1964-05-11 Special Venire Minutes of the Meeting May 4, 1964 Continued REPORTS - ? The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for further informa- tion: . • . 1- County Auditor;s Report for the Fiscal Year ending June 2- A.B.C. Board Audit Report for nine months, ending March 3- Memorandum advising that a copy of the 1964 Reoistered . Sanitarians in North Carolina. • 4- Notice from State Board of Public Welfare advising that tion date of Mr. Napoleon B. Barefoot was June 30, 1964 for reappointment as a Welfare Board member. 30, i963: • 31,-1964. ?rofessional Health the term expira- and he was eligibl ADJOURNMENT . ' There being no further•business to be-brought befor2 the Board, Mr. Broad- hurst moved that the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded by Nm. Nfetts and unanimously approved. • • W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) • IN°THE SUPERIOR COURT ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY ) MAY 6 1964 CIVIL TERM II u It a earin to the undersi ned Judge pp g g presiding at the May 14.th, 1964 Civil Term , for New Hanover County, that Lhere is not a suffic3ent number of Jurors to conduct the ' sche.duled business for said Civil Term, and that• there is a need for an additional num- ber.of Jurors to be drawn on this date to suppiement the number originally drawn in ordei, to adequatei.y conducti the said business of the Civil Court; • - , ' , It is therefore Ordered that the Clerk of the Board of County shail forthwith bring into open Court the Jury Boxes of cause twenty (20) Scrolls to be drawn from the box by a child and said persons whose names are so drawn shall be, summoned=by the Superior Court of New Hanover County Courthouse at 9:30 A. tio serve as Jurors for the remainder of said Term. - This the bth of May, 1964. Commissi.oners for the the County, and, sYa 11 .inder the age of.ten years, the Sheriff to appear in M. on 6th of May, 1964, /S/ Howard H. Hubbard J.urors for NhY 6, 1964 , •Anderson, Daisy 924 S. lOth St. Angel, Glenn 204 North 6th St Ad Balance, Leon S. . lsti Wintergreen Baldwin, J. L. 1924 Chestnut St. Bass, Thurman Jr. 2912 C Adams St. Blanks, Clarence Elmo 410-N. 5th St. Boswell, Henry Ardell t317 Colwell Ave. j Bowe.n, L. F. 4$00 Peachtree St. . Cowan, R. L. Jr. 4619 Mockingbird Lane .Elmer., Varina Y. 119 Colonial Dr. i Janicki, M. J. Castle Hayne, N. C. I McRae, Willie, 903 S. 13th St.. ' Mitchell, A. T. RFD 2, Box 235 •• Morris, .lack. 425 S.. 3rd St. . Peo.ples, Judson 1216 N. 7th St. Peterson, Wilbert James 3610.Stratford Blvd. Reynolds, Uance 616 S. Front St. ! Sellers, Harold D. 227 Pinecrest Pkwy. Stevens, Earl M. 128 Gordon Rd, Wilson, Marvin P. Jr. 716 Country C1ub-Rd. STATE OF NORTN CAROLINA ) NEW HANOVER COUNTY Judge Presiding IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ,. MAY 11, 1964 CIVIL TERM . It appearing to the undersigned Judge presiding at Lhe May il, 1964 Civil Term f,or New Hanover County, that there is not a sufficient number of Jurors to conduct the sche.duled business for sai.d Cfvil Term, and that there is a need for an additional number of Jurors to be drawn on this date to supplement the number originally drawn in order to adequately conduct the said business of the Civil Court; It is therefore Ordered that the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners for the County shaii forthwith bring into open Court the Jury Boxes of the County, and shall ? cause twenty (20) scrolis to be drarm from the box by a child under the age of ten years, and said persons whose names are so drawn shall be summoned by the Sheriff to i appear in the Superior Court of New Hanover County Courthouse at 9:30 A. M. on 12th of iKay, 1964, to serve as Jurors for the remainder of said Term. 1'his the llth of May, 1964 N /S/ Howard H. Hubbard ? ?? M . - M' ?27 SUPERIOR COURT ORDER FOR JURORS - My 11, 1964 ` - -- - -- Jurors for May llth, - - -- 1964 - Civi1 Batson, W. J. 208 North llth St. Bradley, Amry Hampton 409 North lOth St. Britton, Milton E. 403 ldrightsv. Ave. Brown, James H. Sr. 1120 Orange St. Eiden, Marie 609 Ann St. ' George, David B. Jr. RFD 2, Box 72 Gordon, Clarence Darrell Box 591, Wrightsville Beach Gore, 4linona K. 146 Pinecrest Pkny. arrell, Carrie Mae H P. O. Box 31, Castle Hayne, N. C.Hawkins, Y. O. 1601 South !}th St. Huohes, T. B. Sr. 0 1810 Church 5t. Hutaff, George H. Jr.- P. 0. Box 716 Johnson, E. R. 138 Victoria Dr.- King, Wilhelmina Schut t 1012 South sth St. Mallette, Bennie 605 South 13th St. OtCrowley, Margaret M. 1223 C. C. Rd. P.eacce, Rowena 411 South 13th St. Rooks, Willie Jay Jr. 49 Lee Dr. Smith, Hal - 220' Kenwood Ave. Woodcock, Earl J. 204 P3necrest Pkwy. Wilmington, N. C. May 18, 1964 AS5EMBLY The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover CounLy Board of Commissioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court Hovse with the foliowing members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Bm adhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. and C.ounty Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. ' INVOCATIOTd - • The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend'J. C. P. Brown, Pastor of the Sunset Park Methodist Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The mintues of the previous meetittg held on May !}th, copies of which had been ,mailed to each Commissioner; were upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by_Mr. Mayhan, lunanimously approved. ' * - ? ?• ITRAFFIC CON?'ROL SIGNAL - • Mr. J. U. Rooker, a resident of Lincoln Forest Subdivision, presented a petition signed by.many of the homeoti,mers and users of the Lincoln Forest Subdivision, requesting that a traffic control light be placed at the intersection with Oleander Drive. After a brief discussion, in Which the traffic hazards were brought out, Nr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Board approve the request and forward it to the State Highway Commission for their consideration.- _It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimousiy carried. JWENILE DETENTION HOME - Juvenile Judge H. Foster Edwards appeared before the Board and requested an ex- tension of two weeks time for making recommendations with reference to the Juvenile Deten- • tion Home as requested by the Board at their last meeting. This extension is necessary because, for the first time in its history, New Hanover County is having two terms of Super- .,ior Court simuitaneousiy. Therefore, he is requi;red? in the courtroom and thinks that this subject should receive more attention than can be given in a hurried report today. By com- Imon consent, the Board agreed to to receive his recommendations at the next regular semimonthly jmeeting. -IIINEW JAIL CELLS Sheriff'Marion W. N,illis appeared before the Board and presented a sketch and _ specifications which he reported have been approved by the State for constructing two new Jail cells in-the corridor. After reviewing the specifications, the Board decided that it wouid be better to make a•personal inspection of the proposed alterations. The meeting was recesse.d-and after visiting and:inspecting the proposed work, Mr. Metts moved that the re- quest be approved and the work done. It was seconded by Nr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. The Executive Secretary was instructed to advertise for bids'and make sure that the bidders understood that payment for. this work would not be made until the 1964-55 budget year. COOPER;4TIVE EXTENSION YJORK - Mr..D. D. Baggett, County Farm Agent, reported on the work which has been accom- plished in hfs department since the first of the year and projected plans for the balance Ilof the year. He stated that his work was becoming increasingly involved with yards and gar- dens and that they now have experiments at Carolina Beach and Wrightsville Beach with.Amer- ican Beach Grass which seems to grow well and shows some promise of help in our beach erosion _ programs. ' . Home Economics - Miss Verna Belle Lowery: one of the Home Economics Agents, re- ported that her efforts was mainly in the field of food, house furnishings and ciothing as they are the primary items for which people spend mnney so Lhey direct their programs tocsard better management of these items. Mrs. Rebecca L. Hall reported that she is cooperating in the Homemaker's program - ' Iin connection urith the Public Welfare Department. She recently held food preparation school • lusing surplus commodities and her pro3ected program is directed toward the better management jin housing, food, and clothing, reaching toward a better educated community. MENTAL HEALTH CENTER Mr. Robert N. Kallman, Chairman of the Mental Heaith Advisory Council, reported that they had moved into the new quarLers which allows for more activity and broader educa- tional programs. He reported that the Council, in cooperation with the staff, have adopted - la tentative policy of allocating 40% of their time to community educational activity in a ,broader sense, and 60% to direct treatment on a doctor-patient relationship. At present, no out of County activity is carried on; however, Columbus County and Pender County, both, have indicated their interest although no contracts have, as yet, been signed. The present staff is not adequate to handle all the referrals from public agencies and it is felt there will be some criticism. They are anxious for the Board to be apprised of the facts so that they.could properly answer when approached about it. There is no criteria or previovs ex- periences on which to base ,}udgement, therefore, their program is flexible and can be adjusted as experience indicates in the future for the time required in educational activities and ?as required for consultations. continued- I