1964-04-20 Regular Meeting315 _ 5PECIA1-.IIJRX _DRAWINC'* Jurors for Avril Averette., Roger H., Broadhurst, L. E. Brown, Robert Chinis, Mrs. W. M. V Cbx,,.iLloyd F. II Ewing, Mrs. Cora iGooden, John T. Holmes, Mary B. Button Hughes, Mrs. Elizabeth ? Johnson, Louvie Deems Larkins, L. Long, Charles W. ' Miles, Carl Rackley, Emma D. Stone, Stella Lottie Wade, Clara Willis, Sarah H. iWorley, James Wa2do 261 Lake Forest Pkwy. 108 §fii?giTJva ?ea6h 121 South 12th St. 2315 Market St. 310 Rose Avenue 226 South 4th St. 2945 Jefferson St. RFD 2, Box 206 3106 Elm St. 419 North 4th St. 5901 Park Ave. ioob s. 5th st. . RFD 1, Box 280 130 Bordeaux Ave. RFD 3, % Baby+s Hosp. 112 S. 12th St. 3710 Park Ave. 506 North 21st St. Briggs, Wm. H. Brooks, Walter B. Jr. Capps, Margaret R. Clayton, Jimmy W. Crocket, C. S. Foxworth, Albert J. Hobbs'; ._ John : W. Hugg ins, Mrsi;? :Annie Jenkins,,:Dorbthy Hines Lan-ierE. -A. Lewis, Arthur Lee Mariowe, George Thomas Murray, Alvin G. Rogers, Annie T. Sutherland, Ben F. Wheeler, Mrs. Sadie Wilson, Frederick F. Wiimington, N. C. ASSEMBLY - il!} Green Forest Dr. 410 Central Blvd. 101 North Hinton Av. 206 Vance St. P•wOIoh?sv?SBeach 24 Mercer Ave. 2910 Chestnut St. 904 North Kerr Ave. 5205 Oleander Dr. 7 Wilmington Ave. 417 Red Cross St. 110 Morningsfde Dr. 17 Lake Forest Pkwy. 1017 Miller St. RFD 2, Box 72 A City RFD 2, Box 168 33 Pinecrest Pkwy. Aprfl 20, 1964 The New Hanover County Soard of Commissioners met today at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissfoners' Room of the Court House with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. MayY,an and J. Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. I INUOCATION - The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, J. M. Ha11, Jr. who asked Reverend R. I. Boone, Pastor of the Central Baptist Church, to open the meeting with a Iprayer. p MINUTES APPROVAL - II Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the regular meeting of April 6th, copies of which had been sent to-each of the CommissilonetS.;c, w@r2-uft= an'irflous;ly appPoved_as:.wf.itten.-, MENTAL HEALTH STAFF - Mr. Robert N. Kallman, Chairman of the New Hanover County Nental Health Council, introduced the members of their present staff- Dr. Rolf H. Fisscher, M. D., psychiatrist, Dr. David A. Knight, Ph. D., elinicai psychologist and Mr. Fred Thompson, psychiatric social worker. He reported that the activities of the Fiental Health Center were growing so fast they were bursting at the seams and they have a desperate need for rooms. They have loCated a suitable building, at 920 South 17th Street owned by Dr. Rowena Hall, who Ihas agreed to lease it at a price below the usual business rental. He requests permiss- ion From the Board to sign a lease for one year on the building, the rent on which would be an increase of approximately $460.00. He reported that ad3acent counties are making inquiry concerning the use of the Center and if the plans develop, additionat funds will ?be received from them which would lower the cost to New Hanover County. He also stated that many tangible results can be observed from the short time the Center has been in oper- Iation but there are many which can not be gauged in so short a period of time. He present- ed a tentative Budget for the next fiscal year 1964 -165. After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts moved that permission be given for signing the year's lease on the building at 920 IlSouth 17th 5treet. It was seconded hy Mr. Mayhan and unanimousiy approved. The Chairman thanked the Council for its diligent efforts in behaif of the Mental Health Center and stated that the expansion was evidence of the need for this service in the County. I.E.C. BOND ORDER - The Clerk reported to the Board that the Bond Order entitied "Bond Order" author- izing the issvance of $575,000 Industrial Education Center Bonds of the County of New Han- over", which had been introduced on April bth, 1964, had been published in the Wilmington Morning Star on April 7th, 1964, with notice that the Board of Commissioners would hold a public hearing thereon on April 20, 1964, at 9 o'clock,. A. M. Commissioner Broadhurst moved that the Board proceed to hold a public heating on Ithe Bond Order. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mayhan and was unanimously adopted. At 9 o'clock A. M., the Chairman announced that the Board would hear any citizen ?or taxpayer who desired to be heard with respect to the Bond Order. At the direction of Ithe Chairman, the Clerk read the Bond Order and the published notice of hearing. The Board of Directors for the Industria2 Education Center, headed by their ? Chairman, Robert N. Hallman, explained that they were on hand to answer questions that might have come up during the Hearing but since no objections were offered, the oniy quest- ion he would like cleared is how much effect this Bond Issue will have on the tax rate. ' Chairman Hall explained that the lOd levy at present in the tax structure for Wilmingbon ?College will be eliminated after the next year and he can see no increase beyond the present tax levy although the valuations are not yet compiete. He called on the County Auditor, Mr. T. D. Love, Jr., for his opinion. He suggested that if the term of the bonds can be limited to 20 years which would require $54,000 annually, it would amount to 31 on the tax ?rate. At present, there is a 21 school.levy now in the tax rate which can'be.absorbed in in the present rate. li continued- - (Con I inued).__.. 15th, 196lL ? 316 _ Minutes of the Meeting April 20 1964 Jcontinued) _ I.E.C. BOND ORDER - (continued) After the Board had hear.d all persons who requested to be heard, Commissfoner . Braak moved that the public hearing be closed. The motion was seconded by Commissioner ? Mayhan and was unanimously adopted. ? ' Commissioner Broadhurst moved that the following Resolution be adopted: 41HEREAS, the Bond Order entitleii "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $575,000 Industrial Education Center Bonds of the County of New Hanover" intro- duced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on April 6, 1964, has been ? duly published with notice of hearfng thereon and the Board of Commissioners has, at the time and place specified in such notice of hea'ring, heard any'and ali citi2ensi and taxpayers who desired to protest against the issuance of the bonds, and such I hearing has been closed; and . ' WHEREAS, the County Auditor has, by dicection of the Board of Commissioners, filed in the offite of the Clerk of the Board bf Commissioners a statement of debt incurred and to be incurred for purposes other Lhan school purposes under bond orders either introduced or paseed, complying with the provisions of the County Finance ? Act, and such statement so filed shows that the net indebtedness of Lhe County is 2.97% of the assessed valuation of property in said County as last fixed for County taxation; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover II as follows: ? (1) The bond order entitled "Bond Order authori2ing the issuance of $575,000 I Industrial Education Center Bonds of the County of New Hanover", introduoed at the ? meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on April 6, 1964, is hereby adopted with- out change or amendment. (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby directed to cause a copy of said bond order to be published with the statement as to its adoption pre- cribed by The County Finance Act in the Nlilmington Morning Star, a newspaper publishe,d in Wilmington, in said County, and such publication shall be made in the manner pre-I scrihed by the County Finance Act. The motion having been duly seconded by Commissioner J. Van B. Metts, Jr., it was unanimously adopted. Commissioner Braak moved the .adoption of the following Resolution which was read at length to the Board: . WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has adopted the bond order hereinafter' described authorizing the issuance of bonds and such bond order and the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of such bonds, should be submitted to the voters of the County of New Hanover for their approval or disapproval in order to comply with the Constitution and Laws of North Carolina, and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners also desires to submit to the voters of the County of New Hanover for their approval or disapproval a proposition to author- ize the Board of Commissioners to appropriate funds either from non tax revenues or from a special annual 2evy of taxes not to exceed an annual rate of 2 cents upon each $100 of assessed property valuation, or both, for the financial support of the Wilmington Industrial Education Center in accordance with the provisions of Articie 3 of Chapter 115.A of the General Statutes of North Carolina, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: (1) The question whether the qualified voters of the.County of New Hanover• shall approve or disapprove (1) the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of the bonds of the County of New Hanover authorized by the bond order described in the notice hereinafter set forth, and (2) the levy of taxes for the payment Lhereof, and (3) said bond order, and also (4) the question whether such qualified voters shall authori2e the appropriation of funds either from non tax revenues or a special tax for the firiancial support of the Wilmington Industrial Education Cen- ter as set forth in the noticecg' election, or both, shall be submitted to the qual- ified voters of the County of New Hanover at a special election to be held in said County on May 30, 1964• (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directe(' to publish a notice of the submission of said questions at said Special Election I in substantially the following form: I COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD oN May 30, 1964 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Election shall be held in the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, on May 30, 1964, there will be submitted to the qualified voLers of said County the question whether they shall approve or disapprov? (1) the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of bonds of said County of the maximum principal amount of $575,000, and (2) the levy of a tax for the payment of such bonds, and (3) the bond order entitled "Bond Order authonizing the issuance of ' continued- \ ..317, Minutes of the Meeting April 20., 1964._ Continued I.E.C. BOND ORDER - (continued) ? $575,000 Industrial Education Center Bonds of the County of New Hanover", adopted by the Board of Commissioners on Aprii 20, 1964, to authorize the issuance of said bonds and the levy of such tax, and the question whether they shall approve or ? disapprove a proposition to authori2e the Board of Commissioners to appropriate funds either from non tax revenues or from a special annual levy of taxes not to ? exceed an annual rate of 2 cents upon each $100 of assessed property valuation, or both, for the financial support of the Wilmington Industrial Edcuation Center. The $575,000 bonds are authorized to finance the cost of erecting and equipping one or more new buildings in New Hanover County for use as an Industrial Education Center operating under the provisions of Chapter 115.A of the General Statutes of North Carolina, offering educational, trade and technical specialty courses and programs to the inhabitants of New Hanover County including the acqui- sition of the necessary land therefor. , The ba2lots to be used at said election shall contain the words "For the bond order authorizing $575,000'bonds to finance the cost of the erection and equipment of one or more new buildings in New Hanover County for use as an Indus- trial Education Center operating under the provisions of Chapter 115.A of the General Statutes of North Carolina, offering educational, trade and technical speicalty courses and programs to the inhabitants of New Hanover County including the acquisition of the necessary land therefor, and a tax therefor", and the words "Against the bond order authori2ing $575,000 bonds to finance the cost of the erection and equipment.of one or more new buildings in New Hanover County for use as an Industrial Education Center operating under the provisions of Chapter 115.A of the Generai Statutes of North Carolina, offering educational, trade and technical specialty courses and progr2ms to the inhabitants of New Hanover County including the acquisition of the necessary land therefor, and a Lax therefor", with squares the voter may make a mark (X) to indicate his cho;ce. Such ballots shall also con- tain the words "For the authority of the Board of Commissioners to appropriate funds either from non-tax revenues or from a special annual levy of taxes not to I exceed an annual rate of 2 cents per one hundred dollars ($100.00) of assessed pro- perty valuation, or both, for the financial support of Wilmington Industrial Educa- tion Center" and the words "Against the authority of the Board of Commissioners to appropriate funds either from non tax revenues or from a special annual, levy of taxes not to exceed an annual rate of 2 cents per one hundred dollars ($100.00) of 'i assessed property valuation, or both, for the financial support of Wilmington In- , dustrial Education Center", with squares opposite the affirmative and negative ? forms in one of which squares the voter may make a mark (X) to indicate his choice. In the event that a majority of the qualified voters voting at said election shall vote to approve such bond order and the incurring of such indebtedness and the levy of such taxes, and the appropriation either from.non tax revenues or from a special annual levy of taxes, said bonds shall*be issued for the purposes des- cribed in such bond order and taxes shall be levied for the payment of such bonds and said appropriation shall be made. The polls for the election will open at the hour of 6:30 o'ciock, A..M. ? and will close at the hour of 6:30 o'clock, P. M. EaSter.n Standard Time. The elec- ? tion will be held at the same polling places at which the last election was heid in New Hanover County for the election of inembers of the General Assembly except as follows: I Third Ward -- the Second Precinct Polling Place ? will be 4lilliston Senior High'School, 401 South I lOth Street, Wilmington, North Carolina I (the former polling place was the Isaac Bear School). The registration books shall be opened for the registration of voters at 9:00 o'clock, A. M. on Saturday, May 2nd 1964, and shall be closed at sunset on Saturday, May 16th, 1964. On each day (Sundays excepted) during such period, the Registrar for each election precinct in the County will keep his book open be- tween the hours of 9:00 oTclock; A. M. and sunset for the registration of voters in such election precinct. On each Saturday during such period each Registrar will attend at the polling place in his election precfnct between the hours of 9:00 olc-lock, A. M. and sunset for the registration of voters: By order of the Board of Commissioners Dated, April 20, 1964 nover. Cfl,erK of t e Board of Comihission-ers of New Hanover County, North Carolina Said notice shall be published three times and there shall be an interval of at least one week between said publications and the first of such pub2ications shall be not later than thirty days prior to the date of such election. (3) The polls for said election shall be opened and closed at the times and at the places stated in said notice and electors shall be registered for said election in the manner stated in said notice. (!}) The County Board of Elections is hereby requested to print and disLri- bute the necessary ballots and to provide the registration books, booths, ballot boxes and other equipment for the holding of said election and to conduct and to supervise said election. Commissioner J. Van B. Metts, Jr. seconded the motion and the motion was unani- mously adopted. , -A Minutes of the Meeting April 20, 1964 Continued DEPU1'Y JUDGE - RECORDERIS COURT The Chairman read a letter from H. Winfield Smith, Judge of the New Hanover County Recorderts Court, announcing the resignation of Gilbert H. Burnett as Deputy Judge of Recorder's Court and recommending the appointment of Mr. John T. Schiller to succeed him. He considers Mr. Schiller well qualified by training and judicial temper- ment as well as by previous experience in the court. After a brief discussion, Mr. Broadhurst moved the approval of John T. Schiller for appointment as Deputy Judge to replace Deputy Gilbert H. Burnett, resigned. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unani- mously carried. STREET CL05ING PETITION - II A petition was received from H. B. Ludlum and wife requesting the closing of OId Raleigh Street from the intersection of U. S, 421, stating that it has not been used for many years for ingress or egress since the relocating of U.: S. #421 and has been abendoned as a street for all intents and purposes. Th petitioners own all of the adjacent property surrounding the section to be closedag?sire to develop it as commepl- cial property. After a brief discussion, Mr. Broadhurst moved that the petition be accepted and that they proceed to close it upon the advice of and subject to the approval of the County Attorney. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimousiy approved. COUNTY HOME - Mr. H. A. Marks, Chairman of the Board of Directors for the operation of the County Home, reported that there are only three residents left and they will be providedl for as soon as certain formalities are completed by the Welfare Department. They have notified the employees and nurses that they will not be needed after the three residents are placed and that they have earned a two weeks vacation with pay and the Board recom- mends two Freeks separation pay making a total of one monthts salary. He states that the Bowden Nursing Home has offered $25.00 each for hospital beds without rails and $35•00 each for hospital beds with rails. At present, they want 10 beds without rails. ? He also has some inquiries from Brunswick County with reference to a few of these beds ! J being loaned to them for a loan closet. The local Welfare Department has need for a I few to be used as a loan closet. It was suggested that he contact the Administrator of Community Hospital to see if they had a need for any of them. The present plans of ? the Matron, Mrs. Knott,and her husband are to open an eating piace at Castle Hayne in the near future and they desire permission to remain at the Home until suitable arrange- ments can he made for moving. After a brief discusslon, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the recormnendations be approved and that 10 of the hospital beds be sold to the Bowden Nursing Home at $2$.00 each with the check to be made to the County. This motion was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved. The Chairman commended the Board of Directors for the fine job they had done in operating the County Home and instructed i the Executive Secretary to write a letter to the Board to this effect. I WELFARE LIENS - Mr. Addison Hewlett, representing Cornelius E. Nixon, Jr. reported that the ' Welfare Department had a lien of $1,032.00 on a parce2 of land formerly owned by his mother, Joanna Ba2lard Nixon (D!P.W #4680). The taxes amount to $132.17. Cornelius E. Nixon, Jr. wants to have the lien lifted and clear title to the property. Mr. Blake , reported that an appraisal was made on this 7 acres, known as part of the Ennet tract. I As the appraisal was not readily available at the moment, Mr. Hewlett stated that he would come back to the meeting on May t}th and clear up the rr¢tter. ? The Executive Secretary reported that he had an offer of $800.00 for clear- ing a lien of $5,488.76 against a lot located at 606 South 16th Street described as ? being in Block $12 and Part of ME 3 which is 331 x 99' and formerly owned by Lina Clemmons. This is the same lot on which the Board approved demolishing the house as recommended I(? , yy the Housing Inspector zni arrrovei yy the Welfzre Eoari on May 6th, 1963. The County Property Appraisors placed the fair market value of the lot at $800.00. Upon motion of , Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Board unanimously approved the lifting of ? a this lien upon receipt of $800.00 subject to the concurring approval of the Public Welfare Board. i il ROAD PETITION A petition was received from a group of owners and occupants of property on Gypress Circuit in Shore Acres for the addition to the State maintained Secondary Road System. After determining the location of Gypress Circuit, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion be approved and sent to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. EMERGENCY EROSION A letter was received from the Town of Carolina Beach requesting the'funds promised by the County at their meeting on September 16, 1963 and reiterated on January 20, 1964 in which the Board had agreed to share on a 40% basis of the local funds re- quired to build an emergency sand dyke at the northern end of Carolina Beach. The engineers estimate that the work is at least 50% completeS.at this time and has approved payment to 'i the contractors accordingly. The breakdown of the project is as follows: j Project Contract Cost $17,800.00 State Water Resources agreed to share 809' 14,240.00 Balance local funds to allocated and shared 3,560.00 Town of Carolina Beach 60% 2,136.00 New Hanover County 40% but not more than $1,540.00 1,424.00 Mr. Metts then offered a motion that the County pay up to 40% of the local fund cost not to exceed $1540.00 in conformity with the agreement made on January 20, 1964. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. ` 319 Minutes of the Meeting April 20, 1964 Continued _ I HURRIGANE & SHORE PROTECTION - A letter was received from the Mayor of the Town of Wrightsville Beach stating that the Corps of Engineers are planning to start their Hurricane and Shore Protection Pro3ect for Wrightsville Beach shortly after Labor Day. The purpose of this letter was ' to keep the Board informed of the progress of the pro,ject and that the local interests I participation funds agreed upon wiil be required on August 1, 1964. The Executive Secre- ' tary was asked to notify him that funds would be available when needed. APPROPRIATIONS - ' The Executive Secretary presented an invoice in the amount of $306.00 plus tax, covering.the cost of the 10 side arm chairs authorized for use in the Superior Courtroom. The Capital Outlay budgeted for this purpose was $200.00 however, the total invoice amount- ed to $306.00 , therefore, $106.00 additional appropriation is needed in order to pay the invoice. Upon motion of Nr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously appropriated from the General Emergency Fund $106.00 to the Superior Courtroom Chairs Fund and ordered the invoice paid. _ Electrical Supplies - The Executive Secretary reported that in view of the additional lighting fixtures installed in the Court House during the past year and particu- larly those large ones in the corridor of the remodeled Weifare DeparLment, the Electrical Supplies account has been overspent. At the present rate of using the lights, it will re- quire approximately $150.00 to finish out this fiscal year. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved the allocation of $150.00 from the General Emergency Fund to Court House- Electrical Supplies. RECORDER'S COURT REPORT - County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. reported that funds turned in by the Recorder's Court for the month of March amount to $10,872.13 and he found the records in good order. INTEREST APPROPRIATION The County Auditor reported that on May lst,.1961} he would need $26,565.00 to pay interest on bonds dated in November 1963. He recommended that an appropriation of $16,676.92 be made from Unanticipated Income and $9,888.08 from the General Emergency Fund to the Bonds and Coupons Account. Upon motion of•Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved this recommendation of the Auditor and the appropriation of the funds. TRANSFER - Mr. Braak reported that the Welfare Department would like to have $200.00 trans- ferred from their In-County Travel to their Out-County Travel Account and offered a motion that the Board approve the transfer. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and after a brief discussion the ballot was taken and Mr. Broadhurst and Mr. Myhan voted "No". however, the Chairman voted '!Yes" with Messrs. Braak and Metts and the transfer was authori2ed by a majority vote. GRAND JURY REPORT - The activities of the Grand Jury during the April Criminal term of Court, as sub- mitted to the Superior Court Judge, was reviewed. The Chairman read the recommendations for additional ,jail cells, particular4y for the confinement of inental patients and ma,jor offenders. The Chairman observed that he deplored the necessity of placing mental patients in the jail but under some circumstances, there seems to be no other way at present but he hopes that the new hospital will contain some facilities for this type person. So far as he knows, the Sheriff has made no request for additional jail space. After hearing the recommendations with reference to the inadequate condition of the Juvenile Detention Home, Mr. Broadhurst remarked that so far as he knew, no requests had ever been made to the Board of Commissioners and in his opinion such requests should come through the Board before taken to the Grand Jury. After a brief discussion; it was unanimously decided, by common consent, to resume discussion of these matters at the next regular Board meeting. ' MINUTES - BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW The Tax Supervisor submitted the minutes of the meetings and conclusions of the Board of Equalization and Review and requested approval of the changes which were author- . ized to be effected on the tax records. After a brief discussion, Mr. Broadhurst moved that the minutes and the decisions made by the Board of Equalization and Review be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Maqhan and'unanimously approved. SPECIAL CIVIL TERMS OF COURT The Chairman advised the Board that he had received an order from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for a three weeks special session of Superior Court for the trial of civil cases beginning Nay 18th, 1964. As the New Hanover Superior Courtroom will be in use at that time, the specia2 sessions will be held in the Federal Courtroom in the Customs House. Jurors for the week beqinninq Mav 18, 1964 - Joseph L. Andrews J. C. Bame J. J. Batson I Ronald D. Batson W. Earle Beale James S. Bethune George H. Biggs, Jr. David C. Bishop Minor Cranmer Bishop, Edgar Z. Blanton,Sr. , Horace W. Blanton James C. Blanton Roland L. Bonham Lofton A. Bordeaux Warren B. Bowen Donald R. Boyd B. F. Brittain 808 S. 7th St. Box 787,CarolA99ch P. 0. Box 22l} Carolina f3each,N.C. Caroldna Beach,N.C. 601-02 Murchison Bldg. 27 Jackson Dr. 2712 Park Ave. 17 M. Lake Village Jr. 119 Greenville Ave. RFD 1, Box 110 Castle Hayne N.C. RFD 1, Holland br. Castie Hayne,N.C. 409 s. 17tn st. 508 Wooster St. 516 Wooster St. Box 263, Wriahtsv.Beach RFD 1, Box 257 266 Hamflnat SBt.e Caro ach,N.C. Civil term Archel Searborn Dance Sandy Daniels Carl T. Davis Joseph J. Davis William Clifton English Charlie D. Evans Graham D. Farmer Harry Lee Formy-Duval L.• M. Foushee, Rufus Fowler Ben,jamin E. Fcady William Roy Eranklin Morton Grey Futch Donald R. Genes Ralph Gillette Isaac Glasp,er James N. Goodrum Harold Z. Goodson 28 Pinecrest Pkwy. 1019 S. lOth St. 115 Mercer Ave. 911} Dock St. P.O. Box 711 223aSo113thB5tch 511 Colonial Dr. 1709 Orange St. Carolina Beach BOx 2210 Maple St. 6 ts 1812 Princess St. 44 Beauregard Dr. P. o. Box 192 9 T. Lake Vil: RFD 1, Box 195 AB RFD 1, Box 347 208 Rose Ave. 413 McDonald Dr. -A 312Q Minutes of the Meeting April 20, 196 _ Continued JURORS - Continued Charles H. Burnett i Hokett Butler James E. Butler Joseph J. Cavanaugh ? James McNeill C1ark,Jr. Robert L. Costin J. V. Creasy Oscar Lenaire Croom RFD 2, 608 s. 7tn 5t. 2711 Market St. 215 N. 17th St. Box 2'77 Wrightsv. Beach 4609 Market St. PWrightsv.4Beach 220 Huntington Rd. Tennis Samuel Gore 2871 A Adams St. I William Elbert Graiger 312 Wood Dale Dr. Troy Graves 1101 5. 13Lh St. Joseph A. Gray 2115 Barnett Ave. Maxton Green 818 Dock St. Thomas A. Gregg 2922 Park Ave. Gardner Greer 811 Country Club Blvd Jurors for the week beqinninq MaY 25, 1964 George Griffin, Jr. Austin Gurganious Troy K. Hales Leaman Lark Hanchey Jerry Hansley Edward J. Harfoush John H. Harrelson James C. Headrick David James Hill Grover Ca2vin Hines Louie C. Holden Roland K. Hollar Jasper Holmes Joseph Pavl Hubbert William 0. Humphrey Vernon Hunt Charles Oscar Ivey Manly Jackson Ira Moore Jacobs, Jr. John Jenkins Robert A. Jenkins,Sr. A. L. Johnson PatriCia Ann Kelly J. Lem King, Sr. Lenwood King 1111 N. 6th St. Pete Laceweil 956 S. lOth St. 1608 East Plaza John LeRoy Lamb, Jr. 2203 Brandon Ad. 2508 Harrison St. Cecil G. Lee 414 Larchmont Dr. 2214 Plaza Dr. ?onald Earl Lee 36 L ennon Dr. 4300 Peachtree Ave. Joseph E. Lewis 214 S. lOth St. 61 Beauregard Dr. DeLean A. Longley 111 N. 15th St. 5043 Wrightsv. Ave. William C. Love Box 631 wrto tsv fi ?e 127 Morgan St. Loren F. Marcroft 1509 Shirwoo b? Trailer 4-4300 Pe?chtree R. W. Marett Q 211 Parkway Blvd. • B 150 V RFD 2 Howard A. McLauchlin 209 Frances Marion , 3610 Worth Dr. .lames Nathan McNeil 807 Meares St. 709 S. 5th St. F. M. Meares 134 Ridgeway Dr. 406 N. 6th St. Robert M. Miller RFD 2, Box 8 P.O. Box 193 John Frederick Mohr 4920 Wrightsv. Ave. Wriohtsv. Beach Gorman E. Morgan 322 Davie Dr. 318 N. l8?h St. Willie J. Moore RFD 1, Box 39 291}2 Adams SL. Richard'Newkirk 716 Ann St. 4617 Cedar Ave. Odell O. O'Quinn 901 S. 3rd St. 715 S. 7th St. Jesse Lewis Overman 124 Pinecone Rd. 14 K Lake Village Mrs. Daisy G. Page % Star Newspapers RFD 3, Box 571 James H. Parker 116 S. lOth St. 2413 PrinCess St. Rd.Leroy Parsons 808 Russell Alley Blv ? 2 d ?r Benjamin Henry Phillips PWOi9pesv59ieach 11 39th, Box 09 S Noah Plisco 601 M. !}th St. Carolina Beach, N. C . 11 Keaton Ave. Robert H. Price 2010 Klein Rd. Jurors for the week beqinninq June 1, 196lL Arthur Henry Reaves Council C. Register Edna Y, Renn Katie Rhodes Lawrence D. Rhodes,Sr. Joe D. Ricker J. B. Rivenbark Caraway M. Robeson R: A. Robbins Julius Rooers Robert I. Rourk Thomas F. Ryann Gene Lane Sauls W. E. Seymour Tom W. Shackelford Charles F. Shepard James Gordon Simpkins William A. Sanderson L. M. Smith, Sr. L. R. Smith, Jr. Irvin W. Spivey William Stevens Ernest F. Stokiey R. H. Stone Billy Ailen Suggs 1419 Church St. Cornelius Swart P.O. Box 838 3440 Wilshire Blvd. Pete Tchouros 502 Wrightsv, Ave. lOtt Cape Fear Blvd. Henry Joseph Thibeault 107 S. !}th St. gea Pi 218161 Hydran . Charles D. 'Thomas !}18 Orange St. RF?] [ °Kayfie stl N Thompson C RFD i, B 11?l? , . a e llt d St .A. A. V. Thompson P. 0. Box 615 } . War Lee Thorne 1801} Chestnut St. 110 Laurel Dr. Henry M. Tiencken 202 Keaton Ave. 138 Bermuda Dr. Julius S. Tindall 1107 Daulson St. 1204 Herr Ave. P. Troutman W 308 S. 171h St. 5732 Oleander Dr, . Horace M. Turner, Jr. 4405 Market St. 243 Spruce Dr. Arden Vines RFD 1, Box 148 407 S. 17th St. Daniel E. Walker 4924 Park Ave. 2712 Arden Road $illy D. Watters RFD 1, Box 217 1926 S. 16th St. W. D. Warde, Jr. 708 S. lI}th St. 314 Long St. Dr. Bill Watson 2513 Jackson St. RFD 1, Box 268 T. W. Watson 914 S. 2nd St. Box RFD 728 5 2 B Fr3tz William We21er 1}602 Oleander Dr. , ox E. P. Willard RFD #3 201 Tenn. Ave. Fred Willetts, Jr. 707 Windsor Dr. 227 Forest Rd. Leonard E. Williams 2912 F Jefferson 30b Lullwater pr. Luther K. Williams 5026 Pine St. 910 Green St. Hugh L. l?Jilliamson 252 N. 25th St. 3027 Jefferson St, Charles R. Woodward 9151 Live Oak Pkwy. Box 422 28, City S. Front St. Homer N. 4lright, Jr. 303 Newkirk Ave. REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for future reference: l- County Agr3cultural Agent's Extension Report for March, 1964. 2- Home Economics Agent's Extension Report for March 1964• I 3- Wilmington Public Library Report, March 1964. !}- Report of Department of Water Resources that they have approved the ,Joint f3nancir,g of the Fort Fisher Beach Erosion Work on an equitable basis with the State High- way Commission. 5- Report from the State Appeal Board upholding the terminat.ion of aid made by the I: • local Y?7elfare Board. ' 6- Thank-you letters from the State Highway Patrol. ? 7- Report on the SAL - ACL merger. 8- Thank-you letter from the Azalea Festival Commi:ttee. I ADJOURNMENT- Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts the?Board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting. I ? ` Ac<,??Xecutlve W. G, Secreta y I t 321 STATE OF NORTH GAROLINA ) IN TNE SUPERIOR COURT II COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER APRIL 1964 CIVIL TERM ? It appearing to the undersigned Presiding Judge at the April 1964 Civil Term for , New Hanover County, that there is not a sufficient number of Jurors to conduct the sched- uled business for said Civil Term, and that there is a need for an additional number of Jurors to be drawn on this date to supplement the number originally drai,m in order to adequately conduct the said business of the Civil Court; It is therefore Ordered, Adjudged and Decreed that the Sheriff of New Hanover County and the Chairman of the Board of County C, ssioners of New Hanover County be and they are hereby directed to draw twenty-five scr ls from said Jury Box and have said Jurors report to the Superior Court at 9:30? N. on April 21, 1964 to supplement the number of Jurors originally drawn, in order th'at t e Civil business during this Term of Court may be adequately conducted. - ?? ? This the 21st day of April, 1964 , /5/ Howard H. Hubbard JUDGE PRESIDING Jurors drawn for Tuesday, April 21, 1964 - Civil Term William Adolph Batson May Woods Blake Joseph P. Ellington I R. E. Gideon Jesse R. Hawkins R., S. Horrell Katherine O. Jorgenson . Janie P. Kennedy S. Foster Oliver A. G. Shaw j T. N. Simmons 'I Jimmy Gray Teachey W. Henry Ylilliams ASSEMBLY - The regular was held on this date ance: Chairman J. M. R. Mayhan and John Uan T. D. Love, Jr. P. O. Box 172 Carolina Beach 1220 Kerr Ave. RFD 3, Box l?76 5333 Oleander Dr. P- 0]{uBeXBeach 2507 North Monroe St. 4301 Park Ave. 1563 Castle Hayne Rd. 805 Central Boulev. 1215 Yaupon Av. RFD 2, Box 146 2525 Harrison St. RFD 2, Box 212 Elroy Blackwell W. G. Dunn, Jr. James C. Farmer Mrs. Eleanor W. Hall D. A. Hollifield,Jr. Charlie Israel David Earl Kelly Lawrence C. Rose Esther Silverman Lenwood Simpson Ted Lee idiiliams 2878 Jefferson St. 4009 Halifax Rd. P. O. Box 1?7 lCO?rNli__t?e??h 41 Terrace Walk 511 Price Alley 257 Peiffer Ave. P.O. Box 221 Wri ghtsv. Beach Cape Fear Apts. 11?17 Ann St. 3858 Edgewood Rd. V Wilmington, N. C. May 4, 1964 semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room with the following in attend- Hall, Jr., Commissioners p¢ter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest . B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor, ! INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend J. K. Bostick, pas- tor of Wesley Memorial Methodist Church, to ask a prayer for guidance over the dayls sess- fon. I MINUTES APPROVAL - After making a few minor grammatical changes requested by the Exectrtive Secre- tary, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the minutes be approved as amended. It was second- ed by Mr. Braak and unanimousiy passed. CSC - TRANSFER OF FUNDS Clerk of Superior Court, H. Foster Edwards, came before the Board and request- ? ed the transfer of $350.00 from the Binders 8 Record Books item in the Budget as follows: $150.00 to Capital Outlay and $200.00 to Stationery & Supplies. He reported these two items overspent. He also informed the Board that in a few weeks he would announce a micro- filming system which would save the County a minimum of $700.00 per year as well as be a more efficient program for his office and the public using it. After a brief discussion, Nr. Broadhurst moved that the transfer be approved as requested. It was seconded by Mr. I Netts and unanimously passed. WHISKEY CREEK DAM - Mr. Carlyle W. Blomme, Jr., a local surveyor,appeared before the Board and stated that he represenLed Mr. R. C. Fowler who wished to construct a circular"dam across Whiskey Creek. It would be located approximately 50' above the present Masonboro Loop Road Bridge at a height sufficient to hold back water to the high tide lines. He stated ? that before the Inland Waterway was cut that about six to eight inches of water stood in i this creek but now at low tide it is nothing but a mud flat and a mosquito breeding marsh. He realizes that approval for the dam must be made by the Army Corps of Engineers who I suggested to him that he secure statementsifrom the State agencies and the County Commiss- ioners that they had no objection to the construction of the dam ": before they spent money on a survey which might not be approved. After a disaussion in which the Board agreed that it could not give permission for such work, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Board ? go on record as having no objection to this plan based on present information and that the continued- I