1963-02-04 Regular Meeting Minutes of the Meeting February 4, 1963 BEER PERMIT - i ? I The following application for a Beer Permit was reviewed by the Board and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Nr. Braak, was unanimously approved and referred I? to the Sheriff for h9s consideration and investigation: I B. C. Hedgpeth 8 Sarah N. Hedgpeth T/A Neptune Restaurant 11 N. Lumina, Wrightsville Beach, N.C. PROPERTY SALE APPROUAL School Buildinq - The Executive Secretary reported that the Board of Educa- tion had requested approval for the•purchase of the following described jointly owned tax foreclosed property for the purpose of erecting a new school building. The property ha 5_: been appraised by the County Property Appraisors at the figure shown. The City Council approved the sale at their mee•ting on January 24th. Block # Lot No. Description Annraisal. f 339 Pt. Em 4 8 5 151 x 75t, 60, from NE cor Nixon & Brooklyn, frntg. Brooklyn $100.00 351 Pt• 3,4, & 5 75' x 96, 601 from NW cor 9th & Taylor, frntg. on 9th • 800.00 351 Pt• 4 321 x 150t, 138, from N4i cor Taylor , & Brooklyn Alley 500.00 351 Pt. 3 30' x 75+, 75t from NW cor Taylor & Brooklyn Alley 200.00 Upon motion of Nr. Broadhurst, seconded by Nr. Metts, the Board unanimousiy approved the sale. The question arose as to the valuations being placed on this tax foreclosed property as compared to the prices being paid for similar adjacent lots ormed by private individuals, The Executive Secretary was instructed to investigate and report back to the Board at the next meeting. Private Sa2e - The Executive Secretary reported that he had a request from ?an indivudual for the purchase of the following described jointly owned tax foreclosed lots. Block # Lot # Description ' 326 Part # 4 22'6 x 751; 90' from NW cor Swann & McRee Sts., Frnto. McRee 326 Part 3 301 x 751; 135' from SE cor 7th 8 Nixon Sts„ Frntg. 7th St. - 326 Part 3 • 301 x 75'; 150' from M+I f t 8th St cor 8th & Swann Sts., rn g. , 338 Part 5 26, x 641; 551 from NE cor 7th 8 Nixon Sts., 349 Part l} 30' x 75f; 901 from NE7 cor. 7th g Taylor Sts., Frntg. 7th St. 350 Part 5 301 x 751; 60, from NW cor 8th R Taylor Sts., Frnto. Taylor Valuation $150.00 ..<.,,,?.,. • 350..00 350.00 300.00 250..00 250.00 The fair market value was placed on them by the County Property Appraisors. Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously agreed to sell the property at the appraised values, subject to the approval of the City Council. ? CONMNITY PLANNING BOARD - Mr. Richard A. Shew, one of the Countyls representatives on the Community Planning Board, reported that in his opinion the present road system under consideration for development in the area of the proposed New Hanover N,emorial Hospital and the pro- posed school in the same general area would not lend itself to the most desirable access- ibility or to the best possible future development of the property. He recalled that on January 20th, 1958, the Board had referred the matter of relinauishing any interest they might have had in a right-of-way for the extension of Live Oak Parkway to Shipyard Boulevard to the County Attorney for recommendations. He has checked with the State H3ghway Commission and they advised him that so far as they were concerned they had no interest. After a brief question and answer discussion, the County Attorney ruled that the County Commissioners did riot have any leoal status•or authority in the matter. The Chairman suggested that.tit might be well to call a meeting of all parties concerned with the problem. He and Mr. Broadhurst, as representatives of the Board on Highways taill contact the State Highrfay Commission. Nr. Metts will seek an expression from the Hosp- ital Board of Trustees. The County Attorney will look further into the legal status of the County with reference to closing dedicated streets or roads. • IREGISTRATION - CODIDITIONAL SALES CONTRACT The County Attorney reported that he had made an investigation relative to the request of the Register of Deeds of Cabarrus County for seeking legislation in the next General Assembly for repealing the 5tatutes requiring automobile contracts to be recorded in the Motor Uehicies Department rather than in the County where the purchase was made. He found that since •`E?a-}tr?-}?._??}.}??? the liens follow the title certificates, ?i the automobile dealers prefer the present law. In the past, it was confusing to have ' a conditional sales contract reoistered in one County while the title certificate showed I an address in another. He would not recommend any effort be made to support the repeal. By common consent, the Board unanimously agreed on this recommendation. =3 r .r ? , li M , 4 Minutes of the M¢etina Febru196"t TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT - ? The City-County Tax Coilector reported that through ,lanuary 31, 1963 the total tax levy charged to him amounted to $2,342,741.61 and that he had collected $2,022;214.34 leaving a balance to be collected of $320,527.27. By common consent,' the Board ordered the report filed for reference. i . • COUNTY HOME CARE - ' / • The Chairman read a letter sent to him from the New Hanover County Medical ? Society in response to one addressed to them from Mrs. Herbert Bleuthenthal, Secretary of•the Board of Directors of the New Hanover County Home. The Board of Directors are of the opinion that periodic medical care should be provided for the residents of the County Home and that it would require the part time services of a reoular physician. After discussing this problem briefly, the Board unanimously aoreed that the matter ' should be referred back to the Board of Directors of the County Home for recommendations. The New Hanover County Medicai Society stated that they had alw2ys given their services freely to the Out-Patient Clinics and to the medically indigent patients and pledged ' their continued cooperation in this•field of service. The Executive Secretary'was author- ized to send this correspondence to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Courity Home alona with a record of todayls action. PUBLIC WELFARE CHAATGES - The Chairman called attention of the Board to a letter which he had received ? f.rom the Acting Commissioner of the State Board of Public Welfare calling attention to seme developments in the Public Welfare Program resulting from 1962 Amendments to the Federal Laea. It wiil now be necessary to classify all Public Assistance cases uihich Urill be required beginning July 1, 1963 to receive Federal Funds. It is hoped that the study of eligibility in aid to families with dependent children might be included in the survey during the three months, February - April. All classifications must be completed before July 1, 1963 in order to receive the increased Federal matching funds. After this survey, it will be necessary to develop a staffing,pattern for each County to meet the Federal standards. This will.be used to determine the.number of additional case. workers, supervisors and clerical positions which will be required. For the cases re- ceiving special services, the case load will be limited to 60 per worker. There.must be one supervisor for no more than 5 workers and one clerical person will ordinarily be at the_ratio of one for each two professional people. For case loads of cases not.re- quiring special services, it should be no larger than they are at present. It is hoped that any aiiditional staff required to meet these standards can be,employed during the 4th quarter of•the current fiscal year. In order to get the full benefits of the pre- ventive and rehabilitative services, it is imperative to have an adequate staff on the job. Counties will continue to set the salary levels under the Merit System Plan. AUDITOR - SEMIANNUAL REPORT . ' 11 County Auditor Love reported that as of December 31, 1962 the total tax col- lections-amounted to $1,712,229.53 and it represented 66% of the total estimated revenues. I He reported that in general the expenditures were well in line with the appropriations I and that the financial condition of the County was excellent. After discussing the mat- , , ter, the Board directed the Executive Secretary to invite Tax Collector Sam W. Johnson to meet with the Board at their next regular session with reference to the Back Tax Co1= lections. • REPORTS. - - The following report was.reviewed and ordered filed for information: • ' 1- Christmas Bureau Annuai Report for 1962. PETIT JURY - i The following good and lawful persons were selected to serve as jurors for the weeks beginning March 4th, 1963 - Criminal term; N?arch llth - Civil term, and March 18th - Civil term, Jurors for the week beqinnino March 4, 1963 - Criminal G. A. Sutton H. G. Angle J. J. Dail Joe W. Scott G. H. Cook W. E. Thorpe John E. Hamrick Lloyd J. Todd W. J. Carter J. W. Bentley Robert L. Heims S. A. Miller J. G. Daughtry George A. Coll'ins J. A. Sneeden H. J. Rasberry Jr i Alvis R. Hardy Aiton M. Noore James V. Teague Joseph U. 14ells A. D. Rivenbark ? Monte B. Adcox Danie`l•,F. Hartley Joseph S. Jordan 119 C?lendale Dr. 221 Pine Valley RFD 1 Box 96 Castie Hayne,Td.C. 2312 Gibson Ave. RFD 2, Box 451 1504 West Plaza. 10$ Central Blvd. 22 J.E.B. Stuart Dr. 414 s. 19tn st. GCen. DelivRery 22Brgaklea3'eBrh 17 S. Greenville Ave. 30(} Sunnyvale 205 Francis Marion Dr. 1221 Azalia Dr, 5003 Pine St. ' 1010 Cypress Dr. 115 Chadwick Ave. 3606 Wilshire Blvd. 1104 Cypress Dr. 238 Greenville Ave. R&DsJieBffay?n2? N.C. 1 30 Churc 5047 Wrightsville David R. Peterson Frank E. Young Jr. R. P. Houston Charles V. Storey Jack D. Lof i in L. A. Isenhour Hugo Van Nes John D. Hufham James T. Land Karlton L. Leiner Josephine M. Gilliken Wenry J. Ottoway Sr. Aaron T. Nitchell Oscar Euoene Larson Jr. Richard N. Sellars Kendall B. Hampton Joseph A. Strahler Ostaa 1 d M. Ha r t 1 ey Charles Ray Bleck Ernest E. Grainger G2rland Thompson Jr. Robert L. Thompson Thomas Connor Clark ' Bertha Tatum Melvin 219 Bonham Ave. 421 Larchmont Dr. 217 N. 5th St. 2902 Chestnut St. 7 Ct. O. Lake Vil. Box 206, Carolina Seach,N.C. RFD 2, Box 330 1913 Creasy Ave. (}108 Lake St. 104 N;orningside Dr. 108 Sebrell Ave. RFD 114 202 s. 46tn st. 6112 Oleander Dr. 2103 Rhodes .4ve. P. o. Box 2?9 Ulrightsv, each 5051 l•Jrightsv. Ave. 221 Dixie Ave. 3 Pickett Dr. 205 Wi l landa Dr. RFD 1, Box 189 A RFD 3, Box 3W+ 605 Pine Valley Dr. 105 S. Audubon Blvd. -A Minutes of the Meeting February 4, 1963 Jurors for the week beginning March 18; 1963 - Civil G. B. Craig, Jr. R. J. Letais J. E. Hall, Jr. Wm. H. Mason, Jr. J. M. N'rason M. P. Taylor A. H. Still, Jr. Nathan Stein Lewis Hines W. T. Malpass Jr. A. B. Sellers James Ferger K. J. Powers Jr. Henry L. Lewi s A. C. Diehl H. W. Collins James B. Mintz B. H. Miller Samuel W. Lewis Hendall L. Hardee William D. Gnau J. H. Fussell, Jr. Lee W. Dowless Fred A. Debnam Leon F. Barefoot Jurors for the week W. C. Long G. W. Lee T. E. Allen 0. C. Hill, Jr. C. E. 5tines James C. Schupp Marvin E. Stokley L. M. Stephenson J. C. Whedbee Jr. Leon C. Norris Jr. R. D. Oliver James M. Morgan Sr. J. L. Knox B. M. Boone N. L. Tripodes Fred H. Snead Jr. Joseph L. White Lindy B. Sauls A. S. Klein W. J. Hodges C. C. Grissom Admah Lanier Jr. Lemuel L. Doss Jr. Wm. D. Cash R. W. Booth RFD 2, Box 102 401 MacDonald 324 s, 46tn st. 44 Silver Lake Rd. Nlason Electric Co. 3525 S. Front St. 1731 Carolina Ave. 6 Keaton Ave. RFD 1, Box 322 107 Cape Fear Blvd. 37 Woodlawn 4816 YJrightsville Ave. 2404 Market St. 202 Francis Narion Dr. 1809 Grace St: 210 Borden Ave. 106 Green Forest Dr. 112 Bagley Ave, 2206 Princess P1.Dr. 105 Pinecrest Pkwy. 22 Lagoon Dr. 2815 Park Ave. 3719 Carolina Bea??, 1023 Country Clugl d. 3638 Carolina Bea'. Daniel J. Taylor C. H. Stanton J. K. Sellers Julien Parker S. W. Murray Sr. Garland B. Smith Robert G. Sharpe James C. Seymour Sam H. Porter Joseph M. Tarduono Sam T. Maultsby Louis A. Hewlett 6^Jillie H. Carroll Colon C. Caddell Leslie H. Brown Jr. Felton E. Davenport Benoy R. Wilson Allen A. Yopp Stanley H. Van Vlack Franklin P. Sparkman Thomas L. Sellars Norwood Orrell Henry W. Mathews Donald G. Langley Alvin E. DeBose beqinninq March 11, 1963 - Civil 1510 S. Kerr Daniel E. Walker 3138 Carolina Beach Rd.Willie J. Rooks Jr. 2421 Princess P1.Dr. E. H. Pierce 2315 Washington Houston Pepper 2901 Louisana St, Elwood L. Penney 303 Southern Blvd. Julian A. Parker 4002 Edgewood Russell R. Miller 120 Bryan Ave. Lester M. Maquire 2702 Wayne Dr. Delmar A. McGowan 234 Oakcrest Dr. William R. Leary 4214 Park Ave. Bert W. Blake 204 N. 15th St. John Ellis Lanier 522 Market St. Robert E. Pittman Masons Landing Norbert H. Kuprion Middle Sound Benjamin P. Kennedy 2414 Shirley Rd. Stephen D. Kelly Jr, 214 Henurood Ave. Llloyd R. Harris 213 Pine Va11ey Wm. H. Harrell 132 Whitman Ave. Ernest E. Finch 83 Lee Drive George F. Dew Jr. 21(} Brightwood Rd. Nathan Russell Stanley 2234 Netts Ave. James T. Clark RFD 1, Box 276 Thomas R. Batson 5027 Pine St. George UJillard Jordan 3602 Stratford Blvd, Jerry Jackson Garner 16 Wayne Dr. 2305 Maple St. 4022 Cherry Ave. 26 N. 26th St. 3515 Chapel Ave. 4508 Market St. Rd. 2507 Chestnut St. 2939 Cambridge Dr. 2736 Columbia Ave. 4628 Long L?af"Hills 6005 Oleander'Dr. 117 S. Kerr Ave, 701 Central Bldy. 26 Cape Fear Blvd. 121 Glendale Dr. (}510 Market St. 12 Chapel Ave. 2708 Monroe St. RFD #1, Box 89 1201 S. Kerr Ave. 51+3 Bonham Ave. RFD 2, Box 359 1619 Princess 5t. RFD 1 Box 2 B RFD 3, Box 630 4211 Wriohtsv. Ave. 4924 Park Ave. 53 Lee Drive 1207 S. 3rd St. RFD 2, Box 85 - B 2027 Klein Rd, 15 Live Oak Ave. 4104 Park Ave. 4917 Pine St. RFD 2, Box 35 154 Holbrooke Ave. 2532 S. Front St. 1920 Woolcott Ave. 2208 Gibson Ave. 230 Wallace 4921 Pine St. 2019 Pender Ave. 5410 Ridgewood Heiaht 118 Live Oak Ave. 20 J Lake Village 54 Lake Forest 5044 Pine St. 105 5. 41st St. 21 Sheridan Dr, 101 Sunnyvale Dr. 230 Oakcrest Dr. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Broadhurst moved that the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded by Mr. Me?,ts and unanimously approved. ?l . W.k'i. ouck, Executive Secretary . lrlilmington, N. C., February 18, 1963, ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held their regular se'mi- monthly meetino on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the Court' ' tlouse with the followina members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. Commiss`ioriersll Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. M,ayhan and John van B. Metts, Jr., u Coiinty Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. ' 16-I IiVVOCATION. Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend H. C. Walker, Pastor of the A. M. E. Church, to give the invocation. ? APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon.motion:of_Mf i Metts,::seconded_by'-Nfr: Mayhan','the minutes of'theLmeet- ing -kield- ori. February 4tri'were'unaaimou's,2y'app'roved as. written. ? . JASSISTANT HOME AGENT - ? ' Miss Verna Belle Lowry, Home Economics Agent for New Hanover County intro- duced Mrs. Mary Frances Fortune and recommended that she be employed as the Assistant Home Agent. She reported that their investigation was very satisfa'ctory. After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Braak, that the employ- ment of Mrs. Fortune be approved. It carried unanimously.