1963-09-03 Regular Meeting? A9014 7 Y Wilmington, N. C. September 3.1963 ASSEMBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular semimonthly session today in the Commissioners Room of the Court House at 9:00 A. M. with the following in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, , Ernest R. Mayhan and John'Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - " The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend J. L. Newgent, Pastor of the Apostolic Church of :Tesus Christ, to give a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Complying with the decision at the regular'meeting on AugusL 5th to defer approval : of the Budget Discussion minutes to a later date, the Board-decided to approve the Budget Discussion minutes and have them inserted in the permanent records with the understanding ' that should Mr. Metts request any changes, it could be brought up before the Board at the next regular meeting and corrections decided at that time. ' Mr. Broadhurst offered a motiorr• .that the minutes of the Budget Discuasion thst?"t?e-m?aates'af=th'e--?t?dget.HiscIISStarrs be approved for the record, as stated above, and also the minutes of the regular meeting held on August-sth. It was seconded by both Mr. Braak and Mr. Ntayhan and unanimously passed. ' I BOARD OF ELECT30NS - / i Mr. Henry C. Bost, Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Elections,report- ? ed that a vacancy existed because of the recent resignation of Mr. E. C. Snead. The Demo- I cratic Executive 6ommittee will make recommendations for filling this vacancy. Mr. Bost i announced that he would submit his resignation as chairman of the New Hanover County Board of E1ections not later than December 31, 1963. He stated that being Chairman prevented him from taking an active part in politics as well as it was unprofitable from a business standpoint. He will Continue through the fall bond elections. He thanked the Commiss- ioners for their consideration in the past. AUTOMOBILE BIDS - / TRe Executive Secretary reported that he had advertised for automobiles for use by the Sheriff and Community Hospital as authorized by the Board. The bids were advertised to be opened at 9:00 this morning but letters received from dealers indicated that the automobile plants have stopped producing current cars for a model change and therefore they wouid not be in a position to submit bids until sometime in October. The Chairman instruct- ed the Executive Secretary to readvertise as soon as the dealers indicated they would be able to make bids. ROAD COMPLAINT - YORKTOWN DRIVE / Nr. W. J. Baldwin reported to the Board that several attempts had been made by , him "to. have YorkLown Drive accepted into the Secondary Road System for maintenance. The subdivision developer is deceased and the execut6rs of his estate refuses to honor the commitment made by him about the road imgrovements at the timethe lots were sold. He pre- sented copies of correspondence with the 5tate Highway Commion which expressed a sympa- thetic attitude with reference to the residents of the rodd but did not feel that the State Highway Commission should finance the entire cost of bringing the street to minimum construction standards. The suggested that the property owners purchase the necessary drainage pipe add participate in the 25% of the remaining cost of the improvement. The Highway laws do authorize the Commission to make minor improvements on roads that are not part of the State system but no provisions are made for continued maintenance. After a discussion of the problem, Mr. Braak offered a motion that this situation be cilled to the attention of the Highway Commissioner, Mr. Lauch Faircloth, and ask him for the minor d'mpnovements permitted under the Highway laws fbr this section of road. It was seconded by Mr-. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. . APPOINTMENT - TAX COLLECTDR ..,,Tax Collector Sam W. Johnson reminded the Board that his term of office expired as of Septemb2i? 1, 1963. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, Mr. Johnson was unanimously appointed to serve as Tax Collector for the next 2 year period, subject to ooncurring approval of the City Council. JOINTLY OWNED TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY - The Executive Secretary presented the foilowing jointly owned tax foreclosed lots which have been appraised by the County:ProperLy Appraisors at the fair market valuetion sh'own opposite the description of each one: B1. 275 Pt NWM 3416" x 78, 87' frm SE cor Wood & Green Frntg. on GreenSt. $200.00 B1. 300 Pt 4 8 5 481 x66t, 48, frm SE cor Wood & Moore Frnto. on Wood St. 350.00 B1. 300 Pt 5 8 6 96' x 451, 168' MooreEStor Moore & Dickinson Frntg. on 400.00 • B1. 300 Pt 4,3 x 2 MaE 1/3 4/5 EM 1350.00 B1. 300 Pt. 5& e, 36, x 961, 132 frm SE cor Dickinson 8 M;oore Frntg. on ? Noore St. 325•00 , Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Nr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved / their sale at the appraised values, subject to concurring approval of the City Council. Reconsideration: The Executive Secretary recalled that the Board has previously decided against Aelling the following described ,jointly owned tax foreclosed property be- cause it was in the general vicinity of proposed new Northside School and it is thought that the property values will increase. He reported that a local realtor, F. E. Livingston, has requested a reconsideration of these 1oLs because the appraisal represents a fair mar- ket value and the City Council has verbally agreed that if the County Board of Commissioners will approve their sale that they, too, will concur in approving it. After a brief dis- cussion, the Board instructed the Executive Secretary to inform Mr. Lingston that if the City Council formally agreed to the slle that they would be g2ad to have it resubmitted for their consideration. ? continued- ? ' . ,248 ~ Minutes of the Meeting September 3, 1963 Continued - ........ ..... _._..-- ----.. :_ -.-- B1• 1 349 Pt. 1 sb? x 57', r (,t & H rd 0' frm SE c?(b0? F t wa H g(?? H d) r n g. } or o r owar $300.00 81• 349 Pt. 283 30' x ']51, 117' frm SE cor 6th 8 Howard Frntg.,on 6th St. (1310 N. bth) 300.00 B1. 350 Pt. 3R(},60 x 751, 120 frm NW cor McRee & Taylor I Frntg. McRee St. (1309-1311) 400.00 B1. 350 Pt. 283, 601 x'1501 , 901 frm SE cor Howard & 7th Frntg. 7th St. (1312-1314 N. 7th SL.) 890.00 B1. 350 Pt. 283, 60'x 75, 1201 frm SW cor 8th & Howard _ Frntg. on Sth St. (1309-or 1311 ) 500.00 B1. 350 Pt. 3, 30' x 751, 150' frm NE cor Taylor & McRee Frntg. McRee 1312 McRee St. 200.00 I B1. 350 Pt: 2•& 3, 30 'x 751 ,1501 frm NE cor Taylor 8 McRee Frntg. on McRee 1310 McRee 200.00 B1. 350 Pt. 5 301 x 75, 60, frm NW cor 8th & Taylor ? Frntg. Taylor 717 Taylor St. 250.00 \ BEER PERMIT - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the following appli- cation for a Beer Permit was unanimously approved and referred to the 5heriff for in- vestig8tion and disposition. Clemmons Edward Rivenbark T/A 10 Mile Service Station RFD 1, Market St. Rd. RIVER CHANNEL DEEPENING ' Chairinan'Hall reported that Colonel George W. Gillette, Chairman of the Wilmington Port and Waterway Commission, requested the Board to for.mally add a word and: put their weight behind deepening the channel in the Cape Fear River. After discuss- ing the matter, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Chairman write a letter to each of the Senators and Congressmen in Washington and to the Soards of Commissioners in the adjoining counties in Brunswick, Bladen, Columbus, Onslow and Pender counties ura- ing them to support the development and deepening of the Cape Fear River. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimous2y adopted. ? COUNTY HONE DIRECTORS - ? The Executive Secretary called the Board's attention to the fact Lhat the terms of Mr. H. A. Marks and Mrs. H. A. Blackburn, as members of the Board of Directors I of the County Home have expired. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Nm. N'tayhan, i both of them were reappointed for 3 year terms to the Board of Directors for the New \ Hanover County Home. TAX WAIVER - ? A letter was received from the Seagate Volunteer Fire Department.announcing that they are sponsoring aCircus as a fund raLsing project. As the proceeds go for the yood of the department they asked that the Schedule B taxes be walved on this benefit II circus. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that this request be granted. It was secondzd , by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. IENGINEERING APPROPRIATION - An invoice was received from H. M. Von Oesen & Associates in the amount of I $396.00 for engineering services in connection with the enlarging of the turning basin in Northeast Cape Fear River above Wilmincton. Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved payment of the invoice out of the Advertising and lndustrial Development Fund with the u?erstanding that in event some of the alloca- tions aiready made depleted the fund it s'hould be replenished at that time. ? TRANSFER SCHOOL FUNDS - A letter was received from the County Board of Education and the Board of Trustees of the Industrial Education Center requesting division of funds previously allo- cated to the Board of Education for the operation of the Industrial Education Center during the fiscal year. ' To remain to the credit of the New Hanover County Board of Education and added to Code 626- Vocational Salaries ------------ $10,000.00 To be transferred to the credit of the Board of Trustees of the New Hanover County Indus- trial Education Center. -------------- 20,182.81 ?Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the request was unanimously granted. ROAD PETITIONS - i Petitions iwere received for adding to the State Maintained Secondary Road 5ystem for Lake Avenue to Halifax Road, Patsy Lane from the Gordon Road and Seacrest Drive south of the Wrightsville Causeway. After reviewing the needs for these roads. Mr. Braak offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, that they be approved and sent to the Highway Commission for their consideration. ? AIR CONDITIONING INSTRUCTIONS A letter was received from the Health Department outlining instructions given them by the firm which installed their air conditioning recommending that since the units are completely automatic that little savings vould be realized unless they were cut off P for a 2 day period ar longer. They stated that the units should be left on at all times except as above. After a discussion of this matter in which it developed that the Board had,by common donsent, previously given unanimous instructions for cutting off all air conditioning units each night, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that we continue to cut all air conditioners off at night as previously instructed. There was no second to the motion and the Chairman ruled it dead but the other members of the Board agreed to the previous instructions and want all air conditioners cut off each night. , W M3nutes of the Meetina September 32 1963 Continued_ ?CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR - RESIGNATION The Chairman read a letter from Colonel James B. McCumber referrinc to a con- ?I versation to remain as Director of Civil Defense until after the Cuban crises. It has now passed and he requests being relieved of his duties, effective October i, 1963. The Chair- man reviewed the fine contribution Colonel McCumber has made to the Civil Defense effort and suggested that the Civil Defense be continued. It has caused many thousands of dollars worth of equipment and supplies to be brought into the County. He has an application from ?i Michael Bibin, a retired Air Force Officer, with considerable experience in planning and_ programming Disaster Control Liason. He also reported interest by two other retired officers ; and he would interview them and report to the Board at an early date. Short Wave Radio - Mr. Broadhurst requested the Executive Secretary to investi- gate the location of a short wave radio purchased some time ago throught Civil Defense for use in the Sheriff's Department. (The Civil Defense Director advises that the radio is in , Lhe hands of a volunteer repair man being readied for delivery to the gheriff.) The Chairman stated that the Civil Defense DirecLor has submitted a statistical data report on the County Fallout ShelEer Program which can be reviewed by any member of the Board. RECORDER'S COURT CEILING - ? The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that Recorder's Court Judae Smith had requested him to have the ceiling of the Recorders Courtroom painted but in the dis- cussion he did not feel that it should be done with prison labor,therefore, bids were re- quested by outside painters. We have neceived only one amounting to $611}.1}0 which in- cludes removing all loose and scaling•:paint and allowing a primer coat to all bare spots with galvanized metal primer and then allowing 2 full coats of oil paint. There are 5,120 square feet to be painted which means that it can be done for 121 per square foot. After a thorough?discussion of this matter in which Mr. Braak offered a motion which was seconded by Mr. Mayhan that a contract be authorized.for the painting as outlined above. When the ballot was taken, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO", however, the Chairman declared the mbtion carried and authorized the Executive Secretary to proceed with the work. CERTIFIGATES OF MERIT - The Executive Secretary presented the proposed Certificates of Merit to the Cbm- missioners for_review and requested some definite instructions with reference to arrang3ng for their delivery. He informed the Board that some of the employees felt that it would be very nice to gave a banquet or an outdoor barbecue. After a brief discussion, the Chairman appointed a Committee to work with the Executive Secretary and make recommendations with reference to the details decided upon. The_:Committee is composed of Commissioner May- han and County Attorney Tillery who will work out the details and report back by the next meeting date. WELFARE - / Miss Lena Moore Hall, Director of Public Welfare, accompanied by N.B. Barefoot, a member of the Board, reported that there were two people from the Welfare Department enter- ing graduate school for the purpose of additional training and they wold like to obligate them to come back to New Hanover County after completing their course of instruction. At present they are in dire need of trained personnel. In order to assure their returning to New Hanover Couhty for at least one year they suggested that the County subsidize them a ? minimum of $100.00 per motrth. After discussing the'pros and cons of this pr.oposal, Mr. Broadhurst moved that the proposal not be allowed. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Braak voted "Aye" but Messrs.Broadhurst, Mayhan and Hali voted "Nay". The Chairman declared the motion carr'ied and the proposition was not granted. SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD - / A letter was received from the Principal of the new Edwin A. AldermanSchool stating that approximately 50 children would be crossing Shipyard Boulevard as they come to and leave school each day. He suggested a definite need for a crossing guard during the 'morning from 8:00 to 8:45 and in the afternoon between 2:30 and 3:30. After a thorough 'discussion of this problem, the Board, by common consent, authorized the Executive Secre- tary to refer this matter to the Sheriff's Department and State Highway Patrol for investi- ' gation and recommendation and to consider the transfer of the School Crossing Guards from South College Road at Lake Street. REPORTS - The Following reports were reviewed and ordered f31ed for information: 1- Agriculture Extension Work for July 1963 -1__? 2- Intangibles Tax ?istribution $295,804.08 ! 3- Change in Status of Welfare Clients. 4- Tax Collector's Report.?- ' 5- U.S.O. Club Report. i ?. 6- Wilmington Library Report. 7- Electrical Inspector's Report:? 8- Annual Report of the Commodity Distribution Program._?, PETIT JURY - The follotiuing good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning October 4, 1963 and October 21st- Civil terms; and October 28th, 1963- Criminal term. Jurors for the Week beginning Octobec 4th- 1963.- Civil term , I Eugene Allen Jr. George E. Alper J. O. Anderson Earl Andrew Baker S. F. Banks H.I. Barnes Gfiriti.6n L. '-Bea4er ' 'William Bellavance Kenneth H. Bishop 204 Dixie Ave. 1124 S. Hawthorne 203 Newkirk Ave. RFD 3, Box 245 325 Castle Hayne Rd. 128 Rutledge Dr. Box 306,Carolina Beach P. O. Box 223 Castle riayne 505$ Wrightsv. Ave. Esso Clemmons James E. Clemmons Jesse W. Collum Thomas J. Coston , R. G. Craft James Edtiaard Cumber L. D. Daniels ,1ack Davis J. Knight Davis W. H. Davis RFD 1, Box 228 Dr. 2217 Maple St. 211 W. Tenn. Ave. 2910 Monroe St. 4633 Long Leaf Hills RFD 3, Box 377 RFD 2, Box 109 AA P.O. Box 392 Carolina Beach Porter's Neck 204 Lake Forest Pkwy. continued- A F??a ?? Minutes of the Meeting 11? ? Jurors for October 4, 1963 - Civil Charles E. Bland C. J. Blanton Hubert Hc Bordeaux E. F. Bowen Milton E. Britton M. B. Brown 4Jilliam Robert Brown Zennie E. Brown A. B. Bumgarner R. A. Burnett, Jr. Ray Burress A. F. Capps, Jr. Charles D. Carmen Julian Bruce Chapman Ernest L. Ciark, Jr. 145 Colonial Cir. 1109 S. Front St. 135 Holbrook RFD 1, Box 191 (}03 Wrightsv. Ave. 41+03 Peachtree St. Jr.2629 Princess P1. 5808 Oleander Dr. 127 Long Leaf Dr. 2221 Plaza Dr. 414 Sunset Ave. 256 Greenville Ave. 110 Br an Ave John Henry Dawkins Alton Dixon Eugene A. Edens C.L. Efird Carl L. Fales P. C. Fariow . Thras Nicholas Fokakis R. C.Fowler William A. Franklin Louis Fronista Clyde W. Fuss6ll John L. Crarbade y Donnie L. Godwin 200 S. t}lst St. James M Goodrum 1124 Country C1. Rd. Morris Griffin Jurors for the week bepinninq October 21, 1963 - Civil Louis G. Heath Pearson E. Hendley Edward I. Herring Jr. J. P. Herring Jr. Wm. D. Herring A. Rae Hewlett Charles O. Hill . H. H. Hodgin James W. Hoffman Bernise Horton Louis J. Howard Austin Jackson A. J. Jamison Clyde Jones D. E. Jones, Jr. Billy Jordan Albert Lee Ke11y,5r. Leon W. Kennedy R. V. Kittle Jay C. I{line H. M. Kyle W. L. Lanier Victor M. Larkins Jr. G. J. Larson BEasJlq Hayne 2505 wrightsv. Ave. 1737 Carolina Ave. 1002 Chestnut St. 72 Pinecrest Pkwy. 228 Greenviile Ave. 2531 Harrison St. 2742 Harrison 24 Woodlawn Ave. 224 Spruce Dr. 3107 Market St. 4205 Franklin Ave. %Carollina°Beac?i 307 Virginia Ave. 3732 Carolina Bfiach 116 Vance St. 519 Park iTecrace 115 Laurel Dr. 1}631} Long fl,eaf Hills 110 Pinecone Rd. RFD 1, Box 189 1402 Sherwood Dr.. 8 2 Lake Village 316 Greenvilie Ave. Jurors for the week bepinninp October 28 - 1963 - Criminal C. C. Parmenter Hughey A. Pearsall James Pershie J. J. Petereon H. L. Privette P. C. Rann Charles F. Reed A. D. Reynolds B. M. Rich James C. Roberts Fulton P. Robinson Linwood W. Rogers William K. Russell Dan Laman Sandlin Murray I. Simon Bryon Simpson Dan Skinner Riley Smith R. W. Smith, Jr. Thomas E.'?'S ith Jr. l?Jilliam E. Sm th David Spivey Snowden w: Spooner Arthur R. Stanley Fred W. Stevens, Jr. ADJOURNMENT - Upon to adjourn the 309 Midland Dr. 2729 Harrison St. 807 New Bern St. 4804 Wrightsv. Ave. RFD 2 Box 320 RFD 3, Box 130 11 Cape Fear Blvd. 314 Frances Marion 616 N. 23rd St.Dr. 502 Bonham Ave. 5012 Pine St. 210 Greenville 1025 S. Lincoln Ct. 311 N. 43rd St. 2322 Prineess Dr. 192 Arlington Dr. 11 H. Lake Vii. 1804 Perry Ave. 15 N. 2na st. 213 Francis Mar?on RFD 3, Box 621 r• a3 Walianda Dr. 12 Wrightsv. Ave. 208 Midland Dr. RFD 3, Box 243 J. R. Lewis,Sr. R. E. Lewis S. S. Lewis Biilie S. Little K. G. Lloyd Ira V. Logg Robert Lyo.ns .Ir. John W. Magill, Jr. J. F. McCoy W. H. McEachern Jr. D. M. McIntosh Wm. P. McLamb Harvey Edaard McPhail B. K. Merritt J. W. Meyland, Jr. Charlie Glenn Miller Dick E. Miller Arthur E. Moore George A. Moore, Jr. Dr. C.R. Newell H. F. Newkirk, Jr. Rinaldo B. Aage T. O. Page J. 4di ley Parker Wm. L. Parker Lionel Stevenson I. J. Sutton Edward Tartt James Edward Taylor Thomas Teachey Edward B. Thomas R. C. Threatt John G. W. Tiencken R. S. Tilden Jr. James E. Todd Raymond L. Truett Adrain R. Verzaal John W. Voss, Jr. M. J. Walker W. C. Waller Elroy C. Ward Robert L. Ward Alton J. Watts E. L. West Love E. West Daniel Westbrook Ted D. sJilliams David W. Wilson Ben Woods William D. Wright 419 S. Kerr Ave. 2208 Maple St. RFD 1, Box 357 Efirds Dept. Store 1721 Orange St. 5017 Oleander Dr. 1913 Pender 903 N. Kerr Ave. 44 Beauregard 509 N. 23rd St. 245 Spruce Dr. 2. VendeSson St. . gh sv, each 4115 Lake Ave. 20tS Rose Ave. 5I fi Park Terrace Box 633 Carolina Beach? 1401 Chestnut St. 4221 Cedar Ave. 175 Colonial Dr. 153 Colonial Cir. 309 Adelaide Dr. (}300 Peachtree St. 2545 Burneft Blvd. 2014 Princess Rd. Dr. 201 Live Oak Pkwy. 315 N. 15th st. 1611 Moore Plaza 1601 Colonial Dr. RFD 2, Box 11 1901 Princess St. 214 Woodland Dr. 612 Rosemont Ave. 66 West Drive 4105 Greenfield St. 405 N. Kerr Ave. 1507 s. 4tn st. - 1336 S. B,ive Oak Pkwy. 2229 Oleander Dr. 2270 Mimosa Place 116 Holbrooke Ave. 55 Carolina Apts. Box 1199 218 Pieffer St. RFD 3, Box 451+ A 429 Henry St. 1316 Lincoln Rd. P.O. Box 936 815 Country Club Rd. 4016 Oleander Dr. 2110 Klein Rd. 105 Whitman Dr. 107 Glendale Dr. 1504 s. 4tn st. RFD 2, Box 195 304 S. 2nd St. 129 Holbrooke Ave. RFD 2, Box 222 AA 113 Laurel Dr. 1307 Princess St. 902 Kerr Ave. P. O Box 217 Cast?e Hayne M. C. Pickett Dr. 301 Hawthorne Rd. RFD 2, Box 356 A 109 S. 7th St. motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Nr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously voted meeting. W h I ` Secretary