1962-11-05 Regular Meeting Hines White 1105 Castle St. LeRoy McFadden 5 No. Lincoln Cts. Catherine C. Brown 7 Bernard Dr. Beecher Williams 411 S. 7th Isaac Melvin 111 Gordon Rd. Mrs, Mary Borden Lee P.O. Box 36 Wrightsv. Beach Adolf Otersen, Sr. 1901 Ann 5t. Wm. A. Land 1505 Princess St. Annie Gray Sprunt S. Live Oak Pkwy. Johnnie Thomas 919 S. 6th St. Walter L. Lander RFD 2, Box 421 Hanson Sessoms 2005 Perry Ave. Marie Plowden '2018 Perry Ave. Matthew Patten 714 N. 6th St. Frank R. McCotter 13 Bedford Forr.est Me S. Spencer 4118 Park Ave. Gladys Parker 127 Mercer Ave. Woodard F. Alford RFD 3, Box 57 Payton Donald Blanto n RFD 1, Castle Hayne Mrs. Ebert Bell 150 Mercer Ave. James B. Niarshburn 207 Church St. Zoa S. Lane 722 Red Cross St. G. S. Currin Box 658 Mrs. V. A. Hickman 2409 Jefferson St. Frank T. Nixon 13 S. lOth Mrs. Fonzo Simmons 3916 S. Front St. R. A. Willetts 2412 Poplar St. C. C. Council 2116 P7arket St. Wiley L. Brown 31 Robert E. Lee Dr. Carl F. Struck 413 S. 2nd St. A. B. Powlas 6010 Oleander Dr. Special Venire Drawing November 5, 1962 Continued ,_- -- - ? Jurors for the week beginning November 5, 1962 - Criminal ? S. N. Horne, Jr. RFD 2, Box 200 A Blanche R. Meares 720 Orange St. Thomas M. Walton 5002 Pine St. W. D. Lee 2426 Princess St. Rd. Emanuel Drakeford 1104 Miller St. ' Henry J. Clark 322 Long St. Dr. Emmett T. Irving 1318 Ann St. I A. A. Willettee Box 574,Carolina Beach ; Jack B. Duncan 106 Floral Pkwy. 11 Van B. Gibbs 808 Orange St. Sylvia B. Whiters 110 N. lith St. Lesslie L. White 5101 S. 7th St. ? R. W. Southerland Box 265 Wrightsv. Beach Norman Shepard % Moore Fonvielle Clyde M. Bordeaux 119 Avondale Ave. Walter Lee Carter 2117 Gibson Ave. Abraham Lincoln McKn ight 1109 Orange St. J. M. Cox 1724 Carolina Ave. ? Moses Lee Anthony 806 N. 4th St. ? Harvey Marlow 614 N. McCrae St. Robert A. King 3823 Market St. William A. Rogers 2108 Carolina Beach Rd,` Frank Wilson 1116 lames A11ey ? Julia Parrish 106 Castle St. Mary E. Jackson 107 Lake F. Pkwy. Bessie Ru$h;Lathrop I 213 N. 5th St. German Evans 110} S. 7th St. , H. W. Millican Box 128 Gordon Rd. Cary Willard Mintz 1011 S. 5th St. H. N. Larcombe A-7 Oleander Cts. Herbert L. Parker RFD 3, Box 46$ James R. Shaw, Sr. 312 Northern Blvd. W3lmington, N. C. November 5, 1962 ASSENiBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County $oard of Commiss- toners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Uan B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. TNVOCATION - ' The meeting wasopened by C}?rman Hali, who requested Reverend J. K. Bostic, Pastor of the Wesley Memorial NlethodiR4"Church, to give a prayer of invocatlon. MEMORIAL SERVICE - ' Mr. Harold Sternberger, Chairman of the arrangements committee, stated ? I that there would be a memoriai service at the American Legion building on 5aturday, , November lOth. He invited a21 the Commissioners to attend this service and share a I barbecue dinner at 6:30 P. M. ? LAND DEDICATION - NEW HANOVER MEMORiAL HOSPITAL ' The County Attorney explained to the Board that the property purchased for ? the use of the New Hanover Memorial Hospital was conveyed and deeded in the name of New Hanover County but in order to share Federal participation of funds through the Hill-Burton Act it is necessary to have the land dedicated for the exclusive use of the hospital. He presented the following Resolution: WHERERS, the County af New Hanover has received deeds of general warranty covering the parcels of land described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference; IT IS NOW, THEREFORE, RESOLVED: i (i) That said tracts of land be and they are herewith dedicated for the exclusivei use of the Piew Hanover Memorial Hospital project as heretofore approved and such other directly related medical programs that may be eligible for federal and state grants under the Hospital Survey and Construction (Hill-Burton) Act. (2) That a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the officiai minutes of New Hanover County. Done at Wilmington, North Carolina, this sth day of November 1962. . ISEW NANOVER COUNTY BY /5/ J. M. Hall, Jr. • Ch8lrman , aohn Van B. Metts, Jr, Vice Chairman Peter H. Braak L. E. Broadhurst Ernest R. Mayhan 1, ? e ?s. , N13nutes of the Meetinq _?- - -- Continued LAND DEDICATION - NEW HANOUER MENK)RIAL HOSPITAL -(continued) Resolution (continued I I. W. G. HOUCK, Executive Secretary to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, do certify that this is an exact copy of a Resolution adopted i by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County on the 5th day of November, 1962. I further certify that copy thereof has been spread upon the ' official minutes of said Board. ' IN WITNE55 WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of New Hanover County. i I? See Register of Deeds Book 704, Page 478 , 1t 11 " ti " 704, Page 479 Execu't3ve Secretary (Edw. B. Ward Tract 8 0. R. Parker Tract) After discussing the Resolution briefly, Mr. Braak offered a motion that it be adopted. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously carried. sI SHARING ADVERTISING COSTS - / Complying with the deferrment of this question at the last regular semimonthly meeting on October 1$, the matter of advertising ,jointly owned tax foreclosed property as proposed by the City Councii was again discussed. After some consideration, the Board, by unanimous common consent, instructed the Exec- utive Secretary to make up a new list and to include property exclusively owned by the County. It is to be presented to the Board for further action. CROSS-OVER PETITION , A petition was received from a group of citizens requesting approval for a' cross-over to be laid out in Masonboro Township about 6 miles from Wilmington on High- way #421 approximately 600' north of Barnum Creek. They asked that recommendations be made to the State Highway Commission to establish such a cross-over for the convenience, safety and in the public interests of the residents living nearby. After a brief con- sideration, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the petition be approved and recom- II mended to the State Highway Commission. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously , passed. . BEER PERMIT ? The following application for a Beer Permit was reviewed by the Board and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff for his consideration and investigation. James E. Sasser T/A Sasser Curb Market St. 505 Greenfield St. RESIGNATION - CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR The Chairman explained that after the Cuban crises developed, he had contacted ? Colonel J. B. McCumber..with teference to his successor as Civil Defense Director. Colonel McCvmber has agreed to continue in his Civil Defense work during the emergency. TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT - 1-11, Sam J. Johnson, the County Tax Collector, reported the foilowing as required by GS 105-375= . ?"There was a gross total of $478, 178.53 coliected during the month of October on the I 1962 County levy and a discount of $2,397.47 was allowed, by this office. There has been $23,452•07 coliected on the outstanding back taxes for the months of July through October. In October the collections amounted to $7,086.36." The report was ordered filed for information. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONSHIPS - „? The Chairman ascertained that each member of the Board had received a quest- ionnaire from the Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations which deals with the problems of Federal, State and local relations. They are authori2ed to examine, investigate and make a complete study of intergovernmental relationships in the hope of making a contribu- Lion toward the cooperation between all levels of government. It requests views which would contribute to legislative activity which would result in benefit to the people. They request a response not later than December 1962 at the latest. The Chairman sug- gested that each member of the Board give the questionnaire consideration so that it could be answered intelligently. . GRAND JURY REPORT - The Chairman read the report of the Grand Jury for the October term. There ? were no exceptions which needed attention at this time, however, the County Home build- ings were found to be clean and orderly and the administration was commended for the improvements and appearance of the building. The Chairman said he would like to commend Commissioner Braak for his diligent effort. BUDGET - HEART ASSOCIATION Chairman Hall reviewed the Budget of the New Hanover County Heart Association- which operates under the Consolidated Board of Health and is therefore subject to appro- priations made by the Board of County Commissioners even though the funds are entirely supplied by the Association. They recommended a salary for Mrs. Eula Mae McInnis, part- time Public Health Nurse II, in the amount of $1998.00 for the 1962-63 Budget year. He recommended that the Board of Health be authortized to make the adjustment. After dis- cussing the problem, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the Board authorize the adjust- ments in accordance with the wishes of the Heart Association and the appropriation adjusted continued- November_5, 1962 I .. ?? `..l`.s _ Minutes of the Meetinq November 5?1962 (continued) ____ .,___. II BUDGET - HEART ASSOCIATION - continued ? likewise. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. PUBLIC WELFARE - Equiument - Complying with the requests of the Board at the last meeting, Miss Lela Nfoore Hall, Director of Public Welfare, reported that the State would partici- pate in the cost of the airconditioners,which were installed, up to 45%. She also pre- sented a list of the equipment which is needed by her department for a more efficient operation, the cost of which is estimated at $3,400 in excluding small miscellaneous items. One typewriter which she proposes Lo replace was purchased in 1946. They have been using a mimeographing machine in the Health Department which is now broken down and in addition she badly needs a copy machine and new files. She suggested that since there was approximately $4800.00 in Unspent Salaries, th3s might be used for the purchase of the equipment without an additlonal appropriation. These problems were discussed thoroughly after which Mr. Metts offered a motion that she prepare specifications for the equipment she proposed and be authori2ed to proceed at once with advertising for bids to cover these items. It was secottded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. Snace nlans - She reported that a decision should be made in her opinion as to whether or not the quarters now occupied by the 4lelfare Department were on a perman- ent basis or only temporary. If it is on a temporary basis, she pnoposed that some changes could be made in the partitions and repairs to other sections of the space that would aliow for a better operation but that if it was on a permanent basis, then more de- tailed pians should be considered and makeshift, patchwork eliminated. She suggested that the Commissioners come down to the quarters and allow her to show them first hand her ideas of the changes which would materially improve the efficiency of her oper.ation. The Chairman declared a recess for 15 minutes at which time the Board visited the 4Jelfare quarters and viewed the suggested changes which she proposed be made. RECONVENTION - After the recess, the Chairman called the Board to order again at 11:00 o'clock for a considerat3on of any further ftems which might be presented before it. ' WILMINGTON PORTS AND WATER64AY5 DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - Colonel George W. Gillette, Chairman of the Wilmington Ports and Waterways Development Commission, reported on the present status of the several pro,jects that • pertain to waterway development and allied improvements for New Hanover County: 1. Deepening the Cape Fear River to 38 feet from 4lilmington to Southport, and 40 feet from Southport to the ocean is now authorized in the Omnibus Bill that was passed by the Congress the day of ad,journment. The next step in the development is to secure funds which we anticipate will be forthcoming next year. 2. Funds for study and planning have been authorized for: (A) The Northeast Cape Fear River improvement, deepening to 30 feet. (B) The Cape Fear River improvement above Wilmington, deepening to 30 feet. 3. Beach protection works at both Carolina and Wrightsville Beach have been author- ized, sub,ject to certain contributions by local interest. !}. Recommendations on the proposed improvement of Masonboro Inlet have gone forward from the office of the District Engineer here in ldilmington. This is an authorized project already. It is believed that the recent study that is covered in the report will supply the remedy necessary to give a stable inlet at the project depth, 12 feet. This would obviously be a great step forward both from a recreational point of view as well as commercial. 5. While the question of a bridge crossing or a ferry service from Fort Fisher to Southport might,.not seem the concern.of our Commission, but since our main economic advantage for full industrial potential is the Cape Fear River so that projects which would hamper of hinder navigation should be considered by this Commission. Our Com- mission will continue to support any of these projects which will enhance our economic potential. • 6. While the_Flood Control Program for the Cape Fear River did not pass the last Con- gress and was temporarily held up, it is designed for regulating the flood waters and reduce the silt which drifts down into our channel and adds to the cost of keeping it dredged to the proper depth. It is hoped that tha next CanGress.wi.ll -iook w?fth favor on this"prbject and their efforts will be directed to that end. Colonel Gillette thanked the Board for their cooperation with his Commission in the past and asked for their continued support. The Chairman of the Board of Com- missioners observed that in his opinion Colonel Gillette should be commended for the fine work he is doing for the County and devotion for his talents and time to this worthy endeavor. He asked the Board if it would be agreeable to supply Colonel Gillette with office space which he needs from time to time working up figures and information and if some clerical assistance might be provided somewhere in the Court House to keep his equipment such as filing cabinets and typewriter. After discussing the subject briefly, Mr. Metts offered a motion that office space be provided somewhere in the Court House for the use of Colonel Gillette. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- mously approved. Mr. M. H. Vaughn remarked that Colonel Gillette is one of the outstanding world authorities on porLs and waterways and highly regarded by other professionals in his field. He suggested that the County Commissioners consider supporting his organi- zation at next Budget time. REPORTS - L_ The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed: 1Z Audit Report of the A.B.C. Board for July, August and September 1962 2-1 Independent Auditor's Report of the Consolidated Board of Health for / the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962. 3- Reports of changes in status of Welfare Recipients. .. F.a(k , i? 1? a1 Minutes of the Meeting November 5, 1962 Continued PETIT JURY - ? The following good and lawful citi2ens were selected to serve as Jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning December 3, 1962 - Criminal term and for the week i beginning December 10, 1962 - Criminal term. Jurors for the week beqinninq December 5. 1962 - Criminal,term ? Ea'r.l E. Gay W: S. Craig M. D. Newton J. F. Rouse C. B. Roberts N. R. Jones Arthur L. West W. H. Nelton B. C. Hatoway W. D. Murray N. W. Mint2 J. H. Eason M. H. Gore Manly Davis Jr. Rodney H. Mintz Homer Baker Hal A. Langley R. W. Skidmore John E. Gantt Edward N. Edens George Leonard James E. Miliis_ 11} Q Lake Village Roy Cummings 323 S. 4th St. RF? i, Box 290 Donald Godbold 1917 Castle St. P. O. Box 393 William J. Lewis 2014 Metts Ave. Wrightsv..Beach A. D. Fountain Foun tain 011 Co. 4934 Wrightsv. Ave. Charles F. Pepper RFD 2, Box 87 RFD 3, Box 365 Linn S. Warren 710 Holmlock Terrace 314 N. 41st St. Fred Stefano RFD 2, Box (}18 RFD 1 Box 236. Raeford G. Trask 448 Castle Hayne Rd. Castle Hayne, N.C. Lawrence W. Carroll 3031 Carolina Beach Rd. Wrightsville Sound N.C.James F. Council 211 S. 16th St. RFD 2, Box 218 B. Andrew S. Spooner 305 Francis Marion Dr. RFe stleoAayne David J. Fillippeli 218' Oak Leaf Dr. a 630 Fern Dr. Benton G. White Jr. 2721 Harrison St. 613 Latimer Dr. Richard F. Walker 2277 Mimosa ?lace 564 E. Shipyard Blvd. David F. Southerland RFll 2, Box 156 105 Bryan Ave. Robert Lee Sparks 213 Kendall Ave. Box 511 RFD 2 George M. Bakalar 310 Adelaide Dr. , 504 N. Blvd. Edward Wm. Schiffer Jr. 5416 Park Ave. 2510 Washington Jasper pouglas Ellis 510 Bonham Ave. Box 388 Ivan George Sieeman Box 354, Carolina Beach Carolina Beach,N.C Charles Clifton Fulcher 5026 Pine St. RFD 2, Box 209 Randolph Ladd Coble 416 Ylalnut St. 904 S. Kerr Ave. William Franklin Keith 3901 Park Ave. RFD 2, Box 507 Walter/'Truett Morgan 5328 Wrightsv. Ave. 229 Dixie Ave. William Julius Farrow 325 Pine Grove Dr. Jurors for the week beginning December 10, 1962 - Criminal term L. M. Todd 809 Windsor Dr. C. H. Lewis 2027 Klein Rd. Wyone Hardy RFD 2, Box 94 S. I. Burriss 229 Spruce Dr. M. F. Brown P. O. Box 657 Carolina $each,N.C A. T. Smith RFD 2, Box 193 B. ]{inston, N.C. W. L. Gore RFD 3, Box l}63 E. M. B. Moody RFD 3, Box 348 Edward J. Harfoush 202 Kenwood R. C. Murray, Jr. RFD 1, Box 224 Elwood C. Waddell 2315 Shirley Rd. Howard A. Hanby 1021 Co. Club Rd. T. E. Edwards RFD 3, Box 534 Charle s R. Kittg RFD 3, Box 617 W. H. Tharpe 17 E. Lake Village Joe M. Tilley 2858 Adams St. H. L. White 188 Arlington Dr. W. L. Jackson Jr. 5214 Wrightsv. Ave. Curtis W. Loflin 4512 Greenfield St. Lemuel S. Cruy 115 Castle St. French Lewis 140 Stonewall Ja?rson Jack Zurcher 2311 Dexter St. Charle s R. Clay 5211 Market St. W. E. Yarboro 16 N. 25th St. R. N. Taylor 42 S. Lumina Ave. rightsv. Beach James F. Norris Henry Vance Ward Harvey A. Shirer R. R. Driggers Sr. Robert H. Croom Harold Lashley Paul S. Erickson Ralph Giilette Kenneth M. Sneeden Garland F. Palmer Ray V. YJi 11 iams Charles L. Taylor Kenneth I. Padrick Charlie B. Foxworth Joseph W. Blake Jr. Charles Lee Phelps William H. Smith Leon Somersett Rollie M. Walton Richard Napier Russell Glenn Neale LeVerne Edwards Raymond E. Hawkins Thurston FormyDuval Herman Thomas Powell 308 Frances Marion Dr. 3922 Winston Blvd. 2933 F. Jefferson St. 2215 Klein Rd. 220 Lake Forest Pkwy. 3 Summit Walk 222 Spruce Dr. RFD 1, Box 195 A B 4518 Park Ave. 2229 Mimosa Place 209 Robert E. Lee Dr. 303 s. 2nd St. 205 s. 39tn St. 106 Pine Cone Rd. 451 Castle Hayne Rd. RFD 1, Box !} 3 C Oleander Apts. 113 S. 52nd St. 4908 Wrightsv. Ave. RFD 3, Box 541 2112 Rhodes Ave. 3509 Winston Blvd. 505 Mercer Ave. 3618 Winston Blvd. Box 460 Market St. Rd. II ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously voted to ad,journ the meeting. W: SPECIAL MEETING November 13. 1962 12:00 o'clock , Executive Secr'etary CONUOCATION - ' The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session today yyylin the Commissioners' Office of the County Court House at 12:00 otclock noon with the Ilfollowing members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, II u Ernest R. Nayhan, and John Van B. Metts, Jr., and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. ?Commissioner L. E. Sroadhurst was unable to be present for the meeting. ?PURPOSE - The Chalrman called the meeting to order and stated that the purpose of the i called meeting was to consider the appointment of someone to serve the unexpired term of i Register of Deeds left vacant by the sudden death of Robert L. Black, former Register I of Deeds. ?i ? ?