1964-03-16 Regular Meetingr_. 30 4 Wilmington, N. C. March 16, 1964 ? ? I ASSEMBLY - The New Hanover County Board A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. of Commissioners met on the above date at 9:00 County Court House with the following members ., Commissioners Peter H.. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Jr.; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and INVOCATION Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend W. D. Barkley, pastor of the Assembly of God, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the regular meeting on March 2nd and the special' called meeting on March 9th, copies of which had been previously mailed to each Board member, were unanimously approved as written. TAX ABSTRACTS - Pursuant to instructions at the meeting of March 2nd, the Executive Secretary conferred with the Tax Collector with reference to further efforts to collecC back taxes owing on property acquired by the Federal government as a buffer zone for the Sunny Point terminal. The attorneys overlooked a total of $99.94 in various parcels of land on which they had investigated and passed title. The attorney for the Tax Collector reports that the statutory lien for taxes was ext!unguished when the Federai government acquired the property. He also explained the possibility of instituting civil action against the former owners but the Statute of Limitations applies to actions of this nature and,there- fore, would be pleaded at the bar against any civil remedy. He also reports that there is a question as to whether a city or county government may properly maintain a suit at common law and treat taxes as a debt. After a brief discussion of this subject, the Board, by common consent, unanimously aoreed to waive further legal action at this time. The Executive Secretary was instructed to notify the Tax Collector of this action. PLUMBING FEE The Chairman read a letter from Wiimington College requesting waiver of a plumbing inspection fee of $15.00 which was charged against the restrooms at their Athletii Field Building. A brief discussion brought ovt the fact that 1/6 of these fees went to City and, therefore, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the 6/6 which came to the County be waived. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. WELFARE LIENS - The Chairman read a letter from the Director of'Public Welfare Department advis3ng that a house at 819 South lith Street, formerly owned by Rudolph Flores, DPW #20728, on which they have a lien of $1395 due to Old Age Assistance Grants, has been condemned by a Buildino Inspector and they request permission to have it demolished as it is being used at present as a bathroom and drunkard's paradise. The Executive Secretary reported that he had an offer of $1,000 for the property which is described as Part of Lot #5 in Block 55 and is 60' x 661. He had requested an appraisal by the County Property Appraisors who placed a fair market value at $1200.00. After a brief discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the County offer no objection to the demolishing of the house but that it be understood that this is not an authority to demolish it or the County assume.s no responsibility in this respect. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved.? The Executive Secretary recalled that on November 4th, 1963, Mary Dinkins re- ported that she had deeded 0.36 acres of land to Thomas and Ethel Mitchell and was not i aware that the Welfare Department had a lien on the land. On January 20, 1964, the Board approved the cancellation of the lien of that particular parcel upon payment of $400.00 which is the fair market value placed on it by the County Property Appraisors. _ Since that time it has developed that she likewise deeded 0.36 acres to James Edrrard Davis of RFD 2, Box 245 A which aiso has a fair market value of $400.00 according to the Property Appraisors. Mr. Remus Parker, Box 307, Sharpsburg, North Carolina has offered to pay $400.0OA?t.'elhave i the lien released from the Davis lot. After discussing this matter with the County Attor- ; ney, Mr. Broadhvrst moved that the County give approval to releasing the lien on that par- 'i ticular parcel upon payment of the $400.00, subject to the approval of the Public Welfare Board. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted. ROAD PETITION - i A petition was received signed by the property owners on Burnett Road for adding' it to the State maintained Secondary Road System. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconde' by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimousiy approved the request and ordered it sent to the State? Highway Commission for their consideration. I TAX ABATEMENT - Chairman Hall reported that Mr. J. D. Futch, Treasurer of the Calvary Baptist Church, asked that back taxes in the amount of $111.52 for the County and $176.58 for the II City be abated for the reason that it is church property. It is located in Block 264, Lot west end 1 and 2. The property is the old Calvary Baptist Church which was sold in 1961 to the Christian Pentecostal Holiness Church with headquarters in'New York City. The purchase price was to be paid on a monthly basis. They failed to make their payments and the Calvary Baptist Church had to repossess the property on which the taxes had accvmu- lated. Investigation reveals that the Pentecostal Holiness Sect operate on a missionary basis and their people were occupying part of these church buildings at the time our Pro- perty Appraisors made their inspection. It was not made clear to them that the property ? was being used for church purposes and, therefore, they declared it taxable property. The County Attorney ruled that as it was continually being used for church purposes and not as an income producing investment, the taxes were charged in error and, therefore, it is I in order to abate them. After a discussion of this matter, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the taxes be abated. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. I? I1? I a r 3 r m. -- AZALEA FESTIVAL '- • -- - _ - - , - . _ - -- Mr? W. A. Raney, President of_the Azalea Festivai, presented the Board an official invitation to attend and thankad them-for the cooperation and help which they had extended to the promotion'of this important event, _....-- i ? I COURT HOUSE DECORATION - - - ,i The Chairman read a letter from Fred W. Everett, requesting permission and approval to decorate the Court House for the Azalea Festival at a price not to exceed $50.00 which is in line with previous years. Mr. Broadhurst moved the approval of this I. request, which was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously carried. BEER PERMITS - The foliowing P7r. Broadhurst, seconded for his investigation an Lillie L. Gore Harry Eugene Moffitt Edward Vance Moore applications for Beer PermiLs were reviewed and upon motion of by Mr. Mayhan, unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff i consideration: ' T/A Rex kestaurant 4713 Oleander Dr. T/R Seagull'Bar Board bJa2k, Carolina Beach T/A Yucca Restaurant North 17 Y.iohway HOLIDAYS - Complying with instructions given at the last meeting, the Executive Secretary ' reported that the banks and savings and loan companies had been called and Lhat Easter Monday will be observed as a paid holiday this year. After a brief discussion, Mr. Netts moved that the County approve Easter hionday as a holiday for employees. It was seconded H by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. The Executive Secretary was instructed by the Chairman to bring this matter up at a later date for reconsideration and permanent decision. with reference to future paid ho2idays for County employees. BUILDIPJG INSPECTCR - Mr, R. N. Kermon, Sr. appeared before the Board and stated that he represented I a group of people opposed to establishing a Buildiny Ordinance and Inspector for small ? residence property. The Chairmatt explained to him that it is true that a Planning and Zoning Board has been appointed for the purpose of studying the building conditions but , that it is still in the process of deveIopment and no recommendations have as yet been made by them. He told him th.at Mr. I. John Tinga was Chairman of that Soard and suggest- ed that he cet in touch with him and discuss his problems. The Chairman aiso explained that a Public Hearing would be held before any ordinances are passed and if they objected to any of the stipulations or provisions, objections could be made at the eeneral hearing. KNOW YOUR COUNTY - I ? Representatives of the League of Women Voters reported to the Board that Lhey had completed a study of New Hanover County and presented" each of ttie CAfninSssloflaes" wifi,fl a ? copy of the Bookl@t compiled and edited by-the League. "They are a. non partisari organization o6eking to promote poIitical responsibility'through informed and active citiiens, The Chair- man thanked them for the fine work which tliey tiave clone ancl agreed that the first steps in good citizenship is to have'a firsti hand knowledge of "ttie'services"in'our-own`County-. By 0 common consent of the Board, the Executive Secretary was instructed to"wr-ite a letter con- gratulating the League on the f'ine survey which they-liave publislied and"send-a-letter to Mrs. Robert J. Phillips wlio is president of the National League of Women Voters at 1026 17th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 20036. WATER SENINAR - ? The Chairman reported that the Department of Water Resources will conduct a Seminar at New Bern, March 26th in the Superior Courtrooms and issued an invitation for the CommissionerS to attend. REP,ORTS The following reports were.reviewed and,ordered filed for future reference: 1- A copy of letter from U. S. Corps of Engineers noting the approved modifica- tion of the existing project of the Northeast Cape Fear River above Hilton Bridge. 2- A copy of letter from,U. S. Cor,ps of Engineers noting the allocacation of funds ? for preconstruction plannino for hurricane and shore protective measures at, Wrightsville Beach, N. C. 3- County Agricu2tural Agent's ReporL for February. . 4- Home Economics Agent!s Report for February 1964. . . . 5- N. C. Department of Agricu2ture reports that the State's incentive pay for our Couttty Farm Census Reports amounts to $266.00. 6- Wiimington Public,Library. i 7- Copy of the proposed program at Fort Fisher scheduled for the summer of 1964 by Stanley Sotrth, Archaeolooist. , 8- Thank-you letter from the North Carolina Probation Division Supervisor, Harry W. Douglas,,fbr providirig office space for an additional Probation Officer in in the New Hanover County Courthouse. 9' Letter and Resolution pertaining to the Greater Wilmington Safety Council by the City of Wilmington. ADJOURNMENT - . ' Upon motion of Ivir. Mayhan, seconded by Mr; in ten minutes as a$oard of Equalization and Review. i Braak. the Soard adiourned t.n mPet W. G.. Houek, Exec. Secretary