1964-06-11 Special Meeting337 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ? Ii IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NEl^Y HANOVER COUNTY JUNE 1964 CRIMINAL TERNf It appearing to the undersigned Judge presiding at the June 8, 1964 Criminal Term for New Hanover County, that there is not a sufficient number of Jurors to conduct I the scheduled business for said Criminal Term, and that there is a need for an additional number of Jurors Lo be drawn to adequately conduct the said business of the Criminal Term; It is therefore Ordered that the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners for the ? County shall forthwith bring into open Court the Jury Boxes of the County, and shall cause twenty-five (25) scrolls to be drawn from the box by a.child under the age of ten years, and said persons whose names are so drawn shall be summoned by the Sheriff to appear in ,,the Superior Court of New Hanover Courthouse at 9:30 A. M. of June, 1964, to serve as Jurors -:f o.r " the remainder of said Term. b ? This the Sth day of June, 1964• - ' ? Jurors for Tuesday, June 9th, 196(L - Criminal ' Allen, Laura M. 6 5129 Oleander Dr. ' Berry, Alexander 608 North lOth St. Britt, Ruth Ann 113 South 7th St. Congleton, Su2ie J. 112 Nlyrtle Ave. Dunham, Eugene 812 Howard St. Frazier, $ally 712 Red Cross St. Gray, Jeannette 107Z North 13th St. Heath L. J. Sr. 16 C ape Fear Blvd. ? Jenkins, Margaret Rhodes 1 8 North 31st St. Miller, Ciaude w. 234 Giles Ave. Pierce, Joseph E. 235 Di xi e A v e. , Smith, Robert G. 2866 Adams St. I Williams, Richard M. 111 Pine Cone Road Commissioners' Office ASSEMSLY /S/ H. H..Hubbard JUDGE PRESIDING Ben:ton.;:DtP:, 416 South 18th St. Brindell, R. A. Sr. 2812 Brookwood Ave. Charles, Marie 314 Davis St. Dobson, Na.thaniel, 1207 Wright St. Faircloth, T. Chevis, Gen. ina Deliv. Carol Goodwin, Richard A. !}608 B Mockingbird Laneh Hardison, C. A. 118 Nercer Ave. Holton, J. E. Jr. 238 Fdrest Hills Dr. Lane, Edward Rufus 307 N. l{.th St. Newkirk, Wm. M. 415 South lsth St. Russeil, Mrs. Thelma H. 23 03 Market St. Stitt, Jaunita 1215 South 8th St. SPECIAL CALLED NEETING Wilmington, N. C. June 11, 1964 8:30 P. M. Pursuant to a called meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners by the Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Messrs. P. H. Braak, E. R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr. met in special session this morning at 8:30 A. M. in the Commissioners Room at the County Court House. Mr. L. E. Broadhurst was absent, as was the County Attorney'. 'The County Auditor, T. D. Love, Jr, was pres'ent. WAIVER OF NOTICE - _ The Chairman opened the meeting and stated that he would like to have a motion for a waiver of notice of Lhe meeting as required by Getteral Statutes 153-8. Upon motion of Mr. Braak,.seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously waived written notice for this special meeting. PURPOSE - The Chairman stated that the purpose of this called meeting was to open bids on the proposed new Jail cells, also that the contract might be awarded in order for the suc- cessful bidder to secure materials for accomplishing the work during the month of July when the Court would not be in session. The Chairman stated that only one bid had been received after proper advertising but that the County Attorney had ruled that the last Legislature made provision for accepting one bid under these circumstances. JAIL CELL BIDS The Chairman then opened the bid from the Hanover Electric Motor'Service Com- pany which amounted to $5,088.00 to furnish materials and labor and complete 8he job in ' a workmanlike manner. The envelope containing the bid also contained $255.00 in cash as I a bid bond required in our advertisement. After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts moved that the bid be accepted and the contract awarded to the Hanover Electric Motor Service Com- I pany in'the amount of $5,088.00 the cost of which is to be included in the 1964-65 Budget. I It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously passed. I TRANSFER OF FUNDS - AIRPORT The Executive Secretary presented a request from the Airport Manager to trans- ?I fer $100.00 from the Building Repairs Account to Salaries in order that he mfght employ i a replacement for the office secretary a week or two before her retirement on July 1, 1964. Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved this re- quest. ' \ . 7 e 11 -A ... F tes of a APPROPRIATION - -4 he Executive Secretary reported that the Auditor had informed him that the Travel of the County Commissioners Account was exhausted. He recommended that $500.00 be put into it to cover Lhe cost of travel for the rest of this fiscal year. Mr. Metts then moved that $500.00 be appropriated from Unant3cipated Revenue to Com- missioners' Travel and it was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. ELECTION COSTS - I The County Auditor reported that he had received an invoice from the Chair- man of the Board of Elections amounting to $2750.00 for personal services and $1750.00 I for office expense to cover the May primary. This, he pointed out is $250.00 more than the previous Chairman's personal expense and $500.00 more than his office costs. He asked the Commissioners for guidance in what to do. •After a,,brief discussion, Mr. ry Metts offered a motion that the Chairman be paid on the same basis as his predecessor, that is, $2500.00 for personal expense and $1250.00 for office expense with the under-I standing that the Chairman of the Board of Elections could appear before the Board of Commissioners and they would listen to his explanation of the additional costs. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. RECORDERIS COURT REPORT - A discussion arose ovet some apparent trouble in the Courts with reference to warrants and important papers being carried out and misplaced. The County Auditor reported that funds received are being deposited daily and that a system had been installed for the handling of warrants and any other important documents in addition to cash, and it is a matter of seeing that the procedure is followed and the records kept up to date. Mr. Metts stated there had been some question about the records in the Courts and he wouid like to know if everything was in order. The Auditor answered that he had checked the records and that the cash is in order. Mr. Metts Lhen asked, "You specified cash, What I want to know is if the handling and keeping of important records and documents is in.order?" The Auditor answered that "not only was the cash in order but the system of control for keeping documents and important records is in operation but is now neces.sary to see that the systems are followed and kept up to date." He furthe.r stated that the only thing he knew of that was behind at this time mas the subject of a letter which he is writing to the. Clerk of the Superior Court caliing it to his attention. The Auditor was requested by the Board that if any dis- crepancies either in the money or the system was uncovered, that he inform the Board of Corrunissioners immediately. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further a motion to adjourn the meeting. SPECIAL CALLED MEETING June 19, 1964 II I ? ASSEMBLY , Execu tary A Special Called Meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners I was held in the Commissioners' Room in the County Court Hoase on the above at 9:00 y A. M. with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners A Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr., and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend Jerome C. Jones, Pastor of the First PTesbyterian Church, to open the meet3ng with a prayer for guidance, NOTICE - Trie Executive Secretary had conformed with General Statutes 153-8 by giving ? written notice to each member of the Board of this called meeting and posting a copy on the Court House Bulletin Board on May $th, 1964. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The minuLes of the regular meeting held on June 1, 1964 and the special meeting he2d on June 11, 1964 for the purpose of opening bids and awarding contracts for the erection of two jail cells,, copies of which had been mailed to each of the Commissioners but which had not been received by them, could not be approved until a 12ter date, The Executive Secretary.r.equested that they change one word in the regular minutes under the caption "FEHERAIl. EXGEP.TiON" from "Auditor" to "'Welfare Director". VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT - II Mr. Kenneth M. Sprunt appeared before the Board and stated that he repre- sented the Wrightsville Beach Volunteer Fire Department. They provide fire protection ' to Harbor Island even though it is in the Seagate Volunteer Fire Department District because of the drawbridge across the Inter-Coastal Waterway. He reported that the ' majority of the Volunteer Fire Department men live on Harbor Island but were unable to hear the fire alarm from Wrightsviile Beach when they were given a cali and that fortunately no ma,jor fire had occurced. The last three fires, on2y a few volunteer firemen received the alarm and it is important that they have a telephone fire alarm I system so that each wil.l receive the alarm automatically. The total volunteer fire- ^ men ranges between 17 and 20 and the system would cost $90.00 per month, of which the the Wrightsville Beach Town Aldermen are willing to pay $45.00 or one-half, and they II request the County to contribute the other half, or $45.00 monthly. Mayor L. C. Rose stated that the Town of tidrightsville Beach maintains the fire hydrants without cost to the residents and urged the Commissioners to give this request every consideration during their Budget deliberations. Chairman Hall thanked them for their presentation and stated that the matter would be properly considered at Budget time. i, busines to,come before the Board, Mr. Metts made