HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-11-16 Regular MeetingSpecial Jury Drawing November 2, 1964 Continued
Cayton, Wade K. RgDSilOa#aeyeRd.
Chadwick, William S. 1? N. C. ?ve. West
Charles, Joseph 1010 Green St.
Checkner, Helen 224 S. Front St.
Chestnut, Robert 1 1401 Dawson St.
Colvin, Franklin Edw. 'Box 8? A
Garrett, Maxcy E.
RFD 3, Box
Gibbs, Renty .813 Anderson 5t.
Ginger, Reatha R. %2MS.CySnjk?kos .
Glenn, James P. Gen. Deliv. Cariiseft
Gore, Alton 4532 Market St.
Gore, William M. REpsiieBR§yA4? N. C.
Gralak, Florence RFD 1, Castle HVnE:
Gray, Harvey M. 101 Bermuda Dr.
Gray, James A. RFD 3, Box 146
Gudger, Katherine 316 N. 16th St.
Hardee, Georee D. 2110 Creasy
Harding, George E. 739 Windsor Dr.
Hargrave, G. D. 15 S. llth St.
Harriott, James 821 Walnut St.
Harvin, Clinton 1316 King St.
Heath, Eunice Hollomon 16 Terrace Wa2k
Herring, Arthur'O. ' 801 Princess
Highsmith, Joseph 818 S. Sth St.
Hill, Mrs. Jennie G. 924 Country C1. Rd.
Hobbs, J. D. 2914 Chestnut St.
Holder, Elizabeth N. 4 Centrai Bivd.
Holland, W. M. 4101 Mrket St.
Howell, Mrs. W. H. 9 S. 7th St.
Humphrey, l•dilliam Bernard J. 206 Brookwood Av.
Johnsoh, Leon G. RFD 2, Box 139
Neuwirth, Marx J. 520 N. 3rd St.
Palma, Frank P. 1-0 Lake Vil.
Peoples, Nancy Jane RFD 1 B 421
Petty, Lawrence A. 3116 Wrights. Ave.
Pierce, Myron L. 811 S. 4th St.
Pope, Edgar Lee 4306 Greenfield St.
Powell, Julia N. 1313 Glenn St.
Price, J. William 2919 Monroe St.
Pruitt, Robert L. 3210 Wrightsv. Ave.
Puckett, Lucille BOXca?olina Beach
Putnam, David 226 N. 26th St.
Reynolds, Evangeline P. 112 Lake Forest Pkwy.
Reed, John 607 N. 5th St.
Reid, W. NcN. RFD 2, Box 32
Rhodes, Mrs. Elsie C. 112 Keaton Ave.
Rivenbark, Mrs. Mary 0. RFD 1, Box 105
Robinson, Mose 1003 N. 9th St.
Scott, Callie S. 31 Carolina Apts.
Sellers, Elmer M. RFD 3, Box 204
Sellers, Garnett P. RFD 359
Sellers, Lena B. 801 S. 5th St.
Sellers, Riley O. Oakle Ci cle
ne N
Casyle ?a
Shaw, Elmo 8radley .
Shepard, Harry E. 2734 S. Front St.
Smith, Edward B. 19 Beauregard Dr.
Flowers, Leroy .0-2 Central Blvd:
Floyd, James T. 26 Morningside Dr,
Floyd, Matthew L. 415 Dawson St.
Francis, William C. 1606 Cast'le St. I
Futrell,W. F. 602 Wrightsv. Ave.
Gar.cia, Janice 922 S. 2nd St.
gtice, Lemuel Lee 16 West Queen St.
Kelly, D. E. . 15 North 23rd St.
Kinsey, Ned 802 Swann St. ,
Hnauff, Earl D. 3202 S. Front St. '
Lennon, Woodrow 2226 Brandon Rd.
Levine, Albert 605 North 25th St. '
Lossen, Carl 0. RFD 2, Box 125
Ludwig, Jerry Oliver• oxB??1
Maglenn, Catherine B. S. Front St.
Nallette, Hazel 616 Campbell St.
McCoy, J. F. 2014 Princess St. D`.
McDonald, Alexander K . 2922 Adams St.
NtbIntyre, Theodore 607 Meares St.
McKnight, Abraham 712 South 7th St.
McQuillan, Joseph C. RFD 2, Box 262
Merritt, James G. 120 Gordon Rd.
Milligan, Gilbert E. 123-Ward St. ,
Millis, B. D. RFD 3, Box 452 I
Morgan, Wilton Jennin ,
933 B.
Monre; Elaine 1708 Orange St. '
Moore, Harriss RFD 1, Box 121 A.
Moore, Jack E. 2521 Burneti Bivd. .,
Oliver, Catherine L. 100 Worth Dr.
Orrell, Edward A,. 4205 Wrightsv. Ave.
O'Neal, W. Elliott
' C. 6
Oleander CtAPt;.
R3chard Curtis
Smith, O
z536'VanXBu?en St.
Smith, Robert Norman 12 Live Oak Ave.
Spears, Edna 1007 S. llth St. I
Stephens, Benjamin F. I
212 Greenville Ave.
Strickland, J. C. 5203 Wrightsv. Ave.,
Strover, Johnnie 519 S. 9th St.
Taylor, Victor G. ?ri ILL? a
v. g ach
Teachey, Alfred .
12 e Vi
Thompson, Charles D. 104 S. 44th St.
Tttus, Jake 702 Bladen St. !
Trask, Allen N. Robert E. Lee Dr. '
Vance, Mrs. Elsie M. 2524 Van Buren St.
Vetter, Marvin W. 4910 Wrightsv. Ave.;
Watkins, Nathaniel 1205 Rankin St.
West, Carl Anderson 15Q7 Nun St.
Wheeler, Mrs. Mildred 53 Carolina Apts.
Wilder, Vincent 512 Nun St.
Williams, Dorothy G. 9 H. Taylor Homes ,
Williams, Earle E. 117 Meares St. '
Williams James F. RFD 2, B 179 A.
Williamson, K. M. 1801 Ann
Wilson, Jessie J. 3504 Princess St. ;
Xanthos, D. P. Mrs. 411 Central Blvd.
Wilmington, N. C. November 16, 1964
The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss-
ioners was held on the above date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissionerst Room of the County
County Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr.,
Comm3ssioners Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, and John Van B. Metts,
Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr., and Commiss-
ioners-Elect L. O. Bowden and M. H. Vaughan.
Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked the Executive Secretary
W. G. Houck to give the invocation in the absence of the Chaplain scheduled for the
MINUTES APPROVAL -- The minutes of the meeting on November 2, 1964, copies of which had been
mailed to each of the members of the Board, were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded
by Mr. Braak, unanimously approved as written.
Mr. J. D. McCarley, accompanied by Board members of the County Extension
Advisory Council and County Farm Agent D. D. Baggett reported that the General Services
Administration will pay for their moving since space is available in another Federal
building, I. e., the Post Office, which they are wiliino to prepare for the Extension
DepartmentTS Offices. It is the opinion of the interested agencies-that they shovld
be kept together to best serve the most people. The Executive Secretary reported that
he had received an estimate from two different companies as follows:
continued -
Minutes of the Meeting November 16, 1964 Continued
SandyTS Floor Service
34$0 sq, ft. "C" Asphalt Tile
3450 Vinyl Asbestos Tile
3292 sq, ft. Asphalt Tile '
3292 sq. ft. Asbestos (Vinyl) Tile
The Executive Secretary stated in his opinion it could be done with prison labor, super-
vised by our own employees,somewhat cheaper provided an experienced tile setter is avail-
able at the Prison Farm. After a brief discussion, Mr. Braak moved that the hospital
section of the County Home be made available for the office of the Agricultural Agencies
of New Hanover County. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. The
Executive Secretary was instructed to begin preparing the quarters for occupancy by Jan-
uary lst, 1965.
Mr. Henry J. MacMillan, Chairman of the New Hanover County Confederate Centen-
nial Committee, reported that the Visitor-Center Museum at Fort Fisher is now in the pro-
cess of being built but that it will possibly be April before it is completed. He stated
Ilthat the Committee has planned a week's program beginning January lOth, 1964, with a church
announcement at each of the churches in the area and ending January 17th with an inter-
denominational church service scheduledLat St. James Episcopal Church with Dr. B. Frank
? Hall as a speaker for the commemorative address. The tentative plans call for proclama-
?tions to appear in the Sunday morning papers and other rn ws media on January lOth. The
State Department of Archives and History has agreed to allow their Mobile Museum to be
used during this week. It contains dioramss, artifacts and relics relating to that per-
iod. The present plans include exhibits at the Wilmington-New Hanover Museum and the
Latimer House. The Thali.ans have agreed to stage a production during that week and a
Ishort commemorative service is scheduled to be held on the actual site on January 15th,
which was the date on which Fort Fisher actually fell. Later in the spring when the
Visitor-Center Museum is dedicated, another program will be observed. It is estimated
Ithat the total cost of these commemorative services will be approximately $5,000.00 and
Mr. MacNillan is of the opinion that the program wiil attract many people and be a profit-
able event.for New Hanover County. He stated that year to date the Fort Fisher site has
Battracted 276,000 people. He.had an itemized list which will be submitted at the time
the invoices are presented for payment. Mr. Broadhurst then offered a motion that $5,000.00
be allocated out of the Advertising and Industrial Development Fund for the use of the Con-
federate Centennial Committee from which they could draw funds from time to time in financ-
ing ihe commemorative activitieS• It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted.
Mrs. Alice M. Strickland and Mr. Glenn M. Tucker, Co-Chairmen of the Fort Fisher
,Restoration Committee, spoke in support of the above plan outlined by Mr. MacMillan and re-
ported that the State had already spent more than $50,000.00 for erosion protection at the
Fort Fisher site and additional funds have been tentatively approved for supplementary work
to he done at the site. Mr. Tucker stated that Fort Fisher, without any Visitor-Center
Nuseum, ranked among the top three attractions in the County by virtue of having 276,000
visitors up to this time. He reported that the needs would exceed $170,OQ0 to properly pro-
Itect what has already been done and that the North Carolina Seashore Commission has as]ced
the U. S. Corps of Engineer to develop a lono range program toward this end. He reminded
the Board that they had indicated willingness to aldocate $5,000.00 toward the Restoration
project this year and asked the Board to make it available for conLinued restoration work.
The Chairman assured them that it was the intent of the Soard in making their appropriations
to allocate $5,000.00 as promised for this purpose. Mr. Mayhan then moved that $5,000.00
be allocated to the Restoration Program of Fort Fisher. It was secontled by Mr. Braak and
ilunanimously approved.
?? Mr. I. John Tinga, Chairman of the New Hanover Planning and Zoning Board, re-
Nported that some base mapping of New Hanover County has been done and that additional maps
would be pr.epared by making mosaics 40" x 80" from the aerial photographs made in 1960
and that pencil tracings would be made on cronar overlays which would indicate road right-
Ofways, creeks, and bodies of water, symbols for all buildings, tree lines, railroads and
?electric transmission lines. T]Ze entire County would be surveyed to determine the actnal
use of each land parcel and classified accordino to categories. The maps would be at 4001
?= 1". The existing pattern and intensity of land uses within the County would be analy2ed
?to determine the major characteristics from all available sources. Mr. Tinga suggested that
with the above groundwork completed, it would be ready for making application under the "701
Assistance Program" and suggested that the Board pass a Resolution in order for his Board to
make preparation to accomplish the work. He suggested the County's share of the cost of
this work could be obtained by transferring the salary set up for an Assistant Planner for
use as contributing funds under the above program. After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts
moved the adoption of the following Resolution:
WHEREP.S, the County of New Hanover, North Carolina recognizes the need to insure
its proper and orderly growth and to prevent further development of undesirable con-
ditions; and
WHEREAS, community planning is recognized to be of primary importance for the
orowth and development of the County, and
kJHEREAS, the financial resources of the County are not adequate to finance the
necessary and desirable program of community planning; and
WHEREAS, the Division of Community Planning of the iVorth Carolina Department of
Conservation and Development can assist in obtaining Federal Urban Planning Assistance
funds to aid in defraying the costs of a planning program and provide qualified per-
sonnel to perform the required planning work,
i - i
continued- ,
??' ? J
Minutes of the Meeting November 16, 1964
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the County Board of Commissioners of
the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, requests the Division of Community
Planning to arrange for the following planning services• Base Mapping ,
Land Use Survey 8 Mapping
Land Use and Potential Study and to obtain Federal Urban Planning Assistance funds in the amount of $10,800.00
to aid in defraying the costs of the work specified above.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: Ttiat the County will make available the sum of $7,000. 0
to be matched by Federal funds and to pay for those costs not covered under the Urba?i
Planning Assistance Program, which sum will be paid to the Division of Community
Plannino in accordance with the terms of a contract to be negotiated between the
County and the North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development.
and that $7,000.00 be made available from the Planning and Zoning appropriation to help
pay the cost not.covered under the Urban Planning Assistance Prooram. It was seconded
by Mr. Braak, provided the $7,000.00 would not exceed the appropriation budgeted for the
Plannina and Zoning work. The motion was unanimously passed and the Executive Secretary
was instructed to notify the Department of Conservation and Development of ttlis action by
November 23rd, 1964 and forward completed copies of the adopted Resolution.
' Colonel George W. Gillette, Chairman of the Wilmington Port 8 Waterway Develop-
ment Commission, reported that a recent trip made by him and accompanied by Chairman Hall i
of the Board of Commissioners and other members of the Port Development Commission, in_
the interest of the Cape Fear River and 'riilmington Harbor, was very successful. This is !
a result of efforts which were begun 8 years ago in preparing the River and Port to take '
care of super tankers used in the distribution of liquid cargoes. He stated that New
Hanover County is a prime liquid distribution point and the most important on the eastern
seaboard. New Hanover County has been blessed in the past as they have received more
than all the rest of the State put tocether toward the development of their water transpor-
tation facilities. The recent trip to L•lashinoton allowed them to present plans before
the Bureau of the Budget for the development of the river channel.to 38 - 40' which is
necessary to keep it competitive. The importance of the river from the ocean to the upper
Cape Fear to Wilmington Harbor was impressed upon them and he believes will result in in-
creased appropriations toward the goal. He thanked the Board of Commissioners for their
generous support of this project. Chairman Hali expressed the appreciation of the Board a,d
the citizens of the County for tlie assistance of Colonel Gillette actino as an engineer
and economic consultant in securing the sympathetic understanding in which he has b'een the
prime leader and his guidance has been invaluable. ,
Mr. Herbert P. McKim, representing the architects designing the plans and
specifications for renovation of the Commissioners' Office, reported that after negotiatinp-
with the low bid contractor he had been able to delete some of the costly specifications I
in the plans without affectina the functional service which they would render but it did
reduce the total bid so that it could be completed with an additional $1900.00 over and
above the original appropriation of $7,000.00 for this piirpose. Twenty-five hundred ($2,500.00)
of this is for air conditionino. Rfter a thorouoh discussion of this matter, Mr. Mayhan 'I
offered a motion that the Chairman be authorized to proceed with the work.on reconditioninq
the Commissioners' Room in accordance with plans and that $1900.00 be appropriated from thE
General Emergency Fund to the Court House - Capital O,utlay in order to finish this work.
When the ballot was taken, Mr. Broadhurst voted "IVO" and stated that f.n his opinion $2500. 0
was too much for the air conditior.er. The Chairman, however, ruled the motion carried by
a majority vote.
The Department of Public ldelfare, headed by Mr. F. P. Fensel, made the follow-
, ing report and request:
i ' "You, County Commissioners, granted the Welfare Department four positions to take
care of Medical Assistance for the Aged for this coming year. At that time we explaine
? that we did not know exactly what we needed, but wovld start with the bare necessities
and wouid only fill the positions as the need arose. U1e realize that 3t was a mistake
to request one of the casework positions, as it has been revealed by our work that this
should be a clerical position. The reason for this is that when a person comes into
the office to apply for Medical Assistance for the Aged and is accepted, his applicatio?
is good for one year, but if he goes to the hospita2 one month, to the drug store the
next month and to the dentist four months later, all of this must be processed, but is
one by a clerical person. For this reason we are asking that the Public Welfare Workerl
position, at a salary of $350.00 per month, be re-classified to a Clerical position at
' a salary of $317.00 per month. We are also, asking that we be allowed to make inter- h
office promotions- making it possible so that the .^.21+/ person will start at the bottom o#'
? the totem pole. We would like to promote Elsie Huband from $302.00 per month to $317'0t1
I per month, to promote Eloise Wood from $274.00 per month to $288.00 per month. (You
i will note that we are promoting her one step belovr Miss Nuband's salary and not to the
full amount of $302.00); to promote Irene Holden.from $261.00 per month to $274.00 i
' and to promote Sadie Lamb from $215.00 per month to $226.00 - all to be effective on
December i; 1964. This will mean that the new person coming in will be at a beginningl
salary of $215.00 per month.
continued -
Minutes of the Meetina November 16, 1964 Continued
iIPUBLIC WELFARE - (Continued)
We do not have enough money to buy the necessary equipment for the two positions
which were allowed us in the Medical Assistance for the Aged Program. We have not
II only held off employing a caseworker, but we also have held off as long as we could
on employing a supervisor for this unit as was originally requested by the commiss-
ioners. In that the Drug Program will begin January 1, 1965 and in that the hospi-
tals, doctors and dentists are putting more demands on us, it is now necessary that
I the two remaining positions be filled - the supervisor's and the other positions.
Last budget time we asked for money for equipment for this staff, but this amount
was cut, even though we had itemized the necessary equipment for each position. In
, that we do have unspent monies in salaries, would you aliow $1100.00 from this to
? be transferred to the equipment item:
Clerical desk $ 149.00 •
Caseworker desk 135,80
Clerical chair 55•25
Caseworker chairs (2) 87.92 '
I Typewriter 427.50 '
$ d55.47
Stenorette 229.50 .
$ i,o84.97 - "
After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts moved that the request be approved, provided that it
can be done within the present Budget and that the Auditor be authoriied to make the necess-
ary transfer of funds within the Budget to become effective December 1, 1964- It was
seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved.
A petition was received from property owners living on Antietam Drive, Appomat-
tax Drive, and Shiloh Drive in the Battie Park Subdivision, requesting that they be added
to the State Maintained Secondary Road System. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded
by Mr, iNayhan, the Board unanimously approved the request and instructed that it be sent
Ito the State HiShway Commission for their considerat.ion.
The Executive Secretary reported that he had a firm offer from Levi and Bertha
M. Berry to purchase ajointly owned tax foreciosed parcel of property located .in Block
51E4 , Part of Lot 3, which is 331 x 1501 fronting on 9th St., and it has been appraised
as having a fair market value of $600.00 by the County Property Assessors. Mr. Broadhurst
,then offered a motion that the Board approve this sale, subject to the concurring approval
of the Wilmington City Council. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously carried.
A letter was received from the Superintendent of the Atlantic Coast Line Rail-
road reminding the Board that they had agreed to permit construction of a crossing at the
expense of the County which would include, but not he limited to raising Western Union and
communication wires to the standard height and providing necessary drainaoe under the super-
vision and to the satisfaction of their Nraintenance of Way DQ.partment. They offered to
arrange to get an estimate of the cost for raising the wires if the Board desired and they
asked that an approximate date be oiven for the construction of a crossing. The Executive
Secretary reported that he had discussed the matter with the Division Engineer of the State
Hiohway Division who reported that he anticipated it would be shortly after the first of
,the coming year, 1965. By common consent, the Boar.d authorized the Executive Secretary
to inform the A. C. L. that it is their intent to go ahead with the project and they will
comply with the regulations necessary.
The Tax Supervisor submitted the following names and recommended them for approv-
'al as Tax Listers for the calendar year 1965:
Mrs. Sally Best
S. W. Brinson
Nrs. Eunice Leeuwenburg
Mrs. Margaret B. Loughlin
Mrs. Louise Melton
Mrs. James H. Myatt
Mrs. Louise Wilkins
C. G. Berry
H. G. Coughenhour
N. W. Humphrey
H. S. King
W. J. Riley
W. P. Toon, Jr.
Mrs. N. L. Wallace
J. A. West
M. L. Meyland
RFD 1, Box E14, City
2713 South College Road
3407 W3lshire Blvd.
RFD 2, Box 139 C, City
RFD 2, Box 161, City
P. 0. Box 196, Carolina Beach N. C.
RFD 1, Box 160, Castle Hayne, N. C.
127 Forest Hills
1726 Orange St.,
4 West Atlanta St
114 South Sth St.
422 Market st.
520 Princess St.
507 N. 23rd St.
1319 Princess St.
101 Isiand Dr.
, Wrightsv. Beach
Upon motion of Mr. Nayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the list was unanimously approved.
d' -A
Minutes of the Meetin
1JAX _LI.S'1'1NG GUNll'LAIN1---
The Tax Supervisor reported that Mr. Edward P. Beall, RFD 3, Box 450, Wil-
mington, complained about the valuation of a 1960 model 451 Taylor house trailor for I
which he paid $2800.00. In 1963, it was carried on the Tax Books as $2800.00 but in I
1964 it was listed as $3495.00. He claims that he did not give that figure to the
Tax Lister and does not know how it was listed at that price. He requests that the !
valuation be changed to $2400.00. The Tax Supervisor reported that in checking the
9fficial Nobile Home Market Report for 1962, i,rhich is the last one on hand, the sales
price for tlie trailor amounted to $3600.00. After instructing the Tax 3upervisor to
have the property checked to see if any additions have been added, then ask the tax-
payer- to write a letter setting forth his contention after which they would give con-
sideration to it.•
The Tax Supervisor aoain explained to the Boardthat it had been necessary to '
use extra heip throughout the year to maintain the Tax Listino Office and reqvested that
permission be given to employ a permanent operator for the addressograph and assistance
with the billing machine. • He recommended that an appropriation of $1875.00 be made to ?
cover the salary for the balance of this year. By common consent, the Board unanimousl,y
agreed to delay any action on this request until the next meeting. I
The Tax Supervi-sor reported that there is an electric typewriter with a 22"
carriage charged in the inventory of the Tax Listino Department which is not suitable.
for the needs in that office. It is used by various people, none of whom use it
enough to become proficient and therefore, a manual machine would be better suited to
the needs. • One 'Iypewriter Company has agreed that they would suppiy a new manual type- ?
writer vrith the proper length carriage fbr $130.00 and the electric machine. By com- ?
mon consent, the Board agreed to delay and decision on this request at t.his time.
Chairman Hall explained that the Airport Manager John A. ktestbrook has been
furnished a house as a part of his salary and since the house which he has been occupy- II
ino will be made unsuitable for a private home because of the Air Defense Complex being ,
developed, he th3nks an adjustme'nt should be made to offset the rent which has been
heretofore included by furnishing the house. By common consent, the Board unanimously
aoreed to delay any decision on this question until the next meet3ng.
County Auditor T'. D. Love Jr. reported that Recorder's Covrt had received a
total of $12,700.69 for October and that; ' t.he C-ouzl t:y_.. had r"eceived its progDY'tionate,
share amounting to $8,892.60. He has checked the receipt books and believes that
everythino is in order. '
The Chairman read a letter from the Wilmington-New Hanover Good Neighbor
Council outlining the purposes and functions recently adopted as a new policy: I
1- To create better understanding between the races in the community.
2- To seek peaceful and lawful solutions to community problems.
3- To serve as a means of communication between people involved in or affected '
by racial problems. To attempt to reach agreement by negotiation between ?
individuals and groups on both sides.
4- To encourage employment of qualified individuals without regard to race, to
urge all our citizens and especially our youth to become better trained and ?
qualified for employment, and to encourage all citi2ens to eliminate discrimin?-
tion based on race, creed or color.
5- To emphasize the importance of obedience
of every citizen. To resist the forces
both races and to support the forces of
neighborliness in both races.
to law and respect for law on the parLi
of prejudice, hatred and violence in
good citizenship, good will and aood I
After studying the revised list above, the Board considered it so similar to the pre-
vious policy that they, by common consent, agreed that no modification was necessary
however, the Ex'ecutive Secretary was instructed to place tfiis mattes- on the Agenda for
the next meeting.
' The Chairman reported that the County Planning and Zonina Board had met with
representatives of the Contractorfs Association and the Small Home Owner's Association
and have recommended to him that a,Bnilding Inspector be appo7nted and that Mr. Charles':
Ray Register who was selected by the Civil Service Commission is recommended by those ?
concerned. After discussing the pros and cons, Mr. Metts offered a motion that i?ir.
Char2es Ray Register be hired as County Building Inspector with the County 2on`ing and
Piannning Board authorized to determine the need and time for him to begin work. 'It ,
was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved.
. • ?
Mr. Metts inquired of the Eounty AudiLor, ufi o is also Secretary to the
Board of Directors for the Retirement System, if all of the loans had been paid up and
if any more loans are being made. Mr. Love reported that the loans are being liquidated.
as rapidly as practical and that no more are being tnade at this time. By common consentl,
the Board agreed to table this item until the new Board takes office at the next meeting!q,
November 16, 1964
Minutes of the Meeting November 16, 1964
-- T ?- ?
_7uwAiivHUr; LEcii5=oN =_ -----
The Chairman read,the foll"ow'ing remarks for the record from the, County.Atto,rney
with reference to the General Statutes as the`y relate to drainage:
"From time to time the Board of County Commissioners and individual members of.the
Board are approached concerning drainage problems which affect citi2ens of the county. I
have advised the Board that tax funds are not properly used for this purpose in this
county. However, I felt it might be wise for me to point out to you that there could
be authority for drainage if a small change is made in a present section of the General
General Statutes 156-139 provides that Commissioners can order, provide for and
accomplish the cleaning out and draining of streams, creeks and swamp areas where necess-
ary to protect and promote the health of citizens and provides that a levy of 2d upon.each
$100.00 valuation may be made for this purpose. This section, however, is restricted to
those counties which have a population in excess of 100,000 persons.
I point this out tc the end that Commissioners might wish to request our Leoislator
to make an appropriate amendment to Ger.eral Statutes 156-141 bringiny New Hanover County
within the coverage of this la4r."
Mr. Peter H. Braalt who is a member of NACO Health and Education Committee presented
an announcement from the president khat he had just been appointed Vice Chairman of the
Welfare Committee and reque.sting that he atterKlthe midu!inter session to be held in Will-
iamsburq Virginia on November 21st and 22nd, 1964. He requested the Board's approval
of his attendance. Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. N!ayhan, the Soard unanimously
authorized this trip.
The Tax Supervisor announced that the State Association of Assessing Officers vould
hold its annual meeting at the Institute of Government on :'NoMember 18, 19 and 20, 196L, L
and requested authority for attending, along with Messrs. Blake and McDaniel. After con-
sidering this matter, Mr. Mayhan moved that they be authorized to. attend. It was second-
ed by Nr. Braak. Before the ballot was taken, Mr. Metts offered the following substitute
motion that two of the members of the Tax Supervisor's Staff be authori2ed to attend at
the discretion of the Tax Supervisor. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and the substi-
tute motion was uanimously adopted.
i The Executive Secretary reported that the retail display advertising contract and
discounts shared jointly by the City and County with the Star-News Newspapers, Incorporat-
ed:expired October-29th, 1964- He reported that for the next annual contract they are
g?bmitted a choice of rates with contract discounts and a schedule of bvlk space rates.
The Executive Secretary and City Manager have studied the two proposals and found that
based 'on last year's average space, the cost would be $1.68 per column inch under the
' agreement with contract discovnts based on the same number of col.umn inches of the bulk
space schedule it would have been $1.65 per column inch if the buik space proposal is
adopted. By common consent, the Board agreed to table any action until the next meeting.
An invoice was received from W. C. Barfield, C.P.A. in*.the amount of $19,500.00
covering the expenses incurred auditino the Recorder's Court Records. This is $4,500.00 '?.
in excess of the appropriations already made. Mr. Mayhan moved that an additional $4,500.00
be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to Special Audit - Recorderts Court and ,
approve payment of this invoice. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimovsly adopted.
The Chairman fiead a notice of a Public Hearing or, modifications to the Hilton Rail-
road Bridge crossing'the Nertheast Cape Fear River to be held in Hemenway Hall at 10:00
A. M. on Monday December 7th, 1964- He remarked that he is sure the Board i§ amare of
the deleterious effect of the narrow bridge to shipping development and the needs to be
expanded. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously
approved any alterations which are needed to render navigation through or under it reason-
ably free, easy and unobtrucLed passage. They suggested that Colonel G. W. Gillette be
authorized to represent the County and attend this Hearing.
Mr. Braak remarked that Colonel Gillette had rendered invaluable service to New
Hanover County in spearheading efforts to move its navigation interests and develop ports
and industrial sites in the County and he suggested that a committee be appointed to
arrange for a celebration suitable to the valued contribution which Colonel George W.
Gillette has made to this County. After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts offered a mot-
ion that this idea be recommended to the new Board after they had taken office. It was ;y
seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted.
A request was received from the Cape Fear Technical Institute for permission to
transfer $550.00 from .Salaries to Telephone and $400.00 from 'Salaries to Repairs to
Building. As this request does not increase the Budoet but a transfer of one line item
to another, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the adjustment be approved. It?.'was seconded by
Mr. Mayhan and unanimously carried.
A letter was received from the Board of Trustees of the New Hanover Memorial Hospital
advising that availabie cash with which to pay construction costs;is rapidly being de-
pleted and they ask that arrangements be made lor the sale of $2,000,000 additional bond
; anticipation notes in order that monies are available to pay the invoices. After a dis-
i cussion of this request, the County Auditor was instructed to get all the necessary in-
' formation together from the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees, the Local Govern-
ment Commission and have it.available with a recommendation at the next Board meeting.
- ? -
The County Attorney explained that the Federal Aviation Agency has run into
problems with reference to fixed base operators and has recommended that New Hanover
County adopt Minimum Standards for Base Operators at the New Hanover County Airport. He
presented a Resolution for study by the Board governing that phase of the operation.
By unanimous common consent, the Board accepted the Resolution and instructed the Execv-
tive Secretary to put it on the Agenda for official consideration at the next meeting.
Minutes of the Meeting November 16, 1964 Continued
- ' ? _ _ - -- -
? Mr. Mayhan observed that this would be the last official meeting for the
members retiring from the Board on December 7th, 1964. He requested that the following
statements be inserted in the minutes:
"I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to my I
many friends who supported me in seeking the office of County Commissioner and who stood I
behind me during my term of office. Many of you have taken time to discuss with me '
various problems and gave me advice that has been invaluable to me in my actions as a
County Commissioner. It has been my intentions and I have at all times made every efforil
to act in the best interest of the people of New Hanover County. ,
To my fellow Commissioners, I want to assure you that it has been a pleasure tc
have had the opportunity to serve with you and to get to know you as I have. I appre-
ciate the fact that you have always acted to the best of your ability according to your
thinking. However, I am sure that each of you feel as I do that you have received an
education serving in your capacity. I am delighted to have been a member of such a
I also wish to express my appreciation tb the Covnty Attorney, other elected
officials and the many employees of the County for the splendid job they did and the
cooperation that they gave me during my term of office. I can assure each of you that
the 8 years I served in office are going to be among my most pleasant memories."
To the new members of the Board, I offer my congratulatiions and hope that
your association will be as pleasant and will mean as much to each of you as mine has to
me. II
Mr. Broadhurst observed that he had enjoyed working with all the members of I
the Board and although at times he disagreed with them, at the same time he has no per- ?
sonal feelings against anyone and offered any assistaoce which he could to the new Board.j
Mr. Metts thanked the other Board members for their past cooperation and
offered to help and assist the new Board in any way he could.
The Chairman thanked all the members of the Board for their diligence and
coope ration in serving on t he various committees and m aking a pe rsonal contribution to
New H anover County. He wa s particularl y appreciative of their advice and help many
times when there seemed to be no answec for problems w hich they faced.
The following co rrections were approved by the Board of Coun ty Commissioners
under G. S. 105-330 (4)
No. Property Owner Township Abated Year Cit.y County
3142 Ernest w. Moore wilmington $2470.00 1964 $47.18
3143 G. C. Malpass Wiimington 70.00 196(} 1
34 $1.02
31L4LF Willie Lee Davis Wilmington 50.00 196!} :
96 .73
3145 Garners Winter Park Harnett 46.98 1964 46.98
3146 Wilmington Printing Wilmington 6750.00 1964 128.93 97.88
31t}7 Helen Compos Wi,imington 5650.00 1964 10.79 8.19
3148 ?
Raiford Trask ' Cape Fear• 490.00 1959 S•78 r_ct?:;
3149 Francis E. Standey Wilmington 5700.00 1961? 108.87 t?2.65
3150 A. A. Saffo et al Wilmington 35,975•40 1964 687.12 521.64
2951 Betty I. Marshburn Cape Fear 211.00 1964 3.06
2952 Donald J. Lee Harnett 1750.00 1964 23.f.,r
2953 Wilmington Truck Harnett 1645.00 1964 23•85
Leasing Co.
2954 Industrial Realty Wilmington 22,435.00 1964 325•31
Leasing Co.
2955 Shoaff Wrecking Yard
2956 Carolyn O. Willett Harnett 1000.00 1964 14.50
Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Board unanimously approved ail
the l egal corrections with the exception of #2955 which is.to be further investigated by
the Assessor.
The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for future reference:
1- Grand ,Tury Report for November, 1964 i,
2- County Agricultural Agent's Report for October 1964
', II
3- Home Economics Extension Office Report for October 1964
!.F- Wilmington Public Library Report for October 1964 '
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Braak moved I)
that the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approv:'d.
W. G. Houck
Executive 5ecretary