1963-03-04 Regular Meeting - e Wilminaton, N. C. / March 4, 1963 The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on this date in the Commissioners' Room of the Court House'at'9:00 A.M. with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John van B. Metts, Jr:, County Attor- ney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. Houck to give a prayer of invocation. ASSEMBLY - INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Executive Secretary W. G. 'APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - ' Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Braak,'the minutes of the regular ?meeting held on February 18th and of the subsequent special cailed meeting, copies of ?which had been mailed to each Commissioner, were unanimously approved as written. / FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION - Messrs. J: K. Lynch, Jrr and L. G. Thomas represent.ing all the fire depart- ?ments in New Hanover County appe?ed before the Board and reported that the local Fire- men's Association had been askedn?ponsor and host the Eastern North Carolina Firemen's Association, composed of the 31 eastern counties for their summer meeting to be held iJuly 9, 1963. There wili be between 500 - 600 delegates, most of them from the Volunteer IDepartments: The programs will be of a'training nature as well as some demonstrations— showing how'various fires are more effectively handled. The estimated cost of this pro- is approximately $750.00 for meals, $150.00 rent for a suitable building and contingency of $100.00. They request that the County underwrite one-half of this expense or not Imore than $500.00 of it while the City of Wilmingtnn will underwrite.the other half. The ',Chairman observed that the Board could not make a commitment for the next fiscal year 'at this time but he realized that for planning purposes, it would be necessary for them ?to have some sort of promise therefore each member of the Board individualiy expressed themselves as being favorable'to this sort of project if and when it is presented at the next budget time. ' STATE MAGA2INE - The Chairman observed that it has been customary in the past'for the City and / County to equally sponsor a full page advertisement in the Azalea Festival Magazine up ?until last year when it was referred to the Azalea Festival Committee. As our County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery is the president of the Azalea Festival Association, it was referred to him for.handling by that group. JOINTLY OWNED TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY - The Executive Secretary report'ed that he had a firm offer for the purchase of a jointly•owned tax foreclosed piece of property described as being in Bronx C,.Lot 30 , fronting on Castle Street. It has been examined and appraised by the County Property ,Appraisores H. S. McGirt and R. E. Blake, Jr., who placed a fair market value of $550.00 on it. The City Council approved the sale of this property, subject to an appraisal by and concurrence in by Mr. J. E. L. Wade. After a brief discussion, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the sale be approved at $550.00 subject to 'the concurring approval of the City Council. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and adopLed. Property Values - During the discussion of the above sale pcoposal, the quest- ion arose as to why the difference between the appraisa,l price of property by our property appraisors and the price that is being pai'd by the Board of Education for adjoin3ng lots in ithe same general vicinity. The Chairman requested Messrs. Blake and McGirt to reconcile 'these differences as it was difficult to understand. They explained that in a general Oway? the property owned jointly by the City and the County was unimproved and also that Ithey would not furnish a warranty deed in conveying title. The appraisals which are be- i'ng placed on these properties from time to time are based on the formula used by the Irevaluation firm and are in line with the values around them. In order to see if our appraisals need to be reexamined, they requested Messrs. Blake, McGirt, and T. D. Love, ;as Tax Supervisor to look into this matter for the purpose of making comparisons and to Igive the Board a report on their findings. ' reported that pursuant to the authority granted hy the Board, he had se2ected a spot alongside of the easement of the Carolina Power and LightCompany Itransmission lines at the Farm up on the Blue Clay Road about 7 miles from the City. He has authorized John Talbert a Associates, Incorporated to draw preliminary plans of the ?proposed County cemetery site and instructed the Executive Secretary to proceed with the Temoval. The Executive Secretary reported that he had instructed Mr. Rivenbark at the County Farm, along with J. S. Roberts, who looks after Oak Grove Cemetery, to put down Ithe cement corner posts outlining the boundaries of the proposed cemetery site. Messrs. Rivenbark and Roberts reported that when they reached approximately 21 feet they ran into water seepage and at a depth of approximately 31,feet they struck a layer of °sugar° sand which contained more water. The Chairman advised that he had. received a tentative. offer of some property over on U.S. 421 but that he had not as yet gone so far as to de- termine the price for which they wouid sell it. It was decided to defer any further action and await developments.. IRK GROVE CEMETERY SITE The Chairman vJI LMINGTON - NEW HANOVER MIJSEUM The Chairman read a letter from the Board of Directors of the Wilmington - ` ew Hanover Ntuseum requesting that additional members be.appointed to that Board to bi:ing ithe' total ?memliership:.up - to -10., -.The letter set_ forth :the'?fact-thatrNr:?R:.:Jack Davis- ?had_,resigned as*-Chairman",'but,.gould :like to :conttnuecto_?ser4e as•:a.-member•of the Board 'nnd that Messrs. R. Eugene Farris and James P. Harris had asked to be replaced after serving for one year. They suggested that the Board of County Commissioners and the ilmington;City Council each appoint three additional members and they listed the names of the following for consideration: (Continued on next page) / -A rd ? ? < <x, Minutes of the Meeting March 4, 1963 Continued WiLMING"TOIV__ = NEW HANOVER MUSEUM - (cont3nued) ? Countv City Mrs. James M. James Mrs. Ida B. Kellam Mr. Addison Hewlett Mr. Jim Earnhardt Mrs. E. M. NcEachern Miss Peggy Hall Mrs. Laura (Norden) Schorr Mr. Wm. E. Perdew Dr. John Codington Mr. Jack Linden After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the Chairman be author- ized to make the appointments after a conference with the Mayor of the City of Wilming- ton. It was seconded by Mr. May}ian. and unanimously adopted. SECONDARY ROADS A Resolution from the'Board of Onslow County Commissioners was read to the Board by the CounLy Attorney. It requested the New Hanover County Board of Commissioner: to endorse and support a progressive secondary road program for the paving and improving of secondary roads in the various counties to be financed through surplus funds and appropriate bond issues. After discussing the matter briefly, it was decided, by com- mon consent, to authorize the Executive Secretary to acknowledge receipt of the Resolu- tion and inform them that it was being taken up with our legislators. (RECESS - At this time, the Board of Directors and the Director of the Public Welfare Department arrived for the ,joint meeting with the Board of County Commissioners which was scheduled for 10:30 A. N. Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously voted to recess for the purpose of ineeting 3ointly with the Public Welfare Board of Directors. JOINT MEETING ' Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners called a joint meeting with the Directors of the Public Welfare Board with the following mem- bers present: Commissioners Peter H. Braak, who also serves as Chairman of the Public Welfare Board, L. E. Broadhurst, E. R. Mayhan, J. van B. Metts, Jr., with Napoleon B. Barefoot, F. P. Fensel and Miss Lela Moore Hall, ex-officio, County Attorney L. Bradford Tiilery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr WQre also present. Chairman Hall requested that he be excused and turned the meeting over to Vice Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr. 'PETITIONS FOR RELIEF The Public lnfelfare Board presented two applications for County Home Care for Acie Thomas Henries and Mamie Ward Henries, both of whom are senile, feeble and partially biind. It is reliably reported that they are no longer able to live alone and take care of their responsibilities and are in extreme need of custodial care. Chairman Hall,having returned to Lhe meeting,offered a motion that the petitions be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. CONDENWED PROPERTY LIENS In the discussion of the above cases, it developed that the house which they ? have occupied is one on which the Public Welfare Department has a lien as a result of grants to former owners. Nlany complaints have beenimade by neighbors due to the fact ? that the house has been occupied without water and toilet facilities and generally , created a nuisance. The City Building Inspector has condemned the house as unfit for ? human use and the Public Welfare Board wish to know what remedies are open to them I for torrecting the unpleasant situation. The County Attorney ruled that the matter F should be referred to the Sheriff's Department. ? FEDERAL REVISIONS - Miss Lela Moore Hali then explained to the ,joint boards the recent revisions in the Federal laws increasing each recipient by $2.00. It will require considerable reclassification in some of the ways of handling the cases but she is of the opinion that the increased staff made necessary by the classification revisions can be made at no additional cost to the County. That ,judgement is based on a review of the present known revision requirements and might possibly have to be revised if new information is received. POSSIBLE LEGISLATION - Miss Hall also Carolina General Assembly enacted by the Congress. through Social Security. consent, thought that it Executive Secretary to dri, UPGRADING FUND ohserved that a Senate Bill had been introduced in the North which would implement the Kerr-Mills Bill in event it was She reported that it was an answer to the proposed Medicare After briefly discussing this matter, the Board, by common should be discussed with our legislators and authorized the -lude it on the list of matters to be taken up. Miss Lela Moore Hall observed that much controversy has been held about the bonus of $6,500 which was set aside of the 1961-62 Budget in the State of North Carolina for the upgrading of the Public Welfare Administrative offices and that only about $500.00 had been used. She now states that the balance is available during this fis- cal year 1962-1963 at no cost to the County. During the brief discussion of the matter it developed that the appropriation would have to be increased by a like amovnt and that it must be spent for the purpose which it was ailocated, v.i.z., furniture and fixtures or salaries. She reports that it could easily be used for the purchase of new furn- iture which is badly needed in the Public Welfare Department. AfLer a full discussion of the restrict3ons that might be placed around these funds, Mr. Barefoot offered a motion that the County accept the $6,500 from the State on the basis of it not costing the County. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Broad- hurst voted against the motion while Messrs. Barefoot, Braak, Fensel, Mayhan and Metts voted for the motion and the Chairman declared it prevailed by a majority vote. ? L_ A .?.` ? e M1 Minutes of the Meeting March t}, 1963 Continued -? ? °- - --1 WELFARE LIEN REPEAL - Mr. Braak presented to the Board a copy of the Weekly Legislative Summary published by the Institute of Government showing that a Bill d¢signated as H.B. 149 was introduced into the House of Representatives repealing the law creating liens on pro- perty of recipients of Old Age Assistance and cancelling all existing liens. He suggested that this matter be included in the list of sub,jects to be discussed with the Legislators representing New Hanover Cnunty. By common consent, this was unanimously agreeable to both boards. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further ,joint business presented, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the ,Joint boards be adjourned. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved, RECONVENTION - Vice Chairman Metts then reconvened the Board of County Commissioners in accord- ance with the recess above with all present except Chairman Hall. j APPROPRIATION - ? I County Auditor T. D. Love reported that the Stationery and Supplies Account ' as well as the Telephone Account of the Public Welfare Department would require addi- tional funds to complete the fiscal year and suggested that $500.00 be appropriated for Stationery and Supplies and $400.00 for the Telephone Account from the General Emer- gency Fund. After a brief discussion, it was brought out that the appropriation might come from the $6,500 fund to be received from the State. After this discussion, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the above suggestion be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Myhan and unanimously approved. REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for information: ? 1- Report from the Board of Health for the month:.of January 1963. ' 2- Report on Mental Health Center Activities - January 1963 PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful citizens were selected to serve as Jurors in Superior Court for the following weeks beginning April 8, 1963- Criminal term; april , 15th, 1963- Civil term; and April 22nd, 1963 - Civil term: Jurors for the week beqinning April 8tih 1963- Cr1•inina:l.:,term Mr. N. L. Foy 2402 Oleander Dr. Mr. E. A. Ross RFD 2, Box 259.B. H. E. Duke, Jr. 33 Ivey Circle H. S. King 4005 Market St. Walter C. Bethea '901 N. Kerr Ave.` James M. Ward 18 X Lake Villa?e J. P. Gore 143 Pinecrest Pkwy. A. R. Threatt P. O. Box 936 T. M. Sumner 2206 Carlton Ave. W. P. Howell 533 Bonham Ave. Harold Amey 304 Pine Hills Dr. R. P. Newson 4916 Pine St. Jesse J. Newell 9 G Lake Village Paul T. Parrish 215 Adelaide Dr. L. J. Heath Sr. 16 Cape Fear Blvd. J. W. Rogers 4715 Oleander Dr. David L. Hewett RFD 1, Box 10 AA T. A. Lawther Jr. 301.0 Wayne Dr. M. H. Matthews 2936 Adams St. Allen K. Glover ' 238 N. 23rd St. Wilber t W. Rhodes RFD 2, Box 222 A Mary S . Kohler 715 Country Club Rd. R. H. Wilson 504 Park Terrace L. F. Hufham,Sr. 221 Bagley Ave. Guthri e A. Blake RFD 1 Box 203 AAA John D. Parris Wil'liam:J:_ K031y;1 .: Henry V..Martin, Jr. Daniel E. Dicks Clarence W. Campany Loren F Marcroft Robert L. Fryer John Oosterwyk G. E. McWhfte Jr. Thad W. Carmichaei Harry N. Patelas Morris Wm. Grady Jr. Joseph A. Palmer John Bradley Robert G. Johnson Jr. Sherrill N. Casteen Jordan A. Sloan John C. Leewenburg Jr. Curtis Hayes Edwards Jr Edmund Lowe Sawyer John Henry Penney Jr. Frank Robert Bost Walter H. Peterson Louie Alton Blackman Oscar Alvin Jones Jurors for the week bepinninp April 15, 1963 I J. G. Speil 2508 Harrison St. I James E. Cross 118 S. 53 St. I L. W. Hood 3735 Carolina Begah ? J. T. Gooden Jr.. 2945 Jefferson L. J. Benton RFD 1, Biakley Road ? H. S. Sloan 307 N. (}th St. George Green 5335 Market St. Rd. John D. Jones 4013 Peachtree St. Briley W. Howell 4901 Pine St. Gilbert Hale 2532 Burnett Blvd. Clayton Smith 406 Barclay Hills Alex B. Bethune 1212 Azalea Dr. Murdoch M. Dunn P. O . Box 66 Robert J. Cralphin 4801 Wrightsv. Ave. M. M. Floyd 111 Bryan Ave. Arthur M. Rogers Sr.RFD 3, Box 429 A. ? James S. Williamson Jr. 507 Bonham Road , L. M. Johnson RFD 3, Box 464 A ' Richard S. Hamme 306 S. 7th St. John W. Rusher ? P. O. Box 772 I Newton T. Tate 28 N:ercer Ave. ? E. F. Pridgen RFD 1, Box 130 AA R. H. Johnson RFD 1, Box 104 Durwood T. Bradshaw RFD 1, Box 207 , William R. Phelps 2102 Creecy Ave. R. C. Morris J. A. Newton; Sr. B. M. Landen R. G. Collier Gene Johnson Glyn C. Irvin Robert A. Byrd Hobart C. Whaley Ralford Leon Crouch • C. E. Yarborough 5'tuart W. Taylor Charles T. Williams Augustus R. Taylor C. Clyde Pe'terson Wilkins L. Hartley Roy Ray Carter Samuel L. Faircloth Thomas Donald Gallagher Thomas H. Barker Paui Dennis Galog Jr. Horace Livingston Hawes Morgan R. Spencer James Victor Joyner 4dalter C. Debnam Garland Hatcher / 302 Pine Valley 315 Francis Marion Dr. $013_Pine St. . 304 s. i5tn st. 313 Midland Dr. 1509 Shirwood Dr. 208 Live Oak Ave. RFD 1, Box 79 B ° RFD 3, Box 342 2717 Monroe St. 232 N. 26th St. 207 Forest Rd. 434 Decator Dr. 5431 Market St. 2908 Wayne Dr. 8 Jackson Dr. P. o. Box 1886 3407 Wilshire Blvd. 24 N. 23rd St. 11 S. Lake Uillage 2105 Princess St. RFD 1, Box 95 AA RFD 2, Box 216 62 Lee Dr. 312 Adelaide Dr. RFD 1, Box 114 2717 Harrison St. 25 Jackson Dr. 251,1 Monroe St. 2106 Barnett Ave. 16 Pinecrest Terrace 3802 Park Ave. 211 N. Wallace Ave. 135 Pine Cone Rd. RFD 1, Box 470 7 Central Blvd. 4929 Pine St. 2511 Jackson St. 1508 East Plaza 2208 Klein Road 2114 Klein Road 14 East Nesbit Courts 2835 E. Jefferson St. 219 Forest Road 408 Pine Hills Dr. 10 Central Blvd. 405 s. bth st. RFD.1, Box ls 122 Morningside Dr. 101 Bryan Ave. . .? ? , 1 Minutes of the Meeting March 4th, 1963 Continued PETIT JURY - (continued) Jurors for the week beqinninq Anril 22, 1963 Wm. L. Nisbet 127 Stradleigh Road R. B. Williams Box 138 Wrightsv. Beach R. E. Batson 3114 Market St. W. M. Massey 2219 Oleander Dr. R. A. Cox 106 Lake 5hore Dr. K. C. Loughlin RFD 2, Box 139 C Thomas O. Harper 4933 Pine 5t. George C. Abraham 710 S. lsth St. H. R. Snipes RFD. 1, Box 416 George H. Cannon 2013 Pender Ave. P. D. Freeman 175 Lake Village J. H. Bryan RFD 2, Box 182 T. B. Freeman RFD 3, Box 551 Frank P. Byrne 719 Windsor Dr. W. M. Stanley 2818 Highland Dr. D. L. Bordeaux 4807 Maple Ave. Dewitt Merritt S. L ive Oak Pkwy R. P. Spivey 2734 Harrison St. Robert L. Hamel 217 Spruce Dr. Morris Golden 1147 C. Club Rd. James C. Cotton 310 College St. Michae l M. Graham 3601 Market St. T. N. Costello 3702 Stratford Blvd. George W. Strawn Wayn e Di:. Beaumont ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, voted to adjourn the meeting. - Civil term Robert Kallman % France Neckwear E. H. Cheshire 4104 Market St. Thomas E. Kemp 1209 Grace St. Robert S. Newton 4018 Halifax Rd. J. Robert 5needen RFD 3, Box 319 Alex B. Stanland 4802 Wrightsv. Ave. Herbert Moskowitz 1326 Hawthorne Road L. J. Hilburn 4115 Wilshire Blvd. Frank B. Hollis 1420 Greenfield St. Wiiliam Horne, Jr. 421 Decatnr Drive Linwood Gideon 5740 Parlt Ave. Lowell G. Marlow 211 Vance St. James A. Clifton 240 Pinecrest Pkwy. W. M. Mansfield 611 Thomas St. Thomas J. Williams Jr. RFD 3, Box 161 A Lindsay A. Odom 4625 Long Leaf Hills I Henry Pierce• as e Xe8 C tl 1V . . C Yn Ha Henry H. Peterson 210 Frances Marion Dr, George Henry Cummings 707 S. 4th St. Edward B. Potter 3 I Lake Village Jewell M. Creech 508 S. 2nd St. Bachman Earl Barrier 5840 Oleander Dr. Harold Reichardt 3722 Stratford Blvd. J. E. Sternberger 2947 Hydrangea P1. the ard unanimously ? W. &.'Houck, Executive Secretary , STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ORDER FOR SPECIAL VENIRE, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA VS. JOHN D. FREEMAN Narch 22, 1963 It appearing to the Court that the above entitled Criminal Case is calendare for trial at the April, 1963, Term of Superior Court of New Hanover County, and it furth appearing to the Court that the Defendant, John D. Freeman, stands indicted with the cap tal crime of Rape, and the Solicitor for the State havino announced that said defendant will-be placed on trial for his life, and It further appearing to the-Court, and the Court finding as a face, that it will be necessary, to insure the rights of said defendant, to summons a panel of Jurors by spec- ial venire, in;.addition to those already summonsed as regular jfurors. IT I5, NOW ORDERED that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, or proper person under his direction, be and appear in the Superior Court Room of New Hanover County, and have with him Jury Box No. 1, at Twelve oTClock Noon, this 22nd day of March, 1963, and that he, with the Clerk of this Court, shall then and there proceed to have drawn from said Box No. 1, containing the schrolls of jurors, by a child under the age of ten years, 200 schrolls the same to constitute a Special Venire from vrhich Lo select jurors for the trial of this cause, and that a list of such jurors so drawn shall be prepared and delivered to the Sheriff of New Hanover County for immedjate service; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that said Sheriff of New Hanover County shall forwith summons, or cause to be summonsed; the persons iqhose names appear upon the aforesaid list, to be and appear at the Superior Court Room of New Hanover Covnty, in the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, at 9:30, A. M., April the 9th, 1963, to act as jurors in the trial of said cause of action if chosen, sworn and empannelled, returning to the Clerk of this Court said lisL of jurors so summonsed, and HEREIN FAIL NOT, but of same ma}ce due return. /S/ .loseph 11. Parker, JudQe Presid.ing ?/ Jurors for Special Venire- April 9, 1963 Susie Olivia Williams 4630 Market St. J. W. Stokley - East Lake Shore Dr. Mildred Blake Young 205 Greenfield Dr. Olivis Wade RFD 2, Box 262 Rosetta Whissette RFD 1, liox 333 Ronald E. Hailey 108 Laurel Dr. Charles A. Foss 225 Hemdood Ave. Roy C. Pierce 1501 S. 4th St. Henry B. Combs 2730 Van Bu ren Anrew J. Fields 717 S. lOth continued- ? W. M. King 3406 Wilshire Blvd. David Green RFD 1, Box 322 R. H. Holland 2222 Acacia Drive I Marcus K. Innis 5407 4lrightsv. Ave. i Geneva L. Robins on B ox 218 Wrightsv.Beachl T. M. Hasell RFD 3, Box 534 I n ? f ?1 w ? Special Venire Drawing Jurors - continued Charles J. 0'Connor Bruce H. Howard Levi T. Blanton James Singletary Harold Henry Hall . ; Mary James I R. W. McKenzie i Charles H. McCarthy Johnson Chadwick Joseph D. Lewis . Thomas F. Keyes Albert F. Perry C. A. Olmstead H. N. Morris T. C. Dann Lamar McClain i W. H. 5hearin H. F. Miller R. M. Grisson Archie G. Hales, Jr. , Mary Louise Galphin Russell Berkley Lawrence.Porter Robbins Harold D. Alexius L. C. Smith W. Hirk Lewis J. H. Ligon Mary F. Green ? Chas. W. Summerlin J. W. Hill I Carl Skipper T. Marvin Watson Irene Robinson Hazel Davis J. D. Organ William A. Spivey R. M. Ferrill H. B. Ludlum Jerry A. Jones O. W. Davis E. M. Marks II Toney Hankins Oscar J. Webster Marvin A. Johnson , James Davis George W. Taylor W. E. Starnes Madge Kelly J. J. Thomas I D. M. George ; Bobby C. Gideon D. C. Hoggard James McKoy ' Albert C. Beall B. C. Justice Robert A. Raynor , R. G. Stokley, Jr. Joseph A. Pluta Tom Costas Norman H. Phillips, Jr. L. E. Streeter David R. Hennessee Ellis Hobbs, Sr. Alfred Williams Odesse J. Scott ? W. B. Towles Elsie B. Smith - Curles George J. R. Hollis Wm. J. Madliger C. L. Matthews Jerry Ray Willett Flossie M. Jones • Fred H. Parker I H. E. Lane Fred Baldwin Jos. Efird Johnson Emil Savage James R. Hilburn H. H. Barnhill George W. Croom IRobert F. Register J. H. Lea, Jr. Herbert 6,leston Eliza A. Outlaw Patricia A. Vickers p Lee Stanley Flynn C. D.'Parker, Sr. i W. C. James ILethia Timmons Narch 22,, 1963 (continued) zib s. 5tn St. 305 McRae St. P. o. sox 63 . 901 Green St. 1406 Greenfield St. 1313 Ann St. 2531 Ann St. 103 Parkway Blvd. 1110 Browns Alley • 314 N. 45tn St. RFD #2, Box 205 Box 119 P. o. Box 691 3719 Winston Blvd. 107 N. Audubon Blvd. RFD 1, Box 43 Castle Hayne 1509 S. 3rd St. Box 657 Caro?a??h RFD 3, Box 4 b 4801 ldrightsv. Ave. 217 Oakleaf Dr. 2507 Washington St. % Atlantic Tobacco Co. 4504 Peachtree St. 168 Lake Forest Pkwy. aox 975 616 Dawson St. 6121 Oleander Dr. 807 S. 2nd St. . 4 N. Lake Village 2331 Kenwood RFD 2, Box 254 Box 191, Castle Hayne 410 Larchmont Dr. 318 Long St. Dr. RFD 1, Box 259 321 Pine Grove Dr. 2413 Chestnut St. RFD #2 112 Peachtree 22 N. 8th St. Box 631 Carolina Beac 414 Rutledge Dr. 913 S. 3rd St. 3505 Market St. P. o. sox i5o?. 915 S. 7th St. 116 S. 52nd St. RFD 2, Box 77 AA % Gideon Serv. St. 3850 Hoggard Dr. 720 s. 13th St. p.' o. soX 455 . 114 N. 12th St. !}09 Nun St.. 2517 Van Buren St. t}19 Pine Hill Dr. RFD # 3, Box 251 RFD 2, BEas?I? Hayne 11}20 Orange St. 221a. Parkway Blvd. 2 Lee Drive 705 S. 12th St. 616 MacRae 1102 Nlagnolia P1. 4015 Peachtree St. 1309 Church St. RFD #2, Box 118 A. RFD 1, Box 296 C. 21}2 Two Chopt Rd. 2l.F Montgomery Ave. Gen. Delivery,C rol?n 3911 Princess p?eac 311 Pine Grove Dr. 1222 S. 7th St. 911 S. 7th St. RFD 2, Box 397 128 Graham St. RFD 1, Box 113 , RFD 2, Box L?1}8 5316 Wrightsville Ave. 116 S. Water St. RFD 1, Box 463 FtFD 2, Box 216 A 20051 Pender Ave. 4 S. 17th St. 3028 Carolina Beach Rd P. o. Eox 65 1011 Orange St. Joe Shrewsbury Wilbur G. Brown Fred bJi 11 iams Jimmy Daniel Lawhorn V. S. Sampson Esma McClammy . R. A. Shew Minnie Wright Graham John H. Kirkum F. H. Herring ,lohn C. Ashman Y. H. Sponcler Cecil Thomas Preston Leland M. Newsome Wingate A. Hansley Louland W. Pierce H. N. Neal Lon2ie Carrway J. C. Long Margaret H. Bell James R. Strickland Norman J. Sanders Leon Hampton Sewell S. M. Yarborough B. H. Uptergrove Margaret H. Woodbury H, R. Murphy L. A. Raney , M. R. Danford J. R. Messer Margaret Nixon Thelma Maree Jacob Marshall Dorothy Owen Wm. Earl Stanley Albert B. Russ Jr. Charles E. Davis Luther Thomas Buchanan S. J. Howie, Jr. John A. Vereen Arnold Rudolph Wiggs John W. Danford h E. R. Greenough James M. Johnsion James Ralph Powell Thelma B. Jordan David A. Seitter Haroid fNerritt R. N. Drain Robert Easley Wm. A. McNeil, Jr. Adam Sondey, Jr. Elizabeth S. Padrick John O. Marshall N. W. Humphrey Julia B. Ldagner Roy P. Brown L. M. Durant J. S. Sheehan Jessie L. Smith Johnnie Swinson Rosby Leroy Crummy Ann Gray Worthington Luther T. Rogers Jr. John T. Skinner A. V. 5affo • Mrs. C. D. Maffitt H. S. Merritt Alex Weiss Isabel S. Scott James O. Mintz Augusta C. Smith a Lucille M. Donnell Truman B. Magill Jr. Ila M. Motte Isla E. Hill Carlton Lanier Betty G. Rosenthall Mrs. C. K. Meier James Boyd , James L. Pope William O. Boney Harry E. Payne Margie B. Davis De'Other Melvin T. E. Peterson J. B. Kermon , . John R. Hines ' Archie T. Osteen Carl F. Sutphin, Sr. 223 S. 3rd St. 809 Chestnut St. 609 S. 7th St. 1306 Greenfield 621. S. 13tn St. RFD 1, Box 289 213 Princess St. 211 S. 2nd St. RFD #2, Box 7$ 117 Glendale Dr. 203 Lull Water Dr. 218 Brookwood Ave. 606 Rosemont Ave. 819 S. Kerr Ave. 2114 Brandon Rd. 306 Uirginia Ave. BUroNna Beach 6221 S. 7th St. 1507 S. 3rd St. 214 N. 44th St. 404 Castle Hayne Rd. 5 Jackson•; Dr. 220 Borden.Ave. P.O. sox 724 1215 S. 2nd St. 1620 Ann St. RFD 2, Box 18 % Raney Chev. 5523 Wrightsv, Ave. 34 west Drive 1005 Princess St. Lot S,Victory Gardens 1114 Dock St. 1619 Nun St. 3011 Wakefield Rd. 1917 Chestnut St. 719 Nun 5t. 425 Larchmont Dr. 1307 Wooster 1209 N. 7th St. 30 T Lake Vil. 220 McMillan St. RFD #2, Box 82 2728 Washington St. 22 Wrightsv. Ave. 531 Castle Hayne Rd. 513 Castle Hayne Rd. 807-Bladen . Box 77, Wriohtsv.Bea'ch RFD 2, Box 466 RFD 2, Box 229 RFD 1, Box 33 A 412 S. 4th St. 1601 Princess St. 202 Henwood Ave. 4609 Wrightsv..Ave. 6 P Lake Viilage 1808 Ann St. 209 Oak Leaf Dr. 408 S. sth St. 15 •V Lake V i 1. 617 S. 2nd St. iob s. 41st St. RFD #3, Box 271 C 3723 Stratford Blvd. 249 N. Front St. 219 S. sth St. 556 Castle Hayne Rd. 26 Robert E. Lee Dr. 415 S. 3rd St. RFD RFD ?Ast4x ne 214 Nun St. I 22 Bonham Ave. 2217 Dexter &C. 4910 Pine St. 128 Morgan St. % Louis Goodman 3 C Lake Vil. 19 D Taylor Homes 3 Z Lake Vil. 22310.MBmosaasPie Hayne 1812 Perry Ave. 306 s. 6th St. 2933 Oleander Dr. 1013Z S. 2nd St. 6325 Oleander Dr. 9 x Lake Vil. 3606 Stratford Slvd.