1962-10-01 Regular Meeting\ rk 5 3 11 Minutes of the Joint Session September 21, 1962 Continued 1 - - - -- _ _- _ - - National Airlines - Continued of National Airlines and the Mayor call a special meeting for Monday, 11:00 A. N. and all interested citizens be invited to be at that meetina for the purpose of knowing what they will have to do to make this possible. Mr. Downing stated he would be out of the City on business Monday and much of the remainder of the week, and Councilman Wade amended ]iis motion with respect to the suoaested meeting as subject to call by the Uiayor. Councilman Wade's motion did not receive a second. In answer to inquiry, Mr. Doi•mino advised that the CAB could., on request, hold its hearing in Wilmington, Fayettevilie or New Bern, and the Bureau of Rates, Ind, and Comm., would make every effort to have said hearing conducted in Wilmington. Commissioner Metts was of the opinion that contacting industry in this mat- ter is something the attorneys should do to obtain the type of information that legal ' minds would know they cari use, and moved that the City and County fight this case to the limit, using the legal advise of the County and City Attorneys and Mr. Downingls department. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lane. The City Manager inquired if it could be assumed that the County will share in the expense. The advisability of setting a limit on expenditures was also sugoest- ed. Commissioner Metts observed that if the application is fouaht on a joint basis, it could only be jointly financed, and there is no reason to believe these three aentle- men., the attorneys and Mr. Doiqning, will spend unlimited funds without first consult- ing the joint bodies. He further clarified his motion as meaning to the limit as ad- vised by the above named. Commissioner Metts' motion was voted upon and unanimously adopted. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Wilmington, N.C. October 1, 1 ? 1962 C0IVVOCATICN - ' The regular semimonthly meetina of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the office of the Commissioners with the follow- ing present: Chairman J. M. Hall; Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attor- ney L. Bradford Tillery. INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend Hunley A. Elebash, Pastor of 5t. John's Episcopal Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE NINUTES - The minutes of the regular meeting held on September 17, 1962; copies of which having been previously mailed to each Commissioner were upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, unanimously approved. The minutes of the Special Joint Meeting, held on September 21, 1962 with the City Council of the City of Wilminoton, copies of which have been sent to each Commissioner, were upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Braak unanimously approved as written. TAX SETTLEMENT - ? Mr. Sam W. Johnson, City-County Tax Collector, presented the settlement of 1961 taxes showino 95•2% collection on the year's levy.. The net total charoed to him was $2,090;454•72 and he had coliected a total of $2,090,60?.00 which leaves a total overage of $147.28'. It was the consensus of the Board that the percentaoe of collect- ion by the Tax Collector is an excellent performance and upon motion'of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, the report was accepted by the Board and approved unanimously. InISOLVENT TAXES - / , In a general discussion of the large number of names listed on the Insolvent Personal property report, aithough the individual amounts were rather small it was decided ? that a concerted effort should be made to collect ali of the taxes oi,ring on a personal I property so far as is legaliy possible. By common consent, the Board authorized the Chair- and the Connty Attorney to corzfer with the City officiais in an effort to solve this pro- ? blem and bring back a recommendation for a method or system of making tne collections. TAx BooKS 1962-63 Covnty-Auditor T. D. Love presented the Tax Books as prepared for the 1962 ? taxes with the exception of the corporate excess taxes which he reported would not be available until sometime in November according to reports from the State. The total I valuation amounted to $160,470,854.00 and the tax levy amounted to $2;283,509.43• The ?I Tax Supervisor reported that he estimated a valuation for next year of 163,000,000.00. By common consent, the boolcs were accepted and the Chairman and Clerk authorized to ' sian and deliver them to the Tax Collector. BIDS FOR OFFICE MACHINES - Complying with our advertisement in the Wilmington Morning Star of September 20th inviting manufacturers to bid on office machines, the fo]lowing bids were received for supplying office machines for use in the Tax Supervisorts office: continued- . y,er Minutes of the Meetinc BIDS FOR OFFICE MACHINES October 1, 1962 Continued - (Continued) 1 19 total Burrouahs Electric Typino Accounting Nachine Style Fi 506 $5,535•00 Less 8% govedi"scounl - 602.80 Plus N.C. Sales Tax 3% 207.97 Total $7, 140.28 1 NCR Class 33-1488-10 (22) 26" SP 10.16 National Cash Register Company Accounting Machine $8,579.16 P1uSa?esNTax 257•37 Less Trade-In 1,226.25 Total ?$7,610.28 In the consideration of specifications listed 'in the advertisement, it was dis- covered that the specifications listed would apply to one manufacturerrs machine only but that other machines were made that would accomplish the same work. It was also dis-i covered that no mention had been made in the advertisement of an allowance for the trade-in for the old accounting machine now in use. One of the machines carries a 26" carriage while the other is limited to a 22" carriage which means that the scroll sheets II would have to be resized to accomodate the 22" carriage machine. The Tax Supervisor informed the Board that the accounting machine used in the Anditor's Office was some- times used in the Tax Supervisor's Office to compliment the ti,rork and therefore it was wise in his opinion to have both machines of the same capacity so that tfie work could be interchanoeable in the event of an emergency. After discussina the matter, it was de- cidecl that because of the questionable specifications put in the advertisement which could be met by only one manufacturer, Mr. Netts offered a motion that all of the bids received be rejected and that we readvertise for sealQd bids on accounting machines with ! specifications which could be met by more than one manufacturer and that the amount of h the allowance on the trade-in of the old machine be included in the advertisement. It w was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted by the Board. ! ` Addressopraph - In response to the above advertisement for an addressograph machine, it was discovered that only one manufacturer made this type equipment and there-? fore the fo2lowing bid which was submitted by the Addressograph-Multigraph Corporation through Greensboro, North Carolina representative was upon motion of Mr. Metts; seconded by Mr. Braak, accepted and the contract awarded for its delivery as soon as possible. COUNTY HOME BOILER i Model 1957 Addressooraph Nachine with a three column lister priced at $3,352.75 ` plns 3% N. C. State Tax. I?iACHINE CONTRACT - Ii Mr. H. M. Vaughn, a local businessman, had observed the discussion with ? reference to the purchase of accounting machines for use in the Tax Supervisor's office and reported that he had a similar machine on which he had a K year contract with the company to maintain service on it or if necessary to overhaul and rebuild it and give a five year guarantee although the parts and labor in the rebuilding job t,JOUld be extra and not include'd in the contract. He said that this information was offered for con- l sideration only. ? Mr. H. A. Marks, Chairman of the Board of Directors for the County Home re- ported that subsequent to the action of the Board at their nieetiny on September 1?, 1962,• he conferred witYi Mr. Braak and together they agreed to seek some comparative fioures with reference to the advantaaes or disadvantaoes of usina coal instead of oil to heat the County Home furnace. Accordinoly, the following informal proposals were made for converting the present hand £ired boiler to an oil fired burner: Biddle Plumbing Company $1,025.00 North-Smith Incorporated 8.5.00 Springer Coal 8 Oil Co. 1,041.96 These proposals are compared with the foliot-iing for installing a new stoker in the present boiler and continue to use coal: North-Smith, Incorporated Coal stoker $960.00 I Springer Coal & Oil Company $1100.00 I' It is estimated that there will be a saving of 15% by using coal over oil or approx-u imately $750.00 annually. After a recommendation by l;r. Braak, who is the Commissioner in charge of the County Home property Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the action of the Board on September 4th approving the installation of an oil burner in the furnace at the County Home be rescinded and that approval be given for the installation of a new sto}cer. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst with the provision that the man urho filled the hopper of the stoker be instructed to clean out the clinkers every time he filled I the stoker hopper. This motion was unanimously carried. I Mr. Marks reported thaL inspections by three different insect control aaencies showed that some of the foundations of the County Home were infested with termites.. He ? presented bids by three different companies as follows and recommendedthat all of the buiiding foundations be treated for termite eradication: /COUNTY HOME TERMITES , \ ? Q Minutes of the Meetino OcLober 1. 1962 (continued) COUNTY HOME TERMITES - continued Orkin Exterminatina Company $2110.43 with an annual renewal of $150.00 Spiritine Chemical Company 1375•43 with an annual renewal of $20.00 Taylor Exterminating Company 1837.00 with an annual renewal of $60.00 / After a brief consideration of this recommendation, Mr. Nayhan moved that the contract be awarded to the low bidder which is the Spiritine Chemical Company for $1375•43• Vjr• $raak seconded the motion and it was unanimously adopted. APPOIIQTMENT OF DIRECTOR - / Mr. Narks reported that because of a conflict of interesL it was not feasible for Mr. N. L. Foy to serve as a member of the Board of Directors for the County Home. He has discussed the matter with Mr. W. Eugene Edwards who has agreed to serve provided he is appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. After a brief discussion of this subject, Mr. N;etts offered a motion that Mr. W. Eugene Edwards be appointed to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the County Home to replace N;r. Wm. F. Srryder resigned. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. JOINTLY OWNED TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY - ? Pursuant to the action taken with reference to the request of Attorney Aaron Goldburg in behalf of Lillian S. McKoy who purchased a parcel of jointly owned tax fore- closed property for the price of $510.00 which she asks to be returned because of lier inabi'lity to borrow money on the property which she ciaims has a cloud on the title. The Executive Secretary reported that he had offered a deed which she refused to accept. The County Attorney is of the opinion that it ufouid be wise for the Commissioners to authorize the return of the purchase price subject to confirmation of the City Council on the basis that there is some question about the delivery of the original deed. After a brief review of all the facts, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the Board authori2e_ the return of the purchase price, subject to the concurring approval of the City Council as recommended by the County Attorney and that the system which he recommended be set up to preventNoccurrences of this nature. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and when the bal- lot was taken, Mr. &roadhurst voted aaainst the motion for the reason that he understands that a policy was set some years ago that all sales of this kind were on an "as is" basis. All other members of the Board were in favor of the motion and the Chairman de- clared it passed. GREENVIEW RANCHES - Mr. Harold C. Green, the principal developer of a new subdivision known as ? Greenview Ranches appeared before the Board and made a request for some assistance in a drainage project adjacent to the property. He says that he has employed a dragline to remove the debris from Smith Creek which is one of the property lines o£ the sub- ? division and asked that the Commissioners use the County dragline to remove the debris from Smith Creek beyond their property lines. He proposes to construct a lagoon type public seweraae treatment plant and the added drainage is necessary to carry away the 4ef fluent. He reported that Henry Von Oesen and Associates were the Consuiting Encineers and could furnish all the details with reference to the outfall that would be needed. N He'stated that he wouid bu.ild a half million doilars values per year. After some dis- cussion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the Chairman be authorized to investiaate to see what can be done and handle to the best interest of the County. IL was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. I' BEER PERMIT ?i The fol:lowing application:f9r a.Beer Permit was..reviewed by the.Board... Upon j ma'tion of Mr, Metts, secorided,by Mr: Broadhurs-t,. :it was unanimousiy approved and.'referred to the,Shesiff for.hi`s investigation and.considerat.ion: Fi'¢d "New'ton Day 'Ij'I ' T/A DayJs Re'staurant & Drive-In 4115 Market St. ? FAIR TAX ANENDMENT - i I The Chairman explained that a movement was on foot for the passage of a Con- stitutional Amendment to stop the granting of tax concessions by local Act. He read the following Resolution: WHEREAS. the 1961 General Assembly, by Chapter 1169, Session laws of 1961, has sub- mitted a proposed constitutional amendment to the people of North Carolina for their consideration at the TJovember election; and WHEREAS, the proposed constitutional amendment is designed to insure fair taxation of property by stopping the granting of tax concessions by local act, and WHGREAS, counties have had experience with local acts of this kind, and they have ' discovered that rahen a local act grants a tax concession for a certain kind of pro- perty in one county, that county then obtains a tax advantage over other counties, in turn, to meet the competition, these other counties must obtain a similar con- cession, with the result that the tax base in all counties is eaten away and the tax burden on non-exempt property becomes incr.eas:ngly heavy, and WHEREAS; i.f it is appropriate to Lax one kind of roperty in one county, then it is alsc 2pp'ropriate to :tax that;property in all coun?ies; and ii it is appropriate to exempt or class9fy a certain kind of property in one county, then it is also appropriate te exempt or ciassify that property in all counties, and WHEREAS, the proposed consCitutionai amendment will not change the existino exmept- ions oranted to educational, religious, and charitab?e property; will continue the special treatment long cranted state-wide to stored tobacco, peanuts; baled cotton heid for manufacture, mortaaged wheat, and property held for'export or import; and will allow the General Assembly in the future to provide special tax treatment to other kinds of property if the economic welfare of the state requires it; continued - r. C_?R1 Minutes of the Neetinq FAIR TAX ANiENDMENT - October l. 1962 Resolution continued Continued - -r n014 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the voters of the county be and they hereby are encouraged to vote FOR the constitutional amendment providing that the power of the General Assembly ? to classify and exempt property for taxation be exercised only on a state-wide basis. ? Upon motion,of Mr. Metts, seconded by INr. Braak, the Board unanimously adopted the ? Resolution. LAND TITLE CLEARANCE - ' Complying with the suoeestion made by the County Attorney at the recular ? meeting of September !}th with reference to the clearing of title and giving warranty deedl on tax foreclosed property, Nr. John T. Schiller reported that at present all tax fore- ? ciosures were beiny made on what is known as the mortaace type foreclosure proceedings ? in which the action is taken against the owners of the property usually referred to as ?"in personam" -- against the person. Under this procedure, the lav? requires that notice j be served on all the persons with inte,rest in the property and on which title is conveyed, ? through a Commissioners' Deed. Under this method, no one can prove defective title but ? at the same time no one can prove it is good, therefore lawyers generally refuse to certify such a conveyance of title to property and consider the title as being under a cloud. The other system provided by law since 1939 is generaily referred to as "in rem" co against the property. This type of foreclosure is much more simple and only requires that a reoistere.d letter be mailed to the last known address of the person listina the property for taxes. It does not necessitate the actual delivery of the letter. The I title conveyed under this method is known as a Sheriff's Deed because the Sheriff can execute a iudgement against the property. After a brief discussion, the Board unanimous'I ly agreed to authorize the County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, City Attorney Cicero P. I Yow and John T. Schiller to arrange a meeting and brine back a recommendation for the future handling of tax foreclosure property. I A CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT Colonel J. B. NcCumber, New Hanover County Civil Defense Director,reported that the State Civil Defense Association.endorsed and is supporting the Constitutional amendment providing for the continuity of aovernment in event the seats of government were destroyed in a nuclear attack. He stated that Civil Defense is nothing more than the operation of Federal; State and Local government in times of an emergency either caused by enemy attack or natural disaster. He urged the County Commissioners to sup- port this program. ? SCHOOL BOND RESOLUTIOIV - The Cowaty Attorney informed the Board that it was necessary to pass the following I2esolution if they desired to issue and sell school bonds as requested. After he finished reading the the entire Resolution: Commissioner L. E. Broadhurst moved that the followinc Resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the bond order hereinafter described has taken effect, and the Board of Commissioners desires to make further provision for the issuance of the bonds to be issued pursuant to said bond order: NOW THERErORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as fol- lows: r (1) The County of New Hanover (hereinafter referred to as "County") shall ' issue its bonds (hereinafter referred to as "bonds") of the aggreaate principal amount of $1,l+25,000 pursuant to.and in accordance with the bond order entitled "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $2,850,000 School Bonds of the County of I New Hanover". adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on April 2, ' 1962. Said bonds shall be designated "School Building Bonds, Series A". Act.ing ' pursuant to Section 153-80 of the County Finance Act, the Board of Coinmissioners has ascertained and hereby determines that each of the existing school buildings described in said bond order and each of the new buildinos to be financed by the issuance of the bonds is of e:ther fireproof construction or non-fireproof con- struction as defined ir.said Section 153-80, and that the life of each of the improve- ments described in said bond order is thirty years, computed from November 1, 1962. (2) Said School Bvilding Bonds shall be of the denomination of $1,040 each or $5;000 each as shall be hereafter determined by the Board of Commissioners; numbered from 1 upwards; in the order of their maturity, shall be dated Tdovember 1, 1962 and shail be payable in annual instailments on May 1 in each,year as follows, viz: $70;000 in the year 1964, $40,000 in each of the years 1965 to 1982, in- clusive, $85,000 in each of the years 1983 to 1989, inclusive, and $40,000 in the year 1990. (3) Each bond shall bear interest from its date at a rate wh+ich shall be here- after determined and which shall not exceed six per centum (6%) per annum. Such interest shall be payable semi-annually on May 1 and November 1. (4) The bonds shall be coupon bonds, registrable as to principal only, and shall be signed by the Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the County. The "corporate seal of the County shall be affixed to each of the bonds. Eac}i of the interest coupons to be attached to the bonds shall be authenticated by the facsimile sionature of said Clerk. Both principal of and interest on the bonds shall be payable at. the principal office of First National City Bank, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York or at the option of the holder or registered owner at 4Jachovia Bank and Trust Company, in Raleigh, North Garolina, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of pay- ment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. continued- \ Minutes of the Meeting October 1,_1962 Continued - - =- - - SCHOOL BOND RESOLUTION - (continued) (5) Each of the bonds and the interest coupons representing the interest payable thereon and the provisions for the registration of the bonds and for the approval of the bonds by the Secretary of the Local Government Commission to be endorsed thereon, shall be in substantially the followina form: (Form of Bond) No. No. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER SCHGOL BUILDING BOND, SERIES A • $ ?. THE COtlNTY OF NEW HANOVER (herinafter referred to as "County", a county of the State of North Carolina, for value received hereby promises to pay to the bearer of this bond, or, if it be registered; to the registered holder, the principal sum of THOUSAND DOLLARS ($ on Ivey 1, 19 , and to pay interest thereon from the date of this bond until it shail mature at the rate of per centum ( %), payable semi- annually on Niay 1 and November 1 in each year, upon presentation and surrender of the coupons therefor attached hereto, as they severally mature. Both principal and interest on this bond are payable at the principal office of First National City Bank, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, or at the option oi the holder or registered owner at Wachovia Bank and Trust Company, in Raleigh, North Carolina, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and.private debts. This bond may be registered as to principal only by the holder in his name on the bond register of trie County kept in the office of the Bond Reg9strar of the County, and such reoistration shall be noted hereon by said Bond Registrar. If so registered, this bond may be transferred on said Bond register by the registered hoider in person or by attorney, upon presentation of this bond to the Bond Registrar with a written instrument of transfer in a form approved by said Bond Registrar and executed by said registered holder. If the bond be so registered, the principal shall thereafter be payable only to the person in whose name it is registered, un- less this bond shall be discharged from registry by being registered as payable to bearer. Such registration shall not affect the negotiability of the coupons, which shall continue to pass by delivery. This bond is issued pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina, ? and a bond order duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on April 2, 1962, in accordance with said Act, and is issued by the County, a,s an adminis- trative agency of the State of North Carolina, to provide facilities necessary for , the maintenance of public schools in the County for the nine months school term pre- i scribed by law. The issuance of this bond and the contracting of the indebtedness evidenced thereby have been approved by a majority of the qvalified voters of the ? County votinc at an election duly called and held in said County on May 26, 1962. It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and things required by the Constitution or statutes of the State of North Carolina to exist, be performed or happen precedent to or in the issuance of this bond, exist, h2ve been performed and have happened; and that the amount of this bond, together witli ail other indebtedness of the County is within every debt and other limit prescribed by said Constitution or statutes. The faith and credit of the County a,re hareby', plAdged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on this bond according to its terms. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Courity has caused this bond to be signed by the Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the County, and the cor- porate seal of the County to be hereunto affixed, and the annexed coupons to bear the facsimile signature of said Clerk, and this bond to be daLed November 1,1962. n Cha'r n? Board of Commissioners ler of Board of Commissioners (Form of Coupon) Tdo. continued- . $ ?,-A b t?(7 ih9inutes of the Meetinq October 1, 1962 Continued SCHOOL BOND RESOLUTION - (continued) May On the first day of November, 19 , the COUNTY OF NEW HANOUER, a county of the State of North Carolina, will pay to bearer DOLLARS ($ at the principal office of First National City Bank, in the Borough of Man- hattan, City and State of New York, or at the option of the holder at YJachovia Bank and Trust Company, in Raleigh, North Carolina: in any coin or currency of the United States of America which is then legal tender for the payment of public and private debts, being the semi-annual interest then due on its School Building Bond, Series A; dated November 1; 1962, No . Clerk of Board of Commissioners (Endorsement on Bonds) The within bond has been registered as to principal only, as follows: Date of . Name of Registered . Signature of Registration . Bwner . Bond Registrar The issue hereof hus been approved under the provisions of the Local Government Act. W. E. EASTERLING Secretary of the Local Government Commission By n (6) The County Audi'Lor is hereby authorized and directed to provide a su:table bond reoister for the registration of said bonds and to act as Bond Registrar in registering said bonds and Lo carry out the provisions set forth in the bonds for the conversion of the bonds into registered bonds and for the transfer thereof. (7) The Local Government Commission of North Carolina is hereby requested i to sell said $1,425,000 Schooi Buildino Bonds, Series A in the manner prescribed I by the Local Government Act oi North Carolina, and to state in the notice of the sale of said bonds given pursuant to Section 17 of said Act, that bidders may name one rate of interest for part of the bonds and another rate or rates for thel balance of the bonds. The bonds shall bear interest at such rate or rates as I may be named in the proposal to purchase the bonds which shall be accepted by ?i said Local Government Commission in accordance with said Act, and shall be in the denomination of $1,000 unless request is made, pursuant to the provisions of the notice of sale, for bonds of the denomination of $5,000. (8) T11e Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners are hereby authorized and directed to cause the bonds to be prepared and, when they shall have been duly sold by said Locai Government Commission, to execute the bonds and to turn the bonds over to the State Treasurer of North Carolina, for delivery ? to the purchaser or purchasers to whom they may be sold by said Commission. I Commissioner John Van B. Metts, Jr. seconded the motion and the motion was adopted, those voting for the resolution were Messrs. John Van B. Metts, Jr. Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, and E. R. Mayhan and no one voted against it. REPORTS - The iollowing reports were reviewed and ordered filed for information: 1- Aqricultural Extension Office announcement of a!}-H Poultry Show and Sale on October 1+, 1962 at 10:00 A. M. at the Farmers Whotesale Narket. 2- Wilmington Public Library Report for September 1962 3- A. S. C. S. Newsletter PETIT JURY - ? The following good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors in the Superior Court for the weeks beginning November 5th Criminal term, week of November 19th- Civii term; and week of November 26th - Civii term: Jurors for week beGinYi-no, November 5, 1962 Criminal term P. A. Jones - H. K. Paul Earl W. Savage W. F. Brittain R. H. Walker Luther T. Roaers Sr. A. J. Watkins, Jr. 3803 Carolina Beach Rd, 213 N. 23rd St. 1902 Carolina Ave. 1'14 Ridgeway 200 Victoria Dr. P. o. Box 174 Wrigeac?h' 130 Glendale Dr. Roy E. Smith 19 O Lake Village J. W. Williams 519 E. Shipyard Henry E. Hough 216 Victoria Dr. H. G. wiilis aox 69 wriohtsv: J. F. Parrish Sr. P. 0. Box 53 R. W. Murray 1723 Cdrolina Ave. Charli e C. Wilson ?o'rdonxAW. continued- \ N'.inutes of the Meetinq October $ W. C. Davis Georae E. Brey ?I D. G. Raines Jack h7aipass Ben G. Murray John A. Lorek Sr, A. H. Weedon ' Richard M. Howe 11 J. R. Dobson John O. Pierce E. W. Sikes A. C. Coley Sr. J. T. Carroll Jr. Wiiliam B. Liles Carl A. Weide Robert F. Ward R. J. Kirkley C. T. Stefano l, 1962 C_o_ntinued 1815 Woolcott DeWitt Williams 3436 Wilshire Blvd. Alvin C. Lacewell 616 N. Kerr Ave. Raymond J. Wildman RFD 1, Box 15 L. R. Peterson 217 Myrtle Ave. T. C.,Barefoot RFT) 1, Bo# 23 Joseph C. Bridger asle ay e 1501? S. 3rd St. 410$ Park Ave. 2263 Mimosa Place 2423 Jackson St. RFD 1, Box 546 A. RFD 1, A Randells Dr. Jr.304 Adelaide Dr. 107 Long Leaf Dr. 221 Oakleaf Dr. 208 Parkway Blvd. RFD 3, Box 200 Charlie 5. Kennedy Joseph F. Branch Jr. R. Harlee Kirkum Doniy Skipper Jr. J. C. Pennington John Averitt Von Oesen Samuel A. MclVeill Fleming B. Wester Joseph E. Johnson Nielzar Pearsail Jr. Harvey Franklin Penney Bobby Clifton Gideon Jurors for the week beqinninq IVovember 19, 1962 - Civil Term P. T. Batson C. E. Vick Hugh Fox G. V. Parrish E. A. Laney Floyd E. Hall D. B. Ward O. R. Dietz J. E. Wi llcins J. M. Grego E. A. Orrell Judie J. Brown Howard A. Hanby James H. 6datkins Elbert H. Walker ,)ohn H. Perten James H. Davis W. E. Sisson J. H. Fussell Jr. Carl Tyndall Horace White Jr. Joseph P. Carnes Donald E. Walker H. T. Newland Jr. J. B. Funderburo RFD ?_, Box 167 W. W. Hazelhurst Park Ave. Herman H. Norton 1507 S. 5th St. Charles E. Tyler 3855 Sylvan Dr. Daniel E. Waiker 1123 Mognolia P1. Paul Wallace P. O. Eox 411 John H. Wilkins 16 C. Nesbitt Cts. Jimmie Nack Ward 13 West Drive W. A. Fonvielle Jr. 2 Terrace Walk Harry R. Pope P. O. Box 1049 U. L. Spence, Jr. 4205 UJrightsv. Ave. John G. McDaniei 1402 Ann St. F: ankl ir. D. t•Jarner 1021 Country Club Rd .Robert W. l•Jaters 527 S. Front St. John W. Foreman 2 H. Lake Village Ne4?man F. Guy 4919 Pine St. Mortimer S. Neblett 121 Uance St. Clarence E. Wilson Box 1106 William W. Bland 2815 Park Ave. Robert T. Walker 1014 S. 3rd St. Richard V. Sparkman 2723 Washington John R. Oxenfeld 2515 Adams St. Leon Curth Williams Jr. 39 Pinecrest Pkwy. Robert Marshall Parrott 4208 Wrightsv. Ave. David Westbrook RFD 1 Box 282 Osborine K. Wails Castle Hayne, N:C. Jurors for the week becinninq November 19, 1962 - Civil term W. R. Duncan W. F. Cox E. S. Johnson N. W. Jackson C. W. Coward L. F. Hufham, Jr. P. F. O'Keef Joseph H. Davis Hallie F. Dale L. OfBryant Paul Griffin G. T. Fowler J. O. Warner A. T. Gideon Lee Dowless Wi 11 i am M. Koen C. M. Goker Herbert N. King Earl M. Stevens U. H. Westbrook W. T. Benton D. W. Watkins S. O. Pigott George Talman John M. Lennon 212 Pine Grove Oscar O. Peterson Jr. 735 Windsor Dr. Ernest L. Pittman 75 P inecrest Pkwy. Sidney J. Rivenbark 704 Central Blvd. Nr. Lenwood Hina Sr. 202 Central Blvd. Mr. T. C. Peterson 122 S. SZnd St. John Dexter 2015 Perry Ave. Tory W. Vaughan 815 S. 2nd St. Herschel Gunter 205 Parkway Blvd. John G. NcLemore 208 Brightwood Rd. Fred F. Shoemaker RFD #2, Box 200 Loon Padrick RFD 2, Box 242 James J. Peterson 426 Larchmont Dr. Linwood B. Todd 5720 Park Ave. W. J. Newell Jr. 253 Brightwood Dr. William J. Bryan 130 Mercer Ave. Richard Nelson 541 Castle Hayne M. S. Willard 3026 Louisiana Ave, William Eari Walton 128 Gordon Rd. Dennis Wainwright RFD 1, Castle Hayne Wiiliam A. Vaughn 213 N. 17th St. Dale Nartin Foxworthy 110 Glezdale Dr. John Keas Hoyt 244 Wrightsville Ave .Bert I'ranklin Faircloth 919 S. 2nd St. Joseph E. Kirkhum 1424 Greenfield St. N. C. Littlejohn Sr. Box 101 Wri htsv. Beach RFD 3, Box 1?0 1216 Azalea Dr. 401 N. Kerr Ave. 422 S. Front St. RFD 1, Oakley Rd. l E. M. Station 1105 S. 2nd St. 44 Lennon Dr. RFD 2, Box 75 4 R. Lake Village RFD 1, Box 64 23 .lackson Dr. RFD 2, Box 31 2935 C. Jefferson St. 3915 Winston Blvd. RFD 3, Box 540 404 N. Kerr AVe. 5319 Wrightsv. Ave. 1916 Princess St. 1106 Youpon Dr. 3 W. Lake Village 155 Lake Forest Pkoiy. 2912 Mar}cet SL. 21 S. Lake Village 1610 East Plaza % Moore-Fonvielle 169 Brentwood Dr. 2418 Oleander Dr. 2331 Kenwood Ave. 12621 Brcokwood Ave. 85 Lee Drive 2820 Adams St. 824 Forest Hills 1223 Country Club Rd. 3719 Wrightsville Ave. 4106 Lake Dr. 136 Lake Forest Pkwy. 5 Lee Drive Box 422 5 D. Lake Village 219 Huntington Rd. P. O. Box 217 Castle Hayne,IV.C. 411 Edgewood Rd. 214 s. 17tn st. 2950 Park Ave, 1819 Market St. 105 UJrightsv. Ave. RFD 3, Box 267 RFD 1, Box 291 706 Princeton Dr. 3804 Park Ave. 103 Francis.Marion Dr. Rt. #2, Box 122 RFD 1, Box 2(}9 B. 4804 l^lrightsville Ave. RFD 2, Box 86 125 Bagley P.ve. 131 Gordon Road P. O. Box 24?_ RFD 2, Box 62 1708 Orange St. 55 Lee Drive 1220 S. 3rd St. 612 S. 2nd St. 123 Wintergreen Rd. 709 Spofford Circle 618 S. 3rd 5t. RFD 1, B8KsM Hayne, N.C. ? ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously voted , to adjourn the meeting. ' ,N . W. G: Hfiuck, Executive Secre'tary -A