1962-09-21 Special Meeting Minutes of the Meeting September 17, 1962 ` - - - ? COUNTY HONE EMPLOYEES - Mr, Braak reported that Nr, and Mrs. Tom Gray were now occupying quarters over the apartment set aside for the Matron and her family and that because of the hours of Mr. Gray, who is night watchman, it disturbs the rest of the Matron and sug- gested that they be asked to move. In the discussion tiahich followed, it was revealed that at the time Nir. Gray was employed as night watchman he was told that he would be given quarters in addition to the small salary which he is paid. It was the consensus ofi opinion of the Board that they could be moved to other quarters at the County Home where it would not disturb the rest of the Matron and her family. kRQAD PETITION A petition was received from the citizens living on Parkway Drive requesting that it be added to the State Maintained Secondary Road System. Mr. Broadhurst offered , a motion that the request be approved and sent to the State Highway Commission for their eonsideration. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for further information: \1- County Agricultural Agent's Extension Report for August, 1962. 12- Letter from Merit System Council approving requested modification of the pay plan as it applies to the New Hanover County Udelfare Department. k3- Notice of State Highway Commission of receipt of petition relative to Parkway Drive, ?4- Letter from the Department of Water Resources, and notice of their meet- ing at Carolina Beach. `5- Notice from the U. S. Engineers relative to the installation of an over- head power cable across the Cape Fear River between Wilmington and Navassa. i? Wilmington Public Library Report for August 1962 ? 7- County Home Economics Agent's Monthly Report for August 1962 ? 8- U. S. 0. Club Report for August 1962. 9- Notice from Institute of Government in regard to school of instruction for tax officials - from October 15th - October 19th. , ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, voted to adjourn their meeting. seconded by Mr. Metts,, the Board unanimously Executive Secretary SPECI%tL JOINT SESSION City Council Chambers Wilminqton, .N. C. September 21,1962 9:00 A.M. A joint meeting of ihe City Council and the County Commissioners was held , in the Council Room on the above date at 9:00 a, m. with the following present: from the County, Commissioners Braak, N'?ayhan and Metts. From the City Council were: Mayor Aiisbrook, presiding; Councilwoman IIlock, Councilmen Lane and Wade. Also pre- I sent were City Manager Brandon, City Attorney Yow and County Attorney Tillery. The meeting was opened with prayer by Councilman Wade. ? Mayor Alisbrook explained that the purpose of the meeting was to jointly i determine the position to be taken and action on behalf of the City and County in re- gard to Aiational Airlines' petition for permanent withdrawal of service to 1Jilmington, and called upon Nir. A. Downing, Director of the City's Bureau of Rates, Industry and Commerce to outline the pertinent facts in the case. Mr. Downing stated that National Airlines has made application to the Civil Aeronautics Board for amendment of its certificate deleting therefrom Fayeteville, New Bern and Wilmington. This action is aimed at making permanent the temporary dis- continuance of service on June 25, 1962 at these points. He was of the opinion that the Board misused its powers in granting temporary suspension without'a hearing, but advised that a request for permanent suspension must be the subject of a hearing, under the law, and that hearing date has not been set. He pointed out that the City and County jointly empioyed a special attorney to handle the final phases of the Piedmont case, however, the service which National has discontinued is wider in scope than that which Piedmont is allowed to give. Wilmington does not have single plane service be- tween northern cities such as Washington, Philadelphia, New York and Boston nor south- wardly to points in South Carolina, Georgia and Fiorida. Mr. Downing believed that . the City and.County should oppose the application for permanent suspension of service, and,if agreeable to the joint bodies, the Bureau of Rates, Ind, & Comm.will make an attempt to handle the opposition and that it would be unwise to employ special counsel now. He advised that there would be some small items of expense over and above those covered iri his regular budget, for mimeographing, suppiies, postage etc. Mr. Richard Burnett was recognized and told ttiose present he was certain if industry in the area were officialiy contacted and requested to protest in this matter, all would do so. It was pointed out that letters of protest were not suffi- cient; in a hearing of,this type, witnesses were necessary to testify as to inconven- ience of service. After further discussion and suogestions relative to securing other airline service into Wilmington, and joining hands with the two affected cities of New Bern a.nd Fayetteville for a stronaer voice of protest, C6uncilman Wade moved that this joint session go on record as favoring continuance of its efforts to save the service , I \ rk 5 3 11 Minutes of the Joint Session September 21, 1962 Continued 1 - - - -- _ _- _ - - National Airlines - Continued of National Airlines and the Mayor call a special meeting for Monday, 11:00 A. N. and all interested citizens be invited to be at that meetina for the purpose of knowing what they will have to do to make this possible. Mr. Downing stated he would be out of the City on business Monday and much of the remainder of the week, and Councilman Wade amended ]iis motion with respect to the suoaested meeting as subject to call by the Uiayor. Councilman Wade's motion did not receive a second. In answer to inquiry, Mr. Doi•mino advised that the CAB could., on request, hold its hearing in Wilmington, Fayettevilie or New Bern, and the Bureau of Rates, Ind, and Comm., would make every effort to have said hearing conducted in Wilmington. Commissioner Metts was of the opinion that contacting industry in this mat- ter is something the attorneys should do to obtain the type of information that legal ' minds would know they cari use, and moved that the City and County fight this case to the limit, using the legal advise of the County and City Attorneys and Mr. Downingls department. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lane. The City Manager inquired if it could be assumed that the County will share in the expense. The advisability of setting a limit on expenditures was also sugoest- ed. Commissioner Metts observed that if the application is fouaht on a joint basis, it could only be jointly financed, and there is no reason to believe these three aentle- men., the attorneys and Mr. Doiqning, will spend unlimited funds without first consult- ing the joint bodies. He further clarified his motion as meaning to the limit as ad- vised by the above named. Commissioner Metts' motion was voted upon and unanimously adopted. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Wilmington, N.C. October 1, 1 ? 1962 C0IVVOCATICN - ' The regular semimonthly meetina of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the office of the Commissioners with the follow- ing present: Chairman J. M. Hall; Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attor- ney L. Bradford Tillery. INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend Hunley A. Elebash, Pastor of 5t. John's Episcopal Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE NINUTES - The minutes of the regular meeting held on September 17, 1962; copies of which having been previously mailed to each Commissioner were upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, unanimously approved. The minutes of the Special Joint Meeting, held on September 21, 1962 with the City Council of the City of Wilminoton, copies of which have been sent to each Commissioner, were upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Braak unanimously approved as written. TAX SETTLEMENT - ? Mr. Sam W. Johnson, City-County Tax Collector, presented the settlement of 1961 taxes showino 95•2% collection on the year's levy.. The net total charoed to him was $2,090;454•72 and he had coliected a total of $2,090,60?.00 which leaves a total overage of $147.28'. It was the consensus of the Board that the percentaoe of collect- ion by the Tax Collector is an excellent performance and upon motion'of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, the report was accepted by the Board and approved unanimously. InISOLVENT TAXES - / , In a general discussion of the large number of names listed on the Insolvent Personal property report, aithough the individual amounts were rather small it was decided ? that a concerted effort should be made to collect ali of the taxes oi,ring on a personal I property so far as is legaliy possible. By common consent, the Board authorized the Chair- and the Connty Attorney to corzfer with the City officiais in an effort to solve this pro- ? blem and bring back a recommendation for a method or system of making tne collections. TAx BooKS 1962-63 Covnty-Auditor T. D. Love presented the Tax Books as prepared for the 1962 ? taxes with the exception of the corporate excess taxes which he reported would not be available until sometime in November according to reports from the State. The total I valuation amounted to $160,470,854.00 and the tax levy amounted to $2;283,509.43• The ?I Tax Supervisor reported that he estimated a valuation for next year of 163,000,000.00. By common consent, the boolcs were accepted and the Chairman and Clerk authorized to ' sian and deliver them to the Tax Collector. BIDS FOR OFFICE MACHINES - Complying with our advertisement in the Wilmington Morning Star of September 20th inviting manufacturers to bid on office machines, the fo]lowing bids were received for supplying office machines for use in the Tax Supervisorts office: continued- .