1963-04-16 Regular Meeting I r Informal Joint Meeting of the Commissioners with the Welfare Board Commissionerst Room Court House, Wilmington, N. C. 2:30 P.M. April 1,1963 PRESENT - An informal meeting of the County Commissioners and the Public Weifare Board was held on this date with the following persons attending: Commissioners: Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman, Mr. L. E. BroadhurUst, Mr. Ernest R. Mayhan, 1Nr. J. Van B. Metts, Jr. II and Peter H. Braak, who also serves as Chairman of the Welfare Board with Mr. N. P. Bare- foot and Nr. F. P. Fensel and accbmpanied by Miss Leila Moore Hall, Director, from the Welfare Board. County Auditor T. D. Love was also present for the meeting. BUDGET DISCUSSION The Chairman asked Mr. Braak, who is Chairman of the Public Welfare Board, to present their tentative Budget Estimate and any other matters which they deemed of in-, terest to the joint Boards. Mr. Braak stated that it was customary to present the State Board of Public Welfare with a tentative Budget Estimate for services and administration of the local welfare unit in order for them to get a preliminary picture of the Budget that wouid be required to be furnished'out of State and Federal funds. He then svggest- ed that Miss Hall present the details since she was more familiar with them. In general, she stated that the present Budget request was approximately $10,000'less than lest year's Budget. Travel Expense - The first item that received considerable attention was the 71 per mile being paid for personally owned cars used in their work, also the depreciation payments of $25.00 per worker per month. No definite conclusion was reached but the Board agreed to study these two items further. i Postaqe, Telephone & Teleqraph - Some members of the Soard questioned the estimated $3,360 under this heading and felt that it might be reduced, however, the members ' of the 4Jelfare Board suggested that it was a fair expense. Employers Contribution to Local Government Employers Retirement Svstem - A discussion on this subject led to the deletion of trie $7,743.60 estimated for this expendi- ture. II Public Assistance - The Pubiic Assistance Program tncluding O.A.A., A.D.C., ..A.P.T.D. and A.B. decreased $10,278,00 as estimated for the coming year under last year's iBudget. The Case 4Jorker Salary and Travel Account?;,will increase slightl.y and the Countyts part will amount to $2,380.17. No MoneY Payment - In this category, O.A.A., A.D.C. and A.P.T.D. have increased a tota 1 of $004, z9. ? Administration - Estimates show an increase of $7,098•53 as compared to a Public Assistance decrease of $9,393.71. • , Boardino Home Care for Children - The over-all picture in this category shows !an increase of $2,650.00 over last year. I Hospitali2ation - Over-all, this item shorred a net increase of $5,650.00. 'I Out-Patient Service - This showed a net increase of $2,960.00 while other ser- vices under this category showed a net decrease of $1,500.00. W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary I Wilmington, N. C. April 16,1963 ASSEN]BLY - The regular semimonth2y meetino of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 'was held this day at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room with the following members pre- Isent: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and n John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - ' Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and requested Reverend G. W. Shepard, Pastor of the Community Advent Christian Church, to give a prayer of invocation. ? APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - ' Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the previous meeting, copies of which had been sent to each Commissioner, were unanimously approved as written. FOREST FIRE CONTROL - I A delegation of citizens, headed by Mr. Bruce B. Cameron, as spokesman reported that the recent dry spell coupied with the high winds had caused fires to get out of con- trol and burn an estimated twelve to fifteen thousand acres of wooded land in Masonboro tovmship during last weekend. They estimated that the damage to land values exceeds $250,000.00. He pointed out that New Hanover County was one of seven or eight counties in ?I Ithe State which did not participate in the cooperative Forest Fire Controi Program. They , had the highest praise for the excellent job done by-the air force and rurai volunteer i fire departments although they were handicapped by the lack,of equipment for fighting a ; major fire such as this. The cooperation of the local pulp wood companies is commendable and the men themselves stayed on the scene until physically exhausted. He suggested continued- ? ?? J Ninutes of the Meeting April 16, 1963 Continued that the North and South Carolina News Directors' Association Annval.Meetina is•to be held in Wilmington for the first time Niay 17th - 19th, 1963. He requests a contribution of $100.00 to match $100.00 by the City of Wilmington for.the purpose of serving break- fast to the delegation on Saturday ancl Sunday and lunch on Saturday. After discussing ? the publicity this County would receive from such a convention, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that $100.00 be ailocated from the Advertising Fund to be used•for this pur- ' pose after the Chairmarz has conferred with the Mayor of the City of Wilmington and they are likewise agreeable to their share. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously /approved. . . ( R I GHT-OF -VJAY The State Highway Commission presented a right-of-way aareement for the construction of a highway through lands owned by the County known as Oak Grove Cemetery recorded in Book 704 at paoes 478 and 479. This agreement includes as right-of-way all property ovmed by the County lying between the center line of the left lane and the center line of the right lane as an extension of South 17th. Upon motion of Mr. Broad- hurst, seconded by Mr. Metts; the request granting the right-of-way was unanimously approved and the Chairman authorized to execute the agreemer.t, subject to the approval of the County Attorney. ` PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOnrD - The Pubiic Official Bond for Reginald Turner, an appointed JusLice of the Peace, was reviewed by the Board and County Attorney who approved it as to-form. added to the State maintained Secondary Road System. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhu'rst, I seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved this request and directed that it be sent to the State Highway Commission for its consideration. y (NEWS DIRECTOR ASSOCIATION - The Chairman reported that he had a Memorandum from Ben J MacDonald advising / FOREST FIRE CONTROL - that a letter of thanks be written to all of them. One case was cited where a known fire was set by a woman cleaning up her yard. Some suggested that care- less and intenLionally set fires should be investigated and the parties prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If it had not been for the determined efforts of those dedicated men fightino the fires at least 20 to 30 homes would have been lost. The Chairman thanked the delegation for bringing this matter before them so forcefully and stated that now is the time to request the State Department of Conservation and Development through their division of forestry to articipate in the cooperative fire control program during the next fiscal year 1963-64. After a.brief discussion, Mr: Mayhan offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be instructed to write..the Forestry Division of the State Department of Conservation and ask them to inciude•New Hanover County in their Budget for the next biennium in order.to participate in the cooperative, forest fire control program. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted. CORONERS SEMINAR - ?I W. Gordan Doran, our local Coroner, informed the Board that the Institute of Government is conducting a seminar for coroners and med'ical examiners to be held in Chapel Hill, May 8th - lOth. He reported that the expenses in connection with this seminar are nominal but that his main concern has to do with the possibility of the Deputy Coroner being called into service during his absence. Each time he is called, ? his minimum fee is $15,00 which the Coroner has been paying out of his own pocket since using up the $150.00 which was budgeted for that purpose. He reports that he still has approximately $1,000 in the Autopsy Fund and suogests that sufficient funds might ' be transferred out of that account to pay any additional expenses. After a brief dis- cussion, Mr. Metts moved that the Coroner be directed to attend the seminar and that ? any additional expenses which might come up be paid out of an appropriate fund to be determined at a future meeting. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously carried. (ROAD PETITION - A petition was received from Glenn M. Tucker of Wilmington Beach Investment Corporation requesting that Georgia and South Carolina Avenue from U.S. #421 to 7th Avenue and 2nd Avenue to Ocean Blvd.,ail being in Wilmington and Hanby Beaches, be ? SCHOOL PENSIONS - Chairman Hall observed that he had been approached by several retired school teachers who had taught for 35 or 40 years in the public schools in this County at salaries ranging from $75.00 to $100.00 per month and that the pensions which they are receiving are pitifully small. It has come to his attention that the State is consid- ering making additional contributions toward this cause and the Chairman offered a suggestion that the matter be considered by this Board. County Auditor T. D. Love stated that the amount of the pensions is determined by di?tUaries in New York and that after the State pays its share of the pensiori, the County then makes*the difference be- tiaeen the amount paid by the State and the total amount set by t}ie actuary as ,just and proper compensation. After briefly discussing the problem, it was decided by common consent tfiat the Chairman should ask a member of the Board of Education to explain the entire pension set up and supply each Commissioner with a prepared statement so that he would be in a position to ask intelligant questions and make comparative studie: ?of the systems of other counties. ELECTION COSTS - • Mr. Henry C. Bost, Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Elections, was recognized and stated that the cost to the taxpayers for good, honest and legaily conducted elections in New Hanover County compares favorably with other counties re- gardiess to any other reports to the contrary. He recommend`ed that very earnest consideration be given to setting up a permanent registration system with a full time Board of Elections office located in the Court House, He estimated the initial cost of setting u this system would approximate $10,000 and that the operating cost should not exceed $4,800. He pointed out that this would save considerable money as it would reduce the time given to elections of the whole board. He is of the opinion that.as the City participates in the use of the election equipment such as booths and bailot boxes and would profit and benefit from the modernization they should pay at least one-third of the cost. He reminded the Board that New Hanover County operates continued- . i ` n Minutes of the Meeting April 16, 1963 Continued ELECTION COSTS - continue d ? under a Special Sct of the Legislature permitting a dayts pay for each eight hours or a fraction thereof. He remarked that never before had he ever made a strong recommendation for the use of voting machines for New Hanover County-but that he now strongly urges'the Board to consider the purchase of voting machines stating that they would pay for themselves in not more than 10 years. He eliminated himself or his com- pany from bidding on any voting machines but suggested that they study the two machines which are approved for use in North Carolina; the Rockwell Nanufacturing Company of James- town, New York or the Shoup Voting Machine Corporation, Nashville, Tennessee. The Chair- I,man thanked Mr. Bost for his time and information and suggested that the matter be placed „on the Agenda at a lat,er date for their consideration. ,INEWS DIRECTOR ASSOCIATION ' . ?' / The Chairman reported that he had a Memorandvm from Ben J. MacDonald advising I'that the North and South Caroiina News Directors? Association Annual Meeting is to be held in Wilmington for the first time Ntay 17th - 19th 1963• He r¢quests a contribution of$100.00 to match $100.00 by the City of Wilmington for the purpose of serving breakfast to the delegation on Saturday and Sunday and lunch on Saturday. After discussing the this would receive from such a convention; Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that $100.00 be allocated from the Advertising Fund to be used for this purpose after the Chairman has conferred with the Mayor of the City of Wilmington and they are likewise agreeable to thed-r share. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously appTOyed,;. RIGHT-OF-WAY - The State.Highway Commission presented a right-of-way agreement for the construct- }ion of a highway through lands owned by the County known as Oak Crrove Cemktery recorded in Book 704 at pages 478 and 479. This agreement includes as riaht-of-rray all property owned by the County lying between the center line of the left lane and the center line of the right lane as an extension of South 17th Street. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, the request granting the right-of-way was unanimously approved and the Chair- man authorized to execute the agreement, sub,ject to the approval of the County Attorney. ' PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND - / The Publie Official Bond for Reginald Turner, an'appointed Justice of the Peaee, - was reviewed by the Board and County Attorney who approved as to form. : p SCHOOL PENSIONS' Chairman Ha21 observed that he had been approached by several retired school ? teachers who had taught for 35 or 40 the public schools in thes County at salaries ranging from $75.00 to $100.00 per month and that the pensions which they are receiving are piti- ,fully small. It has come to his attention that the State is considering making additional I contributions toward this cause and the Chairman offered a suogestion that the matter be considered by this Board. County Aud.itor T. D. Love stated that the State pays its share of the pension, the County then makes up the difference between the mmount .paid by the State and the total amount set by the'actuary as just and proper compensation. After briefly discussing the problem, it was decided by common consent that the Chairman should ask'a member of the Board of Education to explain the entire pension set up and supply each Commissioner with a prepared statement so that he would be in a position to ask in- teiligent questions and make comparative studies of the systems of other counties. ELECTION COSTS - Mr. Henry C.-Bost, ChBirman of the New Hanover County Board of Elections; was ? recogni2ed and stated that the cost to the taxpayers for good, honest and legally conducted elections in New Hanover County compares favorably with other counties regardless to any other reports to the contrary. He recommended that very earnest consideration be given. to setting up a permanent registratibn system with a full time Board of Elections office located in the Court House. He estimated the initial cost of setting.u this system would approximate $10,000 and that the operating cost should not exceed $4,800. He point- ed out that this would save considerable money as it would reduce the time given to elect- ions of the whole board. He is of the opinion that as the City participates in the use of the election equipment such as booths and.ballot boxes and would profit and benefit from the modernization they should pay at least one-third of the cost. He reminded the Board that New Hanover County operates under a Special Act of the Legisiature permitting a day's pay for each eight hours or a fractlon thereof. He remarked that never before had he ever made a strong recommendation for the use of voting machines for New Hanover County but that he now strongly urges the Board to consider the purchase of voting machines stating that they would pay for themselves in not more than 10 years. He eliminated him- seif or his company from bidding on any voting machines but suggested that they study the two machines which are approved for use in North Carolina; the Rockwell Manufacturing Company of Jamestown, N. Y or the Shoup Voting Machine Corporation, Nashville, T¢nessee. The Chairman thanked Mr. Bost for his time and information and suggested that the matter be placed on the Aoenda at a later date for further consideration. MICROFILNING - Mr. Edward L. Grvehn, Field Representative for Hall and McChesney, Incorporated ? of Greensboro, North Carolina stated that he had recently conferred with Miss Ada Louise , McCulioch, the Register of Deeds, and N. Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court, about using microfiim for'recording documents in their respective offices. He stated that the Recordak System is adaptable to the requirements to each office and at the'same time in- expensive. The total cost of the installation of this equipment for a 35 milometer film would amount to $3,500. He presented each of the Commissioners with a detailed brochure outlining the specifications and suggested procedures of the operation. He is willing I to place one of the machines in operttion as a demonstrator for a period of from 60 - 90 I days in order to allow t'he employees and attorneys to*become accustomed to its use and 'I make a fair, sound ,judgement. Mr. Nletts questioned Mr. Grueha about the fairness of ? aliowing him to demonstrate his equipment and then the Commissioners possibly not buy it I or buy a competitive machine. Mr. Gruehn stated that was one of the hazards of the business and that they would not consider it an unfair advantage if they purchased another machine. During the above presentation, the following representatives of the Bar Associa- tion were presenL: Messrs. J. D. Carr, Allen W. Cobb, Royce S. McClelland and James » B. Swails. After discussing the matter, it was decided that they would continue to study the problem and make a decision not later than Budget setting time. I I I ?. N? '? C) October, 1962 for an accounting machine. He stated that the need for this equipment , has not lessened since that time Hut is continually growing more acute and if the tax i records were gotten out on time, it would be necessary to replace the oldest accounting machine now in use. He introduced representatives of the National Cash Register Company who manufactures the only machine with the specifications meeting the requirements. They reported that at the present time, they could allow a trade-in of $1200.00 for the old machine but that after April 22nd, this offer would expire and be reduced to $100.00 un- less his company is willing to extend the time. The County Attorney ruled that if any of the specifications were changed since the date that they were advertised in 1962, they wou2d have to be readvertised to meet the legal requirements. Mr. Metts then offered a motion that new specifications for Lhe accounting machine be readvertised with such clauses as the County Attorney may sugoest to meet the legal requirements, to include the amount allowable for the trade-in for the old piece of equipment and with the stipulation , that any or ali bids could be re,jected or accepted as the Commissioners considered for the best interest of the County. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimovsly approved. JAIR CONDITIONING - HEALTH BUILDING Chairman Hall remarked that the Consolidated Board of Health had unanimously approved a request for air conditioning the Health Building this summer. They have secur?ed informal bids which range from $3800.00 to $4500.00 and he'hoped to have the blessings of this Board so that they could go ahead with the installations. 5ome Commissioners thouo't that it was an item that should be discussed during the Budget consideraLion. The County Attorney ruled that spending that amount of money in one contract would require publlc advertising. While no formal action was taken on the matter, the Chairman sugaested that? bids be publicly advertised for and presented to the Board for their cons3deration at the I earliest possible date. ' `REPAIR BILL - BULLDOZER ' The Chairman stated that the bulldozer belonging to the Health Department had been loaned to Wrightsville Beach for use in pushing up some of the sand dunes destroy- ed by the storm last November. 'rVhile in the3r possession, it broke dot:m and it was necessary to employ a heavy duty commercial equipment company to drag it out of the surf before hioh tide. The total repair bill amounts to $600.00 which the Wrightsville Beach Town Board requests the County to pay. After d.iscussing the matter, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the County pay $250.00 on the repair bill. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. \PORTABLE GRANDSTANDS - The Chairman reported that the University of North Carolina has some portable grandstands in sections which will seat 500 people or more at the price of $3,50.per seat. H¢".suggested that consideration be given to the purchase of a section for use at Hugh MacRae Park or other public functions of the County. By unanimous common consent, the Board referred this matter to the Chairman to see if he could work out an acceptable agreement with any agencies which might use them such as the New Hanover Saddle Club at their Horse Shows held at the Hugh MacRae Park Riding Rink. ?ANERICAN SHORE AND BEACH PRESERUATION ASSOCIATION - The Chairman reminded the Board that the annual meeting of the American Shore I and Beach Preservation Association is scheduled to meet in Fort Lauderdale, Florida April 22, 23 and 24th. He suggested that it would be well for this County to be repre- sented at that meeting. Mr. Metts then offered a motion that the Board approve the attendance of any 3 members that might be able to go and that their expenses be authorized, It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously agreed. ` ?-- - - - --- - - -- - ?AUDITORIS ACCOUNTING MACHINE - i County Auditor T. ?. Love called the atterition of the Board to his request in Minutes of the Meetinq April 16, 1963 ? BRIDGE HEARING - ' A notice was received from the Army Corps of Engineers of a Public Hearing to be held in the Federal Court Room of the 2nd floor of the Custom House rat 10:00 o'clock EST, April 23rd, 1963.to consider an application of the State Highway Commission for location and plans to construct a draw bridge across the Cape Fear River. The plans submitted by the applicant show a vertical lift highway drawbridge that will providi a horizontal clearance of 350 feet in the navigation channel between fenders and a vertical clearance of 65 feet above mean high water with the lift span in closed position and a vertical clearance of 135 feet above mean high water with the lift span fully opene( Mr. Braak then offered a motion that the Courlty Attorney be instructed to draw a suitable Resolution stating the position of the Cormnissioners on this matter and have it read at Hearing. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted. (DREDGING TURN-AROUND BASIN ' The Chairman reported that only one proposal was received fromdredging the turn-around basin in the Cape Fear River for th¢ Carolina Nitrogen Company which were advertised to be opened today. The County Attorney ruled that if only one bid was re- ceived it should not be opened but that a readvertisement of bids should be done immed- tately and the time extended to April 22nd at which time all bids'would be opened. Mr. Metts then offered a motion that the time for opening the bids be extended to April 22nd and that the specifications be readvertised. It was seconded by Mr. NUyhan and unani- mously adopted. t LEGISLATIUE ENTERTAINMENT - • ? The Chairman reported that the orchestra which furnished the music during the ? luncheon at the Surf Club had billed the County for $100.00 for their services. Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Yx. Braak, the Board unanimously approved payment of `this item from the Advertisement and Industrial Fund. SALT WATER MAR6H MOSQUITO CONTROL - The.Chairman announctd that he had arranged with the Health Department to show film taken in some of their salt water marsh mosquito control dredging operations in Onslow County and suggested that they retire to the prototype fallout shelter where they would be shown, after which they were invited to go on a field trip to see first hand some of the results of this program. • ; REPORTS - The following reports were review¢d and ordered filed f.or future information: (continued) ? ()? Minut¢s of the Meeting April 16, 1963 ? Continued - REPORTS - (continued) 1- County Agricultural Agentts Cooperative Extension Report for March 1963. / 2- Home Economics F,oent's Report for N?arch 1963: ? / 3- Department of Agriculture report advising that the Statets incentive pay for New Hanover County Farm Census Reports amounts to $268.80 which is be- ing forwarded to the County Auditor. ? 4- U. S. Army Corps of Engineers copy of Public Notice regarding application by the W. R. Grace and Company for a permit to dredge a basin in Northeast Cape Fear River, i 5- U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice of applfcation for a permit ? to construct three cellular dolphins for mooring a floating drydock in Northeast Cape Fear River by A. S. Wikstrom, Incorporated, Wilmington,N. C. 6- U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice of application by Mr. Wallace ? Schoor, Wilmington, N. C. for permission to construct a pier in Middle Sound adjoining the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway midway between naviga- tion markers No. 118 and 120. 7- Wilmington Public Libraries Report for March, 1963. 8- Copy of Senate Bill 177 pertaining to an act to provide for the number of ? members, terms of office and methods of selection of City and County Boards of Education, introduced by Senators Johnson and Belk. / 9- Copy of a proposed•Bill for the,purpose of aiding the various counties and ' towns of the State.in the construction, improvement and repair of the School plant and other County facilities. 10- Invitation to attend the dedication services of the new First Christian ? Church on Oleander Drive. • I I PETIT JURY - The following g;e?so.nm were selected to.'ser.ve as Jurors in the weeks beginning May 6, 1963 and May 13, 1963- Civil terms; Nhy n term and May 27, 1963 - civii ter : "Jurors for the week beginning May ?, 1963 - Civil Superior Court for 20, 1963- Criminal ? A. B. Ramsey 3510 S. Front St. Lee Roy Heyes 26 T Lake Village ` Allen Jones 208 S. llth St. Frederick H. Woodcock 5012 Barefoot Dr. C. O. Hill Oakley Road Marion E. Henderson 118 Davie Drive John L. Burns R??sL,egoxY?j??N'?' S ldilliam L. Bozman 16 E Oleander Court Apt. C. B. Wolfe 231 Wood Dale Dr. J. Corbett Dixon 420 Oak St. W. H. Watters 2302 Princess P1. Dr. Walter L. Miller 4300 Peachtree St. J. L. Herring 324 Castle Hayne:?N. C. Wiley C. Johnson RFD 3, Box 315 Reid Milier 3620 Princess 5t. Rd. James G. Merritt 402 North Kerr Ave. Richard Bryant 21 S. 13th St. Burdall Harvey 1010 Hull St. Johnny E. Brown RFD 1, Box 265 Harvey F. Harris 1802 Market St. ' James E. Bailey 2021 Klein Road Steve Pantages 520 Nun St. I Thomas P. Curtin 2544 Carolina Beach Rd. Clifton C. Robinson 238 Davie Dr. ` Earl Corbett 614 S. Front St. Jesse Matthews RFD 1, Box 258 G. E. Dorward 406 Larchmont Dr. James R. Grossnickle RFD 1, Box 122 George D. Herring Box 118 Cnarles Joseph Penny 206 Pinecrest Pkwy. James A. Herring Box 787 Carolina Beach George Cooper Porter 15 Summit Waik u James L. Johnson 2611 Market St. Charles Y. DeVaun Jr. 718 Princeton Dr. Harry J. Hastings 432 Decator Dr. Irwin Garfield 206 Evans St. Quimly C. Reynolds 2411 Chestnut St. Glenwood E. McDowell 2528 Jefferson Jesse Thomas Cox 216 Oakleaf Dr. 4Jalter Tillman RFD 3, Box 514 Robert M. Phillips 23$ Huntington Rd. Herman S. Herring Jr. RFD 3, RFD 2, Box 147 Franklin H. Allen 470 Robert E. Lee Dr. Richard Alan Forester 213 Wood Dale Dr. Holden McAllister RFD 3, Box 19$ George Robert Larkins 5706 Camellia Lane George Haydu Sr. Box 246, Carolina Beach Norman William Rochel le 812 Chestnut St. Horace F. Lanier RFD 3, Box 632 Arthur Irving Maynard 211 Huntington Rd, , ? :. -. :_. .. ?? ... ,. '. • '. _ _". .,. - • . .. .. ?r .:... Ju'rors for thecweek beqinninq My 13, 1963 1:. -r JS?D: Hi2~1= P:0.86x 264-Caro1 ina Charl'es vJ. Smith Jr. 1?526,,MocR3ngbird L. , J: H. H?li' 1,712-qrange ?t, Beach TS?omasy0. Mii1a'rd 22P0-=Brandon?!Road c', A: S: Grist, 2943 1'arktAve: ' "?• Morten Melow ' 4022-u:ricfitsv'ille Ave. 'Frank' R.'Kin P. O.' $ox 1333'' ' J:=E:°'Martin- '? • ' ?' .1810 Mar?ket-St:"• Rny`'t .!P7enizg?` ` '5321'Wrigtitsvilie Ave. W: F:`'Roach'^'. 316 N: 45tih'-St:"''''• L:`Martih- 36'1n{oodlawn-Ave. James F.•Post,? 3V= -108 N: 7tfi St. Ed Johnson 4836 Carolina Beach Curtis H. Edwards % Shinn Realty Co. Carl M. Allen Jr. P. O. Box 1450 John C. Wrede 3806 Peachtree Ave. u G. E. Joyner Jr. RFD 3, Box 282 R. M. Hundley 717 S. 17th St. C. C. Seaton 202 Adlaide Dr. Allen B. Jones 107 Pine Cone Rd. Warren J. Holland 1922 Ann St. B. R. Morrison 321 South 2nd St. D. W. Raub 26 Lennon Drive Allen H. Nerritt 3829 Carolina Beach Rd. K. A. Lehto 1507 Market St. Charles A. Joyce P. O. Box 104 L. J. Mills 5033 Oleander Dr. Curtis W. Loflin RFD 3, Box 518 A C. N. EZZell 2814 S. Front St. Dalton Poole 2303 Carolina Beach Rd. W. J. Butler 710 Church St. Bertil A. 4;'ah1gren Box 310 E Porters Neck I Louis G. Leiner Box 818 Carolina Beach Gerald F. Dittmer 209 S. 41st St. George H. Eason 52 Pinecrest Pkwy. E. P. Mattox 203 Hidder St. ? Robert A. Burke 149 Hinton Ave. Eric J. Nat2ke 107 Chadwick Ave. James Nesbitt 431 Evans St. Raymond Farrowr: RFD #2, Box 88 C. H. Whitfield RFD 1, Box 435 Raymond H. Libby Box 322 Wrightsvil?e W. W. Miller 3605 Stratford Bivd. Julian A. Wilson RFD #2, Box 21?eac I Carl K. Patterson 17 K. Lake Village William P. Moore 111 5018 Oleander Dr. James D. Pearsall 10 UJoodlawn Ave. Elwood Ottaway 808 Spofford Circle Frederick Backus 31(} N. 43rc1 St. Ernest C. Henderson RFD 2, Box 188 " (continued) J n ,^? `1?<?, Ninutes of April 16, 1963 Continued ? PETIT JURY - (continued) I ` ! Jurors for the week beginning May 20. 1963 - Criminal term Jim Dixon RFD 1, Box 460 J. L. Lamb • 112 N. 42nd St. A. E. i^Jood (}29 Castle Hayne Rd: Z. K. Bell P. 0. Box 126 C. E. Webb ?717 Jackson St. Tommy J. Vereen 5246 N:arket St. Edward Berry RFD 2, Box 17 D. T. Thomas 112 Lona Leaf Dr. K. S. King 1401 Castle St. • John F.•Flowers Kure Beach, N. C. J.-R. Stout Kure Beach, N. C. G. M. Goodrum, Jr. 119 Green Forest J. W. Dempsey 443 Castle Hayne Rd. John W. Midwood Jr . 2212 Brandon Rd. George D. Smith, Sr. 5008 Barefoot Dr. Vernon W. Daniels 4133 Halifax Rd. E. W. Sessoms $O ol WilliSmn E. Hewett ;at ina Beach N. C. 52 E. Shipyard $lvd. Giles R. Pope 117 Sebrell Ave. , W. Earle Beale P. O. Box 1243 E. Mayo Holmes Jr. 106 Parkwood Dr, Hampton R. McKinney 4405 Wrightsv. Ave. Walter W. Simmons 5004 Pine St. L. Frank Hines RFD 2, Box 117 Charlie Wallace 1917 Lingo Ave. John B. Hinnant; Jr. J. H. Hodmes Larry H. Norwood Albert S. .lacobson Robert H. Jordan Ear 1 E. Wi 11 i ams Georpe F. Conaleton Otto Powell Wi 11 iam P. Heath C. E. Crocker Carl Overby Walter H. Moore Jamea C. Evans Robert L. Jackson Houston L. Spivey Robert C. 4loody Robert A. Woodcock Marvin E. Benton George D. Bradley Constantine N. Vretakis Bobby Dean Merritt Lawrence Paul Stanley James Smallwood Webb Lunda Otterborough Charles Spellman Jurors for the week beqinninq Mav 27, 1963 - Civil J. M. Mason 406 S. 46th St. Glenn S. Taylor, B. C. Lewis, Sr. 2121 Brandon Rd. . John Franklin C. L. Mincy 4317 Lake Ave. Rufus Hines Jr. Jack Balk 111 S. }A'a t er St. A. M. Sholar, Jr. W. F. Hammond, Jr.5013 y , Wrighr[sVhtAve,Beach James Pellom Ben H arley RFD 1, Box 24 B. J. G. Johnston ' O. A. Evans P. O. Bo? 16? i h B N C H. H. Bowles Gl dl L ar o na eac , . enn um u Joe C ubit RFD 1, Box 455 O. 0. Rogers ' Richa rd M. Willia ms 11 1 Pine Cone Rd. Georoe R. Willis, Jr. James Avison 133 Greenvilie Ave. Donald M. Loftin N. S. •Patelos 208 S..3rd St. • Isaac T. Reynolds 0. A. Sadgwar 702 Orange St. Elwood C. Dobson C. R. Peterson 1){ L ive Oak Rve: iJilliam D. Brice M. J. Fountain 110 West Lake Shore Dr. S. O. Grimsley James Long 127 Glendale Dr. J. H. Robertson Jr. Grady F. Rogers % Fo ster-Hill•Realty Co. Durwood G. McDaniel Fred J. Galehouse 110 Green Forest Dr. Howard L. Wh3ted 0. H. Young ?403 Market 5t. John Clayton Cofer Roosevelt ldatkins 2933 F Adams St. William T. Sanderlin M. J. Peterson RFD 1, Box 5 Charles Vernon R. H. Brady, Jr. RFD 3, Box 265 Elliott Ray Holland Tommy S. Simmons 5042 Ulrightsv. Ave. Harry Orbin Bordeaux Howar d F. Wi lson 4721 Long Leaf Hi l ls Dr. John M. Shinn 309 MacMillan Ave. Gerald Henry Rogers A. P. Russ 2217 Klien Rd. William C. Grimstead P. O. Box 544 9 N. 7th St. I 566 Castle Hayne Rd:. 216 Brightwood Rd. 529 Castle Hayne Rd,?. 117 Meares St. , 709 Homelock Ave. 1002,5. lsth St. Route 2, Box 406 A. 2214 Maple st. 212 Sunset Ave. PCa?olina Wch,N.C;,: 301 S. Front St. RFD 2, Box 400 806 N. Kerr Ave. RFD 3, Box 128 i 6010 Park Ave. I 222 Forest Road RFD 2, Box 85 A Gen. Delivery Kpbe2$eAoz'43,C' 19,Elisha Ave. 314 S. 3rd St. 4 Summit Walk. RFD 2, Box 16 A I P.O. sox 543 ? 65 Beauregard Dr. I RFD 1, Box,338 I 4803 Cedar Ave. c. 25, 6ox 338 A RFD 1, Box 109 1923 Woolcott AVe. RFD 2, Box 220 110 S. 17th St. 3302 Market St. I 616 N. 23rd St. 1919 Chestnut St. 2105 Rhodes Ave. I 913 S. btn 5t. 3018 Monroe St. Hure Beacti N. C. RFD 1, Boic 413 A 309 Long St. RFD 3, Bbx 244-AA RFD 2, Box 95 B. 211 N. 13th St. I 172 Arlington Dr. RFD 1, Box 249 Castle HaVnei N.C. 1?JriPgfit?v.B?eacfiO N.C. 108 West NorAh Carol,ina ve. ADJOURNMENT - Mr. Braak then offered a motion that the Board be adjourned to retire to the , Fallbut Shelter for a look at the pictures prepared by the State Health I}qpartment. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted. ? ?7 I W./G.? ouck,- Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. May 6, 1963 ASSEMBLY The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the office of the County Commissioners with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernes't R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall cal4ed the meeting to ord¢r and asked Dr. L. A. Taylor, HospitaLl Chaplain for Cape Fcar Memorial Hospital, to ask for guidance over the morningts delih- erations through prayer. MINUTES APPROVAL - Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the last meeting, copies of which had previously been mailed, were unanimously approved. GROUND WATER SURVEY - Mr. George L. Bain, representing the U. S. Geological Survey, has moved his residence into New Hanover County and began his detailed investigation of the ground ' (continued) . T? ; >