1964-07-06 Regular Meeting Special Called Meetinq ,Tune 29. 196L Continued ? PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE APPROPRIATIOiN - The Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Elections came before the Board and explained that it was necessary for him to call the judges of the various j precincts together for the purpose of checking the names on a petition pledging support ? for Governor George Wallace in the next-presidential election as required by law in ' North Carolina. It specifies that only Sd per name can be charged to Lhe party making the request and that they had 900 names on the petition which meant that they were charced with only $45.00 whereas the actual cost for checking amounted to approximately $500.00. He asked the Commissioners +to appropriate funds to cover the cost. The County Attorney ruled that there was no specific law covering who should pay for this service, however, he had contacted the Attorney General who advised him that it was a proper cost Co the County. Mr. Braak then offered a motion that $500.00 be appropriated from Un- anticipated Interests to pay the cost of getting Governor Wallace's name on the presi- I dential ballot. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. APPROPRIATION - SECOND PRIMARY The Chairman of the Board of Elections reported to the Board that in his opinion it would take between $6,000 and $7,000 to conducL the run-off primary. A rough estimate of the cost breakdown was sliown as follows: Precinct Officers $3,361.00 i Printing 400.00 Ballot Boxes 500.00 Electrical 164.00 Miscel. Help 50.00 Rent 225.00 Board Members 200.00 Chairman 750.00 Office Expense 350.00 $6,000.00 So many items are unpredictable, it is hard to present an exact itemized statement. Aftei a thorough discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that $6,000 be appropriated from lIn- anticipated Interests to Election Costs. It was seconded by Mr. A9ayhan, and unanimouslC approved. I BUDGET DISCUSSION SCHEDULE After discussina the possibilities, it was decided to hear the Budget present?l tions from the Public Welfare Department and the Board of Education on Monday, July 6th, beginning at 10:00 A. M. The Executive Secretary was instructed to make arrangements with the deparLments, ADJOURNNtENT - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the members of the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting. • ? 3; `. Ho?ck, ExecuLive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. July 6, 1964 ? ASSEMBLY The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ? ioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room in the County Courtl, House,with the following people in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners I Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, and John Van B. Netts, Jr., County I Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. ' INVOCATION - In absence of the scheduled Chaplain for the meeting, the Executive Secretary ' was asked to give a prayer for guidance over the morning's session. ' APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The minutes of the special meetings held on June 19th and June 29th, copies of which had been mailed to each of the Commissioners were, upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Braak, unanimously approved as written. FUEL BIDS The Executive Secretary reported that he had received three bids as a result of the public advertisement for supplying the fuel needs of the County during the next fiscal year. The Chairman declared the bids closed and instructed the Executive Secre- tary to open and read them. They are as follows: Gasolene Fuel Oil Motor Oils Cities Service oil Co. 0.1920 0.132 .55d - 0.0571L 0.033 13.46 . io.9d Sinclair Refining Co. 19.20 13.20 ,(}81 - 4.75 - 2.50 14.45 10.70e Pure oil Co. 20.20 13•40 - 4.25 - 2.95 15.95 10.45;e L_ I I ??•?' FUEL BIDS - (continued) , , After tabulating the bids, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the low bid be . II accepted and the contract awarded.. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. I ' WELFARE LIEN - • ' The Executive Secretary reported that Walter W. Sigman stated to him that John ' D. Cottle died leaving eight acres of land, more or less, to his daughters, Miss Lillie ?I Belle Cottle and Mrs. G. D. Farrow. In August of 1954, Lillie Belle Cottle deeded her , undivided interest to her niece, Margaret F. Irving (Mrs. J. ]1.). Subsequent to that ' time, Miss Lillie Belle Cottie has received $351.00 in Assistance Grants and automatic liens were placed against any property which she might have an interest in.• The County Property Appraisors have placed a fair market value of $800.00 on the remaining four acres which Nr. Sigman is trying to clear the title on and wishes to have the lien lifted. The County Attorney had been consulted with reference to this matter but is of the opinion that ? before a good title could be given on this property,•it will be necessary for a lien amount- ing to $351.00 to be paid and suggested that no action be taken on this matter today until some additional information could be determined. • BEER PERMITS - The following application for a Beer Permit was'reviewed by the Board and upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Nr. Braak, unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff for his investigation and disposition: •- Orbie Graham Johnson T/A Lingo Grill 2130 Oleander Dr. ALTERNATE BOND PAYING AGENT The Chairman read a letter from the North Carolina National Bank requesting that they be named alternate paying agent on any CounLy bonds and interest coupons. The Chairman stated that he had been approached by the First Citi2enfs Bank.and Trust Company on this same subject and according to..his understanding of the law, it is the responsibi- lity of the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and the Clerk to the Board to designate the alternate paying agents and suggested that no action be takeri on the matter at this time. ' BOARD OF ELECTIONS - ' The County Board of Elections, headed by its Chairman, O. K. Pridgen, II as spokesman, stated that the purpose of their visit was to extend an invitation to the Board of Commissioners to accompany them to 3 or 4 cities using the permanent type voter regis- tration system, to get a first hand view of what the improved loose leaf system has meant to them. It is their feeling that the many questions which he or the Board of Elections , are unable to answer could be resolved by making such a visit and asking the persons who have had the experience. He stated that the Board of Elections had come to the conclus- ion that it is of such importance to this County that they have agreed to place themselves at the call of the Commissioners and will arrange to go whenever and wherever they wish to II make the survey. He pointed out that in view of the approaching annexation into the City of a large segment.of the County, a new registration would be necessary this fall and now is the time to decide if the names are to be put back on the old books as at present or if the new registration system might"be installed to advantage during the registration per- iod. W. Broadhurst raised the quesLlon as to whether or not the City would take any ' financial responsibility for participation in the cost of setting the system up as it would eliminate the cost of having the registrator at the polling places on the four Saturdays prior to an election. The Chairman asked the County AtRorney if he wouid confer with the City Attorney to determine the legal aspectsI of using the equipment. Before he left, Mr. Pridgen,again stressed the Board of Elections recommendation for revising the election procedure to a more modern system. The Chairman thanked them for their suggestions and , the interest which they are taking in this important matter. COUNTY AIRPORT - , The Chairman read a letter from the Federal Aviation Agency stating that more space is needed Lo the Air Traffic Control Tower at the New Hanover County Airport erThey are agreeable to paying rental for the space on the basis of $2.25 per square footPannum including janitor service and utilities. He estimated that it would require from 300 to 400 sq. ft. additionai office space. It would be leased on an annual basis with renewal options as are all the other other facilities. After a brief discussion, it was decided, by common consettt, that the Airport Committee composed of Messrs. Hall and Broadhurst should sLudy the matter and bring in a recommendation to the Board. HURRICANE:'ADiDSHORE PROTECTION - The Chairman read a letter from Senator B. Everett Jordan thanking the Board for providing increased local funds for the beach projects as a result of the recently revised cosL estimates. He pointed out that since the Appropriation Bil-l had already passed the House and the Senate Appropriations Committee has almost compieted its work on the 9i11 he could see a rather.difficult time at- this late moment to get favorable act- ipn but promised to continue pushing hard to get the money. • REZONING PROPOSAL - ' ' . . The Chairman read a letter from the Community Planning and Development Comihiss- ion announcing that a Hearing would be held by the Committee at 6:00 P. M. July 8th, 1964 in the City Council Chambers with reference to rezon-ing Pine Court from R-lAA Residential to R-3 Multi-family. As this property ad,joins the Oak Grove Cemetery,owned by the County they are requested to be represented at the Public Hearing. By common consent, the Board instructed the Executive Secretary to inform the Chairman of the County Planning and I 2oning Board and ask them,to represent the County at this Hearing. (Mr. I. John•Tinga was , notified.) • • -A r? 50 BUILDING INSPECTOR - 9 Mr. Metts discussed the sub,ject of a Building Inspector for the County and stated that in his opinion some grovnd rules should be set up before he was appointed. I He suggested that they inclvde the minimumQvaluations, who the inspector is, the mechanics for carrying out the rules, what codes shouid be used, and the clarifications of the ' Building Inspector. He suggested a joint meeting of the County Planning and Zoning Board', with the Building Contractor's Association and Home Builders' Association in order to dis; cuss these problems and study the various requirements and clarifications and then make . recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. He aiso suggested that a commfttee might be appointed to study the recommendations. The Chairman agreed that this should be done and instructed the Executive Secretary to arrange a conference between the interested bodies above. EAST-WEST HIGHWAY The Chairman read a letter from the County Manager from An2on County attnouncinc a noon meeting on Monday, July 13th. He requested that the name of the person appointed'I to represent New Hanover County be sent to him so that proper arrangements could be made for the meeting. The purpose is to. organize a permanent Committee to promote the improve-II ments„on U. S. 74 from its terminal at Wrightsville Beach to A'sheville. The Chairman stated that he would attend the meeting to represent the County and authori2ed the Execu- tive Secretary to notify them. U. S. 17 IMPROVEMENT - Mr. P. M. Camak, Director of the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, ! appeared before the Board and stated that a meeting is scheduled by the U. S. 17 Improve-: ment and Development Association in New Sern on Thursday, July 9th for the purpose of ' deciding on specific recommendations and priorities for improving U. S. 17. He suggested' that as many Commissioners should go as possible. Commissioner Peter H. Braak agreed to go and the Chairman authorized the Executive Secretary to write a letter in behalf of the Board approving the recommendations tnade by Mr. Camak. ? INDEPENDEAiT AUDIT Mr. Metts suggested that in his opinion the conrts should be included in the Independent Audit for the next fiscal year, in view of the sizable amount of money they handle. After briefly disucssing the matter, it was agreed, by common consent, that the matter would receive further study during the Budget discussions. EROSION CONTROL - UNINCORPORATED AREAS A question arose with reference to some feasible plan for the stabilization of our beaches through some practical erosion control methods in the unincorporated areas of the County. The County Attorney has studied the matter and made nine recommendations or steps that would be necessary from a generalized standpoint. The ideas he submitted were studied by the State Department of Water Resources stating that there were several ways for providing financial assistance for erosion control by the County. They suggest- ed that the County Attorney first determine the official policy of the Board of Commiss- ioners and then seek the means of achieving the goal which they set. Th2y offered their services in developing a plan. The County Attorney also suggested that the Institute of Government might lend their counsBl to the drafting of legislation to accomplish the work and present it to the General Assembly for enactment. I' BUDGET DISCUSSION - I A general discussion of the budgeted items was then entered into and when pro- ? per consideration was given to each department and approved as recommended, they reached ???"`? page 9 of the general Budget covering Cour House Repairs. The Chai,rman recalled that ? ver a period of years mention has been made,of remodelling the Commissioners, Room and I .., _ enlarging it. Pursuant to permission by the Board authorizing the Chairman to employ an I architect for drawing plans and submitting an estimate for the cost he presented a set I of drawings for the Board's approval. After studying the proposal, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the Board authori2e advertising for bids for the renovation and construct- ?? '"?,ion of the Commissionerst Office, having the specifications written with alternates and provided the contract did not exceed $6,000. It was seconded by Nr. Mayhan and when a??___#.he ballot was taken, Nir. Braodhurst requested that he be recorded as voting "No" but ' since all the other Commissioners voted "Yes", the Chairman declared the motion carried. v PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful citizens were drawn to serve as Jurors in Super- ior Covrt for the weeks beginning August lOth and August 17th- Criminal terms; August 24th and August 31st- Civil terms. Jurors for the week beginning August 10, 1964 - Criminal term Powell, Fufus J. P. O. Box 632 Sugg, Hershell 2820 Adams St. , Ratcliff, Mrs. Ursulia 1?J. 33 Carolina Apts. SurAes;. Emerson M. 38 Woodlawn Ave. ? Rhodes, B. F. 2922 Monroe St. Thompson, William Jackson 27231 Washington Z! Risley, Margaret Harper P. 0. Box 630 Tompkins, John Tony 1322 Dock St. ; Carolina Beach Troy, Benjamin Jr. 1304 Dawson St. Ritter, J. T. RFD 1, Castle Hayne Turner, Marie Terrell Box 597 A Rivenbark, A. D. 202 30th St. Carolina Beach, N.C. Robinson, Willie 519 Harnett St. Vance, Reta Mae 221 Parkeway Blvd. Rooks, Leon P. 141E1 Robert E. Lee Dr. Uan Nes, Hugo RFD 2, Box 330 Rowland, Daniel A. RFD 2, Box 395 Wade, James O. RFD 2, Box 262 Ruark, Paul M. RFD #2,.Box 7 Wade, Roger RFD 2, Box 253 Rucker, David W. 3838 Halifax Ward, Homer H. 2914 Lake Shore Dr. Russ, J. E. P. 0. Box 173 Wallace, Louis M. 4109 Halifax Rd. , Castle Hayne,N.C. Wallace, Mary Louise 505 S. 3rd St. Saleeby, T. M. 1912 Woolcott St. Ward, James D. 215 Lake Forest Pkwy.i Sewell, Clarence T. 15 North bth St. Watts, B&n,jamin C. 606 N. 25th St. Sherman, H. F. 435 Castle Hayne Rd. Webb, Erene 909 Red Cross St. j Skinner, John T. Jr. 3723 Stratford Blvd. Wheatley, Sidney E. 613 Pine Val. I Continued - , Minutes of the Meeting July 6, 1964 Continued PETIT JURY - (continued) Jurors for the week bepinninq Auqust 14, 1964 - Crim3nal Smith, James B. Sr. 5507 Wrights. Ave. Smith, Roger Cecil 1016.Grace St. Smith, T. M. 3625 Wrightsv, Ave. Smith, William L. 312 N. Wallace Ave. Southerland, John Edward-;Ir..:220?Meares St. Spell, J. G. 2508 Harrison St. Stewart, C. W. RFD 2, Box 426 Strickland, Rupert 21 Sunnyvale Dr. W4111am's, Geo•rge:'°Ben;jamin Wi;lllains,4.Howard H. , W:i 11'iams';1nJamesCiarence bJooclcock;eOscar Milton Worrell, William C. Wright, Thomas H. Jr. Yopp, James D. Yopp, Lilliam W. Jurors for the week beqinninq Auqust 17, 196L. - Criminal English, Warren R. Ezzell, Elaine Fairley, John H. Farmer, C. H. Faulk, Jack Douglas Ferrell, Harry Ferris, Ruth Fisher, J. H. Fowler, Mae P7cInnis Franks, Mary Hester Freeman, James G. Fussell, J. H. Jr. Futrelle, Roy Lee Gaddy, George M. Ganey, Clarence A. ' Garlock, Jerry J. p Crdrris, Wilbur L. Glisson, Wm. W. Gore, Mildred W. Graham, Alice I Graniham, Edw. Lee Green, Granville Gregory, Junius C. , Guin, James Edward Gurganious, Marcellus 2835 Carolina Beach Hagood, W. E. 215 S. 2nd St. Hali, Herman H. Jr. 719 Swann St. Hampton, Murphy J. Box 239 Hansley, Corbett 2834 F. Adams St. Hansley, J. E. 3805 Cherry Ave. Hansley, Wilburn V. P. O. Box 317 Hardee, Grace Meeks Carolina Beach, N:C. Hardee, 2ettie L. B??rol#na Beach, N.C. Harrell, Auqustus 2 ReQCross St. Harris, A. L. RFD 2, Box !} Hayes, Bertram Lee RFD 2, Box 246 Hilburn, Alvin E. 2815 Park Ave. Hobbs, Janie 252 Peiffer Ave. Horne, William Jr. 4939 Pine St. Huggins, Lavern 210 Church St. Hughes, Mabel 213 Wooddale Dr. Hurdle, Milton Eugene RFD 1, Box 95 James, Norwood Castle Hayne Johnson, Norman 240 N. 25th St. 2208 Dexter St. Hassens; Ada H. 707 Orange 5t. Keel, Dorfina 412 Campbell St . Kellum, Luther W. RFD 1, Box !}.!{.0 King, Wm. D. RFD 2; Box 61 A Kirby, John W. Box 170 King, Bernard E. Wrightsv. Beach 2301 Maple St. Jurors for the week beqinninq Auqust 2lt, 1964 - Civil King, William F. Jr. 707 S. Front St. Kulp, Maurice A. 307 Midland Dr. Kye, Cari RFD Box 11- A Lande, Sam 23 N. 31st St. Lefler, Joyce McGowan 5317 Ridgewood Hgts. Leonard, James 110 Worth Dr. Lewis, Alex F. 1612 Ann St. Lewis, Miss Betty Ray 19 Lake Forest Pkwy. Liner, George R. 411 Decatur Dr. Lyons, Zilpha Priest 1904 Church St. , Marshall, George Rich. 205 S. 4th St. McCartney, R. B. 4022 Wilshire Blvd. McCrimon, John 715 S. 6th St. McDaniel, Carl V. % c s s fii gldg. Mur on McDougald, Edward L. RFD 1 B 115 McGowan Delmar A ? Castle Hayne N. C. RFD 2, Box 35 McIver, Willie 1206 Charlotte St. McKoy, A. M. P. O. Box 194 McKoy, Charles H. REasfTel??a ne;'N C y . . McZeal, Juanita RFD 1, Box 421 Melton, Daisy S. RFD 2, B 80 Melton, L. P. RFD 1 Box 266 A C ti H as e ayne, N.C. Messer, Julius Roy 34 West Dr. Millinor, Mary L. 4008 Wrightsv. Ave. Mincy, Samuel T. RFD 2, Box 145 Montgomery, Katherine Moore, Francis M. Moore, Fred Moore, James C. Moore, Katie Marsh Moore, Matthew Noore, W. J. Moser, Henry J. Nelson, Lummie G. Newton, Robert S. .Ir, Nixon, John O'Rourke, Richard G. Parrish, Nora L. Padrick, David J. Jr. Parks, Harold King Park, Scottie Parmele, B. J. Patrick, Eunice H. Pepper, Howard E. Permenter, J. W. ,lr. Pierce, Claude Jr. Pigford, Robert W. Pittman, William P. Plyant, T. W. Powell, Julia D. ,lurors for the week beginning August 31, 1964 Allen, Eloise 407 S. 19th St. Avery , H. D. 112 Evans St. Barefoot, Oscar Cieveland 2019 Peachtree St Barnhill, Fred Burr P. O. Box 493 Batson, John P. Toulon Drive Batson, Thomas R. RFD 1, Box 85 C Beames, Clarence John Jr. RFD 1, B 296 K C tl H as e ayne,N.C. Becraft, Cecil 14 Greenville Ave. 'Bellamy, Norfus 1402 Orange St. Bender, C. E. 501 Grace St. Bender, R. P. 221 Rose Ave. Bendfield, J. G. 3835 Hoggard Dr., Benjamin, Hilliard 713 Wooster Bennett, Arthur RFD 1, Box 156 Bergen, Albert J. 126 Wayne Dr. Bryan, william J. Buie, Henneth R. Bumgardner, Thomas T. Sr. Canty, Emanuel Canty, George Cartier, Bruce J. Chandler, Charles M. Christopher, Richard D. Clark, Ollie Ray Clemmons, Edward W. Colvin, J. D. Sr. Cooper, Robert Jr. Creech, Elten Bishop Creech, Patricia J. Deitz, William Franklin 108"'Northern Bivd. 20:B'eaure:gard r: 519'Sou2h 7tti St. •6010= Park Ave: . RFD 1, Box 129 E P. o. Box 323 62 Woodiavm Ave. 217 Princess St. 820 Chestnut St. RFD 1, Box 161 3719 5tratford Blvd, 202 Audubon Blvd. RFD 2, Box 221 4300 Peachtree Ave. 3908 Carolina Beach 3001 Monroe St. 222 N. 23rd St. 20 N. isth St. 2611 Wrightsv. Ave. 4634 Mockingbird Dr. 4904 Park Ave. 421 Decator Dr. 710 Orange St. 1410 Rankin St. RFD 3, Box 243 AB 810 Central Blvd. RFD 2, Box 157 1142 S. Live Oak Pdwy. RFD 1, Box 76 12 Pinecrest Pkwy. 3903 Park Ave. 1209 S. 7th St. 313 McMillan Ave. 706 Ann St: 4112 Peachtree St. 805 N. 7th St. 13 K2aton Ave. 1415 Queen st. 711 S. 12th St. 2720 Oleander Dr. RFD 3, Box 243 27182 Monroe St. 4804 Wrightsv. Ave 106 S. llth st. 233 Kenwood Ave. 106 Castle St. 1709 Ann St. 125 Brookwood Ave. 614 S. 3rd St. 1519 Market St. 617 Castle Hayne Rd. 136 Lake Forest Pkwy. 2705 Wisteria Dr. 712 S. sth St. 10 1{eaton Ave. 143 Lake Forest Pkwy. 148 Arlington Dr. iio8 s. 4th st. RFD 2; Box 182 130 Dare St. 2718 Jefferson St. 819 Harnett St. 1014 Fanning St. 144 Colonial Cir. 216 N. 6th St. 5032 Pine St. 6 M Lake Village 118 Dare St. 113 Halbrook Ave. 704 Hanover St. 1416 nock st. 129 Lake Forest (}120 Lake Ave. . continued - \ J r3 52 Minutes of the Meeting July 6y 1964 PETIT JURY - (Continued) Continued - Bergen, Sam 203 N. 13th St. bickey;'•Willa"M. 15 North 5th St. Bergmann, Harry F. 2715 Harrison Dixon, John W. Jr. 2701 E..Lake 5hore Best, Toledo 1203 S. 8th St. Doetsch,.Robert L. P. 0. Box 137 Blackburn, William Ernest 225 Pinecrest Carolina Beach, N. C. Booth, James H. P. O. Box 58 Duncan, Charles i. 218 Wi.llard St. Botevsky, Dennis 201 Victoria Dr. Dupree,.Beatrice , 142 N. lbth St. Bowman, Henry, L. ,1718 Ann St. Dyer, Preston G. 2869 B. Adams St. Boykin, Robert D. 1109 S. 7th St. Easterling, Olive D. 31 Pinecr,est Ter. Brown, William 604 S. 9th St. Eddings, Marion Rich ard 316 S. 3rd St. Bryan, Francis F. 214 S. llth St. Ellis, Braxton 2005 Pender Ave. REPORTS - The foilowing re.ports were r evievred and ordered fi led for future reference 1- Cooperative Extension Work . 2- Traveler's Aid Society Announcement .. 3- Crop report on the utilization of farm land in.New Hanover County. 4- Report from Senator jordan expressing,his interest in the appropriation for additional funds to cover the Beach Erosion Projects at Carolina and Wrightsville Beaches and expr essing his opinion tha t it is difficult to get favorable action at this late moment. RECE55 - The Chairman deciared a recess for lunch until 2:30 P. N. at which time they will reconvene to hear a presentation of the Budget by the Board of Education. RECONVENTION At 2:30 P. M. the Board reassembled with the Board of Education in the air- conditioned Superior Court Room. Dr. Wm. H. Wagoner acted as spokesman for the Board in the absence of Mr. Emsley A. Laney, who was out of town. In his opening remarks, Dr. Wagoner called on Dr. W. C. Nebane, a member of the Board, who called attention to the Building Maintenance and suggested that funds be set aside for that purpose in view of the fact that when bond issues are used for that purpose, the long range cost is almost doubled. Each of the budgeted items was discussed in detail by Dr. Wagoner, assisted by other members of his staff and the Board of Education and all questions raised by the Board were satisfactorily answered with adjustments being made agreeable to all at the time. After considering all of the items in the Board of Education's Budget, the Board adjourned to meet the next morning, July 7th at 8:00 o'clock until ":. 11:00 A. M. for further Budget study. BUDGET DISCUSSION ,lu1y 7, 1964 ASSEMBLY - $: o o A. 71A, ' All Commissioners were present except Mr. Peter H. Braak. BUDGET REVIEW After reviewing the various departments, the Clerk of Superior Court was re- quested to present his estimates. In reviewing the estimates, the Board paid particv- lar attention to the Juvenile Detention Home request since this is the first year it has been made by the Clerk of Superior Court who acts as Juvenile Judge. Tt was noted tha? no Capital Outlay had been recommended although some criticism had recently been made j with reference to the facilities. Mr. Metts particularly asked the Juvenile Judge to ', make a recommendation about the facilities and after some discussion they requested thel Juvenile Judge to reconsider the Budget which he had submitted with a view to updating , the Juvenile Home and bring it back to the Board for further consideration. I RecorderTS Court Budqet - In discussing the Recorder's Court Budget, particular attention was directed to the personnel and Mr. Edwards, the ex-officio Clerk stated that he had shifted Mrs. Kate Hensley, an experienced Court employee over to the Recorder's Court from the Svperior Court Office and replaced her with Miss Davis, a former employee, who had passed the Civil Service Board. He requested ? approval for this transfer and stated that with this set up, it•was his honest opinion II that they had sufficient personnel to properly operate the Courts. i Reqister of Deeds - Miss Ada McCulloch, the Register of Deeds, requested ? that her telephone estimate be restored to $300.00 as it had been reduced by the Audito,l and she also requested that serious consideration be given to increasing the salary of all her employees but stressed the efficiency and faithfulness of Miss DeVane and asked that special consideration be given to her recommendation. ? ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, s.econded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board adjourned to meet again in regular session on Monday, July 20, 1964. W• • ' , Executive Secretary r ??. NY L_