1964-10-19 Regular Meeting3?>.? - - -- -? -- - ? -, Wilmington,N.C. October 19,1964 ? ASSENdBLY - ' The New Hanover County Board of Gommissioners held their last regular semi- monthly meeting on the above date at 9:00 o'clock A. M. in•the Commissioners, Room of the Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts,l Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. , INVOCATION - I Chairman Hali called the meeting to order and requested the Executive Secre- tary to offer a prayer for guidance, in the absence of the Chaplain scheduled for the meeting, Reverend Howard Ford of the Winter Park Baptist Church. APPFtOVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the regular meeting held on October sth, copies of which had been sent to each member of the Board, were unanimously approved as written. C.P. & L. BILL OF SALE The Carolina Power 8 Light Company presented an invoice covering 80' of 4" Orangeburg conduit located under the taxi strip at the New Hanover County Aiport. The purpose of this instrument is to record the conveyance as their legal department does not require a formal instrument in order to add values to their plant account. 'After considering the request, the Board unanimously authorized the Chairman to execute it in behalf of New Hanover County. SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD - Mr. Metts recalled that on September 3, 1963 a request for a school crossing guard from Lhe Principal of the Edwin A. Alderman School was considered by the Board and referred to the Board of Education for their handling. He reports that he has had several recent calls about this same problem at the intersection of Canterbury Road and Independence Boulevard. After discussing the matter, Mr. Broadhurst moved that it be ceferred to Board of Education, with a request that they advise the Board of Commission by the next meeting date of their decision after investigating the need for it. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. SEPTIC TANK INSPECTION FEES - The Chairman read a letter from the Consolidated Board of Health, announcing an increase in the septic tank permit fees from $1.00 to $5.00 per tank effective Novem-? ber 1, 1964. The Chairman stated that•he is aware that the Board of Commissioners has no control over the action of the Consolidatecl Board of Health but they also request that the additional money received from this increase in:the inspection fees be used by the Health Department for the hirino of additional personnel to help with the septic tank inspections. He told the Board that at present, they were paying a flat $15.00 per day, plus 7d per mile for temporary help as an assistant to the Plumbing Inspector. During the discussion of this matter, the question arose as to whether or not they intended to employ a fulltime man to fill this job and, if so, at what salary. The Chairman stated that all of the cost of this Assistant Plumbing Inspector would come from the additional fees and there would be no additional cost to the County. Finally, the Board; by common consent, directed the Executive Secretary to write the Health Department and determine the following: (1) How many inspections are anticipatedl (2) How many septic tanks do they estimate will be put in? (3) How much do they anticipate paying the proposed empioyeel (4) How many miles do they anticipate he will drive. All of these statistics are to be based on previous experience. A decision was postponed unti; this information is received. ? PINE FOREST CEMETERY - The Executive Secretary reported that Mr. Fred Brown; representing the Board of Directors of Pine Forest Cemetery has requested approval for cleaning up the under- brush by using the County Prison labro. He cited the fact that the County had cleaned out the underbrush from Bellevue Cemetery on two occasions and since Pine Forest is the same type non profit cemetery, they request a like service. After considering that all Y commitments for the ditching crew are at least two years behind, the Executive Secre- tary was authorized to inform them that we will be glad to do the work when we can get I to it. A work order will be written on it today. COUNTY PROPERTY SURVEY - County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery suggested that it might be wise to have the County Property surveyed and plots or maps made of it irl order to properly know r what was being gut up for lease when the Farm operation is closed at the County Home J Farm. After discussing this subject, the Board finally decided that a rough sketch which could be made by Mr. Braak would be sufficient information on which Lo base a lease of the tillable soil. Ntr. Braak reported, after consultation with Mr. Luther D. Mintz, Supervisor at the Farm, that the following is a rough estimate of the present land being farmed by the'County: (1) Back of Airport, 48 atres, (2) Oid School Board land, 9 acres, (3) New farm, Blue Clay Road, 35 acres, (5) Old Trash Dump site 15 acres. Pursuant to authority given W. Braak at the meeting on July 21, 1964, prepara- tions will be made for the advertising for leasing of the above property for the 1965 Calendar year. COUNTY AUDITOR REQUEST s A letter was received by each Commissioner from County Auditor T. D. Love explaining that the work load in his office has continually shown a substantial 3ncrease and in his opinion the tiork'can not be kept up without additional help. He stated that is imperative for the good of the County that funds be granted for one additionai empioyee at an estimated salary for the rest of this fiscal year at $2250.00 and at leas $1,000.00 with which to purchase new equipment such as a desk, chair, adding machine and? desk lighting. After discussing this request, the Board by common consent, agreed to hold it in abeyance at this time for further study. I I L y COMMUNITY HOSPITAL WILbSINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA October 12, !;164 a A1r. W.. G. Houck Executive Secretary Board of Cortunissioners New Hanover County Wliimington, North Carolina Dear Sire Carrying out instructions contained in your letter addressed to Mr. Charlos L. Anderson. Administrator, dated August 11g, 1964, in which you stated that the Board of CanmissToners appropriated $4,000.00 to the Salary Account of Canmunity Hospitai "with the understanding that ctt woald be used to increase the salarics of those empioyees makirag less fihan $t#800.00 per year for fulf tims work.° We have made in our opinion an equitable distribution of the appropriation emong thls cless of fult time employees• Your.letter further states "according to our count# they amount to thirty-one (31) Persons.° There are thirty-eight (38) employees in the class whose salaries are less then tIi800.00= we have there- fore, distrSbuted the appropriation as follcwss Annua+t Number Prosent 5aitry Incraase Ad.justed Salary io $1,260.00 8120.00 $10e0.00 1 1,520.00 62.00 1,58e..00 24 I060.00 10e.00 1,668.00 1 1,620.00 80.00 6700•00 ;?- t 1,675•00 76000 1,751.00 1 6701.00 72•00 l,773.00 You further requested °after increments have been madei Yhe Board requests that you furnish them with a list of the names of tha people irnolved and the amount that each one has been increased: A.list of these names with increased amounts are hereby atteched. We presume these adJustments will retroact to Jul'y li 1964i the begirr ning of the currertt fiscal,years, and be reflected in 5alary Perlod 15 3a, o9b4. BUDGET ADJIlSTMENT • • 1964 -1965 t AMNUA L NliME PRESENT SALARY INCREASE INCREASED SALARY Mary A. lillen $10260.00 12000 1080.00 Arnie Bram 1.260.00 120.00 1080.00 Christabeli Fk+nslsy I0a60000 120000 1080.00 Reather Miller 1,860•00 120.00 Ii380.00 Less:ie W. Croom 102b0.00 120•00 1060.00 Katherine Price 1,260•00 120s6e ' 1,380•00 EdnaMcNei•I • I0260.00 ? 120600 (,380.00 Marcelene Singleton 1,260.00 120000 6380.00 Molly J. PrTce i,u'160.00 120•00 - 1080•00 Everiena Rush 1.260.00 120.00 1080•00 W,illte E. Greene I,520.00 88000 1,60e.00 Shirley M. Williams Ii56U.W 108000 Is668.00 Vlvian Eilison 1,560.00 108000 Ii668.00 Oharles 1. Spain Ii560.00 I08000 Ii668.00 Serah Hines 1,560.00 (ce•00 1s668.00 James ShipmsYt Ii560.00 108000 l*668.00 Curtis Creene I,560.00 108000 1m.66'8.00 Herbert VPaddel l 1,.560•0o 108•00 1.668•00 William McDuffJe 18,,C;E+0000 108.00 1*668#00 Ray Brown 1.560.00 I08000 1,668•00 Windell Brown 1,560.00 108000 1*668oU0 Wister Herrq 4560.00 108.00 1*668.00 James Hell 1*560•00 108•00 1.668.00 James Wilson 1,560.00 •108.00 1.668900 Adrfen Henry 1,560.00 108000 1i668.00 Ossie GemvrTght 1,560•W 108400 1s668•O0 Geraid A. Sellers 18,560000 108000 1,668.00 David Williams 1,560•00 108000 1s669•00 Leroy kaire 1,56o.00 108000 1,668.00 MaTy Smtth 10560•00 108000 1if68.00 Hannah J. Niiu3n 1a560•00 I08000 1*668•00 oaisy Gibbs 1,560.00 108000 1A8.00 ksrvey H. Murphy 1.560•00 I08000 1o668•00 James C lajrk I,56O•00 I05000 V68000 Bettye Ebron 1,560•00 IG8•00 1.668.00 Meldfine Foy I*620•00 80000 Ii700.00 Margaret Henry 10,675.90 76.00 1.751.00 Lula Mc6hee 670I.00 72•00 t,773•00 J i .A? T Minutes of October 19th, 1964,__ Continued COMMiJNITY HOSPITAL - Complying with the actiott of the Board on August 3, 1964 appropriating $4,000.00 to the Salary Account of Community Hospital for distribution to those employees making less than $1800.00 a year, Nr. E. M. Butler, Business Manager submitted the following ad- !justments as requested in Lhe action of August 3rd. He stated, however, that upon investi- gation, he found there were actually 38 employees making less than $1800.00 per year rather 'than the 31 counted by the-Board of Commissioners at the time the action was taken. (This Ilist will be inserted in the permanent records.) • Salary Distribution - After discussing this matter, Mr. Braak offered a motion for approval of the $4,0OV.00 salary appropriation to be distributed among the 38 empioyees instead of 31 as was originally counted subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of Community Hospital. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously carried. Salary Ad,jus'tment - Mr. Butler called attention to an employee by the name of Samuel Hicks, Jr. who he reported had not had an increase in pay since 1959. He is unable to explain why but recommends that he be increased from the present $3,000 per year to $3600.00 as of November lst as he is doing an excellent ,job. Mr. T. D. Love, a.member of the Board of Directors for Community Hospital also recommended this increase. After a brief discussion, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the salary of Samuel Hicks, Jr. be set at not more than $3600.00 per year beginning November 1, 1964 and that transfers within Ithe present Budget be allowed to cover this additionai salary adjustment. It was seconded by Nr. Metts and unanimously approved. NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING &'LONING BOARD - I Mr. I. John Tinga, Chairman of the New Hanover County Planning and Zoning Board, reported that at their meeting on October 8th, Mr. Henry E. Miiler Sr., represettting the General Contractors' Association and Mr. J. 0. Pettet, representing the Home Builders•Asso- ciation, met with them and discussed the appointment of a Building Inspector for the County. They have agreed with the classifications of the Civil Service Commission and recommend that a Building Inspector be•appointed for the enforcement of the State Building Code. ' Mobilehome Park 0rdinance - He also reported that a representative of the Mobilehome Association of the Carolinas met with them and presented a Mbbilehome P.ark.:Ord- iriance irt detail. After considering all of the provisions and makino changes where they all agreed were benefit of the County, they recommend that a Mobilehome Park Ordinance be adopted by the County for the purpose of providing areas for the development of Mobile- home Parks with safe and sanitary living conditions for the occupants. County Planning - Mr. Tinga aiso reported that New Hanover County was now eligible to receive benefits of the Federal aid "701 Program" for the purpose of a com- prehensive County Planning Federal Assistance Program. This program would include the preparation of a comprehensive development plan including a statement of community codes and policies. There are two methods of imp4ementation of the programs, (1) for the County to employ and set up its own office, (2) or the State will furnish employees for the collection of basic data and administrative assistance. His board recommends that this County use the latter method and transfer the $7,200 now set up in the Budget for an Assistant Planner to help defray the one-third cost of the over all economic development program or some workable program for community development. The State and Federal govern- ment would bear the other two-thirds of the cost. The National Association of Counties considers this amendment to the House Act of 1964 a significant step in recognition of County governments+ ability to provide and plan for both rural and urban areas. He esti- mates this general program wonld be completed within two years. !STATE SCHOOL BOND ISSUE Chairman Hall reported,that he had had a call from the State Association of County Commissioners with reference to the support of the $100,000,000.00 School Bond IIssue proposed for the referendum at the next general election. It is-his•understand- iing that the County Commissioners are responsible for the implementing of the advertis- ing and distribution of information in support of this program. He appointed Mr. Peter ?H. Braak as the representaLive of the Board of County Commiss3oners to work with the j Consolidated School Board in urging the support of this bond issue. v IRECORDERIS COURT REPORT - County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr, reported that the income for August from Re- corder's Court amounted to $13,479.39 out of which the County received $8,360.09 and for the month of September the receipts amounted to $14,415.01 and the County's share $9,386.20. He stated that the records so far as he could determine are a11 in order. COUNTY RECORDS - County Auditor T. D. Love,.Jr. reported that the records of the County have been ready for audi.t s1nce August 15th, 1964 and asked that this be made a part of the record. NEW HANOVER COUNTY FAIR - The Chairman read a letter by the President of the Wilmington Junior Chamber of Commerce announcing that they are sponsoring a County Fair which will have its open- ing on October 19, 1964. By common consent, the Board unanimously authorized the Execu- tive Secretary to write a letter expressing their appreciation for this endeavor and congratulate them. COUNTY INTEREST - County Aud'itor T. D. Love reported that interest in the amount of $52,751•25 is due on November 1, 1964 on School Bonds. He furt'her reported t'hat this did not in- clude any interest on the. Hospital Bonds but that before the end'of the fiscal year the total interest would amount to $212,277.50. WELFARE EXCEPTIONS - County Auditor T. D. Love reported the following exceptions taken by the Public Assistance Dieision of the StaLe Board of Public Welfare as follows: Continued- a J F #07 S'a _ Minutes_of_October 19th?156?L_ Continued WELFARE EXCEPTIONS - (Continued) 1- Henry Creasy 9-i-60 to 9-30-60 9-1-60 " 9-30-60 10-1-60 " 6-30-61 2- Laura R. Pryor 10-1=61 " 5-31-62 1e-1-61 5-31-62 3- Reginald Turner, P, R. for Woodrow Wilson You 12-1-M " 1-31-64 12-1-63 1-31-64 !}- Ethel Mae Wilson 3-1-64 5- Etta Eubanks 11-1-60 " 7-31-61 8-1-61 " 9-30-61 10-1-61 " 9-30-62 1er1-61 " 9-30-62 10-1-62 " 10-31-62 This information is recorded for?the record only. WASHOUT REPAIR $15.00 25.00 360.00 92.00 7.5.00 75.55 20.45 5.00) 5.00) 21?:88' 70.00 281.49 i38.51 35.00 A letter was received from the Division Engineer of the State Highway Commiss- ion in answer. to the fequesy made by J. H. Ligon for repairs to a section of Park Avenue in the neighborhood of #5007. He stated that after investigation it was found that the SLaLe Highway Commission has no responsibility for the maintenance of that section of Par1 Ave. The Board authorized the Executive Secretary to inform Mr. Ligon of this decision. INSECT 8 RODENT CONTROL QUARTERS - The Executive Secretary reported that Dr.. Duvis and Nir. Cranford of the Health Department reminded him Lhat the quarters provided at the Airport for their Insect and Rodent Controi Division were temporary and are inadequate to operate efficiently. They requested that this matter be brought before the Commissioners.for further consideration After a brief discussion in the office, the Board decided to visit the space and building set aside as a temporary base of operations and see for themselves what the probelm is. The Chairiman then declared the meeting temporarily recessed to reassemble at the site. After all the members of the Board had reached the temporary site and made an inspection of the quarters, they decided.that the portion of the building now being rent- ed to the Somersett Construction Company for the small amount of $45.00 per month could be used by the Health Department to better advantage of the County. Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board instructed the Executive Secretary to see that the Somersett Construction Company was notified that this building would be needed by the County for its own operation on and after January 1, 1965 and request that they vacate thE premises by that time; (The Airport Manager advised that the construction compa?ay occup, ied the quarters on a month to month lease so a 60 day's notice wovld be sufficient.) also to have an?,estimate made by a reliable painter as to the amount of inetal paint would; be required to ret?pa.int the walls of the building and just how much it would cost and to ? confer with the County Attorney to see if there is any legal reason why prison labor couli not be used to do the painting work. I REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and order filed for future reference: 1- Cooperative Extension Report by County 11'gricultural Agent for Sep.tember, 1964. 2- Home Economics Extension Report for-.September, 1964. 3- U.S.O. Club Report. L}- Wilmington Public Library Report for September, 1964 5- Notice from the Federal Aviation Agency. 6- Notice from N. C. State Board of Allotments and Appeal for Hearings to be held on October 13, 1964. 7- Grand Jury Report for Criminal term of Court for October 1964. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Metts offered a motion for adjournment which was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. Wilmington, N. C. Alovember 2, 1964 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on the above date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M.-Ha11, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Sraak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. i INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and requested Reverend Lenwood A. Rowe, PasLor of the !}th Street Advent Christian Church, to opern the meeting with prayer. . APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The minutes of the regular semimonthly meeting held on October 19th, copies of which had been mailed to each member of the Board, were upon motion of Nr. Broadhurst, seconded by Nr. Mayhan, unanimousiy approved as written. RECORDER'S ?OtJR?.RFoster Edwards, Clerk to the Superior Court, made a request of the k6_ . continued- I ? ?I