1964-11-02 Regular MeetingF #07 S'a _ Minutes_of_October 19th?156?L_ Continued WELFARE EXCEPTIONS - (Continued) 1- Henry Creasy 9-i-60 to 9-30-60 9-1-60 " 9-30-60 10-1-60 " 6-30-61 2- Laura R. Pryor 10-1=61 " 5-31-62 1e-1-61 5-31-62 3- Reginald Turner, P, R. for Woodrow Wilson You 12-1-M " 1-31-64 12-1-63 1-31-64 !}- Ethel Mae Wilson 3-1-64 5- Etta Eubanks 11-1-60 " 7-31-61 8-1-61 " 9-30-61 10-1-61 " 9-30-62 1er1-61 " 9-30-62 10-1-62 " 10-31-62 This information is recorded for?the record only. WASHOUT REPAIR $15.00 25.00 360.00 92.00 7.5.00 75.55 20.45 5.00) 5.00) 21?:88' 70.00 281.49 i38.51 35.00 A letter was received from the Division Engineer of the State Highway Commiss- ion in answer. to the fequesy made by J. H. Ligon for repairs to a section of Park Avenue in the neighborhood of #5007. He stated that after investigation it was found that the SLaLe Highway Commission has no responsibility for the maintenance of that section of Par1 Ave. The Board authorized the Executive Secretary to inform Mr. Ligon of this decision. INSECT 8 RODENT CONTROL QUARTERS - The Executive Secretary reported that Dr.. Duvis and Nir. Cranford of the Health Department reminded him Lhat the quarters provided at the Airport for their Insect and Rodent Controi Division were temporary and are inadequate to operate efficiently. They requested that this matter be brought before the Commissioners.for further consideration After a brief discussion in the office, the Board decided to visit the space and building set aside as a temporary base of operations and see for themselves what the probelm is. The Chairiman then declared the meeting temporarily recessed to reassemble at the site. After all the members of the Board had reached the temporary site and made an inspection of the quarters, they decided.that the portion of the building now being rent- ed to the Somersett Construction Company for the small amount of $45.00 per month could be used by the Health Department to better advantage of the County. Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board instructed the Executive Secretary to see that the Somersett Construction Company was notified that this building would be needed by the County for its own operation on and after January 1, 1965 and request that they vacate thE premises by that time; (The Airport Manager advised that the construction compa?ay occup, ied the quarters on a month to month lease so a 60 day's notice wovld be sufficient.) also to have an?,estimate made by a reliable painter as to the amount of inetal paint would; be required to ret?pa.int the walls of the building and just how much it would cost and to ? confer with the County Attorney to see if there is any legal reason why prison labor couli not be used to do the painting work. I REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and order filed for future reference: 1- Cooperative Extension Report by County 11'gricultural Agent for Sep.tember, 1964. 2- Home Economics Extension Report for-.September, 1964. 3- U.S.O. Club Report. L}- Wilmington Public Library Report for September, 1964 5- Notice from the Federal Aviation Agency. 6- Notice from N. C. State Board of Allotments and Appeal for Hearings to be held on October 13, 1964. 7- Grand Jury Report for Criminal term of Court for October 1964. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Metts offered a motion for adjournment which was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. Wilmington, N. C. Alovember 2, 1964 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on the above date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M.-Ha11, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Sraak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. i INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and requested Reverend Lenwood A. Rowe, PasLor of the !}th Street Advent Christian Church, to opern the meeting with prayer. . APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The minutes of the regular semimonthly meeting held on October 19th, copies of which had been mailed to each member of the Board, were upon motion of Nr. Broadhurst, seconded by Nr. Mayhan, unanimousiy approved as written. RECORDER'S ?OtJR?.RFoster Edwards, Clerk to the Superior Court, made a request of the k6_ . continued- I ? ?I iv-i I Minutes of the Meeting November 2, 1964 ?ISPOIL AREA - ( continued) posal ares granting a ?motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by passed, including authority for -lapproval by the County Attorney: permanent easement for subsequent maintenance. Upon Mr. Braak, the following Resolution was unanimously the Chairman to execvte_ the necessary documents after R E S 0 L U T I O N TH/:T WHEREAS, the Chief of Engineers has approved for accompiishment under the special continuing authority provided by Section 107 of the River and Harbor Act, Public Law 86-645, approved 14 July, 1960, a Federal navigational project, Northeast (Cape Fear)- River, North Carolina, to provide a channnel extension of the existing project, 25 ft. deep, 200 feet wide, and approximately 2,200 ft. long,to deep water upstream, including enlargement of the existing turning basin to provide for a length of 500 feet and width of 700 feet, at the same depth, as shown on control map, File No. NCF , dated , entitled , on file in the U. S. Army Engineer District, Wilminaton, N. C. with such modification as the Chief of Engineers may deem desirable; provided that local interests comply with the conditions of cooperation as follows: a. Provide, without tost to the United States, all lands, easements, and rights- of-way required for construction and subsequent maintenance of the progect and of aids to navigation upon the request of the Chief bf Engineers, including suitable areas to be determined by the Chief of Enaineers to be required in the oeneral public interest for initial and subsequent disposai of spoil, and in- cluding necessary retaining dikes, bu:lkheads, and embankments therefor, or the cost of such retaining works; b. Hold and save the United States free from damages due to the construction works and subsequent maintenance of the project; and c. Provide and maintain, wikhout cost to the United States, depths in berthing areas serving the terminalscommensurate with depths provided in related project areas. WHEREAS, the Board of Comrhissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, being Icognizant of the importance of, and benefits to be derived by the general public from, the said proposed improvement, desires to guarantee to the United States of America the ',aforestated local cooperation requirements for the work of improvement. INSECT & RODENT CONTROL QUARTERS - The Executive Secretary reported that..he had secured bids for the painting of the building now being prepared for occupancy of the Insect and Rodent Control Department I.of the Board of Health. It is estimated that it will take 20 gallons of paint for one coat on the outs,ide of the building and approximately the same amount for the inside which is 40T x 165, x is'. The price of Rustoleum, or the equivalent, is $5.50 per gallon but but a rust itthibiting aluminum paint costs $6.18 per gallon. Roof coating wiil require approximately 20 gallons at $3.40 per gallori. By common consent, the Board deferred any further action on.this matter untii they could make another ittspection of the premises. TRUSTEES - FIREMENtS RELIEF FUND - The Executive Secretary recailed that he had polled the Bcerd with reference to the appointment of two Trustees as required by the Firements Relief Fund. This was necessary because October 31st was the deadline for participating in that fund by the Wrigh?st?oro Volunteer Fire Department and they were anxious to participate: They recom- mende he names of George A. Cayton and John D. Robinson who were appointed at the time with the understanding that the action would be rat'ified at'this meeting "nunc pro tunc". Upon motion of Mr.' Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Met'ts, Mr. George A. Cayton and Mr. John D. Robinson were unanimously appointed as Trustees to the Firemen's Relief Fund. FORT FISHER COMMEMORATION • The Chairman read a letter from Stanl'ey A. South, representing the State De- partment of Archives and•History, calling attention to the. work tha't is being done at the Fort•Fisher historic site and stating that the funds tentatively appro`priated would be needed shortly as the Restoration of the Palisade fence is already underway and that the plans are in the making for a commemoration by the New Hanover Confederate Centen- nial Committee. He ex•pressed gratitude for the past cooperation and hoped bhat they would continue their public spirited support of this important historic site development. • During the discussion abovt the Fort Fisher Restoration, Mr. Braak reported that he.had had a telephone call from Mr. Reid, who is in,charge of the Laboratory at Fort F.isher, advising.that he had been told that a volume of Clark's North Carolina Regi- ment, belonging to the County is stored in the vault of the Cierk of Superior Court. He re- quests that the Commissioners give them permission to put this book, or ?sketch, in the Museum being prepared a,t Fort Fisher. The County Attorney ruled that it is a public re- cord and is available to the.public but in his opinion should be kept 3n the vaul•t although it should be made available to any qualified person asking for it. DITCHING PROBLEN ' Mr. Braak reported that Mr. George W. Gurganious, 629 Castle Hayne Road, com- plained to him about the taater washing away part of his yard. He has inspected the prob- lem and so far as he can determine the oniy solution is to install pipe to carry the water, as a culvert under the highway at that point drains much of the surface water from across the road and i't rushes down the ditch. It is a line ditch between his property and the neighbors. He is of th'e opinion that the Board visit the State Highway Commission and ex- plain it to them. He recommended that the County prison work forces be allowecl to in- stall the pipe providing it is furnished. The Chairman, along with Messrs. Braalc and Broadhurst, agreed to consuit the State Highway Commission with referenCe to this problem. 392 Minutes of the Meeting November 2, 1964 Continued LEGISLATION CONCERNED WITH BEACH EROSION - ?? 'A Memorandum was received from the North Carolina Seashore Commission enclos- ing three legislative proposals concerned with the financing of Beach Erosion Control and i Dune Protection. He enciosed a preliminary draft of each of the proposals and explained that they would like to have the benefit of the thinking of this Board not later than November 15, 1965. Essentially, the Bills give the County permissive power to levy taxes, make appropriations and borrow money to finance Beach Erosion Control, as well as Flood and Hurricane ProtecLion without a special vote of the people. After considering t?hat the legislation proposed is permissive and not mandatory Mr. Metts offered a motion that this Board go on record as approving the proposed Bills and 2Aat the Executive Secretary be authorized to notify the North Carolina 5eashore Commission that they recommend the $ills be presented to the next legisiature for enactment. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. TRAVELERS AID - ; Mr. Metts reported that he had received a cali from Mrs. Kirk Wagonseller with reference to an appropriation of $1,000 inc2uded in the Generai P:ssistance Program of the Public Welfare Budget for use of the Travelers Aid. A search of the minutes;disclosed that an appropriation of $1,000 was included as recorded in the minutes of ,Iuly 20, 1964.i i INSURANCE PRENIUM APPROPRIATION - ' County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. reporLed that an appropriation of $481.06 was needed to cover the cost of the general liability, exciuding vehicles. This includes the Workmen's Compensation as authorized at the meeting in June, 1964. Mr. Mayhan offer- ed a motion that $481.06 be appropriated for this purpose from the General Emergency ? Fund. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved. ? WELFARE EXCEPTIONS - " Mr. Love reported the following exceptions taken by the auditors: Mary S. Utley Nary Bell A. Aiken Elsie Inman Russ Nmggie W. Wilkins 8-1-63 9-i-63 8-1-61 to 9-30-61 10-1-61 10-31-61 i-i-63 2-i-64 $9.00 $28.00 13.00 22.00 161.00 29.00 INTEREST PAYMENT - The County Auditor reporLed that interest item of $37,935.00 in interest is due at the present time, a large portion of which is due to Wilmington College. I , PETIT JURY - . I The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in Super- j for Court for the weeks beginning December 7, 1964 - ci„ti term; and December 14th, 1964 - Criminal term. , Jurors for the week beginning December 7, 1964 - Civil Austin, Carl S. Avison, James ' Barber, Annie Barnes, A. P. Bass, Merless Benson, Chester James Block, Joseph M. Bowen, Ervin E. Brinson, Linwood G. Jr. Brite, Joseph M. Bullard, Renise Burnett, Roy A. Casteen, S. N. Chadwick, D. N. Chadwick, Stella S. M. Collins, A. B. Connell, Richard Corbett, J. N. Corbett, R. E. Corbett, Willis R. Creech, Fred L. Crews, D. C. Daniels, Ernest Ray Davis, D. T. Davis, Robert T. 226 Woodland Dr. 133 Greenviile Ave. 203 S. 12th St. 128 Rutledge Dr. 2527 Washington St. 371 Carolina Beach Rd, 161 Princess St. 83 Pinecrest Pkwy. 218 Wood Dale' Dr. 217 Pkwy. Blvd. 416 RutledgeR Dr. P'C?to??naSBeach, N.C 211 Wood Dale Dr. 203 Oakleaf Dr. 4112 Greenfield St. 210 Rutledge Dr. 4 J Lake Viilage RFD 1, Box 104-D 4108 Peachtree Ave. 128 qrlington 1218 s. 4tn St. % RFD 1, Box 306 K. 5620 Saint Nicholas Rd. Box 153, Carolina Beach 713 Nun St. Dixon, Ida M. 710 Ann St. ? Edwards, Joseph E. 317 Pine Grove Dr. ' Evans, Dan ' 1214 S. 6th St. Farabee, William L. Jr. 616 Rosemont Ave. Fergus, Estelle Sall y Bo 21l C li h aro nBeac • Ferris, Nelson L. P. O. Box 317 ;.Fowler, Will Dee 2308 Wrightsville AvE . Hagain, Leon F. I 3020 Monroe St. Hales, Archie G. Jr. RFD 3, Box 486 A ! Hall, A. D. 1804 Nun St. Hardison, R. V. Jr. 1414 Castle St. Hare, C. D. 4100 Wrightsville Ave. Hargrove, James D. 119 Pine Cone Rd. Hatch, Marjorie H. 407 Pine Hills Dr. Hawkins, Raymond E. RFD 3, Box 387 Hill, Henry 1224 5. 8th St. 'Ganp, Mary McGill 305 Grace St. Goldburg, Lucille S. 707 Market St. ' Gore, Liston G. 119 Pine Grove Dr. I Green, Alice B. 721 S. llth St. Jackson, Jimmie L. 152 Pinecrest Pkwy. Jacobs, J. C. 2911 Monroe St. Jacobs, Thomas L. 1107 S. 3rd St. Jerome, Henry L. $o ? ,lohnson, Bettie Merr ?ri 3Stsv. Beach iIJ 16 Adams St. Jurors for the week beqinninp December 14. 1964 - Criminal Johnson, Daniel F. p•Car l?n 6? h ? o a eac , N.C. powell, Robert H. Hing, F. B. 1220 5. 4th St. prince, Earl King, Mrs, Lillian T. 4 We?t Asheville St. Salyer, Grace H. ,King, Pearl 112 rS9h8th?gBeach P ? She ard Gardner Lanier, Lucille Christine 403 S. Kerr Ave. Shipman, Bertha M. Lee, Janie D. 112 Lake Shore Dr. Smith, J ohn T. Livingston, S. P. % F. E. Littingston Snipes, C. L. Mack, Gladys 1121 Rankin St. Snow, Ca rl Samuel Malone, Robert M. 3706 Carolina Beach Rd. Stanek Otto J. Melton, Marie P. O. Box 561 , Carolina Beach 707 S. 18th St. 34072 wilshire Bivd 4303 Greenfield St. 221 Pinecrest Pkwy. 102 Calhoun Dr. 21 Hudson Dr. 315 Rutledge Dr. P. o. soX 614 CarolAna ?, ?9ch. PRu?e Seac N.C. 106 Parkway Blvd. i Continued - ? \ ? ?811R. Minutes of the Meeting November 2, 1964 Continued ? a -- - - ?- - -- i RECORDER'S COURT REQUEST - (continued) Commissioners for additional equipment for the RecorderTS Court Administrative Office, He presented the following itemized list of equipment and the estimated cost: 1 I.B.M. Electric Typewriter, 15' Carriage $460.00 $460.00 I? 2 One drawer steel file cabinet on holl about atand @ 24.00 ea. 48.00 1 10 Key adding machine, Burroughs @ 170.00 - 200.00 I 1 Desk, steel, executive type @ •125.00 - 150.00 ? 1 Desk, steel, stenographer, left pedastil °C 140.00 - 170.00 6 Desk Trays @ 2.50 15.00 1 Typewriter, 15t carriage 300.00 , . . • ? $,1343. o0 During the discussion of this sub,ject, it was suggested that the Board should make a physical inspection of the office before making a decision. (After adjournme nt of the meeting, the Board repaired to the Recorder's Court Office for the inspection.) EXTENSION SERVICE QUARTERS Mr. J. D. McCarley, Chairman of the County Extension Advisory Council, along with its memhers and County Agent, D. D. Baggett, came before the Board and stated that the General Services Admitl3stration has requested that the offices which they occupy in the Custom House will be needed by the Federal Government on January 1, 1965 and they are re- quested to have them vacated by that time. They are of the opinion that suitable quarters can be made at the old hospital section of the County Home with a minimum of remodelling cost. They requested the Commissioners to make it availabie to the Agricultural Extension Service for a permansnt office. They presented an estimated cost of $2,631.00 for the re- pairs that will be necessary Lo the buiiding and an operating,qost of $100.00 per month. The Chairman explained that ihe Board is operating on a very close budget this year and they would have to take this matter under consideration before making a definite decision. Mr. Braak reported that they had sold enough farm produce along with the cattle and hogs to pay for this renovation and he felt like sufficient revenue has been derived from the sales to pay the cost of this proposal and suggested an appropriation might be made from Unanticipated Funds. Mr. Broadhurst suggested that Mr. Baggett confer aith the Agricul- ture, Stabilization and Conservation Office to see if they might make some monetary con- tribution toward the quarters, on a sqaure foot basis, which they will occupy. After a brief discussion of the problem, the Board decided that they would make a physical inspect- ion of the oid buildings before making a definite decision on this matter. DRAINAGE PROSLEM - Carolina Beach Complying with the request d the Board of Commissioners in regard to the drain- age at the south of Carolina Beach Town limit, Mr. Jack Webb, the Town Manager, reported that the Engineers who investigated the problem recommend the following action to alleviate the outfall of the Wilmington Beach ditches northward into the east-west outfall: n A. Clean Henniker (East-West) Ditch bed only of debris from Lake Park Boulevard to the Henniker Ditch (North-South). . B. Clean the North-South Ditch bed from its intersection with the East-West Ditch northward through the Town. C. Clear the banks of the ditch in paragraph A. above. D. Clear the banks of the ditch in paragraph B. above. It is not recommended to reroute the Wilmington - Hanby Beach drainage ditches away from the present outfall. All ditches in this entire area need maintenance cutting and ditch bed,-cl'eaning. " Mr. W. H. Cranfbrd, Sanitarian for the Health Department was called and he reported that along with the State Sanitation Officer, Mr. Usry, was?willing to go along with this pro- ,ject from a sanitatinn and health hazard standpoint as there is heavy algae growth, scum deposits and mosqvito breeding condition. After a brief discussion, it was decided,by common consent, that Executive Secretary Houck and Sanitation Director Cranford are to coordinate the accomplishment of this ditching problem through the prison work force and Ithe Health Department dragline. `WILDLIFE REFUGE Mr: Braak suggested that since most of the territory in which the above ditches are located is a part of the'Sunny Point Ammunition Depot buffer zone, he thouoht it would be a fine thing to make an effort to have it deciared a Wildlife Refuge developed by the State land Federal governments. . Other members of the Board thought this might be a good idea but no definite action was taken at this time.' WELFARE LIEN The Public Welfare Department reques,ted approval for the sale of 3.2 acres of 'land on which they have a lien as a result of grants?made to Beatrice and Horace Hankins who inherited it from Enoch Peterson. It is needed by the Federal Aviation Agency to com- plete the extension of a runway at the New Hanover County Airport. The lien amounts to $802.00. The fair market value of the property is appraised at $6,200.00. Mrs. Beatrice Hankins is to receive a net of $350.00 for her share after the sale is completed. , After a brief explanation by Mr. Braak, who is Chairman of the Public Welfare Board, he offered a motion that it be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Netts and unanimous2y carried, snb- ,ject to the approval of the County Attorney. ? ?? 63 ld? 9j? Minutes of the Meeting November 2, 1964 Continued ?I DR,4INAGE DITCHING - Mr. Metts stated that he had received many calis with reference to the drainai ditches in the County. He suggested that the old Drainage Committee appointed by the Board severai years ago be reactivated and that as soon as the County Farm need for pri- son labor is finished, the prisoners be released to speed up the hand ditching as soon as possible. The Chairman explained that the Ditching Committee did not investigate or' recommend on hand ditching jobs but only for dragline jobs which are now beirig handled by the Public Health Department. Mr. Metts then offered a motion that all requests forli ? hand ditching be reviewed and a crew of prieoners assigned to clean them out as soon as they are available.after the Farm operation is closed. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously passed. NACO - Ehe Chairman presented the invoice for a subscription to a program of service? for ;4merican County government sponsored by the National Association of Counties and desg- nated as County Information Service. The cost for this service amounts to .002d per pei.- son based on the County's population of 71, 7(}2 plus $25.00 making a total of s168.48 per year. After a brief consideration, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion Lhat the service be approved and the subscription paid. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved. ' ROAD PETITIONS I / A group of citizens living in the Springview Subdivision presented a request for the addition of Springview Drive, Spring Branch Road, Riplee Drive and Ripwo?od Road be added to the State Maintained Secondary Road System. lJpon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the petition was ordered sent to the State Highway Commission;for their consideration. SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD The Chairman read a letter from the New Hanover Schools saying that they had ? investigated the Lraffic conditions at the intersection of Canterbury Road and Independ- ence Boulevard, wh3ch is near the Alderman School, and find a critical need for a traffic? guard at that intersection. He recalled he had interviewed members of the Board as to their atiitude and they agreed that it was of sufficient import to approve the crossing guard immediately and therefore he had authorized the Board of Education to place one at that inters.ection. He asked the Board to ratify this action "nunc pro tunc". Upon motibn of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Board approved the action by majority vote. Mr. Broadhurst is of the opinion that a school crossing guard should be transferred from one of the Junior High School crossin%V voted against the motion. The Chairman declared the moLion prevailed by majority vote. • I SCHOOL INSPECTIOUS - '? The-Chairman read a letter from the Manager of the City of lr?ilmington calling aLtention to the requiremenLs of GS 115-150.2 for the County to provide a schooi inspectir. He reminded the Board that in the past the City Fire Safety Department had been making all the inspections inside the City limits but this was agreed to at a time when the I County did not have an Electrical Inspector to do this work. He requests the County to take over the inspection of all schools as the City is extending its limits and the large areas to be annexed will prevent their inspection division from continuing the inspectio of schools within the City. After a discussion of this problem, it was decided to re-I fer dt to the Joint Committee appointed hy the County and City for the discussion'and recommendations on mutuai problems. Mr. John Van B. Metts, .lr. is Chairman of this committee. TAX LISTING CORRECTION Mr. Robert A. Little, representing the Wilmington Printing Company, reported that a clerical error had been made in the original billing of the 1964 taxes which they paid in July in order to receive the 2% discount. Since that time, it has been discover- ed that additional listings were uncovered on which they wish to also receive the 2% dis-1i count because they would have paid the total amount of tax if it had been correctly.billed. He also reported his personal taxes were prepaid and that later an error was discovered in his personal taxes for which he is requesting the 2% discount because he would have prepaid it and receive& it if it had been correctly billed. Upon motion of•Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Board unanimously approved allowino the 2% discount on the additional listings which were discovered caused by a clericai error in the Tax Listing Department. ' I EROSION PROBLEM Frank C. Hill appeared before the Board and stated that he is the owner of Freeman Beach located north of Carolina Beach and south of the new inlet cut at Carolina Beach some years ago. Since that time, the currents caused by this inlet have eroded 177 acres of taxable property. He presented a petition signed by some of the property owners requesting the Commissioners to authorize the closing of the inlet which he be- lieves will stop terrible erosion of the land at this point. The CountyALtorney stated that it would be a matter of jurisdiction which would have to be checked with the? U. S. Army Corps of Engineers so he suggested that the Board defer any action at this ti and he would determine the proper authority for taking any action on the matter. The Board accepted the petition s;gned by a large ma,jority of the property owners but with II the understanding that it would be returned to him if it was found after investigation, that they had no jurisdiction, i CAPE FEAR RIVER BRIDGE Mr. Metts reported that he had received many inquiries with reference to the progress being made on•the new Cape Fear River Bridge and suggested that we write the City and ask them for any information with reference to the present status of the bridge plans. • SPOIL AREA - ' A letter was received from the Dis"trict Engineer of the Army Corps of Engin- eers requesting the Board to furnish assurance of local cooperation in the deepening of the Northeast Cape Fear River navigation project providing a 25ft. deep channel 200ft. wide. It is necessary at this time for the County to provide an onshore spoil dis- . continued - L_ d 393 Minutes of the Meeting-November 2, 19h4_ _ Continued IJURORS - continued . McCall, J. Frank ? 1101 Cypress Dr. ? McKoy, John 1109 N. 9th St. McLean, Albert Washington RFD 2, Box 366 Mills, Amelia H. 410 Evans St. ? Mi•tchell, Hazel RFD 2, Box 228 • Mohr, Daniei Delmar P. 0. Box 6? Colina a Murphy, Marie S. 600 Castle Hayne Rd. Mar,sh, William H. 801 5. Sth St. I Newkirk, Lillie Nrae 1316 Ann St. Newman, Eugene C. 309 N. 21st St. Newmargut, Joseph P. 2211 Chestnut St. Oliver, Ladson 1203 N. 8th St. Orrell, J. D: Jr. • RFD 2, Box 123 Patrick, William L. 135 Wayne Dr. ' Phillips, Louise S. 104-Calhoun Dr. 'Sct'r e et e r"=Lo,Aa.ft. E. Sw.astl, ti. Taylor, Johnnie Alex Jr. Thompson, John D. Thorning, Donald C. Trexler, Harvey L. Turner, Kenneth W. Umstead, Louise H. Vance,-Shrley•R. Wagstaff, Porter Wal2ace, Clinton R. White, Thomas O, Beam, Albert J. Blakely, Helen C. Burriss, Mary Millis 11 thu'rch, - S-tTeet Offfl:c.e'_ ?fa lt}- ? 2122 Barnett Ave. 2220 Plaza Drive 412 Lullwater Dr. 220 Parkway Blvd. 1319 Oxford Road 19 South 6th St. 211 S. Front St. 513 s. Stn st, 15 Merrimac Dr. RFD 1, Box 175 RFD 3, Box 191 1",7ackson Drive 203 Kidder St. REPORTS - ' The foilowittg reports were reviewed and ordered filed for.future refererice: 1- U. S. O. Club Report for actober, 196!}. 2- Audit of the Tax Settlement for the year of 1963 by C. P. A. , W. Earle Bea2e. 3- A.B.C. Board Audit Report for the three months, ending September 30, 1964. ADJOURNMENT - • . Upon moLion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously moted to adjourn the meeting. . , . . . . . . ' - ' W.'G. Houck ' • ' Executive Secretary STATE OF A'ORTH GAROLINA ) IN THE SUPERIOR COURT COUNTY OF NEW HANOUER ) • NOVERMBER TERM, 1964 STATE • ' • • US ORDER FOR SPECIAL VENIRE DOCTOR HUBERT FATON ?j WHEREAS, It has been found necessary, to the end that a fair and impartial trial of the defendant, who stands charged with the capital crime_of murder in the first degree, be had; that a specia2 venire of 148 persons be summonsed to act as ,jurors, or so many \ of them as may be necessary in t he trial of said action; ' n IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED That a special venire of 148 persons be drawn from Jury Box Number One, as provided by law at 9:30 otclock A. M., Thursday, November 5th, 1964, in the Superior Court Room of New Hanover County, , This 4th day of November , 1964. , /S/ William J. Bundv Judce Presiding Jurors for Special Uenire ? Alterman, Kenneth C. Andrews, R. C. Anderson, Maria W. i Andrew, V. W. Applewhite, Gsorge B. 1 Atkinson, William B. I, Babb, John R. Bai2ard, Isaiah I Barbee, R. N. Barber, Pavl M. Baptist, William Bethune, Lnlilliam A. Batson, Roosevelt Beasley, Orbie Lee Braswell, J. W. Sr. ? Brown, Woodrow Wilson Brovming, Bertie W. Cameron, Wilbur Carter, Robert L. 1921 Chestnut St. 216 S. 12th St. 1725 Carolina Ave. Box 658, CaroAAREh 923'?? Live Oak Pkwy. 1819 Ann St. 217 S. 12th St, 2020 LJooicott Ave. 517 s. 2na st. 422 Evans St. 111 Lake Forest Pkwy.. 1919 Pender Ave. 4011 s. 5cn st. 517 S. Front St. 318 N. 6th st. 2422 Wrightsv, Ave. 1509 Castle St. 1108 Rankin St. Costin, Aubrey RFD 1, City Cranford, Wiiliam H. RFD 3, Box 300 Cumber, Annie R. Box 657, Caro??Hh Davis, C. W. Jr, 1812 Perry Ave, Davis, Marvin Joseph 2426 Jeff•erson St. Dermid, Jack 218 Brightwood Road Derrico, Joseph 5425 Ridgewood Rd, Divine, Edgar Hinton 1118 S. 3rd St. Dowdy, Robert Harlee Jr. 18 West Dr. Edens, L. T. 2807 Market St. Edwards, Curtis Hayes Jr, 24 N. 23rd St. Elkins, H. L. 1• 154 Colonial Cir. Evans, German 110i South 7th St. Evans James E. t 204 N. 22nd St. Evere t, William A. 5542 oleander Dr. Faison, James H. 1305 N. 8th St. Farr, Charlie Lee RFD #3, Box 119 Feyms,er?hYames B. 211sNorthdlj?thSSt. J Special Jury Drawing November 2, 1964 Continued Cayton, Wade K. RgDSilOa#aeyeRd. Chadwick, William S. 1? N. C. ?ve. West Charles, Joseph 1010 Green St. Checkner, Helen 224 S. Front St. Chestnut, Robert 1 1401 Dawson St. Colvin, Franklin Edw. 'Box 8? A tl H N C C a e e, . . U Garrett, Maxcy E. RFD 3, Box 9 Gibbs, Renty .813 Anderson 5t. Ginger, Reatha R. %2MS.CySnjk?kos . Glenn, James P. Gen. Deliv. Cariiseft Gore, Alton 4532 Market St. Gore, William M. REpsiieBR§yA4? N. C. Gralak, Florence RFD 1, Castle HVnE: Gray, Harvey M. 101 Bermuda Dr. Gray, James A. RFD 3, Box 146 Gudger, Katherine 316 N. 16th St. Hardee, Georee D. 2110 Creasy Harding, George E. 739 Windsor Dr. Hargrave, G. D. 15 S. llth St. Harriott, James 821 Walnut St. Harvin, Clinton 1316 King St. Heath, Eunice Hollomon 16 Terrace Wa2k Herring, Arthur'O. ' 801 Princess Highsmith, Joseph 818 S. Sth St. Hill, Mrs. Jennie G. 924 Country C1. Rd. Hobbs, J. D. 2914 Chestnut St. Holder, Elizabeth N. 4 Centrai Bivd. Holland, W. M. 4101 Mrket St. Howell, Mrs. W. H. 9 S. 7th St. Humphrey, l•dilliam Bernard J. 206 Brookwood Av. Johnsoh, Leon G. RFD 2, Box 139 Neuwirth, Marx J. 520 N. 3rd St. Palma, Frank P. 1-0 Lake Vil. Peoples, Nancy Jane RFD 1 B 421 Petty, Lawrence A. 3116 Wrights. Ave. Pierce, Myron L. 811 S. 4th St. Pope, Edgar Lee 4306 Greenfield St. Powell, Julia N. 1313 Glenn St. Price, J. William 2919 Monroe St. Pruitt, Robert L. 3210 Wrightsv. Ave. Puckett, Lucille BOXca?olina Beach Putnam, David 226 N. 26th St. Reynolds, Evangeline P. 112 Lake Forest Pkwy. Reed, John 607 N. 5th St. Reid, W. NcN. RFD 2, Box 32 Rhodes, Mrs. Elsie C. 112 Keaton Ave. Rivenbark, Mrs. Mary 0. RFD 1, Box 105 Robinson, Mose 1003 N. 9th St. Scott, Callie S. 31 Carolina Apts. Sellers, Elmer M. RFD 3, Box 204 Sellers, Garnett P. RFD 359 Sellers, Lena B. 801 S. 5th St. Sellers, Riley O. Oakle Ci cle ne N C Casyle ?a Shaw, Elmo 8radley . . _y p. WgigIIgZ?v5b6ach Shepard, Harry E. 2734 S. Front St. Smith, Edward B. 19 Beauregard Dr. Flowers, Leroy .0-2 Central Blvd: ? Floyd, James T. 26 Morningside Dr, Floyd, Matthew L. 415 Dawson St. Francis, William C. 1606 Cast'le St. I Futrell,W. F. 602 Wrightsv. Ave. Gar.cia, Janice 922 S. 2nd St. Ju gtice, Lemuel Lee 16 West Queen St. ? Kelly, D. E. . 15 North 23rd St. Kinsey, Ned 802 Swann St. , Hnauff, Earl D. 3202 S. Front St. ' I Lennon, Woodrow 2226 Brandon Rd. I Levine, Albert 605 North 25th St. ' Lossen, Carl 0. RFD 2, Box 125 Ludwig, Jerry Oliver• oxB??1 EO B h ll na c ro Maglenn, Catherine B. S. Front St. 50? Nallette, Hazel 616 Campbell St. McCoy, J. F. 2014 Princess St. D`. McDonald, Alexander K . 2922 Adams St. NtbIntyre, Theodore 607 Meares St. McKnight, Abraham 712 South 7th St. McQuillan, Joseph C. RFD 2, Box 262 Merritt, James G. 120 Gordon Rd. Milligan, Gilbert E. 123-Ward St. , Millis, B. D. RFD 3, Box 452 I Stl 2 Ad Morgan, Wilton Jennin , gs. ams 933 B. Monre; Elaine 1708 Orange St. ' Moore, Harriss RFD 1, Box 121 A. Moore, Jack E. 2521 Burneti Bivd. ., Oliver, Catherine L. 100 Worth Dr. Orrell, Edward A,. 4205 Wrightsv. Ave. O'Neal, W. Elliott ' C. 6 Oleander CtAPt;. R3chard Curtis Smith, O z536'VanXBu?en St. Smith, Robert Norman 12 Live Oak Ave. Spears, Edna 1007 S. llth St. I Stephens, Benjamin F. I 212 Greenville Ave. Strickland, J. C. 5203 Wrightsv. Ave., Strover, Johnnie 519 S. 9th St. Taylor, Victor G. ?ri ILL? a v. g ach ? Teachey, Alfred . k 12 e Vi Thompson, Charles D. 104 S. 44th St. Tttus, Jake 702 Bladen St. ! Trask, Allen N. Robert E. Lee Dr. ' Vance, Mrs. Elsie M. 2524 Van Buren St. Vetter, Marvin W. 4910 Wrightsv. Ave.; Watkins, Nathaniel 1205 Rankin St. West, Carl Anderson 15Q7 Nun St. Wheeler, Mrs. Mildred 53 Carolina Apts. Wilder, Vincent 512 Nun St. Williams, Dorothy G. 9 H. Taylor Homes , Williams, Earle E. 117 Meares St. ' Williams James F. RFD 2, B 179 A. Williamson, K. M. 1801 Ann Wilson, Jessie J. 3504 Princess St. ; Xanthos, D. P. Mrs. 411 Central Blvd. Wilmington, N. C. November 16, 1964 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on the above date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissionerst Room of the County County Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Comm3ssioners Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr., and Commiss- ioners-Elect L. O. Bowden and M. H. Vaughan. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked the Executive Secretary W. G. Houck to give the invocation in the absence of the Chaplain scheduled for the meeting. MINUTES APPROVAL -- The minutes of the meeting on November 2, 1964, copies of which had been mailed to each of the members of the Board, were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, unanimously approved as written. EXTENSION SERVICE QUARTERS - • • Mr. J. D. McCarley, accompanied by Board members of the County Extension Advisory Council and County Farm Agent D. D. Baggett reported that the General Services Administration will pay for their moving since space is available in another Federal building, I. e., the Post Office, which they are wiliino to prepare for the Extension DepartmentTS Offices. It is the opinion of the interested agencies-that they shovld be kept together to best serve the most people. The Executive Secretary reported that he had received an estimate from two different companies as follows: continued - i \