1964-05-04 Regular Meeting321 STATE OF NORTH GAROLINA ) IN TNE SUPERIOR COURT II COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER APRIL 1964 CIVIL TERM ? It appearing to the undersigned Presiding Judge at the April 1964 Civil Term for , New Hanover County, that there is not a sufficient number of Jurors to conduct the sched- uled business for said Civil Term, and that there is a need for an additional number of Jurors to be drawn on this date to supplement the number originally drai,m in order to adequately conduct the said business of the Civil Court; It is therefore Ordered, Adjudged and Decreed that the Sheriff of New Hanover County and the Chairman of the Board of County C, ssioners of New Hanover County be and they are hereby directed to draw twenty-five scr ls from said Jury Box and have said Jurors report to the Superior Court at 9:30? N. on April 21, 1964 to supplement the number of Jurors originally drawn, in order th'at t e Civil business during this Term of Court may be adequately conducted. - ?? ? This the 21st day of April, 1964 , /5/ Howard H. Hubbard JUDGE PRESIDING Jurors drawn for Tuesday, April 21, 1964 - Civil Term William Adolph Batson May Woods Blake Joseph P. Ellington I R. E. Gideon Jesse R. Hawkins R., S. Horrell Katherine O. Jorgenson . Janie P. Kennedy S. Foster Oliver A. G. Shaw j T. N. Simmons 'I Jimmy Gray Teachey W. Henry Ylilliams ASSEMBLY - The regular was held on this date ance: Chairman J. M. R. Mayhan and John Uan T. D. Love, Jr. P. O. Box 172 Carolina Beach 1220 Kerr Ave. RFD 3, Box l?76 5333 Oleander Dr. P- 0]{uBeXBeach 2507 North Monroe St. 4301 Park Ave. 1563 Castle Hayne Rd. 805 Central Boulev. 1215 Yaupon Av. RFD 2, Box 146 2525 Harrison St. RFD 2, Box 212 Elroy Blackwell W. G. Dunn, Jr. James C. Farmer Mrs. Eleanor W. Hall D. A. Hollifield,Jr. Charlie Israel David Earl Kelly Lawrence C. Rose Esther Silverman Lenwood Simpson Ted Lee idiiliams 2878 Jefferson St. 4009 Halifax Rd. P. O. Box 1?7 lCO?rNli__t?e??h 41 Terrace Walk 511 Price Alley 257 Peiffer Ave. P.O. Box 221 Wri ghtsv. Beach Cape Fear Apts. 11?17 Ann St. 3858 Edgewood Rd. V Wilmington, N. C. May 4, 1964 semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room with the following in attend- Hall, Jr., Commissioners p¢ter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest . B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor, ! INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend J. K. Bostick, pas- tor of Wesley Memorial Methodist Church, to ask a prayer for guidance over the dayls sess- fon. I MINUTES APPROVAL - After making a few minor grammatical changes requested by the Exectrtive Secre- tary, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the minutes be approved as amended. It was second- ed by Mr. Braak and unanimousiy passed. CSC - TRANSFER OF FUNDS Clerk of Superior Court, H. Foster Edwards, came before the Board and request- ? ed the transfer of $350.00 from the Binders 8 Record Books item in the Budget as follows: $150.00 to Capital Outlay and $200.00 to Stationery & Supplies. He reported these two items overspent. He also informed the Board that in a few weeks he would announce a micro- filming system which would save the County a minimum of $700.00 per year as well as be a more efficient program for his office and the public using it. After a brief discussion, Nr. Broadhurst moved that the transfer be approved as requested. It was seconded by Mr. I Netts and unanimously passed. WHISKEY CREEK DAM - Mr. Carlyle W. Blomme, Jr., a local surveyor,appeared before the Board and stated that he represenLed Mr. R. C. Fowler who wished to construct a circular"dam across Whiskey Creek. It would be located approximately 50' above the present Masonboro Loop Road Bridge at a height sufficient to hold back water to the high tide lines. He stated ? that before the Inland Waterway was cut that about six to eight inches of water stood in i this creek but now at low tide it is nothing but a mud flat and a mosquito breeding marsh. He realizes that approval for the dam must be made by the Army Corps of Engineers who I suggested to him that he secure statementsifrom the State agencies and the County Commiss- ioners that they had no objection to the construction of the dam ": before they spent money on a survey which might not be approved. After a disaussion in which the Board agreed that it could not give permission for such work, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Board ? go on record as having no objection to this plan based on present information and that the continued- I ???? _ Minutes_ of the Meetinq May k,-1-9 64 Continus-d WHISKEY CREEK DAN - (Continued) ? Executive Secretary be instructed to write a letter to Mr. Blomme, with a copy to the Corps of Engineers to this effect. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- mously approved. HEWLETTE MEMORIAL PARK - Mr. E. L. Singletary reported through the Executive Secretary that plans ?i were progressing on the construction of the Park for which $350.00 was approved on February 17th to help with materials to build , outdoor cooking facilities. The presenL holdup is due to the fact that they do not have sufficient funds on hand to pay for bu11-, dozer service to push the stumps off of the ground. They request permission to use $300.00 of the allocation to pay for a bulldozer operator which they estimate can com- plete the work in 20 hours at $1$.00 per hour. The Board, after considering this re- quest, decided to delay a decision untii it could be determined if approval meant that the ball diamond would be completed and maybe the other facilities neglected. (Later, ?I Mr. Metts called and said that Mr. Singletary had discussed the matter with him and he is satisfied that approval of the request would heip the construction of Lhe entire park if the other Commissioners would go along with this. The Executive Secretary call-ii ed the Board members and the majority reached approved. This wiii be put in the minutes of the next meeting "nunc pro tunc".) I WELFARE LIEN Complying with the request of Attorney Addison Hewlett for information on property previously owned by Johanna Ballard Nixon, on which there is a Welfare Lien from grants amounting to $1,332.00., the, Executive Secretary reported that the fair market value of the 7 acres is $1,000 and that he is informed that the taxes outstanding against it amounts to $132.17. By common consent, the Board authorized the Executive Secretary to give this information by letter to Mr. Hewlett. COUNTY HOME AND JAIL - A letter was received from Jailor Joe E. Johnson requesting that if the County Home is closed, the ten burner gas stove or range, six single beds with mattresses any number of large kitchen spoons and platters, two or three large butcher kniues and one small refrigerator be transferred to the Jail for its use. By common consent, this request was referred to Mr. Braak who reported that no determination had as yet been made as to which of the items might be needed in the operation of other facilities out at the County Farm but as soon as a check has been made, any items not essential to that opera- tion can be transferred to the Jail. TAX REFUND REQUEST - The Tax Supervisor reported that Mr. William Schwartz, who represents F. 8 S Inc., requested the abatement of $$,55 on their 1962 taxes as it represents a penalty and interest. The property was purchased from Mary Elizabeth Burns and is located in Block 542 and is a part of Lot 6. Negotiations were underway during the tax listing period and each of the parties involved thought the other was listing the property and consequently it went unlisted for the year resulting in the extra charges. The Tax Supervisor could find no legai means of forgiving this charge and the taxpayer insisted that it be presented before the Commissioners. After a brief discussion with the County Attorney who agreed with the recommendation of the Tax Supervisor, the Executive Secretary was instructed to write Mr. Schwartz that the Board is in sympathy with his request but unfortunately there is no legal justification and, therefore, no change was made. U. S. 74 HiGHWAY PRQJECT - A letter was received from the Anson County Commissioners through their manage, enclosing a Resolution suggesting that the State Highway Commission four-lane U. S. 74 from the Port City of lntilmington to Asheville in the Land of the Sky. They suggested that all the County governing bodies as weli as City and Town governing bodies along this Highway are being asked to be a part of an organization created to support this idea and asked civic clubs and Chambers of Commerce in the various counties along the rovte to consider passing similar resolutions in support of this project. After a brief discuss- ion, in which it was found that the Board had previously wholeheartedly endorsed some roads leading into and out of Wilmington, it was felt that although they have an interest in this pro,ject, they would like to learn more about it and, by common consent, author- ized the Executive Secretary to write the Chairman of the Anson County Board of Commiss- ioners and express their interest and desire to attend a meeting as they have a definite interest in an east - west four lane road. They also instructed him to attach a copy of the last Resolution passed by our Board. GOOD NEIGHBOR COUNCIL The Chairman read a letter from the Chairman of the County Good Neighbor Council requesting an appropriation of $50.00 for operating funds from April to July 1964,1 After a brief consideration, Mr. Mayhan moved that $50.00 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to the New Hanover County Good Neighbor Council. It was seconded I by Mr. Braak and unanimovsly passed. The Chairman instructed the Executive Secretary to place this request in the Budget Discussion file for consideration in the 1964-165 Budget. BESR PERMITS - ?- I ?- I The following applications for Beer Peimits were reviewed and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, were unanimously approved and referred to the I Sheriff for his consideration and investigation: Dah3e.1 .James Joye E. Stanley Hnott, Sr. Theodore G. 2ezefellis T/A Joye's Grocery T/A Knott's Grill T/A Crystal Motel & Pier, t? 219 Castle SL. RFD 1, Box 6-A at Northeast River, Castle Hayne, N. C. n . 0 S. Lumina Ave., rightsville Beach, N. C. kk?_ 323 Minutes of the Meeting May 4, 1964 Continued GRIFFENHAGEN-HROEGER REPORT ? The Chairman read a Special Bulletin issued by the State Association of County Commissioners requesting the Board to express their feeling about the recommendations in the Griffenhagen - Kruger Report so that- legislation micht be adopted to suit the needs lof the majority of the Boards who expressed themselves on these recommendations. The Chair- 'man stated that he would leave the proposals in the'office so tha.t all the Commissioners couid familiarize themselves with Lhe proposal and be in a position to express their wishes at the next meeting. He suogested that each of the Board members might consult with the IDirector of the Public Welfare and the 4Jelfare Board to ascertain their feeling about the recommendations. ' BRUNSWICK LOAN CLOSET - The Chairman reminded the Board of a request from the Health Director of Bruns- wick County for borrowing some of the hospiLal beds at the County Home for use:of:ihe 'chronic diseased patients when needed. After a brief discussion, the Executive Secretary was instructed to inform the Brunswick County Health Director that as yet no determination has been made of our needs for this equipment but that if he would check with us at a later date, ee would be able to give him a definite answer to his request. NNSEUM DOCUMENTS - The Executive Secretary reported that several old documents dated in 1771 were found when cleaning out the basement for the Welfare Department some months ago. He suc- ceeded in having them laminated in order to preserve them and suggested that they should be kept as interesting artifacts in the Wilmin@ton - New Hanover Museum. After a brief re- ',view of the documents, the Board, by unanimous:agreement, authori2ed them placed in the IMuseum. IICOUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY INCORPORATED The Chairman read a letter from the President of the New Hanover County Humane Society, Inc., call•ing attention to recent reports that insufficient feed has been obtained from the ptable scraps since the closing of the Countiy Home and requested that provisions be made for the proper feeding of the animals while at the County Dog Pound. After discussing this mat- 'ter, the Executive Secretary was instructed to write a letter to the New Hanove County iHumane Society assuring them ihat the matter is being handled and to instrvct the Sheriff '?to issue purchase orders for feed out of the budgeted items for this purpose in his fiscal- Ibudyet. Mr. Braak will notify Mr. Mintz to check on the care of the animals. ROAD PETITION - 'Mr. W. E. Blackburn presented a petition from property owners and members of the IChurch of the Open Door situated on Park Avenue between 52nd Street and Hinton Avenue re- Iquesting approval for paving that portion of Park Avenue. The Chairmari explained that present funds for paving were exhausted but that it would be considered by the State High- Iway Commission when new funds were available. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Myhan, the Executive Secretary was instructed to send it to the State Highway Commisss- lion for their consideration. I NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - The Chairman read a letter from the Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees of the New Hanover Memoriai Hospital stating that from all appearances the County will be required to advance substantial funds to the construction contractors before the receipt of any Federal money in repayment of construction costs from'the Medical Care Commission under the terms of the Hill-Burton Act. From the best available informa- tion, they estimate the County will need $4,000,000 in the next 18 months period, $1,000,000 of whicti would be used to liquidate the outstanding bond anticipation notes. The exact fioures will not be known until'the contracts are let. They recommend the County have avail- able up to $42000,000. After discussing the various aspects of this proposai with the County Attorney and the County Auditor, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the County approve„this fecommendat3-ori'and authorize the Auditor to proceed to arrange for the handling of $4,040,000 worth of bond anticigation notes needed to f.inance the construction of the hospital within the next 18 months, to be liquidated by the sale of bonds authori2ed by the people. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. THE JUVENILE DETENTION HOME - The Chairman stated that at Lhe subject of the juvenile Detention Home was called to the Board's attention by the Grand ,lury. In order to clarify the matter, he asked the the County Attorney to read the General Statutes coverino the operation of that facility and then opened the meeting to resume discussion of the subject. After discussina the many angles surrounding the operation, the Chairman asked the County Attorney to,interprete brief- ly his understanding of the law regardina this matter. The County Attorney said that the General Statutes places the responsibility for Juvenile care definitely under the Court for operation and supervision,which in his opinion can be delegated by the Judge of,the Juvenile Court to the Public Welfare Department. So far.as_the Board of Commissioners is concerned, ithey must provide funds for the facility. The question was raised as to the use of the facility by the City Juvenile Court although it makes no contribution toward its upkeep. This is a matter which sq?u?ld be discussed with the joint committee appointed by the Board of ICounty Commis5ior?ets=.r/'.the City Council for considering all of the joint appropriations and governmental functiofis in t,rhich both are mutually interested. The final.conclusion''ofi the Board is tfiat they are interested in.seeing that proper°care is taken of children committed to the Juvenile Detention Home,for keeping. Mr. Metts then offered a motion that the Board lof County Commissioners-request?the Clerk of Superior Court, who is also the Juvenile Judge, make a survey of the .luvenile Detention Home facilities to determine the needs, with a copy ?of the report to the County Commissioners and that the, budoet requests for the Juvenile De- tention Home be made by the Clerk of Superior Court as Judge of the Juvenile Court. This Ilmotion was seconded by Mr. May,han, and unanimously adopted. The Executive Secretary was in- istructed to inform the Juvenile Judge of this request. . . . iN-- 11 I Minutes of the Meeting Nay 4, 1964 continued COUNTY JAIL Commissioner Ernest R. Mayhan recalled that some mention was made by the "I same Grand Jury report<ahou:tsome needs in the County Jail and he would like to have the Sheriff appear before the Board for a report. Sheriff Millis reported that the Grand Jury report originated through a conversation by the Grand Jury with one of his Deputies who was on duty at the time. He was unaware of the fact that the Grand Jury had contacted the Depty until after the report was made. He has made no request of the I Commissioners for additional funds or cells, for until recently the facilities have been i adequate. Oacasionally, they are full 3ust before the criminal court sessions and two additional cells could be used effective2y. In the past, there has always been times when it was necessary to separate persons in individuai cells and they could use them on those occasions. In his opinion, however, the new inexperienced Jailor had jumped the gun when he did not contact the Sheriff before making the report to the Grand Jury. The matter was briefly discussed and the Sheriff requested to get an estimate of the cost of the constructions of any needed additions to the Jail facilities and report back to the $oard. " COUNTY M4PPING The Chairman introduced Mr. James Dark, a representative of the Champion Map Corporation, who reported that thelr company is in the process of making County-wide de- tailed map of all roads and subdivisions and suggested that it might be a worthwhile inv st- ment to supply each officer of the County with one of them. The Chairman declared he thought it would be a valuable information to have the maps available but suggested that they wait until later to decide the number which the County would need. COUNTY PLANNING AND 20NING BOARD - I The Chairman ca2led Mr. I. John Tinga, Chairman of the County Planning and Zoning Board to report on their activities. Mr. Tinoa reported that his Board was meet-i ing on a monthly basis and that it is their feeling that a map showing the present land use in the County is in the process of being completed with the exception of buildings an,d it should be finished within the next 6 weeks. The Planning Board recommends the appoirt- ment of a Building Inspector immediately to enforce the State Building Codes. He callec+ attention to a small booklet which outlines the qualifications and responsibilities of ' such an office and furnished each Commissioner with a copy. It is still the opinion of that Board that the Building Inspector and the Plumbing Inspector should be set up in a separate office and placed on a salary basis to be paid out of fees collected for the ser; vices rendered. After discussing the various questions relative to this report, the Chairman instructed the Executive Secretary to set up a meeting with the City Manager, the City Planner, and the Chairman of the County Planning and 2oning Board for 2:30 P.M.p Tuesday afternoon, May Sth, for the purpose of discussing the various items in connectidln with such a move. Mr. Tinga reported that the City had recently passed an Ordinance for control of Mobile Homes. He is of the opinion that the County should likewise have such an Ordinance, as the only restrictions at present is exercised by the Plumbing Code admin- istered by the Health Department, MOBI LE HOMES - II N. C. SEASHORE COMMISSION Mr. Metts reported that as a member of the governmental Advisory Committee ' to the N. C. Seashore Commission, he attended a recent meeting of this body which suggestis that the eight Seacoast counties come up with some idea about the beach erosion problems ' on the unincorporated areas. A group was appointed to look into into the wind and littor;al drift of sand in connection with dykes, dunes and berms and wiii ask the State to set up ' a research commission to study and follow up the pro,ject. ? THE JURY LIST - The Executive Secretary reported that the PresidBnt of the Local Bar Associa- tion had requested that the Commissioners give some thought to the drawing of additional scrolls to serve on ,]uries as the Judge reported to him that it has been necessary recentiy to call the Clerk into Court for drawing additional Jurors to serve the Court. Jurors for the week beqinninq June 1, 19611 - Civil term The following good and lawful persons were drawn to ior Court for the weeks beginning June lst, 1964 - Civil term; June lsth - Civii term;and June 22nd - Civil term: serve as aurors in Super-I June 8th - Criminal term;? u Allen, D. W. 2246 Camellia Dr. Austin, Willene Avant, M. A. 410 North Carolina Av. Ayash, Marie R. Bailey, Katherine L . P. 0. Box 1764 Baker, George, Jr. Baker, R. Homer 504 Northern Blvd. Baldwin, Willard P. Balk, Jack 11 South Water St. W.B. Banck, Bertha A. L. Bancroft, Thomas L. 4806 Wrightsv. Ave. Barnes, Martha Batnes, John 208 South llth St. Bell, Luter Be21, Robert Nelson 25 Pinecrest Pkwy. Berry, Boyd O. Bland, James Bradley Apt. 2 Lake Vil. ? Bowden, James E. Bradford, W. E. 11-T, Lake Vil. i?°' 'Bridges, William D. Jr. Brown, Frank 119 South 12th St. Brown, J. T. Brown, Roy P. 6-P, Lake Village Brown, Willie W. Browning, Warren M. 243 N. 26th St. Bryan, Nfrs. May O'Conne Bpie, .lasper W. 51 Pinecrest Pkwy. Burnett, Roosevelt G. Burress, Ray !}1!} SunseL Ave. Butler, Oliver E. Capps, Minnie B. 612 South 6th St. Carter, J. R. Carter, Monroe 2602 W. Lake Shore Dr. Cartrette, T. F. Cook, Lawrence G. 311 Waliace Ave. Corbett, Waddell A. Crews, Albert L. RFD 1, Box 143 AC Croom, Gene M. Curtis, Burnell P. Jr. 4013 Cherry Ave. Dail, Jaunita H. Davis, Virgii L. P. O. Box 1}2 Cas ae Debnam, F. A. Debnam, John H. b 1223 Country Clu ? e ?. DeBose, Katie Dowless, James S. 326 Long St. Dr. Durham, Janet B. Durant, Joseph 722 North llth St. Eaton, Rufus B. Edwards, Don R. 20 North 16th St. Ellers, Lois H. 209 Brightwood Rd. 1502 Dock St. 11?01} Ann St. !}61'] Long Leaf Hills I,r. 2002 Market St. ? 208 s. llth St. I 3111 Adams St. j 239 Calhoun Dr. !}626 Mockingbird Lane 209 N. 19th St. 1209 Orange St. 14-T Lake Village r 11 South 5th St. ? 2527 BurneLt Blvd. 264 Greenville Ave. 5211 Wrightsv. Ave. I 206 Keaton Ave. Box 1139, city 208 S. 18th St. Box 648 A Caroli?a 1023 Country @g?? Rd. 115 Stanley St. P. 0. Box 59 1 15 Dock St. 2 68 C. Jefferson St,l t \ 11 ???1 Minutes of the Meeting May•.4th, 1964 Continued --- tlJurors for the week beqinning June 8, 1964 - Criminal term Farrabow, Mrs. E. M. Fisher, J. H. Fox, W. L. Glover, John M. qGoley, W. R. IlGrossnickie, Paul E. Harkey, Fred G. Henderson, Ernest'C. Hinson, William M. HCharles T. Hufham, E. O. Hutaff, George, Jr. Johnson, Eugenia Jones, Charles Milton IJones, Ha1.W. Heeter, Thomas L. King, J. C. Knight, Peter Louis Larkins, Norman H. Jr. Lemon, Dolphus Leonard, Thelma L. Lewis, Everette Linwood Lucas, James Mhone, Edna I. 'Malpass, Alex 211 Kenwood Av. Fergus, Harold B. Box 770, C. B. Fonville, Ruth W. 1808 Church St. Galloway, William'A. 6 Pi necrest Pkwy. Godwin, Donnie L. RFD 1, Box 225 Graham, Robert RFD 1; Box 122 Hanson, Katherine V. Box 335, W. B. Harrell, Henry, Jr. 100 Sunnyvale Hicks, 5am . 4602 MockingbLrd ane Holden, Beaufort Leon il Barnard Dr, Hubis, Anthony 416 Wrightsv. B. Hughes, W. T. 1710 Market St. Jacobi, Mrs. Lucille 829 Fanning St. Jones, Chester Ferguson 22 B Lake Vil. Jones, D. E. 108 Beil St. Justice, Raymond Aibert Box 84 Kure B. King, H. T. 207 S. 47th St. King, Roy L. 312 S. Front St. Lange, Norman H. 205 Dixie Latimer, H. G. Jr. 319 S. 6th St. Leonard, James L. Kure Beach, N.C. Levy, Marion Box 395, C. B. Love, Anna P. 406 Clay St. Mck, Eddie 511 S. 3rd St. Mllette, David L. RFD 1, Box 7 Ntthews, L. P. Jr. Jurors for the week beqinninq June 15, 19611 - Civil term Mautz, Richard McCartney, Harry C. McKeller, J. E. McCloop, Henry L. IMcCondless, C. B. McCollough, Deward H. lMeares, Richard L. pMeier, Mrs. Irene IMelton, W. H. Midgett, Melvin Miller, Ann Millar, Stella P. Moore, Elwood W. Moore, Marilyn Moore, Sidney J. Morse, Charles D. Murray, Roy T. Murrell, Faye Njyers, Ervin • Neii, Richard W. Nichols, Mildred Asidrew isbet, Wm. L. Nissen, Lorenz E. Nixon, Enoch L. Jr. iNobies, Horace B. 129 St9$SWA Dr. Nolen, Harold 807 S. 4th St. O'Reilly, Leo 610 Anderson St. Padgett, Wilbur 4617 Market St. Page, Jasper S. 3907 Carolina B Patelos, N3cholas S. ib S. GreenvilledAv. Payne, Annie Graham 107 Colonial Dr. peacock, W. M. 4 West Tenn. Ave.pennington, J. C. Wrightsv. Sound geter.sor?;-G:'H. 2955 Park Ave. Phillips, Weltome Albert 1509 S. 3rd St. Pickett, James E. Box 131 Wrights.B. Powell, Garrie Allen 4319 Lake Ave. Pugh, Jessie C. 70 Pinecrest Pkwy. Raynor, Steadmon 257 Lake Forest Pkwy,Reel, Paul J. 115 Vann St. Reeves, Eric Colon 122 Colonial Cir.Register, Atticus Lloyd L}0071 Wrightsv. Av.Reynolds, Robert 515 Meares St, Ritter, Columbus 911 S. llth St. Rivenbark, Billie O. 406 N. Kerr Av. Rivenbark, Bobby G. 127 Stradieigh Rd. Rivers, John C. 204 NorLhern B1vd,Rothrock, H. T. RFD i, Box 336 Rowe, Orreil V. 3008 Monroe St. Rowe, W.* Mercer Jurors for the week beginninG June 22, 19611 - Civil term Sanders, Bonnie 414 McDonald Dr,Strickland.,- Violet IlSatterwhite, Dora J. P. O, Box 865 Sutton, W.'P. Jr. 6aunders, Jerry Ray Box 104 CC Tadlock, Marvin Lane. Saunders, John H. RFD 3, Box 338 A Thorpe,`.Carrie•A. Sellers, Bernice 4Jilliam 8 L Lake V312age Trainer, Frank' Sellers, Georoe Finley 817 S. Front St. Trapp,.Howard 5chaar; Herbert M. 2407 Princess P1 .Troth, H. Rodd . Scott, Curtis 3019 Louisiana S t.T. W. Tucker iSidbury, J. B. Box 41}3 Turner, I:eont.E. Jr.. Simmons, Grover G. 312 Davie Dr. Vereen; Henry . W.J.C. Simpson 207 N. 23rd St. Waddell, Walter M. Shepard, Thomas William 306 Brunswick Wade, John Henry . Shiver, Wiiliam Edward 2401 C. B. Rd. Ward, Daniel Burriss Slade, C. E. 26 S ilver Lake Rd.Ward, Robert Smith, Claude H. 224 Caihoun Dr. Webb, Howard , 5mith, Dennis M. 12 Morningside Dr.Wells, Edwin J. Smith, William J. 103 Centrai Boul .Wenberg, j;0. Jr. Steedman, Charles 29li)1 Adams St. White, Edwin B. Spencer, Wi2liam 108 s. 13tn st. wntte; w. E. Spiliotis, Harry M. 213 Borden Av. Widenhnuse, A. C. Stanley, Raiph 3824 Halifax Rd. Williams, Lemuel Edward 5tanley, Ray Lewis 207 S. 4th St. Williamson, Atia 5taton, Ruth B. 305 Midland Dr. Wiliiamson, Jame E. Stokes, John Richard 219 N. 23rd St. Wilson, Paul ?Strickland, Steve C. RFD i gox 96 S?tI C H Yarborovgh, Clara S. ? a e ayne / ° ? ? , Jr. 124 Uictoria Dr. RFD 1, Box 296 RFD 2, Box 355 % Wm. Small 4115 Lake Ave. 1017 Hutaff Ave. p. o. sox 233 city 407 Wrightsv. Ave. 416 North 6th St. 5$ Pinecrest Pkwy. RFD 1, Box 199 B 1122 Country Club Rd. 167 Coloniai Dr. 2511 Guilfodd Av. Box 621, C. B. 5 Y Lake Village 2310 Dexter St. 1019 Market St. 1909 Perry Ave. 407 CP & L Bldg. RFD 10 City 1117 Wright St. RFD 2, Box 56 City 12-C Taylor Homes 411 s. 15tn sc. 2020 Metts Ave. 2309 Princess Pl Dr. 510 Barclay Hills Dr. 206 Orange St. Kure Beach, N. C. 208 S. 3rd St. 417 N. 6th St. 30 Whitman Ave. CastAayne RFD 1, Box 64 102 Lakeshore Dr. RFD 1, Box 2725 C RFD 1, Box 234 C. Ca?ayne 826 Grace St. RFD 1, Oakley Rd. " " 3110 Market St. RFD 1, Box 286 226 Calhoun Dr. 118 Sumter Dr. RFD 1, Oakley Cir, RFD 1, Box 262 305 Castle Hayne Rd. 112 Laurel Dr. 2414 Chestnut St,. P. O. Box 77, Knre. Beach 153 Pinecrest Pkwy. 131 Forest Hills Dr. / 2 F. Nesbitt Courts 4303 Oleander Dr. 2126 Klein Rd. % 4209 Wrightsv, Ave. 210 Wrightsv. Ave. 802 Dock St. 2823 Chestnut St. 505 N. 23ra 5t. P. o. Box 998 1015 Castle St. 806 5. 16th St. 716 S. 3rd St. .16 C. Nesbitt Cts. 508 s. 5th st. 108 Church St. 2802 Oleander Dr. 47.woodlawn. ? ; 123 Colonial Cir. 2003 Woolcott Ave. P. o. Box 791 2900 Jefferson St. i Lake Forest Pkwy. 2417 Shirley Rd. 902 Red Cross St. 304 Church St. -A Minutes of the Meeting May 4, 1964 Continued REPORTS u The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for further informa- tion: . • . 1- County Auditor;s Report for the Fiscal Year ending June 2- A.B.C. Board Audit Report for nine months, ending March 3- Memorandum advising that a copy of the 1964 Reoistered . Sanitarians in North Carolina. • 4- Notice from State Board of Public Welfare advising that tion date of Mr. Napoleon B. Barefoot was June 30, 1964 for reappointment as a Welfare Board member. 30, i963: • 31,-1964. ?rofessional Health the term expira- and he was eligibl ADJOURNMENT . ' There being no further•business to be-brought befor2 the Board, Mr. Broad- hurst moved that the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded by Nm. Nfetts and unanimously approved. • • W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) • IN°THE SUPERIOR COURT ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY ) MAY 6 1964 CIVIL TERM II u It a earin to the undersi ned Judge pp g g presiding at the May 14.th, 1964 Civil Term , for New Hanover County, that Lhere is not a suffic3ent number of Jurors to conduct the ' sche.duled business for said Civil Term, and that• there is a need for an additional num- ber.of Jurors to be drawn on this date to suppiement the number originally drawn in ordei, to adequatei.y conducti the said business of the Civil Court; • - , ' , It is therefore Ordered that the Clerk of the Board of County shail forthwith bring into open Court the Jury Boxes of cause twenty (20) Scrolls to be drawn from the box by a child and said persons whose names are so drawn shall be, summoned=by the Superior Court of New Hanover County Courthouse at 9:30 A. tio serve as Jurors for the remainder of said Term. - This the bth of May, 1964. Commissi.oners for the the County, and, sYa 11 .inder the age of.ten years, the Sheriff to appear in M. on 6th of May, 1964, /S/ Howard H. Hubbard J.urors for NhY 6, 1964 , •Anderson, Daisy 924 S. lOth St. Angel, Glenn 204 North 6th St Ad Balance, Leon S. . lsti Wintergreen Baldwin, J. L. 1924 Chestnut St. Bass, Thurman Jr. 2912 C Adams St. Blanks, Clarence Elmo 410-N. 5th St. Boswell, Henry Ardell t317 Colwell Ave. j Bowe.n, L. F. 4$00 Peachtree St. . Cowan, R. L. Jr. 4619 Mockingbird Lane .Elmer., Varina Y. 119 Colonial Dr. i Janicki, M. J. Castle Hayne, N. C. I McRae, Willie, 903 S. 13th St.. ' Mitchell, A. T. RFD 2, Box 235 •• Morris, .lack. 425 S.. 3rd St. . Peo.ples, Judson 1216 N. 7th St. Peterson, Wilbert James 3610.Stratford Blvd. Reynolds, Uance 616 S. Front St. ! Sellers, Harold D. 227 Pinecrest Pkwy. Stevens, Earl M. 128 Gordon Rd, Wilson, Marvin P. Jr. 716 Country C1ub-Rd. STATE OF NORTN CAROLINA ) NEW HANOVER COUNTY Judge Presiding IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ,. MAY 11, 1964 CIVIL TERM . It appearing to the undersigned Judge presiding at Lhe May il, 1964 Civil Term f,or New Hanover County, that there is not a sufficient number of Jurors to conduct the sche.duled business for sai.d Cfvil Term, and that there is a need for an additional number of Jurors to be drawn on this date to supplement the number originally drawn in order to adequately conduct the said business of the Civil Court; It is therefore Ordered that the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners for the County shaii forthwith bring into open Court the Jury Boxes of the County, and shall ? cause twenty (20) scrolis to be drarm from the box by a child under the age of ten years, and said persons whose names are so drawn shall be summoned by the Sheriff to i appear in the Superior Court of New Hanover County Courthouse at 9:30 A. M. on 12th of iKay, 1964, to serve as Jurors for the remainder of said Term. 1'his the llth of May, 1964 N /S/ Howard H. Hubbard ? ?? M . - M'