1962-10-29 Special Venire Minn.to? ?f +.h?e?#,?? t?c-.t-o?be•r-1=:? U.S. # 17 IMPROVEMENT - ? A letter was received from the U.S. #17 Improvement and Development Assoc- iation advising that a meeting has been arranged by the Association with the North Carolina Highway Commission for a discussion of this important eastern north-south route. It will be held at 2:30 P. M. on October 31st in Jacksonville. They urged a minimum delegation of 25 people from New Hanover County. iWILMINGTON COLLEGE DITCHING - The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that William J. Brooks, Athleticl Director for Wilmington College reported that a portion of the ditch which was cut for the College by the County had caved in and was blocking water. He requests that the dragline be sent down to clean out about 3,000 feet which it would take to relieve the situation. By common consent, the Board referred this request to the Board of Trustees for the College through the County Attorney, L. Bradford Tillery, who.is likewise a member of the Board of Trustees. `RESIGNATION - CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR ' A letter was received from Colonel J. B. McCumber, Director of the Wilmington-, New Hanover County office of Civil Defense, officially resigning as Director effective January 1, 1963. He expressed his appreciation and pleasure for the privilege of organ- izing and directing the agency and volunteered his services if the need arises in the future. By common consent, the Board accepted the resignation and authorized a letter expressing their appreciation for the fine work accomplished by Colonel McCumber dur- 1ng his tenure of office. REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed: ? 1-? Board of Health Report for September, 1962. 2- Grand Jury Report for October Criminal term. 3-1 Electrical Inspector's Report. 1E- ICommunity Accelerated Public Works Program Report. 5- JSaline Freezing Process Report from Congressman Alton Lennon. 6-1 U. S. O. Report. 7-1 Wilmington Public Library ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting, iecretary SPECIAL VENIRE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER OCTOBER TERM, 1962 It appearing to the Court that only 22 respective ,jurors have answered on the cail of the viniremen, and that there are eighty cases for trial at this term of Court being of the opinion that this number of veniremen is insufficient to properly transact the business of the Court during this week, The Court, in the exercise of its discretion directs that the Clerk to the Board of County of Commissions shall bring into Court the scrolls of veniremen, and shall from Box No. 1, draw thirty-six additional scrolls, and the names of such per- sons shall be delivered to the high sheriff, who shall have summonsed each of them to appear in Court October 30th, at 9:30 A. M. to serve at this Term in addition to those who have answered to their names this morning. Jurors for Criminal term of court beqinninp Thomas W. Alley A. C. Anderson C. L. Austin Frank Bryant Harry Brown Luter Bell Floyd Burdette Arthur C. Bennett C. C. Bledson Lennox Cooper Raymond E. Corbett J. H. Duff Mrs. Louis O. Ellis James Carl Farmer Benjamin Y. Fussell .lohnnie F. Hankins Bruce H. Hinson L. G. Jones 18 N. 25th St. 12 Woodlawn Ave. 201 Greenfield St. 1001 Rankin St. 909 Orange St. 3111 Adams St. 110 Gordon Rd. P.O. Box 20l?. Carolina lieach, N.C 105 Nyrtle Ave. 1015 Co. Club Rd. 1022 s. 8th 101 Central Blvd. 2220 Metts P.o. Box 3 7 Carolina each,N.C. 3830 Halifax Rd. 905 S. 14th St. P.O. sox 78 Wrightsville Beach 702 Castle St. October 30, 1962 Chesley L. Johnson Robert P. Karp Paurice A. Kulp Clayton L. King Arthur B. Kaufman Charles T. Leonard George D. McFayden Lawrence C. Odom Odell Oldham Emanuel J. Poulas Robert Pennington Herbert A. Salter Charles R. Shepard John C. 'rli l l iamson Herman V. W. Winkle George H. Woodville Ellis C. Williams J. E. Wilson 12 S. Lake Village'I 136 4layne Dr. 307 Midland Dr. ' 105 Brookwood Ave. RFD 1, Box 285 Castle Hayne, N.C.. 2008 Market 5t. 406 S. 16th St. 2512 Van Buren St.i Box 136 i Carolina Beach 302 S. bth St. 713 Colweil Ave. 717 Ann St. I 2855 Carolina Beaci 214 Huntington Rd.!l 1909 Ann St. I 313 N. 16th st. I 2308 Wrightsv. Avel 612 S. 16th St. ? , a . Special Venire Drawing_ __October 29, 1962 ? - -- - - SPECIAL VENIRE - i - -- - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER OCTOBER TERM, 1962 I STATE US. No. 6139 James Edward Newkirk ORDER FOR SPECIAL State v5. No. 6140 VENIRE James Edward Newkirk The two above cases coming on for hearing at the November 1962 Criminal Term of Superior Court-of New Hanover County, and being consolidated for purpose of trial, each growing out of the same sub,ject matter, and it appearing to Lhe Court that the defendant is indicted for the capital crime of Burglary in the first degreee, and.the Sol.icitor for the State having announced that said defendant will be placed on triai for his life, and It appearing to the Court, and .the Court finding as a fact, that it will be necess- ary, to insure.the rights of said defendant to summons a panel of jurors by special i venire, in additiott to those a2ready summo.nsed as regular jurors, IT IS, NOW ORDERED that the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of New I? Hanover County be and appear in the Superior Court Room of New Hanover County, and have with him Jury Box No. 1, forthwith, and that he with the Clerk of this Court, shalt then and there proceed to have drawn from said Box No. 1 containing the scrolls; by a child under the age of ten years, 150 scrolis, the same to constitute a Special Venire from which to select jurors for the trial of these causes, and that a liSt of such jurors so drawn shall be prepared and delivered to the Sheriff of New Hanover County for immediate service; and IT iS FURTHER ORDERED THAT said Sheriff of New Hanover County shall forthwith summons, or caused to be summonsed, the persons whose names appear upon they aforesaid list, to be and appear at 10:00 A. M. on the 6th day November 1962 in the Court Room of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, to act as Jurors in the trial of satd causes if chosen, sworn and empanneiled, returning to the Clerk of this Court said list. HEREIN FAIL NOT, but of Lhe same make due return. This the 29th day of 6ctober, 1962. II /S/ W. S. Burgwyn ? I JuOge Pr esiding ? .)urors for the week beginning November 5th,196 I 2 ? p Francis E. Stanley 121 Keaton . R. D:cStone 3001 Wayne Dr. I James E. Greene 703 Campbell B. D. Eason 5735 wisteria Lane ; Marvin E. Wilder 119 Gordon Rd. Jack Morris 425 S. 3rd St. I R. V. Rogers RFD 3, Box 173 Lewis P. Hinton Box 215, Wrightsv. Beach Duncan McMillan 1403 King St. Felton K. Sanderlin 4707 Cedar Ave. ? C. W. $loome 602 Central Blvd. Fannie M. Padrick 105 Meares St. i Fiossie T. A113son 10 Keaton Ave. J. E. Newton, Jr. 2512 Burnett Blvd. ? Francis Nrarfon McGowan RFD 3 Box 457 Howard E. Harris RFD 2, Box 229 Henry G. Angle 221 Pine Valley Kate Keel Jackson 26 N. 5th St. Henneth L. Chamblee RFD 1, Box 296 F George H. Futch 128 Longleaf Dr. Chas. J. Register, Jr. 304 Pkwy. Blvd. R: W. Newell 237 whites Ave.i:-. I Chas Donald Roettger Box 662 A Wm. B: 4Jarren 4117 Peachtree II Norman A. Wheeler 3210 Caswell St. Willie W. McKinzie RFD 2, Box 353 Willie Jones 227 S. 2nd St. Estel2e Sa22y Fergus Box 241, Carolina Beach ? I Mark J. Gonter 1936 Church St. Harry S. Borneman 138 Green Forest Rd. ? Nell C. Ames Box 35 Wrightsv. Albert W. Bridge 814 S. Lumina , + ea B ? Wrightsv. Beach Add1e P. Simpson Bianks RFD i Box 1 } C tl H Robert Earl Cannon 202 Live Oak Ave. Daisy K. Stone as e ayne 514 S. Front St. Moody Naylor 201 Midland Dr. Clifton Pringle 920 Walnut Carl S. Snow F.O. Box 1l?9,Kure Beach C A Harrell 2201 Brandon Rd Huldah N. Huggins 412 Market St. . . Augustus Alex Sirayhorn . 527 S. Front St. M. C. Cagle RFD 1, ?est?e Hayne I ' Mary Elizabeth Thorpe 22 N. 25th St. Francis Presher 3002 Jefferson St. Mrs. Margaret Lippitt 110 Nun St. D. R. Bordeaux 2500 Jefferson Park ! Donnie McLeod 912 N. 7th St. Loris McCants 720 S. lOth St. Alford R. Moore 20 Kenwood Ave. J. C. Lampley P. O. Box 360 I William Bowers 2727 S. washington B. F. Steed RFD 3, Box 520 , I Edgar Lofton 511 Walnut St. M. C. Justice RFD.2, Box 518 i Robert Carl Fulton 515 Red Cross St. Margaret F. Bryan 319 Chestnut St. I . Merrill R. Thorpe 15 Robert E. Lee Dr. J. B. Rivenbark 1110 Laurel Dr. J. R. Piscor Jr. P. O. Box 1011 G. R. McHenzie ? 3605 Winston Blvd. W. G. Rivenbark 257 Lake Forest Pk. J. T. Jones 4519 Market St. j Lee Satterwhite 2850 A Adams St. Wm. J. Bramble RFD 1, Box 92 Charles 5hepard 721 N. 5th St. James Melvin Eure 2210 Gibson Ave. ? C. W. Melton RFD 20 Box 79 C. E. White 115 Forest Hills Dr. I W. G. Smith Jr. 408 S. 5th St. Alfred Walker 1015 S. lOth St. Fred Richard Wilson RFD 2, Box 234 Robert J. MeLeod 5 Merrimac Dr. Mrs. Franees Sloan Luther 117 S. 17th SL. James Boney RF o 171 i Gesine H. Doscher , ? 1708 p incess St. Ha yne Cas?l e Louis E. Creech Box 16?, Ca§Qa?Ra L. E. Sikes RFD 1, Box 205 Cahayne Ntarie J. Rogers 110 S. 17th St. W. L. Lee 5 WWri t vtaB ach , Walter L. Yates RFD 1, Box 6 W. J. Robinson e gh s RFD 1, Box 2 2 I Glynn K. Robinson 86 Pinecrest Pkey. Mrs. Rosa Lee Burke RFD 1, Box 2? . i Paul C. Hines Jr. RFD 3, Box 317 Emily Erdine Petteway 402 S. 16th St. ? J Hines White 1105 Castle St. LeRoy McFadden 5 No. Lincoln Cts. Catherine C. Brown 7 Bernard Dr. Beecher Williams 411 S. 7th Isaac Melvin 111 Gordon Rd. Mrs, Mary Borden Lee P.O. Box 36 Wrightsv. Beach Adolf Otersen, Sr. 1901 Ann 5t. Wm. A. Land 1505 Princess St. Annie Gray Sprunt S. Live Oak Pkwy. Johnnie Thomas 919 S. 6th St. Walter L. Lander RFD 2, Box 421 Hanson Sessoms 2005 Perry Ave. Marie Plowden '2018 Perry Ave. Matthew Patten 714 N. 6th St. Frank R. McCotter 13 Bedford Forr.est Me S. Spencer 4118 Park Ave. Gladys Parker 127 Mercer Ave. Woodard F. Alford RFD 3, Box 57 Payton Donald Blanto n RFD 1, Castle Hayne Mrs. Ebert Bell 150 Mercer Ave. James B. Niarshburn 207 Church St. Zoa S. Lane 722 Red Cross St. G. S. Currin Box 658 Mrs. V. A. Hickman 2409 Jefferson St. Frank T. Nixon 13 S. lOth Mrs. Fonzo Simmons 3916 S. Front St. R. A. Willetts 2412 Poplar St. C. C. Council 2116 P7arket St. Wiley L. Brown 31 Robert E. Lee Dr. Carl F. Struck 413 S. 2nd St. A. B. Powlas 6010 Oleander Dr. Special Venire Drawing November 5, 1962 Continued ,_- -- - ? Jurors for the week beginning November 5, 1962 - Criminal ? S. N. Horne, Jr. RFD 2, Box 200 A Blanche R. Meares 720 Orange St. Thomas M. Walton 5002 Pine St. W. D. Lee 2426 Princess St. Rd. Emanuel Drakeford 1104 Miller St. ' Henry J. Clark 322 Long St. Dr. Emmett T. Irving 1318 Ann St. I A. A. Willettee Box 574,Carolina Beach ; Jack B. Duncan 106 Floral Pkwy. 11 Van B. Gibbs 808 Orange St. Sylvia B. Whiters 110 N. lith St. Lesslie L. White 5101 S. 7th St. ? R. W. Southerland Box 265 Wrightsv. Beach Norman Shepard % Moore Fonvielle Clyde M. Bordeaux 119 Avondale Ave. Walter Lee Carter 2117 Gibson Ave. Abraham Lincoln McKn ight 1109 Orange St. J. M. Cox 1724 Carolina Ave. ? Moses Lee Anthony 806 N. 4th St. ? Harvey Marlow 614 N. McCrae St. Robert A. King 3823 Market St. William A. Rogers 2108 Carolina Beach Rd,` Frank Wilson 1116 lames A11ey ? Julia Parrish 106 Castle St. Mary E. Jackson 107 Lake F. Pkwy. Bessie Ru$h;Lathrop I 213 N. 5th St. German Evans 110} S. 7th St. , H. W. Millican Box 128 Gordon Rd. Cary Willard Mintz 1011 S. 5th St. H. N. Larcombe A-7 Oleander Cts. Herbert L. Parker RFD 3, Box 46$ James R. Shaw, Sr. 312 Northern Blvd. W3lmington, N. C. November 5, 1962 ASSENiBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County $oard of Commiss- toners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Uan B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. TNVOCATION - ' The meeting wasopened by C}?rman Hali, who requested Reverend J. K. Bostic, Pastor of the Wesley Memorial NlethodiR4"Church, to give a prayer of invocatlon. MEMORIAL SERVICE - ' Mr. Harold Sternberger, Chairman of the arrangements committee, stated ? I that there would be a memoriai service at the American Legion building on 5aturday, , November lOth. He invited a21 the Commissioners to attend this service and share a I barbecue dinner at 6:30 P. M. ? LAND DEDICATION - NEW HANOVER MEMORiAL HOSPITAL ' The County Attorney explained to the Board that the property purchased for ? the use of the New Hanover Memorial Hospital was conveyed and deeded in the name of New Hanover County but in order to share Federal participation of funds through the Hill-Burton Act it is necessary to have the land dedicated for the exclusive use of the hospital. He presented the following Resolution: WHERERS, the County af New Hanover has received deeds of general warranty covering the parcels of land described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference; IT IS NOW, THEREFORE, RESOLVED: i (i) That said tracts of land be and they are herewith dedicated for the exclusivei use of the Piew Hanover Memorial Hospital project as heretofore approved and such other directly related medical programs that may be eligible for federal and state grants under the Hospital Survey and Construction (Hill-Burton) Act. (2) That a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the officiai minutes of New Hanover County. Done at Wilmington, North Carolina, this sth day of November 1962. . ISEW NANOVER COUNTY BY /5/ J. M. Hall, Jr. • Ch8lrman , aohn Van B. Metts, Jr, Vice Chairman Peter H. Braak L. E. Broadhurst Ernest R. Mayhan 1, ? e ?s. ,