1963-10-21 Regular Meeting Minutes of the Meeting October 7, 1963 Continued REPORTS - ( The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed: ?1-J • Grand Jury Report for the September 1963 term. 2- ?ome Economics Extension Agent's Report for September 1963 3-ILetter of acknowledgement from Rear Admiral H. J. Wuensch, U. S. Coast Guard Commander, with reference to the Resolution presented Lt. Cmdr. L. W. Goddu,Jr. 4- Copy of letter from Henry C. Bost to the State Board of Elections officially notifying them that he had vacated his membership and the Chairmanship of the New Hanover County Board of Elections. ADJOURIVMENT - There being moved that the meeting passed. L. B. Tillery Acting Clerk Wilmington, N. C. October 21,1963 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissione'rs was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House with the foliowing members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr.; Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr, and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. was not present since he was attending a meeting of the National Association of County Tax Assessors, INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend A. L. McGee, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - N'?r. Broadhurst requested that the following statement be inserted immediately following "a period of sick leave" in the paragraph headed Consolidated Board of Health. "The County Auditor, T. D. Love, Jr. stated that in his opinion everything was all right in the Health Department, or words to that effect." After making the above amendment, ? Nr. Mayhan moved the approval of the minutes which was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. ?DOG POUND - A group of citizens representing the New Hanover Hvmane Society appeared be- fore the Board, headed by Miss Camilie Carroll, spokesman, who reported that since their last visit to the Soard conditions at the dog pound had improved after Mr. Lockamy had been added -,. , ?.,.. :,c,: to the Sheriff's°'Department as Dog Warden. At the present time, he is on duty only three days a week and conditions are beginning to be progressively worse because he does not have time to devote to the needs. She also called attention to a lack of provisions for cats and as there are many kittens and cats that need to be picked up and put away,this service should be provided. She also complained that the Sheriffs Department would not have sufficient help to handle the many calls and therefore she recommended a full-time Dog Warden. The dogs are be- ing fed once a day by scraps but the amount of ineat contained in the scraps is inadequate She also complained about the pound not being cleaned. They recommended that an Animal Control Authority be appointed with a member of the Board of County Commissioners, representatives from the5heriff's Department and the Board of Health and two from the Humane Society with the idea in mind of seeing if the City and County Doa Pounds couid merged into one full time operation with a full-time Dog Warden. After some discussion, the Board unanimously agreed to investigate the conditions and make any corrections they felt advisable. . ? CONSOLIDATION - Mr. George Losak, representing the League of Independent Voters, presented a Resolution sicned by Neal Wright, as Chairman, requesting the Board to initiate a study to survey the feasibility of consolidating New Hanover County into one governing body. They pointed out that such a move would prove most beneficial from an economic standpoint Mr. Losak stressed tYie need for information on which to base judgements and urged the Board of Commissioners to request such a survey by the Institute of Government. Chair- man Hall pointed out that this same question had been previously investigated and they had found that the cost of such a study was estimated to be not less than $5,000. After a brief discussion, Mr. Nrayhan offered a motion that the Institute of Government be askedi for an estimate of the cost of such a survey. It was seconded by h1r. Metts and unani- mousiy approved. \ ROAD PETITIONS - ? Petitions were reviewed requesting the addition of Heritage Park Drive and ? Pilgrim Circle to the gtate Naintained Secondary Road 5ystem. Mr. Broadhurst moved, seconded by N?r. Braak, that the petitions be approved and sent to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. The foilowino application for a Beer Permit was reviewed and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr: Metts, unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff for investieation and consideration. no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Metts I be adjourned. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously I, \ BEER PERMIT - Leo Crawford 1llcDonald T/A McDonald Snack Shop 1e4 Red Cross St. \a 261 1 Minutes of the Meetino October 21, 1963 Continued TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY - / The Executive Secretary reported that Mr. J. E. L. Wade had requested a re- corisideration of a jointly owned tax foreclosed parcel of land described as beino in Bronx A and part of Lot 9 which was approved for sale on September 16, 1963 at $350.00 which was the appraisal made by the County Property Appraisors. Mr. Wade says he owns the lot next , to it whicn he is willing to sell for $300.00 but it is too small to build a house on and I ' therefore his prospective buyer will give $300.00 for the County lot. After considering ? this matter, the Board unanimously agreed, by common consent, that they would not change ' the Appraisorslvaluation of $350.00 and therefore refused the offer of $300.00. SURETY BOND - ? A Surety Bond written by the National Surety Corporation in the amount of $37,500.00 effective October 1, 1963 to October 1, 1965, assuring the performance of Sam W. Johnson as Tax Collector was presented for approval. After the County Attorney had approved the Bond as to form, the Board unanimously, upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, formally approved it. SURPLUS COWtODITY WAREHOUSE - ? Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. informed the Board that the Urban Development Commiss- ion is approaching the time when the building in which our Surl?lus Commodity Program is be- ing carried on will have to be demolished and the A. C. L. R.R.°fs willing to lease their bJarehouse "B" which is 49.8 x 1221 at a monthly rental of $101.25 on an "as is" basis. The lease is to be a tenant at will agreement with either party having the right to.cancel upon 30 days written notice. He stated tHat some repaYrs would be necessary but so far as he could learn by a preliminary examination they would not amount to more than $500.00. After briefly discussing the pros and cons, Mr. Broadhurst offered the motion that the County 'i enter a lease with the stipulation that the first term be one year and that the lease agree- I I ment begin on Jan. 1, 1964 and that permission be given to enter the property prior to the lease date in order to make the necessary repairs to the Building, and that the Chairman be authorized to complete the agreement if the terms above outlined are acceptable. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted. I SURPLUS CONiMODITY REFRIGERATION - / As requested at'the last meeting, the Executive Secretary reported that after investication, Mr. Holton had found that refriceration for handling butter taould average approximately $45.00 per month throuoh a commercial storage plant. He-stabed-thab-tHey orat???ait?na?:e.-s?g?ets?ma?e?y-???:66-p¢?-mon??-thcoag?i-?-comme?cia#-3?brag"e-p?ari?.- •4ie stated that they would handle approximately 5,000 lbs.per month and that the shipments would come in lots of 170,000 lbs., After a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages, the Board decided by common consent to bable this matter at the present time and not enter into the , handling of butter. II JAIL- APPROPRIATION ? , County Jailor J. E. Johnson advised the Board that with the.Sheriff's permiss- ion, he was requesting an additional appropriation in the Bedding and Linen Fund for the Jail as they needed some mattresses which would cost approximately $90.00. Mr. Metts then moved that $100.00 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to,the Jail - Bedding 8 Linen,Account for the purpose of purchasing mattresses. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unandmously carried. SHERIFF - STORAGE ? The Executive Secretary reported that the Sheriff has requested the use of the vacant?office room on the 3rd floor of the Court House for use as a storage for evidence I and equipment. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that this request be granted until further notice. It was seconded by Mr. Nayhan and unanimously carried. COMPLAINT - / A letter was received from Mrs. Dorothy Strincfield complaining that she was be- ,ing taxed for property which had been sold to another. individual. She recently purchased property of Mrs. Annie E. Berry at 208 N. 7th St. and requests an investication to correct 'Iwhat she considers an error. After considering the matter, the Board by unanimous common iconsent, instructed the Executive Secretary to refer this lett,er to the Tax Superv.isor for ?his handling. FAA WEEH - The Executive Secretary presented the Board with a proclamation at the request ? I of Mr. F. L. Clanton, representing the Federal Aviation Agency; aslting that it be adopted declaring October 27th, 1963 through November 2, 1963 as Federal Aviation Week to encourage and foster the development of civil aeronautics and air commerce. Upon motion of Nr. Broad- hurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the following Proclamation was unanimously adopted. WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Agency and its facilities at New Hanover County Airport are empowered and directed to encouraye and foster the develop- ment of civil aeronautics and air commerce; and WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Agency is glving full consideration to the requirements of national defense, of commercial and general aviation, and to the the public right of freedom of travel throuch the air, and WHEREAS, in the past five years, the Federal Aviation Agency, together with aviation industries and interests, has successfully ushered commercial and general aviation into the jet-age, and is now upon the threshold of the development of the supersonic transport; and UJHEREAS, the Federai Aviation Agency has now been established for five years; II N0I4, THEREFORE, I, J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman of the New Hanover County Board y of Commissioners, do hereby proclaim October 27, 1963 through November 2, 1963 as fl Federal Aviation Week in New Hanover County and do urge all our citizens to give thought to the importance of aviation in our daily lives and in our local economy, ? and to participate in such activities being arranged in connection therewith. /s/ J.M. Hall, Jr., Chairman J. Van B. Metts, Jr. Ernest R. Mayhan L. E. Broadhurst P. H. Braak : . I? Minutes of the Meeting October 21, 1963 Continued PARKING PERMIT TAGS - ?I 1 The Executive Secretary reported that the supply of parking permit tags for \use of employees authorized to pa'rk in the County Court House Yard is practically ex- ' hausted. He requested a policy with reference to future use of the taos. After a briei' discussion of this subjecL, Nr. Metts offered a motion that neti•f tags be authori2ed and that all employees be re-issued new tags, the cost not to exceed $30.00. It was seconde,d by Mr. Mayhan and when the ballots were cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted "No" but since the i other members of th'e Board voted "Yes", the Chairman declared the motion prevailed and tr'?e ; Executive Secretary was authorized to proceed. I ?NEW JURY SCROLLS - The Executive Secretary reported that the new Jury List was ready for checkin ., The Chairman explained to the Board that in a conversation with the resident Superior Court Ju'dge; Honorable Rudolph I Mintz, he was of the opinion that the Board should be very careful in the selection of the Jury Scrolls to see that they complied with the Statutes. It is the opinion of the County Attorney that in addition to the personal and real tax scrolis from which this jury list was taken, the City Directory and telepho'e book should be consulted and any other lists availabie. He particularly mentioned the scarcity of women's names. After discussing the problem, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be instructed to use the City Directory and the telephone book and put additional names on the list, especially the wives. It was seconded by ` Mr. Mayhan and unanimousiy approved. \ NEGRO HOME DEMONSTRATION OFFICE - RAIVGE Complying with the request of the Board at the meeting on October 7, 1963, the? Executive Secretary reported that he had investigated the cost of installing electrical outlets for an electric range in the Neoro Home Demonstration office and secured an estin'ate of the cost which is $97•94• He also had investigated the possibility of installing a?I aas stove and was told that it would require a vent as well as copper tubing all the way I from the ground up to the stove which amounts to considerably more than the cost of the electrical outlet. After a brief discussion, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the Execut?,ive Secretary be authorized to have the electric range outlet insta.lled. It was seconded by', Braak and when the ballot was cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO" but the Chairman declared the motion carried when all the other Commissioners approved. i CITY-COUNTY PLANNING BOARD The Chairman cailed attention to a letter from the City of Wilminotori remindir the Commissioners that because of the re-writing of the City Charter during the last General Assembly, it would be necessary for them to make appointments to the Planning and Development Commission of three members, one for a term of three years and two to serve terms of two years and thereafter all would be three year terms. Mr. Mayhan then of£ered a motion that Mr. James Z. Godwin be re-appointed for a three year term and Chat N:essrs. Hugh MacRae II and Richard A. Shew be re-appointed for two year terms each. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. I CIVIL!DEFENSE RESOLUTION - The Chairman informed the Board that he had received three different resolu- tions that were necessary to adopt by the Board of Commissioners to assure the continuity of government in event of an emergency. As the individual members of the Board were not familiar with the provisions of the resolutions, he gave each of them a copy of each resolution for study until the next regular semimonthly meeting at which time they could ; act on them. , CONSOLIDATED BOARD OF HEALTH - Nr. Broadhurst recalled that at the last meeting Mr. Braak was absent and that a motion with reference to withhold the County funds from the salary of Dr. C. B. Davis resulted in a tie and in his opinion it should not be left in the record that way. He therefore offered a motion that any County money contained in the salary of Dr. C. B. Davis be withheld until the investigation of the charges made at the last meeting is settled. There was no second to this motion and the Chairman ruled it dead for lack of a second. REPORTS The Board reviewed the following letter and reports and ordered them filed ' for future reference: I 1= Cooperative Extension Report - A. & E., by County Agent,for Sept. 1963• 2-1 Electrical Inspector's Report for September, 1963• 3- /Consolidated Board of Health Report for September 1963. 4- / Letter from State Bureau of Investigation ?irector W. P. Anderson stating that Speciai Agent W. S. Hunt has been assigned to investigate charoes of financial irregularities in Board of Health by former employee. 5! U.S.O. Ciub Report for September 1963. I ?6-1 Wilmington Public Library Report for September 1963. 7- Boiler Inspection report by Lumbermen's Mutval Casualty Co. and,recommendatio9s. \8- LetteP of appreciation regarding the furnishing of personnel from County prison forces to mow the grounds around the U. S. Reserve Air Force building at the New Hanover Airport. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Broadhurst moved that the meeting adjourn. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and un imously adopted, • ? ? V, . W. GJ ??u xecutive Secretary