1963-12-13 Special Meeting`277 , Minutes of the Meeting November 18, 1963 Continued ------ - -- - ? RESOLUTION - CHAMPION McDOWELL DAVIS (continued) WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of New Har.over County learned with great pleasure of the plans of Champion McD. Davis for the establishment of a non-profit home for the aged at Porters Neck Plantation, and 1JHEREAS, the members of the Board feel that this gesture is of such import- ance that it merits official recognition and commendation by this Board. N04d, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: (1) That the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, by this instr-u- me'nt, expresses to Champion McD. Davis its appreciation and the appreciation of New Hanover County for the outstanding humanitarian service which he has rendered to this community. (2) That a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the official minutes of this Board and that a copy be delivered to Chamption McD. Davis. Done at Wilmington, North Carolina, this 18th day of November, 1963• Board of Commissioners of New Hanover Chairman II REPORTS _ , The following report was reviewe.d and ordered fi.led for information: 1- Electrical Inspe.ctor's Report for October, 1963. ADJOURNMENT - II Upon motion of Mr. Broadhnrst, agreed to adjourn the meeting. seconded by Mr. Netts, the.Board unanimously W'. . Houck, Executive Secretary SPECIAL CALLED MEETING December 13; 1963 / ASSEMBLY - ' The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session on this day at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room with the following persons in atten'dance: Chair- man J. M. Hall, .lr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr., Miss Lela Moore Hall, Public Welfare Director, John Alexander McMahon; General Counsel of the State Association of County Commissioners and Elwood Ennis, Vice President of Griffenhagen-Kroeger, Incorporated. Commissioner L. E. Broadhurst was out of town and unable to be present. INVOCATION - The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chairman, Mr.John Uan B. Metts, IJr., who requested the Executive Secretary, W. G. Houck, to give the invocation. OFFICIAL NOTICE - ? Complying with GS 153-8, each member of the Board was sent a copy of the letter dated December 9th, 1963 officially notifying them that the Chairman had called this special meeting for FPtday, December 13th at 9:00 A. M. for the purpose of hearing reports and recommendations witb reference to administrative relationships concerned lwith the Welfare programs and other County personnel. continued- ? r278 ? SPECIAL CALLED NiEETING December 13, 1963 (Continued) GENERAL BRIEFING - Mr. J. A. McMahon, General Counsel for the Stat2 Association of County Commissioners, after having been welcomed by the Presiding Officer, reported that the purpose of this visit was to get the reaction of County officials to certain Welfare I, recommendations made by Mr. Ennis in a course of study made in Mecklenburg County. I He reported that he realized that many of the recommendations would be peculiar to I that county only but there are two which he thinks are worthy of further exploratory effort and he, along with Mr. Ennis, are making this report to five different boards ini an effort to clear up some confusion with reference to uniformity in the handling of the relationships between the various bodies charged with the responsibility of handlinc' the Welfare Department, as well as other County personnel. He then, introduced Mr. Elwood Ennis, Vice President of Griffenhagen-Hroeger, Incorporated, who actually made the survey in Mecklenburg County. Mr. Ennis reviewed many of the details with reference to the study in Meclclenburg County and has come to the conclusion that in spite of the many different patterns he has encountered in making these surveys, the governing polic should always be made by elected officials who are responsible to the people. He sug- gested two areas in which some changes might prove helpful throughout the state. The fi?rst is to make the public welfare board and advisory board and the director of public wel- fare, along with the Board, responsibile to the County Commissioners. Secondly, he j recommended more flexibility in the Merit System Council rules which would allow local governing authorities to make decisions which apply to their own peculiar situation and probably choose to develop their own Nerit System. After a brief discussion by various'? members of the Board, the Chairman called a recess in order Lo allow Messrs. McMahon and.Ennis to interview and discuss the many problems with the Welfare Board and the Director, from a Public Welfare standpoint, After an hour they will return and discuss the mat- ters wi.th the Board of County Commissioners,'`the County Auditor from the standpoint of I the County. K County At"torney RECONVENTION - The Chairman reconvened the special meeting with the following in attendance Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr.; Mr. John A. McMahon and Mr. Elwood Ennis. ? TAX SUPERVISOR - The Chairman observed that as this is an official called meeting, there are two matters that the Board would like to take action on before the continuation of the discussion and asked Mr. McMahon and Mr. Ennis if they might proceed which they did. The Chairman reported that he had received a resignation from Mr. Har_ry S. McGirt who had been appointed to replace Mr. T. p,...Lpve, Jr. as Tax SupervisoP, as ilis res- ponsibilities were too heavy to continue in that capacity. Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously accepted his resignation with regret that he did not feel inclined to continue. It was unanimously passed. Appointment - After a brief discussion, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the Executive Secretary of the Board, W. G. Houck, be appointed as Tax Supervisor with a car expense of $100.00 per month, effective December 16, 1963. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. Mr. Houck expressed his appreciation for the con- fidence placed in him by the Board and pledged wholehearted cooperation and the dis- charge of the responsibilities placed on him. ?RESUME - Mr. McMahon, after a general informal discussion between the various members I of the Board who had questioned them, finally summed up the recommendations of the I Griffenhagen-Kroeger, Incorporated Report into two basic ideas. First, that County Commissioners should have a larger role in the control*of Welfare Board should act in an advisory capacity, along with the Public UTelfare Director who should be responsible to the Board of County Commissioners. Secondly, he suggests that movement be made to have the present law changed so that each County Board of Commissioners might set upl their own Merit System which would prove flexible in evaluating and coordinating the I job classifications now under the Merit System Council, along with other County employee> so there would be more uniformity. He concluded his remarks by stating that although there is some flexibility in the Merit System Council rules and regulations, a new law might help to make it more flexible. The; Chairman thanked them for making their re- port available to this County and remarked that in in his opinion the time has been well spent and the information will prove profitable for their future use. * of Welfare funds and that the Public ` SBI REPORT - ' The Chairman stated that he had received the report of the State Bureau of investigation wh3ch had been requested in connection with the Consolidat2d Board of Health and that he wanted it to be read by each of the Commissioners and each member of the Board of Health before it was released for public distribution. He instructed the Executive Secretary to notify the news media that it had been received and that as soon as it had been read by the various members of the two boards, he would call a press conference and release it to them. ADJOURNMENT - a motion approved. ? There being no.further business to come before the Board, Mr. Metts offered that the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimousl , Executive Secretary -o ? s-2 ??