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Minutes of the Meeting May 20, 1963 Continued
the docket; first, the Northeast (Cape Fear) River above Hilton Bridge andl
second, the Cape Fear River above Wilmington. Oral statements will be heard, but for
accuracy of record all important facts and arguments should be submitted in writing in
? The following reports were received and ordered filed:
I1- Corps of Engineers
(a) Notice of application by Southern Bell to lay a submarine cable
across the river at the foot of Market St.
(b) Approval of Chief of Engineers for enlarging turning basin, May 6, I
(c) May 6th application for dredging Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway
westward up Bradley Creek to Bridge Channel 100t wide 221 deep ?
4500' long.
(d) May 14, Permit to construct a pier and dolphin for W. R. Grace
/ (Carolina Chemical Co.)
2- Cooperative Extension Work & Home Economics Home Extension Report.
3-( Tax Collectors Report for April 30, 1963. j
4- Memorial Day Service at Nationai Cemetery to be held on May 30th at ?
/ 11:00 olclock A. M. ,
5- Tax Collector Sam W. Johnson's report of collections on the 1962 County '
tax levy through April 30, 1963•
Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Board voted unanimously
to adjourn the meeting.
W. G.?Houck, Executive S e?cre?tary
Wilmington, N. C. June 3, 1963
\ I
The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss-
ioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners Room of the Court House
with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners
L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, and Ernest R. Mayhan, County Attoraey L.-BradTord
Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love Jr. Commissioner J. Van Metts Jr. was unable
to be present for the meeting as he is on duty at present with the Coast Guard Reserves.i?
In absence of the Chaplain scheduled for the invocation this morning, the
Chairmari Calle3 on the Executive Secretary to give a prayer of invocation.
Copies of the minutes of the meeting of May 20,th, having been mailed to each
of the Commissioners, were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, unanimously
approved as written.
Resuming Lhe discussion about establishing a minimum pension for the retired
teachers who, because of their low salaries, received very low pensions, the Chairman '
suagested tothe Board that they authorize the County Attorney to draw a Bill asking for
the enactment of legislation to permit the County Lo establish a minimum pension of
$125.00 per month including any Social Security benefits which some of them may receive
and allow the County to pay any difference up to $125.00 minimum. He pointed out that
this would be a permissive Act only to help those few teachers who have rendered 30 - 40 ?
years service to the County during the depression years and that the list would dwindle
as no new ones would be added. He also observed that to set the minimum at $125.00 '
would cost the County $11},471}.16 which would be approximately one penny increase in the
tax rate per $100.00 valuation. Attorney Wallace C. Murchison was recognized by the
Chairman and stated that he was appearing in behalf of an amendmentto Chapter 385 of the
Public, Local and Private Laws of 1921 which limits the amount of money which a County
can pay for pensions to not more than 5V and change it to not more than 61 as weil as
including a minimum total sum instead of 6ne-half the average annual salary for he pointe'd
out that in computing the pension by the actuaries, the amount which a teacher paid sub- '
stitutes was deducted from her gross salary and therefore is less than they are entitled '
to receivef. During the discussion of this subject, Messrs. Broadhurst and Mayhan
pointed out that the ma,jority of the citizens receiving Social Security Ara in the $100.0011
or less bracket and that County employees had retired on $40.00 and $50.00 per, monLh and
at present they were not guaranteed any minimum retirement income. The Chairman reeom-
mended approvai of this Amendment and entertained a motion for its passage. As no motion;
was made, the matter was dropped, however, Mr. Murchison said that he would present the
matter to the Representative from this County to the General Assembly for their considera-
tion. ' I
The County Attorney reported that since the Board had approved the issuance
of Bond Anticipation Notes to cover the needs of the New Hanover Memorial Hospital duringl
the next fiscal year and to pay off the notes of $500,000 due in June, he has drawn the
J \
Minutes of the Meeting 3.une 3, 1963 (continued)
following Resolution which he read to the Board:
WHEREAS, the bond order hereinafter described has taken effect and the bonds
authorized by said bond order have not been issued, and $500,000 Public Hospital Bond
Anticipation Notes dated June 25, 1962 payable Jurre 25, 1963 issued in anticipation
of the sale. of the bonds authorized by said order will become due and payable on June
25, 1963, and the Boafid of Commissioners desires to provide for the renewal of said
' notes; and
WHEREAS, said Board of Commissioners desires to borrow additional money for the
purposes for which bonds are authorized to be issued by said order 1n anticipation
of the receipt of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds as hereinafter provided:
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New
Hanover as follows:
(1) The outstanding $500,000 PuIilic Hospital Bond Anticipation Notes payable
June 25, 1963, which have been issued in anticipation of the sale of the bonds author-
zed by the bond order entitled "Bund Order Authorizing the Issuance of $5,500,000
Public Hospital Bonds of the County of New Hanover•':, adopted by the Board o1' Commiss-:.
ioners on August 21, 1961 shall be renewed and the additional sum of $500,000 shall be
borrowed in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds
authorized to be issued by said order,
(2) Negotiable notes, each designatednPublic Hospital Bond Anticipation Note"
shall be issued for said sum so borrowed. Said notes shall.be dated June 24,1963-
and shall be payable June 24Lh, 1964 and shall bear interest from their date at a
rate which shall not exceed six per centum (6%) per annum. Such interest shall be
payable at the maturity of said notes. Each of said notes shall be signed by the
Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of said County and the seal of said
County shall be affixed to each of said notes.
(3) The power to fix the rate of interest to be borne by said notes and to de-
termine the denomination or denominations of the notes and the place of payment of
the notes is hereby delegated to the Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners
' of said County who are hereby authorized and directed to cause said notes to be pre-
pared and to executec.said notes when they shall have been sold by the Local Govern-
I ment Commission of North Carolina. Said Local Government Commission of North Caro-
lina is hereby requested to sell said notes in the manner prescribed by the Local
? Government Act of North Carolina.
Commi.ssioner L. E. Broadhurst moved that the Resolution be adopted. Commissioner Peter H.
Braak seconded the motion and the motion was adopted. Those voting for the motion were
Messrs. L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. braak and Ernest R. Mayhan. No one voted against it.
W . Tillery reminded the Board that at the last meeting they had instructed him
to investigate the possibility of including Jury fees in Court costs. He finds that there
is no connection between the Court cos.ts and Jury fees and under the law, the fee for
Jurors can uot be included. He stated that New Hanover County operates under a Special
Act which sets the fee for Jurors at $5.00. After a brief discussion, the Board by com-
mon consent, unanimously agreed that we shovld comply with the law and make no further
changes at this time.
The foilow3ng application for aBeer Permit was reviewed and upon motion of Mr.
Braak, seconded by N?r. Mayhan, unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff for his
investigation and consideration:
A. W. Thayer T/A Thayers Grocery 1419 Castle St.
The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that he had an offer to purchase
the jointly own ed tax foreciosed property listed below:
B1ocR # Lot ,# Description AoAra ised Value
349 Pt. 1 56' x 571 from 5E cor 6th 6 Howar @
frntg. on Howard 604 6t 606 Howard $300.00
349 Pt. 2 8 3 301 x 751 117' frm SE cor 6th & H oward
' frntg. on bth 1310 N. 6th St. 300.00
350 Pt. 3 & 4 60' x 751 120' frm NW cor McRae 8 Taylor,
, frntg. Iv7cRee 1309 - 1311 McRee 400.00
350 Pt. 2 & 3 601 x 1501 90' frm SE cor. Ho4rard 8 7th St.
1312 - 1314 N. 7th St. 890.00
350 Pt. 2 8 3 120' fr m SW cor 8th & Howard, frntg. on 8th St.
1309 - 1311 N. 8tn st. 500.00
350 Pt• 3 30' x 75' 150' frm NE cor Taylor 8 McRee
frntg. McRee 1312 McRee St. 200.00
350 Pt' z & 3 301 x 75' 180' frm NE cor. Taylor & McRee
frntg. on McRee 1310 McRee 200.00
? The prices were placed on this property by the Property Appraisors. In the discussion
which followed this presentation, the question of a fair market value was rafsed and the
Property Appraisors explained that they appraised the property in line with the appraised
value of other property in the neighborhood and, in fact, increased '.3:t some above the
formula used by the professional appraisors. They pointed out that much of this property
Minutes of the Meeting June 3, 1963 Continued
I was virgin in that no water or sewerage facilities had ever been run to the
property and, too, a Warranty title could not be given. By common consent, the Board i
agreed to withhold any action on this property until a further study could be made of
the valuations. ?
Pursuant to the appointment of Mr. Wingate J. Baldwin as Constable for Cape
iFear Township, a Surety Bond was preeented for approval of the Board. . After a review
it was approved by the County Attorney as to form and by the Board.
? A letter was received from Hon. Clyde H. Harriss of the Finance Gommittee
of the State House of Representatives in which he explained the Bill which he intro-
duced exempting inventories of manufacturers and processors from locai ad valorem tax
and which provides in lien thereof, compensatory payments, In New Hanover County we
will receive from the State under this provision, $28,793.00. After some discussion,
Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Board go along with this legislation and
avthorized the Executive Secretary to write a letter stating that the New Hanover County
Board of Commissioners has no objection to the passage of this Bill. It was seconded
by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted.
Mr. J. R. McMahon, General Counsel for the 5tate Association called attention
to SB 414 which changes the method of computing the 129 State tax on the total sales '
of alcoholic beverages to 12% of the retail price which is designed to increase the net
profit of local ABC stores by 10%. After the Chairman explained this proposed legislatioi"i,
Mr. Braak offered a motion that it be approved and that the Executive Secretary be direct"•
ed to write Mr. McMahon and Senator Yow of this decision. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan
and unanimousiy approved.
The Sheriff requested permission to transfer $200.00 from Pistol Range to I
Stationery and Supplies in his department and $50.00 from Laundry to Linen in the Jail
Department. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the request was
?approved unanimously.
Coroner W. Gordan Doran thanked the Commissioners for allowing him to attend II
the School of Instruction offered by the Institute of Government For Coroners and Medicall
Examiners. He reported that recently it had been necessary for him to drive many un- '
necessary miles in the discharge of his duties, many of which could have been saved if
his car was equipped with a two-way radio tuned with the same frequency as the Sheriff's I
Department. He estimatedthat it would cost $554•66 to make this instailation. After
a brief discussion, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that $554•66 be transferred from Autopsy I,
to Capital Outlay for this purpose provided title to the radio equipment remain in the ?
name of the County. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. I
The Chairman read the report of the Grand Jury for the month of May made to
his Honor .loseph W. Parker, Judge Presiding. There were no items which needed 8ttention
(and it was unanimously approved and ordered filed for the record. JWENILE DETENTION HOI-Er
Mr. Braak reported that it would be necessaEy to install additional showers i
in the Juvenile Detention Home but that he would include a request for it in the Budget. ?
No action was taken on this report today.
Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director of the Public Welfare Department
accompanied by the Welfare Board, N. B. Barefoot and F. P. Fensel, who acted as spokesman,
?were recognized and presented the following requests and information.
Rent - Mr. Fensel reported that in the past the County had received $272.50
per month as a maitenance item in lieu of rent for the welfare quarters. He recalled
that last year the State and Federai governments had cut off this money because of the
unimproved administrative offices occupied by the Welfare Department. Since a great
improvement has been made in the Welfare quarters the State has agreed to review their
contract and reconsider the payment during the next fiscal year.
, Snace - He stated that the hall and two rooms on the aortheast side of the '
building were included in the square footage now on record as space occupied by the Wel-
fare Department. The federal auditors look with disfavor and take exceptions unless
they are improved. The records which are now stored in the rooms are to be moved into
the space vacated by the Sorosis Museum.
\1 Petition and Floor - He requests permission to petition off the hall at the
foot of the steps and have the broken and uneven floor repaired and the space used. He
observed that estimates to accomplish the needed work as outlined above would not exceed
• $3,500 including air condltioning. They are expecting to begin receiving rent again as
of July 1 and to do so it is necessary for them to have the work completed by that time.
After a thorough discussion of the improvements, Mr. Mayhan moved that not more than
$3,500 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to Repairs & Maintenance of the
Court House and that County labor be used as much as possible. It was seconded by Mr.
Braak and unanimously adopted.
` Transfer Funds - Mr. Fensel reported that in January the Welfare Director,
Miss Lela Moore Hall,was accorded the honor of serving as a member of the Committee On
Services for Children and youth of the American Public bielfare Association. The Conven-
tion was held in April in Chicago and actual travel expenses for her amounted to $198.70.
This matter should have been handled at the time they met with the Board in January but
being a new member he overlooked it. He is now requesting approval for transferring
$198.70 from their Salary Account to their Travel Allowance to cover these expenses.
Upon motion oi Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, this transfer was unanimously
Minutes of the Meeting June 3, 1963 Continued
z I? PUBLIC WELFARE - (continued)
Clinic Clarification - Miss Hall reported that at present the James Walker Memorial
' Hospital is billing the County at the rate of $2.50 per visit for indigent patients to their
clinic while the Community Hospital is billing on the basis of actual cost even though it
is owned and operated by the County. She suggested that both should be on the same basis ,n
her opinion. After a brief discussion, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that Miss Hall confer
with the management of the two hospitals and see if she could estabiish a basic fee satis-'°
factory to both of them so that all patients would be treated alike. It was seconded by
I Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. ?
The Chairman called attention to the 28th Annual Meeting of the National Assoc-
iation of County Officials scheduled for July 28th - 31st, 1963 Denver, Colorado. He
suggested that approval be given to at least one member of the Board for attending this
Convention and authori2ed the Executive Secretary to make reservations if they desired
rooms in the headquarters hotel. Mr. Braak offered a motion that expenses be approved
for one member of the Board to attend the NA.CO Conference.
.Tune 17, 1963
I The Chairman reported that Mr. T.C. Jervay, Publisher of the idilmington Journai,
? had contacted him with reference to advertising all back taxes and deliriquent taxes of negro
? citizens in the Wilmington Journal and quoted a.price of $1.00 per column inch which, in
! his opinion, could save the City'and County some money. After a brief discussion, Mr.
' Braak offered a motion that if feasible and practical, all negro back taxes and delinquent
taxes be advertised in the Wilmington Journal for the current year. It was seconded by
Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted.
, Upon motion
to adjourn the meeting.
of Nr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Sroadhurst, the Board unanimously voted
W. G. xoucx, racecutiive aecretiary
Wilmington, N. C.
The regular semimonthly meeting
was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the
following members in attendance: Chairman
Peter H. Braak, Ernest R.-Mayhan, John Van
Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr.
of the New Hanover County Board
Commissioners Room of the Court
J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners
B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney
of Commissioners
House with the
L. E. Broadhurst,
L. Bradford
The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend M. T. Phillips,
pastor of Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance.
After Mr. Mayhan called attention to a correction in the paragraph relating to
School Pensions, ttie cost.for a minimum of $125.00 would be $14,474•16 and in the paragraph
approving the purchase of a two-way radio for the Coroner, the words, "title to remain in
the name of the County" should be inserted, he then moved the approvai.of the minutes as
amended. It was seconded by N,r. Broadhurst and unanimously carried.
Complying with the General Statutes, the County Auditor submitted the Budget
Estimate for the fiscal year 1963-1964 as recommended by him. He called attention to the
requirements for a copy to be on file in the Commissioners Office'for public inspection
and stated that a summary must be published in the local paper at least 20 days before the
adoption of the Budget Resolution which must be completed not later than July 28, 1963• He recommended a Tax Rate of $2.40 per $100 valuation which he considers sufficient to.raise
revenue but leaves out "all the fat". The Chairman thanked him for the presentation and
urged leach of the Commissioners who received a copy of the Budget Estimate to study it so
that they could intelligently discuss it at an informal meeting on Monday evening, .lune
I24th at 7:30 P. M.
' Nm. Herbert P. McKim, Chairman of the Bi-Racial Committee, reported that the
Committee is working conscientiously to solve some of the most pressing problems but that
it did not have the answer to all of them. He read a resolution which had,been drawn by
the Committee urging an orderly handling of the problems and requested the Commissioners
to endorse their resolution or draft one of their own. The Chairman observed that the
?appointment of the Committee itself was an endorsement but that if they,desired an encourag-
ing and forthright statement, he felt that a little more time should be giyen to it. After
briefly discus9ing the request, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the County Attorney be
iauthorized to draft a Resolution supporting the work of the Bi-Racial Committee. It was
seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. The following Resolution was subsequently
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, together with the
City of 'rliimington, has appointed a Bi-Racial Committee to formulate and implement plans
for the orderly handling of problems which would fall into the category implied by the
Iname of the Committee, and I • (continued)