, nlnet,nn (19i •inuteg enst vftA anVd line of snia rcuid al,out ei hty five (PS) i.'et te the rolnt of Enqinn7nc: tho feo., cnntninfnq <d.S ntres,TCre er less. I Opether r{t11 nll ?flInrlefl ?- phtr t0 thn r?[or of Soith Crjpk. Tp HaVi ANI 71i MClP tho AI•ov,, br,ntoA nnr cfo,eritwd rr?nisns, toqetAer rith ell and siequler. tl+a r-??hts, t•riv{I.?peO, aafsw??Ma, r?•n.?w.•nts, enC np•purtennnces thereunto belongio6 or In en?nrlae .+irv•rtnin4nq unto t?e snlC gl.vtY of the sNCnneenrt, its successors and assir,ris, in fen yr wtlp !orov,r. .+ ' nmo thi+ pala pnrtv o/ thi, }eeat p.,rt,for its",l/, its successors and essians, does ? COV4-no•'t t0 ong• .iLh the silA PdrLY of the LnCOnnO rart, its SucCe55ors anC essians, that it is . atireG in fou o1 tha or•ara• ar ?ntvo and eeacrlt••a nr.•n'ses .?ne it hes aooC riaht to sel l anC convoy tho S.r• in 1rp S;mpln, th •?L t?? en?. a.?• I r.•c .,ntl tlr,r ?ro0 Any entl ell encunbrancr.s, anr. thet it ri ll ontl its 4uetfasnrs .rot aestqna nnnll Merrant ned [ett•nC the titlo to the Same aoainst the ? Isr/ul tlaisf nna aomends o/ ony +nd .+11 C"reons rhomta!v•.r. i IN NITNf55 M1410?i(1le, th.• pertY o} tAn Ilrst Mrt Ana cnused these t•resents to be sianed . ip itf nare by,11W ChAirillen ?l the Nonrq nf Coemeisaiooers of NerMenaver, Attested by ita Clerk nnd ita d f-ciel senl to De Mr.to !fi¦otl thn ony nna ycer f{rst ebove rlitten, all by eutAority ` duly Oivrn et eoweLinp of tArnerty of thr lI?,t pert, tluly hPld on the 20 day of April,1964 (Countv offteiel so:il) Nvr H movPr munty ? Attoste W,G.Ncuc1 Clvrk ? J.k,Nell Jr ; 6I+airmen, Hoerd of Canmissioners STA7E OP NORiH CAROLINA CoUNTYAP N-N H:,N('VCk THIS DAY personelly nptx+nred bnfnre ne Cv«Ivn M,Fos2••r. n Notary Public, inanC for the CountY And Steto eforcaeiA,N',G,Houet, who bcing duly s.mrn, seys chat he knors the o'fieial aoal , of Ner H enover County, nnA ls ecoueinied rith J,P..HeI1,Jr, rho is Chairmen nt the Board of Commissionr.ra of srid Cnunty, rnd th t he thr, seiA W. f.,Mouck is Clerk oi Nrw Hanover Ceunty AnA 6ev the s eiA seel of sAid corporntion e!fi¦ed to snid instrumen2 by said Chairman nnC that he, the Seld W,C,Hquckt 5iqned hi8 nnae in ettestntion of the e:ocution of the said instru?nt in the preseote af the yeld Chnirmnn ot ynid corpor+ti,,n. • Witness my hann enci seel thiy the 21 tlay of Anril,l454 F velyn M.FnSter (noteriet scol) Notary Public My Commission rapires: I/1%?/65 STATE i F KORTH G•-ROL INA NEW N7.NOV!R DDUNTY / THE FOF2EMINf certifitate of Evclyn M. F oster, nota?y,fputilic of New F6nover County? ie ad- judged to be corroct. Let the• instrument w?ith the certitic•rt e be recorded. Crarn by C.O,Yor This the I day of May 1964 ? ? Betty B.P.?ICh Ly, Clork Supg?rior Cc+urt Received antl recorded Mey Ist 1964 ' et 5:10 P.M. end verifietl. _?; -'TFeg`is Fr or ee s i i i ,; ' JUL I y5-1 I"I FIAT'n'n^ICH-T ' :-_T -Vl-i . Si.r-;_ N?'p?1 7 C; i-ULI:? TO GUNiV l'F !:: v, n,ikV'!'_n' / N'ARR.?RiY j,':p Jf.NtS D. FRl'..N, ?T li% . iH1S INfm de ano vn:cr.,d into thif the N'ARN:?kTY [?itG is[ a'v nf A'av, I'.r,d, bY +nc ^e.•r.•rtn E, lia 5.•, ol..r fiet.wrfqntand hu5hanc, $riFt N. Foetrriahr pf No•r Ha,iov.•r County? North Carn!Ine, r_?rties nf tn?• first nlrt, an;Jameg p,grorn anc .ife, Mnry V.brorn, of New ianor,r ii+unty, North C•rclina rar;ir< c•F the sr[cnr :•nrt; I a ? 4. *- r C? Minutes of the Meeting August 20, 1962 Continued ROAD PETITION - ' A petition signed b'y the property owners on Fordham Drive requested it be ? added to the State mairitained:5ecoftdary Road,System. _ This _is_an:extension,of- F1ora1 Pkwy: Upon'. mot'ion' of--Mi'-.? Broadhur.st, by;tir: Mayhan,.the,petition was approved and the Executive Secretary ordered to forward it to the State Highway Commission for their con- sideration. Th'e vote was unanimously favorable. WELFARE LIEN -. / A letter was received from the Acting Director of the County Department of Public 'Welfare advising that James and Della Hicks Brice (?.W. Case #2578) had received a sum total of $10,251.20 in the form of grants which created a Lien against property located ? at 1117 S. lOth St. and described as being in Block 12 in the NW J of Lot 5. The County Property.ApprasSors<.have placed a fair market value on the property of $2,000.00. They requested permission to cancel the lien upon payment of the $2,000.00. Mr. Metts then offered a motion that the Board approve the cancella.tion of the Lien upon payment of $2,000.00 and that this particular piece of property be released and cleared from any lien. It was seconded by Mr. Braalc and unanimously approved. REQUIRED REPORTS - ? ? Mr. Metts observed that the Institute of Government annually prepared a calen- dar of Duties for County officials and suggested that the Executive SecreLary check this list each month and call attention to any reports which are required to be made by de- partment heads. By common consent, the Board aoreed that the Executive Secretary should notify all department heads ahead of time about approachina reports required by law. URSAN PLANNING - i The Chairman informed the Board that the Institute of Government had just announced a three day conference on Urban Planning for Environmental Health to be held September 12th-14th, 1962, Such topics as functions and responsibilities of Public Health Agencies will be discussed. Some of the subjects are air pollution,refuse, sewer- age and water problems and any other which might affect environmental health. He is planning to attend the conference and suggested that any other members of the Board would be welcome if tney could arrange to attend. ? EXPANDED BUSINIESS - / the Chairman read a letter from the People's Saving and Loan Association announcing the opening of the Winter Park branch from 4:00 otclock to 9:00 P. M. on Tues- day, August 21st, 1962. The invitation included the entire Board of Commissioners and the Chairman urged them to attend if possible as it is always gratifying to have bus- inesses expand for operations. RESCUE SQUAD - ? ' Mr. Gorman headed a delegation representino the Rescue Squad and acted as ,spokesman forNthe group and informed the Board that the organization was being completed and that they had acquired a truck but needed much more equipment.. He outlined some of the functions of a rescue squad and cited recent incidents where they had made a contri- , bution to the public welfare in saving the lives of individuals who might otherwise have died. He reporxed that six of their members had worked all day long soliciting.funds in an effort to finance and equip their organization but they were disappoinLed when they I only received a total of $54.00. He reported that so far they have not been able to col- lect sufficient funds to pay for the minimum liability insurance premiun required by law and they were driging the truck illegally. He presented letters from various public sources such as Wright,siville Beach Town Council, Carolina Beach Town Council and the Lions Club approving the orcanization of the Rescue.Squad. He urged the Board members to make a physical inspection of the equipment which they have acquired and so the Chair- manrrecessed the meeting temporarily while-they made such an inspection. 'Yu'henthey return- ed, Mr. Netts offered a motion that the County approve payment of the liability insurance h premium on a 5110110 basis and suggested that the Rescue Squad appeal to the civij?,clubs ? or other civic organizations, including the United Fund, for additional funds to meet the needs for equipment. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst. During the discussion, the . u man suggested to Mr. Gorman that in appealing to the various civic groups, it might be , Y well to appeai for specific items and not just on the basis of a blanket appeai. Thee4?-? question was then called and the Board unaninously approved the motion. WATER RESOURCES SURVEY - ? Complying with the request made at the last meeting, Messrs. Harry M. Peek and Glenn G. Wyrick representing the State Department of lqater Resources and the Federal Geological Water Survey were introduced by the Chairman to the Board. In order to iilus- trate the type of ground water study that is proposed for New Hanover County they present- ed a recently completed study made in Nartin County. They stated that there were 3 major considerations controllina any geological water survey: 1- Where the water is to be found, 2- How much water is in any given area and 3- What kind of water is present. Mr. Wyrick stated that a Ground Water Bulietin #1 made in 1960 was a reconnaissance study of the geology and ground water resources of Wilmington - New Bern area, preliminary to the detailed study which is proposed at this time. After discussing the various advantages to the County as well as the cost, h;r. Netts offered a motion that the proposed project be approved and that the source of the funds for the cost be determined at a later date. It was seconded by Nir. Braak and when the ballots were cast, Messrs. Broadhurst and Mayhan voted against the motion but s•ince Messrs. Braak, Hall, and Metts voted for the motion, the Chairman deciared it carried by a majority vote. The Chairman requested Mr. Peek to send a suggested agreement which miaht serve in drawing up a formal contract between the County and State for a cooperative gsnund water investigation in Tiew Hanover Cowzty. This he promised to do. / SALARY ADJUSTMENT - Mr. R. L. Black, the Register of Deeds appeared before the Board and explained that ]le had employed Miss Delores Farrow some time aoo at a minimum salary, with the under- standina that she would receive an increase in her compensation after she had served a reasonable time and proved her efficiency. He feels that this has been accomplished and asked that the Board approve adjusting her salary from the minimum of $2496.00 per year to $2896.00.per year or an addition of $400.00. After a discussion of the matter, Mr. Broadhurst offered a moiion that $400.00 be added to Miss Farrow's salary, making it $2896.00 beginning September 1, 1962. It was seconded by Mr. Nayhan and unanimously passed. ,? J I? 4 (€. r Minutes of the Meeting REPORTS - August 20, 1962 Continued The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for information. 1-/ U.S.O. Monthly Report for July 1962 2- Wilmington Public and Colored Library Reports for July, 1962 3- County Agentfs Extension Report for July 1962 ' 4- Notice from State Board of Assessment that total amount of in- tangible tax distribution for iiscal year is $286,093•58• ADJOURNNtENT - There being no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Metts offered a motion for adjournment. It was seconded,by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. ? , ' W. G. Houc}t,. Executive Secretary Wilmington; N.C. September 3, 1962 This being a legal holiday, Labor Day, no meeting was held .toflay, however the next regular semimonthly weeting will be on Tuesday, September 4th, 1962. ' /V W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. September (},1962 ASSEMBLY The regular semimonthly meetino of the IVew Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the office of the Commissioners with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak and Ernest R. Nlayhan, County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. Commissioner; L. E. Broadhurst and John Van B. Netts were out of town and unable to attend the.meeting. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend George Gay, Pastor of the Gregory Congregational Church, to open the meeting with prayer. AIR CONDITIONING BIDS Mr. Henry M. Von Oesen, representing the Consultino Engineers writing the specifications and plans for air conditioning the Recorders CourL Room and the Superior Court Room presented the bids which had been received?prG? advertising as required by law. They were opened and tabulated as follows: Contractor Bid Bond Amount Remarks License Jordan-Blanton Nyers Company 5% $18,440.00 90 days #1372 Wilmington, N. C. t Sneeden, Incorporated Wilmington, N. C. $1,000.00 16,987.00 75 days #480 Goodyear Plumbing Co. 5% 22,166.00 As required #597 After considering ali of the bids, Nll'. Mayhan offered a motion that the low bid of $16,987.00 proposed by Sneeden, Incorporated be accepted and the contract awarded to him. It was ?seconded by Mr. Braak and uizanimously apnroved, including the vote of the Chairman. DITCHIIdG PETITION - Mr. Marvin H. Congleton appeared before the Board and explained that in 1959 he had obtained the signatures of all property owners along Everett's Creek for the pur- pose of permitting the creek to be ditched by the County dragline. At that time, more pressing matters took precedence and the work was not accomplished. In the past 30 days, he had again attempted to get permission from all the property owners along the same creek to permit a right-of-way for a dragline operation but one of the property okmers who had formerly signed the petition now refuses to sign it and allow entrance across his property. , He requests the Board to interpret whether or not if the party now refusing to sign is 9ti11 bound by the agreement he signed in 1959• The County Attorney ruled that the instrument which was signed was a petition and not an easement and that it would be very questionable as to whether or not it could be enforced. After considering the facts, the Board referred the petitions to the County Attorney and asked him to report back to the Board after he had ? time to make a sesrch of the records and investigate the legal aspects of the matter. I TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY I Attorney Aaron,Goldberg came before the Board representing Lillian S. McKoy who, purchased a parcel of jointly owned tax foreciosed property described as being in Block 27, Part of Lot 4, 33' x 165,, 1321 from the NE corner of 11}(th & Meares Sts., fronting on llth Street for the sum of $510.00. He stated that she had employed him to search the continued- I ?'n