1962-11-19 Regular Meeting • Wilmington, N. C. November 19,1962 ASSENiBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the office of the Commi.ssioners with the following lmembers in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broad- hurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. ? I iINVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend Paul B. Willetts, pastor of the Niyrtle Grove Advent Christian Church, to open the meeting with a prayer. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting held on November 5, 1962 and of the special eeting held on November 13, 1962, copies of which had been mailed to each of the Commiss- ioners, were upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, unanimously approved as iritten. HOSPITAL'S ABANDONMENT - - ' " / The Chairman explained that it would be necessary for the Board to assure the N. C. Medical Care Commission that they would abandon the present physical plants of the James Walker Memorial Hospital and the Community Hospital for use as hospitals before Federal funds can be allocated for the construction of the proposed New Hanover Memorial Hospital. The County Attorney presented the following Resolution for approval of the Board: BE IT f2E50LVED by the Commissioners of New Hanover County that Community Hospital, presently owned and operated by New Hanover County, shall be abattdoned on completion I and opening of New Hanover Memorial Hospital and that the same not be used thenceforth for the purposes now used. , I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT New Hanover County, to the extent of its reversionary I interest in the property of James Walker Memorial Hospital, agrees and stipulates that the same shall be abandoned on completion and opening of New Hanover Nemorial Hosp- ital and that the same shall not be used thenceforth for the purposes now used. Done at Wilmington, N. C. this 19th day of November 1962. ' New Hanover County BY J. M. Hall, Jr. Peter H. Braak ?- I L. E. Broadhurst Ernest R. Mayhan John Van B. Netts, Jr. After briefly considering the matter, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that it be adopted. It was seconded by Nir. Braak and, unariimously carr.ied: . :: _ , ' . '. "' - , .. . : ? .• . .._ ? '? _. ._ . _..... „ ? _ , - . CHURCH TAXES EXCUSED - A representative of the Myrtle Grove Holiness Church came before the Board and ? explained that Mr. Julian Godwin had been notified of taxes due to the County by him per- sonally. Upon investigation he finds that the taxes were levied against the property in ,Federal Point township actually belonging to the Mytle Grove Holiness Church. The pro- perty was along the right-of-way of the State Highway Commission and when they started the four-lane road to Carolina Beach, it was necessary to tear down the church building. In order to protect the church property, as Mr. Julian Godwin had a lien against it, a deed was made out to Julian Godwin for the church property. He states that plans are underway for raisino funds to rebuild the sanctuary and when it is started, a deed will be drawn conveying the property back into the name of the church. The County Attorney advised that although this was a peculiar situation there seemed to be no doubt as to the ?intent for the property to be used for church property and therefore there was ample legal grounds for excusing the taxes. Mr. Metts then offered a motion that the taxes be excused on this property because it is used for religious purposes for this year. It was second- ,ed by Mr: Braak and unanimously approved. RECESS - / I Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director of the Public Welfare3DepartmenL, accompanied , by Mr. N. B. Barefoot and Ntr. Francis P. Fensel, Board members, informed the Chairman i they would like to present several proposals for consideration. The Chairman then de- ; ? clared a rzcess for the Board of County Commissioners and convened a joint meeting of ' the Board of Commissioners and the Welfare Board. . WELFARE - : I Equipment - Ntr. Braak, Chaixman of the Welfare Board, informed the Board of Commissioners?that after the authority had been given at the last regular meeting for advertising fbr bids on the purchase of equipment to be used by the Welfare Depart- ment, it was found that all equipment could be purchased on a government contract basi,s which was the lowest discount figure allowed by any of the manufacturers, therefore he !recommended that the action to advertise be rescinded and since none of the items amount- I 'ed to the legal limit under the law, trie County Purchasing Agent be instructed to pro- i uceed with the purchase of the necessary items throuah the means of informal bids. After i some discussion of this recommendation, Mr. Metts offered a motion that they rescind that portion of the motion on November sth pertaining to advertising for bids and . ii ? ... ? (J Ninutes of the Meetinp November 19. 1962 Continveci /1dELFARE - (continued) and substitute "that they be purchased at the least cost possible, using whatever means are necessary to assure the lowest price and that they all be bought from firms in New Hanover County". It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and passed by a majority vote. Mr. Broadhurst voted against the motion as he thinks they have too many dictaphones,already. ? New members - Chairman Braak introduced to the Board Mr. Francis P. Fensel, whose name has been submitted to the State Department of Public Welfare for approval as a member of the New Hanover County Public Welfare Board. The Chairman congratulated them on their recommendation and stated that Mr. Fensel had always proved himself a willing and conscientious contributor to all civic affairs which he undertook. / Condemnation - Welfare Lien - The Welfare Board reported that they had a I lien on property located at 613 North dth Street in the name of Mirs. Eula Davis re- ' sulting from subsistance grants which they had made to her. The house has been con- demned by the City authorities and must either be torn down or repaired sufficiently ? to meet the Housing Code. They recommend that approval be given for tearing down the ? house as no money is available for its repairs. After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts ' offered a motion that the joint Board's go on record as not opposing the demolition of the house so long as it does not cost the County. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved by the Board. r Mileaqe - Miss Lela Moore Hall reported at present the payment for mileage in the Weifare Department was set up in three categories, i.e. 1- daily mileage inside the County 2- trip mileage outside of the County 3- mileage for delivering indigents' to institutions etc. She recommends that it be combined into one category. After a ? ?brief discussion it was decided by unanimous common consent to leave it as it is. ? i Foster Homes - Mr. $raak.j, speaking as Chairman of the Welfare Board observe!l that there were 2 schools of thought with reference to payment for the care of children , in foster homes. At present, they are being paid on a weekly basis in advance which means that each home must have a check written and a report made !}. times each month. They recommend that it be changed to a monthly basis in advance in order to reduce ' clerical and administrative expense. After briefly discussing the problem, Mr. Broad- hurst offered a motion that it be left "as is". There was no second to this motiori and the Chairman ruled it dead. After some further discussion in which the County Auditor recommended that it be left on a weekly basis in advance, Mr. A4ayhan moved that boarding home care be paid on a weekly basis in advance. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and when the.ballots were cast, Mr. Braak voted "No", ]iowever, since the other members of the Board voted "Yes", the Chairman declared the motion prevailed. j Generai Assistance - County'Auditor T. D. Love reported that it had been the custom in the past to issue purchase orders for items approved by the Welfare De- partment to those receivina emergency grants for food or rent or other necessities and and the vendor would submit a bill to the County for payment. He reported that the present Welfare Board wanted to change this system and issue checks to the indivi- duals receiving the grants and allow them to make their own purchases. This matter was discussed at length after which Mr. Barefoot offered a motion that the County Commissioners consider this matter as a strong recommendation from the Welfare Board that checks be given direct to the recipients. The Chair ruled that since this had to do with the expenditure of money, the Commissioners only would be able to vote on it so by common consent of the Board, the assistance was left as is. Joint Adjournment - Mr. Eraak then offered a motion that the joint rr,eeting be adjourned. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. FIRE PROTECTION - Nr. Aaron A. McCrae presented himself before the Board and stated that he was president, of the East Wilmington Community Development Organization and presented the following proposal: RECOIJVENTION - The Chairman declared the Board of Commissioner's meeting reconvened to re- sume discussions of whatever business should properly come before them. l "During the early fall, efforts were made to solicit subscriptions from this community for fire protection. We were apprised of the services offered by the Ogden Fire Department, which were a partial solution to the problems as they presently exist here. However, in view of the increases in the cost of living, in view of the desire of this organization to improve the community level of living, I began thinking of inethods which would give the maximum protection to all areas of New Hanover Count.y. Reali2;ing the efforts which are presently being expended to unify some of the responsibilities which confront the City and County Governments, a solution to these problems was sought whereby our Governments might unify their efforts to bring to this county better fire protection. Presently, f.ire protection is being solicited on a voluntary:.baSis, however, there is a difference in the amounts requested per residence in the different areas. In some instances, according in to the Daily News Medium, amounts as much as Ten Dollars ($10.00) have been requested from each residence. I should think that a consolidated fire activity under a joint budget would be the solution to all problems surrounding fire protection. I submit for your consideration this proposal: • 1. A Tax increase to cover the cost of the consolidation. I I I a. A study by qualified Soard of Citizens on an unpaid status to evaluate the cost of the initial expansion and future opera- tional and maintenance costs. ,• (?'f 6i:, . . ?? "J Minutes of the Meeting November 19th 1962 Continued - - -- - - - =. _ _ _.- I FIRE PROTECTION - (continued) / b. A division of cost responsibilities in accordance with the findings of the Evauation Board ba.sed on population statistics. I c. A request of presently established Volunteer Departments to donate ' all of their existing equipment to the newly established consolidated i departments. iI. Standardized-protection for all communities. ? a. Equalization of departments and a distribution of departments to I meet the existing requirements of the Board of Insurance Underwriters. III. Centralization of the Department under one (1) Fire Chief and two (2) Assistant Chiefs. a. Allocate Department positions under the City and County Tax Expendi- ' tures in accordance with the pro-rated division of Tax Income as was determined by.the Evaluation Board. IV. Open Examinations for Firemen to all people regardless of Race, Creed , or Color. a. To assure that Ne.gro and other Racial yroups of the American Family' occupy equal status in the Fire Department, make appointments of at least three (3) qualified Negroes, and three (3) each of other racial , groups heretofore classified as Non-Whites. This entire study is made i? on the hypaG3jesis that we are all Americans with one view in mind, the i cont-,?inued advancement and improvement of the American ideal in all aspects. It is my be i?-E?that this basic program will give to New Hanover County the tyQe of Fire Protection which it needs. It will guarantee each citizen equit- able protection in",accordance with the basic idea of the American Fiscal Methods, it will make possible an expansion of Job Opportunities for all citi- zens, it will place New Hanover County higher in the Ladder of Southern Leadership as it reaches for a more realistic experience of the American Ideal. It is also felt that through this medium outside investors will be enticed - to divert more funds into the economy of this area." ? The matter was discussed at length and the Chairman promised to give it study and con- sideration. Mr. Metts suggested that if he would contact the State Rating Bureau, ' they would supply him with a set of standards which could he used for setting up a vol- unteer fire department so that they could receive a rate reduction in their fire insur- ance. Mr. McCrae thanked them for their attention and consideration. ABSTF3ACT,CHANGES - Tax Supervisor T. D. Love recommended to the Commissioners that some changes be made in the abstracts used for listing property taxes. He suggested that all;items now appearing between the present $300.00 exemption on personal property and all other elec- trical appliances be moved to a position up above the exemption. He stated that these items should always appear above. The Chairman observed that in his opinion this was an administrative matter and suggested that if there were any objections to this proced- ure by any member of the Board that he let it be known at this time. There were no objections voiced which automatically approved the change as recommended. REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for information: 1- Report of the County Agricultural Agent for October 1962 ? 2- " " " Home Economics Extension Agent i 3- Electricai Inspector's Report - !}- U.S.O. Club Report for October, 1962,? 5- Ydilmington Library Report " " 6- " Colored " " ?, 7- New Hanover County Heart Association Budget for 1962-1963 ? 11 ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Nm voted to adjourn. a Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously , Executive Secretary II I