1964-05-18 Regular Meeting?27 SUPERIOR COURT ORDER FOR JURORS - My 11, 1964 ` - -- - -- Jurors for May llth, - - -- 1964 - Civi1 Batson, W. J. 208 North llth St. Bradley, Amry Hampton 409 North lOth St. Britton, Milton E. 403 ldrightsv. Ave. Brown, James H. Sr. 1120 Orange St. Eiden, Marie 609 Ann St. ' George, David B. Jr. RFD 2, Box 72 Gordon, Clarence Darrell Box 591, Wrightsville Beach Gore, 4linona K. 146 Pinecrest Pkny. arrell, Carrie Mae H P. O. Box 31, Castle Hayne, N. C.Hawkins, Y. O. 1601 South !}th St. Huohes, T. B. Sr. 0 1810 Church 5t. Hutaff, George H. Jr.- P. 0. Box 716 Johnson, E. R. 138 Victoria Dr.- King, Wilhelmina Schut t 1012 South sth St. Mallette, Bennie 605 South 13th St. OtCrowley, Margaret M. 1223 C. C. Rd. P.eacce, Rowena 411 South 13th St. Rooks, Willie Jay Jr. 49 Lee Dr. Smith, Hal - 220' Kenwood Ave. Woodcock, Earl J. 204 P3necrest Pkwy. Wilmington, N. C. May 18, 1964 AS5EMBLY The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover CounLy Board of Commissioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court Hovse with the foliowing members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Bm adhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. and C.ounty Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. ' INVOCATIOTd - • The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend'J. C. P. Brown, Pastor of the Sunset Park Methodist Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The mintues of the previous meetittg held on May !}th, copies of which had been ,mailed to each Commissioner; were upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by_Mr. Mayhan, lunanimously approved. ' * - ? ?• ITRAFFIC CON?'ROL SIGNAL - • Mr. J. U. Rooker, a resident of Lincoln Forest Subdivision, presented a petition signed by.many of the homeoti,mers and users of the Lincoln Forest Subdivision, requesting that a traffic control light be placed at the intersection with Oleander Drive. After a brief discussion, in Which the traffic hazards were brought out, Nr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Board approve the request and forward it to the State Highway Commission for their consideration.- _It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimousiy carried. JWENILE DETENTION HOME - Juvenile Judge H. Foster Edwards appeared before the Board and requested an ex- tension of two weeks time for making recommendations with reference to the Juvenile Deten- • tion Home as requested by the Board at their last meeting. This extension is necessary because, for the first time in its history, New Hanover County is having two terms of Super- .,ior Court simuitaneousiy. Therefore, he is requi;red? in the courtroom and thinks that this subject should receive more attention than can be given in a hurried report today. By com- Imon consent, the Board agreed to to receive his recommendations at the next regular semimonthly jmeeting. -IIINEW JAIL CELLS Sheriff'Marion W. N,illis appeared before the Board and presented a sketch and _ specifications which he reported have been approved by the State for constructing two new Jail cells in-the corridor. After reviewing the specifications, the Board decided that it wouid be better to make a•personal inspection of the proposed alterations. The meeting was recesse.d-and after visiting and:inspecting the proposed work, Mr. Metts moved that the re- quest be approved and the work done. It was seconded by Nr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. The Executive Secretary was instructed to advertise for bids'and make sure that the bidders understood that payment for. this work would not be made until the 1964-55 budget year. COOPER;4TIVE EXTENSION YJORK - Mr..D. D. Baggett, County Farm Agent, reported on the work which has been accom- plished in hfs department since the first of the year and projected plans for the balance Ilof the year. He stated that his work was becoming increasingly involved with yards and gar- dens and that they now have experiments at Carolina Beach and Wrightsville Beach with.Amer- ican Beach Grass which seems to grow well and shows some promise of help in our beach erosion _ programs. ' . Home Economics - Miss Verna Belle Lowery: one of the Home Economics Agents, re- ported that her efforts was mainly in the field of food, house furnishings and ciothing as they are the primary items for which people spend mnney so Lhey direct their programs tocsard better management of these items. Mrs. Rebecca L. Hall reported that she is cooperating in the Homemaker's program - ' Iin connection urith the Public Welfare Department. She recently held food preparation school • lusing surplus commodities and her pro3ected program is directed toward the better management jin housing, food, and clothing, reaching toward a better educated community. MENTAL HEALTH CENTER Mr. Robert N. Kallman, Chairman of the Mental Heaith Advisory Council, reported that they had moved into the new quarLers which allows for more activity and broader educa- tional programs. He reported that the Council, in cooperation with the staff, have adopted - la tentative policy of allocating 40% of their time to community educational activity in a ,broader sense, and 60% to direct treatment on a doctor-patient relationship. At present, no out of County activity is carried on; however, Columbus County and Pender County, both, have indicated their interest although no contracts have, as yet, been signed. The present staff is not adequate to handle all the referrals from public agencies and it is felt there will be some criticism. They are anxious for the Board to be apprised of the facts so that they.could properly answer when approached about it. There is no criteria or previovs ex- periences on which to base ,}udgement, therefore, their program is flexible and can be adjusted as experience indicates in the future for the time required in educational activities and ?as required for consultations. continued- I ?3 ?o ? i Minutes of the Meetinq Mav 18. 1964 Continued NENTAL HEALTH CENTER - ? ? Tentative Budqet - Mr. Kallman presented a tentative budget for the 1964- 1965 fiscal year showing an increase of $1500.00 over the 1963-1964 year, If Columbus County decides to ,join in the Mental Health Program, it is estimated that we would re- ceive an income of approximately $10,500.00. This would tend to reduce the cost to New Hanover County as the State and Federal government wovld partlcipate in the same ratio as that in New Hanover County. An additional psychiatric social worker would be needed'and it'is estimated that this would increase the Budget approximately $6,000. The Advisory Council recommends the approval of the additional personnei. After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the Board go along with recommendations of the Mental Health Advisory Council and approve the new position. It was seconded by Mr. Braak with no dissenting votes. It was passed unanimously. Educationai psycholoqist - Mr, Kallman reported that the Soard of Health requires an educational psychologist for the emotionaily distrubed children who need special service and that the State would pay through their educational system. The, salaries are estimated at $14,000.00. Mr. T. 0. Page was present and reported that the State would not provide funds for this special teaching service through the school system but if it covld be provided through the Mental Heaith Center but administered under the Board of Edvcation in the school guidance, it would prove of great value to the schooi system. At present, there is a teacher in the New Hanover School system who is willing to attend Duke University for three summers for special trainino in the handling of the emotionally disturbed criildren. The State has indicated they would pay one-half the salary of such service which would amount to approximately $7,000.00. After thanking the Mental Health Advisory Council for their diligence, the Board agreed to ' I consider this proposal and instructed the Executive Secretary to put it in the Budget Discussion file. COUNTY HOME DIRECTORS Mr. H. A. Marks, Chairman of Lhe Board of Directors appointed for the amin- istration of the County Home, reported that they had closed the facility and offered the resignation of the Board since they are no longer needed. Chairman Hall thanked them for'the fine service they had rendered, after which Mr. Braak offered a motion that the resignations be accepted and the Board dissolved. It was'seconded by Mr. Mayha and unanimously acfiopted. WATER SHORTAGE - I P9r. John T. Butters, a resident livinc near the Municipal Golf Co?rse reported,; that he was experiencing difficulty with his we21 and thinks the cause of it f°rom the ; Municipal Golf Course using water at the rate of three-fourths of a million gallons per day from a lake on the low side which is pulled down with their pumps in four hours and takes nine hours to refill. After discussing the problem, the County Attorney ruled ? that so far as the County is concerned, there is no legal action that can be taken to relieve this situation. Chairman Hall recommended that he take this matter up with the City Council as the matter is entirely out of the hands of ttie County. C.A.P. BUILDING - ' I Lt. Col. W. D. Griffin, Training Officer for the Civil Defense, stated that 6 he was representing the Cape Fear Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol. He re- ports that he went out to the Airport to inspect the T-hanger on County property which ' was consLructed by the Wilmington Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol with the understanding if they ever ceased to use it as such, that it reverted to the County. It was deacLivated in December of 1963. He found a private airplane housed in the hanger and asked the Board to Q ear the matter for him. Upon examination of the records,"it was ', fotmd that on March 9th, 1959, the Board had given permission'to the C. A. P. to erect ?i T-hangers on the airport property with the stipulation that the building be in keeping with the oid airport facilities and that anytime its use as a C. A. P. facility ended, ' the title reverted to the County. After a brief discussion, Mr. Broadhurst offered the p motion that the Chairman be authorized to handle this matter. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimousiy passed. ' I SURPLUS PROPERTY - CiVIL DEFENSE Colonel Griffin reported that the County had oniy received two items of equip- ment through the Civil Defense Agency from the surpius property agency but that they are entitled to receive practically attything that is available. He offered to expedite the requests for surplus property for the County. EAST-WEST HIGHWAY - The Chairman reported that pursuant to instructions at the last meeting, he had called some of the organizational leaders of the County together and discussed the ? four-laning of U. S. 74 from Wilmington to Asheville. At that meeting, there was com- plete agreement that the request for this improvement would not jeopardi2e the County's interest in other road improvements. He asked the Board to pass the fol3owing Resolutiot, nunc pro tunc: WtiEREAS, the City of Wilmington is the fastest growing port on the Eastern Seaboard and is located in the beautiful resort County of New Hanover containing some of the most beautiful beaches to be found anywhere: AND UlHEREAS, Charlotte is the most rapid growing city in the 5outheast and is situated in Meckienburg County, one of the fastest growing industrialiied sections of North Carolina; AND WHEREAS, Asheville is the great playground and recreation area of the mountains of North Carolina situated near the Blue Ridge Parkway and located in the wonderful resort county of Buncombe; AND WHEREAS, the North Carolina Highway No. 74 3oins ail three of these fast growing areas; ' continued- \ ?I . 1 329 Minutes of the Neetin May 18th, 1964 Continued ?EAST --WEST-HIGHWAY ?--• . . ----_ - ? AND WHEREAS, a part of this great highway is a2ready a four-lane highway; AND WHEREAS, a part of this hiohway connecting the three fast growing centers of North Carolina, and indeed the Southeastern LTnited States, passes through ? some of the more under developed counties that have suffered devastating financial blows due to the shift in the pattern of agricultural crops; II NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; • ' I 1. That the Commissioners of NerJ Hanover County desire to formally, sincere- ly and earnestly request the State Highway Commission of the Great State of North Carolina, give serious consideratiott to making High4ray 74 a four-lane highway a21 the way from Wilmington in New Hanover County to Asheville in Bvncombe County. ? 2. That the Board of County:Commissioners of New Hanover County wishes to point out that,if such a course if followed, New Hanover and also other counties on the Southern Berder of North Carolina will experience much greater and much more rapid industrial growth. 3. That the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover further wishes to I point out that it is thefir belief that such a project would encourage ali North Carolinians to use the beaches and resort area of the Eastern part of North Caro- lina and the mountain resorts of Western North Carolina rather than go into other st2tes. ' 4. That this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Board of Commiss- ioners of New Hanover County and that a copy thereof be transmitted to the State Highway Commission of North Carolina. ? Upon mot3on of'Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved the Resolu- tion and authori2ed the Chairman to send it. BEER PERMITS - The followina applications for Beer Permits were revieared by the Board and upon I motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, were unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriffts Department for consideration and investigation: James Franklin Williams. George Underwood Eliza Jane McFarland I RECORDERIS COURT - T/A Williams Marina T/A Spiderweb T/A Bob's Place Nfyrtle Grove Sound 822 Orange St. 410 Henry St. County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. reported that he had checked the records of the Recorder's Conrt and they had received $12,871.21 during the month of April which was dis- tributed according to the various funds provided by law. He is convinced the records are in order. ALLEDGED IRREGULARITIES P At this point, discussion arose about.a recent newspaper article statino that ? three tiaarrants with bonds attached were misplaced between the time of the arrest and the j date they were summoned for court appearance. After discussino the mat±er thoroughly, ' the County Attorney ruled that most of this was caused as a part of the court system but the Board suggested that the Auditor and the Court officials work out a system to prevent a re-occurence. The County Auditor, T. D. Love, Jr., reported that he understood that the Sheriff had issued instructions for none of his men to receive noney unless a receipt was issued for it. Most of the misunderstanding has been caused by accepting money and bonds brought in from other police agencies. The Executive Secretary was instructed to write a letter to the County Auditor and the Clerk of Superior Court and suggest that some procedure be set up in regards to handling these bonds and funds. APPROPRIATIONS AA?D TRAAr5FER5 - County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. explained that there were some funds which were overspent and some ivhich were underspent and presented the following recommend8tions of appropriations and transfers:• General Emergency ?r +r I n n j a n i n n I n n n n a n I MacRae Park-Labor Farm I Recorders Court - Cap. Outlay Register of Deeds - Salaries ? Recorders Court - Cap, Outlay j Unanticipated Revenue ' A.E. County Agent - Chairs & Desk Health Dept. Sup. Court - Special Atty. ! n n n Unanticipated Revenue Interest Investment A. E. Sell'.'Workshop Mat, ? Intangible 3'axes General Emergency - Home n n n ir ir n to Auditor-5taty.& Supplies " Clk of Covrt - Telephone " Commissioners - Staty. & Supplies " Coroner - Autopsy " " - Jury " " - Telephone Calls " County Aid - Bi-Racial Com. tr 11 it - Nat'L Rivers 8 Harbors " " i' - Social Security ° Court House- Repa3rs Equip. " Jail-Kitchen Supplies " " -Repairs Bldg. " MacRae Park - Lights • " Recorder's Court - Books 8 Binders " Register of Deeds - Staty. 8 Supplies " Recorders' Ct. - Repairs to Equip. " A. E. County Agt. - Supplies " Sup. Court - Evidence " Spec. Court Reporter " Prepa id Tax Discount " A. E. Hall - Supplies " A. E. Hall - " " Farm, Feed " Farm - Kitchen Supplies " Farm - Laundry continued- $100.00 100.00 200.00 330.00 30.00 7.63 i9.55 75.00 3200.00 64.82 8.01 34.89 25.00 479.55 150.00 20 . !}5 84. 95 1+3 • 31 117.54 311.69 35.00 25.00 1,000.00 58.05 600.00 ? ? 1,30 Minutes of the A9eeting May 18,_ 1964 Continued _ APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFERS - General Emergency - Home o n n to Juvenile Home - Laundry " " " - Supplies $45.00 16.26 After considering each of the items, Mr. Mayhan made a motion that they be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted. ADVERTISING A letter was received from the Wilmington Journal offering a bid of $1.00 per colvmn inch for advertising the Covnty Delinquent Tax List. The County Attorney was not sure that it could qualify as a newspaper of general circulations required by law a d after some discussion, the Board instructed the Executive Secre.tary to write and explai? that the offer was under consideration. I NATIONAL RIVERS 8 HARBORS COTJGRESS - The Chairman reminded the Board of the'sist National Convention of the Natianil Rivers and Harbors Congress scheduled through June 2nd - 5th and stress the importance of having a good representation from New Hanover County. By unanimous common consent, the Board agreed that Colonel George W. Gillette, Chairman of the Wilmington Port and Waterways Commission is very influential and it would be to the interest of New Hanover County for him to go. They felt it proper to pay his expenses on this trip and author-II ized the Executive Secretary to make the proper reservaLions. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD - Chairman Hall reported that in.conformity with instructions given him at thellI last meeting, ise met in joint session with the City Manager, the City Planner and the Chairman of the County Planning and 2oning Committee and he is of the opinion that the ! Board should determine if they wish to appoint a Building Inspector for the purpose of enforcing the State Building Code. He recommended that a,joint office be set up to inciude the Buiiding Inspector, Electrical Inspector and the Plumbing Inspector. They I recommend salaries for the Building Inspector from $5200 to $6200; the Electrical I Inspector from $6200 to $7204; the Plumbino Inspector from $5,000 to $6,000. Their ? program inciudes an Assistant Planner, with a salary of $6,500 , a part-time secretary = County share for this would be $500 , Travel $900 and rent of $1,000 with the City Planner supervising the operation with the salary of $1,000. The total Budget for the Planning and Zoning staff would amount to $11,600 which should be recovered in the form of'fees charged by the inspectors. After some discussion, the Board agreed to I go along with the recommendations and auLhoriz.ed the Executive Secretary to advertise i for a Civil Service Board meeting to interview applicants for a Building Inspector. CIVIL SERVICE - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that in addition to the Building Inspector, a Clerk-Typist was needed in the Register of Deeds Office and a Cierk-Book- keeper needed for the Administrative Office at the Airport as well as the Property- Assessor Trainee in the Tax Office and recommended that the Civil Service Commission fnterview ail of them at the same time. By common consent, the Board authorized the setting up of a Civil Service Meeting for interviewino and screening applicants for the various positions listed above. NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. repor.ted that he had been in touch with Mr. W. E. Easterling, Jr, of the Local Government Commission with reference to the issuance of hospital bonds to cover the anticipated funds needed to finance the construction costs during the next 18 months. It is the recommendation of the Local Government Commission that the County issue $2,000,000 of 1 year notes next month and in the Fall issue another $1,000,000 or $1,500,000 if necessary, to mature at the same time as the ? $2,000,000 notes. Then in the Spring of 1965, the County would issue such hospital borids as would he necessary to complete the pro,ject and pay ail outstanding notes. In his opinion, this plan couid be better justified to the,satisfaction of the investing public. After discussing these recommendatinns, it was decided to recommend selling the bonds in the fall of 1965, rather than in the Spring. Mr. Metts then offered a I motion that the Board accept the recommendations of the Local Government Commission with the exception of selling the bonds in the Fall instead of the Spring. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. The County Auditor was authorized ? to proceed to see if they would approve the issuance in the Fall. SfiPORTS - The.following report was reviewed and ordered filed for future information: 1- Wilmington Public Library ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Broadhur:t moved that the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded by Mr.. etts and unanimously ? approved. / Yi ' W. G. Houck, Executive ecretary L_ ? STATE OF AIORTH CAROI:INA NEW NANOVER COUNTY ? . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT MAY 1964 CIVIL TERM It appearing to the undersigned Judge presiding at the May 25, 1964 Civil Term for New Hanover County, that there is not a sufficient number of Jurors to conduct the scheduled business for said Civil Term, and that there is a need for an additionai number of Jurors to be drawn to adequately conduct the said business of the Civil Court; It is therefore Ordered that the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners for the County shall forthwith bring into open Court the Jury Boxes of the County , and shall cause twenty (20) scrolis to be drawn from the box by a child under the age of ten years, and said persons whose names are so drawn shall be summoned by the Sheriff to appear in the Superior Court of New Hanover Courthouse at 9:30 A. M. on 27th May, 1964, to serve as Jurors for the remainder of said Term. ' This the 26th day of May, 1964. /S/ H. H.. Hubbard JUDGE PRESIDING Jurors for li'ay27#.h,- 1964 : Andrews, H. Conrad Dickson, Alfred G. GAgrISS, Hugti36ia B. JR. Harts, Roy W. i Mar'shaI1.; D..C: Reoster:; John, G. Rou`se, Aiton E. Sobol, Arnold L. Katson, Robert ' Winner, J. Walter STATE OF NORTH C.AROLINA NE4! HANOVER COUNTY 2803 Market St. RFD #1, Box 310 C. P. o. sox 1134 304 Sunnyvale Dr. 4029 Cherry Ave. 18 C?hrightsvVe$each 312 Francis N,ario?n 251 North Front 5C: 109 South Front St. Kure Beach N. C. Cannon, Winslow H. Fowler, James Giibert Hamilton, Harold Lee Ke21y, Alford L. Moore, Julius R. Retchin, Daniel D. Smith, Sigmond B. Watson, D. H. Williams, Ralph L. Wriaht, Elizabeth L. 1506 sontn 15tn st. 3617 Market St. RFD i, Box197 P a?olgina 2 Be2ch 1?0 Longieaf Dr. 119 Wayne Dr. 116 Chadwick Ave. 512 Sunset Ave. RFD 1, Box 152 P. o. Box 323 IN 'fHE SUPERIOR COURT MAy 1964 CIVIL TERM It appearing to the undersigned Judge presiding at the May 25, 1964 Civil Term for P1ew Hanover County, that there is not a sufficient number of Jurors to conduct the scheduled business for said Civil Term, and that there is a need for an additional number of Jurors to be drawn to adequately conduct the said business of the Civil Court; ' It is therefore Ordered thaL the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners for the County shall forthwith bring into open Court the Jury Boxes of the County, and shall cause twenty (20) scrolls to be drawn from the box by a child under the age of ten years, and said persons whose names are so drawn shall be summoned by the Sheriff to appear in the Superior Court of New Hanover Courthouse at 9:30 A. M. of 28th May, 1964 to serve as Jurors for the remainder of said Term. This the 27th day of May 1964. /S/ H.A. Hubbard JUDGE PRESIDIAtG Jurors for M?ay 28th, 1964 I Allen, Malcolm Wayne I Boon, Thomas Branch, Elizabeth L: ! Burnett, Julia Dickson, Cicero Eckenrod, Isaac J. I Livingston, F. Elliott Nesmith, Lifrie Rutiand, George ' Ef ird, C. L. 130 West Shipyard Blvd. 1011 Castle St. 7 Lake Forest 1202 Meares St. 9110 North 9th St. 313 Church St. 240 P.rincess St. 1009 N. 5th St. 1109 Wright St. % Efirds Dept. Store Ru'tland•:.Rober.t Saunders, G. E. Smith, James Curtis Stanley, William E. Stocks, Jack G. Stone, Rudolph G. , Wells, Delmer 4Jhite, Helen Pearl Whitney, A. C. Wright, Edward Deiano 1214 King St. RFD 1, Box ,104 CC 515 Nun St. 3011 Wakefield Rd. 3 Holland Dr. RFD 3, Box 448 5 Bedford Forest Dr. 216 Walnut St. 1106 PMarket St. 1108 N. 6th St. 331 ?