1963-04-01 Regular Meeting Minutes of the Meeting March 18, 1961 Continnmrt ' RQAD BOND BILL - '' Mr. Nhayhan reminded the Board of the Legislative Bulletin No. 6 calling attention to thc Road Bond Bill introduced in both the Senate and tYie House proposing the issuance of $200,000,000 in road bonds subject to the vote of the people, with , $100,000,000 to be spent on the Primary Highways hy Lhe State Highway Commission and $100,000,000 on the Secondary Roads, $25,000,000 be divided equally to each county I and $75,000,000 to be on the basis of unpaved road mileage. Mr. J. Alex McMahon, Genera 'I Covnsel for the State Association of County Commissioners requests the reaction of the Bo?rd with reference to this proposed bond issue. After a brief discussion, the Board unanimously agreed that they were in favor of the bond issue but that the provisions should be changIn ? with reference to the $75,000,000 allocation from the basis of unpaved road mileage to a prorata share for each county. The Executive Secretary was directed to write Mr. McMand inform him of this feeling. ? REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for information`? ? . 1.1 County Agricultural Agent's Extension Report for February 1963. 2.? Home Economics Extension Agent's Report " " 3.? Wilmington Public Library-Branch Report " " 4. Wilmington Pubiic Library Report " " " 5. USO Club Report for Febrvary, 1963. 6: Grand Jury Report covering activities during February 1963, 7? Nlental Health Center report for Fehruary 1963. ADJOURNMENT - ' 1 Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mraare e g no durther business to come before the Board, they adjourned to m?I s Bo rd of qualization and Review. '15) W. (I. RWA?k,&Executfve Secretary Wilmington, N. C. April 1, 1963 ASSEMBLY - I The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissione?ls vaas held today at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room with the following members in attendanc e: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John van D. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D..Love,, and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. . 3NVOCATION - Chairman Hall calLed the meeting to order and asked Reverend E. T. Small, Past(?r of the Good Shepherd Church, to give a prayer of invocation. I APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - ' Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the meeting on March 18th, copies of which had been mailed to each Commissioner were unan3mouSly approved as written. • 'AZALEA FESTIVAL CREDENTIALS - - County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, who is also president of the Azalea Festival Committee, presented each of the Commissioners with their credentials as hosts for arelcoming and entertaining the visitors who will be here for the A2alea Festival. At present, the entire General Assembly is planning to,hold their April 4th session on ' the U.S.S. Battleship North Carolina. A luncheon 4s planned for them, the cost of which will be shared equally between the City and County,.Commissioners and the City Council wili act as hosts in addition to the Committee set,up by the North Carolina Battleship Commission. Each of the Commissioners thanked Mr. Tillery for the fine ,job which he is doing in promoting the Azalea Festival this year and expresse'd their sincere apprepriatior for the service which he is rendering the County. _, _ i . ? BOND RENEWAL - ? i A Renewal Certificate continuing in force Bond #400 CA 2624 on behalf of Robert Green Barr, Sr, was reviewed by the Covnty Attorney and approved as to form. He recom- ' _ mended that the Board also approve it which they did by unanimous common consent, kBEER PERMIT - The following application for a beer permit was reviewed by the Board and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff for his ?investigation and consideration: Charles J. Knighten T/A Pea¢hes.Place 6 Carolina Ave., Carolina Beach I . N. C. , 6UNTY PLANNING AND ZONING - . Chairman Hall-remarked that New Hanover County is fast developing into an Urbanl? commun.ity. The County is now exempt from the State Zoning Ordinance and in his opinion it is time for the County to begin an orderly planned development. He strongly recommendsl that New Hanover County be included under the State Zoning Ordinance and recommends that the Board go on record as asking our representatives to the General Asseinbly to have New Hanover County deleted £rom the list of exemptions. After a brief discussion, the County Attorney checked the General Statutes and informed the Board that under the State Zoning Ordinance the Commissioners are given authority to control developments but there are certain restrictions included in the provisions of the General Statutes. After considering this suggestion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the County Attorney be in- i structed to draw A Resolution removing New Hanover County from the list of exemptions to continued - I \ y II 1? r ?v ?;? Minutes of the Meetinq._.__April 1_p 1963 Continued I COIINTY PLANNING RND ZONING - (continued) ? the State Ordinance and ask our Legislators to introduce the Bill in this 8 session of the General Assembly. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and when the ballots were taken, Mr, Broadhurst voted "NO", however,since the other members of-the Board voted in favor of the motion, the Chairman declared it adopted. HOLIDP.Y - / The Executive Secretary reported that the Clerk of Superior Court and the Register of Deeds had requested the Board to declare Saturday, April 6th, as a legal holiday as the General Statutes provides that those two offices can only close on a de- clared holiday. Afte.r a brief discussion in which it was pointed out that this was the day for the A2alea Festival parade and normally no business wouid be transacted, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that Saturday, April 6th be declared a legal holiday for New Hanover County. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and urianimously carried. ? COURT HOUSE REPAIRS The Executive Secretary reported that he had secured an estimate for the tile necessary to cover the cement floor in the cocridor of the Court House from the Princess Street entrance to the rear of the building. The exact estimate was $286.70 plus taxes, however, he suggested that it would not run more than $300.00 including 5 galions of floor cement required to instail it. It is recommended that this work be done as we have suf- ficient money in the Budget this year to complete it and an expert serving time at the County Prison Farm to put it down.. Mr. Broadhurst then offered a motion that this recom- mendation be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted, IINDUSTRIAL EDUCATION CENTER - The Executive Secretary reported that Mr. John Alexander McMahon, General Counsel for the State Association of County Commissioners had called him and explained Lhat if the I proposed status of Wilmington College into a four year college was approved, it would be under the direction of an Independent Board of Trustees instead of the State Board of Educa- tion as at present. This will likewise change the controlling agency of the Industrial ? Education Center when it is expanded into an Industrial Training Center with a curriculum above the high school level. He requests an expression from the Board as to how they feel about supporting a recommendation that four members of a separate Board of Directors be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners and four members to be appointed by the State Board of Education. After a brief discussion, it iAes decided, by common consent, to consult Superintendent W. H. Waooagr for the details on this proposal. Dr. Wagoner said that these changes wrere included in HB 140 in the form of an Omnibus Bill covering several ?items making Asheville, Charlotte and W;lmington Community Colleges into four year institu- Itions and creating Industrial Education Centers and Institutes of Technology. He stated ?that the Industrial Education Center is really a combination with the Institution of Tech- nology in that some of the courses are above high school level and could be used toward a degree. Plans are now underway to declare our center here a commvnications center which , would be a strong incenlive for industry as much technical electronic equipment is now be- ing used in all industrial plants. Our greatest concern is from a community standpoint for a community as a whole. At present, the Board of Education is in the process of pro- posing more intensive study for adults who have not finished highschool. He stated thaL he had an appointment with school officials next week for a discussion of this subject and iwould be in a better position to make r,ecommendations after his trip. After a brief dis- cussion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the matter be tabled until our next regular meet- ing on April 15th and asked Dr. blagoner and come back and report. It was seconded by Mr. Braak. As there seemed to be favorable unanimity among the Board members about this sub,ject, no ballot was calied but, by common consenL, the Executive Secretary was author- ized to call Mr. McMahon and inform him of this pending action. STREET CLOSING PETITION - . ? A notice was received from the City of Wil-mington informing the Board that under the terms and provisions of General Statutes 153-9; Subsection 17, a petition for the Iclosing and withdrawal from dedication of the portion of llth St. located between Meares land Marstellar Sts. in order to expand the public school system and build a school on the property. Upon motion of Nr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Nayhan, the following petition was unanimously approved and the Executive Secretary instructed to write a letter to the City advising them that the County Commissioners have no objections to closing this sLreet. BLUE LAWS - I" Mr. Mayhan remarked that he had noticed that'the B.lue Law question was again be- fore the General Assembly and he thought that our Board should take a stand on the matter and inform our Legislators of our wishes. After a brief discussion, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that New Hanover County be exempted from the provisions of any Blue Laws that might be passed and that the Executive Secretary be authorized to inform our Legislators of this• decision. It was seconded by Nir. Broadhurst and adopted. TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY - / The Executive Secretary reported that he had a firm offer'for the purchase of Ijointly owned tax foreclosed property located in Block 241, part of Lot #l, 30' x 661, 105' from SE cor Dickenson & Miller, Fronting on Miller and appraised by the County P3ro- 1 lperty Appraisors at $400.00 as a fair market price. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that sale of the property at the fair market price of $400.00 be approved, subject to concurring approval of the City Council. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved. • PEASTER SUNRISE SERVICE - ?' The Honorable J.E.L. Wade, a member of the Wiimington City Council personaily !invited each of the Board members to attend the Easter Sunrise Service to be held at the lamphitheater in Greenfield Park at 6:00 A. M. Easter Sunday, April 14, 1963. USO - '_? Mr. Wade uroed the attendance of the representatives from the Board of County Commissioners at the U80 Board of Directors' meetings since the County participates in ithe program from a financial standpoint. 1A " „S ) d Minutes of the Meeting April i, 1963 Continued /PATRIOTIC RESOLUTION - x ? The third item discussed by Mr. Wade was a national movement to have all ' churches ring bells at 2:00 P. M. for not less than four minutes on July 4th, 1963 ' in an effort to revive patriotism in the breasts of our citizens. After a brief discussi ion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the County Attorney be instructed to prepare a suitable resolution for this occasion. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and vnanimously adopted. The Chairman thanked Nr. Wade for calling attention to these matters and ! observed that they were important for the continuation of our democracy. II II ?WILNINGTON - NEW HANOVER MUSEUM I The Chairman read a letter from Colonel Thomas A. Price, Jr., Director of J the reactivated Wilmington - New Hanover Museum asking that arr.angements be made to provide a white County prisoner for general clean-up and light carpentry on a permanent basis Tuesday L'hrough Fridays each week. After a brief discussion, the Board, by common consent, denied the request bu* authorized the Executive Secretary to continue using Park and Cemetery forces when necessary to keep the museum in a presentable condi- tion. ?ROAD PETITIONS - Petitions were received for Lhe addition of Section C of Lincoln Forest and Section G of Piney 'rJoods to the State N,aintained Secondary Ro2d System including the following named roads or streets; Copely Road, Edgewood Road, Halifax Road, Oxford Drive, Sylv2n Drive; i'ordham Road, Oakhurst Road, Greenwood Road and Wildwaod Circle. all being in Harnett Township. h1r. Broadhurst moved ttiat these petitions be approved and sent to the State Hichway Commission for their consideration. It was seconded by /Mr. Metts and unanimously carried. ( NEW HANOVER COUNTY - The Chairman read a letter from .lohn Talbert 8 Associatds,: Inc. requesting ( permission to include New Hanover County as one of their clients in completing the up- datinc of their professional brochure. The Board,by common consent, suthori2ed the Chairman to sign the approval for their request. ISEPARATION I_EGISLATION - Mr. H. Foster Edwards, Clerk of the New Ha.nover Superior Court; presented a Bill which he wishes to have introduced to the General Assembly providing for a separate Clerk of Court for the Recorder's Court of New Hanover. The following rough draft was read by the Chairman and discussed by the Board. # He stated that the only additionai expense to the County would be a separate bond for the Clerk of Recorder's Court who is now covered by a blanket bond. During the discussion of this matter, 'it was pointed out that this is the first step in the new court reform voted by the people. After con- sidering the proposed text of the Bill, the Board aoreed that in 5ection 2 that the application of the Clerk of the Recorder's Court shouid be reviewed and recommended by the New Hanover Civil Service Commission instead of appointed by the Recorder as set forth in this present section of the proposal. After this recommended change, by unanimous common consent; the Board had no further objection to this matter but agreed that they should have an expression from Recorder's Court Judae H. Winfieid Smith before taking any definite stand. gee insertion aLtached. '• (PR I SOId FARM PROBLEMS - Mr. Braak, who is the committee for the Board handling the County Home and Prison Farm, reports that they are experiencing some difficulty in efficiently organ- izing the prisoners into groups because of the fact that after they have been assigned to duties, a high percentage of them pay out within the first week or 10 days which makes it very difficult to set up any sort of organization. The County ALtorney ruled that the law allows a prisoner 10 days after his sentence 3n which to pay the fines and court costs. After this ruling, there were no further questions or discussion . and the matter was dropped. AIR CONDITIOtQING - ( Mr. Broadhurst reported that the Presiding Judge of the present term of the New Hanover Superior Court informed him that the recently installed air conditioner ^mgde so much noize 1C'b-ey were unable to use it during court hours.. He also reported '.2hat he had personally.turned on the air conditioner in the Recorderts Court Room and that it, too; made considerable racket. After discussing the matter, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the 10% retainer fee be withheld until the air conditioners are put in usable condition. It was seconded by Mr. Braak_and unanimously approved. IELECTION - The executive Secretary was instructed to arrange for Henry C. Bost, Chairman ofthe New Hanover Election Board to meet with them at the next regular meeting on April lsth. REPORTS The folDowing reports were reviewed and ordered filed for information: ?1- Colonel Grygiel, Corps of Engineers, reports that Masonboro Inlet Channel I Channel survey indicates that better than 6 feet deep with a minimum il width of 250 feet extends from Banks Channel to deep water in the ocean. '2- Consolidated Board of Health Report for February, 1963. I? '3- Change in Status Reports from Public Welfare Department. n ? 4- Mr. Cranford reports that a trip relative to salt water marsh drainage has been arranged for April lsth after the regular meeting and suggests that Commissioners come dressed for a field trip. ADJOURNMErfT - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Myhan, the Board ad,journed to reconvene as a Board of Equalization and Review immediately and to meet informally with the Public Welfare Board of Directors at 2:30 P. M. W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary ,..?1 L A