1964-04-06 Regular Meeting307 ? .. . F .I Minutes o3' the Board of Ecua 1 i zat ion and Rev iew - March 24, 1964 ( Cont inued_)J _ - - -- ? -. -- . T Mr. William S. R. Beane - Harnett Township - 38 acres, B1 2 N 135 Lot 48 Mr. J. J. Overton - B1 2N 183, Lot 42, 26.3 acres, Nyrtle Farms , Mr. J. J. Overton - 6.7 acres Lot 9 and 10, Njyrtle Farms Mrs. Mamie Higgins - B1 A, Lot 7 Seabreeze Mr. H. C. Wallace - B1 208, Pt, of Lot 2, 315 North 5th St. Mr. W. G. Smith - Masonboro Township, 141 acres Mr. Joseph Mighton - B1 6, Lots 11 and 12 - Tucker Burnett property Mr. D. V. Retchin - Trustee, W. H. Wright, Jr. Bi 133, Pt. Lots 4 and 5 Mr. Raymond Retchin - 118 S. 6th St., Bi 143, Pt. Lot 5 214 S. 17th St., B1 497, Pt. !} and 5 'Mr. W. H. Palmer - 510 Ann St., B1 117, Pt. Lot 1 Mr. Isaac Shain - 411 Nun St., B1 116, Pt. Lot 6 Mr. George Canoutas - Kure Beach B1 10 Lot 2 Fort Fisher ?Mrs. Nary C. Warrett - 309 North sth St., B1 207 Pt. Lot 3 Mrs. S. D. Corbett - 315 Church St., B1 102, Pt. Lot 6 . , . • 'Mr. August M. Blomberg - 2902 Harvard, Lot 832, Oleander Extension Mr. W. C. Holliday - 38.5 acres, Telfatr Creek, Federal Point Township Mr. Daniel D. Retchin - 1315 Hawthorrie Dr., Lot 711 in South Oleander AMr. E. B. Dunn - B1 F Lots 1, 2, 3 and l}, Caroli_na Beach IIMr. C. D. Burnette - B1 25, Lot 8, Carolina Beach Mr. John H. Burnett - B1 25, Lot 5, Carolina Beach Mr. L. E. Bunch - B1 25, Pt. Lots 1 and 2, Carolina Beach Mrs. Gladys Paschall Lindsay - B1 25, Lot 3 and Pt. of 2, Caroliria Beach Mr. M. J. Batchelor - B1 25, Lot !}, Carolina Beach• Mrs. Ruth H. Hines - Bi 25, Lot 7, Carolina Beach Mr. J. M. Ha12, Jr. - B1 25, Lot 6, Carolina Beach , Mr. J. H. Duff - Bi 25, Lot 10, Carolina Beach . ,Mr. Charles F. Smith - B1 25, Lot 9, Carolina Beach _ W. G. Houck, ? Tax Supervisor Wilmington, N. C. April 6, 1964 ASSEMBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met today in regular semimonthly session at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House with the foilow- ing members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. MetLs, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. INVOCATIDN - Chairman Hall cailed the meeting to order and asked Reverend B. H. Baskerville, Pastor of the Chestnut Street Presbyterian Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. ? VAPPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - In considering the approval of the meeting held on Nlarch 16th, it was noted that the name of Commissioner 'L. E. Broadhurst had been inadvertently omitted and after making ;this correction, Mr. Metts offered a motion that they be approved as amended. It was 'seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously carried. . IIJURY PARKING - Mr. C. B. McCand2ess appeared before the Board and stated that in 1959 he had reported difficulty in finding parking spaces for jurors summoned to serve in Superior. Court. He stated that he has again been summoned for jury duty and finds the same prob2em. He suggested that the Board of Commissioners and the City Council ,jointly work out a plan whereby each ,juror would receive a-plastic bag to put over the top of parking meters in- dicating that they were doing a public service and should not be indicted for overparking. The Chairman explained to him that his suggestion was not ignored but in discussing the Ilproblem with the City officials and their attorney was unable to discover any legal means ?authorizing such use of parking meters and therefore, the matter was dropped. He promised .A r' 308 Minutes of the Meeting April 6, 1964 (Continued) JURY PARKING - (Continued) • • however, that another effort would be made to see if a satisfactory solution might be found. , • • • ROAD PETITION - • • A group of property owners living in Ocean View Subdivision on Middle Sound presented a request for the addition of Bailey Avenue, Grace Street, and Hess Avenue into the State N?aintained Secondary Road System. In considering this petition, it was noted that Grace Street is a duplication of name and the Board requested that'it,be changed before approval is given to the request. They 3nstructed the Executive Secre- tary to notify them of this decision. . . • STREET PAVING - ' • j A petition was received signed by approximately 20 families for hard surfacin3 Peachtree Street Extension, east of Wallace Avenue. After a brief consideration, Mr. Broadhurst moved that it be appr.oved and sent to the State Highway Commission for their II consideration-an3 that:ttie folloving R'esoluLion be-adopted,•' the'motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted: I WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover has I investigated the condition of the above described road which is now a part of Che•systemi of roads maintained by the State Highway Commission and which is indicated in red on ' the attached map; and I WHEREAS, after careful consideration of the services rendered by said road and the traffic demands of said county, it is deemed necessary that said road be improve: in order to better serve the interests of the people of this county. I N041, THEREFORE, be approved and request that the in the above described road: it resolved, and the Board of State Highway Commission make Hard surface with black top. County Commissioners hereby the following improvements WELFARE LIEN PROPERTY - Mr. Leo O. Plisco appeared before the Board and stated that he is willing to ' pay $1200.00 for the lot in the name of Rudolph Flores on which the Weifare Department II has a lien of $1375.00 provided the house is torn down before the purchase or he wiil give $1100.00 for the property and tear the house down. The County Attorney explained to him that the County did not have title to the properLy and that the only action they could take would be to release the lien on the property, upon payment of the fair market value, which in this case is appraised to be $1200.00. After explaining the matter thoroughly, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that approval be given Lo release the Welfare lien of $1375.00 on the property, upon payment of the fair market of $1200.00 sub,ject to approval of the Board of Public Welfare. The lien originated through grantsQ made to Rudolph Flores by the Welfare Department. The motion was seconded by Mr. Metts' and unanimously approved. APPROPRIATIONS The Executive Secretary presented an invoice from the National Association ' of Counties 1n the amount of $168.00 for renewal of their subscription entitling them ? to County Information Service. This is an increase of $68.00 over the amount budgeted for this item. After a brief discussion in which it was decided that Lhe County should remain a member of this Association, Mr. Metts moved that $68.00 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to Dues and Subscriptions for NACO Membership. It was second,- ed by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously carried. I Good Neiqhbor Council Committee - The Executive Secretary reported that he had received an invoice from the City of Wilmington in the amount of $39.09 covering expenses by the Bi-Racial Committee or the Good Neighbor Council Committee. The City had inclosed their check for one-half of the expense and as no appropriation had been made for this agency of government, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the County pay their one-half amounting to $19.54 and appropriate it from the General Emergency Fund. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. PIANNING AND ZONQNG - The Chairman calledFattention to a recommendation made by the County Planning and Zoning Committee ?ffices of the building inspector, plumbing inspector and electrica inspector. The re ort also inciuded an estimated listof revenues that couid reasonably be expected from the operation of the combined offices and also an estimated share of expenses which the County should'share if a,joint City-County Planning Staff is approved It is suggested that a joint planning staff would provide the continuity of services needed for effective planning as well as the operational cost should be less than for separate boards. After a brief discussion, it was decided,to delay any decision on these recommendations and allow the individual Commissioners time to study them more thoroughly. x for combining the ANNUAL CONVENTION PLANS The Chairman read a newsletter from the office of the State Association of County Commissioners announcing the dates of the annual convention scheduled this year I for Morehead City, North Carolina between June 14th and 17th. By common consent, the , Board authorized the attendance of all Commissioners, County Attorney, County Assess- ing Officers to go. They instructed the Executive Secretary to make reservations at the headquarters hotel for at least two rooms and see if the same cottage used in 1962 was still available and if so, rent it. , Minutes of the Meetinq Apri1_6.._1_9_6LL Cont.innsd= - ..---? --- - - ----- ° - "NATIONAL RIVERS AND HARBORS CONGRESS - The Executive Secretary called attention to the slst National Convention of the Rivers 8 Harbors Congress scheduled for 10:00 A. M. on Friday, June sth at the May- flower Hotel in Washington, D. C. The Chaiiman reminded the Board that last year both the Cape Fear River Pro,ject and the Northeast River Project were stepped up and placed in Ciass 2 through the efforts of this organization and he urged that we continue to support it and attend its sessions. After a brief discussion, in which the Board agreed it is a good thing, Mr. Metts offered a motion that attendace be approved for any Com- Imissioners who could go and Colonel George W. Gillette who has rendered the County out- 'standing service on the development of our navigable waters. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. The Chairman authorized the Executive Secretary to make reservations at the convention hotel for two rooms. RECORDER'S COURT REPORT - 1'he County Auditor reported that he had inspected the records of the Recorder's Court and verified for fact $10,567.48 for the month of February and although it is the smallest month they have had, he found all the records in good order. _ REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE APPROPRIATION - The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that budgeteQ funds for repairs and maintenance to the Court House were exhausted because of their authorization to use some of these funds for repairs to the Recorder's Courtroom. At present, we have two skilled painters serving time at the Prison Farm. It is felt that they should be used to the fullest extent in painting the corridors of the Court House which are so badly ?needed. After a brief discussion, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that $1;000 be appro- priated from the Generai Emergency Fund to the Repairs and Maintenance of the Court House Fund. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved with the understanding that ' the Executi've Secretary would work up some actuai figures showing the needs for the balance of the fiscai year. . INDUSTRY APPRECIATION WEEK - The Chairman observed that the Board had approved the observance of Industry Appreciation Week as recommended by Governor Sanford and the State Association of County Commissioners and read the following Proclamation: ' WHEREAS, the industries of Alew Hanover County make substantiai contribution to the economic well being of the county, by employing citi2ens of the county, by buy- ing items grown or produced 3n the county, and by paying taxes to help support county services, and YJHEREAS, the efforts to encourage the location of additional industry in the county at times may appear to overshadow the contributions now being made by exist- ing industries; and YZHEREAS, Terry 6anford, Governor of North Carolina, has designated the week of April 22th to 18th, 1964 as Industry Appreciation Week throughout North Caro2ina; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, thaL the week of April 12th to 18th, 1964 be Industry Appreciation We¢k in New Hanover County thereby providing an opportunity for all officials and citizens to express appreciation for the great contribution made by industry to the county. " During this week, newspapers and television and radio stations serv3ng the county should acquaint the peopie of the covnty with the contribution being made by industry. In turn, the people of ihe county-should, as individuals, express their appreciation to the owners, managers, and employ ee -s-ofIndustry for this con- tribution. The leaders in eech of the various communities in the county are encouraged to designate a day during Industry Appreciation Week, at which time the community may, as it deems appropriate, recognize the contrihution of its own industry. Mr. Metts moved that the Resolution be approved and adopted for New Hanover County. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and uanimousiy passed. The Chairman was authorized to pro- ceed with the detailed arrangements using his own best judgement. IMARKET STOCK SHOW AND SALE Mr. D. D. Baggett, Agricultural Extension Agent, reported that the 13th Annuai Southeastern North Carolina Stock Show and Sale would be held in the New Hanover County Livestock Arena, Wednesday, April lsth and invited the Board of Commissioners to attend and participate in this event. He requested permission to use the New Hanover County Livestock Arena. Mr. Braak offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, that it be made available to them with such help as they needed from the County Prison Farm. It was unani- mously approved. C.A.P. - The Chairman read a letter from the Cape Fear Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol stating that the Annual Carnival Fund Raising Pro,ject sponsored by them would start May lst. It will have nine rides and a refreshment stand but no midway. They request the waiver of Schedule "B'r taxes for this event. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by ,Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously agreed to abate Schedule "B" taxes normaily due on car- nivals. I F'.3 1?? . i L Minutes of the Meeting Aprii 9, 1961} Continued DRUNKOMETER - The Chairman observed that in his opinion, the Board should reconsider the advantages for the use of a drunkometer in New Hanover County. He is.convinced that a good many arrests or convictions are not made because the apprehending officer does not have sufficient proof to insure a conviction on the drunken driving charge and, therefore, issues a suimnons on a lesser charge although there was some evidence at least of the person being under the influence of intoxicating liquor. After briefly discussing the subject, it was decided that it was a proper matter to be brought before the Budget discussion with the costs and suggested proceedure for its use. The Chair- man then instructed the Executive Secretary to place the sub,ject in the file for Budget time. SHORE PROTECTIaN - , The Chairman stated that one of the most important problems facing the Board at this time is shore protection from continual erosion. He is convinced, as are the engineers, that the most effective means of control is through the building of dnnes and berms to break the force of the wave action. He requested the Board to reiterate its intent to participate in the shore protection program and form erosion protection Oistricts in the unincorporated areas of the County which must be save.d if the shore protection is effective in the incorporated sections along the beach. After a brief discussion, the Board, upon motion of Nlr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, unani- ,mously sigttified their intent of proceeding with this program. DRAINAGE AND SANITATION DISTRICTS - II The Chairman asked the County Attorney about the formation of drainage and sanitation districts in the populated areas where these services are most needed. He voiced the conviction that this type service is one which must be considered and asked the attorney to look up the Genera2 Statutes with reference tothe authority the Board has to set up distr3cts. He is to report after completing his study. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION CENTER The Chairman reminded the Board of their agreement at the last meeting to to allow the citizens of New Hanover County to vote on a bond issue for use in construct; ing an Industrial Education Center. Commissioner John Van B. Metts, Jr. introduced I the following Bond Order which was eead at length: BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSURNCE OF $575,000 INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION CIIVTER BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ' WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover deems it , advisable that an Industrial Education Center be established in said County and that Industriai Education Center facilities be erected and equipped in the County, and the Board of Commissioners desires to provide for the financing of the cost of such improvements; I NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED by the Board of.Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: Section 1. The Board of Commissioners of tained and hereby determines that, in order to trial Education Center in said County, it will hereinafter described, and that it will be neci sum of $575,000 in addition to any funds which pose from any other source. the County of New Hanover has ascer- provide for the erection of an Indus- be necessary to make the improvements :ssary to provide for such purpose the may be made available for such pur- Section 2. In order to raise the money required to finance the erection and ' equipment of one or more new buildings in New Hanover County for use as an Indus- trial Education Center operating under the provisions of Chapter 115A of the General ? ? Statutes of North Carolina, offering vocational, trade and technical speciaity covrse; and programs to the inhabitants of New Hanover County, including the acquisition of ? the necessary land therefor, bonds of the County of New Hanover are hereby authorized and shall be issued pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina. The max- imum aggregate principal amount of said bonds authorized by this Bond Order shall p be F1VE HUNDRED SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($575.000). I? Section 3. A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds ? when due shall be annually levied and collected. ? Section 4. A statement of the County debt of the County of New Hanover has beenI filed with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of said County and iS open to publtc inspection. I Sect'ion 5. This bond order shali take effect when approved by the voters of the County at an election as prov3ded in said Act. After a brief discussion by the Board, Commission¢r Peter H. Braak moved that the foliowing Resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, a bond order entitled "Bond Order authori2ing the issuance of $575,000 I Industrial Education Center Bonds of the County of New Hanover", has been introduced at the meeting of the Board of Commissinners held on April b, 1964, and the Board , of Commissioners desires to provide for the holding of a public hearing thereon as ' required by the County Finance Act; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: ? (continued) , \ ? / J 311 , Minut.e.s-of t.he-lle_et.insa - Ap_r_i1_6• 1_9_61L-Lconti-nued), r INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION CENTER -(Bond Order continued) . (1) The public hearing upon said bond order shall be held on April 20, 1964, at 9:00 o'ciock in the forenoon at the regular meeting room of the Board of Commissioners ? at the Court House in Wilmington, N. C. ' ? . (2) The' Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby directed to cause a copy of said bond order to be published with a notice of such hearing in the form prescribed by law, in the Wilmington Morning Star, a newspaper published at Wilmington, North Caro- lina, _in the County of New Hanover, not later than April 7, 1964. (3) The County Accountant is hereby requested to file with the Clerk of tfie Board of Commissioners, at least ten days prior to'such hearing, a statement of the debt incurred or to be incurred by the County for other than school purposes, in the'form pre- scribed by the County Finance AcL. . . The motion having been seconded by Commissioner Ernest R. Mayhan. It was unanimously adopted. Commissioner Peter H. Braak moved that the following Resolution be adopted: . WHEREAS, the County of New Hanover intends to apply to the Local Government Commiss- ion for approval of the issuance of $575,000 Industrial Education Center Bonds of the County authorized by the Bond Order introduced at a meeting of the Board of Commiss- ioners held on April b, 1964; • NOW, THERBFORE BE IT RESOLVED as foilows: ' ?1) The Chairman and Clerk of and directed to file with the Local tion for its approval of said bonds, state in such application such facts such bonds and to the County and its Commission. the Board 3overnment on a form and to at financiai of Commissioners are hereby authorized Commission of North Carolina an applica- prescribed by said Commission, and to tach thereto such exhibits in regard to condition, as may be required by said (2) The action of the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners causing notice of in- tention to file such appiication, containing the information required by law to appear in such notice, to be published once in each of two successive weeks in the Wilming- ton Morning Star, a newspaper published at Wilmington, North Carolina, in the County of New Hanover, is hereby ratified and confirmed, Commissioner Ernest R. Mayhan seconded the motion, and the motion was adopted. Those ? vot'ing for the motion were Messrs. J. M. Hali, Jr., Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan, ` i L.' E. Broadhurst and John Van B. Metts, Jr. No one voted against it. FANN I E 'NORWOOD -HOME - - I The Chairman informed the Board that the dedication of the Fannie Norwood Mem- orial Home for the Aged, located at 501 South 15th Street, would•be held on Sunday, April n 12, 1964 at 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon. As this facility will relieve the remainder of the residents at the County Home who are eligible, it is of interest to the Board and he urged them to be pr.esent if possible. '. ' SENCBA - ? The Chairman observed that he had received a letter from the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Southeastern North Carolina Beach Association requesting the appoint ? ment of two members to serve on their Board of Directors as required in their by-laws. N After a brief discussion, the Chairman appointed Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan and John i Van B. Metts, Jr, to serve in that capacity. - FORT FISHER EROSION The Chairman recalled that on January 6, 1964, the Board authorized letters to the State Water Resources Commission and the State Highway Commission calling attention to the eating away of the shore line protecting Battle Acre at Fort Fisher and U. S. #421 Highway. Since that time, the Water Resources Commission have passed a resolution approv- ing participation in the stabili2ation of the Fort Fisher shore line on a 25/75% basis on the norLhern end and a 50150 % basis on the southern end in conjunction with the State Highway Commission. No further information is available at this time. , PETIT JURY - The fol]owing good and lawful pe rsons were selected to serve as Jurors in Super- ior Court for the weeks begin ning•My 4th, May lith, May 18th and May 25th: Jurors for the week begi nning May 4, 196LL - Civil , James Aikens 915 Grace St. , Rueall Bennerman RFD 2, Box 371 Eugene M. Allen, Jr. 204 Dixie Ave. Benj. W. Best , P. O. Box 133,.Carg?Aefi Fred Dsvid Allen 813 Ann St. Thomas Blackham, Jr. 135 Pinecrest Pkwy. Leonard Alpern 725 Forest Hills Jas. B. Bolton P.O. Box 161,Wrightsv.Beach Walter E. Andrews 409 Jennings Dr. Wilbur S. Bost Box 199, Carolina Beach Lee Ray'Armstrong, Jr. 606 Thomas Ave. William Franklin Bowen 4 30 Market St. L. R. Armstrong 102 Borden Ave. Crdry David Burns 3 02 Wrightsv. Ave. B 367 RFD 2 R. A. Armstrong 108 208 Castle St. d A B , Robert A. Brewer Brickhouse,Jr.ll West Dr. James A V. G. Avery, Jr. D. A. Babb 1 0 ? ? or ve. en Queen St. . David Ronald Brookshire 12 Market St. 1307 Grace St. Linwood Badon 2 2 Jefferson St. A. B. Brown . Robert E. Baker 2519 20 Van Buren St. kh t O Bobby Brown Bryant Jr. Joseph E 2004 Pender Ave. 121 Laurei Dr. Walter U. Baltezegar Orving Banghart 5 P.0 C a urs 1 [3 ?0 h S B ?i , . Thomas T. Bumgardner,5r 2846 S. Front St. Andrew Banister !}OS eac o a n N. 9th St. Foster Burnett Jr. Burton S R % W.S.&T. Co. Box 604 A,Carolina Beach H. W. Barnes A, J. Barnhill Box 106 216 ?ou}, hern Blvd. . . A.C. Caviness d ??06 Queen St. 9 Market St Jessie James Batts o B 108 2529 S. t?th St. Jackson St y_ John_H. Cana Daniei W. Carmon . 911? Meares St. axem re Crarvey M. J. A. Baynes,Jr. P.O. . Box 3245 George Allen Cayton RFD 1 Box 29 continued- ?A F::31-2 Mi?ut_es?.f=Jthe_Me_ei3na_ =An.r_i_1_6.._19_611_ Contlnuec# Jurors- (continued) ? F. A. Beavlieu 2732 Harrison St. Thomas T. Chapel 66 Pinecrest Pkwy'. Albert C. Beale P. O. Box 1193 Samuel Chestnvt 810 N. 6th St. W. H. Beason 2801 Willow St. Robert Nash Cooper Jr. 1708 Chestnut St. L. A. Beck 113 Wrightsv. Av. Willia m B. Cooper RFD 1 Box 286 Poliks eni 2907 Oleander Dr. James N. Corbett ?stle Hayne N.C. RFD 1, Box 10?. D. Jurors for the week beginning May 11, 1964 - Civil Shelton D. Corbett T. N. Costello N. F. Costin Ernest P. Crawford S. L. Crawley, Sr. O. G. Ci'ispens W. T. Croom Donald A. Curtis Robert Daniels James J. Darby Felton E. Davenport Guy J. Davis Vernon M. Dew Donald L. Dewitt Daiton Ray Dexter Perry D. Dixon George W. Edwards Joe D. Eakes M. S. Emart B. B. Eubanks, Jr. O. D. Fowler George H. Futch, Alva R. Gainey C. H. Gentry,Jr. William Golder 200 Palmetto Rd. 3702 Stratford 303 1NcMi l lan Av. P. O. Box 3266 4309 Wrightsv. Ave. 5308 Greenleaf Dr. 419 Wrightsv. Ave. RFD 1, Box 413 203 s. Stn st. 123 Parkwood Dr. 12 Chapel Ave. p. o. aoX 34 2 C Oleander Ct. Apts. 15 Terrace Walk 142 N. Hinton Ave. 168 Yorktown Dr. 4622 Long Leaf Hills Box 32 Kure Beach RFD 2, Box 131 1906 Woolcott Ave. 2222 Brandon Rd. 128 Longleaf Dr. 561 Castle Hayne Rd, Box 271, Wrigh?§XCh Box 502, " Thomas L. Grant, Willie Green George Duvall Greer Lloyd R. Harris L. A. Hanson C. W. Hewett W. L. Hickmon J. R. Hobbs w. K. xobbs James H. Holmes Jean Jackson George Johnson Norman A. Johnson Samuel Albert Jones A. L. Kelly C. O. Kersey Acie Kinlaw E. H. Kinlaw Eldred Kinlaw Thomas M. King Truman M. King William Henry King Justin H. Kornegay Frank Robert Laster James D. LeGwin 810 Orange St. 519 S. llth St. 2271 Camellia Dr. h 10 Ridgewood Heightv, x 233 Box 152,Carolina Beact' 714 Princeton Dr. ?301 Market St. 230 Metts Ave. ' 9 N. 7th St. i 312 Castie Hayne Rd. , RFD 2, Box 253 C RFD 2, Box 157 RFD 3, Box 135 A P. O. Boxdai$ lina Beai?':h 2216 Acacia Dr. 4108 Wrightsv. Ave. ? 01 N. 21st St. h St. 18 N. 451 4016 Wilshire Blvd. 3829 Wilshire Blvd. 103 s. 4tn st. 309 Rutledge Dr. 516 S. 8th st. 164 Colontal Dr. , Jurors for the week beginning May 18, 1964 - Criminal Bobbie M. Landen 2$ Jackson Dr. Archie T. Osteen q K ake Village ? Thomas L. Leonard RFD 1 City i Adolph Otersen b Wrightsv. Ave. 21915 it W lk James Long, enda7e Dr. 127 G Lunda Otter ourg 4 Summ a H. B. Ludlum, Jr. 460 Greenwood Rd. Charle s M. Overton 11 Summit Walk Edward Mailory Box 16 Wri ghtsv.Beach R. Lee Overton 2013 Woolcott Ave. James Marshall 922 Dock St. Cooper S. Page 2612 Princess P1 Dr. W. M . ssey Ma 2219 Oleander Dr. 12 Vi t i D James Durwood Page 2 20 Jefferson St. ?1 J. C. Maxwell a r. 9 c or Elmer Pate ? Pinecrest Pkwy. 1 Emery E. C. T. McBride McCar2ey 53I} Ridgewood Heights 230?} Princess St. ?rney Joseph Leroy Parris Pecora 22U8 Brandon Rd. 519 Sunset Ave. J. D. McCarl2y,Jr. P.O. Box 58 Rex As kew Phiilips 5040 Hardie Dr. Vernon M. N!cClellan RFD 3, Box 543 Herman Powell RFD 3, soX 570 Frank R. McCotter 13 Bedford Forrest Frank M. Pugh RFD 3, Box 15 Thomas A. McKee 210 Dixie Ave. James E. Register RFD 3, Box 39 A W. L. Mclntire P. O. Box 1375 Julius Lee Roberts RFD 2, Box 51 A Lloyd E. Mercer il? Wrightsv. Ave. James Rob3nson 1?20 N. 7th St. Leo J. Merck 2tl27 Klein Rd. Arthur M. Rogers,Sr. R D 3, Box 429 A Norman A. Mi11er1Jr. 12035. 3rd St. E. L. Rogers RFD 3 Box 308 b Philli p Henry Morgan Sr. 935 A Jefferson St .J. M. Rogers • leander Dr. 4715 Everage Mosley 1303 Church St. John Quincy Russell,Jr. 4314 Park'Ave. k 6 T. O. Murphy 4407 Market St. Bobby Marvin Russ FD 3, Box 34 F Frederick H. Myers 2110 Rhodes Ave. Thomas Eugene Russell RFD 3, Box 145 Delma C. Nelson 21 N. 25th St. A. T. Salling 310 S. 6th St. Rex I. Nussman RFD Box 90 Lloyd Segar q1q S. 1 th St. James Daniel Odum RFD 2, Box 34 M. L. Sessoms 211 S. 1 th St. Jurors for the week beginning May 25, 1964 - Civil Edgar R. Settle H. B. Shaw E. K. Sherman Roy E. Shepard James T. Sidbury Harli¢ M. Simmons Herbert B. Simmons Jordan A. Sloan Johnny Lewis L. M. Smith, Jr. Raymond A. Smith Terry Gene Soles Pete Spanos Franklin P. Sparkman Norman R. Spencer John Spiliman J. Laurence Sprunt William J. Squires Ivey B. Strickland, James A. Strickland Lindsey R. Sullivan. Robert H. Taylor Lewis A. Teague James M. Thompson James E. Townsend 111} Hinton Ave. 511 Grace St. Box 128, Victoria Dr. 1210 Dawson St. RFD 1 Box 334 100 S. 2nd St. 2303 Maple St. . Box 1886 ?}-L O Lake Uillage 2521 Harrison St. 3511 Worth Dr. 15 Wrightsv. Ave. 420 N. Front St. 43 Bonham Ave. Langely Trailer Pk. P. o. Box 98? S. Live Oak kwy. 134 w rfl St. Jr. 1EJ.}1? Market St. RFD 1 B 20 A RFD3B2 ftN6lhaLi22tS5Rd. 4724 Long Leaf Hb?ls Alex M. Trask 320 Robt. E. Lee Dr. John A Vereen 1209 N. 7th St. John Verzaal 616 S. 17th St. James H. Wade RFD 2, Box 355 W. A. Walker % Moore Fonvielle R?a lty J. W. Walton, Jr. 1?q3q Pine St. ' ° Thurston I. Watkins,Sr, 1802 Nun St. W. Q. Welch 511 N. 5th St. ; Frank T. Wilkerson 116 Greenvilie Ave. j Jack Wilkins 1203 Grace St. , Lafey A. Willetts, RFD 2, Box 361 F ? J. N. Williams RFD 2, Box 212 ' J. P. Williams B 382 Carolina Beach Linwood E. Williams 315 Clover Rd. W. L. Williford 2202 Market St. Robert H. Willis, Jr. 71 Church St. Ciyde W. Wilson 20 Brookwood Robert H. White, Jr. 31 Anderson St. Don R. Whittemore 222 Brightwood Ct. Lonnie)L. Wood 2410 Chestnut St. Charlie`Clinton Wooten 15 S. $th St. ? Ra1ph.Zimmerman 810 Peachtree St. A. H. Yopp 209 Princess St. Thomas S. Young R. J. Yow Box 433, CarWc?i'N.CI, 1907 Nunn St. i ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously agreed to adjourn the meeting.. _ W. L