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Minutes of the Meeting February 4, 1963
Jurors for the week beginning March 18; 1963 - Civil
G. B. Craig, Jr.
R. J. Letais
J. E. Hall, Jr.
Wm. H. Mason, Jr.
J. M. N'rason
M. P. Taylor
A. H. Still, Jr.
Nathan Stein
Lewis Hines
W. T. Malpass Jr.
A. B. Sellers
James Ferger
K. J. Powers Jr.
Henry L. Lewi s
A. C. Diehl
H. W. Collins
James B. Mintz
B. H. Miller
Samuel W. Lewis
Hendall L. Hardee
William D. Gnau
J. H. Fussell, Jr.
Lee W. Dowless
Fred A. Debnam
Leon F. Barefoot
Jurors for the week
W. C. Long
G. W. Lee
T. E. Allen
0. C. Hill, Jr.
C. E. 5tines
James C. Schupp
Marvin E. Stokley
L. M. Stephenson
J. C. Whedbee Jr.
Leon C. Norris Jr.
R. D. Oliver
James M. Morgan Sr.
J. L. Knox
B. M. Boone
N. L. Tripodes
Fred H. Snead Jr.
Joseph L. White
Lindy B. Sauls
A. S. Klein
W. J. Hodges
C. C. Grissom
Admah Lanier Jr.
Lemuel L. Doss Jr.
Wm. D. Cash
R. W. Booth
RFD 2, Box 102
401 MacDonald
324 s, 46tn st.
44 Silver Lake Rd.
Nlason Electric Co.
3525 S. Front St.
1731 Carolina Ave.
6 Keaton Ave.
RFD 1, Box 322
107 Cape Fear Blvd.
37 Woodlawn
4816 YJrightsville Ave.
2404 Market St.
202 Francis Narion Dr.
1809 Grace St:
210 Borden Ave.
106 Green Forest Dr.
112 Bagley Ave,
2206 Princess P1.Dr.
105 Pinecrest Pkwy.
22 Lagoon Dr.
2815 Park Ave.
3719 Carolina Bea??,
1023 Country Clugl d.
3638 Carolina Bea'.
Daniel J. Taylor
C. H. Stanton
J. K. Sellers
Julien Parker
S. W. Murray Sr.
Garland B. Smith
Robert G. Sharpe
James C. Seymour
Sam H. Porter
Joseph M. Tarduono
Sam T. Maultsby
Louis A. Hewlett
6^Jillie H. Carroll
Colon C. Caddell
Leslie H. Brown Jr.
Felton E. Davenport
Benoy R. Wilson
Allen A. Yopp
Stanley H. Van Vlack
Franklin P. Sparkman
Thomas L. Sellars
Norwood Orrell
Henry W. Mathews
Donald G. Langley
Alvin E. DeBose
beqinninq March 11, 1963 - Civil
1510 S. Kerr Daniel E. Walker
3138 Carolina Beach Rd.Willie J. Rooks Jr.
2421 Princess P1.Dr. E. H. Pierce
2315 Washington Houston Pepper
2901 Louisana St, Elwood L. Penney
303 Southern Blvd. Julian A. Parker
4002 Edgewood Russell R. Miller
120 Bryan Ave. Lester M. Maquire
2702 Wayne Dr. Delmar A. McGowan
234 Oakcrest Dr. William R. Leary
4214 Park Ave. Bert W. Blake
204 N. 15th St. John Ellis Lanier
522 Market St. Robert E. Pittman
Masons Landing Norbert H. Kuprion
Middle Sound Benjamin P. Kennedy
2414 Shirley Rd. Stephen D. Kelly Jr,
214 Henurood Ave. Llloyd R. Harris
213 Pine Va11ey Wm. H. Harrell
132 Whitman Ave. Ernest E. Finch
83 Lee Drive George F. Dew Jr.
21(} Brightwood Rd. Nathan Russell Stanley
2234 Netts Ave. James T. Clark
RFD 1, Box 276 Thomas R. Batson
5027 Pine St. George UJillard Jordan
3602 Stratford Blvd, Jerry Jackson Garner
16 Wayne Dr.
2305 Maple St.
4022 Cherry Ave.
26 N. 26th St.
3515 Chapel Ave.
4508 Market St. Rd.
2507 Chestnut St.
2939 Cambridge Dr.
2736 Columbia Ave.
4628 Long L?af"Hills
6005 Oleander'Dr.
117 S. Kerr Ave,
701 Central Bldy.
26 Cape Fear Blvd.
121 Glendale Dr.
(}510 Market St.
12 Chapel Ave.
2708 Monroe St.
RFD #1, Box 89
1201 S. Kerr Ave.
51+3 Bonham Ave.
RFD 2, Box 359
1619 Princess 5t.
RFD 1 Box 2 B
RFD 3, Box 630
4211 Wriohtsv. Ave.
4924 Park Ave.
53 Lee Drive
1207 S. 3rd St.
RFD 2, Box 85 - B
2027 Klein Rd,
15 Live Oak Ave.
4104 Park Ave.
4917 Pine St.
RFD 2, Box 35
154 Holbrooke Ave.
2532 S. Front St.
1920 Woolcott Ave.
2208 Gibson Ave.
230 Wallace
4921 Pine St.
2019 Pender Ave.
5410 Ridgewood Heiaht
118 Live Oak Ave.
20 J Lake Village
54 Lake Forest
5044 Pine St.
105 5. 41st St.
21 Sheridan Dr,
101 Sunnyvale Dr.
230 Oakcrest Dr.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Broadhurst
moved that the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded by Mr. Me?,ts and unanimously
approved. ?l
W.k'i. ouck, Executive Secretary .
lrlilmington, N. C., February 18, 1963,
The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held their regular se'mi-
monthly meetino on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the Court' '
tlouse with the followina members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. Commiss`ioriersll
Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. M,ayhan and John van B. Metts, Jr., u
Coiinty Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. '
Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend H. C. Walker,
Pastor of the A. M. E. Church, to give the invocation.
APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon.motion:of_Mf i Metts,::seconded_by'-Nfr: Mayhan','the minutes of'theLmeet-
ing -kield- ori. February 4tri'were'unaaimou's,2y'app'roved as. written. ? .
Miss Verna Belle Lowry, Home Economics Agent for New Hanover County intro-
duced Mrs. Mary Frances Fortune and recommended that she be employed as the Assistant
Home Agent. She reported that their investigation was very satisfa'ctory. After a
brief discussion, Mr. Metts offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Braak, that the employ-
ment of Mrs. Fortune be approved. It carried unanimously.
Minutes of the MeeLing February 18, 1963 Continued
Requests for the addition of Rainbow Circle and sections 5 and 6 of Pine
Valley Estates (Buckner Drive, Johnston Drive, Johnston Drive, River E. Lee Drive,
Pemberton Drive and J.E.B. Stuart Drive) be added to the State maintained Secondary
Road System, After a brief presentation by Reverand Wayne D. Barkley explaining that
Rainbow Circle bordered the lot vahich his Church has purchased for the erectfon of a
new sanctuary. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that both of these petitions be approv-
ed and sent to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. It was seconded
by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted.
Miss Camille Carroll, president of the New Hanover Humane Society, reported
that she had visited the County Dog Pound and found considerable improvement since her
last visit in July of 1962 but that she found no dog food on hand for feeding the three
dogs that were in the pen. She complimented the Board for the improvement which has been
made but stated that constant attention must be paid to the operation of the dog pound
in order to meet humane standards. Mr. Metts reported that he had recently fovnd that
scraps from the tables of the County Home residents and prison inmates raere being fed to
the doos twice daily and felt that it was sufficient and adequate. Nr. Braak had dis-
cussed the matter with Mr. Rivenbark and is of the opinion that any criticism might be
made of the handling of this phase of the County activities stemmed entirely from a mis-
understanding. He pledged full cooperation in the future handling of this administrative
Applications for County Home care were presented by the Department of Public
Weifare for admitting Clarence R. Croom and Frank Whitfield to the County Home for care.
After a brief discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the petitions be approved. It
was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted.
Mr. H. Foster Edwards submitted his annual report as of December 1, 1962 of
indivisual Public Funds in his care amounting to:
$359,828.24 Total Amount in Public Funds Individual Savings Account.
7.10 Unclaimed Civil YJitness Fees
159.00 Unclaimed Support Money
$359,974•71+ Grand Total
The Executive Secretary was directed to advertise these funds as re,quired by GS 2-47,
Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the report taas accepted and order-
ed_pnblished in the local paper. The motion unanimously carried.
County Auditor T. 0. Love presented each member of the Board a copy of his
annual report covering the activities of the various department of.the County for the
Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1962. After a brief review, the Chairman directed the
Executive Secretary to file one of them for use in the discussions of the various de-
partments during the next Budget making period,
County Auditor Love reported that the Stationery and Supplies Account of the
Surplus Commodity Distribution Office rras overdrawn and needed $100.00 to run the bal-
ance of this Fiscal year. Upon motion of Mr. Nayhan, seconded by Nr. Braak, the Board
unanimously appropriated $100.00 from the General Emergency Fund to Surplus Commodity
Distributi.on-Stationery & Supplies _
Tax Collection - County Auditor Love.informed the Board that only $800.00 was
appropriated in the regular Budget for the County's share of auditing the Consolidated
Tax Books but that the total amnunL'.due by the County was $910.00. He suggested that
$110.00 be appropriated from the Generai Emergency Fund to the Tax Collector's Audit.
NAr. Mayhan moved that this appropriation be made. It was seconded by Mr. Nfetts and
unanimously carried. 1
Reqister of Deeds - County Auditor Love reported that the Register.of Deeds
recommended bonding Mrs. Lois LeRay who was recently transferred to her office from the
Clerk of Court's office to serve as an Indexing Clerk and Assistant Register of Deeds.
The cost of this proposed bond amounts-to $22.50 wh3ch he suggests be appropriated out
of the General Emergency Fund. Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that $22.50 be appropriated
from the General Emergency Fund to the Personal Surety Bond Fund of the Register of
Deeds. It was seconded by Mr. Braak, Before the ballot was taken, Mr. Broadhurst
offered a substitute motion that no bond be required unless it was required of all other
employees in that department because each of them handled the same amount of money in
the normal course of business. The Chairman ruled the substitute motion dead because
there was no second. The vote was then called on the original motion and Mr. Broad-
harst voted "A10"'with the remark that all the others handied the same amount of money
and he could not go along with the motion. All of the members of the Board voted "Yes"
on the original motion and the Chairman declared it prevailed.
Jai1 Floor - The Chairman reported that an inspection had been made of the ,jail
and the flpor leading from the elev.ator to the cell block needs a title covering which
is is estimated would not cost more thafi $100.00 provided the labor i.s done by the
Prison Department. After a brief discussion,. Mr. Broadhurst moved that $100.00 be
appropriated,from the General Emergency to the Jail Capital Outlay for the purpose of
laying a tile fioor as outlined above. It was seconded by Mr.. Metts and unanimously.
The Chaiaman called attention to the 50th National Convention of the National
Rivers and Harbors Congress which will convene at 10:00 o'clock EDST on Friday, June
7th, 1963 at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington. He is of the opinion that this organ-
ization can be of great help to this section in the orderly development, conservation
, and use for beneficial purposes of all water resources. He suggested that reservations
4! /?
Minutes of the Meeting February 18, 1963 Contineu
be made for a minimum of three to represent New Hanover County at this
meeting. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Board unanimously
directed the Executive Secretary to make reservations for three double rooms for this
important conference. ,
Messrs. Hall and Metts reported on their attendance at the Second Urban
County Congress which they attended. In their opinion, it was a successful trip and
pinpointed many of the problems which must be faced in inaugurating services which are
required of Urban Counties with concentrated population. They were successful in
entertaining a group from North Carolina along with distinquished leaders which will
indirectly result in benefits to New Hanvver County as well as North Carolina.
Mr. Metts reported that he had discussed the matter of roads or streets teading
to the site of the new County Memorial Hospital with.the other members of the Board
of Trustees as requested at the last meeting. At present, the Board has been pre-
sented no forma,l plan and therefore, they do not ha3ee any recommendation at present
but understand that a public meeting has been called for a discussion of this matter
fos Monday night February 25th at which time they will have a representative present.
The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for information.
1- lFarm Agent's Cooperative Extension Report for February 1963
2-'?.Home Economics Extension Agent's Report for January 1963
,3- Wilmington Pvblic Library - Branch Report,for January 1963
4- " " " - Report for February 1963.
t5- Welfare Recipients Statistical Changes
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Broa-d-
hurst moved that they adjourn. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted.
W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary
Commissioners Room Februarv 18, 1963 WilminG, ton, N.C. 12:15 P.M.
r ?
The Chairman called a Special Meeting for the pvrpose of considering some
Resolutions and Legislative matters. Those present were: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr.
Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, and John van B. Metts., Jr. Mr. Mayhan was n
present for the meeting as he had aiready left the Court House. County Attorneylialery
not recalled.
Mr. Braak offered a motion that the Notice of Meeting as required by GS 153-81!
be waived. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted.
The Chairman read a letter from Henry M. Von Oesen stating'that he delivered II
Senator C. P. Yow and Representative Robert E. Calder a Bill which had been prepared
by the Attorney General providing for the State making contributions up to three-fourths?
of nonFederal funds when used for Federally sponsored civil works pro,}ects such as
Beach Erosion, Channel stabilization, flood control and other items of this nature and
also provides for the State to participate on a 50150 basis for non-Federally sponsor-
ed pro,jects of this nature. The funds would be administered under the State Depart-
ment of Water Resources and that Board would administer the funds and make grants from
them. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Netts, the Board unanimously authorize&
the Executive Secretary to write Senator'Yow ind Representative Calder and advise them
of this action and urge them to introduce and ':: the legis.lation.
(ZONING - *support
The Chairman suggested that the Commissioners sponsor a Bill requesting that
New Hanover County be deleted from the list of Counties exempted from the State Zoning
Ordinance and that the County Attorney be authorized to draw a Resolution to that effect
and that it be introduced at the present session of the General Assembly.
A Reso2ution sponsored by the Town Couacil of Wrightsville Beach urging '
emergency measures to restore and maintain Masonboro Inlet at an adequate depth and '
width for local commercial vessels was read by the Chairman. After a brief discussion,',
Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Resolution be approved and that the Board I
support this request before the Corps of Engineers and that the Executive Secretary
be authorized to write a letter to the Corps of Engineers advising them of this support I
and respectful2y requesting them to take whatever steps are necessary to re-establish
Masonboro Inlet in time for it to be used during the coming summer season and further,
that both of the Unites States Senators, Congressman Alton A. Lennon, the Chief of I
Development and Director of Water Resources be apprised of this need. This motion was
seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted by the Board. I
There being no further business to come before this special m tin3. Mr.
Braak offered a motion that they adjourn and it was unanimously approved. 9