1963-07-01 Regular Meeting? ' - ?24- Minutes of the Meeting June 17, 1963 Continued BUDGET DISCUSSION - II The Chairman observed that he thought it would be fine if a preliminary dis- cussion of the Budget was held and suggested the Board aaree on a mutual date and time. They finally agreed to meet in the Commissioners Room at 7:30 P. M. Monday, June 24th II for this purpose. REPORTS ? The foilowing reports were reviewed and ordered filed for future reference: I ? 1- Grand Jury Report for June 1963. ` 2- U.S.O. Club Report for June 1963. • ? 3- County Home Econoroics Aaentfs Report for May 1963. 'I 4- Wilmington Public Libraries Reports " "." . _. . ADJOURNINENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Braak moved that they adjourn. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. ,? . ? ? ... , . I ' i '.?"?-W. G. Houcklo'Executive Se11etary \ Wilmington, N. C. July 1, 1963 ASSEMBLY - I The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ? ioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M.-in the Commissioners Room of the Court House with the foilorring members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners ?I ? Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan;and John Van B. Netts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. ?i IWOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and, in the absence of the schedule, Chaplain for the meeting, asked Executive Secretary Houck to give a prayer of invocation? APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - , , • R,; The minutes of the last meeting, copies of which had been mailed!to each Commissioner, were upon motion of Mr.yMayhan, seconded by Mr., Braak, unanimously approved. , t \ WELFARE - ?WELFARE TRANSFER - The Auditor called attention to the motion in the minutes of June 3rd author- izing certain improvements in the administrative offices of the YJelfare Department and approving an appropriation of $3,500 from the General Emergency Fund to cover the estima cost. He recommends that the funds be transferred out of the Welfare-Salaries as it wil be underspent this year. Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that $3,500 be transferred from Welfare-Salaries to Repairs and Nraintenance - Court House and that the action on June 3rd be nullified by this motion. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and it was unanimously approved. \ Welfare Board Nembers - Miss Hall informed the Board that`the General Assembly had made provision for the County Commissioners to increase the County Public Welfare Board to 5 members at the option of the Board. After a brief discussion, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that New Hanover County continue with a 3 man Board as at present. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. ed Miss Lela Moore Hall, Local Welfare Director, called attention to the new system of writing and sending out Pvblic Assistance checks. She requested the Commiss- i ioners to adopt the policy which they wish followed and have it recorded in the minutes. After a brief discussion, Mr. Broadhurst moved that the Board approve the method recom- mended by the 5tate As'sociation of County Commissioners tJhich is that the checks will be,pre- pared in Raleigh, drawn on a local bank, signed by a single dispersing officer with the I signature and title.of the County Director of Public 4Jelfare presented below on the checks.< They will be inserted in envelopes and sealed by machine in Raleigh but mailed ?I by the County Welfare Department with the local return address on the outside of the ? envelope and the County will bear the postage expense. it was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted by the Board. ` Nedical Care - The last General Assembly passed the Kerr-Mills Bill provid- ing medical assistance for the aged over 65. Hospitalization Cost - Payment for hospital costs for indigents has been increased from $16.per diem to $20.00 per day. Out-of-wedlock Children - The provisions of tt?e laws with reference to handling out-of-wedlock cases make it mandatory for any mother after the birth of a third child out of wedlock to report to the Health Department and if the Health Dir- ector finds evidence which leads him to believe the child will be neglected or mis- treated then he shall refer the,case to the Public Welfare Department for investigation and disposition. ? Generalization - Miss Hall reported that it is obvious from the above change: that the Welfare Budoet ioill have to be adjusted to meet the increased services brought about by the new laws. The Chairman urged her to get all the information possible with reference to these changes and then come back to the Board and report their needs: \ ,I ;, 14 Minutes ofytheeet_.i.na--Julv - ? COMMUNITY COMPLAII4T - ? Letters were received from the Home Demonstration Club from East Wilmington, ' the Macedonia Baptist Church and the Community Development Organization of East Wilming- ton presenting a petition with the names of-the citizens of that neighborhood protesting the building of a warehouse on North McCrae Street. They requested the Commissioners to exercise any rule or authority at their command to prevent the construction of the com- mercial building in their residential neighborhood. The County Attorney advised that there are no legal restrictions., The Chairman, with the consent of the.Board, instructed the Executive Secretary to answer the letters and advise them that the Board of Commissioners regret that they are unable to taKe any legal action to interfere in the matter at this I time. _ BEER PERMITS - . • • . The following Beer Permits were reviewed and upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded ; by Mr. Mayhan, were unanimously ref'erred to the Sheriff for investigation and,'disposition. Bonnie T. Ganous T/A Pla2a Bar 8 Grill 802 S. 3rd St. ? Daniel James Joye T/A Joye's Grocery & Seafood 219 Castle St. l SURETY BOND - ? ? A Surety Bond in the amaunt of $5,000 written by the National Surety Corporation ? for J. A. Oldham, Jr., a member of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, was presented to the Commissioners for approvai. After the County Attorney Approved the Bond as to form, the .. Board, by unanimous common consent, approved it for mailing to the Raleigh Headquar- ters of the A.B.C. Board. • TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY - The Executive Secretary reported the prospective sale for jointly owned tax fore- closed property in Block 326 and part of Lot 3, 30' x 75t; 165t from SE cor 7th 8 Nixon fronting on 7th Street. He pointed out that it had been appraised by the County Property Appraisors at $450.00 as a fair market value although an identical lot adjacent to it had previously been appraised at $350.00 which was quoted to the prospective customer. The lot lin question was recently foreclosed through a misunderstanding. The Tax Collector under- stood that the prospective purchaser would appear at the sale to bid on the lot but she 'understood that it would be foreclosed in the name of the City and County and then she would purchase it at the appraised value. After this explanation, Nr. Metts offered a motion t'hat the Board approve the sale of the property at the appraised value, subject to the concurring approval of the City Council. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unani- ;mously passed. TRAFFIC SIGNAL - 4V A letter from the City Council was read by the Chairman requesting approval of the Commissioners for establishing some traffic regulations at the intersection of US 421 and U5 17, 74 and 76. As this location is outside the City, they asked the Commissioners to write the State Highway Commission and request their investigation and proper action. ' Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Board directed the Executive •Secretary to write the State Highway Commission about this problem and ask them to take proper action in the matter. / / JOINT MEETING - • • ? •" The Chairman read a letter from the.City Council inviting the Board of Commiss- ioners to join with them in a meeting for the purpose of discussing mutually supporLed de- partments. After a brief discussion, the Board, by unanimous consent, authorized the Execu- tive Secretary to inform them that they had not suffiently progressed through their Budget Estimates to intelligently discuss them but that they would be ready by 9:00 A. M. on Monday, July 15th if the Council oould meet with them at that time. . 'AIRPORT - AIR CONDITIONING • • / A letter was received from the Piedmont Air Lines soliciting approval of the Board for installing air conditioning in the lobby of the Airport building. They pointed out that they were receiving many•complaints about the oppressive heat. John A. Westbrook, Manager of the Airport, reported that he had received an informal estimate of $5,200 to adequately cool the building. After a brief study; it was decided to take the matter under advisement and the Executive Secretary was instructed to write Piedmont•Airlines to khis effect. • • VOLUNTEER FIREMEN - / A letter was received from the Inspection Committee of the Rural Volunteer Fire Departments inviting the Board of Commissioners to attend a meeting of the Eastern Carolina Firemen's Association at Lumina on Wrightsville Beach on July 9th at 7:00 P. M. The Chair- man reminded the Board that they had approved paying a share of the expenses of this con- 'vention at their meeting on Narch !}, 1963 and urged each of them to supporL it by their presence. - INDEPENDENCE DAY OBSERVANCE The Executive Secretary reported thatJ. E. L. Wade, representing the U. S. O., reguested the authorization for the blowing of sirens; ringing of bells and urged all•citizens to display the American flag on July 4th in commemoration of our Independence. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved the support of Lhis idea.. RE-EMPLOYNENT AFTER RETIRENENT - ? Mr. Broadhurst posed the questian of whether it would be legal to re-employ a for- mer employee after they had retired and were drauring their pension from the County. After ?a brief discussion, the matter was referred to the County Attorney for investigation and his opinion. AIR CONDITIONING CSC OFFICE The Executive Secretary reported that one of the air conditioners in the office of the Clerk of Superior. Count had burned out and after inspection by the repair man it is found that it will require an entirely new.'unit which will cost practically as much as a new window air conditioner. After consideration of this matter, Mr. NYayhan offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be authorized to secure informal bids for replacing the ,J !? Minutes of the Meeting July 1, 1963 Continued AIR CONDITIONING - CSC OFFiCE (Continued) air conditioner in the Clerk of Courts office and to have a new one installed as soon as possible. It was seconded by Nr. Braak and unanimously adopted. (The following.bids were received: Hanover Hardware Inc. 1 Carrier 208 v., 20,000 B.T.Uts for $347.11 Hughes Bros. Inc. 1 Fedders 208 v., 20,000 B.T.Uts for $374.07 We accepted the lowest bid and ordered the Carrier installed.) ` AIR CONDITIONING COURT ROOMS - Mr. J. R. Benson, Jr., representing Henry M. Von Oesen and Associates, the engineering firm designing the air conditioning system for the Covrt Rooms, eame before the Board at their request to discuss complaints by Court officials of the excessive noise made by the air conditioners. In order to get a first hand impression, the Board recessed to the Court Room and discussed the conditions. Mr. Benson suggested that the balcony creates a drumming effect caused by the vibration and recommended that one of them might be placed on the roof but the only place available for the other unit is in the hallway. If the units are p,laced in the hallway, it will necessitate the closing of the doors in order to accomodate the air ducts since the beam in the wa21 is a weight bearing beam and can not be disturbed but the closing of the doors violates the Buiiding Code. After experimenting with the units, the Board,, by common consent, agreed for the engineers to study the situation a little.further and bring in a set of recommendations for improving the conditions. He estimated the cost of moving the units into the hall at $800.00, ,. f 'RECORDERS COURT REPORTS - { Mr. Broadhurst stated that it is his understanding that the law requires the County Auditor to make an inspection of the records in the Clerk of Recorder's Court Office and report to the Commissioners each month. He proposed that the Execu- tive Secretary put this item on the Agenda for the first meeting of each month 'and if.: nd : report has been received up to that time,to so state. The Board agreed ` to this arrangement, by common consent. ? PETIT JURY - The folloaring good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning August sth, 1963; Criminal; August 12, 1963 Criminal; August 19th and 26th, Civil terms. kJurors - for the week beginninq August 5, 1963 -Criminal term James B. Allen, Sr. 2119 Gibson Av. William T. Anderson 9 Borden Ave. R. L. Atkins 3804 Wrightsville Av. Etheridge D. Barnhill 310 Davie Dr. J. M._.j3inkley B-154 Wrightsv. Beach Isham B. Blake 5003 Peachtree St. R. H. Bloodworth 5311 Wrightsville Av. Ro land A. Bowen 4204 Park Ave. R. A. Brand, Jr. 2919 Oleander Ds. William L. Brewer 409 Barclay Hil,ls Dr. Daniel Brinson 305 Williamson Dr. Dewey R. Brookshire 233 Oakcrest:Dr. Oscar Norris Brown Jr. 2 17 Rose Ave. T. Eugene Brown 223 Oakcrest Drive B. C. Bryan 220 Spruce Drive A. J. Carroll 1921 Market St. Curtis B. Clark 401 Northern Blvd. E. A. Cochran 2116 Barnett Ave. A. E. Cooper RFD 2, Box 230 L. W. Costin 2017 Pender Ave. W. F. Cox 10 F orest Hills Dr. Abraham Crummy 707 S. Kerr Ave. Herbert C. Davis,Jr .221 North 26th St. Robert K. Diedesch 311 Lullwater Dr. L. W. Downing 15 Woodlawn Ave. E. D. Anderson J. W. Andreors Austin J. Baker B. W. Best W. Ernest Blackburn Sam David Blanton Charles H. Bowen E. C. Bradshaw Dewey R. Breece Howard D. Bridges Thomas L. Brinson Earl W. Brown Oscar N. Brown Sr. Edmund R. Browning James G. Bryan J. L. Cherry Jack Y. Clontz Clifford Combs F. W. Copeland Harold P. Cox T. A. Crews Guy J. Davis C. L. DeVane B. J. Dillon James C. Edwards 18 Live Oak Ave,. 208 Mercer Ave. RFD 2, Box 217 Box 133, Carolina Beach 5301,0leander Dr. 2858 Carolina Beach Rd, 8 South 17th St. 5309 Greenleaf Dr. 4302 Wr.ightsv. Ave. , 511 Central Blvd. 3906 Wilshire Blvd. 218 S. 2nd St. 106 Pecan Ave. 5024 Barefoot Dr. 210 Pages Avenue Box 9,Jacksonville Ave. 202 Borden Ave. 223 Oakleaf Dr. 607 Central Blvd. 4912 Pine St. 4918 Pine St. 246 North 26th St. 307 Castle Hayne 106 Morningside Dr. 247 Spruce st. Jurors - week beginning August 12, 1963 - Criminal term / Luther Edwards 2206 Gibson Ave. W. IF?armer 3938 Winston Blvd. Lewis Farrow RFD #2, Box 87 R. V. Fulk 124 Colonial Dr. Billy E. Crarland 207 Bonham Ave. Horace V. Grant RFD 1, Porters Neck Harvey M. Gray 101 Bermuda Drive W. V. Hales 220 Pine Grove Drive W. Harrelson RFD #2, Box 1}22 ?red P. Harris RFD 2, Box 234 F. J. Hatley 3800 Peachtree St. L. P. Hinton 1919 Narket St. LeRoy Hollis 4113 Lake Ave. Oliver Graham Horrell 505 East Shipya d Lloyd H. Hudson B vd. 2221} Brandon Rd. Hayward Hulbert 110 Brentwood Dr. W. F. Ingold 126 Chadwick Ave. Berry G. Jenkins 4701 Wrightsville Ave. A. L. Jewell Box 580 Carolina BeaEh IV Wilbur C. Johnson 215 N. Wallace J. T. Jordan 3920 Wrightsville Ave. F. E. Jewell Carolina Beach N. C. Relmer C. Keith Sr. 119 Horne Dr. Joseph Clyde Knox Jr. 5349 Ridgewood Heights - Rudolph Honig 111 Borden Ave. Luther J. Edwards 5307 Greenleaf Dr. H. E. Farrow RFD 2, Box 29 J. B. Fox 2248 Oleander Dr. John H. Fussell 2721 Columbia Road William Elbert Grainger 312 Wood Dale Dr. Robert Woodferd Gravette 5031 Q2eander Dr. ? B. J. Griffith RFD # 3, Box 247 Cecil W. Harley 908 North Kerr Ave. Bascom B. Harrington Box 307 Carolina Beact? Henry G. Hartis 3835 Halifax Road I Douglas E. Hilliard 107 Tennesee Ave. A. B. Holliman RFD 2, Box 8 City Earl L. Hoover 5020 Wrightsv. Av. I R. T. Horton 4009 Cherry Ave. Robert S. Hufham, Sr. 38 u7ayne Drive Fostena P. Hunter Caro lina Beach N. C. J. R. Jackson 130 Whitman Ave. Roland V. Jenkins 427 Rosemont Ave. Henry R. Johnson RFD 2, Box 36 Bennie M. Jordan 3704 Carolina Beach Roa Harry P. Justice 302 North 43rd St. W. E. Kallfelz 3913 Wrightsville Ave. Edward B. 1{night 14 C ape Fear Blvd. C.W.B. I{orb Box 87, Wrightsv. Beach W. R. Lane 4727 Long Leaf Hills Dr , ?9e7 Minutes of the Meeting_ J.uly 1, 1963 (Conti_nued) ? -- --- - ?? - - Jurors for the week:beqinnina Auqust 19, 1963 - Civil I Louis W. Latham I C. W. Lewis W. M. Lewis Henry E. Longley Jr. Thomas E. MacCallum P Dudley Ivey Malpass H. H. Mathews + ?B. R. McLeod ?Paul G. Mills James B. Moore i Thurman T. Morgan T. O. Nn?rphy ? John A. Odham, Jr. Norman D. Padgett Norman E. Parks J. R. Peeler David T. Peterson ? R. 0. Piner Morris G. Pand J. K. Powers, Jr. J. UJilliam Price , Eddie Raynor J. F. Reed ? Eiiward B. Register,Jr. ` C. B. McCandless 530 C Dr. i Alton L Creasy . I ? 3 Park Ave 6022 Maria Lewis alter W e Front St s. 5 4 4200 Franklin Ave. Clarence E. Lipsey 3626 Winston Blvd. 1210 A2alea Dr. Herschel N. Lucas 208 Floral Parkway 301 WoodDale Dr. Melvin L. Mack 4636 Long Leaf Hills Dr. 221 Lake Forest Pkwy. Mack M. Marshburn 3028 Adams St. ' 1706 Carolina Beach Rd Joe C. May 131 Pine Cone Road 3704 Steatford Blvd. Thomas K. McGee RFD 1, Box 1$6 Castle Hayne ; 319 Cottage St. Jack B. Mercer 211 Brightwood Roadnc. 208 Francis N;arion P. C. Miner 3834 Hoggard Drive 17 North 25th St. J. W. Morgan 2328 Shirley Road 4407 N?arket St. John R.,Murchison 1309 Azalea Dr. 234 wood Dale Dr. Charles D. Nixon 210?Adelaide'Drive 3909 Carolina Beach Ntarion V. Orr Montgomery Ave. Kure Beach,N.C. Rd' Roy V. Page 18 Barnard Dr. 2716 Jefferson St. Bert B. Permenter 303(} Adams St. 3802 Peachtree John Wilson Permenter Jr. 2705 Wisteria Dr. 2813 Washington St. L. W. Piner Route 1, Box 281 106 Nlarion Drive Roger N. Piver Route 1,Castle Hayne,N.C. 2404 Market St. Herbert F. Porter 107 S. Giles Ave. 2919 Monroe St. Horace Lee Prevatte 4909 Pine St. 402 North 45th St. Joe A. Pridgen Castle Hayne,N. C. 5733 Oleander Drive James E. Reece 2005 Metts Ave.(221 S. 5th) 126 Victoria Jack K. Reese 4210 Edgewood Dr. 3907 Carolina Beach Rd. Gibson Register 204 Arlington Dr. Jurors for the week beginning August 26, 1963 - Civil Levy D. Register 95 Map11e Street Oscar E. Register A. C. Reynolds 5804 Oleander Dr. Theodore Rhodes W. C. Riggs Jr. Box 1316 Wilmington N.C L. L. Robersori Thomas M. Robinson 5332 Wrightsville Ave. Alton E. Rouse John W. Rouse Jr. RFD 2, Box 198 Edward S. Sanders J. H. Sasser 3516 Carolina Beach Rd. N. M. Sipe i George S1oan,5r. 104 Pine Grove Dr. J. A. Smith , William L. Smith 312 North Wallace C. ld. Sneed Frank Sneeden 5218 Wrightsville Ave. George Sommersett A. L. Southerland RFD 1, Box 278 Joseph M. Spencer ? William T. Spragens 1727 Carolina George M. Stephens James D. Streeter RFD 1, Box 129 A Hamilton B. Suttle James A. Tatum 4210 Peachtree Ave. James A. Taylor William C. Taylor,Jr. 1(}2 Pine Cone Rd. Will R. Taylor George W. Thomas 3927 Winston Blvd. Mack Linwood Thorpe Wade H. Tillery 1215 Country Club Blvd. W. T. Todd Douglas Bernard Upchur ch 21 01 Metts Ave. Leo G. Vereen R. W. 4Jaddell 1108 Hawthorne Rd. Raymond R. Wagner W. A. Walker 711 Country Club Road J. W. Walton Jr. Herbert Ward 312 Willard St. D. R.:Warlick Rubert Clarence Wells 615 N. Kerr Ave. Charles H. West Harold N. West 17 Y Lake Village J. V. Hlestbrook M. E. Wester 2116 Klein Road Joseph H. Weyers G. R. Willimms Jr. 2416 Belvedere Dr. Jerry R. Williams Joseph T. Wilson 111 Calhoun Dr. Henry W. Willis RFD 3, Box 373 2922 Monroe St. 3024 Adams St. 312 Francis Marion Dr. 8 Q Lake Uillage 229 Rose Ave. 615 North 25th St. Box 564 Carolina Beach RFD 3. Box 118 A 4118 Parke Ave. 206 Long St. Dr. 130 Pine Cone Road 110 North 23rd St. 3715 Stratford Road 54 Lake Village 202 S. 53rd St. 122 Lake FBrest Pkv.y. 5 SalisWrightsv. Beach N.C. 14410.Mockingbird Dr. 100 S. 41st St. 106 Pine Grove Dr. - 4420 Market St. 513 Bonham Ave. 4605 Long Leaf Hills Dr. 107 Francis Marion Dr. ADJOURNNiENT - • Mr. Mayhan offered a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Metts adopted. N unanimously . -`/ r W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary lailmington, N.C. July 15, 1963 IIASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meetino of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House at 10:15 A. M. on the above date with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. , D. Love and County Attorney,.L:..Bradford :Tdl3ery: ' INVOCATION - ! The Chairman declared that the invocation held at the joint meeting would suffice ? for tlaismeeting. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES . Upon motion of Mr: Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the meeting held on July lst, copies of which had been sent to each Commissioner, were unanimously approved as written. IAIR CONDITIONING - HEALTH BUILDING / Mr. Carl W. Hodges, owner of Hodges Electric Company, appeared before the Board and stated that he was speaking for Hughes Brothers, Inc. to whom he had quoted a price of $395.00 for a new service in the Health Department Building in order to install air condi- tioning. He discovered, after making his bid, that the present wiring system is old and continued - ? - • i? ?