1964-03-24 Board of E&R?Q6 Minutes of the 1964 Board of Equalization and Review New Hanover County, Wilmington,N.C. The Board of Equalization and Review met on March 16, 1964 in the office of Lhe Board of County Commissioners at 11:00 o'clock A. M. with the following members pre- sent: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr. and Tax Supervisor W. G. Houck, Appraisors H. S. McGirt and R. E. Blake. The Chairman called the meeting to order and the entire Board was sworn in accord- ing to law by Mr. James H. Adams, Deputy Cierk of 5uperior Court. I W. G. Houck, Tax Supervisor and Secretary to the Board of Equalization and Review, reported that he had only about 33 complaints. He was instructed to make a thorough ? inspection of the property of the complainants and make his recommendation to the Board. r There being no further business at this time, the meeting was recessed until March I 24, ]964 and the Tax Supervisor was instructed to notify the complainants that the Board would meet at that time and would Iisten to their complaints. ? Y Minutes of the Board of Equalization and Review • '4 i March 24, 1464 9:00 A. M. - Pursuant to the recessed meeting of March ibth, the Board of Equalization and ?. Review met on March 24th at 9:00 A. M. with all Board members present except Mr. L. E. . Bfoadhurst, who was out of town and unabie to be present. The Chairman called the - meeting to order. The Tax Supervisor reparted that all complainants had been notified I '- that they could personally make their complaints. The following complaints were reviewe Mr. Yates 0. Hawkins - Property at 1601 S. 4th St. 81 B, Lot 25 . ?, Mrs. Ida S. Retchin - ill} North 6th St., B1 183, Lot SW 2 I Mrs. G. Aileen Williams - Willowdale, Lot 22 Mr. John A. Bayne, Sr. - 107 Central Boulev., B1 5, Lot 4 _ North Carolina Sorosis - Block 1$0, Lot Wj and EM 2 • Mrs. Hettie S. Shew - 201 Meares St., b!E 6, Pt of 5 in B1 18 i Mr. Raymond Retchin - B1 183, wj and EM 3 at 110 North 6th St. I Mr. James G. Henderson - Princess P1., B1 17 Lot 46 Mr. W. A. Ntahler - 415 North !}th St., B1 220 Pt. of Lot 1 • Miss Luila May Horne -415 Walnut 5t., B1 221 Pt. Lots 3, 1} and 5 , n n n n 423 Walnut St., B1 221 Pt. Lots 3, 4 2nd 5 • Mrs. Nell H. Trask = 2756 Hydrangea P1. Lots 143 and 144, Oleander ' Mrs, A. E. Horne - 219 Woodale Dr., Lot 15 in Harnett Township W. John J. Burney, Jr. - Fisherviile, Lot 8 in Harnett Township • Mr. Joseph Mighton =? B1 30 Lots 5, 6 and 79 Burnett properties Mr. Francis M. Foy, Jr. - 4109 Peachtree St., Lots 443, and 444 Avdubon Cape Fear Temple AIo 668 Elks - 415 North 7th St., 81 223, Pt. of Lot 2 Atlantic Refining Co. - B1 229 Lot 85 x 125 Summer Hill ' I Mr. George Canoutas - Kure Beach B1 10, 'Lot 14 Mr. Lewis Schwartz - 807 N. !}th St., 91 278, Pt. of !} Mr. 8 Mrs. E. H. Schuiken - B1 5, Lot 16 in Carolina Heights. Miss Daisy Lee Schulken - Peter Pan School, 1822 Chestnut St. W. Douglas W. Helbig - Timber Pen - Point Peter ? W. Ernest L. Wi2son - Lots 59 and 60 in Sedgefield, 201 Bermuda Dr. Nlr. G. H. Peterson - B1 190 Pt. Lot 1, 509 Market St, Mr. William S. R. Beane - Harnett Township - 38 acres, B1 2 N 135 Lot 48 II Continued- I? ', 307 ? .. . F .I Minutes o3' the Board of Ecua 1 i zat ion and Rev iew - March 24, 1964 ( Cont inued_)J _ - - -- ? -. -- . T Mr. William S. R. Beane - Harnett Township - 38 acres, B1 2 N 135 Lot 48 Mr. J. J. Overton - B1 2N 183, Lot 42, 26.3 acres, Nyrtle Farms , Mr. J. J. Overton - 6.7 acres Lot 9 and 10, Njyrtle Farms Mrs. Mamie Higgins - B1 A, Lot 7 Seabreeze Mr. H. C. Wallace - B1 208, Pt, of Lot 2, 315 North 5th St. Mr. W. G. Smith - Masonboro Township, 141 acres Mr. Joseph Mighton - B1 6, Lots 11 and 12 - Tucker Burnett property Mr. D. V. Retchin - Trustee, W. H. Wright, Jr. Bi 133, Pt. Lots 4 and 5 Mr. Raymond Retchin - 118 S. 6th St., Bi 143, Pt. Lot 5 214 S. 17th St., B1 497, Pt. !} and 5 'Mr. W. H. Palmer - 510 Ann St., B1 117, Pt. Lot 1 Mr. Isaac Shain - 411 Nun St., B1 116, Pt. Lot 6 Mr. George Canoutas - Kure Beach B1 10 Lot 2 Fort Fisher ?Mrs. Nary C. Warrett - 309 North sth St., B1 207 Pt. Lot 3 Mrs. S. D. Corbett - 315 Church St., B1 102, Pt. Lot 6 . , . • 'Mr. August M. Blomberg - 2902 Harvard, Lot 832, Oleander Extension Mr. W. C. Holliday - 38.5 acres, Telfatr Creek, Federal Point Township Mr. Daniel D. Retchin - 1315 Hawthorrie Dr., Lot 711 in South Oleander AMr. E. B. Dunn - B1 F Lots 1, 2, 3 and l}, Caroli_na Beach IIMr. C. D. Burnette - B1 25, Lot 8, Carolina Beach Mr. John H. Burnett - B1 25, Lot 5, Carolina Beach Mr. L. E. Bunch - B1 25, Pt. Lots 1 and 2, Carolina Beach Mrs. Gladys Paschall Lindsay - B1 25, Lot 3 and Pt. of 2, Caroliria Beach Mr. M. J. Batchelor - B1 25, Lot !}, Carolina Beach• Mrs. Ruth H. Hines - Bi 25, Lot 7, Carolina Beach Mr. J. M. Ha12, Jr. - B1 25, Lot 6, Carolina Beach , Mr. J. H. Duff - Bi 25, Lot 10, Carolina Beach . ,Mr. Charles F. Smith - B1 25, Lot 9, Carolina Beach _ W. G. Houck, ? Tax Supervisor Wilmington, N. C. April 6, 1964 ASSEMBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met today in regular semimonthly session at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House with the foilow- ing members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. MetLs, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. INVOCATIDN - Chairman Hall cailed the meeting to order and asked Reverend B. H. Baskerville, Pastor of the Chestnut Street Presbyterian Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. ? VAPPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - In considering the approval of the meeting held on Nlarch 16th, it was noted that the name of Commissioner 'L. E. Broadhurst had been inadvertently omitted and after making ;this correction, Mr. Metts offered a motion that they be approved as amended. It was 'seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously carried. . IIJURY PARKING - Mr. C. B. McCand2ess appeared before the Board and stated that in 1959 he had reported difficulty in finding parking spaces for jurors summoned to serve in Superior. Court. He stated that he has again been summoned for jury duty and finds the same prob2em. He suggested that the Board of Commissioners and the City Council ,jointly work out a plan whereby each ,juror would receive a-plastic bag to put over the top of parking meters in- dicating that they were doing a public service and should not be indicted for overparking. The Chairman explained to him that his suggestion was not ignored but in discussing the Ilproblem with the City officials and their attorney was unable to discover any legal means ?authorizing such use of parking meters and therefore, the matter was dropped. He promised .A