1963-05-06 Regular Meetingn ,^? `1?<?, Ninutes of April 16, 1963 Continued ? PETIT JURY - (continued) I ` ! Jurors for the week beginning May 20. 1963 - Criminal term Jim Dixon RFD 1, Box 460 J. L. Lamb • 112 N. 42nd St. A. E. i^Jood (}29 Castle Hayne Rd: Z. K. Bell P. 0. Box 126 C. E. Webb ?717 Jackson St. Tommy J. Vereen 5246 N:arket St. Edward Berry RFD 2, Box 17 D. T. Thomas 112 Lona Leaf Dr. K. S. King 1401 Castle St. • John F.•Flowers Kure Beach, N. C. J.-R. Stout Kure Beach, N. C. G. M. Goodrum, Jr. 119 Green Forest J. W. Dempsey 443 Castle Hayne Rd. John W. Midwood Jr . 2212 Brandon Rd. George D. Smith, Sr. 5008 Barefoot Dr. Vernon W. Daniels 4133 Halifax Rd. E. W. Sessoms $O ol WilliSmn E. Hewett ;at ina Beach N. C. 52 E. Shipyard $lvd. Giles R. Pope 117 Sebrell Ave. , W. Earle Beale P. O. Box 1243 E. Mayo Holmes Jr. 106 Parkwood Dr, Hampton R. McKinney 4405 Wrightsv. Ave. Walter W. Simmons 5004 Pine St. L. Frank Hines RFD 2, Box 117 Charlie Wallace 1917 Lingo Ave. John B. Hinnant; Jr. J. H. Hodmes Larry H. Norwood Albert S. .lacobson Robert H. Jordan Ear 1 E. Wi 11 i ams Georpe F. Conaleton Otto Powell Wi 11 iam P. Heath C. E. Crocker Carl Overby Walter H. Moore Jamea C. Evans Robert L. Jackson Houston L. Spivey Robert C. 4loody Robert A. Woodcock Marvin E. Benton George D. Bradley Constantine N. Vretakis Bobby Dean Merritt Lawrence Paul Stanley James Smallwood Webb Lunda Otterborough Charles Spellman Jurors for the week beqinninq Mav 27, 1963 - Civil J. M. Mason 406 S. 46th St. Glenn S. Taylor, B. C. Lewis, Sr. 2121 Brandon Rd. . John Franklin C. L. Mincy 4317 Lake Ave. Rufus Hines Jr. Jack Balk 111 S. }A'a t er St. A. M. Sholar, Jr. W. F. Hammond, Jr.5013 y , Wrighr[sVhtAve,Beach James Pellom Ben H arley RFD 1, Box 24 B. J. G. Johnston ' O. A. Evans P. O. Bo? 16? i h B N C H. H. Bowles Gl dl L ar o na eac , . enn um u Joe C ubit RFD 1, Box 455 O. 0. Rogers ' Richa rd M. Willia ms 11 1 Pine Cone Rd. Georoe R. Willis, Jr. James Avison 133 Greenvilie Ave. Donald M. Loftin N. S. •Patelos 208 S..3rd St. • Isaac T. Reynolds 0. A. Sadgwar 702 Orange St. Elwood C. Dobson C. R. Peterson 1){ L ive Oak Rve: iJilliam D. Brice M. J. Fountain 110 West Lake Shore Dr. S. O. Grimsley James Long 127 Glendale Dr. J. H. Robertson Jr. Grady F. Rogers % Fo ster-Hill•Realty Co. Durwood G. McDaniel Fred J. Galehouse 110 Green Forest Dr. Howard L. Wh3ted 0. H. Young ?403 Market 5t. John Clayton Cofer Roosevelt ldatkins 2933 F Adams St. William T. Sanderlin M. J. Peterson RFD 1, Box 5 Charles Vernon R. H. Brady, Jr. RFD 3, Box 265 Elliott Ray Holland Tommy S. Simmons 5042 Ulrightsv. Ave. Harry Orbin Bordeaux Howar d F. Wi lson 4721 Long Leaf Hi l ls Dr. John M. Shinn 309 MacMillan Ave. Gerald Henry Rogers A. P. Russ 2217 Klien Rd. William C. Grimstead P. O. Box 544 9 N. 7th St. I 566 Castle Hayne Rd:. 216 Brightwood Rd. 529 Castle Hayne Rd,?. 117 Meares St. , 709 Homelock Ave. 1002,5. lsth St. Route 2, Box 406 A. 2214 Maple st. 212 Sunset Ave. PCa?olina Wch,N.C;,: 301 S. Front St. RFD 2, Box 400 806 N. Kerr Ave. RFD 3, Box 128 i 6010 Park Ave. I 222 Forest Road RFD 2, Box 85 A Gen. Delivery Kpbe2$eAoz'43,C' 19,Elisha Ave. 314 S. 3rd St. 4 Summit Walk. RFD 2, Box 16 A I P.O. sox 543 ? 65 Beauregard Dr. I RFD 1, Box,338 I 4803 Cedar Ave. c. 25, 6ox 338 A RFD 1, Box 109 1923 Woolcott AVe. RFD 2, Box 220 110 S. 17th St. 3302 Market St. I 616 N. 23rd St. 1919 Chestnut St. 2105 Rhodes Ave. I 913 S. btn 5t. 3018 Monroe St. Hure Beacti N. C. RFD 1, Boic 413 A 309 Long St. RFD 3, Bbx 244-AA RFD 2, Box 95 B. 211 N. 13th St. I 172 Arlington Dr. RFD 1, Box 249 Castle HaVnei N.C. 1?JriPgfit?v.B?eacfiO N.C. 108 West NorAh Carol,ina ve. ADJOURNMENT - Mr. Braak then offered a motion that the Board be adjourned to retire to the , Fallbut Shelter for a look at the pictures prepared by the State Health I}qpartment. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted. ? ?7 I W./G.? ouck,- Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. May 6, 1963 ASSEMBLY The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the office of the County Commissioners with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernes't R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall cal4ed the meeting to ord¢r and asked Dr. L. A. Taylor, HospitaLl Chaplain for Cape Fcar Memorial Hospital, to ask for guidance over the morningts delih- erations through prayer. MINUTES APPROVAL - Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the last meeting, copies of which had previously been mailed, were unanimously approved. GROUND WATER SURVEY - Mr. George L. Bain, representing the U. S. Geological Survey, has moved his residence into New Hanover County and began his detailed investigation of the ground ' (continued) . T? ; > `?0?? F ? Minutes of the Meeting_ Ma,y _6._,_ 1963 Continued GROUND WATER SURVEY - (continued) / water resources in the County, was.introduced to the Commissioners. He re- porLed that he was still in the process of gathering information and would be able to supply monthly progress reports in a short time. The Chairman welcomed him into the County and will look forward to cooperating in the pro,ject. 'I FOREST FiRE CONTROL - • Mr. C. L. Wolff, Chief of the.Wrightsboro Fire Depertment, accompanied by a group of volunteer firemen reported that after seeing in the paper the action of the Board taken at the last meeting approving the Cooperative Fire Control Program operat- ed by the State Department of Conservation and Development through Lheir Division of I Forestry, they were somewhat perturbed and wished to expr¢ss their views on the matter. ' He pointed out that the 7 Rural Voluntcer Fire Departments in the County were not against the State Forest Fire Control but that when one considers that the amount of mon¢y necess- ary to initiate the project is more than one-half of the money now appropriated to all of the volunteer fire departments whose membership approximates 200 trained firemen and that it wili provide only one full-time man and one part-time man, they wond¢r if the County is receiving a dollar's worth of value for each dollar spent for this service. i If we do cooperate with the Statc on this program they will lack manpower and must call i on the volunteer fire departments for it. Recentiy, Lhey have had first hand experience with fir¢ plows and fire lanes and find that in windy weather the fire will Jump the lanes. He asked the Commissioners to visit the various volvnteer fire departments on an inspection tour during this month. Mr. Metts pointed out that as a memb¢r of the Volunteer Fire Inspection Committee, he has observed that it is necessary for most of the volunteer fire departments to spend much time in trying to raise money with which to operate and in his opinion serious consideration should be given to the value receiv- 'i ed fot every dollar spent. The Chairman observed that the effort and time devoted by volunteer firemen was appreciated by the citizens and he thought that the cooperation with the State Forest Fire Control Division would be an additional assistance and help to upgrade the effectiveness of the present volunteer fire fighting units, Mr. Braak ? suggested that the most urgent need that he had noticed in helping to fight the rec¢nt fires was rad3o communication and stated that in his opinion "walkie-talkie" equipment would maybe save a life in backfiring as 3 peoplets lives were jeopardized at the recent fire"in Brunswick County near Leland and he wouid not think that the risk of one life was worth all the money it would take to supply all these units. After a brief discuss- ion of the merits of the various suggestions, the Board unanimously, by common consent, agr¢ed to visit the volunteer fire departments beginning Monday night, May 13, 1963 at Wrightsboro at 7,:30 and from there to Castle Hayne. SCHOOL PENSIONS - 1? ? Pursuant to the announcement at the last meeting by the Chairman about those Ischool teachers who had devoted long years of service in low income bracket receiving correspondingly low pensions, a group of retired teachers headed by Miss Mary C Warren, as spokesman, thought it would be discussed and decided on today. Since there was no school authority to explain the details of this assistance, the Board, by common consent, ?unanimously agreed to have such a hearing at the meeting scheduled for May 20th and in- structed the Executive Secretary to arrange for it. Miss Warren remarked that she wanted to explain mostly about the payment to substitutes. I,WELL WATER CONTRACIOR'S LICENSE ACT - ? `• ? Pursuant to the action of the Board with respect £o the request of Mr. George Allie Moore, Jr., president of the County Well Water Contractor's Association, the Board, by common consent, agreed that the matter should be first presented to the Consolic3ated Board of Health for thefr action and then considered by Lhe Commissioners. Mr. Moore ex- plained the matter a little more fully by saying that it would ensure the protection of all citizens by requiring each well driller to conform to minimum State specifications Ifor the prevention of surface water seepage around the wells. He promised to present this ',matter to the Consolidated Board of Health at their next meeting. IOAK GROVE CEMETERY - Mr. R. M. Kermon, President of Bellevue Cemetery, came before Lhe Board and ? informed them that he had received many calls from interested relatives of people buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, many of them seeking information for moving the remains of their loved ones to the Bellevue site because of their dissatisfaction of the proposed site across the river. The Chairman thanked him for hbs report and promised that due care would be taken in the removal which would be made in a decent and proper manner and that the County would furnish suitable boxes or coffins for re-interring the remains and use due care to pro`Lect and replace all tombstones or markers so as to leave the grave as in good condition as at present. (The County Attorney reported that part of the proposed 'site selected for the cemetery would not have a clear title but that a new site is being selected on which a warranty deed can be obtained although it will require an easement over the property with a cloudy titie.) RIDING RINK IMPROVEMENTS - Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Tate, representing the Cape Fear Horsemen's Association, ? explained that their organi2ation was supported and financed by members through small Icbnations from which they were unable to build up any reserve funds. There are 2 pressing 'needs at the Hugh MacRae Park riding rink at present for which they are seeking some CounGy Isupport. The immediate problem is some temporary bleachers, approximately 5 tiers high, built in sections to seat about 100 persons. The second has to do with the center of th¢ rink which is white sand and needs to have clay mixed with it. After a brief discussion, the Criairman appointed Mr. Mayhan to supervise this probiem along with Executive Secretary Houck who will work with thtir Treasurer, Kenneth M. Sneeden, who is familiar with all of the needs. ELECTIONS - Henry C. Bost, Chairman of the Board of Elections, appeared before the Commiss- . ioners and stated that election costs continued to be a matter of controversy in this County and he recommended that the Board seriously consid¢r a permanent registration system ,and seek legislative enactment to bring New Hanover County under the General Statutes. After a brief discussion of the subjeet, the Chairman appointed Messrs. Broadhurst and ,Mayhan as a committee to study the problem and bring Sn a recommendation to the Board. J , 2 111 Minutes of the Meeting May 6, 1963 ? MI CROF I LiKiNG -The Chairman reported that the local Bar Association, through a Committeer,. headed by Mr. J. B. Swails, desired a further discussion of the proposal for microfilm- ing records in the Register of Deeds and Clerk of Courts offices tonight at 8'clock. After a brief consideration of this request, the Board unanimously decided to ask the committee to meet with them at their regular semimonthiy meeting scheduled for 9:00 A. M. May 20th and assured them that they would be first on the Agenda so as not to take any meore time from their work as possible. The Executive Secretary was instructed to make arrangements with the Committee. ICONFEDERATE CENTENNIAL CONFERENCE - Mr. Henry J. MacMillan, Chairman of the Confederate Centennial Committee, reported that it had been host to the 5outhern States Confederate Centennial Conference on April 19th-20th and that expenses were incurred amounting to $141.98. He presented itemized statements and•asked the Commissioners to underwrite this cost. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the expenses be paid out of the Advertising and Industrial Develop ment Fund. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. ( AIRPORT by Hall, Director of Public Welfare, presented applications for nervous breakdown of her daughter-in-law who has cared for her for fter a brief discussion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the members remarking that the law has been recently amended and rati- an increase. By common consent, the Board agreed to study this County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery reported that a request had been made government agencies at Cherry Point for transferring certain fuel storage facilities from the Airport property to the Cherry Point property and presented an Amendatory Agreement to Agreement NOy (R) (}7787 authorizing this transfer. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Board unanimously approved the request provlded the removing was done under the proper supervision of the Airport Manager and authorized the Chairman to sign the Agreement for the County. ? PETITIONS FO?RELIEF Miss Le Moore care for County Home Richard M. Grant and Nrary Jane Hughes Lee. Mr. Grant is a mon- loid who will even go tually be committed to an Institution and Mrs. Lee is an emergency case because of the the past 4 years. A lications be appr app oved. It was seconded by W. Mayhan and unanimously carried. I PUBLIC WELFARE BOARD raised the question of whether or not the Board of Commissioners Miss Hall ld consider incre wou asing the Board of Directors for the Public Welfare Department from 3 members to 5 fied permitting such matt date. er until a later `WELFARE LIENS - A letter was received from the Director of the Public Welfare Department calling attention to complaints received on houses on which the Welfare Depar:bment has acquired liens as a result of Old Age Assistance Grants made to former owners who are now deceased. Tke pdeees 9€ p49tlE4'ES+ ate mede te fermer ewners vrito are near-d¢c¢ased The pieces of property are located at 606 South 16th Street, 1204 Charlotte Street and 1210 Charlotte Street. All of the buildings are in a state of dilapidation and have been condemned as a health hazard, a fire hazard and not meeting the minimum Housing Code.. The Housing Inspector recommends that they be demolished at no cost to the County. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Nayhan, the Board unanimously agreed that they had no objection so far as they are concerned. The Welfare Board con- curs in the recommendation. The County Attorney informed the Board that the handling of liens resulting from Old Age Assistance Grants is fully covered by Statute. By unanimous common consent, the Board agreed to have the law enforced in the handling of `these cases. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE ESTIMATES - Miss Hall presented the completed form reqvired by the Sta.te Board of Public Welfare showing the 1963-1964 Assistance Estimates for New Hanover County. They were the same as were discussed and approved on Apri2 25th by the County Welfare Board. She reported that the Estimates had been held to a bare minimum. No further action was taken on this matter. At this point in Lhe meeting, the Chairman reported that he had an appoint- ment and asked the Board to be excused after which Vice Chairman John Van B. Metts pre- sided. ? RETIREMENT - i TURNING BASIN Mr. Henry M. Von Oesen, reported that he had been successful in securing a reducLion in the unit price of 681 per cubic yard originaliy bid by the Atkinson Dredging Company to 602 per cubic yard with a maximum in doliars of $30,000 for enlarg- ing the upper turning basin in the Northeast Cape Fear River. This ,job description was readvertised to be opened on April 22nd after the original advertisement on April 15th was re,jected for the lack of proper bids. The Engineer reports that he should be able to accomplish the work and do an excellent job at this price and recommends that the revised bi•d be accepted. Mr. Nhyhan then offered a motion that the revised bid of 601 per cubic yard be accepted and the contract awarded to the Atkinson Dtedging Company be paid out of the Advertising and Industrial Development Fund. It-was seconded by Nr. Braak and unanimously approved. ? DEPUTY SHERIFF - I Sheriff M. W. Millis reported the retirement of Mrs. Ruby Hing Matthews I as a Deputy Sheriff and Clerk in his office and requested permission to employ a re- placement and approve the differential in salary at regular starting pay effective ' immediately. Mr. Broadhurst moved that this request be granted and the differential in pay be approved. It was seconded by N?r. Mayhan and unanimovsly adopted. r , 11 (rough copy for approval of Rep. Calder) A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A SEPARATE CLERK OF COURT FOR THE RECORDERIS COURT OF MEW HANOVER COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section 1. The provisions of Section 4 of Chapter 95 of the Public-Local Laws of 1921, and of Section 10 of Chaptcr.225 of the Public-Local Laws of 1933, insofar as they provide that the Clerk of Superior Court of New Hanover County shall serve ex officio as clerk of the Recorder's Court of Idew Hanover County, are hereby repealed. ° Section 2. The Recorder of the Recorder's Court of New Hanover County shall appoint the Clerk of the Recorderts Court, to serve at his pleasure. The "s'alary of the Clerkshdll be fixed by the County Commissioners. The Clerk shall take the oath provided by law for the Clerk of Superior Court, and he shall enter into a bond for the faithful performance of his office in an amount to be set and approved by the County Commissioners. Section 3. All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. Section !}. This Act shall become effective on 1 July 1963. . , . , ? . ? . .. . , . ,, ? • . , ? . • . • • ' ? ' .. . 1.'. ` _ ' ? 11 Minutes of the Meetina Mav 6?_19_? Continued I ACCOUNTING MACHINE BIDS - ' a ? Acting Chairman Metts reported that he was presenL at the opeialhg of the bids on April 26th as advertised for a new accounting machine in the Auditor's office. The bids received were as follows: National Cash Reqister Comvany One (1) NCR Model 33-1488-10 (28) 26" SP - 10/16 Net Price $7275.23 3% N. C. Sales Tax 218.26 Total Price $7493.50 Less: Trade-in of 31-10-10 (18) 26" #4876132 $1226.25 Net Cost $6267.25 Burrouqhs Corporation One Burroughs Electric ZJrping AccountIng Machine, Style F1057 P $9130•00 Less 8% Governmental Discount 730.40 Less Trade in National Acct, Machine • serial J4876122 750.00 Plus 3% Sales Tax 251.99 Net Delivered Price $7901.59 I After reviewing the bids, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the low net bid submitted by jJ , the National Cash Register Company be accepted. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- ?I mously carried. F ? I PETI T JURY - / The County Attorney reminded the Board that the law requires a new Petit Jury ? List to be made up each odd year and that it is time to consider it. The County. Auditor ? reported that his office wonld be glad to supply the names of the taxpayers as has been 1 done in the past. By common consent, the Board directed the Executive Secretary and the j Auditor to proceed with this task. BEER PERMITS The following applications for Beer Permits were reviewed by the Board: ? Herbert Monte „T/A. _Four. Winds Restaurant Kure $each,N.C. John K. Netaton T/A A 8 J Cafe ? 1005 N. 4th St. Dallas Smith Sr. T/A Sunset Seafood & Grocery Co, 2308 Carolina Beach Rd, Mrs. Da isy C. White T/A East Side Grill 16 S outh lOth St. '! Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Nlayhan, these applications were approved Py?: the Board unanimously and referred to the Sheriff for his investigation and considera- fion. ' MISCELLANEOUS PETITIONS - • ? A letter was received from Mr. L. Paui Stanley enclosing petitions requesting that there be "No Passing" lines 500 feet north of Edwards Street in the Green Meadows Sub- division to a point 500 feet south of Elisha Drive on U. S. 17 and that the speed limit be reduced to 45 miles per hour at that point. Enclosed in the same communication was a petit- ion requesting the drag2ine be used to clean out a ditch and lower its depth at least 21- feet through the property of John Leeuwenburg and that a 24 " pipe be placed under the high- way to allow drainage from Green Meadows Subdivision. After a brief discuss3on, the Board unanimously, by common consent, directed that the petition relative to the highway be sent to the State Highway Commission and that the petition relative to the drainage be sent to the County Attorney as there seemed to be some controversy about a right-of-way through the Leeuwenburg farm. SCHOOL FUNDS TRANSFER Dr. William H. Wagoner, Superintendent of the New Hanover County Schools, reported that he has determined that the County has ftl'a •'' ???;? ,;_,~,?;,;?,;? $11,149,64'credit which can be used for the purchase of instruc onal supplies provided the County matches the appropriation which means that New Hanover County could re- ceive $22,299.28 worth of instructional equipment under the National Defense Education Act. He requests that the following funds be transferred: (a) 663 - Textbooks $ 5,800.00 (b) 662 - Libraries (Supplementary) Operation and Nlaintenance 1,849.64 (c) 642 - Repairs 8 Replacements Instructional Apparatus (Regular) 3,500.00 Total $ 11,149.64• and the money used to match the NDEA Fund (National Defense Education Act). After con- sidering this proposal, Mr. Mayhan moved that the transfers be approved and that an appro- priation be made in the amount of $22,299.28? in order that the funds might be used for this purpose. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. . AIRPORT - . / A communication was received•from the Air Transport Association relative to a proposed amendment to the Federai Airport Act providing that where the Administrator de= termines an extraordinary need to the National Airport system and that the sponsors share of a pro,ject cost is beyond the r.easonability of the sponsor, that the-Federal government share in the cost in such proportion as is deemed appropriate for carrying out the provi- sions but not to exceed 75%. After considering the advantages of this to the New Hanover County Airport, the Board, by common consent, unanimously authorized the Executive Secre- tary to write letters asking our Senators and Congressmen to support the proposed legis- lation before the Aviation Subcommittee. I Minutes of the Meeting Nfay,6, 1963 Continued 1 ANDREW JACKSON HIGHWAY - - A letter was received from S. Glenn Hawfieid asking the Board to support an endorsement to the 5tate Highway Commission for naming U. S. 74 the Andrew Jackson Highway as it passes through Union County which is regarded by some as the birthplace of Andrew Jackson. After a brief review, the Board, by unanimous common consent, instructed the Executive 5ecretary to write our Representative Robert E. Calder and ask him to support the designation of U. S. 74 as Andrew Jackson Highway. l WILMINGTON COLLEGE - A letter was received from the Finance Committee, approved by the Board of Trustees of Wilmington College, requesting that the full lOrf on each $100.00 valua- Lion be included in fixing the tax rate for the support of Wilmington College and that its share of intangi;ble taxes collected, as well as back taxes, be made available for the coming fiscai year. By common consent, the Board instructed the Executive to re- fer this to the County Auditor for his consideration in preparing Budget Estimates. \CAP CARNIVAL - A letter was received from the Executive Officer of the Cape Fear Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol announcing that they were sponsorinpund raising project in the form of a Carnival and requested that'the Schedule B. taxes on the 9 rides and the refreshment stand be waived. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously waived the Schedule B taxes for this worthy pur- pose. (FOREST FIRE CONTROL - An answer was reviewed from the State Forester in answer to our advice that New Hanover County would provide funds during the 1963-1964 fiscal year to join the Cooperative Forest Fire Control Program on a similar basis as was offered in 1960-1962 fiscal year. He advised that the capital improvement items would require action of ihe Legislature to secure the State Funds. He offered to explain and heip in any way possible. Sy unanimous common consent, the Board authori2ed the Executive Secretary to thank the State Forester for his,diligence and efforts in our behalf in this pro- ? gram. HOSPITAL BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES - The CounLy Auditor reminded the Board that the $500,000 Bond Anticipation Notes in connection with the New Hanover Memorial Hospital would mature in June 1963. He is advised by the Finance Committee of the Hospita2 that their financial needs through June of 1964 will approximate $735,000. It is his recommendation that the Board issue $1,000,000 in Hospital Bond Anticipation NoLes and pay off' the $500,000 notes due in June and invest the other in short term security which wili produce : +ses?-E?e-e?#ter-fn-e3?er?-?erm secnrfty-ewhft3?-ou?3?.-prodnce interest to help underwrite the cost of the issue. By unanimous common consent, the Board ordered the matter re- ferred to the County Attorney to investigate the possibility of borrowing the $1,000,000 with the approvai of the Local Government Commission. ?SCHOOL BOND INTEREST - The County Auditor reported that interest"amounting to $28,286.25 on the school bonds sold in November 1962 would soon be dve and that it would be necessary to appropriate the money to take care of this item. At present the money is invested and a certain amount of interest will accrue to take care of the coupons. ?INDEPENDENT AUDITOR The Chairman reminded the Board that it was time-to make a decision about the Independent Auditor for the coming fiscal year and by motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved W. C. Barfield as the Independent Auditor for the County records. AMERICAN SHORE AND BEACH PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION CONVENTION - I Mr. Braak reported that he and the Chairman had attended the 37th Annual Convention of the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association and felt like our Southeastern North Carolina Beaches will eventually profit by the interest shown and `the many contacts which they were able to make during the program. STATE ASSOCIATION CONVENTION - The Executive Secretary called attention to the annual Convention of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners which is scheduled at the Grove Park Inn, Asheville, August 18 - 21 and that J. A. McMahon suggested that if rooms were desi in Grove Park Inn, reservatdbiis should be made immediately. By common consent, the Board unanimously authorized the Executive Secretary to make reservations for the Board including the County Attorney and Auditor. PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning ,)une 6, 1963, Civil; June lOth, Criminal; June 17th and June 24th, Civil. Jurors for the week beqinninq June 6, 1963 - Civil term W. L. Smith E. C. Huband H. P. Henry J. F. Hewett C. I. Tatum Albert Gibson R. E. Lossen Allison R. Bunn H. J. McGee C. R. Spivey, Jr. Paul C. Batten Frank Goodwin L. W. Stuckey Edward G. Long PeofgeS'Qti lJgRden 4209 Lake Ave. 3710 Wrightsville Ave 514 River Road RFD 2 General Delivery 219 Dixie Ave. 118 Castle Hayne Rd. 2210 Barnett Ave. 40 Pinecrest Pkwy. 130 Green Forest Dr. 308 N. 21st St. 313 Calhoun Drive RFD 3, sox 137 7 Morningside Drive 246 Davie Drive. ?lL 11k Oleander 12?r. 90? Princess t. Rd. Robert T. Moore RFD 1, Box 78 John E. Griffith 2212 Barnett Blvd. Claude W. Miller 234 Giles Ave. Henry N. Futrelle Jr.13 A Lake Village Fred Wi l letts P.O. Box 899 L. E. Woodbury Jr. P. O . Box 929 C. E. Dickinson 8 La ti e ed Aubrey Hayes WrIqh§v. Beach Alfred G. Hutton Jr. RFD 3o1Boxc301errace ? Robert D. Moore RFD 1, Box 135 Richard A. Goodwin RFD 3, Boxt192Hayne N.? Norbert B. Hayes 2011 Klein Rd. i Oscar Jackson Nrason Toulon Drive Charles L. Southerland 124 Arlington Dr, , Lawrence M. Nichols Sr. 4318 Lake St. ' / . Minutes of the Meeting Continued Jurors - Week of June bth (continued) Abraham Goldstein Joseph W. Holland James H. Summers J. C. Richardson George R. Garrett Sam R. Watson Berry A. Williams H. A. Blackburn ldillie E. Boxtic 1902 Princess St. 5027 Barefoot Dr. 4945 Wrightsville Ave. 4115 Market St. 13 Terrace Walk RFD Box 263 3720 S. Front 102 Sunnyvale Dr. 418 Rutledge Dr. Richard B. Ivester Thomas F. Welchel William Bernice Stephen Lecolon Renn G. HarberC E. Johnston Lee Walker Cole Johnston Horace Watkins Honeycutt Jr. H 1Lee Baker Lut ?i?r CayBasskson Jurdrs for the week beginning June 10, 1963 - Criminai W. J. Horne Jack H. Fales W. G. Ludw3g A. B. Blake N. R. Horrell P. D. Piner Jr. B. P. Kennedy C. D. Rowan George O. Hardin Elijah W. Hollis C. B. Roberts Archie B. Register H. W. Stovall Jr. Colon E. Kerr;Jr. Julius G. Moore Charles Benson Rogie F. Stephens J. E. Parker C. G. Laney Abraham Badwan William B. Sparkes J. C. Cashwell Edward J. Harfoush Lofton Rivenbark B. T. Lennon 213 Greenville Ave. RFD 2, Box 74 A Box 371 Carolina Beach P. o. BoX 1025 RFD 1, Box 535 22 Silver Lake Road 4981 Pine St. 2216 Metts Ave. 121 Sumter Dr. RFD 2,.Box 121 5107 Wrightsv. Ave. 460 Hamlet Ave. 1216 Fairway Dr. RFD 2, Box 98 RFD 1, Box 225 315'MIyams?neDr: C. 10 N. Il.ake Vi 1. 115 Giendale.Dr. 8 Southern Blvd. P. o. sox 243 125 Wayne Dr. 5208 Wrightsv. Ave. 61 Seauregard Dr. 503 Central Blvd. 5011 Pine St. W. S. Pittman B. W. Howeli Charles H. Wentz H. M. Morris Paul E. Gregory J. W. Taylor Sr. John W. Petty,john Lambert Edwin Turner Franklin Lee Block L. B. Henderson Thomas E. Meece David L. Turner Charles R. Howell Billy F. Hutchinson Edward W. Robinson Henry Harrell John Duffie Blanton Ralford Leon Crouch Wallace C. Thomas David R. Hennessee Herman Theodore Schmus Calvin Lee Lane Robert H. Bailey James Thomas Long Jurors for the week beqinninq June 17, 1963 - Civil L. H. Hall 0. B. Ives George P. Wands Dock Dixon W. G. Godwin Carl H. Moore Luther J. Lanier J. R. Wood Hyton W. Babson Ernest Hing. Charlie Haas T. A. Bergen J. H. Mobley George A. Saffo ? William B. Golding John W. Hales Hosea L. Horne Lee N. Byrd John M. Cagle , Wm. H. Loper J. H. Savage R. T. Horne Jr. Henry P. Batton W. T. 2immerman William E. Harrell RFD 1, Box 267 4608 Oleander Dr. q Shore Acres Wrichtsville Beach RFD 3,yBox 512 4907 Oleander Dr. Box 19&rolina Beach 2615 Lake Shore P. o. 9ox 793 1335 Haarthorne Rd. 809 S. 6tn St. 15 Montgomery Ave. RF?asfleoAay?e, N. C. RFD 1 Box 209 Castle Ha ne N. C. 249 N. Fron? 5t. 116 Bryan Ave. 222 Page Ave. RFD 2, Box 137 3815 Fairlawn Dr, 138 Colonial Circle 4002 Hermitage Rd. 126 Glendale Dr. 210:P Creasy Ave. RFD 1, Box 231 2615 willow St. 5418 Andover Road ? Jurors - for the week beqinninq June 24, ' G. K. Horton 4009 Cherry Ave. E. W. Harvey 809 Forest Hills Dr. Joe V. Marley P. O. ?ox 112 ? Cast e Hayne, N. C. E. L. Johnson Jr. 2026 Klein Rd. I H. L. Allard 2714 Jackson St. ' C. L. Reavis 5?20 Oleander Dr. I, L. K. Branch 1106 Cypress Dr. I Walter B. Howard 103 S. 41st St. Paul C . Miller 1010 S. Herr Ave. ? James M. Hobbs 212 OakLeaf Dr. Alexan der Holland 230 Wood Dale Dr. F. A. Babson 1209 S. Kerr Ave. Henry M. Von Oesen 154 w. Renovah Circle Edwin T. Teachey 152 Srentwood Dr. N J. T. Culbreth , 413 S. bth St. Joseph E. Edwards 317 Pine Grove Dr. Willie H. Jones 2511 Harrison St. Chalre s L. Houser 312 Pine Hills Dr. I W. A. Sammons, 240 Greenville Ave. i Edward P. Cunningham Jr. 4307 Halifax Rd. Raymond A. Smith Wallace F. Pearson J. B. Grainger James I. Jeffrys Jesse J. Peterson R. S. Pollock ` Lisie Shackelford Henry L. Leggett Harry C. Craft Jr. Robert L. Hux D. M. Pembert.on:. Milton R. Walton Jr. Lennox A. Johnson Arthur L. Madeley Clayton L. Long Harold Sternberger Stephen Strickland Woodrow G. Pridgen Walton Macey Edwards William Rivenbark Sylvester Y. Pierce Jr. Charles Kenneth Cook ?Wi21'iam H. Spearman iWilliam McNeil Reid Howard Everett Pepper 1963 - Civil l f R. C. Fowler James R. Tucker W. J. Langley Irving T. Harden J. C. Henderson Stacy W. Batson J. M. P. Joyner ,Ir. John R. Pegg Sammy C. Foushee Archie G. Hales Sr. G. E. Williamson Wesley Jackson Odis Gurganious James Homer Laughlin Robert H. Cherry James A. Boney Charles B. Simmons Preston J. Eason James L. Bradham W. E. Hardison 110 Franc:is Marion Box ;9 B. ' 1}012 Wrightsv. Ave. 4901 Pine St. 231 N. 23rd St. 3719 Winston Blvd. 135 Ridgeway Dr. 1?.010 Cherry Ave. 2726 Harrison St. 14 Jackson Dr. 219 Forest Hilis Dr. 108 Audubon Blvd. 2859 Carolina Beach Rd, 3012 Jefferson St. RFD 2, Box 158 307 Francis Marion Dr. 827 Windsor Dr. 1921 Pender Ave. 1913 Pender Ave. 106 Borden Ave. 2870 C. Adams St. 3202 Carolina Beach Rd. 2521 Washington St. 3606 Wishire Blvd. 1143 Co. Club Rd. 5330 Oleander Dr. RF 1, Castle Hayne 49i4 Park Ave. 311 Wallace Ave. 312 Parkway Dr. 10$ Laurel Dr. 130 Pinecrest RFg 2, Box 264 2 Oakleaf Dr 3 OS Carolina $each Rd. 9 west Dr. 1721 Ann St. 133 Sumter Dr. 512 S. 18th St. RFD 1, Box 244 RFD 3, Box 580 A 220 N. 25tn St. 515 Silver Lake Rd. 221 Woodland Dr. 97 Lee Drive 5022 Pine St. RFD i Box 268 Castle Hayne, N.C. RFD 1, Box 103 19 Lake Forest Pkwy. 114 Holbrooke Ave. 1810 Nun St. 1611 Castle St. 2103 Klein Rd. 2216 Gibson Ave. 1 F. Nesbitt Courts 236 Wood Dale Dr. '116 Glenda2e Dr. 505 Barclay Hills Dr. RFD 2, Box 32 2536 Van Buren St. 903 N. Kerr Ave. 119 Long Leaf Dr. 3916 S. Front St. 2519 Harrison St. 3804 Carolina Beach Rd. RFD 2, Box 374 A zii s. 41st St. 1205 Youpon Dr. 216 Adelaide Dr. 4218 Greenfield St. 201 s. 39th St. 3 s. 4th St. 2809 Washington 5042 Pine St. 305 Pine Hill Dr. RFD 1, Box 124 A 209 Willanda Dr. RFD 2, Box 419 104 C. Williamson Dr. 5420 Park Ave. (continued) i ?? ? Minutes of the Meeting May 6, 1963 Continued Jurors - Week of June 24th Continued Norris C. Long John D. Kelly C. E. Branch L. G. Willis Joseph L. Tuminars REPORTS - 57 Lee Drive 4209? Wrightsv. Ave. 156 Holbrooke Ave. 3710 Park Ave. 5206 Wrightsv. Ave. John J. Johnston 805 Northern Blvd. Lawrence B. Hardy 311 S. 46Lh St. i Levie Earl Peyton 428 Rosemont Ave. William Thomas Walker 15 Lake Forest Pkwiy Hobart Hansley 228 Bonham Ave. I tThe following reports were reviewed and ordered filed. \1- Change in 5tatus of Welfare recipients. \2- Wilmington Public Library for April 1963. 3- " Branch " " " ? 4- Grand Jury Report for April 1963. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Nm. Broadhurst, the Board adjourned. W..:. Executive Seci tary Wilmington, N. C. May 20, 1963 ASSEMBLY - I The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissione s ? was held on this date at 9:00 R. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the Covrt House with the following members in attendance : Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attor- , ney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. INVOCATION - I The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend R. Irving Boone, Central Baptist Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - I Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the last meeting, copies of which have been sent to each member of the Board were unanimously approved as written. SCHOOL PENSIONS - ? Pursuant to the discussion of the above subject at the last meeting, the li Chairman explained that what prompted this question about school pensions was the fact i Lhat 20 years ago, the school salaries were low and that the Pension Law which controls I the retired teachers under that old provision leaves much to be desired in the present I time because living costs are much higher. In fact, he said that the retired teachers ' pensions were unreasonably low and he has requested the Schooi Board to bring the Board ?i of Commissioners up to date on this sub,ject. Dr. Wagoner, Superintendent of New Hanoverl 5chools, presented Mrs. Nina Tenuta, who explained that the Pension Law provides that :II after 20 years service, teachers shall be entitled to one-half their average sa2ary for the last $ years teaching upon retirement. Dr. Wagoner reported that at present there is a proposal before the General Assembly which would almost relieve the County of its I responsibility on the pensions and may change to the best 5 years back pay instead of ' the last 5 years under the Social Security law. The Chairmatt observed that he had re- quested a'list of the retired teachers receiving less than $150.00 per month showing how much it would cost the County to increase their present pension to $100, $125, ' and $150 per month. A review of these fioures indicates that it would cost New Hanover ' County $6,959•04 to increase the pension to $100, and $14,474•16 if the amount is $125 ? per month and $22,522.44 if they are increased to $150.00 per month. Attorney Wallace C. Murchison, representing the teachers which come under the low retirement group ex- plained that the law setting up the Pension Act in 1921 when the salaries were low d1d ' not take into account the inflation which has taken place with the increase in the cost of living and that present pensions are unreasonably low and he suggested the law should ' be amended so that the State pay increases would not affect the County payment. He urged that some action be taken to relieve this depression type pension by appealing to the Legislature now in session to correct this situation before they adjourn. The matter was left for further study. ?MICROFILMING - 0- 1 A discussion of this subject was resumed with Attorney Jamesj,,Swails heading a committee representing the Bar Association, Miss Ada L. McCulloch, the Register of II Register of Deeds, Mr. H. Foster Edwards, the Clerk of Superior Court, After hearing ' the opinions expressed by the members of the Committee of the Bar Association, almost without exception they were opposed to any change for the recording of real estate transactions and much prefer to use the present method. John E. Barkiey, representing I Recordak Corporation explained the detailed use of the system which many other counties in North and South Carolina are at present finding satisfactory. He promised to set up a system without cost to?the covnties on a trial basis so that the attorneys could observe how it c.ould be employed in actual operation. After a brief discussion, the consensus of opinion seemed to indicate a further study and the Chairman was authorized to appoint a Committee representing the Commissioners, the Bar Association, the bankers and savings and loan associations, all of which are likewise interested and affected by the system of recording all business transactions. The Chairman stated that he would make his appointments to this Committee at a later date. I \ HOSPITAL SOND AND ANTICIPATIOIQ NOTES - ? Mr. M. C. Brown, Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees ? L_