1963-12-02 Regular MeetingrQ AM Wilmington, N. C. December 2, 1963 ASSEMBLY - The regular semirnonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on Lhis date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners Room of the County Courtl House with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. Commissionersl Peter H. Braak; Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, and John Van B. Metts, Jr., ? County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. i INVOCATION - Chairman Hall calied the meelting to order and asked Revererid R. E. Loveile, Pastor of the Church of God, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Uponinmotion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Nr. Braak, the minutes of the regular meeting held on November 18, 1963, copies?of which had been mailed in each member of thei Board were unanimously approved as written. i ? REORGANIZATION - I The Chairman called the Board's attention to the legal requirements for a i reorganizational meeting on the first Nonday of each December and stated that the meetini was open for nominations for Chairman of tfie Board for the coming year. I I Chairman - Mr. Mayhan placed the flame of J. M. Hall, Jr, in nomination for I Chairman of the Board. Nr. Braak moved that the nominations be closed. It was seconded by Mr. Netts and Mr. Hall was declared Chairman by acclamation. I Vice Chairman - Mr. Braak placed the name of John Van B. Metts, .1r. in nomination as Vice Ch2irman of the Board for the coming year and moved that it be approv? It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously carried, i ? County Attorney - Mr. Braak nominated Mr. L. Bradford Tillery for reappoint-i ment as County Attorney and moved its adoption. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and j unanimously carried. ? £xecutive SecretarV - Clerk Mr. Braak then moved that W. G. Houck be re- i 'appointed Executive Secretary and Clerk to the Board for the nexL year. It was secondedl by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously passed. j Secretar.y - Mr. Broadhurst then moved the reappointment of Mrs. Evelyn M. ?Foster as 5ecretary. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. I PUBLIC FUNDS REPORT - Clerk of Superior Court, H. Foster Edwards, reported to the Board that his annual report on the Public Funds of the County was 99% ready but asked for two weeks extension of time in order to clear up a minor discrepancy. By unanimous common con- sent of the Board, his request was granted. \COURT HOUSE ALTERATIONS - As a result of our advertising in the Star News for bids to lower the ceiling in the Recorder's Courtroom, the following proposals were received, opened and read. Bid Bond Amount of Bid Reanan Construction Co. Yes. $3990:00 Wrenn Construction Co. Yes 2274.00 After considering the proposals, Nr. Mayhan offered a motion that the contract for do- ing this work be awarded to the low bidder in the amount of $227(}.00 and that funds covering this expenditure be appropriated out of the General Emergency to Court House - Repairs to Building. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. \SAND BOOSTERS CLUB - The Chairman read a letter from Wallace I. West, Sr., Principal of New Hanovei High School, requesting a contribution for the use of the Band Boosters Club. He pointed out that the City had made a donation of $200.00 for this purpose and that the High School Bands participated in many affairs of the community and that when they are i well groomed, they are a good adverLisement. Mr. R. A. Jarrell was present and stated that he is Secretary to the Band Booster's Club and pointed out that the alteraLions and r¢pBlrs to the old uniforms and the replacement of worn out uniforms is an item that can not properly included in the School Budget request for funds. After considering the t matter, the Board finally agreed to refer this matter to the Board of Education. `ROAD IMPROVEMENTS - The Chairman reported that he had received a request from the South Eastern North Carolina Beach Association for the endorsement of a..Reso2atiorr.' for creating interestin the improvement of the Highway systems into South Eastern North Carolina. He reported that our County had drawn a Resolution setting forth the priorities on the roads as follows: WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County wishes to make I known its whole-hearted endorsement of the ob,jectives and proposals stated below: I (1) The immediate improvement of U. S. Highway #17 from the Virginia Line to the South Carolina Line with especial emphasis on the immediate establishment of a ferry across the Cape Fear River from a point in New Hanover County to a point in 5outhport in Brunswick County. (2) A limited access 4-lane highway from 4Jilmington, N. C., taking a direct ? course, bisecting every major N-S highway in the State including all Interstate Highways and the Blue Ridge Parkway, and ending at ther.North GaPGl3np State Liti@ I in t-h@ directl9n- of 'Bristol,: Tennessee - Virginia. ; • _ continued ` i . ?? ,. Minutes of the Meetinca December 2. 1963 (continued) (3) The completion of the A21-Seashore Hightiaay from the Viroinia State lline to the South Carolina State Line. (4) The improvement of U. S. Highway from Ylilinington, N. C. to Florence, S. C., to connect there with Interstate #20, giving a full non-stop, true Coast- to-Coast Highway from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and u1HEREAS, the Board of Commissioners is convinced that these improvements are not only desirable but essential to development of the full potential of the North Carolina State Ports, and WHEREAS, the Board believes that not only local interests but nationai security as well would be served by prompt completion of the projects hereinabove set out. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County does hereby declare its endorsement of the aforementioned proposals for imme- diate improvements and long ranoe plans for highway accesses to South Eastern North Carolina to insure the rightful development of the area,-and does.hl?reby,resoive?tb? 's?ionrthis''Resoiution-antl enteh:>said?endoi'sdment as-a`perman2nt recotd: ". r•:>•., _., ,...r .;t.... . i?; , ._. _ : • . 8 C"_ ..-!. . _ . . BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY By J. M. Hall, Jr. Chairman ATTEST: tnf r . }j,p1i r k Executive Secretary : He reminded the Board that they had approved this Resolution by telephone and asked that they now ratify it "nunc pro tunc". Mr. Metts then offered a motion that the Board appr.ove this Resolution. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. ?6SR \ FIRE ARMS ORDINANCE - ? The Executive Secretary reported that Attorney Aaron Goldberg had requested our County Attorney to explain an inadequacy in the Ordinance Regulating the Use of Firearms and Explosives in New Hanover County. The County Attorney reported that his attention had been called to the penalty in the Ordinance which limits the remedy of a violation to a fine only, whereas it should read " a fine not exceedinc $50.00 or 30 days " but that it would re- quire an act of the General Assembiy before it could be changed. The Chairman then author- ized the Executive Secretary to place this piece of legislation in a file to be referred to the next time leoislative matters were beino discussed. GRIFFENHAGEN - KROEGER, INC. - ? The Chairman reported that John Alexander NcMahon, General Counsei for the State Association of the County Commissioners, in a telephone conversation,explained that Mr. Elwood Ennis of Griffenhagen-Kroeoer, Inc., had just finished a survey and study with reference to the County Weifare programs in Mecklenburg County and would be glad to visit with the New Hanover County Agencies directly concerned with carrying out the programs, i.e., the:Board of County Commissioners, the County Accountant, the County lJelfare Board members and the County Welfare Director. He has certain welfare recommendations as a re- sult of the study t.rhich he thinks are appropriate to counties eenerally as a basis for further study of administrative relationship in the field of public welfar.e. He distribut- ed copies of the report submitted to Mecklenburg County and suogested that each of the Com- missioners familiarize himself with it before the visit. AfLer a brief discussion of the purposes of the visit which is to get the reaction of the officials concerned on the welfare recommendations, he called a special meetino of the Board for 9:00 A. M., December 13, 1963 and requested the Executive Secretary to call each member of the Board the da•y before and remind them of the meetino. VOTING MACHINES - • ? As a result of the discussion made by Henry C. Bost with reference to renting ? voting machines for use in New Hanover County in 1964, Mr. 0. K. Pridgen II, Chairman of the Aiew Hanover County Board of Elections, reported that they would be olad Lo undertake a study of the voting machines but at present both he and Mr. Yarboro are inexperienced and feel that they are not in a position at this time to make any recommendations. After a pro and con discussion of Lhis matter, Mr. Broadhurst offered4kthaot it be referred to the Board of Elections for approval and recommendation.with the request that they make their investi- gation promptly and if possible report back to the Board at their meeting scheduled for December 16, 1963. This motion was seconded by Mr. NYayhan and unanimously passed. By unanimous common consent, the Board aoreed to pay actual expenses incurred. * a motion INSTITUTE OF GOVERNN'iEnIT - ' Mr. Pridgen reported that the Institute of Government was holding a school of instruction on the election laws in Asheville next Wednesday, December 4th, and suggested that it might be profitable for the Election Board to attend. By unanimous common consent, , the Board authorized this trip and will pay actual expenses in connection with it. MENTAL HEALTH CENTER - ' Reverend R. K. Johnson, President of the New Hanover County Association for Men- tal'Health and Robert N. Kallman; Chairman.of the Mental Health Advisory Council; accompan- ied by Mr. Emory N. Grubbs, Director of the New Hanover Memorial Hospital, appeared before the Board and requested that space be aliocated in the hospital grounds for a Mental Health facilitity to be administered as a Clinic operation separate from the hospital. Nessrs. Charles and Leslie Boney, Architects for the hospital, presented drawings designatino suit- able space which might be set aside provided the buildings were in keeping with the hospital structures architecturally. Mr. Grubbs presented a letter from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the New Hanover Memorial Hospital supportino t;he idea so far'as it comes under the scope of their authority and subject to the regulations of the State oP Federal agency. After a brief discussion of this subject, Mr. Netts offered a motion that land, continued - -A ,vi?' `?r .' , Minutes of the Meeting December 2. 1963 Continued MENTAL HEALTH CENTER - (continued) \ not tb exceed two acres, be made available for this purpose provided the architecture of any proposed building tie in with the hospital plans to be worked out between the Hospital,Authority and the Nental Health.Advisory Council. This motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. The Executive Secretary was authorized to write a letter to Dr. Charles R. Vernon confirming this agreement. ` VOTING MACHINES - The Executive Secretary was instructed to write the City Manager advising him that voting machines for the County are being considered for the year 1964. The Board would like to have an expression from the Council as to whether or not they would parti- cipate in the cost of the operation and,if so, to what extent. \ INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT - The Chairman reported that a letter from the Institute of Government suggested the dates of March 9, 10, 11 or 12, 1964 as a convenient time for them to come down and discuss conso2idation possibilities. He suggested that if none of these dates were con- venient to the Soard he would be glad to consider others. After a brief discussion, the Board unanimously agreed to invite them to meet on either Monday, March 2nd, or Monday, March 16th. By common consent, the Board agreed to entertain them at a luncheon alono iaith the governing boards of Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Wilmington and Wrightsville v Beach. The Executive Secretary was instructed to invite the different governing bodies to this luncheon and discussion. ROAD PETITION - ? A petition was received from the property owners on Englewood Drive and Brenda Drive requesting the addition of those two roads to the State maintained Secondary Road System. After a brief discussion, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Mayha that the petition be approved and sent to the State Highway Commission for their conside tion. ? TAX LISTERS - County Auditor T. D. Love; Jr. explained that the time has come for naming the Tax Listers for the year 1964 and recommended the following: Wilminqton Tax Listers lvir. HerbertG!Coughenour Nr. J. L. Gholson, Mr. H. S. King Mr. W. P. Toon, Jr. Mrs. Hazel Wallace Mr, J. A. West Mr. Norwood S. Westbrook Courity Tax Listers Nrs. Sally Best Nir. S. W. Brinson Mrs. Eunice Leeuwenburg Mrs. Louise Melton Mrs. Giadys Myatt Mrs. Louise Wilkins 1726 Orange St., City 1510 Dock St.; City 114 South 5th St., City 520 Princess St., City 507 N. 23rd St. City 1319 Princess St. City 1716 Orange St., City RFD 1, Box 214, City Harnett #2 2713 S. College Rd. Harnett #1 & Wrightsv 3407 Wilshire Bivd. City, Harnett #1 RFD 2, Box 161, City - Masonboro P.O. Box 196. Carolina Beach (Carolina Beach (Kure Beach (Federal Point RFD 1, Box 160 Castle Hayne,N.C.-Cape Fea Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. P4ayhan, the Board unanimously approved the list \ CROP REPORTING - ' Mr. Metts called attention to the crop reportino service t•thich is aenerally rendered by the Tax Listers and moved that the above named Tax Listers be appointed as Crop Report Listers and that the Tax Supervisor be appointed in charoe of the Census Pro- gram to supervise the alphabetical listing according to instructions in the Census Report Book. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. KEPORTS - ,The following reports were reviewed and ordered for future reference: 1- Electrical Inspector's Report. `2- Change in Status of Welfare Recipients Reports. PETIT JURY - - The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in Superi Court for the weeks beginnine January 13, 1963 - Criminal term; January 20, 1963 and January 27, 1963 - Civil terms. \ Jurors - for the week beqinnincl January 13, 1964 - Criminal ,lames M. Godwin John T. Gore Aramatha Gough 1{enneth E. Grady Naomi E. Green Billy Ray Henegar Avery Herring Jr. Mary B. Hill Frank Holmes R. B. Holmes. Clayton T. Horne W. D. Hughes 184 Lake Forest Pkwy., %Viola Stewart Carolina Beach 516 Dickinson St. 10 Jackson Dr. Box §r6 Bozni43eaBh RFD 1, 2947 Adams St. 18 Summit 1rlalk 1317 Cape Fear Ave. 1025 S. Front St, 338 Pine Valley Dr, Cape Fear Apts. George H. Loftin 573 Macon St: L. E. Long 224 Greenville Ave. Mary D. Lowry 231 Huntington Rd. Robert Wi11iam:Ludraig 31 7 Johnson Dr. Burwell T. N,anor RFD 1, Box 296 A R. W. Marett 107 Castle St. Charles D. Martin Jr. Box 401 Wri ghtsville Beach Homer W. Miller 119 S. 4th St. Geneva Mintz 605 S. lbth St. Preston C. Morse 99 L ee Drive J. D. Wlurray RFD 1, Box 112 Samuel E. McHoy 1012 N. lOth St. II I I ? ? i' a- I lle 6? Minutes of the Meeting December 2, 1963 Continued Jurors - week of Jan. 13, 1964- Criminal (continued) A. J. Humphrey Porter's Neck Linward NcLaurin D. Boyd Humphrey B.,3?? ? Alex NcIntire aJrig sville Beach Gene Humphrey 111 Dare St. Worth W. jscKenzie , Mary Armstrong Humphre y.115 S. 14th Pete MacQueen Frank B. Joyner 110 Ridgeway Dr. Robert B. McSwain ! Rupert L. King 1012 S. stri St. Virginia M. Newton Pete Knoxie RFD 1, Castle Hayne Richard Nixon ?I Hugh F. Lee 2303 Wrightsville Av .Henry Pace ' R. Y. L'ennon 2712 Park Ave. Hattie E. Padqett i C. H. Lewis 2027 Klein Rd. Esther A. Palmer Dudley C. Lewis Box 178 Gilliam Vance Parker Carolina, Beach R. J. Lineback P. O. Box 616 A LeRoy Peoples Carolina Beach I Perry D. Lockamy 4100 Park Ave. Sylvester Y. Pierce Jr. Jurors for the week be qinninp January 20, 1 964 - Civil Ruth W. Adams Box 677, Carolina Be ach Earl G. Burroughk Johnie Aiken 507 N. llth St. Thomas E. Callender Clifton Anderson . 817 Harnett Robe rt F. Cameron Mack Frank Anderson 605 Church St. , Emma B. Cherry George Rich Ayash 1502 Dock St. James Clark Lee Backus 710 B. South 9th St. Lilly Mae Clarlc ? Newell E. Baker Jr. 500 Pine Val. lJilliam T. Cook Joseph G. Beasley, Jr. 438 Jennings Dr. Harold E. Cooper, James L. Bennett RFD 2, Box 15 A William C. Covil Hattie H. $est 218 N. 17th St. W. J. Craio Joe Bland 210 S. 9th St. Mrs. Annie,L. Davis Duncan M. Borneman 4611 Long Leaf Hills Mrs. Louise K. Davis J. Herbert Bost, Jr. 2510 Uan Buren St. Lula Cobb Davis Freddie Bowen 615 S. 2nd St. Gesine H. Doscher Harlett Bowman 1013 Green St. Mildred T. DuBose James R. Branch, Jr. 5003 Wrightsville Av .N'2urice M. Durham Sadie C. Branch 306 N. 41st St. James E. Eddie James M. Brioman 238 Davie Dr. Andrew Earst Jr. Fred Brown 1219 S. 7th St. Ben E..Edoe John G. Brown P.O. Box 651 A Elsie J. Edward Carolina geach M. F. Broti,m P O. Box 657 Oscar Ezzell Robert P. Brown 2;7Eolina Beach 1-Iarrison Walter Faison W. Albert Brown 214 N. 27th St. Horace Ferguson ? A. W. Bryant R.F.D. 1 Box 106 Merrill Flick Russell T. Burney 1003 Country Club Rd .Howard Furcher ° Jurors for the week be ginninq January 27, 1963 - Civil Willie Pierce 1219 S. 5th St. E. L. Tvdd C. M. Puckett 357 Lumberton Av. E. W, Todd J. B. Rector 1906 Church St. E. A. Thomas, Sr. ? James O'Neal Richardso n 112 Frances Nar?on Dr, Roy Veeder W. G. Robertson 2264 Mimosa P'I, r, Ed Uladdeil Daisy D. Mason-Togers RFD 1 Box 218 Mrs. Beulah Walton Luther T: Roaers P.O PrTo o 1v4 Beach ?its Melville C. Walker Mrs. Irene Rowan . 45 Lake Forest Pkwy, R. B. Waiker Jr. Clyde Queen P.O. Box 2 Sidney H. la!arshawsky Castle Hayne Mrs. B. O. Wel]s Anita V. Sellers 1699 Sherwood Forest Dr.)Delbert G1ennWells James R. J. Shaw 3723 Market St. C. E. White,Jr. Carol Wm, Sheffiedd 113 S. Front St. Robert H. Whitman Ralph V. Shipton 310 Wrightsv. Ave. J. Ben White H. F. Simon 1?18 Kerr Ave. R. V. Whitehead Ann Powers Smith 2404 Market St. Jerry L. Williams James A. 5mith Jr. 554 Bonham Ave. Joseph-H. Williams W1111am Larry Smith 312 N. 41st St. Robert J. Williams Kenneth M. Sneeden 1+518 Park Ave. Ufillie Williams ? Nmrphy H. Southerland Jr. Box 205 CouEIB Rd JOhn W. Williford ! Joseph M. Spencer 4118 Park Ave, yesse W. Willis Marion Stanley 709 Utooster St. , Thomas L. ldilson J. D. Stephananadis 312 Church St. , Kathleen M. Wilson Winfred E. Stewart 201 Parkway Blvd. Eddie Leo Woodcock Nary T. Strange 14 North 7th St. Walter Woodrow Zumbo A. V. Taylor 3525 S. Front St. ADJOURTdMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, Vdeclared adjourned. 210 Quuen St. 5091 Walnut St. 12$ Dupree Dr. ill P. 0. Box 3296 2515 Washington St. 305 Castle Hayne Rd. 612 S. 6th St. 523 Red Cross St. 2612 Princess P1 ?r. 615 Thomas Ave. 1103 N.Lumina Ave. Wrightsv. Beach P. o. Box 163 astle Hayne N.C. 23 Wood Dale ?r. RFD 1., Box 174 316 Ann St. P. o. sox 990 RFD 2, Box 230 , 208 5. 12th St. 2214 oak St. 706 S. 18th St. 24 Terrace Waik 10 Nontgomery Ave. 5018 Pine St. 11813 Woolcott Ave. 31 Beaureaard Dr. 910 N. sth St. 1708 Princess St. 142 Parkwood 1021 Hawthorne 614 Orange St. 1108 McRae St. 2740 Harrison P.O. Box 396 309 N. 4th St. 1210 Dock St. . 714 B. South 12th St. 5322 Oleander Dr. 8 Wooster St. 2821 Washington St. 521 E. Shipyard Blvd. 246 Oakcrest Dr. 1414 Princess St. 1316 Church St. 312 s. 4cn St. 607 Howard St. 707 Central Blvd. 228 N. 23rd St. . RFD 2, Box 10 405 lJr i ght s 5 t. 1112 Magnolia Pi. 214 Vance St. 2701 Market St. 604 Thomas Ave. 2868 B. Adams St. 3908 Peachtree St. 211L Wrights. Ave. 724 S. 13th St. . l-?10 Tenn Ave. 2218 K'lein Rd, 12 G. NesbiLt Cour.ts 90 Pinecrest Pkwy, 109 N. 7th St. 336 Bagley Ave. seconded by Mr. Braak; the meeting was unanimously W. Executive Secre The minutes of the Special Called Meeting on December 13, 1963, having been inadvertently omitted will be found beginning on Page # 277 .. . 0,14 7 ? l I ?I ,