1964-09-23 Regular Meeting..,?77 Minutes of the Meeting September 21, 1964 Continued - - 1rRECORDER' S -COURT -tEPORT = Co-nt-Inue? . During the month Mr. Fitzpatrick came to me and .inquired as to how to handle the "Arrest Fees". This I explained to him and was glad to do so but I again call to your attention that this is your office and your responsibility and you should in- I struct your personnel. I urge you again to pay particular attention to the affairs , of this office. th These are the things I have gone over With y of others and it is with regret that I write be so short-lived that I ask that you please advise what steps, if an?y, you are taking to shortage by restitution.1- e presence ou and had you to verify in my presence and/ you in this manner. Memories seem to acknowledge receipt of this letter and correct these errors.and make up this /S/ T. D. Love, County Auditor (Letter from Clerk of Court Foster Edwards to Connty Auditor Love) "This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of September 15, 1964 which relates to certain items in our report to you of the cash breakdown of Recorder's Court for the month of August, 1964. The alleged shortage of $39.77 reveals, upon investigation, is not an actual short- age, but human error caused by the overlooking of three receipts for the month in question. The actual cash was received as shown on the receipts, but, through over- sight , was not picked up on the cash book. This of course; resulted in a cash over- age on the day in question. This.cash-overagerwas'placed dncan'.:envelopl?in the cash box and heid, pending audit. The discrepancy of receipt No. 34133 was discovered the firsL part;of September and a separate deposit was made in the amount of $18.32, thus correcting this one. I The cash overage, which was held in the cash box, will be deposited in Wachovia Bank and Trust Company on September 16, 1964, on deposit slip dated September 15, 1964, en-degesft sl4g 4ated &egtembeP 15,-1964, covering the amount overlooked on receipts Nos. 28329 and 3(}167, this amounts to $23.30. In brief, one receipt has already I been corrected, the other two are in the process." / v SPECIAL AUDIT - ' The County Attorney reminded the Board that they had authorized an audit of the Recorder's CourL Records at the request of District Solicitor James C. Bowman but that they had not made an approptiation to pay for the audit, nor had they signed a conLract wa.th<.an independent auditor as required by law. At their meeting on August 17, the Chair man was authorized to negotiate a contract with whatever firm of auditors he considered Abest adapted to do the work. The Chairman reported that he had awarded the contract to Wm. C. Barfield, C. P. A., who has to date accomplished work and presented a bill.in the amount of $4,500.00. The County Auditor suggested that the Board make an appropriation from $15,000 to $16,000. The County Attorney advised the Board to not make any payment until the contract was properly signed and approved and that no further work be done pending the execuLion of the proper documents, Mr. Metts then offered a motion that up to $5,000.00 be appropriated to cover ihe cost of this special audit to date and that work be stopped immediately unti2 the contract is properly signed and approved and then to proceed ?with the audit. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. iRECESS - . ' The Chairman announced that several members of the Board were summoned as wit- imotion nesses in a Superior Court Hearing and suggested that the Board recess at this time. Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Board recessed until a later time, to be called by the Chairman. • RECONVENTION - September 23, 196lL 8:00 A. M. Ali members of the Board were presenL and the Chairman presided over the meeting. WILMINGTON - NEW HANOVER MUSEUM The Chairman read a letLer from the Board of Directors of the Wilmington New IHanover Museum, requesting that the name designated to the governing body of the Ntuseum 'be changed from a Board of Directors to a Board of Trustees as recommended by the American pAssociation of Museums and that the Board consist of q members to serve l} year terms and one a permanent member to be the Chairman of the New Hanover Historical Commission. They recommend the following schedule to begin the terms to coincide with the fiscal year of July lst to a,a-iy 30tn: , . 1 year - Mrs. Gardner Greer • Mrs. Wailace Schorr II 2 year - Mrs. S. C. Kellam Mr. W. E. Perdew 3 year - Mrs. James M. James ' Mr. T. O. Page 4 year - Mr. Addiso n Hewlett Miss Peggy Hall "This means that two vacancies will be created each year so that the Board of Commissioners will have one appointment, or reappointment, and the City Council will have one appoint- ment each year. After a discussion of the subject, Mr. Metts moved that the request be ?granted and the recommendations approved. It was seconded by Mr. Braak, subject to the 'concurring agreement of the City Council. . , 11 ? ?-A ? . ??? , ?. E Minutes of the Meeting - Continued -(Reconvention - September 23, 196L}) RECORDER'S COURT RECORDS INSPECTION The County Auditor suggested since there has been so much said about the I ? Recorder's Court Records, that the Board of Commissioners accompany him to the RecordertCourL Office and actually make an on the spot inspection of the records in order that they might gain an insighL intb the types of records that are necessary and the methods which must be used to make a complete record of all the transactions. The Chairman ther, temporarily recessed the Board and the members of the Commission went to the Recorderts ? Court Administrative Office. The origin of the record begins with a warrant issued by I the arresting officer who sees the violation of the law. It is then recorded in a docketi book which is used as an agenda in the court. After a judgement has been rendered on ? that particular warrant, a record is made on the outside of the warrant by the Solicitor' and if court costs or fines are involved it goes to the Clerk who accepts the monies and makes the breakdown of the various agencies entitled to receive them by law. He I accepts the money and issues a receipt from a cash book from which this record is postedi to a book with sufficient columns to record the various individual amounts to eaCh agencS. During the discussion of the records, Mr. Metts again questioned the Auditor with refer-? ence to the recent report of a$39.00 shortage. He again admitted it was just a human ? error and there was no intent, in his opinion, of.wrong doing. Mr. Metts then asked the Clerk of Superior Court if he is taking steps to correct future occurrences of this kind and he stated that he is making every effort to see that the records are in proper order at all times. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - A notice was received from the U. S. Corps of Engineers, announcing a Public Hearing on a proposal for improvements at New Inlet on I{ure Beach. They made it clear that there is no existing navigation project for New Iniet but that improvements under consideration are: Deepening and stabilizing the channel through New Inlet to the ocean in the vicinity of Federal Point, provision of a channel through "The Basin" to a small boat harbor at Federai Point. After a brief consideration, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the Board go on record aupporting the provision "of a channel through the Basin to a small boat harbor at Federal Point" which will provide an access from the Atlantic Ocean. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. RESIGNATION The Chairman read a letter from Wm. G. Robertson, Sr. offering his resigna- tion as a member of the New Hanover County Civil Service Commission for the reason that he has been absent from the City and the condition is likely to continue and he would not be able to attend the meeting. After consideration of this request, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the resignation be accepted with regrets and that a letter be written to him thanking him for the service which he has rendered the County. It was seconded by Mr.Metts and unanimously approved. . COUNTY AUDITOR REQUEST The County Auditor then explained to the Board that the details and duties of handling the continuing increased Budgets were placing an unusual burden on the. clerks in his office%an7i he requested the Board to approve for him the employment of an additional clerk, the purchase of a desk and chair and two adding machines which are necass- ary for him to carry on his work more efficiently. He stressed the fact it is very impc'.r- tant that he add this employee and equipment. The Board took this matter under consid- eration. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT REQUEST - The Cierk of Superior Court came before the Board, read a letter from the Deputy Clerk assigned to Recorderis Court, John J. Fitzpatrick, making certain suggest- ions as well as requesting some additionai equipment for the office. The Board suggest- ed that the authority for this sort of thing was vested in the Cierk of Superior Court and not in the Deputy Clerk. They recommended that the Clerk of Superior Court, Mr. Edwards, go back and make his own decision as to the needs ana come back before the Boarc at a later date. PROTOTYPE FALLOUT SHELTER - • The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that when he started to make arrangements for allowing the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board to move into the Proto- type Fallout Shelter he discovered that there were barbituates charged as part of the equipment for which the A.B.C. Enforcement Officers would not want to be responsible for' and that they also requested the removal of the beds and water containers which are also part of the equipment. After considestng this report, the Chairman and the Executive Secretary were authorized to work out details with the Civil Defense Agency and proceed I with the original plan. The motion was made by Mr. Metts and unanimously carried. ' BEER PERNIT - The following application for a Beer Permit was reviewed and upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, it was unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff's Department for further lnvestigationand consideration: Mitchell G. Pridgen T/A My Bar PERSONAL INJURY SETTLEMENT 406 N. Front St. County Attorney L. Bradford Tiilery reported that he was in a position to close the lawsuif, instituted in behalf of Ernest Ford on eccount of injuries received which resulted in the loss of his foot while serving a prison term at the New Hanover County Prison Farm for an amount not to exceed $975•00. Upon motion of W . Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously authorized him to make the settlement d t d \ an appropria e$975.00 from General Emergency to County Aid for the purpose of settle- , ment. I COUNTY PROPERTY SURVEY - The County Attorney suggested to the Board that they have a survey made of all County property and maps or plots recorded for reference and the record. After a briefl discussion, the Chairman directed the Executive Secretary to place this suggestion in his; Budyet Discussion File for 1965 - 1966 Fiscal Year. INDEPENDENT AUDIT - ? A discussion arose with reference to the cost of the Independent Audit author , ized for the Recorder's Court records. The County Auditor suggested that an appropriatioh for the total estimated cost be made at.one time. After discussing this matter, it devel?p- ed that an appropriation up to $5,000: had' been inade at' m¢¢ting earlier' and whi'le' no exacllt ? ?7 (W` Minutes oP the Meeting September 23, 1964 (continved) II INDEPENDENT AUDIT - ?continu?Ce ) ? '-- figure could be determined, thati an additional $5.000 might be sufficient to icover the cost, therefore Mr. Metts offered a motioa that the lndepenc? t Audit Fund-be increased up to another $S,OOO,in addition to the earlier appropriatione made from the IGeneral Emergency to Special Auditing, for the purpose of paying for Lhe independent audit at the request of the District Solicitor. This motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously appr•oved. The Board instructed the Chairman to check into the present status of the audit and request the Auditor, along with the So2icitor, to attend the next meeting of the Board to be held on October 5, 1964• ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM The Chairman read a letter from the coordinator of the Economic Opportunity Program authori2ed by the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. A meeting is scheduled in ? Hemenway Hall on October sth and bth beginning at 9:30 A. M. at which 5 representatives from each of the Southeastern North Carolina counties are invited. The conference is ? designed to provide opportunities for the interested agencies to sit down with representatives of the State and Federal agencies to review the hasic provisions of the Economic Opportunity Program in an effort to discover ways of preparing proposals for community action and qual- ? ify for assistance. lt will also be an opportunity to explore methods of coordinating com- munity efforts. TAX SUPERVISOR REQUEST - ? The Tax Supervisor informed the Board that the present empioyee load in the Tax Listing Office warrants another fulltime emRloyee and requested the Board to au#hori2e the advertising for a fulltime Clerk-Machine Operator. He also reminded the Board of the possibility that the City would request the Tax Listing Office to make all of the many changes which will be necessary in incorporating large portions of Harnett and Masonboro Township and a segment of Cape Fear Township to be taken into the City. ? REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and order filed for further reference: 1- Electrica2 Inspection Reports by'John E. llood, County Electricai Inspector. 2- U.S.O. Club Report • 3- Wilmington Auditor's Report of the Consolidated Board of Health. 4- Independent Auditor's Report of'the Consolidated Board of Health. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to be brought before the Board; Mr. A9ayhan moved that the Board adjourn their meeting. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously I approved. i 4Executiv ck, Secretary Wilmington, N. C. OCtober 5, 1964 ASSEBMLY - The regularsemimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, and John Van B. Metts; ,Tr; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. IINVOCATION - I Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend J. A. Forbes, Jr., Pastor of the Holy Trinity Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Myhan, seconded by Mr. Metts, the minutes of the semimonthly meeting held on September 21, copies of which had been sent to each member of the Board, Iwere unanimousiy approved as written, !TAX BOOKS - 1964 Tax Supervisor W. G. Houck turned the 1964 Tax Books over to the Commissioners ifor approval and delivery to the Tax Collector. He reported a total valuation of $184,017,157.0C Iwhich is approximately $12,000,000.00 increase over last year's valuation. The total tax levy amounts to $2,697,731.27. After brief consideration, the Board authorized the Chairman to ' sign the books and deliver them to Sam W. Johnson, the Tax CoIlector, who was present. ? TAX SETTLEMENT - 1963 The Tax Collector, 5am W. Johnson, reported the following 1963 Tax Settlement: I Listed as per abstract Real 8 Personal " " " " Not LiSted " Personal Late Listings " " Back Tax Less Abatements Listed by Tax Supervisor & Collector Penalty Collected Adv. Cost Collected I Real Estate Sold for Taxes $ 72,461.70 ' Not Listed I0,888.79 ' II I?elinquenL Personal Property 29,1}9s•3? ? Prepayments •538;699=o Discount allowed by Tax Co1lecLor 4,636.20 ' Deposited in Wachovia Bank 8 Trust Co. 1,793,4.42.11 $2,400,45e.54 39,5o7.4i - 4,307.6& - _ 151.98 $;e,444,425.61 - - 1,121.47 - 2,443,304•14 ? 2,789.90 ., 4?, 269 . 36 - 136.80 - _ 21449,500.20 continued