1962-12-17 Regular Meeting "m m? Minutes of the Meeting December 3, 1962 Continued RECONVENTION - (Resolution continued) WHEREAS, it is quite evident that our Beaches have eroded on an average of four (4) feet. It is beyond the capability of the local Governmental agencies to repair this damage caused by the storm, which as of this time, has not abated. I NObJ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The Governor be respectEully urged to re- I quest the President to declare New Hanover County a"Ma,jor Disaster Area", in I accordance with Public Law 875, 81st Congress. . . Teleqram - Mr, Metts then offered a motion that the Chairman be authorized to send the following telegram to Governor Terry Sanford. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhvrst and unanimously adopted: The Beach Areas of New Hanover-County, particularly-those ton geach to the Northern end di the Tdwn of WrightsvilIe tremendous damage as a result of'a severe storin whicR has 25th of November, 1962. It is quite evident that our Be average of four (I}) feet. It if beyond the capability of agencies to repair this damage caused by the storm, which not abated. extending from Wilming- Beach have suffered been ragi'ng sirice the 3ches have eroded ori an the local-Goverhmental as of this time, has You are respectfully urged to request the President to declare New Hariover County a"Major Disaster Area" in accordance with Public Law 875, glst Congress. This request is taken as a result of formal Resolutions enacted by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, the Board of Aldermen of Wrightsville and ? the Town Council of Carolina Beach, N. C. REPORTS - - The following reports were reviewed and filed for further information: ? 1_?' Consolidated gpard of Health Report. . 2-1 State Department of Revenue Annual Report of Beer and ldine Taxes amounting to $30,020.99. 3-? State Highway Commission Project 8.23352 relative to highway improve- li ments proposed for lbth and 17th Streets. ' !}-(/Officiai notice of beginning construction of the new Blocka de Runner otor Hotel at Wrightsville Beach, N.C. • 'I 5- Letter from Mr. M. H. Vaughan proposing the development of a recreation area, or park, between Masonboro Inlet and Carolina Beach Inlet. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, clared the meeting adjourned. W. Y. I4o the Chairman de- , Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. December 17, 1962 ASSEMBL'Y - The Netir Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular semimonthly session today in the Commissioners' Room at 9:00 A. M. with the foliowing members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Eroadhurst, Peter H. Braak, , Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Netts, Jr „ County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery arid County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend R. K. Johnson, Pastor of Westminister Presbyterian Church, to give a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - - The minutes of the regular meeting held on December 3rd, copies of which had been sent to each Commissioner, were upon motion of Mr. Metts,. seconded by Mr. A4ayhan, unanimously approved. TAX LISTERS - The Tax Supervisor, T. D. Love, Jr, recommended the fol1lowing township Tax Listers for the year: Cape Fear Townshiv: Mrs. George W. Wilkins - Castle Hayne, N. C. Federal Point Township: Kure Beach ) Carolina Beach ) Mrs, James H. Myatt - Carolina Beach, N. C. I Masortboro Township: I Mrs, Louise B. Melton RFD #2, Box 161 Wilmington, N. C. I Harnett #1: ? Mrs. John C. Leeuwenburg - 3407 Wilshire Blvd. Wilmington, N. C. ? Harnett #2: Mrs. Sally Best - RFD 1, Wilmington, N. C. w . ? Minutes of the Meetino December 17, 1962 Continved TAX LISTERS - (Continued) (Wriahtsville Beach. - Harnett Township Mr. S. W. Brinson, Sr. -Mockingbird Lane & College Road, Wilmington, N. C. 1rlilmin,qton TownshiA: Mrs. N. L. k'allace - 507 N. 23rd St., Wilmington, N. C. Mr. W. P. Toon - 520 Princess St. Wilmington, N. C. P7r. J. L. Gholson 1510 Dock St., " Mr. H. S. King 114,Sout.h _sth St. " Mr. J. A. West 1319 Princess St. " Mr. Herbert Coughenour 1726 Orange St. " Upon motion of Nfr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the recommendations of the Auditor were unanimously approved. IBEER PERMIT - The following application for a Beer Permit was reviewed and upon motion, of Mr. Netts, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, was unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff for his investigation and consideration. George W. Edwards T/A George Edwards Esso Service Station 5039 Wrightsville Ave. ?(APPROPRIATIONS - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that the funds budgeted for the Commissioners' Stationery and Supplies Account were depleted and that because of the overhauling of a truck motor used at Hugh MacRae Park the Repairs and Maintenance Account was overdrawn and suggested that $150.00 be appropriated for the Commissioners 5tationery and Supplies and the County Auditor recommended that $500.00 be appropriated to the Repairs and Maintenance at Hugh N1acRae Park from the Emergency Fund. After a brief discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion, which was seconded by Mr. Mayhan, that this recommendation be approved. It was unanimously adopted. ` ?41ELFARE - TRANSFER The County Auditor reminded the Board that they had authori2ed the purchase of some new equipment for the Public Welfare Department at an estimated cost of $3400.00 but that no appropriation or tr.ansfer had ever been made authorizing the payment for it. After some explanation by Mr. Braak, who represents the Commissioners on the YJelfare Board and is also Chairman of that Board, it was agreed that the funds should be authorized to pay for the equipment and Mr. Braak offered a motion that $3,400 be transferred from Unexpended Salaries to Capital Outlay in the Public Welfare Budget. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Broadhurst voted 11NO", but as the other members of the Board voted "YES, the Chairman declared the motion carried bya majority vote. [COUNTY HOME NURSES County Auditor T. D. Love reported that employed at the County Home as a nurse at a salary excess of the salaries paid the other nurses. Mr. a licensed practical nurse and has completed nurse has not taken the examination. By common consent, on a semimonthly basis as all other employees. ?CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS - ! Recorder's Court Judge H. Winfield Smith, accompanied by Attorney Aaron ? Goldburg, explained to the Board that is necessary to expedite the Court during Christ- ? mas Holiday Season and asked the Commissioners to authorize the payment of overtime or ti;ime oFf`for those employees who must perform the necessary functions of the Court. The ' Chairman explained that it was the intent of the Board to allow department heads to i determine how many of their employees would be required to perform the necessary funct- ? ions of each particular office on Monday, December 24th and since' little would be required in the afternoon of Christmas Eve the offices might be closed early. As Wednesday isadeclared Holiday, it was decided that the clerks necessary for the opera- tion for the Recorder's Court be paid extra for that•day's work or be allowed time off. After a brief discussion of this problem, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion which was seconded by Mr. Metts that the personnel necessary for the efficient operation of the dep3rtment at the discretion of the department head be allowed extra pay for Wednesday, December ? 26th or given time off to compensate for it-. The motion carried unanimously. ? , Monday Clarification - In the discussion of the above matter, it developed that there was some misunderstanding about the intent ofthe Board with reference to the Mpnday closing. The Execut•ive Secretary reported that'he had understood that the mat- ter was left entirely to the department heads and had so informed them but that it seemed now that it was the intent for the offices to be opened at least until noon with sufficient personnel to t•ransact any necessary business. After briefly discussing the matter further, N?r. Broadhurst offered a motion that noon December 24th, Christmas Eve, be open for one-half day with a skeleton force but since past experience indicated that scarcely any business is transacted on Christmas Eve, the offices be allowed to' close in the afternoon. This motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and when the ballot was called for, all of the Commissioners voted in favor of the motion except Nr. Metts who voted contrary to the motion with the observation that in his opinion public offices Nms. Shirley Nadean Burns had been of $50.00 per week which is in Braak explained that Mr. Burns is s training for a registered nurse but it was agreed that she would be paid IGRAND JURY REPORT - The Chairman read the December report of the Grand Jury made to hi-s Honor Walter J. Bone, Presiding in the Superior Court for the trial of Criminal cases. Among other items recommended was 1- that the Jurors' pay be increased to a realistic figure and 2- that they receive excuses for overtime parking tickets. By common con- sent, the Board authorized the Executive Secretary to write the foreman of the Grand Jur and inform him that the matters were outside the jurisdiction of the Board of County Commissioners. They directed that the question of•overtime parking tickets be referred to the City and that the matter of increasing Jurors' pay be placed on the Rgenda for discussion with our Representatives to the General AssembTy. 1 Minutes of the Meeting December 17, 1962 . Continued d CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS - (continued) shbuld observe the same ho.li•days as business offices. As the roajority voted favorably, the Chairman declared the motion adopted. PETITION FOR RELIEF - / The Department of Public Welfare submitted an application for County Home I care for Charles William Rice who was recently released from the State Sanitorium after it was determined that he did not have tuberculosis. He has no place to go and no in- come therefore he is askina for admittance to the County Home. Upon motion of Mr. I Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved the application. SERVICE PINS - Mr. Mayhan reported to the Board that he had discussed the matter of service pins for County employees with N;r. Baxter who can furnish them to the County at approx- imately 50e' per year's service. In other words, a pin awarded for 5 years service would cost $2.50. He explained that he had invited him to appear before the Board at the regular meeting in January to give us further details about it. PENSION - / The?Chairman observed that as Chairman of the Board of Health he wanted to re- port that they Ilad approved a request for reopening the Pension Fund both to employees who have been hired since it was closed in 1957.and any of the others who wished to be reinstated. This would likewise apply to employees of other departments of the County if it is decided to reopen it. During the discussion, the County Auditor reported that the presenL Pension Fund was being paid out at a rate of $2,000 more per month than it was taking in and in his opinian it was not actuarially sound. He believes that it would cost the taxpayers less money to have it reopened so that the contributions to it will keep it replenished. The Chairman requested him to gather some figures to support his contention and present them to the Board at a later meeting. After further discuss- ion, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that no changes be made at this time in the retire- ment setup. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. OAK GROVE CEMETERY - / The Chairman reported that he had received a quotation from the Rockwell Casket Company to supply boxes at $5•45 each in which to re-inter the remains of the graves to be moved out of the right-of-way extension of 17th St. which goes through Oak Grove Cemetery. He requested an informal clarification from the Board as to whether or not they considered this an administrative matter and if so he would pro- ceed on that basis. By common consent of the Board, they agreed that it was an admin- istrative function and gave their approval for him to proceed. Mr. Metts again sug- gested that consideration be given to the moving of the entire graves and seeking a suitable location in which to re-inter the remains. COUIVTY HONE HEAT - Mr. Braak reported that the Board of Directors of the New Hanover County ? Home had authorized a stoker instalied in the boiler but that it was not satisfactory and now several sections of the boiler were cracked and when they had attempted to welfl them found that the metal was burned so that it would not weld. An estimate of the cost of replacing the leaking sections amounts to within $500.00 of the price of an oil fired steam generator and they recommend that this be installed. The Board had consulted with the County Attorney as to whether or not it would be legally necess- ary to advertise for making this size expenditure of tax money. They consider it an emergency and the Attorney advised them that under these conditions they could pro- ceed without advertising. So far as they can determine, no new appropriation will be required to install this heating plant. This report was made for the information of the Commissioners since the Board of Directors are charged with the delegated respon- sibility of managing the County Home affairs. TAX LISTING Tax Supervisor T. D. Love, Jr. requested the Commissioners to advise him if they had any intention.of giving any extension of time'for the listing of taxes this year. It was the unanimous common consensus of the Board to proceed on the same basis as in the past for the 1963 listing period. REPORTS '- The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for future information. 1- Home Economics Extension Agent's Monthly Report. ? 2- County Agricultural Agent's Report for December 1962.? 3- County Home Matron's Report.- 4- U.S.O. Club Report for November, 1962.? 5- New Hanover County Council on Alcoholism Report Sept., October and ? November 1962. 6- Resolution passed by Town Council of Kure Beach,N.C. regarding erosion ? during recent storm. 7- Letter from Clerk of Superior Court requesting additional time for pre- ,? sentation of his annual report of trust funds, usually submitted on the first Monday in each December. 8- Letters from Administrator Anderson of Community Hospital relative to ./ appointment of another member to the Board of Trustees to replace Nir. A. E. Gibson, resigned, and submitting for consideration Mr. Stanley i' Rehder as nominee. ` 9- Annual Audit from New Hanover County School Superintendent..- 10- Wilmington Public Libraries' Reports. 11- Copy of Application of National Air Lines, Incorporated for Amendment of its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for Route 31 So As To Delete Therefrom the, Intermediate Points Fayetteville, New Bern and Wilmington, N. C. / 12- U. S. Governmental Questionnaire on Intergovernmental Relationsf 13- Consolidated Board of Health Report for November 1962.? 14- Independent Auditors' Report of the Consolidated Board of Health.? I. ? i?? ? ?Jt 6 Minutes of the Meeting PETIT JURY December 17, 1962 The following good and lawful citizens were selected to serve as Jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning January 14, 1963 - Criminal term; January 21, 1963 - Civil term; and January 28, 1963 - Civil term: Jurors for the week beqinninq January 11L, 1963 - Criminal term A. F. Lee '-509 Market St. L. G. King '.233 Dav`ie Drive S. A. Cross P. O. Box 1356 J. H. Hobbs 2615 Wrightsville Ave. H. C. Arrants 212 Midland Dr. H. B. Weaver 311 Meares St. Benjamin R. Canady RFD 1, Box 240 Loy J. Klutz Box 383, Carolina §eaEh James H. Foyles 220(} Mimosa Place Archie Carr 4927 Oleander Dr. Arden Vines RFD 1, Box 148 R. 0. 47hitley 3714 Winston Blvd. B. F. Melton Jr. 212 Greenfield St. E. C. Helms Box 1226, City EE.lis I. Smith 124 Pine Cone Road Foster Hardy RFD 2, Box 94 0. R 4Jilloughby ill S. 53rd St. J. E. Hansley RFD 2, Box 221 R. G. bdilliams 2709 S. Front St. L. L. Murray 310 Wood Dale Dr. J. C. Rourk 3629 Wriahtsv. Ave. Ivan E . Roberson 3902 Cherry Ave. Wilton W. Stephens 109 Parkway Blvd. Ruben W. Butler Jr. 6112 Oleander Dr. Gerald M. Watkins 61 Lake Forest Pkwy. Jurors for the week G. W. Hull J. J. Jones A. B. Riggs W. L. Sheffield Henry O. Foy S. T. Gresham Jr. H. J. Holmes W. L. Warren Robert C. Horne Holden Reddick N. R. Skipper A. R. Johnson J. E. McWatty Joseph H. Holden ,Tames I. Farmer J. H. Burriss R. A. Dunlea Sr. Max A. Newber Jr Carl H. Voss Albert J. Beam John L. Henson F. R. Jordan W. F. Pepper Edward B. Ward Ausby E. Prince Jurors for the week O. V. Roe J. F. Nurray E. I. Ennis Fred M. Hintze W. P. Dyke James D. Raynor R. B. Eakins Leon E. Wright John A. Moran Clyde C. Smith C. L. Davis George D. Farrow E. D. Piner R. W. Booth W. D. Walkup George D. Murray Ellis D. Dean James L. Smith Jr William Benson Harry L. Wise Herbert H. Fryar. Ernest M. Larson J. C. Slocumb Harvey D. Lewis Gardner Greer Jack Godley 2406 A. Princess P1 Dr. I James Fred Rippy Jr. 217 N. 18th St. I Gordon T. Garner . 126 Holbrooke Ave. 'I Daniel M. Philemon 2010 Perry Ave. I Eddie Futchs 315 S. 17th St. C. K. Johnson RFD 2, Box 166 Robert R. Crews 117 Gordon Road i Harlee H. Jones 4304 Oleander Dr. J. P. Munroe 419 N. 41st St. LeRoy Schnibben 608 U. 23rd St. A. L. Richards P. O. Box 1184 Pressley P. Rumple RFt? 1?? Box 200 A a ? Charles E. Yarborough ?60?} Nla rke? Sf?? I Robert E. Scott 3121z Wrightsv. Ave Thomas G. Smith 207 Pinecrest Pkwy.' Melrose Date 2944 Jefferson St. Robert G. Smith Wilmington Beach Stanley R. Johnson 253 Spruce D . Lindsey R. Sullivan 4 RFD j, Box 242 AA Virgil M. Lancaster 128 West Renov h Edward S. Freshwater L?1}06 Greenfiel?lEO Frank King Bruce 3 Crane St. Frederick D. Waters 108 Greenville Ave. Abbie M. McFarland 2205 Market St. Carl Hembree St. John 209 Forest Road I January 21, 1963 - Civil term RFD 3, Box 61(} RFD 2, Box 223 311 N. 45th St. 207 N. 16th St. 3803 Oleander Dr. P. O. Box 55 P. 0. Box 222 Wrightsville Beach 511 Chestnut St. 1!} S. 6th St. RFD 1, Box 333 RFD 1, box 359 2015 Wilcox Ave. P.O. Box 907 903 Princess St. RFD 1 8ox 12I} RFR.3s" lgoxang N.C. ?9oD ?, Box 488 January 28, 1962 1L Market St. ll? YJest Queen St. RFD 3, Box 191 RFD 2, Box 2l}0 A 529 Castle Hayne Rd. RFD 2, Box 87 113 Keaton Ave. 21}5 Davie Dr. Dallie D. Baggett Donald J. Batdorff Willie Z Moore Elliott Ripley Bradley Weeks Clayton E. Starnes F. M. Westbrook Jr. 614 N. 23rd St. 3910 Wrightsv. Ave. 120 Arlington Dr. RFD 2, Box 42 512 Devon Court 100 Bryan Ave. 1019 Hawthorne Rd. Robert Simmons D. 0. Stillman M. E. Horne Gilbert Pickard N. A. LeNay John 11. Wenburg John A. Orrell Jr. A. J. Vucic William J. Davis Euqene D.Arend Richard Lee Phipps Melvin H. Shingleton .lohn J. Denitson A. H. Goodnight R. F. Heustes William Henry Canady Joseph E. Bryant Jr. Addison lCermit Porter RFD 1, Box 356 207 N. 22nd St. 4200 Peachtree St, 4927 Pine St, 5813 Oleander Dr, P. o. Box 328 5030 Heide Dr. 2514 Burnett Blvd. CBO 122Ha e N. C ??? ?ree?if ield S{, 08 Roseland Dr. 10 N. Kerr Ave. Castle Hayne, N.C. 1316 Hawthorne Rd. 2802 Hiyhland Dr. Jr. 117 S. llth St. 121 Laurel Dr. RFD 3, Box (}$1 - Civil term 153 Pinecrest Pki.y. RFD 1, Box 288 580 Castle Hayne 601 Pine Valley Dr. 4936 Wrightsv. Ave. 312 S. 17th st. 124 Ridgeway Dr. RFD 3, Box 463 122 Stradleigh Rd. P. o. sox 573 RFD 2, Box 363 RFD 2, Box 82 RFD 2, Box 386 P. o. Box 1646 326 s. 3rd St. 210 Myrtle Ave. 2717 Washington St. RFD 1, Box 168 1246 Fairway Dr. 206 Adelaide Dr. 123 Hinton Ave. 5424 Oleander Dr. BOM?3ltsville Beach 301 Mddland Drive 11 Country Clgoulev. Oran S. Hinton RFD 3, Box 385 Avon H. Elliott 607 Colonial Dr. J. Earl Sneeden P. O. Box 1488 W. L. McIntire P. O. Box 1375 Edwin N. Small, Sr. P. O. Box 1051 Spencer S. Combs 103 Hentucky Ave. ' Jessie F. Simon 1110 S. 4th St. Ranford G. igells 5709 4;rightsv. Ave. Jonathan D. Stanford 2905 Narket St. Eularine W. Register 2511 Wrightsv. Ave. William N. Kingoff 2317 Shirley Rd. Homer L. Clark 215 Pinecrest Pkwy. Clowen D. McDonald 314 S. 17th St. Gene F. Robinson 10 Jackson St. Ralph N. Rannbury 1328 Hawthorne Rd. Paul E. Gregory 135 Ridgeway Dr. R. D. Worthington 219 Glendale Dr. Victor D. Batson 144 Lake Forest Pkwy? Dorward Herman McCollo ugh 16 S. GreenviR$e, Kettneth J:,_Tabor RFD 1, Box 265 B i Itobert C. Rivenbark ?i?tNe ???n?, N. C. i Billy Lawrence Alford l 1 Woo an br. Milton A. Northrup Jr. RFD 3, Box 532 ' John A. Rose 201 Parkway Blvd. Clarence B. Sternberge r 2934 Cambridge Dr. , -- ?- Ninutes of the Neeting December 17, 1962 ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business Broadhurst offered a motion to adjourn. mously approved. W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary . ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting ioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. ing members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Bradford Tillery. County Auditor T. D. L due"to death of his mother. Continued to be brought before the Board, Mr. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- Wilmington, N. C. January 7, 1963 of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- in the Commissionerst Room with the follow- Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Van B. Metts, .1r. and County Attorney L. :)ve, Jr.. was unable to attend the meeting ? INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and.asked Reverend Frank S. John- ston, retired Presbyterian minister, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE NINUTES Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the regular semimonthly meetino held on December 17, 1962 were unanimously approved as written. RESIGNATION - ASSISTANT HOME AGENT ? A letter was received from Mrs. Ntargaret M. Pierce, Assistant Home Econ- omics Extension Agent,tendering her resignation effective February 1, 1963. She ex- plained that the reason was due to circumstances beyond her control,however,she had enjoyed her experience in working for New Hanover County. After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the resignation be regretfuily accepted and a letter written expressing appreciation for the fine work which she has done. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously carried. CITY-COUNTY AGREENENT ? Mr. Metts called attention to the verbal agreement with the City Council on August 20, 1962 with reference to 4417 acres of County land on which a sewerage treatment plant for the City of ?kilmington might be constructed. On October llth, this matter was called to the attention of the City Manager in writing and again on October 15th. He had written a letter as Acting Chairman of the Board at that time. He suggested that a follow-up letter might be advisable at this time in order to bring the matter to a conclusion. It was pointed that the City is occupying the property and operating the trash dump for the benefit of the County in line with the ayreement. By common consent, the Board ayreed to delay any further action on the matter after the County Attorney explained that he had submitted written sucgestions: to the City Attorney outlining his understanding of the agreement and that he was in- formed that the matter is beino held in abeyance until the General Assembly convenes at which time they will be requested to clarify some matters in connection with it. / Nr. Metts observed that the annual report of Trust Funds handled by the Clerk of Superior Court was due on the ffirst Monday in December but that a request was made for it to be delayed until the December 17th meeting. Up to this time, it has not been made and upon immediate investigation, it was found that the County - Auditor had not been able to make his audit because of ttie pressing business of organizing for the listing of taxes. TRUST FUNDS REPORT - DIRECTOR CONMUNITY HOSPITAL - a / Mr. Broadhurst reminded the Board that they had never appointeqreplace- ment for Mr. A1 E: Gdbson who resigned as a member of the Board of Directors of Com- mvnity Hospital. He nominated Mr. Milton Fleishman with whom he has discussed the matter and secured his agreement'to serve if appointed. Mr. Mayhan moved that the nominations be clcsed. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and passed by a majority vote, Mr. Metts voting "NO" since he had approved the nomination made by the Board of Dir- ectors. Mr. Broadhurst then offered a motion that Milton Fleishman be appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of Community Hospital and the Executive Secre- tary notify him of this appointment in writing. It was seconded by Mr. N?ayhan and unanimously carried. COMMISSIONERS DISTRICT MEETING - i The Chairman reported that he accompanied by Mr. Braak, Miss Leila Moore Hall, Director of the Public Welfare Department and the Executive Secretary; attended the District Meeting held on December 13th at Elizabethtown, N. C. Most of the dis- cussion centered around the problems the 5tate would face in its Budget requests be- fore the next General Assembly. While some explanation was made with reference to Health and School programs, most of the discussion centered around its Roads and Wel- fare. The meeting was conducted by Nr. J. A. NacMarion, General Counsel for the State Association, who requested that all Boards of Comunissioners present their re- quests for legislation which they desired to have enacted during the next session. SUGGESTION - / Mr. M. H. Vaughan suggested that the Board Give consideration to request- ing the New Hanover County Representatives to the General Assembly to initiate legis- lation for the State to purchase and develop the natural beach lying between Mason- boro Inlet and Carolina Beach Inlet. He said the property was cheap at this time and could be developed at a later date as a public beach for all of the people. By -.common consent, the Board agreed to discuss this matter with the New Hanover County Legislators. ? ?I,