1963-06-17 Regular Meeting ti. Minutes of the Meeting June 3, 1963 Continued z I? PUBLIC WELFARE - (continued) Clinic Clarification - Miss Hall reported that at present the James Walker Memorial ' Hospital is billing the County at the rate of $2.50 per visit for indigent patients to their clinic while the Community Hospital is billing on the basis of actual cost even though it is owned and operated by the County. She suggested that both should be on the same basis ,n her opinion. After a brief discussion, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that Miss Hall confer with the management of the two hospitals and see if she could estabiish a basic fee satis-'° factory to both of them so that all patients would be treated alike. It was seconded by I Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. ? ! NACO CONUENTION - The Chairman called attention to the 28th Annual Meeting of the National Assoc- iation of County Officials scheduled for July 28th - 31st, 1963 Denver, Colorado. He suggested that approval be given to at least one member of the Board for attending this Convention and authori2ed the Executive Secretary to make reservations if they desired rooms in the headquarters hotel. Mr. Braak offered a motion that expenses be approved for one member of the Board to attend the NA.CO Conference. .Tune 17, 1963 I DELINQUENT TAX ADVERTISING - I The Chairman reported that Mr. T.C. Jervay, Publisher of the idilmington Journai, ? had contacted him with reference to advertising all back taxes and deliriquent taxes of negro ? citizens in the Wilmington Journal and quoted a.price of $1.00 per column inch which, in ! his opinion, could save the City'and County some money. After a brief discussion, Mr. ' Braak offered a motion that if feasible and practical, all negro back taxes and delinquent taxes be advertised in the Wilmington Journal for the current year. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. IADJOURNMENT - , Upon motion to adjourn the meeting. of Nr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Sroadhurst, the Board unanimously voted . W. G. xoucx, racecutiive aecretiary Wilmington, N. C. ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the following members in attendance: Chairman Peter H. Braak, Ernest R.-Mayhan, John Van Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. . of the New Hanover County Board Commissioners Room of the Court J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney / / of Commissioners House with the L. E. Broadhurst, L. Bradford INVOCATION- The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend M. T. Phillips, pastor of Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - After Mr. Mayhan called attention to a correction in the paragraph relating to School Pensions, ttie cost.for a minimum of $125.00 would be $14,474•16 and in the paragraph approving the purchase of a two-way radio for the Coroner, the words, "title to remain in the name of the County" should be inserted, he then moved the approvai.of the minutes as amended. It was seconded by N,r. Broadhurst and unanimously carried. BUDGET ESTIMATE - ? Complying with the General Statutes, the County Auditor submitted the Budget Estimate for the fiscal year 1963-1964 as recommended by him. He called attention to the requirements for a copy to be on file in the Commissioners Office'for public inspection and stated that a summary must be published in the local paper at least 20 days before the adoption of the Budget Resolution which must be completed not later than July 28, 1963• He recommended a Tax Rate of $2.40 per $100 valuation which he considers sufficient to.raise revenue but leaves out "all the fat". The Chairman thanked him for the presentation and urged leach of the Commissioners who received a copy of the Budget Estimate to study it so that they could intelligently discuss it at an informal meeting on Monday evening, .lune I24th at 7:30 P. M. IBI-RACIAL COMMITTEE REPORT - . ? ' Nm. Herbert P. McKim, Chairman of the Bi-Racial Committee, reported that the Committee is working conscientiously to solve some of the most pressing problems but that it did not have the answer to all of them. He read a resolution which had,been drawn by the Committee urging an orderly handling of the problems and requested the Commissioners to endorse their resolution or draft one of their own. The Chairman observed that the ?appointment of the Committee itself was an endorsement but that if they,desired an encourag- ing and forthright statement, he felt that a little more time should be giyen to it. After briefly discus9ing the request, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the County Attorney be iauthorized to draft a Resolution supporting the work of the Bi-Racial Committee. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. The following Resolution was subsequently approved: WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, together with the City of 'rliimington, has appointed a Bi-Racial Committee to formulate and implement plans for the orderly handling of problems which would fall into the category implied by the Iname of the Committee, and I • (continued) ?.? a ?_I I c, czj s ???? Minutes of the Meeting June 17, 1963 (Continued) Bd.-:RACIAL COMMITTEE REPORT - (Continued) Resolution WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners is desirous of expressing its confidence in this Committee and its approval of the public statement of policy issued by the Committee on June 10, 1963. N06J,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Board encourages a policy oF desegre- gation in all phases of public accomodations; that this Board publicly states that it does not and will not discriminate in job opportunities on the County level and urges all citizens of New Hanover County to do likewise. This the 17th day of June, 1963 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners gy J. M. Hall, Jr. Chairman i J. Van B. Metts. Jr. Vice Chairman Peter H. Braak L. E. Broadhurst Ernest R. Mayhan ? NATIONAL RIVERS & HARBORS CONGRE55 - Colonel George W. Gillette, who represented New Hanover County at the 50th National Convention of the National Rivers & Harbors Congress thanked the Board for the trip and able representative, Mr. Braak, who went along with him. He reported no visible change at this time but feels that as a member of the Projects Committee since 1932 he has been able to grasp the meaning of this Congress in its impression and political inf2uence since New Hanover County had a delegation of 8 people. There are two main recommendations the delegation think would be helpful; 1- A firmer State organization welded together 2-A loose organization on the local level and suggested that the Board of CommisskDners might initiate an invitation to the ad,jacent counties to participate in such an undertaking as they, too, are interested in and affected by the improvement and development of the Cape Fear River. It is not essentially a Wilmington River. Mr. Metts then offered a motion that the Board attempt to form sueh a loose organization and asked Colonel Giilette to write aoletter over the signature of the Chairman of the Board inviting the adjacent Counties to 3oin in cooperating. It was seconded by Mr. PNayhan and unanimously approved. \ FUEL SUPPLIES - Complying with a public advertisement in the Wilmington Morning Star of May 14, 1963, eontaining specifications and invitations to bid on fuel supplies for New Hanover County for the fiscal year 1963-64, the following proposals were received and opened: Gas Cities Service 0."172 - 0.0L} 9 0.143 Pure Oil Co. 20.20 - 5.96 14.24 Fuel 011 Lubricatinq Oil 9:'ly.o 0.033 .56d • , o.zb7 i4.3o .? 3.31 .55e 10.99 . ' Both $6.00 90 day returnable drum deposit and i% 10 day, net 30 day After reviewing the tabulation, Mr. Braak moved that the contract be awarded to the Cities Service Oil Company since it seems to be in the best interest of the County. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved, I BEER PERMIT - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the following appli- cation for a Beer Permit was approved unanimously and referred to the Sheriff for his investigation and consideration: William Fales T/A Bill's Place RFD #1, Box 13 (SCHOOL PENSIONS - I Mr. Niayhan observed that he received a letter from Representative Robert E. Calder advising that HB 1243 authorizing an increase in retirement benefits provided I for school teachers by Chapter 385 of the Public Local Laws of 1921 was before the House for passage. While the affect of the Bill is permissive and not mandatory, Mr. Calder, advised that if a majority of the Board decided against the passage of this Bill, action, could be stopped on it if he was advised after the next regular meeting. After a brief discussion, Mr. Mayhan moved that a wire be sent to Mr. Calder requesting him to kill Bill HB 1243. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and when the votes were cast, Messrs. Broadhurst, Mayhan and Metts voted "Yes" and Messrs. Braak and Hall voted "No" but the Chairman declared the motion carried by a majority vote. The Executive Secretary was instructed to send a wire advising him of this action. L_ 1! PATHOLOGIST - I A letter was received from Solicitor James C. Bowman proposing a cooperatSve plan between Brunswick, Columbus,. New Hanover and Pender Counties for the employment of Dr. George D. Lumb, pathologist, to perform autopsies on an annual basis and with an annual salary contributed by the !} counties involved. The salary would cover the entire cost of all autopsies performed regardless of whether there were 50 or 500. After a brief discussion of this matter, the Chairman appointed Mr. Broadhurst as a committee to meet with the joint Boards and Dr. Lumb to discuss the subject after comparing the average.costrfor.autopsies over the past five years, with the proposed cost of retaining ? ? ' ? ?`a Minutes of the Meeting June 17, 1963 ConLinued - -- ---- -- ?I PATHOLOGIST :- (continued) - Dr. Lumb on an annua,l basis. He is to report back to the Board after study- ing the matter. ' CORONER'S JURY - Coroner W. Gordon Doran reported that it was necessary.to have a Jury on one of his cases and he needed funds with which to pay them. He estimated not more than ,$50.00 would be sufficient. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Niayhan, the Board lapproved unanimously a transfer of $$0.00 from Coroner-Autopsy to Coroner-.lury. / SPEED LIMIT - ? Mr. Doran reported the accidental death of a man caused by being hit with an automobile near McCumber's Station on U. S. 76. He suggeSts that legal speeds be reduced from 5$ miles per hour to 45 miles per hour between the Babies' Hospital and St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. The Executive Secretary was insLructed to discuss this matter with the State Highway Commission. I,AIR CONDITIONIIVG - HEALTH BUILDING The Chairman reminded the Board that a decision on the bids rec,eived and opened jon May 20th for air conditioning the Health Building had been delayed for further study. ?After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that a contract be awarded to the lowest bidder and use any available funds in the Health Department Budget that can be used 'Ifor that purpose. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. MEDALLION PRESENTATION The Chairman reported that a letter had been received from the State Confederate:. Centennial Commission announcing the presentation of a Centennial Gold Medallion to the Navy as a recognition of their assistance in the recovery and salvage of historical arti- ?facts from sunken blocade runners off Fort Fisher. The presentation will be made in Rale.igh at 12:30 P. M. in Ballentine's Confederate House in Cameron Village on ,lune 25, 1963. Com- mander Victor M. Davis will accept the award for the Navy and Governor Sanford will pre- sent materials from the "Modern Greece" tb,>Admiral E. M. Elier for permanent preservation. \ The Chairman observed that this was an important event for this area and he felt that any ? Commissioners who were able to go should attend. •._ •I WELFARE ADMINISTRATIVE INII'ROVEMENT '- G Mr. F. P. Fensel, spokesman for the '1lelfare Board, reported that since the last meeting when the Commissioners had appropriated $3500 for their use in upgrading the Adminis- trative quarters of the I-lelfare Department in an effort to reactivate participation by the State and Federal governments in paying rent or its equivalent, they have found that addi- tional funds are available from the State which could be used for furn3ture and equipment and if the Commissioners would approve and appropriate an additional $2,000 they would be able to draw on the State funds for it. After a brief pro and con discussion, Mr. Metts moved that the Board authorize the additional expenditure of $2,000 making the total cost ,of the improvements not more than $5,500 for the purpose of supplies and equipment and 'ithat all possible funds available from the State be applied against this cost and that any balance be transferred from the Salary Account in the 4lelfare Department of the 1962-63 Budaet to supplement the total cost. It rJas seconded by Mr. Braak and adopted by a major- ity vote. Mr. Broadhurst requested that he be recorded as voting "No". ?SALT MARSH MOSQUITO CONTROL - Mr. W. H. Cranford, Sanitation Engineer and Mr. Keith Oates, Salt Marsh Drain- / iage Engineer with the State Department of Health, reported that they had investigated the ,use of dynamite in opening canals for drainage as requested at their meeting on May".20:th. They found that basically there were two classifications of ground; one has a high water content consisting in silt muck lying on the mainland side of the Inland 'rJaterway, the other being sand islands and hummocks. There are two methods of blasting ditches, the natural propogation method using ditching dynamite and the induced propagation system using primacord. Experience indicates the use of ditching dynamite is the most economical as approximately a cubic yard of material.can be moved using a pound of dynamite. It is our ?conclusion that conventional digging equipment can be used more effectively resulting in a lower unit cost per foot than ditches blasted with dynamite. They recommended the purchase of two light draglines. The Chairman observed that Lhey 1?ould recover the cost of the ?draglines within a period of 2 years and suggested that the program be started at-once. Li PETITION FOR RELIEF - e_? An application for County Home care for Mrs. Louella Buckner Blanton was received from the Welfare Department on the account of physical disability. Mr. Metts moved that she be accepted at the County Home. It was seconded by Mr. Nayhan and unanimously carried. ;., INTERIM BUDGET RESOLUTION - i Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the following:cResolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLUED BY THE SOARD OF P1EW HANOVER COUNTY COP'?MISSIONERS Section 1- That in order to operate the County and its subdivisions from July i, 1963 to date of adoption of the 1963-64 Budget Resolution, appropriations are here- . by made for the purpose of paying salaries, the principal and interest on indebted- ness and the usual ordinary expense of the County and its subdivisions at the same rate of expenditure as provided for in the 1962-63 Fiscal Budget Year. I Section 2- This Resolution shall cease to be effective from and after Lhe adopt- ion of the 1963-64 Budget Resolution and all disbursements made in accordance with this resolution shall be chargeable to appropriations made in the 1963-64 Budget Appropriations, NEGRO A. & E. TRANSFER - / County Additor Love reported that the Negro Home Demonstration Agent requested a transfer of $62.50 from the Rent Fund to Supplies. Mr. Metts.moved that the transfer be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. . r ?? ? ? ' - ?24- Minutes of the Meeting June 17, 1963 Continued BUDGET DISCUSSION - II The Chairman observed that he thought it would be fine if a preliminary dis- cussion of the Budget was held and suggested the Board aaree on a mutual date and time. They finally agreed to meet in the Commissioners Room at 7:30 P. M. Monday, June 24th II for this purpose. REPORTS ? The foilowing reports were reviewed and ordered filed for future reference: I ? 1- Grand Jury Report for June 1963. ` 2- U.S.O. Club Report for June 1963. • ? 3- County Home Econoroics Aaentfs Report for May 1963. 'I 4- Wilmington Public Libraries Reports " "." . _. . ADJOURNINENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Braak moved that they adjourn. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. ,? . ? ? ... , . I ' i '.?"?-W. G. Houcklo'Executive Se11etary \ Wilmington, N. C. July 1, 1963 ASSEMBLY - I The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ? ioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M.-in the Commissioners Room of the Court House with the foilorring members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners ?I ? Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan;and John Van B. Netts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. ?i IWOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and, in the absence of the schedule, Chaplain for the meeting, asked Executive Secretary Houck to give a prayer of invocation? APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - , , • R,; The minutes of the last meeting, copies of which had been mailed!to each Commissioner, were upon motion of Mr.yMayhan, seconded by Mr., Braak, unanimously approved. , t \ WELFARE - ?WELFARE TRANSFER - The Auditor called attention to the motion in the minutes of June 3rd author- izing certain improvements in the administrative offices of the YJelfare Department and approving an appropriation of $3,500 from the General Emergency Fund to cover the estima cost. He recommends that the funds be transferred out of the Welfare-Salaries as it wil be underspent this year. Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that $3,500 be transferred from Welfare-Salaries to Repairs and Nraintenance - Court House and that the action on June 3rd be nullified by this motion. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and it was unanimously approved. \ Welfare Board Nembers - Miss Hall informed the Board that`the General Assembly had made provision for the County Commissioners to increase the County Public Welfare Board to 5 members at the option of the Board. After a brief discussion, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that New Hanover County continue with a 3 man Board as at present. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. ed Miss Lela Moore Hall, Local Welfare Director, called attention to the new system of writing and sending out Pvblic Assistance checks. She requested the Commiss- i ioners to adopt the policy which they wish followed and have it recorded in the minutes. After a brief discussion, Mr. Broadhurst moved that the Board approve the method recom- mended by the 5tate As'sociation of County Commissioners tJhich is that the checks will be,pre- pared in Raleigh, drawn on a local bank, signed by a single dispersing officer with the I signature and title.of the County Director of Public 4Jelfare presented below on the checks.< They will be inserted in envelopes and sealed by machine in Raleigh but mailed ?I by the County Welfare Department with the local return address on the outside of the ? envelope and the County will bear the postage expense. it was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted by the Board. ` Nedical Care - The last General Assembly passed the Kerr-Mills Bill provid- ing medical assistance for the aged over 65. Hospitalization Cost - Payment for hospital costs for indigents has been increased from $16.per diem to $20.00 per day. Out-of-wedlock Children - The provisions of tt?e laws with reference to handling out-of-wedlock cases make it mandatory for any mother after the birth of a third child out of wedlock to report to the Health Department and if the Health Dir- ector finds evidence which leads him to believe the child will be neglected or mis- treated then he shall refer the,case to the Public Welfare Department for investigation and disposition. ? Generalization - Miss Hall reported that it is obvious from the above change: that the Welfare Budoet ioill have to be adjusted to meet the increased services brought about by the new laws. The Chairman urged her to get all the information possible with reference to these changes and then come back to the Board and report their needs: \ ,I ;,