1963-10-07 Regular Meeting =YA-M enSsmbsr-16_.-19_63_CflntSnv p ci \ TAX SUPERVISOR'S MILEAGE - The Chairman read a letter from the Tax Supervisor, calling attention to the fact that the Property Appraisors in his office can not possibly furnish and operate e car on the basis of ']e' per mile. For instance, one day they drove only 10 miles but made more than 25 stops and starts which means, under this plan, they only receive 701 compensation. He strongly recommends that the Board approve a flat amount for car allo - ance as in the past or furnish a car for them. No action was taken on this recommendatiol. RESOLUTION - Mr. Braak reported that a number of the Board of Commissioners for Pender Countiy ? had approached him with a request to draw a Resolution in support, of a road from the vicinity of Hampstead to Topsail Beach. As no one seemed to have any definite informa- tion with reference to exactly what they wished, the Executive Secretary was instructed to get in touch with the Chairman and ask them to outline just what they wanted. \SURPLUS CONM0DITY PROGRAM - The Commodity Supervisor called attention to the oversight on the part of the Board to include a 10% increase for two employees of the Surplus Commodity staff. He stated that it was unintentionally overlooked. No action was taken on this request. tion: REPORTS - The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for informa- I 1-? Cooperative Extension Work 8 Home Economics Agenttt Report. 2- Wilmington Public Library Report. 3- Notice of Formal Hearing of the State Board of Allotments Appeal scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 17th. ' \(}- Electrical Inspector's Report. 5- Thank-you letter from Stanley A. South for the State Department of Archives and History, in appreciation of their cooperation and support of the Hebe I Skirmish Ground Breaking Ceremony at Fort Fisher. I ADJOURNMENT - ' i, There being no further business to be brought before the Boar , Mr. Braak moved ? that they adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan` uriimously approved. W. /w tive S ldiimington, N.C. October 7th,1963 ` ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissfonerwas held on this date in the Commissioners' Room of the Courthouse at 9:00 A. M. with the ' following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broad- ' hurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., Cnunty Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. Commissioner Peter H. Braak was out oF the city and unahle to attend the meeting. I INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend W. T. Mercer. Pastor of the Church of Nazarene, to give a prayer for guidance over the morning's session APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - I Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the special called meeting on September 13th and the regular meeting on September 16th, 1963 were I unanimously approved as written. ?TAX SETTLEMENT - 1962 , Mr. Sam W. Johnson, City-Covnty Tax Collector, presented the following settle- ment of 1962 taxex and stated that there was a 95•4% collection on the yearts levy: Correction to Tax Scroll As per Re-Cap Corrected Total Listed as per abstract Real & Personal 11 it ° it it Not Llsted " " " " Personal Late Listings " 't " " Back Tax Less Abatements Listed by Tax Supervisor 8 Collector Penalty Collected Adv. Cost Collected Real Estate Sold For Taxes Not Listed " " 't Delinquent Personal Property Prepayments Discount allowed by Tax Collector Deposited in Wachovia Bank Over Dve to City by County Known over-payments NET OVERAGE 67,947•49 10,253.63 29,782.72 49 0 , 221. 49 4,544.62 1,756,369.87 $ 14,733•77 2. 341 ,Wt9.0Ei z, 356,1tsz. ts3 2,306,188.23 II 45,223.60 4,542.48 z28.52 2,356,162.d3 p 3,816.60 2,352,366.23 1,612.20 li 4,487.68 • 233.70 ' 2,358,699.81 I z,359,119.82 l}20.01 3aj: 6? /W1. 39 M inizS-e s_o f t h e_Me_e tin o <?cS..ob.er 7_.-L9.6 3-1r oatin.ueA1 TAX SETTLEMENT - 1962. (continued) Nr. Mayhan moved that the report be accepted, subject to audit, and the motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. TAX BOOKS - 1963 / County Auditor T. D. Love presented the Tax Books as prepared for the 1963 taxes. He stated_that the total valuation in the the County amounted to $171,869,068 with an increase of approximately $7,000,000 more than last year, and that the total taxes •.. charged on the tax books for 1963 amounted to $2,444,1}08.30. He pointed out that most of ? the poll tax collected now is from outside the city limits and that this seemed to be an indication that people were moving out in the suburbs of the County. The books were accept- ed by common consent and the Chairman authorized to sign them, whereupon they were delivered ? to Sam J. Johnson, Tax Collector. ' ? HIGH SCHOOL BRND UNIFORMS - ? Mr. Wallace I. West, principal of the New Hanover High School, appeared before the Board in behalf of the High School Band and the Band Boosters Club. He informed the Board that there are over a hundred students in the band and that the uniforms they are using were bought back in 1950. He pointed out that until recently the City had given 4% of the gate receipts at the Stadium to the band. Although he made no specific request for funds at this time, he asked that ths Commissioners have a sympathetic and understanding feeling if and when the City:.Council sent a committee to see them for the purpose of dis- cussing the financing of band uniforms. I!I New Hanover Athietic Association - Nr. West also told the Board members that ? there had been some questions voiced in regards to the books of the Athletic Associatfon. He s ta te d t ha t t hey were kep t by t he Boar d o f E duca t ion an d t ha t anyone w is h ing Lo ge t in- ?formation from them could have access to them at the High School. ROA? PETITION - 5200 Block on Pine St. Z_? Mrs. Alma H. Miller presented a road petition from property owmers in the 5200 Block on Pine Street for whatever minor repairs and maintenance could be given by the State Highway Department. She stated that there was no room for more than 9 401 right-of-way but the road was a very sandy one and in such poor condition that some repair was needed urgently. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seoonded by Mr. Mayhan, the petition was approved and referred to the State Highway Department. ` GROUND 19IATER SURVEY REPORT - Mr. George L. Bain gave a report on the work progress of his investigation of ? water resources in the County. He presented the Commissioners with a copy of the work outline of the project for-the four year period in order that they might review it as he talked. He stated that he was still gatherino data and that the work was progressing as scheduled. He 'reminded the Board that the water table is a fiuctuating one which is up and down with the . tides. He stated that approximately 235 wells have been inventoried and that recently they , had done a good bit of exploratory drilling and have collected many samples in order to find out what they have at different depths. He felt that the survey will be of great value to property owners, for industrial development and for fuLure zoning and development purposes. j He promised to acquaint the Board with his progress every three months. ? AUTOMOBILE BIDS - / The Chairman stated that sea2ed proposals for furnishing automobiles for the ,Sheriff's Department and Community Hospital had been received. He then read aloud the ad- vertisement for bids listing the specifications in detail, after which he opened bids by the Raney Chevrolet Co., Cape Fear Motor Sales and Atlantic Motors, Incorporated. The pro- posals included one item, a radio in the hospital station wagon, which the Commissioners felt was unnecessary and should be excluded. All the bidders agreed among themselves that $40.00 would be deducted for the radio in this parLicular vehicle. After considering the 'bids further, it was revealed that the bid bond posted by the Cape Fear Motor Sales was not 'in the proper amount, having been too low, and that the check presented b$r the Atlantic Motors, Incorporated was not a certified check. The County Attorney ruled that both of these companie.s had not filed the proper bid bonds as required, in his opinion, and that although the bid by the Raney Chevrolet Company was in order, it was a competitive bid and therefore all bids shouid be rejected and the matter re-advertised. Mr. Metts moved that ,the County Attorney's ruiing be accepted, that the bids and bid bonds posted be returned to • ithe bidders and that the bid proposals be revised and re-advertised, subject to the approval iof the County Attorney. The motfon was seconded by Nr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. CONSOLIDATED BOARD OF HEALTH - Mr. Broadhurst called the Board's attention to a letter by Dr. C. B. Davis, whichl'? !was handed to Mrs. Josephine B. Liles, an employee of the Board of Health, as she returned to work this morning foilowing a period of sick leave..,County Auditor T. D. Love s,tated that everything was a1L right in the Health Department, or words to.that effect. After a pro and con d35cussion, 'a"rnotion was made by Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Nayhan, that the salary of Dr. C. B. Davis, Health Director,be withheld until such time as it can be ascertained why iMrs. Lyles was discharged. A substitute motion-,.was then made by Mr. Metts that the Board 'of Health be requested to conductacomplete investigation of the Health Department. Mr. Metts then took the Chair and Mr. Hall seconded this moti•on. When the question was called, Mr. Mayhan and Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO" and Mr. Mr. Metts voted "Yes" and it resulted in a tie vote. The question was then called on the original motion. Mr. Mayhan and Mr. Broadhurst voted "Yes" and Mr. Hall and the Chair voted "NO" after the County Attorney ruled that this Board, in his opinion, had no authority to withhold salary so long as Dr. Davis is an employee of the Consolidated Board of Health. This opinion was based upon the fact that the Budget was jointly arrived at by the City and CounCy Boards. It is also based upon the fact that such action would constitute discliarge of an employee which is beyond the jurisdiction of this Board. Mr. Hall expressed the opinion that he felt the Board of Health would be agree- able to an investigation but stated that they did not have enough in their budget for this purpose. Mr. Hall then made a motion that funds be made available from the Emergency Fund to audit anc?i-nvestigate all funds of the Consolidated Board of Health relative to any alleged discrepancies. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and it was unanimously approved. 'At this point of the meeting, Mr. Hall resumed the Chair. 'A Pr- r?5,13 Mj-n,Utes of`the Meeting _ October 7,-19-63 _Continued i AcLEASEME r - -- ? Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously ?X?-ted to approve the Easement Agreement with the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad over track to reach the new cemetery tract in the Flemington Subdivision, subject to the approval i of the County Attorney, and authorized Chairman Hall to siyn the Agreement. PUBLIC WELFIARE DEPARTNENT - Mr. Napoleon P. Barefoot, a member of the Public Welfare Board, and Miss Lela ' iMoore Hall, Welfare Director, appeared before the Board and requested the avthori2ation for a change in positions from Steno III to a Public Welfare Worker I at no additional cost to the County. After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts made a motion that this re- quest be granted at no cost to the County. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimousl, passed. ' `HEART ASSOCIATION REQUEST - A letter was received from Dr. George Lumb, President of the New Hanover Count Heart Association, requesting that travel allowances for Mrs. Mae Mcinnis, the nurse at the Health Department who is in charoe of the Heart Clinic, are set at $30.00 deprecia- tion, plus 4e per mile of travel. As payment of her salary and allowances as a Public I Health Nurse are made directiy from funds of the American Heart Association, it was felt that local regulations should not jeopardize this arrangement, therefore, they asked ? that approval be given for changing the present allowances of 71 per mile back to the ?i original agreement as outlined above. After considering the request, the Board authorized that it be referred to the Board of Heaith for handling, \BEACH ER05ION REQUEST - Carolina Beach Chairman Hall called the Board's attention to a letter which had been receivedl from the Mayor of Carolina Beach, North Carolina in which they asked for $1,200 from the ! County-to:.do?a:bfilwark'ijob at the northern end of Carolina Beach as an emergency measure,', pending the completion of the berm project. After some discussion, Mr. Broadhurst made a motion that the Board appropriate $1:,200 for the emergency repair work at Carolinal Beach, it being understood that this sum be eventually credited as a portion of the Count'YIs share of permanent berm to be established. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan,and unanimouslyl approved. \ NEGRO HOME DEMONSTRATION OFFICE - fi8nge I The Board again discussed the matter of supplying a range for use in the IVegro Home Demonstration Agent's Office as previously requested. By common consent, the Board referred the matter to the Executive Secretary and requested that he investigate , ?the possibility of bottled gas. PETITION - SPEED LINIT North Kerr Ave. The Board reviewed a petition from residents along North Kerr Avenue requestin? a 35 M.P.H. speed limit along Lhat street. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Nr. Mayhan, the petition was unanimously approved and referred to the State Highway Com- mission for their disposition. ? BEER PERMITS - II The following applications for Beer Permits were reviewed and upon motion' of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Nayhan, they were unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff's Department for consideration and investigation: ? William F. Tilley Jr. T/W Tilleyts Food Store 4924 Wrightsville Ave. I Mrs. Daisy C. White L_ \ BOARD OF HEALTH - Salaries ' Chairman Hall called attention to the following four employees of the Consoli-I dated Board of Health whose pay status was incorrectly reported at Budaet time: Annie Lou Davis, Allen Keith Glover, Brenda Lee Rabon and Etta W. Farrow. As no motion was made, no action was taken. T/W Brooklyn Cafe 723 N. 4th St.. ?`SURPLUS COMMODITY - Refrigeration Chairman Hall called the Board's attention to a letter from Jay P. Davis, Director of the NorLh Carolina Commodity Distribution Program, asking that we consider the possibility of distributing creamery butter to needy families. This item is avail- abie and could be shipped monthly along with other commodities, but would necessitate refrigeration. He suggested the use of commercial storage plus a refrioerator at the distribution warehouse. After some discussion, the matter was taken under advisement, by common consent, and the Executive Secretary is requested to seek further information from the Commodity Supervisor in regards to costs and plans. ( WELFARE LIEN - A Memorandum from the Executive Secretacy explained that Attorney L. Gleason Allen has a prospective purchaser for a piece of property upon which he had faund a lien of $7,324,00 by the Public Welfare Department for subsistance grants since 1951 to Mrs. Henrietta Hendereon Petteway, the former owner of the property. The land is described as being approximately five (5) acres and located on Rock Road. The County Appraisors have placed a valuation cf $1500.00 upon the property as a fair market value.. Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously voted to authorized the County Attorney to cancel the lien upon receiptof the sale funds. ?. RECORDER'S COURT CEILING - • Pursuant to a recent request by Judge H. Winfield Smith for lowering the ceiling of the Recorder's, Courtroom, and following a brief discussion, Mr. Broadhurst made a motion to advertise for bids for lowering the ceiling in the Recorder's Courtroom and for any necessary repair work in connection thereof. It was seconded by Mr. Nay- han and unanimously approved. Mr. Love reported, as County Auditor, that money paid to Nr. Swift Garrett for funds he claims to have spent for proposed work in the Courtroom, had been reimbursed to the County from private sources. BEREAVEMENT - i The Board noted the absence of the Executive Secretary and expressed its sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Houck on the death.of Mrs. Houck's mother, Mrs. George R. Anderson. a 2_ ?? Minutes of the Meeting October 7, 1963 Continued -„ ? _._.. _ -- - --- -- PETIT JURY - - - A new method was used in the selecting and recording of jurors for the trial of in Superior Court. As the names were drawn from. the #1 side of the Jury Box, they were announced by the Deputy Sheriff assisting, a written record made of the jurors selected at that time, and then they were immediately placed in the #2 side of the .lury Box. This iprocedure is to be followed in the future. Jurors were selected for the foiIowing weeks: November 4, 1963 - Criminal term; November 18th and 25th - Civil terms. Jut'ors?for• tfie.ti+eek of November 4Lh - Criminal William W. Alford Albert A. Arnold V. A. Averitt Mrs. William Berry !E. D. Blake M. C. Boyette nRobert $ryant E. M. Burris ilWilliam Calloway Oscar Capps Mary M. C2emmons M. V. Coble J. W. Covil Thomas L. Craven W. G. Croom H. C. Davis IA. F. Dicksey Mrs. Helen M. Doran E. Warren Edwards Elm (L.M.) Everett James H. Forbes H. C. Foster David Fox Uohn S. Fulton AEdna G. Futch ?.Jnrors.for the week RFD 3, Box 46 217 Robert E. Lee Dr, 436 Robert E. Lee Dr. 520 s. Stn St. 2808 Market St. RFD 1, Box 246 200 Maryland Ave. 3826 Hoggard Dr. 208 Jackson St. 101 North Hinton Ave. 6335 Oleander Dr. RFD 1, Box 200 RFD 1; Box 165 D 705 Bladen St. 2212 Plaza 06 Wrightsville Ave. RFD 2, Box 202 105 Columbia Ave. 176 Colonial Cir. 109 Pine Grove Dr. 2249 Park Ave. 549 Barham Ave. RFD 2, Box 341 RFD 1, Box 199 910 North 3rd St. ' of November 13 1963 - Civi 1 ' Mrs. G. W. Garner Herman J. Gerdes Linwood L. Grissom Fred C.Hansen Sr. Cora Harris Helen R. Hicks W J. J. Howse 'Wm. Thomas Hunt i Barton J. Johnson Jr. S. R. Johnson Susan Keith W. F. King John K. Lewis Nichael Labriola Daisy Lyles Roger W. Matthews Starkey McCulloch,Jr. Wm. G. Milligan J. W. Mills Victor E. Monroe Eddie Moore R. D. Moore C. B. Morris . John Linwood Newton B. F. Ozment Sr. Box 449, Castle Hayne 2312 Beivedere Dr. F-9 Oleander Ct.Apts. 124 Gordon Road RFD 1,.Box 22 Box 1195 704 Queen St. Apt. C-5 Oleander Cts. 4-E Nesbit Cts. 6313 Oleander Dr. 702 Dawson St. 707 S. Front St. RFG 2, Box 276 5323 Oleander Dr. 812 Grace St. RFD 1, Box 198 613 Nori,h llth St. 1116 Marstellar St. 3719 Market St. 512 South 13th St. 814 Queen St. 506 North lOth 5t. 2917 Princess St. 2417 Metts Av. 4201 Wriyhtsv. Av. 0, W. Anderson William L. Ashley Robert BatLs Charles T. Blake Robert Bianding Lessie Broi,m Lyda B. Burnish Mrs. J. A. Burriss Luther James Cameron Elbert E. Cavenaugh Addie Coble ldm. J. Costello J. F. Craft Barbara H. Crawford Mrs. Daisy Grumpler Mrs. L.J. DeVane Alfred G. Dickson Graham R. Eason Julius Evans Stephen Flowers Jr. JohnC. Fordham, G. G. Fountain Louis O. Freshwater Arthur Furloiw Paul Leonard Cralog William E. Garris John M. G2over Rebecca Hankins Callie B. Hardeman Fred Herring James L. Holloway H. H. Hudson IN§ss Dorothy Jackson Doris Ammons Johnson ,lames Franklin Kelly R. H. Kenan Dudley C. Lewis Walter Lewis S. F. Linton Bruno J. Marino James Mays Mrs, Paul McNorton C. W. Mishoe Wilson H. Mills Mrs. E. C. Moore,Jr. Henry Moore James M. Morgan Alice M. Murvin W. S. Northrop R. M. Padrick Jr. .lurors for the week of November 25, 1963 - Civil C. J. Peterson RFD 1 Box 5 Mary J. Potter 707 South 18th St. W. C. Ramseur 573 Castle Hayne Rd. T. W. Reaves, 4240 Greenfield St. Lora E. Rice RFD 3, Box 545 Jessie Rollinson 916 South 9th St. T. M. Saleeby 1912 Woolcott Ave. Mary Simmons 613 South "jth St. Reinhold Smeilus RFll 2, Box 24 Walter Smith 604 Nprth 5th Av. Estelle Spindler 501 S. 3rd St. Elizabe.th P. Stevenson 132 Coloniai Dr. James E. Teeter Box 58, Carolina Beach Mark B. Thrash 910 S. 9th St. V. B. Tucker 222 Holm2ock Ave. John N. Turner RFD 1, Box 222 Ann C. Tuttle Box 565 Carolina Beach W. Calvin Waldrow 2506 Jackson St. N. F. Walton 118 Keaton Ave. Hubert Webb 403 Noble Ave. Wm. J. Wehrhahn 408 Nun St. Duval M. Vlilliams Box 1155 Mildred Vlilliams 41 South 16th St. Beatrice Willis 505 Dawson St. Nrs. W. R. Yopp Box 357 Delores F. Pope R. C. Rackley Horace Reaves T. N. Reece L. M. Roach Leon F. ftooks Jr.' Wa.lter M. Singletary Alice Borden Sisson James.M. Smith Wm. N. Smith J. F. Stalworth Rudolph Stewart Wilson B. Thigpen David Troutman George Belle Turner George W. Turner Walter B. Wakeland Robert H. Walker J. P. Watts Donovon 4Jells 'rJalter Allen Wentz Leo Wi2liams R. S. Williams W. L. Wright cases? I I i 554 Castle Hayne Rd. 104 Alabama Ave. 325 South 6th St. RFD 2, Box 196 1214 South 8th St. 309 MacRae St. 70$ Market St. RFD 2, Box 119 211 }{idder St. 2407 Poplar St. 1305 North lOth St. 304 Sunset Ave. 2118 Barnett Ave. 6325 Oleander Dr. 1039 Caro&HlR2'$each 47 Lake Forest Pkwy. •RFD 1, Box 310 C. 5451 47rightsville Ave. RFD 3, Box 513 315 south 1(}tn St. Kure Beach 4729 Long Leaf Hills 168 Colonial Vil, RFD 1, $ox 466 408 Pine Hill Dr. 2114 Market St. 6 Pinecrest Pkwy Box 1}!}3 RFD 1 Box 82 B 1403 Wooster St. RFD 3, sox 538 122 Castle Hayne Rd. 202 Keaton Ave. 315 Walnut St. 13 D Taylor Homes 161 Colonial Vil. Box 178 Carolina Village 911 Grace St. 2812 Chestnut St. 4122 Peachtree Ave. RFD 3 B 556 Castle Hayne 4205- Lake Ave. 126 Brookwood Ave. 1307 Orange St. 204 North 15th St. Box 1 14 Cas t 2 e Hayne 1918 Market St. 2951 Aark Ave. 910 North 3rd St. 220 North 5th St. 1 Q Lake Village Kure Beach 2524 Adams St. 3015• N,onroe St. RFD Box 466 B 1106 904 South Front St. sox 1623 . 1 3614 Wiriston Blvd. 1206 MacRae St. 1209 King St. 2720 Jackson St. 1111 South 9th St. 222 Oakleaf Dr. 143 Parkwood Dr, 4944 Pine St. 420 North 2nd St. 146 Brentwood Dr. 114 Gordon Road 2114 Barnett Ave. Box 603,Carolina Beach ? II I Minutes of the Meeting October 7, 1963 Continued REPORTS - ( The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed: ?1-J • Grand Jury Report for the September 1963 term. 2- ?ome Economics Extension Agent's Report for September 1963 3-ILetter of acknowledgement from Rear Admiral H. J. Wuensch, U. S. Coast Guard Commander, with reference to the Resolution presented Lt. Cmdr. L. W. Goddu,Jr. 4- Copy of letter from Henry C. Bost to the State Board of Elections officially notifying them that he had vacated his membership and the Chairmanship of the New Hanover County Board of Elections. ADJOURIVMENT - There being moved that the meeting passed. L. B. Tillery Acting Clerk Wilmington, N. C. October 21,1963 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissione'rs was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House with the foliowing members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr.; Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr, and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. was not present since he was attending a meeting of the National Association of County Tax Assessors, INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend A. L. McGee, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - N'?r. Broadhurst requested that the following statement be inserted immediately following "a period of sick leave" in the paragraph headed Consolidated Board of Health. "The County Auditor, T. D. Love, Jr. stated that in his opinion everything was all right in the Health Department, or words to that effect." After making the above amendment, ? Nr. Mayhan moved the approval of the minutes which was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. ?DOG POUND - A group of citizens representing the New Hanover Hvmane Society appeared be- fore the Board, headed by Miss Camilie Carroll, spokesman, who reported that since their last visit to the Soard conditions at the dog pound had improved after Mr. Lockamy had been added -,. , ?.,.. :,c,: to the Sheriff's°'Department as Dog Warden. At the present time, he is on duty only three days a week and conditions are beginning to be progressively worse because he does not have time to devote to the needs. She also called attention to a lack of provisions for cats and as there are many kittens and cats that need to be picked up and put away,this service should be provided. She also complained that the Sheriffs Department would not have sufficient help to handle the many calls and therefore she recommended a full-time Dog Warden. The dogs are be- ing fed once a day by scraps but the amount of ineat contained in the scraps is inadequate She also complained about the pound not being cleaned. They recommended that an Animal Control Authority be appointed with a member of the Board of County Commissioners, representatives from the5heriff's Department and the Board of Health and two from the Humane Society with the idea in mind of seeing if the City and County Doa Pounds couid merged into one full time operation with a full-time Dog Warden. After some discussion, the Board unanimously agreed to investigate the conditions and make any corrections they felt advisable. . ? CONSOLIDATION - Mr. George Losak, representing the League of Independent Voters, presented a Resolution sicned by Neal Wright, as Chairman, requesting the Board to initiate a study to survey the feasibility of consolidating New Hanover County into one governing body. They pointed out that such a move would prove most beneficial from an economic standpoint Mr. Losak stressed tYie need for information on which to base judgements and urged the Board of Commissioners to request such a survey by the Institute of Government. Chair- man Hall pointed out that this same question had been previously investigated and they had found that the cost of such a study was estimated to be not less than $5,000. After a brief discussion, Mr. Nrayhan offered a motion that the Institute of Government be askedi for an estimate of the cost of such a survey. It was seconded by h1r. Metts and unani- mousiy approved. \ ROAD PETITIONS - ? Petitions were reviewed requesting the addition of Heritage Park Drive and ? Pilgrim Circle to the gtate Naintained Secondary Road 5ystem. Mr. Broadhurst moved, seconded by N?r. Braak, that the petitions be approved and sent to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. The foilowino application for a Beer Permit was reviewed and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr: Metts, unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff for investieation and consideration. no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Metts I be adjourned. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously I, \ BEER PERMIT - Leo Crawford 1llcDonald T/A McDonald Snack Shop 1e4 Red Cross St. \a