1962-12-03 Regular Meeting Wilmington, N.C. December 3, 1962 ASSEN(BLY - ; ' After the swearing in ceremony of County officials by Superior Court Judge Walter J. Bone, the Chairman called the regular semimonthly meeting to order at 10:30 A. N. in the Commissioners? Room. PRESENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. ; „INVOCATION - In the absence of Reverend J. E. Howard, Pastor of the Free Will Baptist Church who was scheduled to serve as Chaplain for this morning's meeting, the Chairman called on the Executive Secretary for the invocation. REORGAMIZATION - The Chairman observed that the first order of business would be to elect a Chairman and a Vice Chairman for the coming year. /Chairman - Mr. Mayhan nominated Ns. J. M. Hall, Jr. to succeed himself as Chair- man. There were no further nominations and Mr. Metts offered a motion that they be closed. It was seconded by Nr. Braak. Mr. Hall was reelected by unanimous acclamation. Mr. Hall thanked the Board for their continued confidence and pledged his best efforts to serve them to the hest of his ability. /Uice Chairman - Mr. Broadhurst nominated Mr. J. Van B. Metts, Jr. as Vice Chair- man. There were no further nominations and upon motion of Ns. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the nominations were closed and Mr. Metts was elected unanimously. /County Attorney - Mr. Nfayhan then offered a motion that L. Bradford Tillery be reappointed County Attor\ey for the next year. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. ' Secretar•i'es - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Ntayhan, the Board unanimously reappointed W. G. Houck as Clerk-Executive Secretary for the next year with Mrs. Evelyn M. Foster as Secretary. Assistant Solicitor - The Chairman read the tith Solicitorial District recommending the succeed himself as Assistant Solicitor for the the Superior Couct of New Hanover County. Up Board unanimously reappointed W. Allen Cobb to Superior Court. a letter from the present Solicitor of reappointment of Mr. W. Allen Cobb to prosecution of the Criminal docket of :)n motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. serve as Assistant Solicitor of the APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Before approving the minutes, Mr. Mayhan observed in the paragraph headed "Church Taxes Excused" a correction should be made as follows: "A representative of the Nyrtle Grove Holiness Church came before the Board and explained that Mr. Julian Godwin had been notified of taxes due to the County by him personally." Then in the same paragraph after the words "tear down the Church building" insert "as Mr. Julian Godwin had a lien against it". Also, in the paragraph designated as "Foster Homes" to delete the words "and Barefoot" as it was explained that he would not have a vote on the appropriation of funds. After the above amendments are made, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion, which was seconded by Mr. Braak, that they be approved as amended. it was unanimously carried. IINDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT - The Chairman recalled that at a special meeting held on June 28, 1962, they had authorized and instructed the County Auditor to set up a special account in the amount of $33,000 for the purpose of dredging a"turn around basin" in the upper Northeast Cape Fear River for the use of the Carolina Nitrogen Company plant. He now understands that a dredging contract has been let for deepening the channel of the river by the Corps of Enaineers and suggests that while the dredging company has their equipment on the job, they might be able to obtain better bids for dredging the "turn around basin" 3f they seek negotiation with the company whose equipment is already on the scene. He requests the Board's authorization for seeking bids as the construction of the Carolina Nitrogen Company is progressing and the basin will be needed in the near fu.ture. Mr. Metts observed that he had been informed that at least two of the dredging concerns in the nearby area had their equipment "beached" as a result of the raging storm which eroded our beaches and it might be that dredges will be in demand and therefore this mig$t not be the proper time to neyotiate. After a bri.ef consideration, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the Chairman be authorized to advertise for bids to do this work at the most appropriate time. The motion was seconded by Nr. Braak and unanimously adopted. BEACH PRESERVATION The Chairman made the following observation: "I feel very deeply that all I of the members of this Board of County Commissioners express their honest opinions at all times and act in accordance witYi the dictates of their best judgement and conscience for what we each consider to be best for our County. I earnestly pray it will always be so. In keeping with the matter of expressing our honest opinions as to what is best for our County I have an item Uthich I want to bring up for your urgent action. ? It should be the item of prime importance on our agenda today. Last Friday and Satur- day, I watched the ocean batter to pieces several houses at Carolina Beach. I daresay there might be people who would say "Well, what are several houses, six or eight houses?II° To the owners of those several houses the loss is a real disaster. To the rest of us it should be an omen of things to come if we sit idly by and do nothing about what is a I real threat to the economy of New Hanover County, namely the possible loss of great segments of our beaches. The United States Corps of Engineers has come up with an (continued) L_ u ? {} t 7 Minutes of 'the Meetino December ?_1962 Co_nJt_inued 'BEACH PRESERVATION - (continued) answer to svch problems as we had facino us for the past week. The United States Government representatives have recognized that the people of the United States are inter- ested in our shoreline by recommending that the Congress, in behalf of citi2ens of the Ientire nation pay for 60% of the work. Representatives of our state Government have agreed to recommend that the 5tate recognize the importance of its beaches by making a sizable contribution, the total estimated cost is $1,239,000 of which Federal funds amount to $739,000 and non-Federal $499,800. All of this help is based on the contention that the covnty and its municipalities help themselves. If we, the Board of Commissioners, fail to take the necessary steps to see that this erosion danger is removed to the extent of our abilities, we will in my humble' opinion, be derelict in our duties." During the discussion of these remarks, Mr. Metts suggested that the entire Board visit all the Ibeaches today to decide if there is a possibility of having them declared a disaster area. IBy common consent, the Board unanimousl'y acreed to finish the day's business here at the office and recess until after they made their inspection trip of the beaches. A local citizen, Mr. Richard A. Shew, suggested that they consider the use of sand bags as a ?possible economical,way to check the wave erosion and sited an experimental project used by him in front ofj his own beach house. (See report at end of these minutes.) C.A.P. COMP4ENDATIOPQ - , ,Mr. Metts observed that the C.A.P. organizations have been of incalculable aid ,during the past,week when the storm was damaging our beaches and have rendered around-the- clock service %in the protection of both life and property and he offered a motion that a I,letter acknowledging this service be sent to the commanding officers of the squadrons who participated in this activity with copies to the State Commander, Colonel Donald Denton, Commander North Carolina 4Jing Deadquarters, N'nunicipal Airport, Charlotte, North Carolina. Najor Kenneth G. Wooten, Commanding Group 8, Captain T. J. Fry, Commander Federal Sqaudron., Lt. W. T. Ballentine, Executive Officer. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously carried. COMNNNITY PLANNING BOARD - ? i Mr. Richard A. 5hew, a member of the Community Planning Board, appointed to represent the County in the development of areas outside of the City limits reported on some of the activities of the Board with reference to making recommendations for the loca- tion of main traffic arteries which will be needed in the future. He stated t'hat the pre- sent'llaw would not permit any of the County's representatives to vote on any questions in- side the City but that the City representatives could vote on the County problems within one mile of the City limits. He recommends that permissive leyislation be enacted to allow equal voting power. iTRUST FUND REFORT / A letter was received from the Clerk of Superior Court requesting a delay in his hands as required under GS 2-46. By common consent of the Board, they unanimously agreed that the report could be made at their next regular meeting to be held December 17th. RESOLUTIONS - The County Attorney presented the Resolutions wriich were authorized by the Board ' wi.th reference to the retirement of Mr. T. J. McHim from the Division of Engineers of the j5tate Highway Commissfon and of Mr. Robert L. Black, our former Register of Deeds, Upon ,moLlon of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan both of the Resolutions were approved with the 'suggestion of the County Attorney that manuscript coverings be attached to each of them and sent to Nr. McKim and Mrs. Black. WHERFAS, Thomas J. McKim has concluded his long and distinguished career with the North Carolina State Highway Department, and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has been honored both by h3s residence in the County and by his dedicated and untiring service as Division Engineer. NObd,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: ! 1. That New Hanover County extends to T. J. McKim its best riishes for many years of pleasant retirement(and its thanks for many years of devoti.on t6,_the-75bi te- of:.North.:.Car,o1'i•na...-- :D ,.. ':'., r ' ".. ... 2. That a copy hereof be del3vered to Mr. McKim and that this Resolution be spread upon the official minutes of this meeting. Done at YJilmington, North Carolina, this 3rd day of December, 1962. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY J. M. Hall, Jr. Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr. Ernest R. Mayhan L. E. Broadhurst Peter H. Braak (See minutes of 11/11/62 showing Resolution for iNr. Black.) : ?? ? y, F'-' .2f ? 3 •...`b i :3 Minutes of the Meeting December 3, 1962 A CHANGE IN COUNTY ROAD - The State Highway Commission has approved the extension of 17th Street to Shipyard Boulevard via the old Federal Point Road and presented the fo11ow1ng Resolu- tion for adoption by the Board: WHEREAS, the State Highway Commission has filed with the Board of Commiss- ioners of the County of New Hanover a map designated as Pro,ject 8,23352, lbth and 17th Sts., showing a proposed relocation of a section of county road; and WHEREAS, it appears that this relocation is for the best interest of the road system of the said county NOW,THEREFORE, the proposed change and relocation as shown on the said map is hereby approved and ratified." Upon motion of Nr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved Jthis request. OAK GROVE CEMETERY - f The Chairman reminded the Board that it would be necessary to remove approxi- mately 93 graves out of the right-of-way before 17th Street could be extended. The State has staked out the right-of-way lines and the legal requirements under GS 65-15 have been accomplished. During the discussion of this matter, Mr. Metts offered a suggestion that a suitable location for a new cemetery be found and that all the graves out of Oak Grove Cemetery be moved to it. The Executive Secretary reported that several people interested in relatives buried there had called to see if they might move their own remains. One funeral director said he had several reqnests but suggested that it would be better to advertise for bids on this project in his opinion. It was finally decided that the removal of the graves came under the heading of administrative and the Chairman was authorized to proceed accordingly. ? VOLUMNE 4 B and !} C General Statutes The Executive Secretary reported that replacement volumnes !}B and 4C tothe General Statutes of North Carolina are now available. They supersede the present volumnes which were brought up to date in 1955• The County Attorney suggested that they should be purchased. The price is $31.50 and by unanimous common consent the Board authorized the Executive Secretary to order them. COWiISSIONERS DISTRICT MEETING - The Chairman informed the Board that a District Neeting of the State Assoc- iation of County Commissioners was scheduled for December 13th in Eli2abethtown at 10:00 A. M. for the purpose of looking at the various appropriation requests of the State Ageric:ies.-?,jhich affect County act3vities such as Healtfi, Hii;hways,Schools, and Welfare and to review'the- Teg3"sTativP'pPpgTgt arid needs. Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Nayhan, the Board unanimously authorized all Commissioners and County officials to attend this meeting. ? PROPERTY SALE OFFER - A letter was received from Carter, Murchison, Fox and IVewton, local attor- neys, offering to purchase the tract of land and building located at 198 Castle Hayne Road for $15,000. This is the same property which was vacated by the State Highway . Maintenance Department and now under lease to the C. E. !dhite Lumber Company. After considering the matter, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the offer be rejected as it did not represent a fair market value. 1'he motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. RECESS Complying with the decision at the beginning of the meeting, Nr. Braak offered a motion that the Board recess for the purpose of visiting the beaches to?sur- vey the damage caused by the storm. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously ?I approved. , VISITATION - Carolina Beach - The first stop made was at Carolina Beach where they were met by the town officials and conducted on a tour of the strand, after which the officia] ' of Carolina Beach passed a Resolution urging that it be declared a major disaster area in accordance with Public Law 87$ - 81st Congress. ' Kure Beach - They next visited Kure Beach and discussed the damages with the Mayor. tiJriqhtsville Beach - At 3:15 P. M. they arrived at Wrightsville Beach and , met with the Town Council who conducted them on a tour to survey the damage caused by the storm there. They then gathered at the Town Hall of Wrightsville Beach where the ' Town Council, along with Colonel Harry E. Brown, Director of the Sit.ate Department of Water Resources met in official session and urged that the Wrightsville Beach waterfront'i and strand be declared a major disaster area in accordance with Public Law 875 - 81st ! Congress. Conclusions - Each of these municipalities declared that the damage caused by the storm was beyond the capability of their local governments to repair. I RECONUENTION - After completing the inspection trip, the New Hanover County Board of Com- missions reconvened their meeting and Mr. Metts presented the following Resolution: iI , I IdHEREAS, the Seach areas of New Hanover County, particularly those extend- ing from 'rJilmington Beach to the Northern end of the Town of Wriahtsville have I suffered tremendous damage as a resvlt of a severe storm which has been raging since the 25th of November 1962 and I (continued) I "m m? Minutes of the Meeting December 3, 1962 Continued RECONVENTION - (Resolution continued) WHEREAS, it is quite evident that our Beaches have eroded on an average of four (4) feet. It is beyond the capability of the local Governmental agencies to repair this damage caused by the storm, which as of this time, has not abated. I NObJ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The Governor be respectEully urged to re- I quest the President to declare New Hanover County a"Ma,jor Disaster Area", in I accordance with Public Law 875, 81st Congress. . . Teleqram - Mr, Metts then offered a motion that the Chairman be authorized to send the following telegram to Governor Terry Sanford. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhvrst and unanimously adopted: The Beach Areas of New Hanover-County, particularly-those ton geach to the Northern end di the Tdwn of WrightsvilIe tremendous damage as a result of'a severe storin whicR has 25th of November, 1962. It is quite evident that our Be average of four (I}) feet. It if beyond the capability of agencies to repair this damage caused by the storm, which not abated. extending from Wilming- Beach have suffered been ragi'ng sirice the 3ches have eroded ori an the local-Goverhmental as of this time, has You are respectfully urged to request the President to declare New Hariover County a"Major Disaster Area" in accordance with Public Law 875, glst Congress. This request is taken as a result of formal Resolutions enacted by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, the Board of Aldermen of Wrightsville and ? the Town Council of Carolina Beach, N. C. REPORTS - - The following reports were reviewed and filed for further information: ? 1_?' Consolidated gpard of Health Report. . 2-1 State Department of Revenue Annual Report of Beer and ldine Taxes amounting to $30,020.99. 3-? State Highway Commission Project 8.23352 relative to highway improve- li ments proposed for lbth and 17th Streets. ' !}-(/Officiai notice of beginning construction of the new Blocka de Runner otor Hotel at Wrightsville Beach, N.C. • 'I 5- Letter from Mr. M. H. Vaughan proposing the development of a recreation area, or park, between Masonboro Inlet and Carolina Beach Inlet. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, clared the meeting adjourned. W. Y. I4o the Chairman de- , Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. December 17, 1962 ASSEMBL'Y - The Netir Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular semimonthly session today in the Commissioners' Room at 9:00 A. M. with the foliowing members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Eroadhurst, Peter H. Braak, , Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Netts, Jr „ County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery arid County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend R. K. Johnson, Pastor of Westminister Presbyterian Church, to give a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - - The minutes of the regular meeting held on December 3rd, copies of which had been sent to each Commissioner, were upon motion of Mr. Metts,. seconded by Mr. A4ayhan, unanimously approved. TAX LISTERS - The Tax Supervisor, T. D. Love, Jr, recommended the fol1lowing township Tax Listers for the year: Cape Fear Townshiv: Mrs. George W. Wilkins - Castle Hayne, N. C. Federal Point Township: Kure Beach ) Carolina Beach ) Mrs, James H. Myatt - Carolina Beach, N. C. I Masortboro Township: I Mrs, Louise B. Melton RFD #2, Box 161 Wilmington, N. C. I Harnett #1: ? Mrs. John C. Leeuwenburg - 3407 Wilshire Blvd. Wilmington, N. C. ? Harnett #2: Mrs. Sally Best - RFD 1, Wilmington, N. C. w .