HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-01-06 Regular Meeting•.? \
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Wilmington, N. C. January 6, 1964
The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss-
ioners was held on this date in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House-at
9:00 A. M. with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commiss-
ioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr.;
County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love.
In the absence of a minister, the Presiding Officer requested the Executive '
Secretary to give the invocation.
! The Executive Secretary requested the Board to approve the insertion of the
I words "above the Hilton Bridge" in the Resolution sent to the Corps of Engineers guaran-
teeing spoil'areas for the deepening of the Northeast Cape Fear River. After a brief con-
sideration of the minutes of the meeting of December 16th, 1963, the Board agreed to the
amendment suggested above and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the
minutes were unanimously approved as amended.
The Honorable H. Winfield Smith, Judge of Recorder's Court, presented a letter
to the Board thanking it for improving the efficiency and appearance of the Recordert5
Courtroom by lowering the ceiling and installing aconstical tile. He requested the Board
to allow the Courtroom to be kept locked after the closing of the Court and refrain from
allowing others to use it for other than Court purposes when the Covrt itself is not in
session. After a brief discussion, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the Recorder's
Courtroom be.locked during the night at the close of the work day. It was seconded by
Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. •
Mf. D. D. Baggett, Miss Verna Belle Lowery and_Mrs::--Rebecca.L.,Hall, represent-
ing the State Agricultural Extension Service, Made their annual report, ih writing and
thanked the Commissioners for their cooperation during the yea'r., •,They o'ffered to answer
any questions, relative to their operatiori but reported a fine ,over=.ail year. The reports
were ordered filed for reference.
'IFORT FISHER EROSION - i Mrs. Alice McD. Strickland, Co-chairman of the Fort Fisher Restoration Committee,
' Mr. Stanley A. South, archeologist in charge of the Fort Fisher Restoration project and
Mr. ldilliam C. Mitcham, Executive Secretary of SENCBA, presented the following Resolution:
"The South Eastern North Carolina Beach Association, < -. ' -
II °• the Fort Fisher Restoration Committee and the State Department of Archives and
History have brought to the attention of the New Hanover Board of County Commissioners
L.h:e°: , fact that beach erosion continues at an accelerated pace and critical damage
is being done to one of North Carolina's most important historic sites. If this
? beach erosion is not immediately stopped the Fort Fisher State Historic Site will be
cut in two by the creation of a new inlet, thus destroying this most important asset
to the economy of our State and thereby losing the historic, educational and cultural
value found at no other place.
U. S. Hichway #421, both North and South of the previous erosion control work
done by the State, is now in imminent danger of being cut in two. This threat of
destruction to U. S. Highway #421 and the Fort Fisher State Historic Site is a matter
' for urgent action in our opinion.
In 1962, over 200,000 visitors were attracted to the Fort Fisher site. The
annual number of visitors is expected to reach 500,000.
' The N. C. State Department of Archives and History will soon accept bids for
II the construction of a$96,000.00 Visitor Center-Museum Building on the site which
d will be unique because it will have the only known wing emphasi2ing the blockade
B running activities of the Confederacy.
International attention has been attracted to Fort Fisher in 1962 and 163 as a
result of recovery of historic artifacts from the wrecks of Blockade runners, and
the recovery of cannon from the Blockader, U. S. S. Peterhoff. ?
? Fort Fisher State Historic Site has received national recognition in being
? desiynated as a National Landmark Site.
By unanimous action of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on this
date, we urgently request that the State Department of Water Resources, and the
? State Highway Commission both take immediate ,joint action to extend the erosion
control works at Fort Fisher in order to prevent further irreparable loss to this
famous Historic Site and to U. S. Highway # 421."
They asked that it be sent to the State Department of Water Resources and the State High-
way Commission with orioinal copies to other interested agencies including Governor Terry
Sanford, Dr. C. C. Crittenden, Director, State Department of Archives & History, Mr.
Henry J. MacMillan, Chairman, New Hanover County Confederate Centennial Committee, and
Mr. Woodrow Price, Chairman, North Carolina Seashore Commission. After a brief discuss-
II ion of the importance of this historic site, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the resolu-
tion be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted.
The'following application for a Beer Permit was reviewed by the Board and upon
? motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, it was unanimously approved and referred
to the Sheriff for his investi.gation and consideration:
! Bonair Benaton T/A Benatonts Grocery &_ Grill 138 South Front St.
fF , ? A
___Minutes-D-f__tlie-Mee_tlna_ .Januar_v-6,-19b1i.-Coniinu.eri -
I A letter was received from the Lower Cape Fear Historical Society, Inc.
' advising that the deed conveying title to the Latimer_House was filed with the Register
of Deeds on December 23rd, 1963. They referred to their request at the meeting of
November 18, 1963 to have the property stricken from the tax scroll as it is to be used
as headquarters of the society and no revenue will be derived therefrom. The County
Attorney ruled that it would automatically be eliminated as soon as the conveyance is
i, confirmed.
The Chairman reported that he had received a letter from the firm of Hogue
and Hill reporting that 90 acres of land has been conveyed to the Champion McDowell Davis
Charitable Foundation for the purpose of providing a site for a home for the aged. Since
this property comes under the provisions of the tax exemptions applicable in the General
Statutes, they request the tax exempt status for the year 1964. The trust indenture
has been filed with the Register of Deeds and the County Attorney ruled that it was auto-
matically exempt after the conveyance was confirmed.
RQAD PETITION- Woodhaven Drive
A petition was received from the residents of Woodhaven Drive requesting that
it be added to the State Nrintained Secondary Road System. As all of the Board were
familiar with its location, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the petition be approv•
ed and sent to the State Highway Commission for its consideration. It was seconded by
Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved.
The Tax Supervisor informed the Board that two of the men who were approved
by them as Tax Listers for this year had resigned leaving a shortage of one man. He
has discussed the matter with Mr. Nathan W. Humphrey who is willing to do the work and
recommends that he be approved. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak,
the request was unanimously granted.
The Chairman informed the Board that the Federal Aviation Agency has requested
a slight rearrangement of the lease lines as drawn for the use of their instrument land-
ing system. It does not involve expenditure of money but only a redrawing of the bound-
aries to inc2ude a small building that was erected over the boundary line due to a slighl
error in the surveyorts sketch. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts,
the Board unanimously approved the change.
Health Denartment Audit - The Executive Secretary presented an invoice from
Cherry, Bekaert & Holland in the amount of $465.00 for making a quarterly audit of the
Health Department records ending September 30, 1963. Mr. Mayhan remarked that since
the audit was ordered by the Board of County Commissioners he felt they should provide
the funds to pay for it and offered a motion that $465.00 be appropriated from the Genera]
Emergency Fund to the Consolidated Board of Health-Audit and approve payment of the in-
voice. It was seconded by Mr. Metts but before the ballot was taken, Mr. Broadhurst
offered a substitute motion that the invoice be paid by the Consolidated Board of Health.
There was no second to his substitute motion and the Chairman,declared it dead. The bal-
lot was then taken on the original motion and Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO" but since all
the other Commissioners voted "YES", the Chairman declared the motion carried.
National Rivers 8 Harbors Conqress - The Executive Secretary reported to the
Board that the membership dues for the National Rivers and Harbors Congress has advanced
from $100.00 to $2$0.00 per year and as only $100.00 was included in the Budget, it would
be necessary to appropriate an.additional $150.00 if we wish to continue as a member of I
this organization. The Chairman informed the Board that in dealing with the problems
of the Cape Fear River, this organization had contributed considerable favorable influencf,
and in his opinion it wovld be unwise to drop the metnbership at this time. Mr. Metts the4
offered a motion that $150.00 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to County
Aid- National Rivers and Harbors membership. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimous
approved. ,
The Chairman read letters from the Governor and the Chairman of the Board of
Alcoholic Control advising that a new price posting procedure tantamount to a saving of
1.2% of the gross sales on distilled spirits will increase the net saving to local A.B.C.
Boards unless they increase the operating expenses. It is estimated by our local A.B.C.
Board that it will mean in New Hanover County an approximate additional $40,000 annually.
The Chairman informed the Board that he had authorized repairs to the book-
mobile being used by the Wilmington Public Library for distribution of books throughovt
the County. Although he considers it an administrative matter, he felt constrained to
let them know in view of the fact that it involves a considerable repair bill.
Mr. Braak, Chairman of the local Public Welfare Board, reported that working
conditions in the hall, recently converted into office space in the Welfare Department,
is unbearably hot and that there is no outside air able to replenish the oxygen used up
by the employees which produces headaches and sluggish and inefficient employees. The
Board, as a group, recessed the meeting and made an inspection of the quarters and author
ized him to consult with air conditioning firms about some economical way to bring 1n
air from the outside in an effort to make the conditions more pleasant. He agreed to
report back at the next regular meeting on January 20th. (After the meeting, Mr. Braak
felt that the remedy of these conditions was of such importance that he made an immediate
investigation and found a possible solution in having a duct fitted into the top of an
outside window and using an exhaust fan to create a movement of the stale air. The cost
of this seemed very reasonable to him so he requested the Executive Secretary to poll
the Board by telephone and obtain their decision about proceeding with the work at a
cost not to exceed $180.00.) The idea of cutting ducts in the floor and al2owing the
heat to escape into the upper corridor would not provide a new fresh supply of air and
oxygen so it was discarded as unsuitable.
L_ ?, 0
Minute.s_of___the_.._MeeJ._ina___lanuar_v 6,_196.4 ConLinue_d
The Chairman read a letter from the State Board of Health concerning the
salaries of the Health Department employees and the recent adjustments made for certain
, of those employees. Briefly, the letter can be condensed as follows:
I !'It appears to us that consideration needs to be given to an adjustment to
place all employees on at least the minimum of their assigned salary grade. After
' this action is taken, then it would be desirable to at least maintain the minimum
? of the salary plan effective each year. We say this becavse your proposed one step
per year will not come any nearer to the standard plan if the plan itself is changed.
Such changes are necessary to reflect increases that are being made frequently in
cost-of-living and the changing salary patterns across the state and the nation.
Frankly, we do not feel that we could support, or that the Merit System could
approve, your proposed modific2tion for the current fiscal year unless you were to
give some assurances that your County would adopt the Standard plan for the fiscal
year 1964-65. We believe that employee morale, retention of qualified employees,
and recruitment problems justify such action.
Realizing that adjustments this late in the fiscal year are difficult, we will
support your proposed salaries for the current fiscal year if we could be assured
promptly by your Board that the recognized inequities will be resolved by your adopt-
ino the standard plan for the fiscal year 1964-65. Further; with this kind of assur-
ance, we shall support your salary exception to the Merit System for the appointing
salary of your recently appointed Sanitarian I."
After a discussion of this subject, the Board agreed on the following: ATthough'fhe Board
tan make..no formallofficial.commitmerit;r:they individually agreed to go along with,this.rec-
commendation to the extent that it is controlled by the laws covering the expenditure of
public funds and permission is allowed to make exception. The Chairman was authorized to
write a letter to this effect confirming the attitude of the Board.
The Chairman informed the Board that a district meeting is scheduled for Thurs-
day, February 27th in the Duplin County Courthouse for the purpose of discussing Welfare
matters, some property tax problems and possibly effects of the new uniform court system
on county government. The meetings will start at 10:00 A. M. and end at 4:00 P. M. The
Chairman urged the members of the Board to arranoe their schedules to attend this meeting
and directed the Executive Secretary to put it on the Aaenda as a reminder at the meeting
of February 17th. ,
The Chairman reminded the Board that Otto K. Pridgen II, Chairman of the Board
of Elections had received a letter from the State Board of Elections, reporting that the
Attorney General's Office concurs in the opinion that the State has no concern with refer-
ence to the purchase or rental of voting machines in New Hanover County and if they are
' purchased or leased and used in the January 14th election, the State would not be obligated
; to pay any rental but only for the cost of the election. After a brief discussion, the
Chairman suggested that this matter be referred to the committee appointed for the study of
this subject, composed of Messrs. Broadhurst and Mayhan.
? Mr. Mayhan reminded the Board of the death of our Coroner, W. Gordon Doran,
and offered a motion that L. S. 1NcMillan be appointed to serve out the unexpired term,
effective flaCe December 17, 1963. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried.
j Mr. P. M. Camak, Director of the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce,,re-
?i ported that the North Carolina Seashore Commission planned to meet in New Hanover County
' on January 23rd, 1964 for the purpose of studying the'conditions along our seashore.
He is not sure they will be here for a luncheon meeting or a dinner meeting but thinks it
probably will be for dinner and suggested that it would be fitting to entertain them on
that occasion. Mr. Broadhurst then offered a motion that this suggestion be approved and
that Mr. Metts be.appointed to work out the details as tie is familiar with that group and
that not more than $150.00 be allocated from the Entertainment Fund for this purpose. It
I was seconded by Mr. Sraak and unanimously approved. •
The Chairman reported that sufficient overage had built up in the salary account
of the Board of Health to place Mr. L. W. Seweil on the standard plan of the Merit System
Council for his classification of Sanitarian II if the State Board of Health will approve
it. Mr. Mayhan then dffered a motion, seconded by Mr. Metts that the Board approve this
request. When the baliot was taken, Mr. Broadhurst' voted "NO" with the remark "unless
Dr. Davis appears to present his problems". As all the other Commissioners voted "YES",
the Chairman declared the motion pr.evailed.
The Chairman then asked the Board if he is authorized. to write the State Board
of Health and assure them that they will approve stepping the local Health Department
salaries up to the minimum Nierit System Council range for the classifications of the employees.
$y'common consent of the Board, a majority of the Board members signified their willingness
to make an individual personal commitment with reservations to make individual exceptions
where justified. Mr. Broadhurst stated that he would not like to make a personal commit-
ment until the'next Budget making time when he would voice his opinion.
The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in Superior
Court for the weeks beginning February lOth and February 17th, 1964 - Civil terms and for
the week February 24th, 1964 - Criminal term.
continved -
0 C1
M_inutes of the Meettng Januar_y 6_.-19_61LJContinue_d1
Jurors for the week beginning February 10, 1964 - Civil
Isabelle Abraham 908 Queen St. Ruby Dyson 2536 Burnett Blvd.
Emma Laurence Agree 613 Chestnnt St. W. R. Eakins 2001 Pender Ave.
T. E. Allen, 2421 Princess St. Miss Georgia Ezzell 215 Wrightsv. Ave.
Frank I. Ballard 118 Pine Cone Rd. Floyd Fennel 10 N. Libert Court !
George E. Ballard RFD 1, B 196 Freddie Foy RFD 1, Box 3}1 '
L. D. Ballard 430? Greenfield St. John B. Funderburg RFD 1, Castle Hayne N.c'
R. F. BarePoot 1?63 Mockingbird Harold Gornyo 30Z Wright St.
Robert Coo er Black j706 Winston Blvd. Norman Grad 415 Swann St. Marshall Boney 1117 S. 7th St. Frederick E. Hansley 1012 S. 6th St. ?
Joseph T. Branch L?9 Lennon Dr. E. N. Hardie 222 Midland Dr.
Alex Brown E109 Chestnut St. Ruby Hardin 07 N. lOth.St.
Walker T. Brown P. Q. 275,Wrightsv.Beach Rosa Lee Hemby ?1'7 S. th St.
David E. Bulluck 106 Stradleigh Rd. James G. Henderson 2223 Kl?en Rd.
Oscar Burnett 765 Lumina Ave. W. " Thomas E. Herring 3601 Market St.
Roland Cowan Burney 319 Calhoun Dr. Robert Hewett 110 Alabama Ave.
J. D. Carnes B 241? Wrightsv. Beach David J. Hilburn 21!} Oakcrest Dr.
Johri A. Craven 713 S. 3rd St. J. D. Hines % Mrs. P.L. C2?5?yMett:
James E. Crews R.1 B 179 K Luther Hoffman Evans St Thomas Crisp 88 Market St. Mary L. Howell ?SO Lake St. .
Sidney Daniels ??06?aMarket ieffer Ave. EleanIo?yr Carole Hunt 015 Barnett Ave,
Gra M. DanDavenport ?lSt. Artie R.,tJohnsoner i087MSrni?gfissie Dr•
Abraham S. Drapkin 1?3 Strad1 igh Rd, Clyde Jones, 17 E. LakeVillage !
Murdock MacRae Dunn P.O. Box 6? Doris M. Jones 112 N. Kerr Ave. I
Mrs. M. H. Duvall 12(} ForeSt Hills Jean ,lordan 430 Lake Ave.
Jurors for the week beqinninq February 17,
Corine Vivian LeBoo 9062 Green St.
a L
rold neonard
o? 131 d
G a
l 01 Pine St.
n c
. 212 Page Ave.
G. T. McDonald 1204 Dawson St.
L. E. McDowell 60 N. Blvd.
Graham McDuffie 90 5. 1}th St.
Stacy B. Mc,Gowan R, B 437
Claren ce McKee ?33 Oak St.
C. M. McKinnon 22
0 ?7
Mimosa Pt1
?Nance .
E 1?11 ?
Jesse D. Neal 3 03 Carolina Beach
Harlee W. Odum Sr. 616 S. 2nd St.
Katherine McH. Page RFD 2,B 270
Charlotte Jones Parker P
John Thomas Piner R
Charlie Puqh 1?
Sidney J. Rivenbark 1
Leroy Dail Robinson 25
Luther T Ro rs J R
et St.
Buren St.
ge , r. „ a ?,.,
John W. Rusher 6 772, City
William Rutland 620 Woo ter
Joseph P. Rutten 217 N. ?3rd St.
,lurors for the week beainninq FebruarV 2li,
Nell H. Trask 8 H drangea P1
Charles M. Traynham 241? Oleander
N. L. Tripodes 2414 Shirley
Jane Gre Truelove
? P.O. Box f?1,Wri?htsv,
W. P. Tu
kett 116 Color? ial Cir.
Mabel J. Turnage 712 S. 16th St.
David L. Turner 3012 Jefferson
Robert Turner "309 Ann St.
Julian H. Tusch 215 S. 2nd St.
Callie Jane Tyler 311 S. 3rd St.
James W. Tyner 2310 Maple St.
Mack Tyson
E 2103 Gibson Ave.
. Ulmer R 1 B 7
W. Howard Ulsh 2012 Kl
Louise Umstead 1? S. 6th St.
Fred T. Usre
Pierce T
Jr 22 Hlein Rd.
0 K
W J. Vaught
V enwoo
0 Campbell
or e
? V
g 10 7 Hutaff Alley
er2aa 023 Cherry Ave.
W. H. Vollers 05 Princess St.Rd.
Henry VonderLieth 07 Princess St.
L. 'Waddell 1209 S. E?th St.
er g
. F. W
C 62
1964 - Civil B. W. Sams,Jr. P. Box 1176
Henry H. Saunders B 1 b Carolina Beach
Joe E. Sellers 250 Adams St.
T. G. Seilers 16 Church St.
Mary A. Shflw ?18 Red Gross 5t. '
Gertrude Moore Shedrick 710 Harnett St.
Theodore Shedrick 710 Harnett St.
Charles Shepard 421 N. 5th St.
Charlotte Johnson Shepard 916 N. 2nd
John H. Shepard 820 Wooster St.
Ivey D. Shepard 30 Kenwood Ave.
R. G. Shepard 1 06 Per Ave.
Henrietta S. Shne 1 13 S. ?}?h St.
Ivey J. Sidbury 2 6 MacRae St.
L. C. Sidbury 272 Jackson St.
Wilbur R. Simmons 220 Maple St.
Johnnie May Simpson1217 Loves Alley
Israel Singleton 11 15 S. 2nd St.
Emma T. Spindle lOtf Church St.
CGrace Elaine Spooner 3025 Louisiana Ave.
Aflantat?tingSTaylorK?r?.BBoxhC. '
G. L. Teeter Box 94, Kure Beach,N.C.
J. C. Thompson 1 20 Live Oak Pkwy I
William F. Tillery, ?r.2721 Monroe St. I
196lL - Criminal
ar Tµrbev?lle 7CLingo St.
harlie Wa iace
Graham G. Webster lOl} S. lst St.
B. Rev. Stacy Allen Wells 1 Lake Vil.
George A. Wheeler,Jr. 1320 Queen St.
Benton Grier White,J ?723 Harrison
Letha H. White 1?7 Lake Forest Pkwy.
Orville M. White 2409 Shirley Rd.
Ann Douglas Whitehead 116 N. 3rd St.
Ann Whitten 24 Pinecrest Pkwy.
Charles T. Williams221 Adams St.
Frank Delon Williams2309 Moss St. I
RoY R. Williams 108 Church St.
Wilbur A. Williams 199 Pinecrest Pkwy.
Winnie Williams 3206 W.rightsv. Ave. '
Georgia Lee Williams 1 Lake Forest ?
Jose h Charles Williar? son 2423 Monroe St.
gh?Il1?on Williamson ? tt S. ?th St.
Wiis Wi son I,ee rive I
Edward J. Wood Jr. 1?15 Market St.
Naomi Jean Wopd 2 N St.
Mrs. [. B. Woodbury 187 ??iestnut
Dewey V. iniright 110 N. (}3rd St.
Oscar Wrenn Jr. Kure ea?h. N. C.
John Wrublewske 15o5/s?. ?t: I
ADJOURNMENT - Upon motionof Mr. Mayhan, 9econded by Mr. Bra,k?e??oard unnimously
voted to adJ'ourn the meetin ?
It appearing to the undersigned Presiding Judge at the January 13, 1964 Criminal '
Term for New Hanover County that after selecting nine new members for the Grand Jury.
there are only nineteen jurors left to try the criminal cases for this Term; and
It further appearing to the Court that this number is not sufficient to conduct .
the scheduled business for said criminal term and that there is a need for an additionall
number of Jurors to be drawn on this date to supplement the nineteen jarors above re-
ferred to in order to adequately conduct the said business of the criminal court;
It is therefore Ordered, Adjudged and Decreed that the Sheriff of New Hanover Count,r
and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County be and they
are hereby directed to draw 36 jurors from said jury box and have said jurors re- I
port to the Superior Court at 9:30 on January 14, 1964 to supplement the nineteen jurorsi
shown above in order that the criminal business during this term of Court may be adequaLt-
ly conducted. i
This 13th day of January, 1964. II
/S/ Howard H. Hubbard I
Judge Presiding
continued- II