1964-09-08 Regular Meeting y ASSEMBLY - Wilmington, N. C. September 8,'1964 The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held its regular semimonthly meeting for September on Tuesday due to the legal Labor Day holiday being the first Mon- day, with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr.:, Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr.; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr., Commissioner L. E. Broadhurst was absent from the meet- ing because of out of tot,m business. ,. ` INVOCATION - In the absence of the Chapiain assigned for the day, the Chairman asked the ' Executive'Secretary to give the invocati'on. I APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - - Upon motion of Mr._Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes,of the regular semimonthly meeting held August 17th, along with the addendum headed "Caucus", copies of I wfiicH _'had`Been sent".fo each,of:the:'.Commissioners, were unanimously approved as written. COMMISSIONERSI ROOM ALTERATIONS - As advertised according to law, bids for the renovation and alterations pro- posed for the Commissioners' Room in the Court House were opened at 9:00 A. M. as follows: C6titractor Bid Security Base Bid Alternate 1 Alternate 2 Alternate 3 Reagan Construction Co. 5% $0,997.00 +$2,250.00 + $967.00 + $717.00 Simon Construction Co. , 5% 8,000.00 --- --- . 300.00 W. A. Simon, Inc. 5% 11,200.00 1,900.00 530.00 + 260.00 Since the lowest bid was $1500.00 more than the appropriation made for this work, the Board referred the bids back to the architects for negotiating with the bidding contractors in an effort to see if they could reduce the bid. Mr. Metts then offered a motion that the Chairman be authorized to proceed witfi awarding the contract to,the low bidder after all the negotiations were completed. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved, I WELFARE LIEN - I . Pursuant to a request at the last meeting for the County Attorney to determine the legality of returning monies paid by Mrs. Annie C. Farrow In the amount of $351.00 to lift a lien held by the Public Weifare Department as a result of grants made to her sis- ter, Liliy B. Cottle, the County Attorney is of the opinion that the County Commissioners have the authority to release the County's share of the lien, however, it would he up to the Attorney General to rule in regards.to State and Federal funds involved. He has con- tacted Addison Hewlett, Jr. who is in the process of obtaining permission from the proper State and Federal agencies to release the portions of the money to which they are entitled. Unless this permission is granted, in his opinion, the matter has gone too far to accomo- date the petitioners. _ GROUND BREAKING INVITATION - • Mr. Joseph M. Shingleton, Bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, appeared before the Board and stated that on September 12th at 10:30 A. M. they would break ground for a church building, estimated to cost $330,000.00 and invited each member of the Board of Commissioners to be present on that occasion. The Chairman ex- pressed the appreciation of the Board for the invitation and promised that he would attend. JOINTLY ObJNED TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY - ?. The Executive Secretary reported that h e had a prospective saie for jointly owned tax foreclosed property in Block 350, Part of Lots 2 and 3, 601 x 75', 120, from SW corner of 8th & Howard Streets, Fronting on 8th Street. He has had the County Property Appraisors place a fair market value of $650.00 on the lot. The City Council has already approved the sale, subject to the aoncurring approval of the Commissioners. After considering the valuation on this parcel of land, Mr. Metts moved that the sale be approved at the appraised valuation of $650.00. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani.- mously passed. ROAD PE'fITiO1V5 The Executive Secretary presented petitions signed by property owners in Horne Place Drive Extension and Long Leaf Acres Drive Extension requesting that they be added to to the State maintained Secondary Road System. Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, both the requests were approved and the Executive Secretary authorized to send them to,the State Highway Commission for their consideration. • ROAD IMPROVEMENT PETITIONS . Petitions were received from the property owners living on Crandall Road (State Road # 1114) and Elisha Drive and Chester Street, requesting that they be hard sur- faced. Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved the request and instructed the Executive Secretary to send them to the State Highway Com- mission for their consideration. WOMEN'S PRISON DEPARTMENT - Complying with izstructions of the Board at the meeting of-,Iuly 1, 19.64, the Executive Secretary notified the Honorable H. Winfield Smith, Judge of Recorderts Court, requesting that no addition alwomen prisoners be sent to•the County Prison Farm to 'serve I t3me. Judge Smith appeared before the Board and stated that he was willing and anxious . Ilto cooperate with the Board in whatever decision they made with reference to this matter, R however, he did feel that he should acquaint them with the facts on the other side of the coin. There are many cases which the law provides only a 30 day sentence and if they were sentenced to jail, it would clutter up the ,jail cells and besides, since the new cells have been installed in the corridor there vould be no place for them to exercise. He admitted that when any change is suggested, there must be a reason for it. Mr. Braak ex- plained that ttiere would De no work for them to do ,_2t the County Farm as it is being ishut down and also the law requires a female supervisor for all female priso e?es and as there are only 5 to 7 out there at one time, it is not practical to hire som? to supervise them. Mr. Metts suggested that he allow a trial period during which an investigation could be made of how this problem is being handled in other courts. Judge Smith remarked that no other County In this State had the same court situation as Alew Hanover County I continued - ,I -A ? 3'.°:? -,. Minutes of the Meeting September 8, 1964 continued WOMENIS PRISON DEPARTMENT - because =sLcounties have magistrate courts and domestic relations courts. Attorneys Elbert A. Brown and Aaron Goldberg spoke in favor of continuing on the old basis. They were under the impression that the Commissioners intended to abandon the men's prison department also, but after the Chairman explained the position of the Board that the men prisoners would continue to do County work it resolved itself back to a discussion of the womenvs prison department. Mr. Metts suggested that the Chair- man appoint a committee to make an investigation of how other counties would handle their short term female prisoners. -The Chairman then appointed Messrs. Elbert A. Brown and Aaron Goldberg, along with H. A. Marks, to act as a committee to ma'ke the investi- gation. The Executive Secretary was instructed to contact them and see if they would be willing to serve in that capacity in view of their interest in the court. (Messrs. Brown and Goldberg agreed to serve provided Mr. Marks acted as Chairman. Mr. Marks agreed to act as Chairman provided there was no time limit for a report.) RQAD CLOSIPIG Mr. Anthony C. Cole, with the Corps of Engineers, reported to the Board that in order to complete the Air Defense Command Complex at tfie New Hanover County Airport, it will be necessary to clos-e a portion of a road before the runway can be extended. He presented the following resolution which, if passed, will allow the State Highway Commission to close the road and delete it from their maint'enance sys- tem, however, it will be necessary to complete legal requirements before the segment can be re,moved from d"edication: ' "A military requirement exists for the ciosing of a segment of North Carolina ?. State Highway Commission's Secondary Road No. 1311, a strip of land 80 feet wide ; and 1196.4 feet long, situate, lying and being in Cape Fear •Township of New Hanover' County, North Carolina, and being more part3cularly described as follows: • "Beginning at a concrete monument designated as Monument "B", located 40 feet northwestwardly, measured at right angles from the center line of N. C. State Highway Commission's 5econdary Road No. 1311, and approx- imately 475 feet southwestwardly from the center line of N. C. State High- way Commission's Secondary Road No. 1319; running thence S. 2112 251 E, 83.04 feet to a point; thence S 530 031 W, 1196.0(} feet to a point, thence N. 210 24t W, 83.04 feet to a concrete monument (designated "A"); thence N. 53° 03' E, -1196.4 feet to the point of beginning and containing 2.2 acres, more or less.!' for the addition of a 1,000 foot overrun at the Northwest/Southeast Runway at the New Hanover County Airport, North Carolina. ? WHEREAS, the State Highway can close this segment of the road upon receipt of a ? resolution from the Board of Commissiotters of New Hanover County authorizing the removal of this segment of road from the maintenance program of the county road system. WHEREAS, in order to facilitate the constructinn of this overruri and other'improve- ments contemplated at this airport as part of the national defense program, kribwn as the Air Defense Command Dispersal Program, it is hereby ordered and resolved that this Board requests that the segment of North Carolina State Highway Commiss- ion's Secondary Road No. 1311 sought to be closed by the United States of Ainerica be withdrawn from the maintenance program of the State of North Carolina under the county road system." ? ? , - - - - , . After the County Attorney reviewed the Resolution, it was unanimously adopted, upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Metts. UNIDENTIFIED INTERMENT Complying with the requests at the last regular meeting vrith "reference'to the legal payment for the burial of an unidentified body, the County Attorney reported that under the provisions of General Statutes 152-5 it is the responsibility of the County to pay for the burial of unidentified bodies, upon recommendation of the Coroner. The Executive Secretary reported that the Coroner had called him about the cost sub- mitted by the Coble Funeral Service, amounting to $113•55 and recommended that it'was I a proper charge for the County to pay. Mr. MetLs then offered a motiori that'$113:55' be appropriated from the General-Emergency Fund to tfie Coronerts Fund and'the invoice be approved for payment. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously passed. WELFARE LIEN The County Attorney reported that in November 1949, Mary McGowan Darden, a widow, conveyed real estate to her daughters, Dorothy D. Hewlett and Marie D. Farley which is recorded in Book 419 on Page.252 of the New Hanover County Registry. It is described as being the,Southeast J of Lot 4 in B1 59, beginning 231 1 South of the inter- section of the West line of 2nd St. with the South line.of Queen St. and runs 165T West x 33+ South x 1651 East x 331 North. In 1952, Mrs. Darden began receiving grants from the Public Weifare Department which have been properly recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court against the property. The deed of conveyance was drawn Mary Mc Darden and signed the same dray, but the Notary had it shown as Mary MeDarden which has con- fused the title to the property. As the transfer of the property was made long in ? advance of her receipt of any grants from the Public Weifare Departmeut, it is felt that? it should not be held against the property conveyed to her daughters. No deed was in- dexed for Mary NmcGowan Darden. After a discussion, the Board agreed, upon motion of Nr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Braak, to release any share the County might have in this property by virtue of the grants, svbject to the approval of the Pubiic Weifare Board. \ ?71. Minutes of the Meeting September 8th, 1964 Continved - D?RAINAGE PROBLEM - - ? _ Mayor Ernest W. Bame, of Carolina Beach, accompanied by the Town Manager, ? Jack W. Webb, reported the follows: "The City Council of Carolina Beach is very much concerned with a drainage pro- blem which exists on the south end of the beach area extending south as far as Wii- ? mington Beach. Some years back a drain ditch was constructed from Wilmington Beach along a right-of-way to Carolina Beach at the Greenville Rvenue right-of-way and then took a turn down the Greenville Avenue right-og waq to the Henniker ditch in the south- western area of the beach. This ditch is designed to drain Wilmington Beach and does not serve Carolina Beach. All of Carolina Beach drainage in that area drains into the lake and on into the Carolina Beach Marina. It has become apparent that the ditch ? is now grown up with weeds and filled in with side dirt and as a result backs water up to the area where the ditch takes a 900 turn and then overflows into a ditch which drains into the lake. Another observation is•that in an area from 300 to 400feet south of the Greenville Avenue turns, the east bank has eroded away and allows water to flow into the ditch running to the lake. The Carolina Beach City Council.therefore , asks and request that the foliowing action be Laken by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. 1. That the County Board cause a dragline to be placed in the ditch at the point where the two di'tches meet on the southwest side of the beach and clean the ditch so that the waters will move in the prbper direction and drain the area for which it is designed. 2. That the County Board assist the Town of Carolina Beach in constructing a bank on the east side of the Wilmington Beach ditch so that the Wilmington Beach water will not drain into the drains of Carolina Beach. The Carolina Beach City Councii feels that 3f this action were taken inasmuch as the drainage•from Wilmington Beach is concerned, that it will greatly relieve the overflow into the Carolina Beach Lake and will further help Carolina Beach to pre- vent thelake from flooding. This action requested by the Carolina Beach City Council this 8th day of Septem- ber, 1964." In the discussion which followed, the Chairman ezplained that-tfie dragline was in the hands of the Board of Health doing mosquito control work in cooperation witYi the State of North Carolina which participates in the cost of the dperation. Herai5ed the question as to whether or not this; drainage request might be construed as a mosquita con- trol project. Mayor Bame reported that very definitely that the backing up of stagnant water would create places for mosquito breeding and he felt it would be justified. By common consent, the $oard finaliy agreed that if the Town Council of Carolina Beach would have their engineer make a survey of the problem, survey the grounds and estimate the approximate cost, they would be glad to give the matter further consideration. Mr. Bame and Mr. Webb agreed to see what they could do along this line. A.B.C. QUARTERS The Executive Secretary reported that Mr. Fred D. Poisson, Chairman of the A.B.C. Board and his Assistant, W. O. Humphrey,.requested new office space for the A.B.C. Enforcement Officers and suggested that the space now being used as the Prototype Fall- out Shelter would be suitable. After some consideration of tt.is item, Mr. Metts offered a motion thaL they be aliowed to use the Prototype Fallout Shelter on a temporary basis as other plans might materialize which would require its use by the County. It was seconded-by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously carried. ROAD PETITION # 6023 A letter was received from Mrs. Vivian F. Fisher inquiring about a petition which had been presented in 1961, requesting the addition of the Fisherville Road into the State maintained Secondary Road System. The Executive Secretary reported that re= ceipt of the petition was acknowledged by the State Highway Commission on September 21, 1961 and that a decision was made on it March sth, 1963 in which she was notified that it did not meet the standards required by the State Highway Commission for adding it to the State Highway System. The Executive Secretary reported that he had explained this to Mrs. Fisher and suggested that she write to the State Highway Commission in Raleigh as requested in the reply to her petition. The Board, by common consent, decided that no further action was necessary at this time. SENCBA .=. ADVERTISING The Chairman read a letter from the Southeastern North Carolina Beach Assoc- iation reporting that they are undertaking a project to extend the beach season which should result in additional tourist money to enhance the commun.ity prosperity. Their program is known as "Adult Vacation Time". They suggested that the copy on the bill- boards leading into this area be changed to stress our beaches, seafood, fishing,hunting and weather are better and let people know that the summer rates have been reduced which they believe Vrill stop and hold a percentage of the travelers which would ordinarily pass througtt the area without a pause. The Board authorized the Executive Secretary to re- fer the matter to the people'handling the billboards and to answer the letter thanking them for the suggestion. ' AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION - The Chairman read a letter from Attorneys Hogue, Hill and Rowe, requesting in- formation relative to the gross revenues originating at the Airport through the leasing of the Hertz-U-Drive-It. They represent Mr. Louis W. Latham who is iicensee for Avis Rent-A-Car service and request that they be considered at the next time a contract is v made for the transporting of passengers from Bleuthenthal Field. The County Auditor re- ported that he had furnished the figures which they had requested. The Executive Secre- I tary was instructed to answer the letter with a copy to the County Auditor. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING - The Chairman read a letter from County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery; giving a general expression with reference to what is legally considered requirements for a -A ,?ry 9 _ Minutes of the Mee_t_i,nq?eptember 8_._1_9.6L.-Con_t_inu-A_ NEWSPAPER ADUERTISING - (continued) ' newspaper of general circulation. This statement, which is made in answer to a letter from the Editor of the Wilmington journal dated August 10, is.as follows: The Supreme Court of North Carolina has only rendered one decision which even touches on this problem, and I,therefore,am obliged to give you information from Corpus Juris, a leading legal encyclopedia. . Corpus Juris - Newspapers, Sec. 4- defines a newspaper of general circula- tion as "one that circulates among all classes and i.s not confined to a particular class or calling in the community, and is a term gene.rally applied to a newspaper to which the;.general public wi,ll resort in order to be informed of the news and intelligence of the day, editorial opinion and advertisements, and thereby to I render it probable that the notices or official advertising will be brought to the ' attention of the general public." , A factor to be considered is the number of subscribers to a particular paper. The North Carolina Supreme Court has held that only paid subscribers may be counted?i. A number of states have held that diversity of subscribers, r.ather than mere number's is a factor to be considered. I The above quoted authority also says: "As a general rule, in order for a newspaper to be considered as a newspaper of general circulation, the purposes to which the news- paper is devoted must be of common interest to many..... However, the fact that a newspaper is devoted to the interest of a particu-. lar class of persons,as for instance, those engaged.in the same bus- iness or calling, and specializes in news and intelligence primar- ily of interest to that class, will not exclude it from classifica- tion as a newspaper of general ciraulation, if in addltion to such special news, it also publishes news of general character..." I do not understand that you have requested an opinion with regard to any specific newspaper. Accordingly, this letter is not intended to render any such opinion." The Executive Secretary was instructed to send a copy of the statement to the Editor of the W1lmgton Journai and advise him that Mr. Hall, the Chairman of the Board, would see him personally at the earliest moment mutually convenient for a discussion of the subject. • OAA LIENS - DEMQLITION A letter was received from the Building Inspector of the City of Wilmington, stating that houses located at 5141 Bladen.Stree, 819 South llth Street and 801 South Front St., have been Condemned, however they are covered by Old Age Assistance liens, held by the Department of Public Welfare. The Executive Secretary presented a letter from the Department of Public Welfare, stating that the matter had been discussed by the Welfare Board which had no ob,jection to the buildings being demolished. Mr. Metts then offered a motion that the County go on record as having no objection to the•demo- lition of the dwellings, so long as there was no cost to the County. It was seconded •by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. I • COUNTY RETIREMENT SYSTEM - ' 1'he County Auditor made the .following report with reference to the New Han- over County'Retirement System: "I hand you herewith a report on the condition.of the New Hanover Retirement System as of June 30, 1964. You will note that total asseGs amount to $203,093•29. Of this amount I $99,745.89 represents County employee contributions and is sub,ject to withdrawal by the employee or payable to his estate at his death. You will notice that the monthly pensions average $3,995.01 per month and Lhe income only amounts to $2,618.96 per month. A difference of $1,376.05 per , month. This steady attrition on the assets will at some future date require more ' money being paid into the fund hy ihe Connty. Your Board recommends to you that a study be made of the System as to its eventual solvency. There are now 56 people employed by the County who are members of the System but a large number would like to become members. There are 40 people on the rolls that draw a retirement check each month. the Board and You should make a two-year appointment of your representative.on/the employeEs should have an election to name their representatiive. I This report to you is subject to audit and the Retirement Board has ordered that this be done. ' The Auditor of New Hanover County serves as a member of this Board without voting power. He always acts as Secretary and U'teasurer and handies the fund. There are no expenses except of a mirior nature in the handling of the fund." • - li continued- L 11 11 373 MinutQ_s=the.Me.et3n.g-SenS_ember 8 ._196 Contirt]ued- COUNTY RETIREMENT SYSTEM - (continued) r in addition, he reported that it had been customary in the past to make loans to the members in the system but the County Attorney recently advised that this is not in keeping with the law, and therefore, the outstanding loans are being recalled as rapidly as possible and no more loans will be made. Appointment - As suggested in the Auditor's report, the Board considered a 2 year appointment to represent them as provided by the iaw. After the discussion, Mr. Mayhan moved that Mr. Dan H. Penton, 3r. be reappointed to serve 2 years on the Retirement Board and that the County Auditor, who acts as Secretary and Treasurer of that Board, be request- ed to hold an election of the employee members to select a member to represent them on the Board. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously carried. CONMUNITY HOSPITAL - County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. submitted the foliowing report showing the re- sults of the operation of Community Hospital for the year ending June 30, 1964. " You will note that the total expenditures amounted to $442,589.12} and this is $43,320.76 more than the cost of operation for the previous year. This increase in cost of operation is brought about due to an increase in salaries to Lhe person- nel and also due to a larger complement of jobs that were filled during tfie year. For instance, we were able to obtain two house doctors rather than-one, there was- more business done by the Hospital and this, too, caused increased expenses. Dur- ing the year, a stegdy effort was made to have the Hospital accredited and this caused expend3tures to increase. We were successful in having the Hospital accredit- ed. . Earned income from operation amounted to $270,623.01. When this is taken from our total cost, we have an operating loss of $171,966.43. The loss is $15,018.27 more than the previous year. We actually took in $28,302.49 more than the previous year but taking this from the increase in expenditures of $43,320.76 we come up with the additional loss of $15,018.27. . It is believed that the•Hospital is in as good physical condition as it has been in a long time and it is hoped that there will be no large expenditures for capital improvements or substantial repairs before the Hospital will be closed. It will be closed upon completion of the Memorial HospiLal which is now under consLruction. Consideration must be given to the fact that the Hospital is over 50% a charity operation. If these charity patients had to be taken care of in a Hospital where we paid the going rate, it is believed that the cost to Lhe County would be considerably more. Patients that are taken care of by the Welfare under one,of the Assistance Programs when they go to the Hospital, the Hospital is paid from our Pool Fund operation by the State Welfare Department. We pay into this Pool Fund and received $63,663.86 from this last year at Community Hospital" The Chairman thanked Mr. Love for his diligence. TAX EQUALIZATION PROGRAM The Chairman read a letter from the Southern Appraisal Company offering their services in connection with the next Tax Equalization Program scheduled for completion by January 1, 1967. The Tax Supervisor reported that he had been giving consideration to the proper time for beginning this program and has concluded that Lhe preparation for specifications and needs should begin not later than January 1965 and a contract lzt for the work in March or April, 1965 in order to give the company receiving the award p3enty of time to assemble competent and qualified personnel to render the best possible service LEGISLATIVE REAPPORTIONNiENT The Chairtnan read a letter from officials from Salisbury, Maryland announcing the Middle Atlantic Conference on Legis2ative Reapport,ion to be held there on September 25th and 26th and they extended a cordial ittvitation to the New Hanover County .Board of Commissioners to participate in this conference. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICES - Notices were received £rom the U. S. Corps of Engineers announcing hearings in connection with applications for permits to dredge a new Channel in Bradley Creek, a new Channel in Mill Creek, construction of a dam across Purviance Creek, and the 'proposed closing of New Inlet at Kure Beach in order to divert water through the Bald Head Shoal Channel. By common consent, the Board had no objection to any of these pro,jects and authorized the Executive Secretary to so notify the Corps of Engineers. TAX SUPERVISOR PROBLEMS - ' The Tax Supervisor reported to the Board that after the past 9 months exper- , ience, he is convinced that an additionai fulltime employee is needed in that department and recommended that the Board authorize him to advertise through the Civil Service Com- mission for a person to operate the addressograph machines and assist in other capacities inecessary for accomplishing the work. He reportedthat a large portion of Harnett Town- ship and Masonboro Township were scheduled to be included inside the City during the month of December. This move will require more additional work than can be done by our present Istaff during office hours. It will require experienced personnel to keep from confusing the records and causing more mistakes to be made and have Lo be corrected by experienced people. It is his opinion that the City should bear the cost of this change over as it will not affect the County tax at all. It is also necessary Lhat the work be started immediately if it is to be comp2eted anwhere near time for addressing the abstracts which means that ?the Property Record Cards and the addressograph p2ates must be pulled'from the files in the present townships and filed under Wilmington Township. It will also be necessary to puil all of the sheets from the Block Book, Assessment Books, and work them into the City of Wilmington books in alphabetical order. In some instances, parcels of property wili be di- vided and remain in the present township and part of it will have to be put into Wilmington Township. A small segment of Cape Fear Township will likewise'have to be changed. By com- mon consent, the Board decided that since it was not a full Board, the decisions on these ?pmatters shauld be tabled untii the next meeting. ?? ??? F'37?. ... .. ? ., Minutes of the Meeting Se.ptember 8, 1964 Continued The Tax Supervisor reported that since the policy of charging the City of Wilmington for the actual cost of preparing the tax scrolls for them, the question has come up with reference to the other municipalities. He requested the Board to establish' a policy as it is his understanding that in the past, Carolina and Kure Beaches have notil been charged for preparing their tax scrolls; however, Wrightsville Beach has empioyed a member of the staff to prepare theirs after office hours and they were paid for this service. After a brief discussion, the Board, by common consent, agreed that all of the municipalities should pay for the preparation of their tax scrolls and that the mone3, should be paid to the County and uot to any indiuidual employed by the County. I PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in Super- ior Court for the weeks beginning: October 5, 1964 - Criminal term; October 19th and I October 26th - Civil terms. ' Jurors for the week beqinninq October $, 1961t - Criminal Allen, Earl RFD 1 Box 179 C Li H as e ayne, NC. . Atkins, Howard L. 1}915 Oleander Dr . Avant, George G. 101 N. 15th St. Bass, Norman F. Sr.RFD 3, B 2420 Bea11,,Edward P. 5116 Market St. Beyes, Warren John Box 685 Bowden, Daniel E. P. O. Box 19q Boylan, J. E. h 549 C?s?QelAayBeaRH. Bradley, Arthur 124 Halbrooke Ave. Brewer, C. E. 2119 Barnett Ave. Britt, Romulus RFD 3, B 41}8 A Bryan, Eugene 4943 Market St. Bryant, Ernest Devon RFD 1 B 139 Bunn, Theodore Arthur 513 S. 8th St. Cameron, C. Fred Box 765 Caro? ??h ? Carter, Charles Preston P.O. B Carolina Beac Chadwick, George H.1309 S. Live Oak Pkwy. Chenworth, Joseph A.2141 Perry Ave. Clark, John S. Jr. 426 Decator Dr. Clay, Charles R. 5211 Market St. Corbett, J. H. 212 Forest Rd. Cottle, Rudolph Ddma Jr.907 N. Kerr Ave. Cox, Oneita H. 3015 Louisiana St. Craig, Lena M. 910 Princess St. Crawford, Annie 1615 Market St. Creech, Wiliiam Ernest P 0. T?x 21?? h ? ac Croom, John W. B Lee Drive Daniels, L. D. RFD 2, Box 109 AAA Debnam, Fred A. 1023 CC Rd. Deloatch, Sidney C. Jr. 5 Nyrtle Court English, Charles Elwood 810 Chestnut St. Fales, Gene H. .. RFD 2, Box 74 A Farr, Oscar M. 3023 Adams St. Farriss, Annabei Eubanks 2824 Columbia Ave. Faulkner, Henry L. Jr. 3601 Market St. Flowers, John F. Kure Beach, N. C. Floyd, Bobby L. Box 502 Fokakis, T. N. 1923 Pender Ave. Fountain, Woodrow R. 2915 Harvard Dr. Fowler, Bud 112 Silver Lake Rd. Fryer, Harry E. 2612 Wrightsv. Ave. Grainger, Willie 710 Kidder St. Grice, Margaret Stone [}11 N. C. Ave. Grimstead, Wiliiam Eugene 1108 Cypress Dr. Groover, R. L. 300 S. Front St. Grumbles, Wm. F. 410 5. 19th St. Guyton, Morris L. 1lF21 S. Frorit St. Hale, Alan Everette P. O. Box 531 Halsey, Charies T. 1103 Ann St. Hardison, Louise Parker 515 Castle St. ,lurors for the week beqinninq October 19, 19611 - Civil Hemby, John T. 817 S. 4th St. Herring, Ruth 1901 Chestnut St. Heustess, R. F. 2802 Highland Dr. Hewett, Carlton Ha dley 1900 Castle Hewitt, James Cral ley 3015 Adams St. Hiatt, J. L. 411 N. lsth St. Higgins, W. W. lls Pine Grove Dr. Hope, Samuel H. 312 N. Kerr Ave. Horton, Gilliam K. 619 Forest Hills Dr. Horton, James 1504 Dawson St. Irving, Georgia 402 Dawson St. Jenkins, Samuel C. 212 S. 6th St. Jewell, Mazie T. P. O. g x 580 ? Carol na Beach Johnson, Claudius C. Jr. 5114 Wri?Vesv. Jones, H. H. P. 0, Box 1084 Judd, William Rich P.O. Box 406 r li ch B fteal, E. T. s 3rd St 1025 Keily, Robert J. 112 Bryan Ave. Kelly, R. Y. 148 Renovah Cir. Kirby, Henneth Ale nA96 r. Kraus, Robert Staf Boxl37 B ford 462 S. I7th St. Lamb, Robert R. P. O. Box 248 Carolina Beach Lamica, George E. 1545 Parmele Rd. Lampley, John Caih oun P.O. Box 171 Wri ghtsv. Beach Landen, Eula Mae 3730 S. Front St. Lee, Harry M. Leeuwenberg, William C. Leonard, Lawrence Lettley, Charles Levine, Shirley A. Lewis, Liston H. Lewis, M. Thomas Lofton, W. B. Lucas, R. L. MacDonald, Thomas H. Ma2pass, Wm. T. Jr. Marks, H. A. Mason, Albert P. McKoy, Henry B. Merritt, Norman A. Jr. Meyland, E. M. McBennett, Inez H. McCrimon, John McDaniel, Francis M. Jr. McDonald, C. H. McQuire, Samuel McKeithan, J. G. McNeill, Reuben C. Nintz, W. R. Moon, John Hanry Jurors for the week beginning October 26, 1964 - CiVil Moore, Carl Daniel 1003 S. Front St. Motte, Illa M. 2217 Dexter St. Naylor, George C. C. 240 Pinecrest Pkwy. Newkirk, Eddie 1217 Castle St. Nicholson, James 717 Essex Dr. Nixon, Lucille Grand 220 Castle Northam, William O. 226 Lake Forest Pkwy. Page, Mrs. Daisy G. % Star News Peterson, Zemo 1405 Wooster St. Pittman, Robert Elijah 2312 Gibson Powell, Richard H. 2123 Hlein Rd. Raines, Ebern 1019 S. 5th St. Raynor, James D. 312 S. 17th St. Reese, Thomas E. 2731f Nimosa P1. Snead, Fred H. Jr. Spence, Wm. N. Stanley, Bobby Flowers Starnes, W. E. Stegall, F. R. Sternberger, J. E. Stringfellow, George F. Stukes, John W. . Temple, Charles B. Trask, Ethel H. . ` Thomas, J. C. Uzze1l,'Grover Jr. Wadsworth, James W. Walker, Curtis J.• 2709 Washington St. 202 Lull Water Dr. 506 Worth Dr. RFD 1, B 81 A 605 N. 25tn St. ? 305 N. 43rd St. 812 Castle St. RFD 3, Box 231 729 Essex Dr. 815 Market St. ' 107 Cape Fear Blvd. RFD z, Box 67 1+402 Wrightsville Ave 114 Orange St. % St. John's Art Gal. RF? 1, Boxt7ltl. 811 S. Herr Ave. 715 s. btn St. 2019 Barnett Ave. 301 Queen St. RFD 1 B. 190 Castle Hayne, N. C. I 2323 Metts Ave. RFD 2, Box 228 2115 surnett B1va. 416 s. Stn St. 214 Kenwood Ave. 204 Princess 5t. 22 Cape Fear Blvd. P. o. sox 1504 607 S. Kerr Ave. P. o. Box 4.05 320 Wooddale Dr. 1017 5. 8tn St. RFD 1, Box 130 A RFD 1, City 5901 Wriohtsv. Ave. 5323 wrightsv. Ave. 130 Colonial Vil. 3916 Wrightsv. Ave. continued- \ V5 \ Minutes of the Meeting September 8, 196(} Continued - PETIT JURY - continuetl Jurors- October 26th - continued Robinson, Geneva L. Box 218 Wrig htsv. Beach IRogers, Marguerite V. RFD 3, Box 175 'Rollinson, Lena Arnett 519 S. lOth St. Rough, Ronald J. 211 Oak Leaf Dr. Saunders, Edward M. 3o8L N. 11th*St. ?Sellers, A. D. Jr. 1699 Sher gest U Shaw, J. W. 919 Dock . Sikes, Clyde M. 330 Pemberton Dr, Simpson, Cleveland B. 208 Midland Dr. Smith, James H. Dr. 204 Southern Bldg. Walker, Zeileine G. Walton, Carey E. Ward, Herbert Ward, Richard Watters A. 0. Weyers, EmersOn Wood, Naomi Dr. Wright, Patricia R. ? T.W. Williams ?13 Wa2nut St. 6 Oleander Ct. Apts. 312 Willard St. 614 5. 2nd 5t. 4121 Peachtree Ave. 527 Bonham Ave. 104 s. 4tn st. 4212 Oleander Dr. REPORTS - The following reports were reciewed and ordered filed for future information: 1- Cooperative Extension Report of the County Agricultural Agent for August, 1964• 2- Home Economics Agents' Report for August 1964 3- Notice from the State Board of Assessment regarding the Distribution of Intanoible Personal Property Tax Collections for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964• 4- Statement of Back Tax Collections in New Hanover County by Sam W. Johnson, Tax Co2lector. 5- :Annual report of the Wilmington Public•Library., the Red Cross Street Branch and the New Hanover County Bookmobi2e. 6- U.S.O. Club Report for August 1964. 7- N. C. Department of Agriculture Report on the Commodity Distribution Program. ADJOURNMENT- - Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board to adjourn the meeting. 4 ,f A_ 4 W./G Wilmington, N. C. Execu retary September 21, 1964 IASSENBLY - ' The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held their regular semimonthly ?meeting in the Commissioners' Room_of the County Court House on the above date at 9:00 A. M. with the following present; Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. lveyhan, and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Brad- ford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. 'i INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked the Executive Secretary to !give the invocation in absence of the Chaplain scheduled for the day. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Nr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the regular meeting held on September 8th, copies of which were mailed to each Commissioner were unan- imously approved as written. SPEED LIMIT PETITION - A petition was received from the citi2ens living on Oakley Road requesLing that the speed limits be set at not more than 35 miles per hovr and requesting the State High- way Commission to put up signs accordingly. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded.by Nr. Braak, the Board approved the request and authorized the Executive Secretary to refer it to the State Highway Commission. STATE SCHOOL BOPdD REFERENDUM - A letter was received from the New ttanover Schools, requesting the Board of Commissioners to jointiy endorse support of the forthcoming $100,000,000 State.School Bond 'Issue. After a discussion of this subject, Mr. Metts offered a motion to approye the fol- lowing ReSolution: WHEREAS, It has been determined that additional building and capital needs are in existence in the New Hanover County 5chool System, including the construction of another senior high school and the addition of classroom units to existing schools, and WHEREAS, It has been determined after careful study that the need for such facilities has reached a critical point due to continuing increasing enroliments, and WHEREAS, 1'he last Session of the North Carolina General Assembly endorsed, passed, and will submit to the electorate of North Carolina on November 3, 1964, a referendum for a$100,000,000 School Bond Issue, and WHEREAS, The provisions of the Act by the General Assembly automatically allo- cates to the New Hanover County School System $1,554,315.00.and further, WHEREAS, The $1,,554,315.00 allocation would substantialiy take care of current critical needs in the'New Hanover County School System, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEA, That the New Hanover County Soard of Commissioners does endorse and will support the successful passaye of the $100,000,000 State School lor.d lssue. continued- imously voted I d?