1962-09-04 Regular MeetingI? 4 (€. r Minutes of the Meeting REPORTS - August 20, 1962 Continued The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for information. 1-/ U.S.O. Monthly Report for July 1962 2- Wilmington Public and Colored Library Reports for July, 1962 3- County Agentfs Extension Report for July 1962 ' 4- Notice from State Board of Assessment that total amount of in- tangible tax distribution for iiscal year is $286,093•58• ADJOURNNtENT - There being no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Metts offered a motion for adjournment. It was seconded,by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. ? , ' W. G. Houc}t,. Executive Secretary Wilmington; N.C. September 3, 1962 This being a legal holiday, Labor Day, no meeting was held .toflay, however the next regular semimonthly weeting will be on Tuesday, September 4th, 1962. ' /V W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. September (},1962 ASSEMBLY The regular semimonthly meetino of the IVew Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the office of the Commissioners with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak and Ernest R. Nlayhan, County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. Commissioner; L. E. Broadhurst and John Van B. Netts were out of town and unable to attend the.meeting. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend George Gay, Pastor of the Gregory Congregational Church, to open the meeting with prayer. AIR CONDITIONING BIDS Mr. Henry M. Von Oesen, representing the Consultino Engineers writing the specifications and plans for air conditioning the Recorders CourL Room and the Superior Court Room presented the bids which had been received?prG? advertising as required by law. They were opened and tabulated as follows: Contractor Bid Bond Amount Remarks License Jordan-Blanton Nyers Company 5% $18,440.00 90 days #1372 Wilmington, N. C. t Sneeden, Incorporated Wilmington, N. C. $1,000.00 16,987.00 75 days #480 Goodyear Plumbing Co. 5% 22,166.00 As required #597 After considering ali of the bids, Nll'. Mayhan offered a motion that the low bid of $16,987.00 proposed by Sneeden, Incorporated be accepted and the contract awarded to him. It was ?seconded by Mr. Braak and uizanimously apnroved, including the vote of the Chairman. DITCHIIdG PETITION - Mr. Marvin H. Congleton appeared before the Board and explained that in 1959 he had obtained the signatures of all property owners along Everett's Creek for the pur- pose of permitting the creek to be ditched by the County dragline. At that time, more pressing matters took precedence and the work was not accomplished. In the past 30 days, he had again attempted to get permission from all the property owners along the same creek to permit a right-of-way for a dragline operation but one of the property okmers who had formerly signed the petition now refuses to sign it and allow entrance across his property. , He requests the Board to interpret whether or not if the party now refusing to sign is 9ti11 bound by the agreement he signed in 1959• The County Attorney ruled that the instrument which was signed was a petition and not an easement and that it would be very questionable as to whether or not it could be enforced. After considering the facts, the Board referred the petitions to the County Attorney and asked him to report back to the Board after he had ? time to make a sesrch of the records and investigate the legal aspects of the matter. I TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY I Attorney Aaron,Goldberg came before the Board representing Lillian S. McKoy who, purchased a parcel of jointly owned tax foreciosed property described as being in Block 27, Part of Lot 4, 33' x 165,, 1321 from the NE corner of 11}(th & Meares Sts., fronting on llth Street for the sum of $510.00. He stated that she had employed him to search the continued- I ?'n , ? Minutes of the Meeting September 4, 1962 Continued --? - - - -- _ TAX FORECL05ED PROPERTY - (continued) . the title for her and he found that it was not a valid title because service had not been made on the owners and besides that the deed has not been received by his client. He requests the Commissioners to approve the return of her money in-as-much as t7ie transaction has never been completed. The Chairman explained that it was the policy ,of the County to give a°quit ciaim" deed and the purchaser So advised. Mr. Goldberg Ireplied that it would not set a precedent to return this money because the transaction 'had not been consumated. By common consent of the Board, they agreed to look in1:0 the Imatter further. FORECLOSURE PROCEDURES - ? At this point, the Tax ol ec.tor, S?n J. Johnson was asked to appear before the Board and discuss the presen oce e?? s in personam...against the property owner". The County Attorney advised tha another method which might simplify this procedure was knovm as " in rem... against the property itself". While the Supreme Court of North Carolina has never ruled on this matter, the Tax Collector says that the high courts of other states have upheld the latter method and that many counties in North Carolina are now using it. After a brief discussion of the subject, the Board unanimously, by common consent instructed tlie Executive .Secretary to contact John T. Schiller and ask him to appear at the next reaular semimonthly meeting to be held on September 17th and make a comparison of the two systems that are available for use in tax foreclosure proceedings. (Mr. Schiller has promised to be present.) IISCHOOL BONDS - A'.letter was received from Lhe New Hanover County Board of Education advising " that they were currently engaged in acquirino sites and makinc plans for buildina various 'ischools and additional classr.ooms. They request that the Commissioners sell bonds in the amount of $1,0000000 as this amount of money will be required during this fiscal year. County Auditor T. D. Love informed the Board that he had been in touch with Mr. W. E. Easterling Jr., Executive Secretary of the Local Government Commission who recommends that since New Hanover County has quite a number of bonds authorized it wouid be well to sell as many as practical immediately. Mr. Love recommends they authorize the sale of 1$11500,000. After considering this proposal, Mr. Braak offered a motion that $1,400,000 be authorized and sold at the most advantageous time between now and December 31, 1962. !It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved by the Board including the affirma- t'ive vote of the Chairman. ROAD PETITION - A request was ing that it be added to IBraak, seconded by Mr. ISecretary to send it to ? received from.a citizen owning property along College Drive request- ,_? the State maintained Secondary Road System. Upon motion of Mr. Kayhan, the Board unanimously approved it and ordered the Executive the SLaLe Highway Commission for their consideration. PETITIONS FOR RELIEF - , Applications for County Home care were received Wfor Louanna Brown Simms and Geneva Smith Thompkins. unable to care for tPiemselves and have no family upon whom '!motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the petitions authorized to sign for the Board. / from the Director of Public Both of these citizens are to depend for their care. Upon were approved and the Chairman COUNTY HOME BOILER - Mr. Braak reported that he had recommended that'the County Home boiler be con- / verted from a coal fired boiler to an oil fired burner. The principle reasons given for Ilhis recommendation is that it is now necessary to maintain a fuli time night and day yard ,man to keep the furnace going during the winter and invariably.during the coldest weather. the grates will burn out. The cost of converting to oil will approximate the.same cost as installing a coal stoker. It is estimated hourever „that oil would probably cost a little more on an annual basis than the coal. The constant and even heat supplied by an oil furnace should be mbre satisfactory especially in keeping the infirmary--section pro- perly heated. It would eliminate two people who couid work at other jobs. After a discussion of this problem, Nr. Nayhan moved that the coal furnace at the County Home be converted to oil. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved with the Chairman voting "Aye". NEGRO JWENILE QUARTERS HEAT - , Mr: Braak informed the Board that the capacity of the boiler at the County Home was sufficient to supply heat at the Negro Juvenile Quarters and recommended that a steam pipe be connected for this purpose which will eliminate the extra furnac2 now be- ing used to heat the Negro Juvenile Home. He requested the permission of the Board to make'this change and save the use of the fireman and the coal necessary to keep it running in the winter. This svbject was briefly discussed and Mr. Braak moved that it be approved. IIt was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and the Chairman concurred by voLing "Yes" and making it unanimous. BEER PERMITS - / Tlie following application for a Beer Permit was reviewed by the Board and upon Imotion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, unanimously approved and referred to the I,Sheriff's Department for consideration and investigation: ILaney S. Schutt ? T/A Schutt Bros. 817 Bladen St., Wilmington, N. C. TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY - / The Executive Secretary reported that he had a prospective purchaser for the following described jointly owned tax foreclosed lots in Block 27, NW4 of 2, 331 x 165'; 66' from AIW corner llth 8 Wright Street appraised at $525.00; Block 498, NE 4, 31' x 751, 155' from NW cor 14th & Nun fronting on 14th, appraised at $300.00. Upon motion of Nr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the sale was approved, subject to the concurring approval of the City Council. WELFARE LIEN - The Executive Secretary reported that Mrs. Minnie R. Batten, Administratrix. of the estate of Henry C. Stotler or Stolter requested an appraisal of the property left by the deceased on which the Public Welfare Department has a lien of $2,997•20. The ICounty Attorney advised that sometimesthe accrued taxes on the property might amount,to continued - ? i ?i ?? J \ Ninutes of the Meeting September 1962 ( WELFARE LIEN - (continued) more than the ldelfare lien in which event the County should proceed on the basis of collecting the taxes as all of that money wouid go into the County General Fund while if the Welfare lien is collected, the State and Federal government will share in the proceeds on the same ratio that the grants were made which created the lien. After a brief discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that in this particu- lar inetance approvai be given to the sale of the property at the appraised value provided that the taxes would not exceed the lien. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanirnously approved when the Chairman voted in favor of it. He instructed the Execu- tive Secretary to have the taxes checked and compared with the lien and handled in whichever resulted in the most money for the County. (GRAND JURY REPORT - , The Chairman read the report of the Grand Jury submitted to his Honor, Walter J. Bone, Judge Presiding over Superior Court. There were no pressing recommenda- tions and therefore it was ordered filed for information. IWATER RESOURCES SURVEY - The Chairman read a letter from the State Department of Water Resources outlining two methods of the County sharing in the cost of cooperating with the Federal government and the State on making a geolooical svrvey of Ground-YJater Resources in New Hanover County. Either they could be paid in 16 installments of $2,000 each on a quarterly basis begin??r?q?a?la,?uary 1, 1963 or in installments of $4,000 each payable on a semiannual basis beginnirTghl, 1963 (eight payments of $4,000 each beoinninc - January 1, 1963 and the final payment due July 1, 1966), for a total of $32,000 as the County's share. After a brief discussion, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that we accept the 16 payments of $2,000 each on a quarterly basis. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and passed unanimously with the affirmative vote of the Chairman. The Executi,ve Secre- tary was instructed to notify the State Department of tatater Resources. ? Meetino - The Chairman also informed the Board that the State Department of lnlater Resources would hold annual meeting at Carolina Beach on September 21, 1962 and invited the Board to meet with them. IANNUAt AUDIT - TAX OFFICE The Board was reminded that it was time to make a decision on the annual audit for the Consolidated 1'ax Collector's Office. For the past few years J. B. McCabe 8 Company has made a satisfactory audit and is familiar with the procedures of that office. Upon motion of iMr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the J. B. McCabe 8 Company was again employed as auditors for the Consolidated Tax Collector's Office and the Chairman was authorized to sign a contract subject to the approval of the County Attor- ney. ' `ASSISTANT SOLICITOR - A letter was received from County Solicitor John M. Walker confirming his acceptance of the resignation of John T. Schiller as Assistant County Solicitor. He requests approval for employing attorneys from time to time to act as Assistant Solicitor in emer.gencies and authority to compensate them from the funds budoeted for the Assist- ant Solicitor. After discussing this matter, the Board unanimoUSly agreed on the prin- ciple of this idea but for budgetary reasons would like to have more specific informa- tion with reference to the compensation which he anticipates will be necessary to pay on this temporary basis. 1 MERIT SYSTEM MODIFICATION - The Chairman read a letter to the Board from the Commissioner of Public Welfare advising that they were recommending the modification of two grades below the standard for professional and clerical employees of the Welfare Department effective July 1962. He also read a letter from the Director of the State Board of Health re- questing more specific details on several questions with reference to the downward modification of the pay plan for the local Health Department. The Chairman was author- ized to answer it however he saw fit. HONfE DIRECTORS LIABILITY The Chairman read a letter from the County Attorney in answer to a previous request for a ruling concerning the lia.bility for members of the County Home Board of Directors in event tort action was ever brouoht against them. He advised that in his opinion the immunity which appiies to the County would not extend to the individual members oF the Board of Directors and suggested that some type of liability insurance be procvred or that the Board pass a Resolution aoreeing to indemnify or hold harmless members of the Board of Directors in event of loss or damaae resultina from a suit against any of them. In the same letter, he expressed his opinion that if Mr. N. L. Foy accepted a place on the Board of Directors of the County Home to replace Mr. W. F. Snyder resioned, it would constitute double office holding in view of him presently serving as a member of the Zoning Board of Adjustments for the City of Wilmington. The Chairman instructed the Executive Secretary to call Mr. Foy and advise him of Lhis decision before he accepted an appointment to the Board. (This has been done ) INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT - The Chairman informed the Board that he had received a letter from the Chair- man of the Board of Commissioners of Johnston County advising him ttiat Dr. A"Lbert Coates would retire from his duties as Director of the Institute of Government on September 1, 1962. Since he has rendered a great service to the public officials and made a con- tribution to better government he feels that she should be recognized for tlie services which he has rendered. He requested the Board to authorize a fitting Resolution com- mendino Dr. Coates to be sent to the Chairman o£ the Board of Johnston County Commiss- ioners as Dr. Coates was a native of Johnston County. Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the County Attorney be authorized to draft a Resolution honoring Dr. Coates for his unselfish service and then sent to the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Johnston County. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. I AWARD - Mr. D. D. Baggett, County Farm Agent, thanked the Board for their assistance in helping him make the trip to Los Cruces, New Mexico to attend the annual meeting of the National Association of County Farm Agents where he received a merit award for outstanding service. He was one of five from North Carolina and one out of one hundred continued- Cotttinued i , ?@ f? , P. ?' ? MINUTES OF THE NfEetinp September 4, 1962 _(Continued) ? -- - _ AWARD - (Continued) for the entire United .5tates to receive such recognition. ? ? BOOKKEEPING NiACHINE BRLAKDOWN - County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. reported to the Board that his office had suffered a major breakdown in the machine which is used for recording the tax informa- tion on the abstracts. Since the Commissioners have allowed him a Capital,0utlay Fund in his Budget it will not be necessary for an additional appropriation but he is securing bids and specifications to replace the equipment. He assured the Commiss- ioners that he would have ail the tax information ready for them by October lst. REPORTS - Reports reviewed by the Board and ordered filed were: / 1- Wilmington Public Library / 2- Annuai Report from the North Carolina Department of Agriculture on the Distribution of Government Surplus Food. 3- A reminder from the Institute of Government of the 3 day Conference on ? Urban Planning for Environmental Heaith at Chapel Hill; on September 12th- 14th, 1962 PETIT JURY - The foilowing good and lawful persons were selected to serve as jurors in Superior Covrt for the weeks beginning October Sth - Civil term; October 15th - Civil term; and October 29th - Criminal term: Jurors for the week beqinninc October 8,1962 - Civii term C. L. Shaw H. T. King A. W. Smith C. E. Slade L. E. Insco James R. Wiggs Daniel L. Wells L. P. French A. B. Smif.h M. B. Jordan N. T. Wooten O. A. Wallace R. W. Smith Sr. W. R. Glenn Sr. James F. Lane Jerry T. Rhew Jr. R. P. Smith Charlie O. Smith Olan D. Sellers Aubrey V. Smith Sr. I'Lugh E. Childers J. E. Stewart Henry A. Jordan W. A. Settlemeyer Edwi.n Brooks Smith 108 Bryan Ave. 2310 Dexter St. 4916 Oleander Dr. 26 Silver Lake Rd. 3815 S. Front St. 109 East N. C. Ave. Walter S. Smith C. L. Watson Daniel Skinner Sr. W. S. Godfrey l Ernest E. Jones Stephen W. Moore P'CastQe H?vne. N.C. Harold H. Smeds 921 Nun St. Leonard S. Sheiron 3 1 Lake Forest Pkwy. Thad 0. Walker Jr. 307 N. Kerr Ave. Edwar d Dixon McGowan 2513 Burnett Bivd. J. T. Skinner Jr. 420 Waynick Blvd. John J. Weeks 406 N. 45th St. C. N. Harrington 4108 Franklin Ave. C. I. Cavenaugh 165 Lake Forest 5t: Henry Joseph Thibeault 303 Frances Marion Dr. Meeks Horrell 5023 Pine St. M. H. Powell 5302 Greenleaf Dr. laJilli am S. Watson 1303z S. 3rd St. Gary Eugene Widenhouse 107 S. 41st St. J. !Je ndell Liaon 213 Forest Road John George Hauser 215 Willanda Dr. James Howard !aebb 6350 Oleander Dr. John Clifton Skipper Sr. P'WrigUsv?i?le Beach Rober t Andrew Meadows 5320 Wrightsv. Ave. J. H. Register / 4614 Mockingbird Dr. 510 s. 4cn st. 11 H. Lake Village 207 S. 46th St. 3922 Carolina Beach Rd. RFDCa§tI°eXHayr?e, N. C. 139 Wintergreen Rd. 2417 Chestnut St. 915 Live Oak Pkwy. 4501 Oleander Dr. 3723 Stratford Bld. II 2002 Metts Ave., i P. o. aox 30 2414 Oleander Dr. ? 107 S. 4th St. ; 112 Horne Place Dr. 2872 Adams St. G 1 Oleander Apts. i G 12 Oleander Ct. Apts. 121 Stonewall JaD?son RFD 3, Box 280 108 Church St. ? 330 Green h9eadows;Dr. 114 Hawthorne Dr. 802 Central Blvd, ? Jurors for the week beqinninq October 15, 1962 - Civil term i i R. F. Lee ' E. C. Bowles , John 0. Dunn ' J. L. Sandy R. B. McCartney ? Clarence L. King I Mercer P. Sykes J. S. Adams ? Milton D. Jernigan Justin Raphael I W. E. Privett Lennox C. Smith James A. Hicks ' E. A. Rackley L. H. Rouse Sr. ' A. N. Jones J. H.,Benson Joseph`=T. Nerritt S. T. Gresham Jr. , John H. Debnam Shafford Britt 0. H. Hughes I John F. Rogers ' Charlie A. Bedsole ? Richard P. Reagan 2524 S. Front St. Henry B. Rehder 2243 Oleander Drive 106 Parkway Blvd. A. W. Stafford % Re igel Paper 60•. 1107 Country Club Rd. H. B. Somersett 110 S. 52nd St. 2309 Adams St. R. L. Daughtry 3008 Jefferson St. 4022 Wilshire Blvd. Hubert M. Daniels 15 J E B Stuart Dr. 108 N. 42nd St. Henry E. Register 2837 S. Front St': 2529 Burnett Blvd. James M. Simmons 202 Brightwood Rd. Box 203 Carolina Beach John W . Howard RFD 1, Box 301 40$1 Hermitage Robert W. Isley Jr. 155 Wintergreen 111 Stradleigh Rd. Alva E . Penney 301 Northern Blvd. 2922 Jefferson St. Harold B. Chadwick 211 Nidland Dr. 4018 Wilshire Blvd. Gordon T. Carter RFD 2, Box 169 A 2230 Dexter St. Robert A. Russell 109 Church St. 204 N. Kerr Ave. Willia m A. Robbins 1514 Moore Pla2a 2421 Chestnut St. James Leroy Fennell 24 W riohtsville Ave. Box 348 David E;arl Kelly 113 Hawthorne Dr. 210 Two Chopt Rd. Leland Oscar Rackley 5908 Wrightsville Ave. 209 Castle St. Harry B. McLawhorn 210 Woodland Dr. P. 0. Box 55 Charle s Richard Millis 4519 Market St. 1023 Country Club Rd. Harry Linwood Sanders RFD 1, Box 417 312 Rutledge Drive Harry Eugene Walker 102 S. 4th St. 2 B Lake Village Charle s Luther Spencer Jr.220 Pinecrest Pkwy. 4411 Greenfieid St. Freder ick Harris Scherr 419 Dock St. 4006 Peachtree St. Raymon d lient Nfusselman 24 W est Drive 118 UJayne Dr. Leslie Randolph Ray 2931 Rdams St. Continued - ?i ` ?I? L Psinutes of the Meeting JURORS - (continued) September t}, 1962 Jurors for the week beqinning October 29th, 1962 - Criminal term W. T. Efird 709 Central Blvd. J. C. King 207 S. 47th St. Z. R. lfells 519 S. 4th St. M. C. Skipper 107 Colonial Cir. J. W. Wagner RFD 3, Box 160 Durwood Smith 401 Dock St. B. T. Hatch 120 Coloniai Drive A. A. Bleke 616 Forest Hills Dr. J. A. Rackley 19 Wrightsville Ave. R. R. Savage 220 2 Klein Rd. W. C. Loflin RFD 2, Box 223 B. Harry F. Snow Jr. 108 Chadwick Acres James L. Powers Box 753, City Robert S. Powell 202 S. 5th St. Boyce F. Maree 1E16 Pine Hills John D. Campbell 230.7 Dexter St. Cecil Becraft 1!+ Greenviile Ave. K. J. Powers 2404 Market St. L. R. Carter 15 Morningside Dr. David Benton 5509 Wrightsv. Ave. Claude B. Jones 720 Colwell Ave. John W. Vann 5 K Lake Viilage Herman L. Fowler 3813 Carolina Bea?d R. S. Hyman 205 Pinecrest Pkwy. W. T. Niars Jr. 452 Castle Hayne Rd. Jesse Lee Hing Billy O. Illian Roy Hinson J. E. Roderick R. C. Baldwin Robert A. Barrow D. H. 'nfatson Ray Reaves W. R. Mintz S. R. Bordeaux Z. C. Bissette Benj. L. Futreil George D. Rabon Jr. Buck Smith Alexander M. Sholar Sr Clarence Sharpe Leslie E. Shipman Newton Gillette xenneth E. Martin Clarence A. Davis Hubert Boyd Gore Elwood Ailen Norris Arnold Edward Cobb C. W. Mishoe William Carl Hatcher 309 Willard St. 433 Larchmond Dr. . 173 Lake Forest 3902 Winston Blvd. 4209 Park Ave. 216 Oakcrest Dr. 512 Sunset Flve. 28 Lee Drive 2114 Cedar Sjtf. RFeastleo#ayr??, N.C. 207 N. Wallace St. ?la?oLa?CelV6il?fa9e.C. 108 Bordeaux Ave. 15 P Lake Viliage 15 M. Lake Village 2110 Cedar St. 116 A Hinton Ave. 2215 Brandon Rd. 2901,_:Jeffe'rsoci St. 608 Greenfield St. 2508 Wrightsvilie Ave. 43 Lake Forest Pkiqy. Castie Hayne N. C. 226 Pkwy. RDJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting. W. G? Xovc'Gr,*? Executive Secretary Minutes of the Meeting September 4, 1962 ConLinued AIrJARD - (contin I ued) I for th e entire United .Stat es to receive such recogn ition. . BOOKKEEPING NiACHI NE BREAKDOWN - County Auditor T. D. Love Jr. reported to the Board that his office had suffered a major breakdown in the mac hine which is'used for re cording the tax informa- ion on'the abstra cts. Since the Com missioners have allowed h im a Capital Outlay Fund in his Budge t it wiil not be nec essary for an additional appropriation but he is securing bids and specifications to r eplace the equipment. H e assiared the Commiss- ioners that he wo uld have ail the'tax information ready for th em by October lst. I'REPORTS - t I Report s reviewed 'py the Bo ard and ordered filed wer e: 1- Wi lmington Publ'ic'Library 2- An nual Report from the . Nor'`?.h Carblina Departmen t of Agriculture on t he Distribution of Goveroment Surplus Food. 3- A reminder from the In stitute of Government of the 3rd day Conference • o n Urban'Planning for Env<ironmental Health at Chapel Hill on Septem- b er 12- 14th, 1962. ? PETIT JURY - The fo liowing.good and law ful persons were selected to serve as jurors in Superior Court fo r the tiaeeks beginning October 8Lh•-- Civil ter m; October 15th- Civi term; and October 29th - Criminal term: I Jurors for the week beginning October 8th,1962 - Civil , C. L. Shaw 108 8ryan Ave. 1•lalter S. Smith 4614 Mockingbird Dr. H. T. King 2310 Dexter St. C. L. Watson 510 S. !}th St. 'I A. W. Smith 4916 Oleander Dr. Daniel 3kinner Sr. 11 H. Lake Village C. E. Slade I 26 Silver Lake Kd. W. S. Godfrey 207 S. 46th St. L. E. Insco 3815 S. Front St. Ernest E. Jones 3922 Carolina Beach Rd. James R. Wiggs 109 North Cacolina Aue.Stephen W. Moore RFD 1, Box 124,Castle Hayne Daniel L. UJells ? P.8a ?px ?72 N C Harold H. Smeds 139 Wintergreen Rd. L. P. French s e ayne, . 1921 Nun St. . Leonard S. Sheiron 2417 Chestnut St. I A. B. Smith 31 Lake Forest Pkwy . Thad O. Walker .Ir. 915 Live Oak Pkwy. l M. B. Jordan 307 N. Kerr Ave. Edt,rard Dixon McGowen 4501 Oleander Dr. N M. T. Wooten 2513 Burnett Blvd. J. T. Skinner Jr. 3723 Stratford Blvd. O. A. Wallace 420 ulaynick Blvd. John J. 'rieeks 2002 Metts Ave R. W. Smjth Sr. 406 N. 45h St. C. M. Harrington P. 0. Box 30 W. H. Glenn Sr. 4108 Franklin Ave. C. I. Cavenaugh 2414 Oleander Dr. James F. Lane 165 Lake Forest Henry Joseph Thibeault 107 S. 4th St. Jerry T. Rhew ,Ir. .303 Frances Marion Dr.Meeks Horrell 112 }[orne Piace Dr. R. P. Smith 5023 Pine St. M. H. Powell 2872 Adams St. Charlie O. Smith 5302 Greenleaf Dr. Gary Evgene Widenhouse G-12 Oleander Ct. Apts. Aubrey V. Smith Sr.107 S. l}lst St. J. 'Wendeli Ligon 121 Stonewall Jackson Dr. Hugh E. Childers 213 Forest Road John George Hauser RFD 3, Box 280 J. E Stewart 215 Willanda Dr. James Howard Mfebb 108 Church St. Henry A. Jordan 6350 Oleander Dr. John Clifton Skipper Sr.330 Green Meadows Dr. W. A. Settlemeyer P.O. Box 186 Robert Andrew Meadows lll} Hawthorne D.r. Edwin Brooks Smith 5320 Wrightsville Ave. J1:H'..Register_ 802 Central Blvd. Olan D. Sellers 130312- S. 3rd St. William S. Watson G I Oleander Ct. Apts. Jurors for the ixeek beainning October 15,1962 - Civil ? R. F. Lee 2524 S. Front St. Henry B. Rehder 22(}3 Olender Dr. E. C. Bowles 106 Parkway Blvd. A. W., Stafford q_Reigel Paper Co. , John 0. Dunn 1107 Country Ciub Rd. H. B. Somersett 110 S. 52nd St. J. L. Sandy 2309 Adams St. R. L. Daughtry 3008 Jefferson St. R. B. McCartney 2022 Wilshire Blvd. Hubert M. Daniels • 15 J E B Stuart Dr. Clarence L. King 108 N. 42nd St. Henry E. Register 2837 S. Front St. Mercer P. Sykes 2529 Burnett Blvd. James M. Simmons 202 Brightwood Rd. J. S. Adams Box 203 Carolina BeachJohn W. Howard RFD 1, Box 301 Milton D. Jernigan 4031 Hermitage Rd. Robert W. Isley Jr. 155 Wintergreen Justin Raphael 111 Stradleigh Rd. Alva E. Penney 301 Northern Blvd. W. E. Privett 2922 Jefferson St. Harold B. Chadwick 211 Midland Dr. Leriox C.,Smith 4018 Wilshire Blvd. Gordon T. Carter RFD 2, Sox 169 A James A. Hicks 2230 Dexter St. Robert A. Russell 109 Church St. E. A. Rackley 204 N. Kerr Ave. William A. Robbins 1514 Moore Plaza L. H. Rouse Sr. 2421 Chestnut St. James Leroy Fennell 24 Wriohtsville Ave. A. H. Jones Box 348 David Earl }(elly 113 Hawthorne Dr. J. H. Benson 210 Two Cnopt Rd. Leland Oscar Rackley 5908 Wrightsvilie Ave. Joseph T. Merritt 209 Castle St. Harry B. McLawhorn 210 Woodland Dr. I S. T. Gresham Jr. P. O. Box 55 Charles Richard Miliis 4519 1"farket St. John H. Debnam 1023 Country Club Rd. Harry Limaood Sanders RFD 1, Box 417 II Shafford Britt 312 Rutledge Dr. Harry Eugene Walker 102 S. !}th St. O. H. Huohes 2 B. Lake Village Charles Luther Spencer Jr. 220 Pinecrest P}cwy. , I J6hn F. Rooers 4411 Greenfield St. Frederick Harris Scherr 419 Dock St. Charlie A. Bedsole 4006 Peachtree St. Raymond Hent Musselman 24 West Drive Richard P. Reagan 118 Wayne Dr. Le"slie Randolph Ray 2931 Adams St. Jurors for the wee k beoinning October 29, 1962 - Criminal I W. T. Efird 709 Central Blvd. Jesse Lee King 309 Willard St. J. C. King 207 S. 47th St. Billy O. Killian 433 Larchmont Dr. Z. R. Wells 519 s. 4th St. Roy Hinson 173 Lake Forest M. C. Skipper 107 Colonial Cir. J. E. Roderick 3902 Winston Blvd. J. W. Wagner RFD 3, Box 160 R. C. Baldwin 4209 Park Ave. Durwood Smith 401 Dock St. Robert A. Barrow 216 Oakcrest Dr. , B. T. Hatch 120 Coloniai Dr. D. H. Watson 512 Sunset Ave. A. A. Blake 616 Forest Hills Dr. Ray Reaves 28 Lee Drive J. A. Rackley 19 UJrightsville Ave. W. R. Mintz 2114 Cedar St. H. R. Savage 2202 Klein Rd. S. R. Bordeaux RFD 1 Box 249 Castle Hayne I continued- ?? ??? P'1 r e-? ?° y-• Minutes of the Neeting JURORS - (Continued) Septe"mber. 4, 1962 Jurors for the week - October 29th,1962 (Continued) RFD 2, Box 223 B. 108 Chadwick Acres aox 753 202 S. 5th St. 416 Pine Hills 2307 Dexter St. 14 GreenvilPe Ave. 2404 Market St. 15 Morningside Dr. '-509 Wrightsville Ave. 720 Colwell Ave. 5 K Lake Village 3813 Carolina Beach Rd 452 Castle Hayne Rd. 205 Pinecrest Pkwy. Z.•C, Bissette 207 North?Walls3ce St. Ben;j: L. Futrelle % Gen., DeliveEXfolina George D., Rabon Jr. 11 Y Lake Vil. Buck.Sm•ith 108-Bordeaux Ave. Alexander •M: SholarSf.:15 P..Lake Village Clarence Sfiarpe 15'M: L.ake- Vi.l,laoe Leslie E. Shipman 21'10 Gedar 5treet Newton Gillette 116'A_Hinton Ave. }{enneth'E. Martin 2215 Brandon,Rd. Clarence: A•. Davis 2901 Jefferson St. Hvbert Boyd Gore 608-Greenfield St. . Eiwood Alien Norris 2508 Wrights'vil-le Ave. A"rno3d Edward Cobb 43' 'Lake Fore'St Pkwy. Wil,liam Car.l Hatcher 226 Pkwy: Blud, C.W. Mishoe Castle Hayne, N. C. W. C. Loflin Harry F. Snow Jr. James L. Powers Robert S. Powell Boyce F. Maree John D. Campbell Cecil Becraft K. J. Powers L. R. Carter David Benton Claude B. Jones .iohn W. Vann Herman L. Fowler W. T. Miars Jr. R. S. Hyman ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unaniroously voted to adjourn the meeLing. B ach . ?Sf"1f-?O?f ke!?A?A _ ?ta? >W GSecr?ry ?- Wiimington, N.C. September 17,1962 I ? , d ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commission- ers was held on-.this date at 9:00 A. M. in the office of the Commissioners with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. Commissioners L. B. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., and County Auditor T. D. Love, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery who was on vacation and out of the City. INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend Hunley A. Elebash, Pastor of St. John's Episcopal Church, to open the meeting with prayer. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the pre- rvious meeting were unanimously approved as written. ? RESOLUTION - Pursuant to instructions given the County Attorney at the last meeting e Resolution was signed by the Commissioners commending Dr. Albert Coates for his un- selfish service and contribution of better County Government througn hiS programs at the Institute of Government. The ExecuLive Secretary was instructed to send it to the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Johnston County for presentation to Dr. Coates at the proper time. `AiR CONDITIONING - ` The Executive Secretary presented the contract agreements in connectinn'with :r of the Court Rooms by Sneeden, Incorporated as awarded at the last meeting. He reported that Henry Uon Oesen & Associates desired to know if the Board wished them to make in- spections of the installation to see that it met the pians and specifications outlined in the contract. After some discussion of the subject, Mr. Braak offered a motion that if the inspection fee would not exceed 2% of the contract, Henry von Oesen 8 Associates be authori2ed to make periodic inspection of the installation of the air conditioning in the Court rooms to see that they met those in the agreement. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and when the ballots were cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted "No", however, the Chairman declared the motion passed when a majority of the Board voted "Yes". CLERK SUPERIOR COURT the air conditioning - Mr. H."Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court reported that he had made an inspection of 175 warrants awaiting final judgement in the office of Recorders, Court Clel and his?analysis indicated that no money was involved or due the County unless the de- fendents were apprenended and tried or fines or costs ordered by the Court. It is his intention to check the dockets on all Lhese warrants to determine if they have been paid and i£ not will issue any capias and set up a quick reference file for this special group of warrants. He recommended that out of town defendents be required to post a $25.00 cash bond to guarantee their Court appearance and further that the Court be asked to render final judgement on all cases when possible such as Nol Pros With Leave. ? Transfer - Mr. Edwards advised that throuah an oversight no funds were 'in- cluded in his Budget for maintenance and repairs to oifice equipment and stated that he had a$17.50 charge on one of his typewriters and would like to have sufficient funds appropriated to cover it. After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that $50.00 be appropriated out of Unanticipated Revenue to Clerk of Superior Court-Mainten- ance & Repairs. It was seconded by ivr. Mayhan and unanimously carried. 1DRIVER LICENSE REPORTS - The Clerk of Superior Court reported that the backlog of Driver License violations which had built up in the Recorders Court Cierkts office were now in a current condition and in the future they wouid attempt to see that no delay was exper- ienced in forwardino them to the State. k