HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-06-29 Special Meeting?43 ,
Wilmington, N. C. June 29, 1964
I A55E?B?.Y; ;r-
The Chairman calied a special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners •
as provided by G. S. 153-8 and Written notices were mailed each"of the Board on June 22,
i 1964. The meeting was held at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the Court House
on the above date with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr.
Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan, and J. Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor
T. D. Love, Jr. and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. Commissioner'L.=E. Broadhurst
was out of the city and unable to be present. :: member
This being a special meeting, no Chaplain was scheduled by the Ministerial
? Association, so the Chairman called on the Executive Secretary to give the invocation.
Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved
, the minutes of the regular meeting for June lst, and the special meeting held on June llth,
copies of which had been previously mailed to each of the Commissioners,
The County Auditor reported to the Board that the Hospitalization Account•,was
' overdrawn at'present and he estimated that it would take at least $8,000 to complete the
fiscal year as many of the biils have not yet been received. He recommended that $8,000
be transferred to the Hospitalization Fund from income from Community Hospital received
, from the State of North Carolina from the Assistance Program. Mr. Nayhan offered a
? motion that this recommendation be approved. It was second.ed by Mr. Braak and unanimously
I carried.
' The County Auditor presented each member of the Board with a copy of ;the Budget
Estimates for the fiscal year July 1, 1964 through June 30, 1965, along with the follow-
i ing report: . .
IlAs rBquired under the statu'tes, I submit to you "The Budget Estimate" for fis-
cal year 1964-1965. It is required that you file this in the office of your Clerk
for public inspection. You are required to publish a summary of this estimate in
the local paper and this must be done at least twenty (20) days before the adoption _
of the budget resolution.
? The Budget Resolution must be adopted not later than,July 28, 1964.
It has been extremely difficult to review all requests and come up with my
recommendations and i feel sure that the wisdom of you five men will do a better
job than I have done. '
There are large numbers of requests for salary increases and particularly a
' retirement system for the personnel. Let me urge that our local Retirement $ys-
tein be opened so that all employees can be members as in my opinion this is essen-
, tial if you are to obtain and retain competent per.sonnel in the operation of County
I wish to make the following comments on the appropriations I have recommended
and I will elaborate further during your budget discussions.
Budget Requests have been cut more than $260,000.00 before I present them to
you. Ny cuts might be excessive but I feel that the County Government can operate
successfully with these cuts.
This fund shows a substantial increase over last year but I will explain this
to you during discussion. The County Farm has been transferred to General Fund
and Erosion Control appropriation is larger and Airport is larger. The actual tax
money going into this fund is smaller even though the budget is lareer.
There is very little change in this fund.
These funds are all larger and the County tax money that goes into them is larger.
I call your particular attention to this as you will. recall when last year you grant-
ed larger administration money you were told these programs would decrease. The con-
trary is true. • ' ' '
This fund is increased due to larger appropriations at the Community Hospital
and more money for hospit'alizing of the needy.
This fund is laroer due to general salary increases in the Health Department
which I am advised has been promised by you. The Mental Health Department has a
larger budget.
i There is oniy bond money involved in this and no tax levy is required except in
our Bonded Debt Fund. I recommend that you have a meeting with the Hospitai Board
' as there is a futvre problem that could involve a considerable amount of money,
continued -
MinuS,es o_f__the-Sn.ecial Ca_1_1_ed`Meet3nc--.]une29 -L4bI.-LCont3nue.cL1 ?.
I BUDGET ESTIMATES"' - (continued) ?
The fund is larger even after being cut a considerable amount. I urce that
you pay considerable attention to this budget as in my opinion it is getting well ;i
out of hand. Some items have increased over 300% during the past two years and
others are being requested that shows substantial increases. A large number of
new employees are requested and I recommend those now employed do the extra work.
The State and Federal Government participate in this program but I call to your ?
attention that their money comes from the local tax payers.
The fund is higher due to appropriation over past yearstbeing all appropriated
this year to begin your new revaluation. This revaluation must be completed by Jan-
uary 1, 1967, so I recommend that by Jan.uary 1, 1965 a contract be let for complet-
ion by July 1, 1966 so that the Tax Office and your body will have sufficient time
to perform its duties before January 1, 1967.
This fund is of necessity increased due to our debt increase. For the first
time there is included in this interest on payment of Memorial Hospital debt. Dur-
ing the past two years we have had some of this debt but I have handled the funds
so that the tax payers have not been called upon to pay taxes for this. Even this ?i
year I hope to alleviate this tax burden on the people of this County. Hope to earn '
over one (1) cent on our tax rate with monies not spent as yet.
This fund is increased due to increase in our valuations as we must give them
ten (10) cents on our values.
All School funds show a substantiai increase over last year and they were in-
creased last year. They have been decreased in some instances.
The requested budget was $10,423,131.98 and I have reduced this to $10,159,925•E',6.
Estimate of revenues are in line with receipts and I call your particular atten-
tion to the fact that I have used ali of our estimated surplus to be applied in thisl
budget. - i
A tax rate of $1.40 will meet this budget with an estimate of collecting on
$168 million dollars in value. This is 14 million more than last year.
To meet this budget I have scraped the bottom of the barrel on my estimate of
revenues available and it will be mandatRry for the tax rate to be increased if the
budget is increased by a si2abie amount.
The Chairman accepted the Estimates and urged the members of the Board to take them home
f'o.;r ".,, study so that they could come back and itttelligently discuss them.
Upon motion of Ntr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Metts, the following Resolution
was unanimously adopted:
Section 1- That in order to operate the County and its subdivisions from July 1,
1964 to date of adoption of the 1964-65 Budget Resolution, appropriations are hereby
made for the purpose of paying salaries, the principal and interest on indebtedness ..
and the usual ordinary expense of the County and its subdivisions at the same rate
of expenditure as provided for in the 1963-64 Fiscal Budget Year.
Section 2- This Resolution shali cease to be effective from and after the adoption
of the 1964-65 Budget Resolution and all disbursements made in accordance with this
resolution shall be chargeable to appropriations made in the 1964-65 Budget Appro-
Mr. R. L. Roberts, representing the estate of R. M. Roberts, complained about
the penalties and interest of the estate because it was not listed for taxes in January ?
1963 as required by law. On February 17, 19641 his brother had requested an abatement
due to the fact his mother did not know about the requirements and he and his brother were
Sunable to list because they would not have sufficient information. Today, he reports that
'he made a verbal requesi, through the Auditor's office for a delay in listing at the time
` Ebut didanot make a written request. The County Auditor reported that since the non listin?
pena2ties happened during his term of office he recommends that the non listed penalties
be abated. The County Attorney ruled that so far as he could interpret the law, there
was no provisions made for this sort of situation. The Chairman told Mr. Roberts that I
since he made a formal request they would look into the whole situation and let him know
what to sxpect after giving the matter due consideration. Mr. Roberts thanked the Board.
Attorney L. C. Berry representing the Wilmington Journal, referred to their I
letter of May 14th, offering to advertise the delinquent tax list and other County legal
advertising at the rate of $1.00 per column inch. He referred to the letter authori2ed
by the Board at the meeting of the Board on May 18th at which time he was advised that
his proposition was being considered. He presen_te_d W. D. Campbell, Advertising Manager
\?? ?
Minutes of the Special Called Meeting
June 29, 196(} Continued
for the Journal to answer any questions desired by the Board. The Chairman
thanked him for his interest and assured him that they wouid be notified when a decision
was made.
The Property owners on Breckinridge Drive sent
the State maintained Secondary Road System. After proper
ed a motion that it be approved and forwarded to the State
lar manner for their consideration. It was seconded by
in a request for adding it to
consideration, Nr. Metts offer-
Highway Commission in the regu-
Mr. Braak and unanimously
Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Metts,
the following applications for Beer Permits, which were then
his investigation and consideration:
Mr. Willie Eubanks
Mr. Mary Padgett Tart
T/A Dizzy Bee Grocery
T/A Mary's Grocery
the Board unanimousiy approved
referred to the Sheriff for
4836 Market St.
821 S. sth St.
The Chairman reported to the Board that he had attended a meeting with the
District Engineer for the U. S. Corps of Engineers last Friday morning, along with repre-
sentatives of other governmental units, at which time they were advised of revised esti-
mates of the pro,ject "First Cost", with reference to the Beach Erosion and Shore Protect-
ion Projects for Carolina and Wrightsville Beaches. The estimated cost is almost double
because of the excessive beach erosion since the original "First Cost" study was made. At
that time, he was advised that the estimates were subject to adjustment based on condi-
tions at the time of construction. He reported that the original first cost to the County
for the Carolina Beach project amounted to $16,480 but the current estimated cost is $33,120
and that the original Wrightsville Beach Project cost was $13,920 and is riow estimated at
$22,560.00. He expressed his opinion that this is a matter of prime importance and recom-
mended to the Board that they go along with the project and authorize a letter expressing
their intention of continuing their support of this proposal even though the estimated cost
has increased. After considerable discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the Board
agree to make available as much as $55,680 for,the work on the beach erosion projects and
express their intention to proceed with the work. It was seconded by W. Mayhan and unani-
mously approved by the affirmative votes of Messrs. Braak, Mayhan and MeLts who had assumed
the presiding chair as the Chairman had received an urgent cail and had to leave,
' The Clerk presented the returns showing the result of the voting on the pro-
positions to approve the Bond Order authorizing $575,000 Industrial Education Center Bonds
adopted April 20, 1964 and a special tax to finance the maintenance of Wilmington Indus-
trial Educatinn Center at the Special Election held in the County of New Hanover on May
30, 1964, made by the Registrars and Judges of Election appointed to hold the election.
The returns were read and considered.
Commissiorier John Van B. Metts, Jr. moved the adoption of the following Resol-
ution: _
' 'WHERF1aS;.the_Reg!istrars snd :Judges of Election appointed to hold Lhe Special
Election held in the County of New Hanover on May 30, 1964, have held said election and
have made returns showing the result of the voting on the propositions to approve the
bond order authori2ing $575,000 Industrial Education Center Bonds adopted on April 20,
1964 and a special tax to finance the maintenance of Wilmington Industrial Education Cen-
ter and the Board of Commissioners has considered said returns and has duly canvassed the
returns and ascertained the result of said election, and
WtIEREAS, it appears from said returns that the polls for said election were
opened on May 30, 1964, in each precinct, at the polling place prescribed therefor at
the hour of 6:30 o'clock, A. M., Eastern Standard Time) and were continuously kept open
until the hour of 6:30 o'clock, P. M., (Eastern Standard Time) and that the voters vot-
ing at said election were requir.ed to use ballots in the form prescribed for said elect-
ion by the resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners on April 20, 1964, and
WHEREAS, said returns show that said election was held in the following elect-
ion precincts in said County, and that the total number of voters who were registered
and qualified to vote at said election in each of said election precincts and the total
nufiber of votes cast for the bond order and proposed indebtedness and special tax sub-
mitted at said election in such election precinct, and the total number of Votes cast
against such bond order and such proposed indebtedness and special tax in such precincts,
were as follows:
Number of Votes Votes Votes for Votes Against
E2ection Registered for Against. Speciai Special
? Precinct Voters Bonds Bonds Tax Tax
Seventh, Second 933 417 144 319 166
Eighth, First 1,222. 601 177 500 225
Eighth, Second 1,152 565 167 !}90 203
Eighth, Third 11009 553 103 498 12!}
Cape Fear 1,!}19 582 266 !}20 354
Ogden 736 300 105 242 126
East Wilmington 527 191+ 83 124 120
Audubon 11911 915 292 729 395
Winter Park 10929 987 233 81?9 329
Seagate 9?9 351 125 268 151
Wrightsville Beach 5 9 286 62 248 71
Masonboro 519 2!}9 66 177 100
continued -
P' ??..?
Minutes of the Special Called Meeting June 29, 1964 Continued
Number of Votes
Registered for
Voters Bonds
Votes for
Votes Againsi
South Wilmington
Federal Point
Carolina Beach
Kure Beach
First Ward
Second Ward, First
Second Ward, Second
Third Ward, First
Third Ward, Second
Fourth Ward
Fifth Ward, First
Fiftp Ward, Second
Fifth Ward, Third
Fifth Ward, Fourth
Sixth Ward, First
Sixth Ward, Second
Seventh, First
1,487 743 216 500 292
425 10 -
6 1
0 104 91
637 2
3 1
6 197 121
271 100 .43 b7 5i
1,879 636 160 1
359 167 40 i4o 33
331 173 29 138 41
oi7 37o z5
i, i 262 iso
727 273 89 207 116
846 256 93 185 104
937 330 120 248 136
899 373t 76 292 82
9 4ii 223' 71
5 i4i
709 285 128 239 128
620 322 68 272 83
26,101 ii,379 3,440 • - 0,004 4,261
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New
Hanover, as follows:
1. It is hereby determined and declared that the number of voters registered and
qualified to vote at said election was 26,181.
2. The number of votes cast at said election "FOR the bond order authori'zing
$575,000 bonds to finance the cost of the erection and equipment of one or more new
buildinos in New Hanover County for use as an Industrial Education Center operating under
the provisions of Chapter 115:A of the Generai Statutes of North Carolina, offerine educa•
tional, trade and technical specialty courses and programs to the inhabitants of New
Hanover County inciuding the acquisition of the necessary land therefor, and a tax there-
for" was 11,379 and the number of votes cast at said election "AGAINST" said bond order
and tax was 3,440 and a majority of the qvalified voters of said County who voted at
said election voted to approve said bond order and said proposed indebtedness.
3. The number of votes cast at said election "FOR the authority of the Board of
Commissioners to appropriate funds either from nontax revenues or from a special annual
levy of taxes not to exceed an annual rate of 2 cents per one hundred dollars($100.00)
of assessed property valuation, or both, for the financial support of Wilmington Indus-
trial Education Center", uras 8,884, and the number of votes cast at said election "AGAIPJS''
said special tax was 4,261 and a majority of Lhe qualified voters of said County who votec"
at said election voted to approve said speciai tax. 11
4. A statement showing the number of votes cast for and against sa.id bond orders
and the indebtedness proposed thereby and said special tax, the number of voters qualifie
to vote at said election and declaring the result of said election, shall be prepared and
signed by at least a majority of the members of the Board of Commissioners and delivered
to the Clerk so that such statement may be filed and recorded in accordance with law.
Commissioner Peter H. Braak seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously
The members of the Bomrd votina for the adoption of the last mentioned Resolution thereupi
signed a statement of the result of the election and delivered the statement so signed to
the Clerk. For the purpose of recording the statement so signed is inserted in the min-
utes. '
oN MAY 3051964
WHEREAS, by direction of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New
Hanover, in the State of North Carolina, the following questions were submitted to the
qualified voters of said County at a special election held in said County on May 20,
(1) "FOR the bond order authorizing $575,000 bonds to finance the cost of
the erection and equipment of one or more new buildings in New Hanover County for use
as an Industrial Edilcation Center operating under the provisions of Chapter 115:A of
the General Statutes of North Carolina, offering educational, trade and technical specialt
courses and programs to the inhabitants of New Hanover County including the acquisition
of the necessary land therefor, and a tax therefor".
(2) "FOR the authority of the Board of Commissioners to appropr;ate funds
either from nontax revenues or from a special annual levy of taxes not to exceed an
annual rate of 2.cents per one hundred dollars ($100.00) of assessed property valuation,
or both, for the financial support of 'nFilmington Industrial Education Center".
and said Board of Commissioners has duly canvassed the returns of the Registrars and
Judges of Election appointed to hold said election and has determined the result of said
election to be as hereinafter stated, NOW „ THEREFORE,
347 '1
SDecia] Called Neetino
June 29, 196LL Continued
I.E.C BONDS (Continued)
Said Board of Commissioners hereby makes the following statement of the re-
sult of said election, pursuant Lo the County Finance Act, of North Carolina:
(1) The number of voters reg.istered and qualified to vote at said election
was 26,181.
(2) The number of votes cast at said election for the bond order described
in question No. 1, and for the indebtedness proposed to be incurred by the issuance of
i the bonds authori2ed by said bond order was 11,379• The number of votes cast at said
election against said bond order and against said indebtedness was 3,440. A majority of
I qualified voters of said County who voted at said election voted to approve said bond
? order and said proposed indebtedness.
(3) The number of votes cast at said election for the levy of a special tax
described in question No. 2 was 8,884. The number of votes cast at said election again"s•t
sa-id special tax-was•;4;261. A majority of the qualified voters of said CounLy who voted
at said election voted to approve said special tax.
IN `.WrT,NESS WHEREOF, we, the undersigned members of the Board of Commissioners
of the County of New Hanover, have hereunto set our hands this 29th day of June ,
1964. -
Pet¢r H. Rraak
Ernest R. Mayhan
J. Van B. Metts; Jr.
Members of the Board of Commissioners
Commissioner John Van B. Metts, Jr. moved that the 5tatement so signed be approved by the
Board of Commissioners and that the Clerk be directed to file the original statement in
his office and to publish a copy of the statement in the manner provided by law.
Commissioner Peter H. Braak seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously adopted.
The Chairman reported that he had received a request from the Board of Educa-
tion for transferring funds as follows in order to close out the fiscal year 1963-64.
Transfers From I Amount, ..
Administrative Expense
Board of Education Per Diem
, Board of Education Expense
' InstrucCional Supplies
Vocational Salaries
! Commencement Expense
Janitor Supplies
Repairs to Buildings 8 Grounds-Materials
Naintenance Personnel - Salaries
Retirement and Social Security
Tort Claims
Wages of Drivers
, Gas, Oil and Grease
, Transfer to
Office Svpplies
Attendance Officers
Wages of Janitors
Water, Sewerage, Light and Power
Repairs and Replacements - Instruct. App.
Repairs and Replacements - Heating, Lighting,
8 Plumbing
a ?
421 . 95
" Repair Parts 43•90
Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved the
A statement was received from William C. Barfield, C. P. A., in the amount of
$5,900 for the Independent Audit of the County's books for the year. The original appro-
priation for this purpose amounted to $4,500 therefore it is short $1,400 of paying the
invoice. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved
an appropriation of $1;400 from Unanticipated Funds from Beer,?& Wine Sales for this purpose.
Special Called Meetinq ,Tune 29. 196L Continued
The Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Elections came before the
Board and explained that it was necessary for him to call the judges of the various
j precincts together for the purpose of checking the names on a petition pledging support
? for Governor George Wallace in the next-presidential election as required by law in
' North Carolina. It specifies that only Sd per name can be charged to Lhe party making
the request and that they had 900 names on the petition which meant that they were
charced with only $45.00 whereas the actual cost for checking amounted to approximately
$500.00. He asked the Commissioners +to appropriate funds to cover the cost. The County
Attorney ruled that there was no specific law covering who should pay for this service,
however, he had contacted the Attorney General who advised him that it was a proper cost
Co the County. Mr. Braak then offered a motion that $500.00 be appropriated from Un-
anticipated Interests to pay the cost of getting Governor Wallace's name on the presi-
I dential ballot. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved.
The Chairman of the Board of Elections reported to the Board that in his
opinion it would take between $6,000 and $7,000 to conducL the run-off primary. A rough
estimate of the cost breakdown was sliown as follows:
Precinct Officers $3,361.00 i
Printing 400.00
Ballot Boxes 500.00
Electrical 164.00
Miscel. Help 50.00
Rent 225.00
Board Members 200.00
Chairman 750.00
Office Expense 350.00
So many items are unpredictable, it is hard to present an exact itemized statement. Aftei
a thorough discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that $6,000 be appropriated from lIn-
anticipated Interests to Election Costs. It was seconded by Mr. A9ayhan, and unanimouslC
approved. I
After discussina the possibilities, it was decided to hear the Budget present?l
tions from the Public Welfare Department and the Board of Education on Monday, July 6th,
beginning at 10:00 A. M. The Executive Secretary was instructed to make arrangements
with the deparLments,
Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the members of the Board
voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting.
• ? 3;
`. Ho?ck,
ExecuLive Secretary
Wilmington, N. C. July 6, 1964
The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ?
ioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room in the County Courtl,
House,with the following people in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners I
Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, and John Van B. Netts, Jr., County I
Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. '
In absence of the scheduled Chaplain for the meeting, the Executive Secretary '
was asked to give a prayer for guidance over the morning's session. '
The minutes of the special meetings held on June 19th and June 29th, copies
of which had been mailed to each of the Commissioners were, upon motion of Mr. Metts,
seconded by Mr. Braak, unanimously approved as written.
The Executive Secretary reported that he had received three bids as a result
of the public advertisement for supplying the fuel needs of the County during the next
fiscal year. The Chairman declared the bids closed and instructed the Executive Secre-
tary to open and read them. They are as follows:
Gasolene Fuel Oil Motor Oils
Cities Service oil Co. 0.1920 0.132 .55d
- 0.0571L 0.033
13.46 . io.9d
Sinclair Refining Co. 19.20 13.20 ,(}81
- 4.75 - 2.50
14.45 10.70e
Pure oil Co. 20.20 13•40
- 4.25 - 2.95
15.95 10.45;e
L_ I I