HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-11-18 Regular Meeting
Wilmington, N. C. ]9ovember 18, 1963
The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular semimonthly
session in the Commissioners' Room at 9:00 A. M. on the above date with the following
in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners, Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broad-
hurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and ,Tohn Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr.
and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery.
In the absence of Reverend D. K. Purdom, Minister of Education from the First
Presbyterian Church, the Executive Secretary gave a prayer of invocation.
The,Executive 5ecretary reported that a delegation from the State Highway
Commission had recently called on him and requests a letter assuring the removal of all
the graves in Oak Grove Cemetery within the righL-of-way for the extension of South
17th Street not later than January 15, 1964. They stated that this is necessary in
order for them to advertise and let bids for the construction of this project. After
a brief consideration, the Board,by common consent, unanimously agreed and authorized
the Executive Secretary to write a letter assuring them that they would not be held up
on the account of the right-of-way not bedng cleared.
Upon motion of Mr. Yjayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the meeting
held on November (}, 1963, copies of which had been mailed to each Commissioner, were I?
unanimously approved as written. ,
The Chairman read a written request from the Clerk of Superior Court that an
additional telephone line be installed in his office at a monthly rate of $10.75• He
pointed out that the services they were rendering were being crippled by inadequate
telephone circuits. He reported that at present they had four telephones on one trnnk
line into his office and it is constantly in use. After a brief consideration of this I
request, Mr. Metts moved that the installation be approved. It was seconded by Mr.
Mayhan and unanimousiy passed. . I
Petitions were received properly signed by the property owners for including
Clearbrook Drive and Lynette Drive in the Clearbrook Estates Subdivision and Northwood
Drive, Stat'ion Road and Wrenwood in the Northwood EsLates, both being in Harnett TownshiF,
and Shorewood Hills Drive in Masonboro Township, requesting them to be added to the
State Maintained Secondary Road System. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by
Mr. Braak, they were unanimously approved and the Executive Secretary directed to for-
ward them to the State Highway Commissioners for their consideration.
The County Attorney reported that the only hold up on the easement was an
oid map on record in the Register of Deed's Office which they request be discredited
as it shows the old location of the first tract of land selected for Oak Grove Cemetery.
He is unabie to find any way to take the map off record but declared that it in no way
jeopardize or influence any interest which contending property owners might have and he
was hopeful that he would have the easement completed shortly so that a road could be
constructed into the property.
Mr. H. M. Loughlin, the Surveyor, plotting and enumerating the graves in
the Oak Grove Cemetery reported that instead of 93 graves in the right-of-way as f0'I'Tf1EF
reported by Mr. Rhoda Farrow, he has found 158. By common consent of the Cemetery.com-
mittee, the Executive Secretary was authorized to order sufficient boxes in which to
re-inter these additional remains.
The Chairman read a letter from Dr. William H. Wagoner reporting that the
Board of Education is requesting the sale of the remainder of the school bonds currently
authorized. He reports that the proceeds from the sale of the last bonds soid for school
construction have been depleted. The balance authorized at present amounts to $1,425,00 .
The County Auditor advised that he had been in touch wath the Local'Government Commission?
and recommends the sale during the month of February 1964. He reported that at present
the School Constrvction Account is overdrawn by approximately $100,000 which has been
ailowed because of the exceilent financial condition of the County and because it will
save the taxpayers $31,500 interest which amounts to approximately 2e on the tax rate. '
After considering the request, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the remainder of the
school bonds presently authorized be sold at such time as recommended by the Local Govern-
ment Commission. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved.
? .
A letter was received from Mrs. Caldonia Green of RFD 1, Box 339, complaining
that water from the highway cuts across the road leading to her house and that the ditche?
need to be opened. The Executive Secretary reported that a work order had been issued
on this project in February but that because of shortage of help the ditching crew have
not been able to investigate it. By common consent of the Board, the Drainage Supervisor
was directed to make an investigation to determine the County's responsibility and if any
assistance might be rendered under the present policy.
A letter was received from Mr. James Dixon, a Trustee of the United Holy
Church of America, announcing the establishment of a Southern District Youth Camp near
Holiy Ridge for wholesome recreation and felloraship of the young peopie with the intentio
of contributing to the moral and spiritual development of our future citizens. He re-
quested a contribution for thas project. The County Attorney ruled that it would be
illegal to donate public funds for thds purpose and the Board authorized the Executive
Secretary to prite and express the regret of the Board that they were not in the position'
to participate in this effort but wished them success with the program.
V5 I
Minutes of the
Mr. Broadhurst
Department for
Bill W. Hodges
John Sagert
Meeting November 18; 1963 Continued
following applications for Beer Permits were reviewed and upon motion of
, seconded by Mr. Braak, unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff's
further investigation and consideration.
T/A The Ogden Restaurant RFD 1 Box 254
T/A Johnny's Lunch 802 S. 3rd St.
Commissioner John Van B. Metts, Jr., who is also a member of the Board of Dir-
ectors for Community Hospital, reported that Dr. Robert R. Cadmus and his staff had recently
prepared a Pre-accreditation Survey of the Community Hospital and had made certain recom-
mendations about the physical plant which would bring it up to standard. .While he did not
definitely commit himself that the Hospital Accreditation Board would approve Community
9 Hospital for accreditation, every hospital which they had surveyed had never failed to be
I Mr. Charies L. Anderson, Administrator, E. M. Butler, Chairman of the Board of /
! Directors and E. L. Ward, Chairman of the House and Properties Committee,stated that in order
j to meet the minimum requirements for national accreditation and the issuance of annual state
license it would require a minimum of $5,695. They recommend an increase of their mainten-
I ance staff by the addition of two porters in order Lo sustain the level of rep9ir and floor care
necessary to meet the minimum standards. After discussing the problems an?,c?? q being further
advised that if Community Hospital and James Walker Memorial Hospital were redited at the
time they are merged into the new New Hanover Memorial Hospital, which is now in process of
b6ing constructed, it would mean that the New Hanover Memorial Hospital would receive their
?,i;Nat'ional accr.ed,itation and State licenses at a much earlier date than would otherwise be poss-
ible. Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the employing of the two porters be approved and
that their salaries of $3120.00 be paid out of the present salary account and that $2,575.00
be appropriated and allocated out of the General Emergency Fund to the following accounts:
Conductive tile for Surgical and Obstetric Suites , $800.00
Medical library (Reference books 8 Periodicals) 675.00
Additional fire extinguishers in lieu of sprinkler 300.00
General Maintenance (window screens, tiles, exit 800.00
lights, signs, garbage rack and pit for washing.)
This motion was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted.
Mr. Henry C. Bost, Sales Representative for the Shoup Voting Machine Corporation,
reported to the Board that he had been authorized to offer New Hanover County 50 voting
machines for the year 1964 at a rental of $150.00 per machine. The sales price of each
machi.ne i_5 $1$62.00 and if at a later date, the Board decides to purchase the machines, the
rental paid on them will be credited against the cost, He pointed out that next year would
be an excellent trial year because of the number of elections involving the State, the County
? and the City. He is of the opinion that the State would pay half of the cost of the rental
and that the City might agree to pay $35.00 per machine rental which would not be an unfair
price provided they supplied their own technician to set the machines up and furnish their
own ballots. He estimated the freight cost would amount to $32.00 on each machine. By
' using machines, voting personnel can be reduced to the extent that the savings will practi-
cally pay for the rental. After briefly discussing this subject, the Board unanimously
' agreed, by common consent, that before they take any action on the matter a formal request
would be in order from the Board of Elections and that detailed information with reference
to the savings and cost should be made and fed into the committee appointed by the Board to
study election costs in the County.
g The Chairman read a letter from the Lower Cape Fear Historical Society announcing
that it is in the process of buying the Latimer House to be used as lieadquarters and since
no revenue will be derived and it is a non-profit corporation, they request the property be
eliminated from property tzxes for the year 1964. The County Attorney ruled that the tit2e
to the property must change hands before Janvary 1, 1964 in order to comply with this re-
quest. The Executive Secretary was directed to advise them to this effect.
County Auditor T. D. Love reported for the month of September that Recorder's
I Court had received $14,072.52 out of which the County received $10,234.80 and for the month
of October the revenue amounted to $14,906.01 and the County received $10,794.45• The re-
mainder was distributed among the various other departments as required by law. He reported
that thc records are in better shape than they have been in a long time.
Sgt. A. H. Clark, of the State Highway Patrol, advised the Board that a demon-
stration meeting is beino held in Fayetteville, Wednesday, November 20, 1963 for the purpose
of receiving informationoon the use of and advantages of a Drunkometer. He invited the
Commissioners to go with him to this meeting and stated that he would furnish the transpor-
tation. He urged a goodly number of representatives from the counties in his district
which are BrunswicY., New Hanover and Pender. _
The Chairman reported that Mr. Wallace C. Murchison requested him to present a
list of the purposes and funetions of the Wiimington - New Hanover Bi-Racial Committee as
'i follows:
1- To create better understanding between the races in the community.
2. To serve as a means of communication between people involved in or affected by
racial problems. To attempt to reach agreement by negotiation between individ-
uals and groups on both sides. e I
? ?? ?, i
Minutes of the Meeting November 18, 1964 Continued
3. To seek peaceful and lawful solutions to community problems, to uphold the ?I
right of private businesses to select their customers, to discourage mass
demonstrations, boycotts and mob pressures, and to uroe all citizens and
especially our youth to become better trained and qualified for employment.
4. To encourage businesses serving the public to adopt voluntarily a policy '
of open public accomodations, to encourage employment of qualified people
without regard to race, and to encourage all citizens to eliminate discrim-
ination based on race, creed or color. II
We approve the above as a proper statement of the purposes and functions of i
the Wilmington - New Hanover County Bi-Racial Committee. ,
J. M. Hall. Jr.
J. Van B. Metts, Jr.
Etnest R. Mayhan
L. E. Broadhurst
P. H. Braak
He also reported that a small expense was attached to this Committee and requested a '
statement not later than the meeting scheduled for December 2nd, 1963. Upon motion II
of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Metts, the purposes and functions of the Bi-Racial Com- I
mittee were unanimously approved as shown above and each Commissioner signified his
approval by signing the statement.
County Auditor T. D. Love,reported that it had been customary in the past
for the Tax Supervisor to make adjustments where errors were found in the tax listing
records. He pointed out the many advantages to the taxpayers in having the corrections
made at the time he comes in and suggested, for approval of the Commissioners, that
they ailow him to continue on this basis of bringing the record of the adjustments to
their attention at the regular scheduled meetings. After a brief discussion, the
Board agreed to this arrangement. He then presented the following abatements for appro-
val: '
? Property Owner Township Valvation Year City County
John McCrimmon Wilmington 800 1963 $15.28 $11.20
M. C. Brown (Wrightsville 1962 12.25
Beach) 1961 11.38
D'Lug an Bros. Wilmington 1963 184.70 135•36
H. E. Peterson Wilmington 1963 67.66 50.86
P. R. Mills Wilmington 1963 38.77 28.42
C. D. Patterson Harnett 900 1963 12.60
Clint on Rex Hardy Wilmington 1,605 1963 30.66
H. & I. Equipment Co. Cape Fear 965 1962 14.86
David B. Spivey Wilmington 400 1963 7.64 5.60
J. T. Ritter Cape Fear 1963 22.05
After considering the explanati ons for each abatement , the Board fi nds as a fact that
funds are to be abated because of clerical errors. Mr. Metts then offered a motion
that the abatements be approved as recommen ded by the Auditor with the exception of
J. A. YTestbrook?s which should come before the Board when they conv ene as a Board of '
Equal ization and Review. The m otion was se conded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted.l
COMPLAINT - ? Freddie Goff appeared before the Board and stated that he had tried to
get an abstract on Block #262 in the City of Wilmington but had met with no success. ,
His request was indefinite, the Commissioners referred him to Tax Collector Sam W.
Johnson who has received all the tax records for this year.
Mr. Mayhan recalled the recent press reports announcing the contribution by
Mr. Champion McDowell Davis, one of New.Hanover County's leading citizens, to donate
land and securities for the establishment of a non-profit rest home for the aged at
Porter's Neck Plantation. He suggested that official recognition be given by the Boardl
of Commissioners for this outstanding humanitarian service. By common consent, the N
Board authorized the County Attorney to draw a Resolution expressing the Board's appre- I
ciation as follows:
L_ i
`277 ,
Minutes of the Meeting November 18, 1963 Continued
- -- -
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of New Har.over County learned with
great pleasure of the plans of Champion McD. Davis for the establishment of
a non-profit home for the aged at Porters Neck Plantation, and
1JHEREAS, the members of the Board feel that this gesture is of such import-
ance that it merits official recognition and commendation by this Board.
(1) That the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, by this instr-u-
me'nt, expresses to Champion McD. Davis its appreciation and the appreciation
of New Hanover County for the outstanding humanitarian service which he has
rendered to this community.
(2) That a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the official minutes of
this Board and that a copy be delivered to Chamption McD. Davis.
Done at Wilmington, North Carolina, this 18th day of November, 1963•
Board of Commissioners of New Hanover
The following report was reviewe.d and ordered fi.led for information:
1- Electrical Inspe.ctor's Report for October, 1963.
Upon motion of Mr. Broadhnrst,
agreed to adjourn the meeting.
seconded by Mr. Netts, the.Board unanimously
W'. . Houck, Executive Secretary
December 13; 1963
The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session on this day
at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room with the following persons in atten'dance: Chair-
man J. M. Hall, .lr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B.
Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr.,
Miss Lela Moore Hall, Public Welfare Director, John Alexander McMahon; General Counsel
of the State Association of County Commissioners and Elwood Ennis, Vice President of
Griffenhagen-Kroeger, Incorporated. Commissioner L. E. Broadhurst was out of town
and unable to be present.
The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chairman, Mr.John Uan B. Metts,
IJr., who requested the Executive Secretary, W. G. Houck, to give the invocation.
? Complying with GS 153-8, each member of the Board was sent a copy of the
letter dated December 9th, 1963 officially notifying them that the Chairman had called
this special meeting for FPtday, December 13th at 9:00 A. M. for the purpose of hearing
reports and recommendations witb reference to administrative relationships concerned
lwith the Welfare programs and other County personnel.