1963-03-18 Regular Meeting Wilmington, N. C. March 18, 1963 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. with the following members in attendance: Vice Chairman John van B. Metts, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan, County Auditor T. D. Love, and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr, was unavoidably absent from the meeting. INVOCATION - In the absence of the Chairman, Vice Chairman Metts cailed the meeting to order and presided. The Chaplain scheduled for this meeting was absent and the , Executive Secretary offered a prayer of invocation at the request of the presiding officer. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Nlr. Braak, the minutes of the meeting held on March 4th, copies of which had been mailed to each Commissioner, were unanimously approved as written. ?WELL CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE ACT - Mr. George Allie Moore Jr. appeared before the Board as President of the ; New Hanover Well Water Contractor's Association. He explained that the General Assembly i in 1961 had enacted a regulatory law to license water well contractors known as GS 87-82 ? and requested the Board to support an amendment to include New Hanover County which was excluded at the time the Act was passed. He stated that in general the law had been very popular and successful in the counties operating under it and, in fact, the New Hanover County the water well contractors had all volunteered to purchase licenses under this Act even though New Hanover Covnty is excluded. He further observed that the Board of Examiners would issue licenses without examination under a grandfather clause ' to all well drillers now operatittg and to out of state contractors who hoid licenses ? in their own state. He pledged 100% cooperation with trie present ground water survey being made in the County and said that it would be worth untold amounts to industry considering New Hanover County as a location. He further pointed out that this regula- tion would greatly assist the public in seeing that the water wells were properly sealed ?I and water tight from surface water polution. He cited recent discoveries reported to ? th¢ National Water Well Driller's Association that in densely populated areas septic tank seepage and detergents were showing up in water wells improperly capped with a sani:? tary well seal. He also said that since there is no sort of regulations in New Hanover County it would be legal for a person to actually drill a well and allow the affluent from his septic tank to pollute any underground water in that particular strata of water bearing wells tapping that particular vein of water. After briefly discussing this matter, the Board, by common consent, agreed to discuss the matter with the legislators representing New Hanover County and directed the Executive Secretary to put this sub,ject on the agenda in the file for legislative discussion. , ? FLOOD CONTROL - Vice Chairman Metts advised the Board that Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. and Col. George W. Gillette accompanied by other interested public officials in the County went to Washington on Narch 13th to appear before a Congressional Committee considering recomm¢ndations by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Soil Conservation Se^vice relative to harnessing the upper Czpe Fear River and its tributaries for the purpose I of preventing flood damage by controlling the volume of flow in the river channel. He explained that the following resolution was presented and requested the Board to approve it for the record "nunc pro tunc". I WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County have followed with interest the legislation pending before the Congress of the United States relative to flood control on the Cape Fear River and are desirous of expressing themselves witfi regard thereto, and WHEREAS, the Commissioners are cognizant of the favorable effect which this project will have, not only upon flood control, but also upon str¢am sanitation, navigation of the upper Cape Fear, navigation of the lower Cape Fear and prevent- ion of excess siltation; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County urges the Congress of the United States to take favorable action+on this pro,ject, in accordance with the plans and recommendations of the United States Corps of Engineers. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the official minutes of this Board and that copies hereof be delivered to the Honorable B. Everett Jordan and to the Honorable Alton A. Lennon for presentation to the Congress of the United 5tates. Done at Wilmington, North Carolina, this llth day of March 1963. Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County /5/ J. M. Hall, Jr. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously approved the Resolution and the expenses of the Chairman and Colonel Gillette as they were representing the County. PUBLIC WELFARE Up-Grading Fund - Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director of the Public Welfare Department, reported that she was in error at the last meeting in thinking that the $6,500 allocated to each County from the State Board of Public Welfare is still avail- able. She has been informed that since the County made no claim, it is no longer available for the fiscal year. (continued) \ Minutes o? t_he?Meeting_March_18 _196'i_(Co?it_inued?_ ___ _ - ? - --- - ?PUBLIC WELFARE - (continued) to approve the minor changes the suggestions i removal in the unanimously. 1963. Uault Alteration - Miss Hall requested the Board Budget Discussions - Miss Hall observed that in the past much of the mis- ? understanding with reference to the Budget was caused by the lack of being thoroughly familiar with it and she suggested that it might serve a good purpose if the Board of Directors of the Public Welfare Depastment and'the Board of; Commissioners::cou;ld meet in an informal session for the purpose of answering and asking questions and considering ?each item of the Budget before the tentative proposal is sent to Raleigh. After a brief iconsideration, it was unanimously decided to have such a meeting at 2:30 P. M. April lst, of the door to the vault in.her department and allow,some other Ibuilding construction. By common consent, the,6oard approved / / me confusion regarding the authority for the operation of the Juvenile Courts and Detent- n Homes. He requested the County Attorney to clarify the various authorities. The unty Attorney ruled that the ,jurisdiction of the ,juvenile ,judge and courts extended to e hearing of the evidence and pass on .the sentence but that the custody of the ,juvenile linquents was charged to the Public Welfare Department. Juvenile Detention Home - Mr. P. H. Braak suggested that the Juvenile Detent- lion Homes be consolidated. He reported that the average population was small enough. that one home could be used satisfactorily with some minor changes on the interior and Isome difficulty is being experienced with the Matron at the negro home. First, she has ?een reluctant to accept suggestions for the proper discipline of-the children in her ?icare to such an extent that the City Jvvenile Court and Child Welfare Caseworkers refused to send any more of their juveniles out there. Recently there have been three escapes, in two of which the children bound and'gagged the Matron and on one occasion knocked her ,in the head with a flower pot.;It is felt that the security rooms meet minimum require- lnents for the satisfactory handiing of these cases and, therefore, he would like to have ?approval of the Board to make the changes suggested. By common consent, the Board unani- ?mously gave Mr. B.raak their support and authorized him to make whatever changes He deemed Iwise including the dismissal of the Matron. ' I Juvenile Delinauents - Mr. Braak further observed that there seemed to be the Public Auditor during the 1961-1962 fiscal year. AND COUPONS - -? The County Auditor reported the following bonds and coupons paid and reconciled Bonds Coupons $552000.00 . $53,420.00 50,000.00 18,013.75 125,000.00 15,565.00 , 2,592.50 . 68 , 487 . 50 $230,000.00 158,078.75 Total $388,078.75 i Mr. Mayhan then moved that the Auditor's report be accepted and that the Board retire to the furnace room and witness the burning of the paid bonds and coupons. It was seconded y Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. IREWORKS PERMIT - / The Presiding Officer read a letter from the City of Wilmington, asking that ermission be granted for the display of fireworks on Thursday, April 4th at Legion Stadium in conjunction with the Azalea Festival activities, He reported that the contract is with the same company as the one used last year and that the insurance certificate is on file. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the request be approved with the understanding that the County Attorney approve the insvrance certificate protecting the County from any liabil- ity. It was seconded by Ms. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. APPROPRIATIONS AND TR,4NSFERS - / The County Auditor reported that various budgeted items needed some ad,justments ?as some had been underestimated and some over-estimated, therefore, he recommended that I,the following appropriations and transfers be made: Airport - Fire Ins, to Airport - Fuel $250.00 Generai Emergency " Auditor - Sales Tax Interest 6.95 " " " CSC - Insane, Inebriate 200.00 it it " Commissioners - Stat y.,Supplies 100.00 u n It Elections 447,57 " " " Jail - Repairs to Bldg, 50.00 Recorder s Court, Binders " R C- Stat / y., Supplies • 250.00 Superior Court - Spec. Court Reporter " Superior Court, Jury, Meals 8 70.28 Lodging " 'r _ Cap. Outiay 2.98 General Emergency " Prepaid Tax Disc. . 726.51 " " " Agri. - Ec. Cap. Outlay 12.92 Farm - I nsurance " Farm - Cap. Outlay 139.18 Unantici pated Funds-Health +t Health Unremitted iJse Tax Refund 82.02 Use Tax Refund Unantici pated Funds " Health - Unremitted Use Tax l?.01} Geneeal;. Emergency " Surplus Commiss. Travel 1?j.2o Register of Deeds - Cap. Outlay Reg. of Deeds,- Books, Binders 175.00 Generai Emergency to County Aid- Public Audit 1,700.00 " " " Sheriff - Avto Registration 47.75 Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, all of the appropriations and transfers were unanimou3ly approved as recommended above. I Minutes of the Meeting March 18, 1961 Continnmrt ' RQAD BOND BILL - '' Mr. Nhayhan reminded the Board of the Legislative Bulletin No. 6 calling attention to thc Road Bond Bill introduced in both the Senate and tYie House proposing the issuance of $200,000,000 in road bonds subject to the vote of the people, with , $100,000,000 to be spent on the Primary Highways hy Lhe State Highway Commission and $100,000,000 on the Secondary Roads, $25,000,000 be divided equally to each county I and $75,000,000 to be on the basis of unpaved road mileage. Mr. J. Alex McMahon, Genera 'I Covnsel for the State Association of County Commissioners requests the reaction of the Bo?rd with reference to this proposed bond issue. After a brief discussion, the Board unanimously agreed that they were in favor of the bond issue but that the provisions should be changIn ? with reference to the $75,000,000 allocation from the basis of unpaved road mileage to a prorata share for each county. The Executive Secretary was directed to write Mr. McMand inform him of this feeling. ? REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for information`? ? . 1.1 County Agricultural Agent's Extension Report for February 1963. 2.? Home Economics Extension Agent's Report " " 3.? Wilmington Public Library-Branch Report " " 4. Wilmington Pubiic Library Report " " " 5. USO Club Report for Febrvary, 1963. 6: Grand Jury Report covering activities during February 1963, 7? Nlental Health Center report for Fehruary 1963. ADJOURNMENT - ' 1 Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mraare e g no durther business to come before the Board, they adjourned to m?I s Bo rd of qualization and Review. '15) W. (I. RWA?k,&Executfve Secretary Wilmington, N. C. April 1, 1963 ASSEMBLY - I The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissione?ls vaas held today at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room with the following members in attendanc e: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John van D. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D..Love,, and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. . 3NVOCATION - Chairman Hall calLed the meeting to order and asked Reverend E. T. Small, Past(?r of the Good Shepherd Church, to give a prayer of invocation. I APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - ' Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the meeting on March 18th, copies of which had been mailed to each Commissioner were unan3mouSly approved as written. • 'AZALEA FESTIVAL CREDENTIALS - - County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, who is also president of the Azalea Festival Committee, presented each of the Commissioners with their credentials as hosts for arelcoming and entertaining the visitors who will be here for the A2alea Festival. At present, the entire General Assembly is planning to,hold their April 4th session on ' the U.S.S. Battleship North Carolina. A luncheon 4s planned for them, the cost of which will be shared equally between the City and County,.Commissioners and the City Council wili act as hosts in addition to the Committee set,up by the North Carolina Battleship Commission. Each of the Commissioners thanked Mr. Tillery for the fine ,job which he is doing in promoting the Azalea Festival this year and expresse'd their sincere apprepriatior for the service which he is rendering the County. _, _ i . ? BOND RENEWAL - ? i A Renewal Certificate continuing in force Bond #400 CA 2624 on behalf of Robert Green Barr, Sr, was reviewed by the Covnty Attorney and approved as to form. He recom- ' _ mended that the Board also approve it which they did by unanimous common consent, kBEER PERMIT - The following application for a beer permit was reviewed by the Board and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff for his ?investigation and consideration: Charles J. Knighten T/A Pea¢hes.Place 6 Carolina Ave., Carolina Beach I . N. C. , 6UNTY PLANNING AND ZONING - . Chairman Hall-remarked that New Hanover County is fast developing into an Urbanl? commun.ity. The County is now exempt from the State Zoning Ordinance and in his opinion it is time for the County to begin an orderly planned development. He strongly recommendsl that New Hanover County be included under the State Zoning Ordinance and recommends that the Board go on record as asking our representatives to the General Asseinbly to have New Hanover County deleted £rom the list of exemptions. After a brief discussion, the County Attorney checked the General Statutes and informed the Board that under the State Zoning Ordinance the Commissioners are given authority to control developments but there are certain restrictions included in the provisions of the General Statutes. After considering this suggestion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the County Attorney be in- i structed to draw A Resolution removing New Hanover County from the list of exemptions to continued - I \ y II