1963-01-21 Regular Meeting._.i - Summons of' Extra.Jurors January1'/1, 1963 ( continued) I ADDITIONAL .IURORS - (continued) s ? appear forthwith before this Court to serve as jurors at this Term. ? You will return this writ in open Court, showing the jurors served, and of this I writ make due return. CLERK of Superior Court of New Hanover County. Jurors for Tuesday, January 15, 1963 - Criminal term Tyson Grady E. B. Cox Wm. P. Jordan J. D. NcLean W. T. Fales Donald MacCallum Norman.P. Rochell James G. Pittman Norman McWilliams Edwin E. Edwards W. T. Sawyer Sr. Alex Lewis M. B. Thomas Franklin G. Lee H. L. Sanders Jr. 110 N. Sth St. 10 Forrest Hills Dr. 514 Devon Court 408 S. 2nd St. 714 Galdwell Ave. 243 Huntington Rd. z 3839 Hermitage Rd. 2401 Shirley Rd. 411 N. 9tn 5t. 2518 Burnett Slvd. 2504 Wrightsville Ave RFD 1, Box 13 2532 Harrison 5t. RFD 2, Box 467 RFD 1, Box 417 Robert Lee Farrar Lincoln Faison Leon Everette Lee John T. Hemby Marion DuBose G. S. Ward Harlee Graham Herndon L. Nerritt, Jr. Marion Russ Jos. C. McQuillan Frederick W. Mohr Stanley H. Benson Jr. Henry H. Kelly John Kannon W. E. Johnson W Wilmington, N. C. January 21, 1963 lOb Church 6o8 s. i4tn st. 123 Morgan St. 817 S. 4th St. 142 Parkwood Dr. RFD 1, Box 87 114 S. 12th St. 18 Y Lake Village 1108 Wooster St. RFD 2, Box 262 34 Jackson Dr. • RFD 3, Box 311 5006 Pine St. 110 Pine Valley Dr. 1612 Orange St. _ ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissionerst Room with the foilow- ? ing members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, • Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tilbry i and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. Commissioner Peter H. Braak was not present for the meeting as he was attending the signing of a contract in the office of Saline II Water Conversion by Secretary of the Interior Udall in Washington,D. C. INVOCATION - ' Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend B. H. Basker- ville, pastor of the Chestnut Street Presbyterian Church, to give a?prayer of invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - ' ' Upon motion of Mr. Netts, seconded by Nfr. Mayhan, the minutes of the meeting 'i of January 7th, copies of which had been mailed to each member of the Board, were unanimously approved as writCen. ( AGRICULTURE EXTENSION SERVICE - Mr. D. D. Baggett, County Agricul.ture Agent, reported on the cooperative extension work in Agriculture and Home Economics for the year 1962. He briefly re- viewed the activities in general and then introduced the agents who made a detailed report of their various programs. Mrs. Rebecca L. Hall said that the Negro Home Economic Agent handled both the 4-H Club work and the Home Agent's work, stressing community development and improvement. The Assistant Home Agent reported on her activities among the girls in the training and organizing of la.-H leaders in order to stimulate community interests. Mr. Larry Whitehurst reported that the boys, 4-H Clubs were no longer sponsored in the school system and that his activity had been spent in the organ- izing of community 4-H Clubs and stressing projects to teach the boys to be leaders in their communities. The New Hanover County 4-H Clubs ranked high in the achievement program held in the fall by the Star News newspapers by winning a majority of the blue ribbons awarded. Miss Verna Belle Lowery reported that in the Home Economics group they had stressed money management during the year as clothing, food and shelter were the three main items of expense. The Chairman thanked them for their fine contribution to the welfare of the citizens of this County. Both Miss Lowery and Vir. Baggett asked for any suggestions of improvement of their programs. / Assistant Apent - The Chairman informed the Board that since the question was raised at the last meeting when the resignation of the Assistant Home Agent was accepted about whei,her the service should be continued so he had contacted the District Agent, Miss Thelma Hinson who convinced him that it was an important part of the Home Economics Program concerned with the welfare of people and as far as he was concerned he was all in favor of continui.ng it. After a brief discussion in which Mr. Metts re- qvested that a decision on the matter be delayed until the next meeting to allow him time Lo investigate the overlapping of services performed in this field with others rendered by the various other organizations and schools. By common consent, the Board agreed to delay the decision. /WILMINGTON COLLEGE DITCHING - Dr. John T. Hoggard, Chairman of the Board of Trustees and William J. Brooks, Athletic Director, informed the Board that the canal which was cut for the college by the County dragline had washed in at several places and blocked water two or three feet deep which was flooding the athletic field. In their opinion, it will require a dragline operation to permanently relieve the problem but they think that hand ditching continued- > ? j ? \ Minutes of the Nieeting January 21, 1963 Continued T I WILMINGTON COLLEGE DITCHING - ? ? could provide a temporary relief. By common consent, the Board agreed to send the ditching cret,r from the County prison to temporarily relieve the situation. They hope the dragline will be available in the convenient near future. u WELFARE LIEN - ?- Mr. N. B. Barefoot, a member of the Board of Directors of the Public Wel- fare Department, reported that they had a prospective sale for a piece of property on which the Ylelfare Department has a lien in the amount of $1367.00. The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had requested the County property Appraisors, NcGirt and Blake,;to investigate and place a fair market value on the lot which is described as being 1.17 acres and parts of Lot 7 and 15 of the Southerland subdivi- sion on Wriohtsville Sound. It is appraised at $1,000. Mr. Donald C. Bacon, who liveseat1.F010 Cherry Avenue is willing to pay $1,000 for the property if and when title can be-conveyed to him, The Board has approved the sale at their meeting on May 14th, 1962, the proceeds of which should be applied against the lien which is in the name of Ulilliam Fennell. The County Attorney suggested that they approve the cancellation of the lien on this particular piece of property only so that it would not affect any other piece of property which he might own. Mr. Metts then offered a motion that the lien be cancelled on this particular piece of property only upon payment of $1,000 which is the fair market value of the property and should be applied against the grant made to ldilliam Fennell. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously passed. I WELFARE SALARY - ? Mr. Barefoot then informed the Board that at the time Miss Lela Noore Hall was employed as Director of?Public Welfare Department they had an understanding with her that she would receive pay on the basis of $7,920 annually but after 90.days pro- bationary period her salary wouid be $8,316 per annum. After a brief discussion, Nr. Metts moved that the salary of the litelfare Director be adjusted to $8,316 per annum effective December 17, 1962 as contracted at Lhe time she accepted the position. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and passed by a inajority vote; Messrs. Hall, Ntayhan and Metts voted for the motion and N?r. Broadhurst voted against the motion. CHILD WELFARE WORKER - WELFARE CLERICAL SUPERUISOR ! Mr. Barefoot, speaking for the Board of Directors of the Welfare Depart- ment, observed that they needed a Clericai Supervisor and a Child Welfare lrlorker. They have one employee classified as a Stenographer II which is elieible to be stepped up to a Stenographer III classification. She is capable of being a Clerical Super- visor and sufficient funds are already budgeted so that a new appropriation would not be necessary as they have sufficient unspent salaries to cover her pay for the balance of this year. As for the Child Welfare Worker, the F¢deral government will pay 100% of her salary for the first year and then the County would be obligated to pay 15% from then on. After discussino the possibilities, Mr. Metts.moved,that approval be given to the employment of a Child Welfare worker buL that action be withhe2d at pre- sent for a Stenographer III or Clerical Supervisor until further information could be obtained. Mr. Mayhan seconded the motion and it was unanimously adopted. CONTINUOUS 1rlELFFlRE SERUICE Mr. Barefoot reported that they had received requests from the City Police ? Department and the,County Sheriffis Department for a full. time Welfare worker on a 24 hour basis. Frequently they are called to homes at all hours of the night in order to arrest a father or mother, or both, who have children and many times there isn't any one left at the house to look after them. In their opinion, some responsible case- worker should be on call day and night to handle these extreme cases. After a brief discussion, the Board unanimously, by common consent, agreed that the situation is no worse at present than has existed for a long time and agreed to consider it in the ner.t Budget discussion. RQAD PETITIONS - Petitions were received requesting French Road and Boyette Road to be added ? to the State maintained Secondary Road System. After briefly considering their import- ance, N'?r. Metts offered a motion that they be approved and referred to the State High- way Commission for their consideration. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously passed. REVIEWITdG STAND COSTS - / A letter was received from the Mayor of the City of Wilmington advising that the Azalea Festival Committee has requested an increase in size of the reviewing stand to approximately twice its present seating capacity. The cost of the proposed expansion is estimated to be $2905.00. Since the Azalea Festival is a County-wide program, he suggested that the cost be split on a 50-50 basis. The reviewing stand is.only used for the purpose of accomodating visiting dionitaries to the Festival Parade and will be constructed in sections so that it can be removed and used year after year. After con- siderino the various possibilities, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the County appro- priate $900.00 out of:our Advertising and Industrial*Fund for this Capital Outlay to ex- pand the reviewing stand with the understanding that it can be used for other functions at any time that it does not conflict with the Azalea Festival. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved. g $5,000 for Mrs. Lois C. LeRay was re- A Public Official Bond amountin to / viewed. She was recently appointed to the office of Deputy Register of Deeds. After. the County Attorney had approved the borid as to form, the Commissioners each, severally approved it by sign3ng their names on the face thereof., SAIARY ADJUSTMENT - / Miss Ada McCulloch, Register of Deeds, requested throuoh the Executive Secretary that the Board ratify the salary arrangement contracted for Ntrs. Lois C. LeRay when she was appointed Deputy Register of Deeds on the basis of $4200.00 annually or $350.00 per month, effective January 1, 1963. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Nayhan, the BQard unanimously approyed this request. BOND - . I Minutes of the Neeting January 21, 1963 Continued - ----------- - ----- - /REGISTRATION - CONDITIONAL SALES CONTRACTS II A letter was received from Mr. John R. Booer of Cabarrus County requesting them to endorse to the New Hanover County Representatives to the General Assembly , rescinding the action of the last General Assembly compelling automobile dealers to I register their conditional sales contracts in Raleigh instead of in the County where the purchaser resides. This request was unanimously referred to the County Attorney Tillery and Miss Ada McCulloch, Register of Deeds for recommendation. (After conferring,j they have reported that the ma,jority of firms handling conditional sales contracts on ? automobiles do not register them and that this requirement does not affect, in any appreciable degree, New Hanover County.) ? ' GRAND JURY REPORT - i The Chairman read the Grand Jury Report for the January Criminal term made ' to His Honor, Joseph W. Parker, Judge Presiding, of the New Hanover County Superior Court term. A recommendation for selecting jurors to assure that no person vould be called repeatedly was explored. After a full discussion, it was decided that such a jtuy list would be practically impossible to draw and directed the Executive Secre- i tary to get in touch with the foreman of the ,jury and explain the many difficulties surrounding such an endeavor. ? URB.4N COUNTY CONGRESS - The Chairman reported that the National Association of Counties was holding its Second Urban County Congress in Washington, D. C. on February 6th- 9th and suggested that now is the time to make reservations for any of the members of the Board who could ' attend this meeting including the County Attorney. He is of the opinion that since New Hanover is essentially an urban County, many new problems will be faced as the population grows and he thinks it is well to be prepared by entering into discussions such as will be held at this meeting. /SALARY ADJUSTMENT - Sheriff Marion W. Millis and explained that Jessie M. Blanton had served apprenticeship in the Sheriff's Department and requested that he be advanced to a full , Deputy taking the place of Gilbert M. Crawford, who resigned. He recommends that his salary be set at $345.00 per month. After considering this matter, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the request be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unani- mously adopted. iQAK GROVE GRAVE REMOVAL - The Executive Secretary reported that tdith the approval of Mr. Mayhan, committee representative of .pak Grove, he had investigated the possibility of having Bobby Graham, Superintendent of Oakdale Cemetery,contract for the removal of the graves from the proposed right-of-way of 17th St. Extension or to superintend the removal by County prison labor. Mr. Graham advised that he would supervise the removal with ' prison labor for $400.00 but that to contract the job using labor which he might procure would run up to or exceed $2,500. At this point, the discussion centered around ? the proposal to remove the entire grave population of Oak Grove Cemetery•to an-entirely i new location, After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the Board authorize the Chairman and Mr. Mayhan to handle the matter as best for all concerned. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. CONVEYING ILL RESIDENTS The Executive Secretary reported that Mr. Braak requested him to inform the , Board that on two occasions during the past week emergencies had arisen at the County ' Home when it was necessary because of a sudden illness to send them to the hospital for examination and treatment. The age of the resident and the nature of the illness made it impractical to send them by truck and as the cases were considered emergencies he had.authori2ed the use of taxicabs. He had requested an investigation to see if that was the most practical way to handle similar cases in the future. After investi.oating all the other possibilities, it was decided that the use of tax3cabs in an emergency was the most economical and satisfactory. The Yellow Cab Company quoted the following rates: Fare from County Home to James Walker Hospital $1.10 u n n n n n ? n 1.1?0 n n n n n n n n 3.00 They will provide a receipt which will be signed by the Matron at the County Home authorizing the trip and submit a bill at the end of the month. Sy common consent, the Board approved the action of Mr. Braak but recommended that every available possibilit be explored to see that the most economical method is used. \ELECTION BUDGET DISCUSSION - The Chairman reported that he had recently discussed the matter of election costs in New Hanover County with J. A. MacMahon, General Counsel for the State Associa- tion of County Commissioners and that he had learned that no recent survey had been made on this subject but that in 1959 the Instituta of Government conducted an incomplete preliminary sample of election costs in a few counties but the resulLs were inconclusive. During the time he was in the State Association office he was introduced to Roscoe Martin Jr. who wiil join the staff of the Association in February and Mr. MacMahon suggested , that for expenses which he estimated at not more $700.00 to cover travel and report costs,l he could develop a report•comparing New Hanover County with other Counties from a cost standpoint as well as from a service and convenience standpoint. No definite decision was arrived at on this matter but some members of the Board requested that they be allow- ed to study it a little further. ' REPORTS ? - The followiny reports were reviewed and filed for information: ?,1- U. S. O. Club Report for December, 1962 2- Home Economics Extension Agents Reports for December 1962 _`3- Welfare Recipients' Statistical Report of change of status, 4- Eleetrical Inspectorts Report. , ? Minutes of the Meeting January 21, 1963 u m _ - ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to be brought befo'se the Board, Mr. Broad- hurst moved that they adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Mr. Nayhan and unani- mously adopted. - /? u W./G. •ouck, Exec ive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. February 4, 1963 ASSEMSLY The regular semimonthly meetino of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the Court House rrith the following in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, J. vari B. Metts; Jr., and Ernes.t R. Mayhan, County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. I INVOCATION - Chairman Ha11 called the meeting to order and asked Rev. Ray Collins, pastor of the Church of God, to give a prayer of invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - The minutes of January 17th, 1963 meeting, copies of which were sent to each member of the Board, upon motion by Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, were unani- mously approved as written. ASSISTATIT HONE AGENT - ? Mr. D. D. Baggett, representing the Agricultural Extension Service, and Miss Verna Belle Lowry, the Home Economics Agent, reported that they had interviewed several applicants to replace Mrs. Margaret Pierce uiho recently resigned as Assistant Home Economics Agent. Before making any commitments, they requested approval for employing another per- son to fill this vacancy. Mr. Metts reported that he had made a study of the overlapping of similar activities in the County and in his opinion the Assistant Home Economics Agent filled a very.definite need. After a brief discussion, Mr. Mayhan moved that the employ- ment of an Assistant Home Economics Agent be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted. JUNIOR R.O.T.C. UNIT - Chairman Hall read a letter from the New Hanover High School explaining that a movement was underway for the elimination of all Junior R. O. T. C. units all over the country and sugoested that our citizens and students feel that it would be false economy to withdraw the program from New Hanover High School. They request thE efforts of the Board in behalf of retaining it. After a brief discussion in which it was pointed out that our local unit has been the means of instilling the true meaning of Americanism into . the minds of thousands of students who have participated in the program and they had bene-,? fited from the physical fitness it provides as well as an understanding of the necessity for military science and tactics, it ti•ras felt that New Hanover County should be extremely proud of our local unit and the many accomplishments of the youno men who have received the traSning during their high school days and we can always point with pride to the success- ful program. The Board then, upon motion of Mr. Braak, secnnded by Mr. Mayhan, unanimously adopted the following Resolution: 4lHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of TJew Hanover County views iaith great concern the possibility that the Reserve Officer Training Corps prooram may be dis- continued, and I WHEREAS, this Board is desirous of expressing the overwhelming sentiment of the citizens of New Hanover County, many of whom have stated their views to members of this Commission, ; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; 1. That the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County expresses its recog- nition of the value of R.O. T. C. training to the young men of the United States, both in furtherance of their physical and mental development and in preparing them for the possibility of service as future members of the military service of their _ country, 2. That this Board urges the Conoress of the United States to restore to the Budget the funds necessary to continue this program at its present high level of efficiency. 3. That a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the mintrtes of this meeting I and that a copy be delivered to the Honorable Alton A. Lennon for delivery to the I appropriate Congressional committee. , Done at Wilmington, North Carolina this 4th day of February, 1963. New Hanover County Board of Commissioners • I By J. N. Hall, Jr. ? Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr. L. E. Broadhurst Peter H. Braak Ernest R. Mayhan i J