1964-09-21 Regular MeetingV5 \ Minutes of the Meeting September 8, 196(} Continued - PETIT JURY - continuetl Jurors- October 26th - continued Robinson, Geneva L. Box 218 Wrig htsv. Beach IRogers, Marguerite V. RFD 3, Box 175 'Rollinson, Lena Arnett 519 S. lOth St. Rough, Ronald J. 211 Oak Leaf Dr. Saunders, Edward M. 3o8L N. 11th*St. ?Sellers, A. D. Jr. 1699 Sher gest U Shaw, J. W. 919 Dock . Sikes, Clyde M. 330 Pemberton Dr, Simpson, Cleveland B. 208 Midland Dr. Smith, James H. Dr. 204 Southern Bldg. Walker, Zeileine G. Walton, Carey E. Ward, Herbert Ward, Richard Watters A. 0. Weyers, EmersOn Wood, Naomi Dr. Wright, Patricia R. ? T.W. Williams ?13 Wa2nut St. 6 Oleander Ct. Apts. 312 Willard St. 614 5. 2nd 5t. 4121 Peachtree Ave. 527 Bonham Ave. 104 s. 4tn st. 4212 Oleander Dr. REPORTS - The following reports were reciewed and ordered filed for future information: 1- Cooperative Extension Report of the County Agricultural Agent for August, 1964• 2- Home Economics Agents' Report for August 1964 3- Notice from the State Board of Assessment regarding the Distribution of Intanoible Personal Property Tax Collections for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964• 4- Statement of Back Tax Collections in New Hanover County by Sam W. Johnson, Tax Co2lector. 5- :Annual report of the Wilmington Public•Library., the Red Cross Street Branch and the New Hanover County Bookmobi2e. 6- U.S.O. Club Report for August 1964. 7- N. C. Department of Agriculture Report on the Commodity Distribution Program. ADJOURNMENT- - Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board to adjourn the meeting. 4 ,f A_ 4 W./G Wilmington, N. C. Execu retary September 21, 1964 IASSENBLY - ' The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held their regular semimonthly ?meeting in the Commissioners' Room_of the County Court House on the above date at 9:00 A. M. with the following present; Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. lveyhan, and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Brad- ford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. 'i INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked the Executive Secretary to !give the invocation in absence of the Chaplain scheduled for the day. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Nr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the regular meeting held on September 8th, copies of which were mailed to each Commissioner were unan- imously approved as written. SPEED LIMIT PETITION - A petition was received from the citi2ens living on Oakley Road requesLing that the speed limits be set at not more than 35 miles per hovr and requesting the State High- way Commission to put up signs accordingly. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded.by Nr. Braak, the Board approved the request and authorized the Executive Secretary to refer it to the State Highway Commission. STATE SCHOOL BOPdD REFERENDUM - A letter was received from the New ttanover Schools, requesting the Board of Commissioners to jointiy endorse support of the forthcoming $100,000,000 State.School Bond 'Issue. After a discussion of this subject, Mr. Metts offered a motion to approye the fol- lowing ReSolution: WHEREAS, It has been determined that additional building and capital needs are in existence in the New Hanover County 5chool System, including the construction of another senior high school and the addition of classroom units to existing schools, and WHEREAS, It has been determined after careful study that the need for such facilities has reached a critical point due to continuing increasing enroliments, and WHEREAS, 1'he last Session of the North Carolina General Assembly endorsed, passed, and will submit to the electorate of North Carolina on November 3, 1964, a referendum for a$100,000,000 School Bond Issue, and WHEREAS, The provisions of the Act by the General Assembly automatically allo- cates to the New Hanover County School System $1,554,315.00.and further, WHEREAS, The $1,,554,315.00 allocation would substantialiy take care of current critical needs in the'New Hanover County School System, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEA, That the New Hanover County Soard of Commissioners does endorse and will support the successful passaye of the $100,000,000 State School lor.d lssue. continued- imously voted I d? ?.376 Minutes of the Meetinq September 21, 196LL Continued - STATE-SCHOOI.-SOND-REFERENDTJM--- (continue tl BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and and other.agencies interested in providing good educational opportunities for our citi2ens be requested and encouraged to endorse jointly with the New Hanover County ! Board of Education the above ment3oned State School Bond Issue. It was seconded•by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. SCHOOL"FUNDS TRANSFER The_Chairman reported that New Hanover County School Superintendent, Dr. W. H. I Wagoner, had conferred with him with reference to transferring some funds within the overa?.i Budget because of an increase in pupil load to the point that it affects the school rating and therefore, it would be necessary to increase the number of teachers in order to decrea=e the pupil load. After a thorough discussion of this•sub,Ject, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the request be granted but that wherever possibie the funds should come out of the Supplementary Budget and that the Board of Education furnish detafls of the transfers. Th! Chairman authori2ed the Executive Secretary to notify Dr. Wagoner to proceed with his plan? in accordance with the above motion. NEGRO FAIR A letter was received from the President of the Southeastern North Carolina Regional Fair, Incorporated, scheduled for November 2nd - 7th at the Wilmington Fair Grounds. It included the endorsement of the Educational Committee of the State and state, that enthusiasm for Lhe project has been built up to the point that governing bodies have asked that they be permitted to participate. The premium book has been designed so that each County will have its own section. The cost of a full page is $100.00 with an addi- tional $4.00 charQe for each picture. The deadline for copy is September 25, 1964. After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts moved that the project be approved, subject to further in- vestigation by the Chairman, who is authori2ed to proceed, using his best judgement and that any funds authorized by the Chairman be allocated from the Advertising and Industrial Development Fund. It was seconded by Nir. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. PUBLIC WELFARE - PERSONNEL CHANGE Mr. Braak, who is also Chairman of the Public Welfare Board, explained that some positions are open which they recommend be filled by qualified people who are now on the payrolls. He presented the follotiring changes in parsonneli and salaries which i they recommend for approval of the Board: I Augusta M. Cooper Lo Acting Supervisor $$100.00 I Richard B. Gerris h to Cooper's place 4632.00 Mary Lamb Dorenda to new position PW II 4632.00 Sidney P. Brasher to new position PW II (}632.00 Lynne Teac hey to Bradsher's old position I 4404.00 Sadie Lamb from H omemaker to Clerk 2580.00 ? Mr. Braak then offered a motion that the Board authori2e these changes suggested above, ' effective September 1, 1964. It was seconded by Mr. Metts, but before the ballot was cast, Mr. Mayhan offered a substitute motion that the recommendations be approved so long I as it stayed within the Budget and the effective date made October 1, 1964. It was second- ed by Mr. Metts and when the ballots were cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO", however, since I all of the other Commissioners voted "YES". the Chairman'ruled the suhstitute moLion carried by majority vote. RECORDER'S COURT REPORT Mr. Metts presented a copy of a letter written to the Clerk of Superior Court by the County Auditor calling attention to a shortage discovered in the Recorder's Court Report for the month of August 1964. In questioning the Auditor with reFerence to this matter, he stated that his letter speaks for itself and he has no further comment to make about it. By further quesioning of Mr. Metts to Mr. Love about the reply he received from' Mr. Edwards, the Clerk of Superior Court, explaining that there was no actual shortage after he had made an investigation of the matter but that it was caused by overlooking , three receipts for the month in question and considers the discrepancy more of a human error Lhan a shortage because the funds were on hand in the cash box and deposited in the I bank on September lbth, Mr. Love admitted that in his opinion that it was just a human I error and not due to any wrong doing. Mr. Metts then offered a motion that these two letters be incorporated in the minutes of the meeting and asked Mr. Edwards if he has set up a system to prevent a recurrence of this nature. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. (Copy.of 'letter from County Auditor LoVe to the Clerk of Court, Mr: FoSter Edwards) ' I 1'I:wi"sh,:tio:c6nf3rm to'you ourlconference today with'-Mr:'.`Fi12patrick;of Recorders . ..Court.Office_in.regard to your report to me,covering the month of August 1964 your report to me shows that you received in this office $13,479.24. Upon checking your receipt book.and cash book, I find that you actually received $13,519.01 or in I other words, you are actually short in your report to me the sum of $39.77. This , must be corrected promptiy. I Upon investigation, I find you failed to report receipt #28329 for $10.75, receipt #34133 for $18.32 and receipt #34167 for $12.55. A receipt for $2.00 was entered twice, once on page 142 and again on page 145. These discrepancies referred'to above?I together with a 15-cent error produced the shortage of $39.77. Discrepancies and shortages are sometimes the same. I refer you to page 141 of cash book. This page has receipts totaling $935.10 but when yon break these down to various funds you come up with $926.85. Page 142 has receipts of $I,068.30 and your break-down shows $1,947.90. Page 143 has receipts of $956.00 and your break-down shows $953•30• Page 141+ has receipts of $1,028.$5 and your break-down shows $1,028.00. ? Page 145 has receipts of $1)389;25 and your break-down shows $1,389435• Page 147 has receipts of $810.75 and your break-down shows $811.15. These are errors that should be corrected. continued- L_ ..,?77 Minutes of the Meeting September 21, 1964 Continued - - 1rRECORDER' S -COURT -tEPORT = Co-nt-Inue? . During the month Mr. Fitzpatrick came to me and .inquired as to how to handle the "Arrest Fees". This I explained to him and was glad to do so but I again call to your attention that this is your office and your responsibility and you should in- I struct your personnel. I urge you again to pay particular attention to the affairs , of this office. th These are the things I have gone over With y of others and it is with regret that I write be so short-lived that I ask that you please advise what steps, if an?y, you are taking to shortage by restitution.1- e presence ou and had you to verify in my presence and/ you in this manner. Memories seem to acknowledge receipt of this letter and correct these errors.and make up this /S/ T. D. Love, County Auditor (Letter from Clerk of Court Foster Edwards to Connty Auditor Love) "This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of September 15, 1964 which relates to certain items in our report to you of the cash breakdown of Recorder's Court for the month of August, 1964. The alleged shortage of $39.77 reveals, upon investigation, is not an actual short- age, but human error caused by the overlooking of three receipts for the month in question. The actual cash was received as shown on the receipts, but, through over- sight , was not picked up on the cash book. This of course; resulted in a cash over- age on the day in question. This.cash-overagerwas'placed dncan'.:envelopl?in the cash box and heid, pending audit. The discrepancy of receipt No. 34133 was discovered the firsL part;of September and a separate deposit was made in the amount of $18.32, thus correcting this one. I The cash overage, which was held in the cash box, will be deposited in Wachovia Bank and Trust Company on September 16, 1964, on deposit slip dated September 15, 1964, en-degesft sl4g 4ated &egtembeP 15,-1964, covering the amount overlooked on receipts Nos. 28329 and 3(}167, this amounts to $23.30. In brief, one receipt has already I been corrected, the other two are in the process." / v SPECIAL AUDIT - ' The County Attorney reminded the Board that they had authorized an audit of the Recorder's CourL Records at the request of District Solicitor James C. Bowman but that they had not made an approptiation to pay for the audit, nor had they signed a conLract wa.th<.an independent auditor as required by law. At their meeting on August 17, the Chair man was authorized to negotiate a contract with whatever firm of auditors he considered Abest adapted to do the work. The Chairman reported that he had awarded the contract to Wm. C. Barfield, C. P. A., who has to date accomplished work and presented a bill.in the amount of $4,500.00. The County Auditor suggested that the Board make an appropriation from $15,000 to $16,000. The County Attorney advised the Board to not make any payment until the contract was properly signed and approved and that no further work be done pending the execuLion of the proper documents, Mr. Metts then offered a motion that up to $5,000.00 be appropriated to cover ihe cost of this special audit to date and that work be stopped immediately unti2 the contract is properly signed and approved and then to proceed ?with the audit. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. iRECESS - . ' The Chairman announced that several members of the Board were summoned as wit- imotion nesses in a Superior Court Hearing and suggested that the Board recess at this time. Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Board recessed until a later time, to be called by the Chairman. • RECONVENTION - September 23, 196lL 8:00 A. M. Ali members of the Board were presenL and the Chairman presided over the meeting. WILMINGTON - NEW HANOVER MUSEUM The Chairman read a letLer from the Board of Directors of the Wilmington New IHanover Museum, requesting that the name designated to the governing body of the Ntuseum 'be changed from a Board of Directors to a Board of Trustees as recommended by the American pAssociation of Museums and that the Board consist of q members to serve l} year terms and one a permanent member to be the Chairman of the New Hanover Historical Commission. They recommend the following schedule to begin the terms to coincide with the fiscal year of July lst to a,a-iy 30tn: , . 1 year - Mrs. Gardner Greer • Mrs. Wailace Schorr II 2 year - Mrs. S. C. Kellam Mr. W. E. Perdew 3 year - Mrs. James M. James ' Mr. T. O. Page 4 year - Mr. Addiso n Hewlett Miss Peggy Hall "This means that two vacancies will be created each year so that the Board of Commissioners will have one appointment, or reappointment, and the City Council will have one appoint- ment each year. After a discussion of the subject, Mr. Metts moved that the request be ?granted and the recommendations approved. It was seconded by Mr. Braak, subject to the 'concurring agreement of the City Council. . , 11 ? ?-A