1964-06-01 Regular Meeting,332 Wilmington, N. C. June 1, 1964 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- , ioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak; and Ernest R. Mayhan; County Attorney L. Broadford Tiliery and County 'I Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. Commissioner L. E. Broadhurst acted as Chairman. Commissioner: J. M. Hall, Jr. and John Van B. Metts, Jr. were unavoidably absent from the meeting be- cause of other commitments, i INVOCATION - ' I The Acting Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend Richard " K. K. Johnson, Pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church, to open the meeting with a prayer.-' APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the previous ' meeting held on May 18th; copies having been mailed to each Commissioner, were unanimousl} approved as written. ' .1WENILE DETENTION HOME - Juvenile Judge H. FosLer Edwards reported his recommendations for improvement at the Juvenile Detention Home as follows: "First of all, I am sure our major concern is i,rhat suggestions can be offered--,i in fact, what is best for the juvenile authorities, the iuvenile defendahts, and the county at large. ? No..1.I suggest that the budget for the coming year earmark funds for the con- struction of a children's home that will meet, in so far as possible, practical, and economical, the recommendations of the State Board of Public Welfare. • No.2:.I recommend that the home be'so constructed and so updated as to meet ail forseeable requirements for the coming decades. No.3. My f3na1•recommendation is that th.e present home be kept open and in ' operation; that necessary repairs,be.madeto keep it comfortable and useable until a new home is completed. ? ! In conclusion, I suggest to this board that no definite decisions be made toda?ll ? as I understand•the Jaycees and the Community Covnci'1 -- both of these public spirit!ed organizations, have shown intense and intelligent interest in this problem -- have , made their presentation concerning the detention home." MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR DETENTION HOMES A.. BUILDINGS The building used for secure custody 'should have adequate secvrity features. It must conform to building standards of the State Insurance Department for the type of facility. It must roeet sanitation and fire inspection standards. Fdr small detention homes, a family type home meeting detention requirements is recommended. It should have facilities for a couple and for a relief per- son. It must have separate sleeping rooms for boys and girls. In larger detention homes, if the number of chiidren is sufficient to warrant it, the living accomodati.ons should be divided into small units, where children may be grouped in accordance with their particular treatment needs. There should be a sleeping room for each child with a minimum of 700 cubic feet of space. Toilets and lavatories for each room are recommended. When it is necessary to piace two children in a room, there must be a minimum of 60 squarei feet of floor space per child or 500 cubic feet of space per child. Larger rooms, ho4rever, are recommended. I The larger detention homes should have classroom facilities. Each home shovld have dining facilities. Suitable quarters should be set aside for children who are ill and who require bed care but not hospital care. , Each home should contain ample space for three types oE indoor activities: 1. Recreation 2. Crafts or projects 3• Reading or quiet activities The areas for these acti.vities should be arranged so that they can be used simultaneously and yet be under visual*and direct supervisory control at the, same time. . . . Special provision for disturbed children shoulde be available. B• OUTDOOR RECREATION'SPACE Outdoor space should be ample in size and contain paved areas. It should have an ample supply of fixed and movable play equipment. continued- L_ 333 na June 1._I9b1L____Lc9ntinus_d.- _ -- Min,ites of the Me¢tL ? JWENILE DETEAITION HONE - (continUed) C. LOCATION The most desirable location is near the edge of the county's principal city provided the following pr-inciples of locating detention homes are foliowed: ' 1. The site shovld be large enough to protect•the, home from interference ' from passers-by and those who attempt to contact children through the fence and by calling at the windows. The outdoor pla?r area should be large enouah for soft ball and to shield the fenced recreation space by appropriate screen I 9 pjant.ino, 2. A detention home'should never be built in the depressino atmosphere of slum; delinquency, or industrial ateas. It should not be attached to or ,j in the generai area of a jail or prison unit of any type. d, ' 3. The site should be reasonably dista,nt from other dwellings so that neioh- bors will not be disturbed by noisy children or those admitted late at nicht. l}. Convenient access to main centers'of population by pub2ic transportation so that parents, social workers, and others concerned can easily reach the •home. • • 5. A site ample enouoh to afford protection from future buildinc encroach- ments and to allow for juvenile court and, where necessary; probation offices to be constructed on the same property." He is particularly thrilled that the people of the County are taking such an intense in- terest in this worthy enterprise and are showing their willingness to cooper2te. By com- ? mon consent, the Board accepted the report and Lhe recommendations for further study. HUGH NacRAE PARK Messrs. T. L. Brinson, President of the Winter Park Recreation League and W. H. Younger, President of the Winter Park Optimist Club, appeared before the Board with a request that an adequate water system be inst211ed at Huoh MacRae Park. They presented the following formal request: "We, the undersigned groups, request_and petition that New Hanover County install and maint2in a well, pump, and acc'essories necessary to provide a dependable and ade- quate water supply in the Little Leaoue Baseball area of.Hugh MacRae Park. !are further reauest that sufficient underground piping be instailed to provide at least one water f'aucet in the playino area of each baseball field. The immediate purpose, of course, is to provide a water supply sufficient to "wet-down" the playing fields and water the grass: ' The new system should be adequate to'meet future needs. Anticipated needs in- clude an additional playing field, rest rooms, and an enlarged concession building. Your prompt consideration of this matter.is appreciated." After a brief 'consideration, the Board.unanimousiy agreed to study this matter during the ' Budget Discussion period. They instructed the Executive Secretary to place it in line at that ti'me. DETENTION HOME RECOP74ENDATION - Mr. Charies j{, Boney, President of•the Community Council, reported that members of a committee from the Council had made an. inspection of the Juvenile Detention Home and rze:r_e acreeably surprised, after all'the newspaper,publicity, to find that it was well kept, clean; including linens, but the shower was obselete and the rooms were small. It is the recommendation of the Community Council that a s to 7 member committee be appointed to act as a Board of Directors for this institution. The followina names uiere submitted for consideration: V , Mrs. Emma D. Howell - from Community Council William Burns Hlalter L. Sheffield. Jr. " " " Allen B. Jones Reverend Edwin E. I{irton " F. P. Fensel Clifford B. Ewart "' John H. Fox Robert l{allman Fred E. Little, Jr. John O. Dunn Herbert P. McKim Bert Flowers Claude O'Shields , William A. Raney U. Lee Spence Cyrus D. Hocue, Jr. Walker Taylor, Jr. ' William E. Perdew B. E. Huffine ? 1••li 1 1 iam B . Beery; I I I H. •.:A.. Marks The Acting Chairman, Nr. Broadhvrst, thanked Mr. Boney for the interest shown by the Council and stated that the matter would be taken under advisement for further consideration. ' FANNIE NORWOOD MEMORiFAL HOME - Mr. E. M. Butier; representino the Boa.rd of Manaoers of the Fannie Norwood Memorial Hame, requested that the Commissioners permit the Count.y prison labor to leuel off their yerd in order to plant shrubbery and beautify the grounds. Commissioner Braak was of the opinion 25 or 30 loads of soil should be hauled in the back to help level the yard and make it more useful. After a brief discussion, the Acting Ghairman appoint- ed Mr. Braak as a Committee of one to work with the Board of Nranagers of the Home on this project. 11 1 -A r- 334 ??- _ nn+.+?+±os??+t,o?nneef_.in? .Tuno,_L, 196? C'ontinued _ TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY - , The Executive Secretary recalled that on December 19, 1960, the,Board had approved the negotiation vrith the Redevelopment Commission, the prices of ,jointly owned tax foreclosed property in the urban renewal area amono which was part of Lots 6 and 7 in Block 303, described as being 33' x 681 between 2nci & liarnett Sts., fronting on 2nd St, He has had the lot appraised by the CounGyrlyAroperty Appraisors who placed a fair market value of $400.00 on the lot. The Attorney:for the Redevelopment Commissio , Ronald D. Rowe., advises that Mr. R. L. Foy, the original-owner of this lot, claims that he was in the State at the time of the foreclosure but was:not served with notice as required by law and therefore contests the rioht of the County and the City to dispose of this lot because of defect in the titie. He is wiiling to sign a Warranty deed to the Redevelopment Commission provided he receives one-half of the purchase price aqreed upon. The attorney is recommending a price of $1+50.00 which means that if accepted, , the oriainal owner would receive $225.00 and the City and County $225.00. The City has a 61% in the property which means they would receive $137.25 and the County's 39% interest would amount to $87.75. The County Attorney is familiar with this case and ? recommended that the compromise settlement be accepted. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, I seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously aareed to the settlement on a 50 - 50 basis. WELFARE LIEN Mr. Addison Hewlett, Jr., representing Cornelius E. Nixon, Jr., stated that they were interested in clearing up a lien amounting to $1332.00 held by the Public Welfare Department against 7 acres of land formerly owned by Johanna $allard Nixon (Case # 1}680). The fair market value of the property, as appraised by the County Property Appraisors, is $1,000. Mr. Hewlett was anxious for his client to clear it up as cheaply as possible because he is a son of the original ox,mer and would like to keep the property in the family. Mr,. Braak reported that the Public Welfare Board has? considered this lien and it is their recommendation and understanding that all of the property covered by Public Welfare liens must be sold at public auction with the beginn ng bid at the appraisal value. The County Attorney agreed that this method was one way of clearing it up but thought that further consideration should be given the matter before taking definite action today. RQAD PETITION A petition was received from the property owners living on Bedford Forest Drive in the Pine Valley Estates, Section 7, requesting that it be added to the State maintained Secondary Road System. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved the petition and ordered the Executive Secretary to forward it to the State Highway Commission in the regular manner, BEER PERMITS - Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the foilowang applications were unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff for his investigation and consid- eration : Henry W. Matthews T/A Ogden Cigar Store RFD 1, Box 256 A Anna B. Wells T/A Brooklyn Cafe 723 N. 4th St. Mary Padgett Tart T/A Mary's Grocery 821 S. sth St. STATE CONVENTION - A Special Bulletin was of County Commissioners sdvising prizes from the various counties that they stimulate attendance as suggested that each county bring in that county. received from the Secretary of the State Association that in the past it has been customary to give door at the business sessions. It is the general consens weil as advertise industries in the county. It is one or more door pri2es from an industry or business Attendance Registration - The monthly newsletter from the General Counsel stated that the registration fee has been fixed by the Board of Directors at $28.00 for the County Officials and $18.00 for wives which covers the Get Acquainted Hour on Sunday evening and the luncheons and dinners both Monday and Tuesday. He suggested that if the registration fee was sent in to the Association Office in advance, it vould save registration time. Messrs. Braak, Hall, Metts, and Tillery indicated their inten• tion of going while Mr. Mayhan would make his decision later. The Executive Secretary was authorized to secure registrations for those definitely going. SCHOOL APPROPRIATION - ? A letter was received from the Superintendent of Schools advising that as a consequence of the Industrial Education Center being organized as a corporate body, a request was made to transfer $10,000 from the Industriai Education Center Budget to the Vocational Educational Item under the New Hanover County Board of Education's Regular B{idget. At the time the transfer was made, reimbursement by the State of North Carolina was not taken into consideration. They request that an appropriation of this amount be made to the Budget for Vocational Salaries in the Regular School Budget. The Auditor explained the oversight after which Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the appropriation be made as requested. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- mously approved. TAX LISTING APPROPRIATION The Tax Supervisor reported that the Auditor's Office informed him that $1200.00 was needed in the Salary Account for the Tax Listing Office for finishing out the fiscal year. On account of illness among the personnel, it has been necessary to employ temporary help which exhausted the appropriation. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved an appropriation of $1200.00 from Unanticipated Funds to Tax Listing-Salaries. -x. \ v GJ Minutes of the Meeting June 1, 1964 Continued.___ ELECTION COSTS - The County Auditor reported that bills covering the cost of the Primary Election held on May 30th would be presented for payment this week. He requested advice as to whether the Board wished them paid as presented or wait until they could look over them. After a brief discussion, Mr. Braak moved that the bills be paid as presented un- less they exceeded the appropriation. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. , COUNTY MAPS - The Executive Secretary reported that the Chairman had called him with refer- ence to the maps proposed for New Hanover County showing the subdivisions and municipal- ities in addition to all streets and roads and suggested that we order ten. After dis- cussing this matter briefly, Mr. Braak moved that the County purchase seven maps, one each for the departments. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and approved with the under- _ ? standing that it would be paid out of the 1964-65 Budget Advertising Fund. HOSPITAL BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES - , The County Attorney reported that it would be necessary for the Board to pass a Resolution authori2ing the issuance of Bond Anticipation Notes in compliance with the recommendation of the Local Government Commission as reported by the Auditor at the meet- ing on May 18th. After reading the Resolution aloud, Commissioner Peter H. Braak moved that the following Resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the bond order hereinafter described has taken effecL, and the bonds authorized by said bond order have not been issued, and $1,000,000 Public Hospital Bond Anticipation Notes dated June 24, 1963, payable June 24, 1964, issued in anti-' cipation , . of the sale of the bonds authorized by said order will become due and` payable on June 24, 1964, and the Board of Commissioners desires for the renewal of said notes; and WHEREAS, said Board of Commissioners desires to borrow additinnal money for the purposes for which bonds are authorized to be issued by said order in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds as hereinafter provided: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOtVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: (1) The outstanding $1,000,000 Public Hospital Bond Anticipation Notes payable ` ' June 24, 1964 which have been issued in anticipation of the sale of the bonds author-, ! ized by the bond order entatled "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $5,500,000 - ', Public Hospital Bonds of the County of New Hanover"., adopted by the Board of Com- i missioners on August 21, 1961, shall be renewed and the additional sum of $1,000,000 shall be borroried in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds authorized to be issved by said order. ? (2) Negotiable notes of the aggregate principal amount of $2,000,000 each desig- nated t1Public Hospital Bond Anticipation Note" shall be issued for s:'aid sum so borrow- " ed. Said notes shall be dated June 23, 1964,.and shall be payable June 23, 1965, • and shall bear interest from their date at a rate which shall not exceed six per cen- -"' tum (6%) per annum. Such interest shall be payable at the maturity of said notes. Each of said notes shall be signed by the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board of ' Commissioners of said County and the seal of said County shall be affixed to each of said notes. (3) The power to fix the rate of interest to be borne by said notes and to de- termine the denomination or denominations of the notes and the place of payment of the notes is hereby delegated to the Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of said County who are hereby authorized and directed to cause said notes to be pre- pared and to execute said notes when they shall have been sold by the Local Govern- ment Commission of North Carolina. Said'Local Government Commission of North Carolina is hereby requested to sell said notes in the manner prescribed by the Local Govern- ment Act of Nocth Carolina. Commissioner Ernest R. Mayhan seconded the motion and the motion was adopted. Those voting for the motion were Messrs. Ernest R. Mayhan, Peter H. Braak, and L. E. Broadhurst. No one voted against it. INDEPENDENCE DAY The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that unless a by the Chairman, there would be no regular meeting on the 3rd Monda of the State Association of County Commissioners hoiding its annual time, therefore a decision should be made with reference to the (}th comes on 5aturday this year. After a brief discussion, Mr. Braak Friday, July 3rd be observed as a holiday for County employees. It Mayhan and unanimously approved. meeting was called ? of this month becavse convention at that of July holiday which offered a motion that was seconded by Mr. I INVESTIGATION REPORT - A discussion developed with reference to the investigation authorized by the Commissioners of the He21th Department by the State Burean of Investigation last fall. Each member of the Board reporLed that he had received a request by a local attorney for ? a copy of the report. After a brief discussion, during which each agreed that since the ? report had been given to the newspapers, it was a public matter and Mr. Braak moved that , it be placed in the Clerk's Office for public record. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. PUBLIC WELFARE APPROPRIATION The Director of Public Welfare reported that she would need $3500.00 additional funds for Boarding Home care to finish the fiscal year. County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. advised that it would take about$300.00 additional in the Postage Account and about $1,000 in the T. B. Sanitorium Account. Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that: $3500.00 for Boarding Home Care 1000.00 for T. B. Sanitorium 300.00 for Postage be appropriated from Unanticipated Funds for the above items. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. d.? _- `: ^4Y hPinutes of the Neeting June 1, 1964 Continued PUBLIC WELFARE APPROPRIATION - (continued) Hospitalization - The Director reported that it would require approx- imately $15,000 additional funds to continue with the hospitalization program for the year. After some discussion, the County Auditor recommended that no appropriation be made for this item at this time but to wait until nearer the end of the fiscal year I when the exact amount could be determined and then make an appropriation for the total amount needed. Federal Exeeption - The Welfare Director reported that the Federal Auditors had taken an exception to retirement funds in the amount of $4200 for the year 1960 ?i under the claim of discrimination because some County employees were receiving retire- ment benefits whereas others were only receiving SociaL,Security. All of this money I is paid by the County. She is of the opinion that additional exceptions will be takenil for the years after 1960 as soon as the audits are completed. i I€EPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for future reference: 1- Grand Jury Report 2- Consolidated Board of Health Report £or April, 1964 3- County Agricultural Agent's " " " 4- U. S. Corps of Engineers Public Notice concerning application from Mr. J. E. Floyd to construct an extension to an existing pier in Myrtle Grove Sound area. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Mayhan moved that the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and?nanimously adopted. . W. G: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) NEW HANOVER COUNTY ) cutive Secf'etary IN THE SUPERIOR COURT JUNE 1, 1964 TERM It appearing to the undersigned Judge presiding at the June 1, 1964 Civil Term for New Hanover County, that there is not a sufficient number of Jurors to con- duct the scheduled business for said Civil Term, and that there is a need for an additional number of Jurors to be drawn to adequately conduct the said business of the Civil Term; It is therefore Ordered that the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners for the County shall forthwith bring into open Court the Jury.Boxes of the County, and shall cause twenty (20) scrolls to be drawn from the box by a child.under the age of ten years I and said persons whose names are so drawn shall be summoned by the Sheriff to appear in the Superior Court of New Hanover Courthouse at 9:30 A.M of 2nd June, 1964, to serve as Jurors for the remainder of said Term. This the lst day of June, 1964 /5/ H. H. Hubbard JUDGE PRESIDING Jurors for Tuesday, June 2nd, 196ft - Civil ? Batts, Robert T. ? Bordeaux, Grady Lane ' Hall, E. W. Kelly, J. H. I King, James E. McQueen, Joseph I Mix, Lamoyne P. Norment, James L. ? Shue, Mrs. Willie R. , Tinga, E. H. I Wood, Norwood Shelton 217 Red Cross St. 558 Castle Hayne Rd. 1511 Orange St. 44 Lee Drive 17 M Lake Village 704 Bladen St. 14 B. Lake Village 413 Jennings Dr. 827 Windsor Dr. RFD 1, Box 255, Castle Ha ne 198 PinecresT Pkwy, ?i' ii F n:1T? n n i? Benton, Bonair 107 Bordeaux Ave. Butler, William N. 2326 Shirley Road, Jackson, Robert L RFD 2, Box 400 King, James Carlton Sr. 2-G Lake Village Lamb, J. L. 112 North 42nd St. Mills, Milton A. 119 Morgan St. Murray, Fred RFD 1, Box 95 AA Register, Harry B. 105 Keaton Ave. Stephens, Leon A. 205 Adelaide Dr. Wdlker, Donald E. 1507 Parmele Dr. ` 337 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ? Ii IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NEl^Y HANOVER COUNTY JUNE 1964 CRIMINAL TERNf It appearing to the undersigned Judge presiding at the June 8, 1964 Criminal Term for New Hanover County, that there is not a sufficient number of Jurors to conduct I the scheduled business for said Criminal Term, and that there is a need for an additional number of Jurors Lo be drawn to adequately conduct the said business of the Criminal Term; It is therefore Ordered that the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners for the ? County shall forthwith bring into open Court the Jury Boxes of the County, and shall cause twenty-five (25) scrolls to be drawn from the box by a.child under the age of ten years, and said persons whose names are so drawn shall be summoned by the Sheriff to appear in ,,the Superior Court of New Hanover Courthouse at 9:30 A. M. of June, 1964, to serve as Jurors -:f o.r " the remainder of said Term. b ? This the Sth day of June, 1964• - ' ? Jurors for Tuesday, June 9th, 196(L - Criminal ' Allen, Laura M. 6 5129 Oleander Dr. ' Berry, Alexander 608 North lOth St. Britt, Ruth Ann 113 South 7th St. Congleton, Su2ie J. 112 Nlyrtle Ave. Dunham, Eugene 812 Howard St. Frazier, $ally 712 Red Cross St. Gray, Jeannette 107Z North 13th St. Heath L. J. Sr. 16 C ape Fear Blvd. ? Jenkins, Margaret Rhodes 1 8 North 31st St. Miller, Ciaude w. 234 Giles Ave. Pierce, Joseph E. 235 Di xi e A v e. , Smith, Robert G. 2866 Adams St. I Williams, Richard M. 111 Pine Cone Road Commissioners' Office ASSEMSLY /S/ H. H..Hubbard JUDGE PRESIDING Ben:ton.;:DtP:, 416 South 18th St. Brindell, R. A. Sr. 2812 Brookwood Ave. Charles, Marie 314 Davis St. Dobson, Na.thaniel, 1207 Wright St. Faircloth, T. Chevis, Gen. ina Deliv. Carol Goodwin, Richard A. !}608 B Mockingbird Laneh Hardison, C. A. 118 Nercer Ave. Holton, J. E. Jr. 238 Fdrest Hills Dr. Lane, Edward Rufus 307 N. l{.th St. Newkirk, Wm. M. 415 South lsth St. Russeil, Mrs. Thelma H. 23 03 Market St. Stitt, Jaunita 1215 South 8th St. SPECIAL CALLED NEETING Wilmington, N. C. June 11, 1964 8:30 P. M. Pursuant to a called meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners by the Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Messrs. P. H. Braak, E. R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr. met in special session this morning at 8:30 A. M. in the Commissioners Room at the County Court House. Mr. L. E. Broadhurst was absent, as was the County Attorney'. 'The County Auditor, T. D. Love, Jr, was pres'ent. WAIVER OF NOTICE - _ The Chairman opened the meeting and stated that he would like to have a motion for a waiver of notice of Lhe meeting as required by Getteral Statutes 153-8. Upon motion of Mr. Braak,.seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously waived written notice for this special meeting. PURPOSE - The Chairman stated that the purpose of this called meeting was to open bids on the proposed new Jail cells, also that the contract might be awarded in order for the suc- cessful bidder to secure materials for accomplishing the work during the month of July when the Court would not be in session. The Chairman stated that only one bid had been received after proper advertising but that the County Attorney had ruled that the last Legislature made provision for accepting one bid under these circumstances. JAIL CELL BIDS The Chairman then opened the bid from the Hanover Electric Motor'Service Com- pany which amounted to $5,088.00 to furnish materials and labor and complete 8he job in ' a workmanlike manner. The envelope containing the bid also contained $255.00 in cash as I a bid bond required in our advertisement. After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts moved that the bid be accepted and the contract awarded to the Hanover Electric Motor Service Com- I pany in'the amount of $5,088.00 the cost of which is to be included in the 1964-65 Budget. I It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously passed. I TRANSFER OF FUNDS - AIRPORT The Executive Secretary presented a request from the Airport Manager to trans- ?I fer $100.00 from the Building Repairs Account to Salaries in order that he mfght employ i a replacement for the office secretary a week or two before her retirement on July 1, 1964. Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved this re- quest. ' \ . 7 e 11 -A