1963-01-07 Regular Meeting -- ?- Ninutes of the Neeting December 17, 1962 ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business Broadhurst offered a motion to adjourn. mously approved. W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary . ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting ioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. ing members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Bradford Tillery. County Auditor T. D. L due"to death of his mother. Continued to be brought before the Board, Mr. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- Wilmington, N. C. January 7, 1963 of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- in the Commissionerst Room with the follow- Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Van B. Metts, .1r. and County Attorney L. :)ve, Jr.. was unable to attend the meeting ? INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and.asked Reverend Frank S. John- ston, retired Presbyterian minister, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE NINUTES Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the regular semimonthly meetino held on December 17, 1962 were unanimously approved as written. RESIGNATION - ASSISTANT HOME AGENT ? A letter was received from Mrs. Ntargaret M. Pierce, Assistant Home Econ- omics Extension Agent,tendering her resignation effective February 1, 1963. She ex- plained that the reason was due to circumstances beyond her control,however,she had enjoyed her experience in working for New Hanover County. After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the resignation be regretfuily accepted and a letter written expressing appreciation for the fine work which she has done. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously carried. CITY-COUNTY AGREENENT ? Mr. Metts called attention to the verbal agreement with the City Council on August 20, 1962 with reference to 4417 acres of County land on which a sewerage treatment plant for the City of ?kilmington might be constructed. On October llth, this matter was called to the attention of the City Manager in writing and again on October 15th. He had written a letter as Acting Chairman of the Board at that time. He suggested that a follow-up letter might be advisable at this time in order to bring the matter to a conclusion. It was pointed that the City is occupying the property and operating the trash dump for the benefit of the County in line with the ayreement. By common consent, the Board ayreed to delay any further action on the matter after the County Attorney explained that he had submitted written sucgestions: to the City Attorney outlining his understanding of the agreement and that he was in- formed that the matter is beino held in abeyance until the General Assembly convenes at which time they will be requested to clarify some matters in connection with it. / Nr. Metts observed that the annual report of Trust Funds handled by the Clerk of Superior Court was due on the ffirst Monday in December but that a request was made for it to be delayed until the December 17th meeting. Up to this time, it has not been made and upon immediate investigation, it was found that the County - Auditor had not been able to make his audit because of ttie pressing business of organizing for the listing of taxes. TRUST FUNDS REPORT - DIRECTOR CONMUNITY HOSPITAL - a / Mr. Broadhurst reminded the Board that they had never appointeqreplace- ment for Mr. A1 E: Gdbson who resigned as a member of the Board of Directors of Com- mvnity Hospital. He nominated Mr. Milton Fleishman with whom he has discussed the matter and secured his agreement'to serve if appointed. Mr. Mayhan moved that the nominations be clcsed. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and passed by a majority vote, Mr. Metts voting "NO" since he had approved the nomination made by the Board of Dir- ectors. Mr. Broadhurst then offered a motion that Milton Fleishman be appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of Community Hospital and the Executive Secre- tary notify him of this appointment in writing. It was seconded by Mr. N?ayhan and unanimously carried. COMMISSIONERS DISTRICT MEETING - i The Chairman reported that he accompanied by Mr. Braak, Miss Leila Moore Hall, Director of the Public Welfare Department and the Executive Secretary; attended the District Meeting held on December 13th at Elizabethtown, N. C. Most of the dis- cussion centered around the problems the 5tate would face in its Budget requests be- fore the next General Assembly. While some explanation was made with reference to Health and School programs, most of the discussion centered around its Roads and Wel- fare. The meeting was conducted by Nr. J. A. NacMarion, General Counsel for the State Association, who requested that all Boards of Comunissioners present their re- quests for legislation which they desired to have enacted during the next session. SUGGESTION - / Mr. M. H. Vaughan suggested that the Board Give consideration to request- ing the New Hanover County Representatives to the General Assembly to initiate legis- lation for the State to purchase and develop the natural beach lying between Mason- boro Inlet and Carolina Beach Inlet. He said the property was cheap at this time and could be developed at a later date as a public beach for all of the people. By -.common consent, the Board agreed to discuss this matter with the New Hanover County Legislators. ? ?I, ;•S,"F._° Minutes of the Meeting January 7, 1963 (Continued) SERUICE.EMBLEN Comply:ing with the announcement at the last meeting by Mr. Mayhan, ' Nr. Spurgeon Baxley presented to the Board a suggested Service Emblem System for County employees. In his opinion, it will develop a group spirit among the employees and maintain a high sense of loyalty resulting in more efficient and longer length of service. He reports that the cost would amount to approximately 50?, per year's service. in other words, for 5 year's service he suggested a pin that would cost ? $2.50, for 10 year's service a$5.00 pin and for 15 year's service $7.50 etc. Many cities, counties and institutions are installing a similar system with very good results. The prices he quoted were based on an estimated minimum of 150 pins. The Chairman thanked him for the presentation and by common consent of the Board, fl the Executive Secretary was directed to make up a list showing the various lengths of service of the employees so that an estimate could be made of the total cost. ' 'COUNTY SEAL - , The Chairman reported that some consideration was being aiven to a re- ! vision to the present County seal and asY.ed for any suogestions for bringing it up ?to date as our County was no longer an agricultural county. ROAD IMPROVEMENT - Mr. Broadhurst reported that in his opinion the present road leading from the Ideal Cement Company plant to U.S. #117 was too narrow and inadequate and I? during peak hours it is dangerous and suggested that the Board initiate a. movement through the State Highway Commission for improvino it. Mr. Braak reported that it had been discussed with Mr. Lauch Faircloth who promised that the work would be accomplished some time this summer. The Chairman and Mr. Broadhurst had the Executive Secretary arrange a conference with the Division Enoineer for Lhis afternoon. ?ELFARE GRANTS - ' A discussion developed during the revision of the monthly reports of the Public UJelfare Department showing some increases in the grants. It was greatly in- fluenced by the 5tate and Federal Public 'Welfare Departments. Some thought that if they take a dictatorial attitude toward the matter, it was wrong and suggested that it be discussed with.the Legislators to see just what position the State does take with reference to the control of the Welfare money. REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and filed for information: , 11- Federal Aviation Agency Report 12- Wilmington Public Library 1 tl tl 11 3- Branch \4- Welfare Recipients Statistical Charzges \5- County Agricultural Agent's Report `6- Home Economics Extension Agent's Report (7- Independent Auditor's Report of Community Hospital, fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1962 18- Consolidated Tax Office Audit Report for year 1961 by J. B. McCabe & Company. ( PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors for the weeks beginning February 11, 1963 - Civil term; February 18 - Civil term; and February 25, 1963 - Criminal term. Jurors for the week beqinning - February 11, 1963 Civil term II Levi A. Mott 3403 Princess Judson H. Hill 226 Vance St. Wm. G. Leggett 115 Dare SL. Johnnie A. Taylor 2222 Gibson Ave. I J. R. Hobbs 4301 Market St. Robert Kallman % France Neckwear S. P. Brown 1918 Perry Ave. Frank P. Braswell 28 Summit Walk D. J. Lanier 2214 Chestnvt St. Julien K. Taylor Jr. 1806 Grace St. Harry nl. Clark 2923 Louisiana Ave. Major L. Brumble 14 N. 31st St. J. B. Little 4908 Park Ave. Joseph O. Nintz 2920 Monroe St. T. M. Jeffords Jr. 2519 Washington St. Garland W. Hull RFD 3, Box 622 J. B. Brown 109 S. 52nd St. Monroe Carter 2602 Lake Shore Dr. N. w. Pridgen 509 E. Shipyard Blvd. H. F. Owen 7 Sea Gull St. E. F. Loftin Sr. 2012 Woolcott Ave. Wr'ghtsv. Beach,N.C. 0. C. Crawford 217 N. 25th Arthur M. Gray 11? N. Kerr Ave, Horace M. Hall 210 N,ont omer Ave. Julius C. Ezzell 1?.1?02 tn?riahtsville Ave. 9 y Samuel H. Hope 312 N. Kerr Ave. Clifton L. Long 2211 Klein Rd. Robert C. Gay 503 Glasgow Dr. Anthony B. Dunn 312 Calhoun Drive Hunter E. Sanders 2004 Creasy Ave. William H. k;arren Jr. 710 Holmlock Ter. Jack Y. Clont2 202 Borden Ave. John Lewis Browning 2516 Burnett Blvd. , Lewis G. Thompson Jr.. 127 Gordon Rd. H. F. Permenter 4712 Long Leaf Hills Charles Edward Goddykoontz 10(} Greenvi I Howard A. Penton Jr.Country Club Rd. ?t??. Thomas A. McKee 210 Dixie Ave. Randolph Delma Cottle Jr, 907 N. Kerr Ave I D. C. Shepard RFD 1 Box 226 James Leonard Henry 2711} Willow St. , Oscar N. Ntoodcock 6010 Park Ave. Cecil R. Lee 616 Market St. John Waters Beckwith 305 N. 21st St.. D. H. Clemmons 2203 Gibson Ave. Ulilliam E. Justice 614 N. Kerr Ave. Linnie Fender Jr. 6012 Park Ave. Irven Andrew Sykes 4116 Oleander Dr. Sam H. Ingram Jr. 3918 4dinston Boulev. Earl Carlton Huband Jr. 2748 Hydrangea P1. Jurors for the week beginning - February 18, 1963 - Civil term Wm. L. Smith 4209 Lake Ave. John B. Jenrette 218 Calhoun Dr. R. C. Threatt 1020 Princess St. Edward L. Huggins 904 Kerr Ave. Glenn Holt RFD 3, Box 251 A Raymond E. BesL 2118 Klein Rd. Joe Landers 5031 Carolina Wingate J. baldwin 2512 Princess P1. E. M. Pearce % Southern Bell John K. Courtwright 5116 Campus View ? continued - , , Minutes of the Meeting Jurors -(continued - D. R. Kennedy Route-1, Box 136 A Marion J. Smith 4007 Park Ave. R. F. Hamme, Jr. 18 N. 5th St. W. R. Jones Jr. 1809 Princess St. Richard A. Hamm 232 Wood Dale Dr. Andrew J. McGee 1, Box 79 AA RFD C ?e N. C. ea onr a Leon F. Hagasn 3020 i o ? , Oscar M. Farr 3023 Adams St. Ned L. Hines 6329 Oleander Dr. Edward P. Costin 215 Davie Dr. Charles F. Jones I P. 0. Box 961 James R. Naylor 144 Long Leaf Dr. J. O. Morgan 2709 Wrightsville Ave. J. W. Hood 2914 Park Ave. Norman H. Larkins 205 Dixie Ave. Marvin D. Raines 612 N. Kerr Ave. Wardell Crawford RFD 1 Box 157 Colen T. Fox t .? ? N ? S e VaC• G. P. Holden ?4 i S P?th SB? I A. D. Sellers Jr. 1699 Sherwood Forest Carl J. Shepard 101 c,es Marion FraB Wilford G. George RFD i 2, Box 85 Ralph Langley RFD 1, Box 273 Harold L. Kelly 3717 Wrightsv. Ave. E. Bowden Lassiter 4942 Pine St. Richard A. Forester 213 Wood Dale Dr. Peter David Buis. 213 Hillcrest Ave. Stanley Ray Johnson 108 Lake Forest Pkwy. Claude H. Harker Jr. 314 A Wi.lliamson Dr. James E. Rivenbark 123 Pinecrest Pkwy. Raiford A. Clemmons 104 Wallace Ave. William J. Hollis Jr. RFD 2, Box 299 William Doyle Harrell Sr. RFD 1, Box 1383 Charles W. Massie Sr. 136 Gordon Road James Allen Hufham 226 Greenville Ave. Harold Everett Lane 251 Sprvice Dr. Kenneth Allen Nercer 168 Arlington Dr. Russell Barden Long 224 Greenville Ave. John Vance Horne Rout e 1, Box.129 E. Paul Thomas Parrish 55 P inecrest Pkwy. I Jurors for the week beqinninq February 25. 1963 - criminal J. W. Heglar E. C. Marsh Joe T. Lanier John N. Newton ' James D. Yopp R. W. Marett J. R. Reaves Jack Mason M. J. McLeod Kenneth E. Croom Ray N. Hood J. D. Robbins Jr. Carl Thorpe Jr. Dirk Boet W. H. Bullard I Ralph H. Guy Spike Feenstra ? Worth W. McKenzie ' James E. McWatty. H. N. Hayden, Jr. Arthur Burnette Earl O. Sharpe M. M. Marshburn J. L. Allegood Daniel R. Lee U Kure Beach, N. C. Morris Merritt 310 Parkway Dr. 128 Bagley Ave. S. R. Teachey 1305 5. f}th St. 305 N. 43rd St. Willie E. Bostic 110 Morgan St. P. 0 . Box 83 George Barefoot 111_Holbrooke Ave. 62 W oodlawn Ave. Robert W. Smith 4011 Everoreen Dr. 107 Castle St. Benjamin E. Frady 1812 Princess St. 1139 Country Club Rd. Donald E. Lee 101 S. lbth St. 107 N. 3rd St. Ludwio Gisonna 4719 Long Leaf Hills Dr. 1238 Fairway Dr. Graham H:'Rowe'11 2r'Q, 3.ake•Vi'llage 1602 Castle St. James C. Headrick 311 4Jilliams Dr. 330 pine Vailey Herman R. Bryant RFD 1, Box 12 A 125 Colonial Dr. Charles W. Duncan 31 Morningside Dr. Box 180 John W. Futch Jr, 157 Lake Forest Pkwy.= Ca Box o ina BeaFh ?, Carolina Beach Eddie Williams 8 Q Lake Village 207 Kenwood Ave. Claude H. Jarrell Jr. 4011 Wrightsv. Ave. 225 Williamson Dr. James M. Fitzgerald 3850 Edgewood Rd. RFD 1, Box 69 William F. Tilley Jr. 2721 Monroe St. 125 Dupree Dr. George C. Woodhury 2267 Mimosa P1. 2247 Mimosa P1, Paul Blair Ingraham Gen. Deliv. B cA e C? 1 r r RFD 2, Box 1?6 Jasper Graham Hall v ight va . W 49 3 1811 Princess St. Charles James YJilkie 11 Myrtle Conrt 6 E. Community Dr. Fit2hugh Nelvin Pierce 1505 Moore Plaza 3028 Adams St. James Herbert Lee 5809 Roseland Dr. 1136 Magnolia P1. Elias Washington George 1071 Audubon Blvd. 2929 Carolina Beach Rd. Warren Bernard Langston 4618 Long Leaf Hills Dr. ADJOURNMENT. - There being no further business to be brought before the Board; Mr. Netts moved that they adjourn tfie meeting. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. . A W. G.1H , ExecuLive Secretary ? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NEW HANOVER COUNTY ) JANUaRY CRININAL TERN SUNMONSING OF ADDITIONAL JURORS Order It appearing to t-his Court that there appeared before this Court at this Term of Criminal Court of the Superior Court for New Hanover only fourteen (14) Jurors quali- Ilfied to serve at this term, and It appearing to this Court that there a heavy criminal docket to be tried at this_ term, and the Court finding as a fact that the number of jurors sworn are insufficient I to perform the worlt of this Court. and that additional jurors are necessary, it is now I THEREFORE, ORDERED, That the Clerk to the New Hanover County Board of Commissions ' bring into Covrt the Jury Boxes of the County, and that there be drawn therefrom, out of Box #1, Thirty (30) scrolls, according to Law, and that the Sheriff of this County shall serve or cause to be served, each of the persons named in said list of prospective I jurors to appear forthwith before this Court to serve as jurors at this term. n /S/ Joseph W. Parker Judge Presiding. ? TO THE SHERIFF OF NE4J HANOVER COUNTY: You are commended to summons each of the persons named on the attached sheet to ? (continued) January 7, 1963 (continued) J ._.i - Summons of' Extra.Jurors January1'/1, 1963 ( continued) I ADDITIONAL .IURORS - (continued) s ? appear forthwith before this Court to serve as jurors at this Term. ? You will return this writ in open Court, showing the jurors served, and of this I writ make due return. CLERK of Superior Court of New Hanover County. Jurors for Tuesday, January 15, 1963 - Criminal term Tyson Grady E. B. Cox Wm. P. Jordan J. D. NcLean W. T. Fales Donald MacCallum Norman.P. Rochell James G. Pittman Norman McWilliams Edwin E. Edwards W. T. Sawyer Sr. Alex Lewis M. B. Thomas Franklin G. Lee H. L. Sanders Jr. 110 N. Sth St. 10 Forrest Hills Dr. 514 Devon Court 408 S. 2nd St. 714 Galdwell Ave. 243 Huntington Rd. z 3839 Hermitage Rd. 2401 Shirley Rd. 411 N. 9tn 5t. 2518 Burnett Slvd. 2504 Wrightsville Ave RFD 1, Box 13 2532 Harrison 5t. RFD 2, Box 467 RFD 1, Box 417 Robert Lee Farrar Lincoln Faison Leon Everette Lee John T. Hemby Marion DuBose G. S. Ward Harlee Graham Herndon L. Nerritt, Jr. Marion Russ Jos. C. McQuillan Frederick W. Mohr Stanley H. Benson Jr. Henry H. Kelly John Kannon W. E. Johnson W Wilmington, N. C. January 21, 1963 lOb Church 6o8 s. i4tn st. 123 Morgan St. 817 S. 4th St. 142 Parkwood Dr. RFD 1, Box 87 114 S. 12th St. 18 Y Lake Village 1108 Wooster St. RFD 2, Box 262 34 Jackson Dr. • RFD 3, Box 311 5006 Pine St. 110 Pine Valley Dr. 1612 Orange St. _ ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissionerst Room with the foilow- ? ing members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, • Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tilbry i and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. Commissioner Peter H. Braak was not present for the meeting as he was attending the signing of a contract in the office of Saline II Water Conversion by Secretary of the Interior Udall in Washington,D. C. INVOCATION - ' Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend B. H. Basker- ville, pastor of the Chestnut Street Presbyterian Church, to give a?prayer of invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - ' ' Upon motion of Mr. Netts, seconded by Nfr. Mayhan, the minutes of the meeting 'i of January 7th, copies of which had been mailed to each member of the Board, were unanimously approved as writCen. ( AGRICULTURE EXTENSION SERVICE - Mr. D. D. Baggett, County Agricul.ture Agent, reported on the cooperative extension work in Agriculture and Home Economics for the year 1962. He briefly re- viewed the activities in general and then introduced the agents who made a detailed report of their various programs. Mrs. Rebecca L. Hall said that the Negro Home Economic Agent handled both the 4-H Club work and the Home Agent's work, stressing community development and improvement. The Assistant Home Agent reported on her activities among the girls in the training and organizing of la.-H leaders in order to stimulate community interests. Mr. Larry Whitehurst reported that the boys, 4-H Clubs were no longer sponsored in the school system and that his activity had been spent in the organ- izing of community 4-H Clubs and stressing projects to teach the boys to be leaders in their communities. The New Hanover County 4-H Clubs ranked high in the achievement program held in the fall by the Star News newspapers by winning a majority of the blue ribbons awarded. Miss Verna Belle Lowery reported that in the Home Economics group they had stressed money management during the year as clothing, food and shelter were the three main items of expense. The Chairman thanked them for their fine contribution to the welfare of the citizens of this County. Both Miss Lowery and Vir. Baggett asked for any suggestions of improvement of their programs. / Assistant Apent - The Chairman informed the Board that since the question was raised at the last meeting when the resignation of the Assistant Home Agent was accepted about whei,her the service should be continued so he had contacted the District Agent, Miss Thelma Hinson who convinced him that it was an important part of the Home Economics Program concerned with the welfare of people and as far as he was concerned he was all in favor of continui.ng it. After a brief discussion in which Mr. Metts re- qvested that a decision on the matter be delayed until the next meeting to allow him time Lo investigate the overlapping of services performed in this field with others rendered by the various other organizations and schools. By common consent, the Board agreed to delay the decision. /WILMINGTON COLLEGE DITCHING - Dr. John T. Hoggard, Chairman of the Board of Trustees and William J. Brooks, Athletic Director, informed the Board that the canal which was cut for the college by the County dragline had washed in at several places and blocked water two or three feet deep which was flooding the athletic field. In their opinion, it will require a dragline operation to permanently relieve the problem but they think that hand ditching continued- > ? j ? \